General Actions:
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09/22/2012 | SMR's AFF - Plan - GSUTournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should provide loan guarantees for liquid fuel thorium-based Small Modular Reactor nuclear power plants. We reserve the right to clarify. | |
09/22/2012 | SMR's AFF - Nuclear Leadership ADV - GSUTournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Advantage 1 is nuclear leadership
Now is the key time – America must lead in the nuclear industry to maintain its leadershipWallace et al,’ Center for Strategic and International Studies U.S. Nuclear Energy Project, 12 (Michael. “Nuclear Energy in America: Preventing its Early Demise.” 2012. Accessed: 8/10/2012. ADC)
Meanwhile, several smaller nations, mostly in Asia and the Middle East, …. to prevent its early demise.
SMR’s are key to America’s nuclear leadershipMiller et al, New Mexico senator and Nuclear Initiative co-chair, 12 (Dr. Warren F., Texas AandM University professor, Nuclear Energy former DOE assistant secretary, Northwestern University Ph.D. in Engineering Services. Pete Domenici, New Mexico Senator. “Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Energy Markets.” July 2012. Accessed: 8/25/2012. ADC)
Strategic Goal: Historically, the United States …. and deployment (RDandD) programs.
US leadership key to check proliferationMiller et al, New Mexico senator and Nuclear Initiative co-chair, 12 (Dr. Warren F., Texas AandM University professor, Nuclear Energy former DOE assistant secretary, Northwestern University Ph.D. in Engineering Services. Pete Domenici, New Mexico Senator. “Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Energy Markets.” July 2012. Accessed: 8/25/2012. ADC)
Leadership in technological and policy …. and disposal capabilities of their own.
Nuclear renaissance inevitable – just a question of US involvement – SMR is keyRogers, National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency, 12 (James E., Duke Energy chairman, president, CEO. ““The Nuclear Renaissance” Opportunity: Lost, or Found?” Stanford Energy Journal, spring 2012. Accessed: 9/6/2012. ADC)
You might expect me to be gun-shy about new …I believe, is the best way to do it.
Other countries will model – US’ nuke power decisions influence other nationsSagan, Global Nuclear Future Initiative American Academy of Arts and Sciences co-chair, 11 (Scott D, Center for International Security and Cooperation Stanford University co-director. “The International Security Implications Of U.S. Domestic Nuclear Power Decisions.” 4-18. Accessed: 8/11/2012. ADC)
The United States makes decisions … reduce nuclear terrorism risks.
Lack of leadership causes proliferationJones, Bipartisan Policy Center senior fellow, 12 (James L, Bipartisan Policy Center Energy Project co-chairman, Obama’s former national security adviser. “US must remain leader in nuclear enrichment.” The Hill. 1-17. Accessed: 8/11/2012. ADC)
Achieving energy security is among our … overwhelming bipartisan support.
Proliferation increases risk of nuclear terrorism, accidental launch, regional nuclear war and NPT collapse – culminates in extinctionCirincione, Director for Non-Proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2007 (Joseph, “Symposium: Apocalypse When?”, National Interest, November/December 2007, lexis, ldg)
Let me be clear: Nuclear proliferation … risks a return to the 1950s nuclear free-for-all.
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09/22/2012 | SMR's AFF - Energy Security ADV - GSUTournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Advantage 2 is energy security
Energy crunch is going to happenRowell, Oil Change International staff writer, 12 (Andy. “US Military Warns Of “Severe Energy Crunch.”” 4-12. Accessed: 9/6/2012.
The United States Joint Forces … 118 million barrels per day.”
Thorium based reactors are key to solve energy securityHargraves, Dartmouth ILEAD Energy Policy Professor, 12 (Robert, “Throium: energy cheaper than coal”, Pg 27-28, 2012, accessed 8-30-12 wdw)
The world population is growing …nation to attain energy security.
US needs to secure sources of energy – failure to do so causes resource warsMcPherson, DownRange Global Solutions Inc. executive vice president, 10 (Richard, retired U.S. Navy nuclear engineering officer, International Atomic Energy Agency former representative. “Modular Nuclear Reactors May Hold The Key to U.S. Energy Security.” National Defense, pg. 20, October 2010. Ebscohost. Accessed: 9/2/2012. ADC)
Studies show that oil reserves are forecast … have the will to travel the path to energy security?
Resource wars will cause extinctionKlare, Hampshire College peace and world security studies professor, 06 (Michael T., Nation defense correspondent. “The Coming Resource Wars.” 3-09. Accessed: 9/3/2012. ADC)
It's official: the era of resource … involvement in these forms of conflict.
Energy security key to global dominance, prevents multiple scenarios for great-power conflictKlare, Five College Professor, Peace and World Security Studies, Hampshire College, 12 (Michael, former Director of the Program on Militarism and Disarmament at the Institute for Policy Studies, PhD at Union Institute, “Oil, politics and resource wars,” 7-21-12,, accessed 7-31-12, ara)
MK: I think in a world where energy is … both major powers into conflict. | |
09/22/2012 | SMR's AFF - Solvency - GSUTournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Contention 3 is solvency
The U.S. has the infrastructure and program to commercialize SMRsRosner et al, University of Chicago Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, 11 (Robert, Computation Institute senior fellow, Energy Policy Institute director, Harvard University Ph.D. “Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.” Energy Policy Institute at Chicago. November 2011. Pg. 5. Accessed: 8/25/2012. ADC)
As stated earlier, SMRs have the …, now rapidly emerging, China.
SMR’s is economically attractive and competitiveSkutnik, University of Tennessee assistant professor of nuclear engineering, 11 (Steve. “Are Small Modular Reactors A Nuclear Economics Game-Changer?” The Energy Collective. 6-28. Accessed: 9/7/2012. ADC)
SMRs are an interesting, potentially … attractive package.
SMR’s are the best investment – they have the least market riskRosner et al, University of Chicago Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, 11 (Robert, Computation Institute senior fellow, Energy Policy Institute director, Harvard University Ph.D. “Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.” Energy Policy Institute at Chicago. November 2011. Pg. 5. Accessed: 8/25/2012. ADC)
Furthermore, CBO discussed the … potentially “fit the bill.” .
Liquid fuel thorium reactors are awesome – they’re safe and cheapHargraves and Moir, Brown University Ph.D. in Physics, MIT Sc.D. in Nuclear Engineering, 10 (Robert, Boston Scientific CIO, Dartmouth Energy Policy and Environmental Choices, Rethinking Nuclear Power professor. Ralph. “Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors.” American Scientist, Jul/Aug 2010: 304-313. Accessed: 9/15/2012. ADC)
Liquid fuel thorium reactors …produced in the blanket.
Incentives key to SMR developmentRosner et al, University of Chicago Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, 11 (Robert, Computation Institute senior fellow, Energy Policy Institute director, Harvard University Ph.D. “Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.” Energy Policy Institute at Chicago. November 2011. Pg. 5. Accessed: 8/25/2012. ADC)
Assuming that early SMR … are discussed in the subsections that follow.
Federal loan guarantees solveRosner et al, University of Chicago Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics William E. Wrather Distinguished Service Professor, 11 (Robert, Computation Institute senior fellow, Energy Policy Institute director, Harvard University Ph.D. “Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.” Energy Policy Institute at Chicago. November 2011. Pg. 5. Accessed: 9/06/2012. ADC)
Loan guarantees do not directly … and the FOAK-1 plant.45
Loan guarantees are keyHolt, Congressional Research Service energy policy specialist, 12 (Mark. “Nuclear Energy Policy.” CRS Report for Congress. 6-20. Accessed: 9/7/2012. ADC)
Title XVII of EPACT05 authorizes …ceiling at $18.5 billion. | |
10/06/2012 | SMR's AFF - China ADV - KYTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Contention 1 – China
US leads SMRs, but China is catching up – now is key to ensure US leadershipWheeler, Power Engineering editor, 12 (Brian. “Developing Small Modular Reactor Designs in the U.S.” 4-01. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
The development of … and CEO, Gen4 Energy.
Licensing barriers are pushing investors to ChinaBehr, Climate Wire staff writer, 11 (Peter. “Futuristic U.S. Power Reactor May Be Developed Overseas.” 6-23. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
The TerraPower "wave … that it works.'"
