General Actions:
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01/03/2013 | 2NC v Iowa DH (Solar and Wind FIT)Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The structural antagonism of the state is that of anti-black versus black. The Slave is the underbelly of society and society is built upon it – as such it is only the recipient of ‘gratuitous’ violence. This is what allows all other contingent violence to exist because they are based on the state which gratuitous violence is what the state is on. The slave is dead.Pak, Philosophy PhD 12 (Yumi , "Outside Relationality: Autobiographical Deformations and the Literary Lineage of Afro-Pessimism in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature." Dissertation Accessed: 12-26-12 mlb)
Because the four authors I examine focus intensively
… in the dialectic, as “anti-Human.”
The perm attempts to force the Black positionality into coherence however the Slave is incoherent, radical, and dangerous to the US – anything short of the incoherence of the black body failsWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama, ‘3 (Frank B III “The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s (Silent) Scandal” Social Justice 30.2 pg 18-27 via proquest accessed: 12-16-12 mlb)
Slavery is the great leveler of ……… be pursued to the death.
The perm only incorporates anti-blackness as an afterthought or in a laundry list – the failure to put anti-blackness at the center works within and magnifies civil society and therefore violence.Sexton, UC Irvine African American Studies Director ‘10 (Jared, PhD Ethnic Studies UC Berkley “People-of-Color-Blindness” Summer Social Text 103 Vol. 28, No. 2 via ebsco accessed: 12-27-12 mlb)
If the oppression of nonblack people ……than yet another revolution. 78
Civil society is built upon gratuitous violence towards the slave – pragmatism and calls to empirics only mystify the grammars of suffering. No reform or law can solveWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 10-11 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Regarding the Black position, …….. gates of Columbia University awaits an answer.
Racism gives the biopolitical state the power of death – racism makes normalizes death and war the condition of societyMendieta, Stony Book Philosophy Chair, ‘2 (Eduardo, PhD. New School for Social Research “’To make live and let die’ – Foucault on Racism” 3-25-2 http:~/~/ accessedL 12-26-12url: mlb)
I have thus far discussed ….. …….. foes are biological in nature.
Terrorism studies are shrouded in epistemological uncertainty—-this is a reason to prefer our impacts because of their structural nature and to discard theirs—-your role as a scholar is to reject the cult of expertism in favor of exposing the political nature of the 1ac’s knowledge claimsRaphael, Kingston IR professor, 2009 (Sam, Critical terrorism studies, pg 50-1, ldg)
The close relationship between the academic field of ………. function that this research serves for the US state. | |
01/03/2013 | 1NC Wilderson KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The state is the site of White supremacy because it hides the structures of gratuitous violenceMartinot and Sexton, SF State Professor and UC Irvine African American Studies Director ‘3 (Steve and Jared “The Avant-Garde of White Supremacy” 6-1-3 Social Identities Vol. 9 no. 2 accessed: 12-27-12 mlb)
The foundations of US …..its ritualistic violence.
The aff's view of violence as explainable and contingent makes invisible that violence which is based off accumulation and fungibility which is the antagonism at the root of the 1AC's harmsWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 54-57 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
IN THE INTRODUCTION …..grammar of suffering
Alternative: A paradigmatic analysis of the underlying antagonism's of the 1AC
Paradigmatic analysis is key – other alternatives give up the power to questionWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. IX-X accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
STRANGE AS it …..John Shai, and S'bu Zulu.
Recognition of the object status of the slave is key – the presence of the object disarticulates the system of anti-blackness and civil society which is built upon the ignorance of that violence.Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 39-44 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Ronald Judy's book …..capacity for transgression.
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01/03/2013 | 1NC Case v Iowa DH [Warming + Grid]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Solvency
Barriers to feed-in tariff solvency – administrative requirements, high upfront costs, and policy uncertaintyCory et al., National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 9 (Karlynn Cory, Toby Couture, and Claire Kreycik, "Feed-in Tariff Policy: Design, Implementation, and RPS Policy Interactions," March 2009,, accessed 8-18-12, mtf)
As with most policies, …..exposure to policy risk (Chadbourne and Parke 2009).
Solar Panels produce hazardous E-wasteGies, Reporter for The Guardian, 2010 (Erica, “Are solar panels the next e-waste?” http:~/~/, accessed 10-21-12, RAM)
In recent years …..types of modules.
E-Waste is dumped in developing countries, notably African nations such as Ghana and NigeriaVIN, 2012 (Validated Independent Press, “What We Don’t Know When We Throw Out Our Electronics” http:~/~/ accessed 10-21-12, RAM)
North Americans and …..of environmental sustainability.
Advantage 1
Best studies conclusively prove no C02 reductionBusiness Wire, 11 (July 19, “The Wind Power Paradox: BENTEK Analysis Shows CO2 Savings Through Wind Power Are Either So Minimal As To Be Irrelevant or Too Expensive To Be Practical,” http:~/~/, d/a 6-24-12, ads)
Government tax breaks … wind generation.