Lack of US leadership spurs Chinese exports – causes accidents, meltdowns, and terrorismTu, Carnegie Energy and Climate Program senior associate, 12 (Kevin Jianjun. “China’s Nuclear Crossroads.” 3-11. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
It’s first important … afford to make.
Meltdowns cause extinction – just one can kill millionsLendman, Research Associate, Center for Research on Globalization, 11 (Stephen, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,” 3-13-11, http:~/~/, accessed 9-15-12, ara)
Reuters said the … of South America.
US failure to lead in nuclear ensures Chinese leadership – causes Chinese hegCullinane, Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee staff associate, 11 (Scott. “America Falling Behind: The Strategic Dimensions of Chinese Commercial Nuclear Energy.” Journal of Energy Security. 9-28. http:~/~/ Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
The international trade … the 21st century.
Guarantees great power war Zhang et al., Carnegie Endowment researcher, 11 (Yuhan, “America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry”, 1-22-11, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-21-11, ldg)
This does not … unrivalled US primacy.
Hegemony solves nuke war and extinction – multipolarity is inevitable but absolute US power smooths the transition and is empirically correlated to great-power peaceBarnett, Naval War College Warfare Analysis and Research Department professor, 2011 (Thomas, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads”, 3-7, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)
Let me be more blunt: … geometry to come.
Nuclear exports in Southeast Asia causes nuclear terrorism and piracyCNS, 12 (Center for Nonproliferation Studies. May 2012. “PROSPECTS FOR NUCLEAR SECURITY PARTNERSHIP IN SOUTHEAST ASIA.” http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
Due to the … of trade security.
ExtinctionCirincione, Director for Non-Proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2007 (Joseph, “Symposium: Apocalypse When?”, National Interest, November/December 2007, lexis, ldg)
Let me be clear: … nuclear free-for-all. | |
10/06/2012 | SMR's AFF - Econ ADV - KYTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Double dip coming and collapses the economy – strong growth is key to navigate throughMatthews, TIME Business, 10-1 (Christopher, “Are We Already in A Recession?” 10-1-12,, accessed 10-3-12, ara)
What’s in a name? … without even knowing it.
SMRs revive domestic manufacturing, and become a fulcrum for export growthRosner and Goldberg, Energy Policy Institute at Chicago, 11 (Robert and Stephen, The Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago; Contributor: Joseph S. Hezir, Principal, EOP Foundation, Inc. "Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.," Technical Paper, Revision 1, November 2011,, accessed 8-6-12, mtf)
As stated earlier, … rapidly emerging, China
Solves the economy – spurs exports that solve trade deficit and creates high wage jobsMorici, Business Professor, University of Maryland, 12 (Peter, former director of the Office of Economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission, “Viewpoint: Manufacturing Is Key to Economic Recovery,” 4-9-12,, accessed 8-6-12, ara)
Barack Obama and … standard of living.
Manufacturing key to prevent recession – solves alt causesReuters, 12 ("Dip in Manufacturing Suggrest a Stalled U.S. Economy," 6-15-12,,2, accessed 9-28-12, mtf)
Factory output contracted … “It’s an ugly situation.”
Economic collapse causes nuclear warFriedberg and Schoenfeld, 2008 (Aaron and gabriel professor of politics and international relations at Princeton University and visiting scholar at the Witherspoon Institute, “The Dangers of a Diminished America”, Wall Street Journal, http:~/~/
Pressures to cut … with external adventures.
Decline causes war – strong statistical support Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010 (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)
Less intuitive is how … to those views. | |
10/06/2012 | SMR's AFF - Plan - KYTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States federal government should provide loan guarantees and remove licensing restrictions for thorium-based small modular reactors. | |
10/06/2012 | SMR's AFF - Solvency - KYTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Plan solves the major roadblock to creation of a robust domestic SMR industrySpencer and Loris, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, 11 (Jack, Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at Heritage Foundation; and Nicolas D., Research Associate, "A Big Future for Small Nuclear Reactors?," February 2, 2011,, accessed 9-29-12, mtf)
Small modular reactors (SMRs) have garnered significant attention in recent years, … Congress should demand that these issues be resolved by the end of 2011.
Loan guarantees attract private capital – increases are keyPeskoe, Associate, McDermott Will and Emery LLP, 12 (Ari, focuses on regulation, legislation, and transactional issues related to energy policy, “A Solution Looking For a Problem: Building More Nuclear Reactors after Vogtle,” April 2012, Electricity Journal, Volume 25, Issue 3, ScienceDirect, accessed 10-2-12, ara)
Given the checkered … with a nuclear disaster.64
Loan guarantees cause project capitalization – federal signal keyScott, Miller Buckfire managing director, 10 (Michael, April 20, 2010, "Statement of Michael D. Scott" Testimony before the Subcommittee on Domestic Policy of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the House of Representatives,, 9/16/12, atl)
The President and Congress … Federal loan guarantee.
SMR’s are economically attractive and competitiveSkutnik, University of Tennessee assistant professor of nuclear engineering, 11 (Steve. “Are Small Modular Reactors A Nuclear Economics Game-Changer?” The Energy Collective. 6-28. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/7/2012. ADC)
SMRs are an … economically attractive package.
Thorium is key – plutonium and uranium produced are unusable for weaponsDonohue, CSIS Project on Nuclear Issues research intern, 12 (Nathan, "Thorium and its Value in Nonproliferation," Center for Strategic and International Studies, 8-17-12,, accessed 10-5-12, mtf)
The Federation of American Scientists … Accelerator Driven System.
Federal loan guarantees cause market expansion and capital investment – plus reducing licensing restrictions is keyInstitute for 21st Century Energy, 11 (Mission of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for 21st Century Energy is to unify policymakers, regulators, business leaders, and the American public behind a common sense energy strategy to help keep America secure, prosperous, and clean, "Commit to and Expand Nuclear Energy Use," 2011 is copyright date,, accessed 10-5-12, mtf)
Nuclear power is currently … reflect today’s market costs.
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10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: Heidegger KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Some calculation is good—they have to have a specific indict of our calculative thinking in the context of American policy to energy—our 1AC proves our use of it is goodLanger 03 (Monika, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Victoria, Eco-phenomenology : back to the earth itself, p. 113)
It is worth … technology and industry."21
Technological thought is permissible in response to extinctionDavid Campbell, Professor of International Politics, University of Newcastle, 1999 (Moral Spaces: Rethinking Ethics and World Politics) p. 56
104. Ibid., 76-79. Levinas has also … of means and ends."
An ethical obligation to prevent specific atrocities precedes ontology—the death of the "other" calls our very being into question—this means the aff is a prerequisite to the alternativeBulley 04 (Dan, PhD Candidate @ Department of Politics and International Studies--University of Warwick, "Ethics and Negotiation,"
Crucially an openness … closure is problematic.
Alt fails—Western Society makes the calculative and technological thought inevitableKateb 97 (George, Prof of Philosophy @ Princeton, "Technology and Philosophy," Social Research, Fall, p. ebscohost)
But the question … block its reemergence.
Nuke war outweighs ontological considerations.Michael E. Zimmerman, Professor of Philosophy at Tulane, Contesting Earth’s Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity, 1994, pg 119-120
Heidegger asserted that … "disclosed" by humanity.
Alternative demands a total withdrawal from politics and foreign policy—This causes a power vacuum-that leads to nuclear warNiall Ferguson, July/August 2004 “A World Without Power,” FOREIGN POLICY Issue 143
So what is left? … new world disorder | |
10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: Elections DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Romney win – fundamentals advantage and Obama’s lead is soft.Neon Tommy 9-16-12 (ADN publishes Neon Tommy, constantly refreshing the site with the very best in Annenberg journalism. ADN draws not only from its own robust stable of reporters and editors, but also brings forward the very best in multi-platform journalism produced by the various reporting, investigative reporting, collaborative reporting projects, research centers and institutes that have put USC Annenberg on the front lines of modern American journalism. “Why Romney Will Win The Election”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-19-12, ldg)
In the beginning … Pennsylvania and Michigan.
Romney win-Obama weakness, spending edge and momentumFreedland, Guardian contributor, 8-31-12 (Jonathan, “Think again. In a few months it could be President Romney”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-5-12, ldg)
If that's your … him equal status.
Large public support for nuclearNEI, 12 (Nuclear Energy Institute. 2-23. “Majority U.S. Public Support for Nuclear Energy Has Stabilized, New Survey Shows.” http:~/~/ Accessed: 9/8/2012. ADC)
Nearly a year … at plant sites.
There’s public support for nuclearNewport, Gallup Politics staff writer, 12 (Frank. “Americans Still Favor Nuclear Power a Year After Fukushima.” 3-26. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/8/2012. ADC)
One year after … year's pre-disaster survey.
Winners win- the plan key to consolidate Obama’s momentum Creamer, political organizer and strategist for four decades, 12 (Robert, he and his firm, Democracy Partners, work with many of the country’s most significant issue campaigns, one of the major architects and organizers of the successful campaign to defeat the privatization of Social Security, he has been a consultant to the campaigns to end the war in Iraq, pass health care, pass Wall Street reform, he has also worked on hundreds of electoral campaigns at the local, state and national level, "Why GOP Collapse on the Payroll Tax Could be a Turning Point Moment," 1-2-12,
Strength and victory … to chase them.
Energy not a key issuePlatts 2012 (“Energy issues unlikely to be major factor in 2012 election: analyst”, 5-3, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-4-12, ldg)
Voters in the … and natural gas.
Romney won’t act – it’s political rhetoricBaker, New York Times Columnist, 12 (Peter, August 29, 2012, “Precise Foreign Policy Intentions Can Be Tough to Gauge”,, 9/20/12, atl)
Bill Clinton said … get in the way. | |
10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: States CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Perm solves - a creates interactive federalism, ideal for energy policy AND has 5 advantagesKay, Senior Extension Associate, CaRDI, Cornell University, 12 (David, Senior Extension Associate with the Community and Regional Development Institute (CaRDI) in the Department of Development Sociology, Master of Science, Cornell University, “Energy Federalism: Who Decides?” June 2012,, accessed 8-14-12, ara)
Equally briefly, dual … these energy issues.
Federal stamp is key to investor confidenceGale, Latham and Watkins San Diego Finance Department Chair, 09 (Kelley Michael, Co-Chair for the firm‘s Climate Change and Cleantech Practice Groups., “Financing The Nuclear Renaissance: The Benefits And Potential Pitfalls Of Federal and State Government Subsidies And The Future Of Nuclear Power In California”, Energy Law Journal Vol. 30:497, 9/5/12, atl)
Further, in the … for nuclear energy.
Federal loans are key – lower credit cost and involves the private and banking sectorsBoroughs, George Washington University Masters in International Science Technology Policy, 12 (Benjamin, “Assessing the Value of Loan Guarantees as an Instrument for Supporting the Deployment of New Clean Energy Technology”, Center for International Science and Technology Policy, 9/18/12, atl)
It would be … private financial institutions
One size fits all paradigms don’t work for states – different regulationsGale, Latham and Watkins San Diego Finance Department Chair, 09 (Kelley Michael, Co-Chair for the firm‘s Climate Change and Cleantech Practice Groups., “Financing The Nuclear Renaissance: The Benefits And Potential Pitfalls Of Federal and State Government Subsidies And The Future Of Nuclear Power In California”, Energy Law Journal Vol. 30:497, 9/5/12, atl)
Some states, such … for our analysis. | |
10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: LouisvilleTournament: Louisville BL | Round: 6 | Opponent: GSU | Judge: Our political strategy must include the state- standing outside risks disciplinary exclusionKrause et al., Oxford philosophy professor, 1997 (Keith, “Critical security studies: concepts and cases”, xv-xvi, ldg)
These and other … contemporary world politics
Role-playing the government is the only way to assess state action and acquire the knowledge to challenge itRyan Galloway, University of Georgia Debate Coach, February 21, 2001 Debate as a Dialectic, p.
Second, dialectics are … Viva le Revolution."
Our permutation is the best advocacy- you can’t hold the sins of the debate community against us. Exclusionary practices should not be rejected out right but reformed. Whiteness as a race is inevitable, but just trying to reject whiteness would be itself a racist move, and worse, it leaves the definition of whiteness up to white supremacists. We should use whiteness as a means to an end that does not tolerate racism. The permutation becomes a way to embrace our advocacy and theirsSullivan, Penn State University Charles S. Peirce Society, 2008 (Shannon, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. Buffalo: 2008. Vol. 44, Iss. 2; pg. 236, 27 pgs, ldg)
It is commonly … effective in practice.
Positing ourselves within the system is necessary to disrupt itKulynych, Winthrop University, 1997 (Jessica, Polity, Winter, p.344-5)
Although citizens were … current cultural imagery.
The 1NC entrenches the black-white binary – this replicates the harms they outlinePerea, University of Florida law professor, 1997 Juan, California Law Review, "The Black/White Binary Paradigm of Race," 85 Calif. L. Rev. 1213, l/n, accessed 2-21-10, mss
B. Describing the Binary … seen at all." n29
Empowerment pedagogies like the neg are doomed to fail – they either preach to the choir, failing to effect change or lead to backlash, alienation, and to the success of conservative counter-propagandaGraff, University of Chicago George M. Pullman English and Education professor, 1994 Gerald, "The Pedagogical Turn," The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Vol 27 No 1, Spring, jstor, accessed 2-20-10, mss
Then, too, the … to conservative counterpropaganda.
Their methodology stacks the deck in favor of the negative- failure to disclose strategies before the round ensures that true deliberation is never achieved- this puts the negative in a double-bind- either they choose to deliberately veil their arguments to guarantee a strategic advantage and double-turn their advocacy or you should assume a solvency deficit to the alternative because they have dictated the content of our discussion without the possibility of coalitionPortis, Gunderson and Shively, Texas AandM political science professors, 2000 Edward Bryan, Adolf G., and Ruth Lessl, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, 2-3, accessed 2007ish
By extension, partisan … alternative positions evaluated.
AND, Its specifically true when it comes to race- each side must be able to carefully scrutinize the content of the other’s arguments in order to develop a productive conversation about race and white supremacy.Walsh, University of Wisconsin-Madison political science professor, 2008 Katherine Cramer, Talking about Race : Community Dialogues and the Politics of Difference, elibrary, 197-199, ISBN: 9780226869070, accessed 2-19-10, mss/ras
Does this solution … of all participants.
Extinction outweighs Schell ’82 Jonathon Schell , - Nation Institute's Harold Willens Peace Fellow, 1982, “The Fate of the Earth”
But the mere … to our species.
Any possibility of extinction is a reason to assume the worse Talbott, president of the Brookings Institution,1982 Strobe, Time Magazine 4/19,,9171,950632-2,00.html
Schell acknowledges this … to our species."
Their emphasis on experience and individual perspective leaves relational power unchecked and capricious- it creates a template for hegemonic oppressionTonn, University of Maryland communications associate professor, 2005 Mari Boor, "TAKING CONVERSATION, DIALOGUE,AND THERAPY PUBLIC," Rhetoric and Public Affairs, Vol 8 No 3, ebscohost, accessed 2-17-10, mss
This widespread recognition … of democracy itself. | |
10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: Russia DATournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: Harvard BK | Judge: Alt cause – Putin leadership lowers diversification and kills tradeBurke, Managing Editor, Eurasia Net, 3-3 (Justin, org/'s Managing Editor, “Putin's Economic Failure,” 3-3-12, http:~/~/, accessed 3-31-12, ara)
Vladimir Putin, Russia's … in on December 31, 1999.
Alt cause – structural issuesKramer, New York Times, 2012 (Andrew “ Russian Economy Slow to Recover, World Bank Says” 3-27-12 http:~/~/ accessed: 3-31-12 mlb)
A number of … the Russian economy.
High oil prices cause inflation – kills economic growthAris, Daily Telegraph Former Moscow Bureau Chief, 12 (Ben, Eastern Europe specialist, The Banker and Euromoney Contributing Editor, “High oil prices a mixed blessing as Russia's inflation soars ,” http:~/~/, accessed 9-6-12, ads)
Driven up by … Orthodox Church calendar.
Russia’s econ programs failing- Euro crisis, investor withdrawal, and energy revenuesStratfor, 2-4-12 (“Russia's Shifting Political Landscape, Part 4: Putin's Challenges,” Stratfor, 2-4-12, http:~/~/, accessed 2-13-12, beh)
First, Russia is … revenues fall precipitously.
Russian econ hasn’t grown in 4 years – multiple alt causesVyugin, Chairman of board of directors for MDM Bank, 1-26-12 (Oleg, “Good and Bad News of the Putin Era,” Moscow Times, 1-26-12, http:~/~/, accessed 2-13-12, beh)
As a result … favorable for Russia. | |
10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: CapitalismTournament: GSU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Florida MP | Judge: Capitalism can be used to better civilization.Rothkrug, Monthly Review, 1990 (Paul, “Ecological and historical timetables - comments on 'Socialism and Ecology'; includes reply of editors - letter to the editor Monthly Review, March, 1990,;col1, ldg)
No institution is … that very effort.
Plan won’t be co-opted – elites don’t control policymaking.Ralph, Leeds international politics professor, 2000 (Jason, American democracy promotion: impulses, strategies and impacts, pg 197, ldg)
American policy undoubtedly … continuous political process.
Capitalism solves war Griswold, director of the Cato Institute Center for Trade Policy Studies, 2005 (Daniel, “Peace on Earth? Try Free Trade among Men”, 12-28, http:~/~/, ldg)
As one little-noticed … produce best at home.
Humanity’s drive for wealth is inevitable – capitalism promotes the value to life by channeling that into benefiting society as a whole Nash, philosophy professor, at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002 (Ronald, “Government is too big and it’s costing you!”, ldg)
Among all of our … of Socialist rulers."42
U.S. transition from cap sparks great power wars and omnicideNyquist, WorldNetDaily contributing editor, 2005 (JR, “The Political Consequences of a Financial Crash”, 2-4,, DOA: 9-12-11, ldg)
Should the United … now we must die.” | |
10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: SecurityTournament: GSU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Florida MP | Judge: We can use security discourse for progressive aims.Huysmans, Open University Politics Lecturer, March 1999 (Jef, “Language And The Mobilisation Of Security Expectations. The Normative Dilemma Of Speaking And Writing Security,”, DOA: 8-15-11, ldg)
There is no … should be secured.42
Complete rejection fails-we should focus progressive advancements of securityWeaver, Copenhagen IR professor, 1996 (Ole, On Security, pg 56-7, ldg)
An agenda of … to be maximized.
Realism solves conflict escalation.Flynn, Stanford International Security professor, 2007 (Stephen, The Edge of Disaster: Rebuilding a Resilient Nation, pg. 9-10, ldg)
Thinking about and … things go wrong.
Securing the world is possible Lieber and Alexander, political science professor Notre Dame and politics professor University of Virginia, 2005 (Keir and Gerard, “Waiting for Balancing; Why the World Is Not Pushing Back”, International Security, 2005 Summer, lexis, ldg)
The major powers … new in history. | |
10/10/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: Oil DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Non unique – prices low now - output is increasingAssociated Press, 8-29-12 (Pamela Sampson, “Oil prices fall amid calls for increased output,” http:~/~/, accessed 9-4-12, ads)
Crude prices fell … prices in check.
Non unique – oil prices lowFreed, AP business writer, 12 (Joshua. “Oil's slide continues, hits 6-week low below $92.” 9/19. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/20/2012. ADC)
Oil prices fell … drive prices higher.
OPEC will cut production to keep prices high – fear of revenue lossesedu/and#126;syetiv/, Old Dominion University Political Science Professor, 9-4-12 (Steve, “Is the Energy Boom a Mirage?,” http:~/~/, accessed 9-5-12, ads
Fourth, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting org/opec_web/en/ … maintain domestic control.
Nuclear doesn’t trade off with oilStyles, GSW Strategy Group managing director, 12 (Geoffrey. “How Helpless Are We in the Face of Rising Oil Prices?” 2-24. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 10/02/2012. ADC)
To see why requires … are a rhetorical diversion.
Russia’s resilient – Multiple crises proveWorld Bank, 12 (April “Russian Economic Report,”, accessed 9-7-12, ads)
While the global … to other economies (Box 1 and Box 2).
High prices force diversification – solves growthBogatova, Mergermarket Financial Times Correspondent, 12 (Margarita, June 26, “O’Niel: Russia should be less dependent on oil prices,” http:~/~/, accessed 9-7-12, ads)
Russia should keep … that’s actually good." | |
10/14/2012 | SMR's AFF - Warming ADV - JMUTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Newest and most rigorous studies conclude warming is anthropogenic – no alt causesMuller, University of California-Berkeley physics professor, 12 (Richard A., former MacArthur Foundation fellow, "The Conversion of a Climate-Change Skeptic," 7-28-12,, accessed 8-10-12, mtf)
Call me a … should be done.
Failure to solve warming causes extinction – geological history provesBushnell, NASA Langley Research Center chief scientist, 10 (Dennis M. has a MS in mechanical engineering, won the Lawrence A. Sperry Award, AIAA Fluid and Plasma Dynamics Award, the AIAA Dryden Lectureship, and is the recipient of many NASA Medals for outstanding Scientific Achievement and Leadership, "Conquering Climate Change," The Futurist 44. 3, May/Jun 2010, ProQuest, accessed 10-3-12, mtf)
Unless we act, … they're actually conservative.
Ocean acidification destroys marine biodiversity and leads to extinctionRomm, MIT Physics PhD, 10 (Joe, Climate Progress editor, Senior Fellow at the American Progress, Acting Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy during the Clinton Administration, PhD in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Nature Geoscience study: Oceans are acidifying 10 times faster today than 55 million years ago when a mass extinction of marine species occurred," 2-18-10,, accessed 10-3-12, mtf)
Marine life face some … dioxide emissions is now.
Sea level rise causes extinction – even small rises matterSato, Daily Galaxy contributing editor, 8 Rebecca, Contributing Editor at, former Head Writer at Freedom FastTrack “Can Changes in Sea Level Cause Periods of Mass Extinction?—A Galaxy Exclusive,” 6-19-08,, accessed 10-3-12, mtf)
For years scientists …. We, as a society, are not.”
Other nations will model US investment – it’s a bellwether of nuclear techAdamantiades et al., ICG Aeolian Energy, 9 (A. Adamantiades, ICG Properties is a real estate development firm; and I. Kessides, The World Bank, "Nuclear power for sustainable development: Current status and future prospects," Energy Policy Volume 37, Issue 12, December 2009, Science Direct, accessed 8-5-12, mtf)
This paper describes … parts of the world.
Large-scale nuclear power transition solves warming – assumes resource and time restraintsKnapp et al., University of Zagreb professor, 10 (Vladimir Knapp, Dubravko Pevec, and Mario Matijević, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Applied Physics, University of Zagreb in Croatia, "The potential of fission nuclear power in resolving global climate change under the constraints of nuclear fuel resources and once-through fuel cycles," Energy Policy Volume 38, Issue 11, November 2010, Science Direct, accessed 8-22-12, mtf)
In this study, we … acceptance of nuclear energy.
Global commercialization key to check developing countries’ emissionsKessides and Kuznetsov, World Bank chief economist, 12 (Ioannis N., Development Research Group and The World Bank; and Vladimir, Consultant at The World Bank, "Small Modular Reactors for Enhancing Energy Security in Developing Countries," Sustainability 2012, 4.8,, accessed 9-29-12, mtf)
Increasing concerns related … reduced financial risk.
Only the aff solves – alternative sources are of insufficient scopeLoudermilk, Institute for National Strategic Studies research associate, 11 (Micah J., Research Associate for the Energy and Environmental Security Policy program with the Institute for National Strategic Studies at National Defense University, contracted through ASE Inc., "Small Nuclear Reactors and US Energy Security: Concepts, Capabilities, and Costs," IAGS Journal of Energy Security, May 2011 Issue, 5-31-11,, accessed 9-29-12, mtf)
Nuclear vs. Alternatives: … nuclear energy portfolio.
No risk of link turns – complete nuclear power chain significantly reduces CO2 emissionsAdamantiades et al., ICG Aeolian Energy, 9 (A. Adamantiades, ICG Properties is a real estate development firm; and I. Kessides, The World Bank, "Nuclear power for sustainable development: Current status and future prospects," Energy Policy Volume 37, Issue 12, December 2009, Science Direct, accessed 8-5-12, mtf)
2.3. Global climate change … fossil fuel pollutants.
Prioritizing global warming is a prerequisite to solving inequality, racism, war, poverty and social justiceGlick, National Coordinator of the Independent Progressive Politics Network, 04 (Ted, January 13, 2004, “Global warming: not just another issue” http:~/~/, 9/15/12, atl)
I've been in … justice in November.
Adopting a mindset of scientific inquiry for climate change makes sense because it’s a phenomenon uniquely suited to an empiricist methodologyBricmont, University of Louvain professor of theoretical physics, 01 (Jean, September 23, 2001, “Defense of a Modest Scientific Realism”, http:~/~/, 9/15/12, atl)
Given that instrumentalism … might prove useful.
Our deployment of risk is enabling – we need to visualize climate change to shake up political apathyBeck, Munich Professor of Sociology, 10 (Ulrich, “Climate for Change, or How to Create a Green Modernity?”, Theory Culture Society 2010 27: 254, 9/15/12, atl)
Sixth thesis: … to repeated failure.
The consequences of climate change should not be underestimated or ignored for the sake of ‘theoretical purity.’ Social theory must redirect its analytical attention to climate science—refusal risks complicity with the worst violenceLever-Tracy, Flinders University Sociology Professor, 08 (Constance Lever-Tracy, “Global Warming and Sociology,” Current Sociology 56 (3), 2008, pp. 445-466, 9/15/12, atl)
There is a mystery … fossil fuel corporations.
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11/05/2012 | SMR's AFF - New Solvency Cards - LibertyTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The Energy Department ... effective deployment plans. SMR’s are safer than other operating reactors While the focus ... of this paper. SMRs are a different cost calculus – construction times, cost, reliability, and market flexibility These three design sets ... electrical grid infrastructures. | |
11/05/2012 | SMR's AFF - 2AC A2: PoliticsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: While the outcome …few weeks of 2012. Won’t pass—Boehner’s off the deal Odds that Congress … for the country." Bipartisan support SMRs have enjoyed … program for SMRs. Nuclear has bipartisan support – bills prove Favorable public perception … nuclear power plants 11. No pol cap loss from nuclear What remains unclear … near or midterm. Obama won’t push For a man who … the larger landscape. Fiscal cliff’s impact is overstated and will result in a budget compromise—solves the impact Even when it’s trying … shortsighted after all. | |
11/05/2012 | SMR's AFF - Plan - LibertyTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: | |
11/13/2012 | SMR's AFF - Prolif ADV - App StateTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The Energy Report: … in nuclear power. This will result in breakout proliferation-asymmetries undermine deterrence and ensure nuclear war-safeguards are key Finally, several new …, however, is inevitable. US construction is key to solve-SMR’s would out compete other models and a strong domestic industry ensures maintenance of the global gold standard Several other countries, … deployment (RDandD) programs. The plan causes other suppliers to model US practices-ensures no proliferation A Japanese decision … in the past. Other countries follow the US lead-ensures they’ll pick SMR’s and implement safety measures U.S. Nonproliferation Influence … in South Korea in 2012. Proliferation causes nuclear war-crisis escalation, aggression, saving face, delegation and launch on warning guarantee it The proliferation optimist … opponents to back down. Nuclear exports in Southeast Asia causes nuclear terrorism and piracy Due to the … of trade security. Extinction In a remarkable website … of strategic weapons Status quo nuclear power will be based off Chinese designs-guarantees accidents and meltdowns It’s first important … China can’t afford to make. Nuclear accidents wreck biodiversity Extinction In addition to the … colonize the moon. | |
01/07/2013 | SMR's AFF - Grid ADV - CSUFTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Grid collapse is inevitable-either through decay or attack-SMR’s solve through decentralizationRobitaille, Department of Army Civilian and US Army War College, 2012 (George, “Small Modular Reactors: The Army’s Secure Source of Energy?”, Strategy Research Project, March, ebsco, ldg)
In recent years, the U.S Department … gas fired power plants on the environment.
And attacks collapse military war fighting capabilityLoudermilk, Institute for National Strategic Studies energy research associate, 2011 (Micah, “Small Nuclear Reactors: Enabling Energy Security for Warfighters”, Small Wars Journal, 3-27, http:~/~/, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
Last month, the Institute for … and lower operational requirements.
Loss of mission effectiveness results in war in every hotspotKagan and O’Hanlon, AEI resident scholar and Brookings foreign policy senior fellow, 2007 (Frederick and Michael, “The Case for Larger Ground Forces”, April, http:~/~/, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
We live at a time …it is also badly overdue.
Communication breakdowns via grid failure go nuclearAndres et al., National War College National Security Strategy professor, 2011 (Richard, “Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations: Capabilities, Costs, and Technological Implications”,, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
The DOD interest in small reactors … be greatly reduced.
Grid failure is structurally inevitable-diversification and decentralization solvesCooper, Energy Collective, 2012 (John, “Our Outdated Electrical Grid: An Intolerable Situation”, 7-3, http:~/~/, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
As outages stretch … and persistent vulnerability.
Cyber-attack’s coming now-~--actors are probing US electricity weaknessesReed, Foreign Policy contributor, 10-11-12 (John, “U.S. energy companies victims of potentially destructive cyber intrusions”,, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
Foreign actors are probing … Iran," Kaspersky said.
SMRs key to decentralizing the grid – causes shift to localized powerLoudermilk, Energy and Environmental Security Policy Research Associate, National Defense University, 11 (Micah, Master degree in International Relations from the University of Akron, “Small Nuclear Reactors and US Energy Security: Concepts, Capabilities, and Costs,” 5-31-11,, published by the Journal of Energy Security, accessed 8-12-12, ara)
Lastly, and often ignored, … to become a reality.
Decentralization solves – means any grid failure won’t escalateVerclas, Senior Program Manager at AICGS, 12 (Kirsten, "The Decentralization Of The Electricity Grid - Mitigating Risk In The Energy Sector," April 27 , 2012, American Institute For Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University,, d/a 8-3-12, ZML)
A decentralized electricity … to address this issue.
SMRs are feasible for the DOD-they’ll adopt and they solve islandingKing et al., George Washington Research associate director, 2011 (Marcus, “Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations”, March, Power on Military Installations D0023932 A5.pdf, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
Having a reliable source …could be maintained.
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01/08/2013 | SMR's AFF - Plan Text - CSUTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: | |
01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Planetary DialecticsTournament: USC | Round: 1 | Opponent: Bing KR | Judge: Sarah Topp Growth Inevitable – only continued expansion creates sustainable growth Lewis, Duke University School of the Environment and the Center for International Studies professor, 92 (Martin, “Green Delusions: An Environmentalist Critique of Radical Environmentalism”, Duke University Press Books (April 8, 1993), 9/14/12, atl)
Admittedly, before the … to a remarkable degree (for an extended discussion, see M. Lewis 1992.
Growth solves the mindset of endless consumption Bainbridge, Socialist Alliance spokesperson, 1997 (Alex, "Yes, abundance is sustainable," GREEN LEFT WEEKLY #271, 1997,, ldg)
Lets be clear on … their own personal tools.
Collapse is worse for all their impacts-~--causes extinction of every other species and then humans Monbiot, visiting Environmental Policy professorship at Oxford, 2009 (George, “Is there any point in fighting to stave off industrial apocalypse?”, 8-17,, DOA: 8-16-12, ldg)
The interesting question, … because you think it isn't.
Can’t abandon growth, past the limits of growth-only way to avert extinction is through technological progress AtKisson, former executive editor of In Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture, 2003 (Alan, “Sustainability is Dead— Long Live Sustainability”, 3-20,, ldg)
At precisely the … we can never stop.
There are no limits to growth Lewis, environment professor Duke University, 1992 (Martin, Green Delusions, pg 9-10, ldg)
But a critique of … ever more efficiently.
Resource scarcity is self-correcting Haynes, BYU economics professor, 2008 (Beth, “Finite Resources vs. Infinite Resourcefulness”, 8-19,, DOA: 1-13-12, ldg)
It’s common sense. … been proven wrong.
Scarcity and environmental degradation are self-correcting-but maintaining the profit motive is key Desrochers, Toronto geography professor, 2010 (Pierre, “The environmental responsibility of business is to increase its profits (by creating value within the bounds of private property rights)”, Industrial and Corporate Change. Feb2010, Vol. 19 Issue 1, ebsco, ldg)
Resources are limited, … examined in more detail. | |
01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: REE DATournament: USC | Round: 1 | Opponent: Binghamtom KR | Judge: Sarah Topp China is not the only supplier – we can get rare earth from Japan ProEdge Wire, 9-19-12 (“The Sino-Japanese Dispute over the Senkaku Islands Highlights the Beginning of the end of China’s Rare Earths Monopoly”, Accessed 9-22-12, NJR
As for Japan itself, … foot this time.
Vietnam solves The Japan Daily Press, 9-20-12 (“China reduces rare earth mining permits by 40% amid territorial island dispute”, Accessed 9-22-12, NJR
The restrictions will … reliance on China.
More Supply soon Cho, Staffer at The Earth Institute, 9-20-12 (Renee, at Columbia University, “Rare earth metals: Will we have enough?”, Accessed 9-22-12, NJR
The U.S., South Africa…capacity this year.
Alt Cause Japan-China Conflict The Japan Daily Press, 9-20-12 (“China reduces rare earth mining permits by 40% amid territorial island dispute”, Accessed 9-22-12, NJR
China has taken … to Japanese buyers.
US Ramping up domestic production NYT, 7-5-12 (“U.S. Rare Earths Comments on Reported Chinese Heavy Rare Earths Stockpile Strategy”, Accessed 9-22-12, NJR
“This news, as we …ranging as high as 26%.
Uncertainty in REE now Reuters 9-19-12 (“Analysis: Rare earth prices to erode on fresh supply, China”, Accessed 9-22-12, NJR
More volatility is … and rightly so."
SCS de-escalation now- China and regional economics Associated Press, 2012 (September 21, "China Sidesteps South China Sea Island Disputes,", d/a 12-21-12, ads)
China has sought … diplomatic crises simultaneously.
China is de-escalating South China Sea tensions – promoting peaceful negotiations now Ponnudurai, Eurasia Review, 2012 (Parameswaran, September 26, "China Seeks To Mend Fences In Sea Dispute – Analysis,", d/a 12-21-12, ads)
As Beijing … claims with China.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - Manufacturing - A2: Nat GasTournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Minnesota SS | Judge: Alex McVey
Nat gas not enough to impact manufacturing Sickinger, The Oregonian staff writer, 12 (Sed. “Natural gas exports bring big benefits to economy, but domestic prices could rise.” 12-06. Accessed: 1/02/2012. ADC)
Forecast employment impacts … to export gas.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Russia Exports DATournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Minnesota SS | Judge: Alex McVey No Russian exports – multiple obstacles Meyer et al, Bloomberg staff writer, 12 (Henry. “Russia Faces Economy Trap as Oil Decline Looms, EBRD Says.” 12-14. Accessed: 12/18/2012. ADC)
“The problem of …, BNP said in an Oct. 22 research note.
No Russia expansionism – not interested in conquering Bandow, CATO Institute senior fellow, 12 (Doug. “NATO and Libya: It's Time To Retire a Fading Alliance.” 1-02. Accessed: 12/16/2012. ADC)
The Cold War … Georgia learned in 2008.
Meat production triggers warming-swamps other solutions Nightingale, Climate Action, 2012 (Linton, “Global warming inevitable unless meat eating habits change”, 4-12,, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
A new study … into the atmosphere.
No exports
a. Lack of infrastructure Digges, Bellona foundation editor, 12 (Charles, St. Petersburg Times former editor and the Moscow Times. “Launch of Russia’s first floating nuclear plant pushed back several years – again.” 12/14. Accessed: 12/14/2012. ADC)
In all, Russia’s state … the unfinished vessel.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: IAEA TradeoffTournament: USC | Round: 5 | Opponent: Whitman MM | Judge: Will Gent IAEA underfunded now Reuters, 12 (August 13, 2012, “IAEA cash gap may hinder nuke role, report says”,, 10/19/12, atl)
The United Nations' … a voluntary basis.
IEAE fails—lack of resources, institutional support, or enforcement mechanisms Council on Foreign Relations, 12 (July 5, 2012, “The Global Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime”,, 10/19/12, atl)
NNWS are subject … additional protocols mandatory.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: QER CPTournament: USC | Round: 5 | Opponent: Whitman MM | Judge: Will Gent QER won’t be finished until 2015 – any sooner means no solvency Moniz, Director of the Energy Initiative at MIT, 12 (Ernest J., the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems, Director of the Energy Initiative, and Director of the Laboratory for Energy and the Environment at the MIT Department of Physics, where he has served on the faculty since 1973. Professor Moniz served as Under Secretary of the Department of Energy from 1997 until January 2001 and, from 1995-97, as Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President. At MIT, Prof. Moniz served as Head of the Department of Physics and as Director of the Bates Linear Accelerator Center. His principal research contributions have been in theoretical nuclear physics and in energy technology and policy studies. He currently serves on President Obama’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology (PCAST). “Stimulating Energy Technology Innovation.” Daedalus 141.2 (2012): 81–93. Web. 4 May 2012. © 2012 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, d/a 9-18-12, ZML)
Given the magnitude of … in from major stakeholders.
Links to politics Marburger, Earth Systems Program manager, 2010 (Lindsey, “PCAST Federal Energy Policy Report Released”, 11-30,, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
While changing the timescale … recommendations of the QER.
No implementation Barlas, Financial Executive columnist, 2012 (Stephen, 1-1, lexis, ldg)
But it is highly … business versus business.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Energy Justice KTournament: CSUF | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas GM | Judge: Theoretical approaches to the environment fail – pragmatism key to embrace pluralistic truths and adopt beneficial policies Reitan, Oklahoma State University Professor of Philosophy, 98 (Eric, “Pragmatism, Environmental World Views, and Sustainability”, Electronic Green Journal, 1(9) (1998), 9/19/12, atl)
What I would … sustainable human-natural systems.
Can’t abandon growth, past the limits of growth-only way to avert extinction is through technological progress AtKisson, former executive editor of In Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture, 2003 (Alan, “Sustainability is Dead— Long Live Sustainability”, 3-20,, ldg)
At precisely the … we can never stop.
Technological thought has been socialized, internalized, and can’t be eradicated Leach, Professor at the University of Southern California, 03, (Neil, *2003 is the date page modified, “Forget Heidegger”, August 15,
Adorno's further example …, to forget Heidegger.
Their expansion of structural violence to an all-pervasive force makes preventing war impossible and renders the concept meaningless Boulding, Center for Research on Conflict Resolution, 1978 (Ken, “Future Directions in Conflict and Peace Studies”, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 22.2, SAGE, ldg)
Galtung is very …, either of war or of peacex
Short time framed analysis provides quick and accurate information Ward and Metternich, Political Scientists from Duke University, 12 (Michael and Mils, “Predicting the Future is Easier Than It Looks”,,2, 11/16/2012 da: 12/14/2012, lmm)
There is a tradition … make these data useful.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Paradox of RiskTournament: CSUF | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas GM | Judge: Even if predictions aren’t perfect, acting on relative confidence of scenarios materializing is good-~--the alt is either political stagnation or pure reaction Ulfelder, Political Instability Task Force Research Director, 11 (Jay, Science Applications International Corporation, "Why Political Instability Forecasts Are Less Precise Than We’d Like (and Why It’s Still Worth Doing)" May 5, 10/17/12, atl)
If this is the best … making a (positive) difference.
Linear solutions empirically are effective—the alternative dooms the world Kurasawa, York University Sociology Professor, 04 (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004, 10/17/12, atl)
Moreover, keeping in … if left unchallenged.
Public debate solves fear-mongering—rejecting predictions cedes the political to technocratic planning Kurasawa, York University Sociology Professor, 04 (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004, 10/17/12, atl)
State and market …, evaluation, and contestation.
The alternative to futuristic scenario-planning is extinction Kurasawa, York University Sociology Professor, 04 (Fuyuki, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004, 10/17/12, atl)
Independently of this … in preventive labor.
Experts who outline specific scenarios make exceedingly accurate predictions Tetlock, Berkeley leadership professor, 2006 (Phillip, “One idea - or many One idea - or a myriad; The fox and the hedgehog as the prediction menagerie or The experts call it An expert call”, lexis, ldg)
Experts hate to be pinned … How Good Is It? How Can We Know?
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Paths of GloryTournament: CSUF | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas GM | Judge: Specificity outweighs-generic critique doesn’t discount acquired knowledge. Kratochwil, European University Institute IR professor, 2009 (Friedrich, The Puzzle of Politics, pg 200-3, ldg)
In what follows, … of familiar products.
Epistemological debate is irrelevant - concrete action is inevitable - they fail to create useful knowledge Friedrichs, Oxford politics lecturer, 2009 (Jorg, “From positivist pretense to pragmatic practice: Varieties of pragmatic methodology in IR scholarship. International Studies Review 11(3): 645–648, ldg)
As Friedrich Nietzsche (1887 1994:1; cf. Wilson 2002) knew, … sides of the same coin
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - Case - A2: BubbleTournament: CSUF | Round: 3 | Opponent: Whitman | Judge: No green bubble and it doesn’t apply to nuclear Hamilton, Eboom Finance, 12 (Tyler, is editor-in-chief of Corporate Knights magazine and a business columnist for the Toronto Star, “Clean energy technologies? No bubble bursting there. Future is growth, growth, growth”, 10/16/12, atl)
That usually means … bubble bursting here.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Hafnium DATournament: CSUF | Round: 3 | Opponent: Whitman | Judge: Nuke expansion now – assumes Japanese phase-out Tirone, Associated Press, 12 (Jonathan, “NucleaR Power Production Set To Grow Even After Japan Phase Out”,, 09-19-2012, da: 1-07-2013, lmm)
Nuclear power is … after the meltdowns.
DOE funding nuclear now Koch, USA Today staff writer, 12 (Wendy. “U.S. to fund small, modular nuclear reactors.” 11-20. Accessed: 1/6/2013. ADC)
The Department of Energy … for the United States.
No rare earth metals crisis – increased supply, reserve fluctuations, and new plants make production easier Worstall, Forbes Contributor, 12 (Tim, “The Rare Earth Crisis Is Over”,, 12/11/2012, da: 12/17/2012, lmm)
Just to give a bit … dominance of the industry.
Worker gap in aerospace industry DID, 8 (9-24, Defense Industry Daily, “AIA Concerned By Future Shortage of Qualified American Aerospace Workers,” atw
The US aerospace … US security clearances.
Alt cause- aerospace can’t attract workers Transportation Business Journal, 10 (9-5, “Aerospace and Defense Companies Hiring, But Face Challenges Retaining Young Pros, Says AVIATION WEEK Workforce Study,” l/n) atw
AVIATION WEEK has released … is 50-59 years old.
Alt cause ENP Newswire, 10 (8-26, “New Workforce Survey, Sponsored by Hitachi Consulting, Suggests Aerospace and Defense Facing Most Challenging Environment in Decades,” l/n) atw
Increased rates of … AandD industry,' he said.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - Case - A2: DelayTournament: CSUF | Round: 6 | Opponent: UNLV | Judge: They don’t take long at all Ryan, writer for AOL energy, 12 (Margaret, March 22, 2012, “Small Modular Reactors - The iPads of Nuclear Power”,, 6/4/12, atl)
Factory replication is … large plant, supporters say.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Reg Neg CPTournament: CSUF | Round: 6 | Opponent: UNLV | Judge: Won’t go through – no consensus and they need specific solvency Harter, Professor of Law Emeritus at University of Missouri ‘97 (Phillip, scholar in residence at Vermont Law School, “Fear of Commitment: An Affliction of Adolescents” 1997 accessed: 10-14-12 mlb)
There has been a … at that level.
Massive delays -~-- their evidence’s based on outdated wishful thinking Selmi, Loyola law professor, 2005 (Daniel, “The promise and limits of negotiated rulemaking: evaluating the negotiation of a regional air quality rule”,, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
An ongoing point … will lengthen substantially.
Every citizen’s a stakeholder-torpedoes the process Camacho, Notre Dame law professor, 2005 (Alejandro, “Mustering the Missing Voices: A Collaborative Model for Fostering Equality, Community Involvement and Adaptive Planning in Land Use Decisions, Installment Two”,, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
Though achieving collaboration … much more difficult.
Is normal means and squo solves net benefits – justifies do the cp Harter, Professor of Law Emeritus at University of Missouri ‘97 (Phillip, scholar in residence at Vermont Law School, “Fear of Commitment: An Affliction of Adolescents” 1997 accessed: 10-14-12 mlb)
In one regard, … are actually implemented.
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01/14/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Renewables DATournament: CSUF | Round: 6 | Opponent: UNLV | Judge: No renewable investments – expiration of Section 1603 Scanlon, National Renewable Energy Laboratory editor, 12 (Bill. “Renewable Energy Faces Financing Challenges with End of Federal 1603 Grant Program.” Renewable Energy World. 7-03. Accessed: 9/7/2012. ADC)
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The expiration of … projects in all 50 states
No tradeoff – renewables can’t solve, tradeoff is with fossil fuels, and SMRs key to the grid Loudermilk, Energy and Environmental Security Policy Research Associate, National Defense University, 11 (Micah, Master degree in International Relations from the University of Akron, “Small Nuclear Reactors and US Energy Security: Concepts, Capabilities, and Costs,” 5-31-11,, published by the Journal of Energy Security, accessed 8-12-12, ara)
When discussing the … nuclear energy portfolio.
Solves renewables Eco 20/20, 12 (“How the Smart Grid will Effect Renewable Energy.” Accessed: 9/29/2012. ADC)
With all this money … but every household can.
Nuclear is not zero-sum with renewables Mariotte et al, Council on Foreign Relations Nuclear Information and Resource Service executive director, 07 (Michael. “Nuclear Power in Response to Climate Change.” 11-09. Accessed: 10/02/2012. ADC)
So it’s a complete … is cause for hope.
Nuclear causes tradeoff with fossil fuels – solves your impacts Oxford Economics, 8 (Oxford Economics, one of the foremost global forecasting and research consultancies, created as a joint venture with Templeton College, the business college of Oxford University, Oxford Economics has since grown into a major independent provider of global economic, industry and business analysis, “Economic, Employment and Environmental Benefits of Renewed U.S. Investment in Nuclear Energy,” 2008,, accessed 8-11-12, ara)
Investment in new … and uncertain oil use.
Meat production triggers warming-swamps other solutions Nightingale, Climate Action, 2012 (Linton, “Global warming inevitable unless meat eating habits change”, 4-12,, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
A new study has … into the atmosphere.
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02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - Water ADV - GeorgiaTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Water scarcity coming now - it's a threat multiplier that enflames hotspots globally. Specifically, Egypt and Central Asia - their defense isn't predictiveDinar et al., FIU IR professor, 10-18-12 (Shlomi, “No Wars for Water”, Foreign Affairs, ebsco, ldg)
In short, predictions … the world's volatile regions.
Those wars go globalReilly, These Times editor, 2002 (Kristie, These times is a nonprofit independent national magazine, “Not A Drop To Drink”, 10-11, http:~/~/, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
The two books … can only increase in intensity.
And nuclearWeiner, Princeton Molecular Biology professor, 1990 (Jonathan, The Next One Hundred Years: Shaping the Fate of Our Living Earth, pg 214, ldg)
If we do not destroy … stockpiled since Trinity.
Indo-Pak water scarcity’s coming – causes escalatory disputesPriyadarshi, Ranchi environment and water management lecturer, 2012 (Nitish, “War for water is not a far cry”, 6-16, http:~/~/ class="MsoHyperlink" %), DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
Such is the deep nexus … to produce results.
Goes nuclearZahoor, National Defense University Nuclear Politics Department researcher, 2011 (Musharaf, “Water crisis can trigger nuclear war in South Asia”, http:~/~/, DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
South Asia is … ends through military means.
Water scarcity causes Central Asian warPriyadarshi, Ranchi environment and water management lecturer, 2012 (Nitish, “War for water is not a far cry”, 6-16, http:~/~/ class="MsoHyperlink" %), DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
That's been a constant … is located downstream.
ExtinctionBlank, Strategic Studies Institute National Security affairs professor, 2000 (Stephen, “American Grand Strategy and the Transcaspian Region”, World Affairs, ebsco, ldg)
Thus many structural … settling the situation.(77)
SMR desalination works and is necessaryIAEA, 07 (“Economics of Nuclear Desalination: New Developments and Site Specific Studies” Final Results of a Coordinated Research Project 2002–2006, July 2007, 10/11/12, atl)
1.2. DESALINATION AS AN … needed electricity and heat.
It’s economically viableSeneviratne, Nuclear News Vienna Correspondent, 2007 (Gamini, “Research projects show nuclear desalination economical”, April, http:~/~/ class="MsoHyperlink" %), DOA: 11-3-12, ldg)
The desalination of seawater … metric tons oil equivalent or $21/bbl barrel.”
SMRs are the only way to resolve water warsPalley, London School of Economics, 11 (Reese, “The Answer: Why Only Inherently Safe, Mini Nuclear Power Plans Can Save Our World”, p. 168-71, 9/24/12, atl)
The third world has long … have water gush forth.”
Plan accesses a huge export marketRosner and Goldberg, Energy Policy Institute at Chicago, 11 (Robert and Stephen, The Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago; Contributor: Joseph S. Hezir, Principal, EOP Foundation, Inc. "Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.," Technical Paper, Revision 1, November 2011,, accessed 9-29-12, mtf)
Previous studies have documented … reliable fuel services.
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02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: Consumption KTournament: Georgia | Round: 1 | Opponent: Vandy CP | Judge: Swanlek Consumption and consumerism are inevitable and build ethical democratic solidarityCohen, NY Times Columnist, 02 (Patricia, citing James B. Twitchell, Professor of English at the University of Florida, July 7, 2002, “In Defense Of Our Wicked, Wicked Way”,, 10/4/12, atl)
''I CAN stand … Diamonds are forever.
Changing consumption isn’t enough. Simulating public positions in debate is vital to refashioning environmental citizenship.MacGregor, Lancaster University Institute for Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy, 03 (Sherilyn, “Environmental Citizenship and the Administration of Life”,, 10/4/12, atl)
Firstly, in relation to ‘… and enlarged thinking. | |
02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: ImmigrationTournament: Georgia | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Won’t pass – empirics prove, no GOP incentive, and not enough supportZornick, The Nation Staff Writer, 1-29-13 (George, “The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up on Immigration com/blog/172504/numbers-just-dont-add-immigration-reform||title="The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up on Immigration Reform",” http:~/~/, d/a 1-31-13, ads)
Inside Washington on …are responding rationally.
Obama has no PCEberly, Baltimore Sun staff writer, 1/21 (Todd. “The presidential power trap.” 2013.http:~/~/,0,,0,1947745.story. Accessed: 1/21/2013. ADC)
As Barack Obama prepares … to presidential leadership.
Gun thumperArola, Minnesota Daily staff writer, 1/30 (Brian. “President Obama coming to Minneapolis to push gun control agenda.” 2013. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 1/31/2013. ADC)
President Barack Obama will … hasn't yet been released.
Hagel nomination takes all of Obama’s PC – new donorsWeiss, co-editor, Mondoweiss, 1-27 (Phillip, co-editor at Mondowiess, a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective, “Could the Israel lobby’s unending battle to stop Hagel hurt the lobby?” 1-27-13, http:~/~/, accessed 1-27-13, ara)
I thought the Chuck … to pro-Israel groups.
SMRs are bipartisan – DOE programs prove Domenici and Miller, Co-chairs of BPC Nuclear Initiative, 12 (Pete and Warren, Senator, BPC senior fellow, and Former Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, “Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Energy Markets: A Report of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Nuclear Initiative,” July 2012, Bipartisan Policy Center, page 20, da 8-18-12, http:~/~/, mee)
Strategic Goal: Historically, … deployment (RDandD) programs.
Winners win – plan is key to Obama political powerCreamer, political organizer and strategist for four decades, 1-2 (Robert, he and his firm, Democracy Partners, work with many of the country’s most significant issue campaigns, one of the major architects and organizers of the successful campaign to defeat the privatization of Social Security, he has been a consultant to the campaigns to end the war in Iraq, pass universal health care, pass Wall Street reform, change America’s budget priorities and enact comprehensive immigration reform, he has also worked on hundreds of electoral campaigns at the local, state and national level, "Why GOP Collapse on the Payroll Tax Could be a Turning Point Moment,", accessed 1-2-12, mss)
Strength and victory are … them on the run - that's the time to chase them. | |
02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - Prolif ADV - A2: BioweaponsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No impact or time frameBulletin of the Atomic Scientists Bioweapons Working Group, 2010 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Working Group on Biological and Chemical Weapons, "Biological threats: A matter of balance," 2-2-10,, accessed 12-25-10, mss
The Graham-Talent … bioweapons development and use. | |
02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - Water ADV - A2: CooperationTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Cooperation over water won’t happen—we control future warsKlare, Hampshire College world security studies professor, 2001 (Michael, “The New Geography of Conflict”, Foreign Affairs, May/June, ebsco, ldg)
The threats to water … more frequent clashes. | |
02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - Space Lasers Add-OnTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: SMRs solve space lasersMaybury, USAF Chief Scientist, 12 (“Energy Horizons: United States Air Force Energy SandT Vision 2011-2026,” 1/31,
Space is the ―ultimate high … based assets increases.
Prevents an ICBM attack on the US that leads to extinctionLambakis, National Institute for Public Policy Senior Analyst, 07 (PhD-Catholic University, Missile Defense From Space, 2/1, http:~/~/, 10/4/12, atl)
The ballistic missile … can be more effective. | |
02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - Cyberterrorism Add-OnTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: SMRs make cyber terrorism impossibleBourget, writer – Center for Advanced Defense Studies, 11 (Remy, July 7, 2011, “Small Modular Reactors: Opportunity for Global Leadership and Innovation”,, atl)
Small Modular Reactors … ece of the Khyber Pass.
Extinction Adhikari, Tech News World writer, 2009 (Richard, "Civilization's High Stakes Cyber-Struggle: QandA With Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.)," Tech News World, 12-2-09,, accessed 2-22-12, mtf)
The conflicts in the Middle … ultimately, global civilization. | |
02/05/2013 | SMR's AFF - A2: AnthroTournament: Georgia | Round: 1 | Opponent: Vandy CP | Judge: Swanlek Short term focusing combined with long term key to prevent enviro destructionNorton, Georgia Tech Professor of Science, and Technology, School of Public Policy, 03 (Byran, “Which Morals Matter? Freeing Moral Reasoning from Ideology”,, 9/19/12, atl)
As a first step in … and cooperative action.
Human extinction outweighs- moral evolution inevitably solves speciesism- BUT extinction now means natural events destroy all life on earthMatheny, John Hopkins Public Health PhD candidate, 2007 (J.G., “Ought we worry about human extinction?”, 12-6, http:~/~/, DOA; 10-14-11, ldg)
Moral philosophers have not … long-term hope for survival.
Their ethics collapses down to the lowest common denominator – causes genocidePolacheck et al., Nutter, McClennan and Fish associate, 1995 (Lori, “The Case against rights for animals”, http:~/~/, DOA: 12-16-11, ldg)
In the end, however, it is … being and the Colorado beetle. 26
All creatures identify with similar beings – it’s inevitable, but we can make decisions for the benefit of other beingsScholtz, North West university law professor, 2005 (Werner, “animal culling: a sustainable approach or anthropocentric atrocity?: issues of biodiversity and custodial sovereignty”, Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law , 2.2, project muse, ldg)
The CBD recognizes that the … man and environment.
Tournament![]() | Round![]() | Report![]() |
USC | 1 |
Opponent: Binghamton KR | Judge: Sarah Topp 1AC - SMR's Aff 1NC 2NC 2NR |
USC | 3 |
Opponent: Minnesota SS | Judge: Alex McVey 1AC - SMR's Aff 1NC 2NC 2NR |
USC | 5 |
Opponent: Whitman MM | Judge: Will Gent 1AC - SMR's Aff 1NC 2NC/1NR 2NR |
CSUF | 2 |
Opponent: Texas GM | Judge: Brian Severson 1AC - SMR's Aff |
CSUF | 3 |
Opponent: Whitman ST | Judge: Carly Wunderlich 1AC - SMR's Aff |
CSUF | 6 |
Opponent: UNLV PS | Judge: Craig Hennigan 1AC - SMR's Aff |
Georgia | 1 |
Opponent: Vandy CP | Judge: Aaron Swanlek 1AC - SMR's Aff 1NC 2NC 2NR |
Georgia | 3 |
Opponent: JMU RS | Judge: Robert Mulholand 1AC - SMR's Aff 1NC 2NC 2NR |
Georgia | 5 |
Opponent: Miami BJ | Judge: Bary Hausrath 1AC - SMR's Aff 1NC 2NC 2NR |
Georgia | Quarters |
Opponent: JMU GP | Judge: Kirk Gibson, Latoya Green, Mikaela Malsin 1AC - SMR's Aff 1NC 2NC 2NR |
Filename![]() | Date![]() | Uploaded By![]() | Delete?![]() |
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