Climate threats silence alternatives, props up the state and existing institutions, and force risk management which enforces biopolitics – their scholarship is informed by bias and lack of criticismRothe, Helmut Schmidt University Research Fellow, ‘11 (Defl “Managing Climate Risks or Risking a Managerial Climate: State, Security, and Governance in the international climate regime” International Relations 25: 330 http:~/~/ accessed: 12-28-12 mlb)
What other studies ……dangerous climate change storyline.
Meat production triggers warming-swamps other solutionsNightingale, Climate Action, 2012 (Linton, “Global warming inevitable unless meat eating habits change”, 4-12, http:~/~/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
A new study …..into the atmosphere.
No resource wars – to many alt causesBier, Competitive Enterprise Institute policy analyst, 11 (David, “Steven Pinker: Resource Scarcity Doesn’t Cause Wars,”, 11-28-11, http:~/~/, 06-05-12, hgh)
A 2007 New York …..climate-changed world.
History disproves causality between crisis and war Ferguson, Harvard University Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, 2006 (Niall, Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College at Oxford, Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution, “The War of the World”, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-22-12, ads)
Nor can economic …..and low inflation.
Economic threat predictions will cause the US to manipulate regimes in a non-democratic fashion-causes more instability and kills millionsNeocleous, Brunel government professor, 2008 (Mark, Critique of Security, pg 95-7, ldg)
In other words….. security strategy proposed.
Advantage 2
No blackouts-compartmentalized grid, power reserves and new oversight.Leger, USA Today, 2012 (Donna, “Energy experts say blackout like India's is unlikely in U.S.”, 7-31, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-15-12, ldg)
WASHINGTON – A massive, …..bulk electricity generation
No grid impact-resiliency is categorically underestimated ScienceDaily 2010 (“Why It's Hard to Crash the Electric Grid”, 10-12, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-15-12, ldg)
Using real-world …..of a blackout."
No risk of meltdownThe Post and Courier, 3-23-12 (Charleston, South Carolina Paper, Originally published 3-29-11, updated 3-23-12, “AP IMPACT: Long blackouts pose risk to US reactors”, Accessed 9-20-12, http:~/~/ NJR
The Beaver Valley …..than actually thought.”
Cyberattacks impossible – empirics and defenses solveRid, King’s College war studies reader, 2012 (Thomas, “Think Again: Cyberwar”, March/Aprl, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg)
"Cyberwar Is Already … for outsiders.
Marginal losses don’t erode ecosystem resilience—there’s more biodiversity than we could possibly need—and tech ensures we can just create moreSagoff, University of Maryland Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy Senior Research Scholar, 8 (Mark, “On the Economic Value of Ecosystem Services”, Environmental Values, Volume 17, Number 2, May 2008, pp. 239-257(19), 9/15/12, atl)
What about the …..yours for nothing.
No food wars – sufficient water to sustainScientific Blogging News Staff, 2011 (“Water: River Basins Enough To Sustainably Double Food Production,” Science 2.0, 09-25-11, http:~/~/, 06-11-12, hgh)
While concern about …..a resource concern.
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01/03/2013 | 1NR Case v Iowa DH [Warming]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Adaption and technology solve the impact – no war, econ collapse, or systemic violenceSinger, UVA Professor of Environmental Science, ‘11 (Fred, former deputy assistant administrator for the EPA, “Climate Change Reconsidered” 2011 http:~/~/ accessed: 9-24-12 MLB)
Decades-long empirical …..and social stability.
Migitation and adaptions solve AND no tipping pointMendelsohn, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science Professor, ‘9 (Robert, Ezra Stiles College fellow at Yale, “Climate Change and Economic Growth” Commission on Growth and Development http:~/~/ accessed: 9-24-12 mlb)
The heart of …..long‐run balanced responses.
Warming is based of a racial structure that they can’t solveMandell, J.D,‘8 (Bekah “Racial Reification and Global Warming: A Truly Inconvenient Truth” 4-1-8 http:~/~/ Boston College Third World Law Journal Volume 28 Issue 2 accessed: 10-27-12 mlb)
Global warming is ….address the crisis.41
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01/03/2013 | 1NC Case v Emory PS [Nuclear Warming]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Industry bottlenecks means you can’t build enoughRomm, Fellow at American Progress, 11 (Joe, Ph.D. in physics from MIT, editor of Climate Progress, Time named him a "Hero of the Environment″ and “The Web’s most influential climate-change blogger, “The Self Limiting Future of Nuclear Power”, Center for American Progress Action Fund, June 2011, 7/6/12, atl)
Then there are….. the past decade.25
Multiple avenues for cost overruns-that deters investment or means the energy isn’t competitive.Kessides, World Bank's Development Research Group Lead Economist, 09 (Ioannis, “Nuclear Power and Sustainable Energy Policy: Promises and Perils” Advance Access publication July 30, 2009 25:323–362, 6/28/12, atl)
The costs of …..very vigorous analysis (Joskow 2006b).
Plan can’t overwhelm liability concernsSchlissel, Senior Consultant with Synapse Energy Economics, 09 (David, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Another Taxpayer Bailout Ahead?”, Union of Concerned Scientists, March 2009, 8/24/12, atl)
Despite this claim, …..around the plants.
Gas makes nuclear uncompetitive even with massive subsidiesTaylor et al., Cato energy policy fellow, 2011 (Jerry, “Nuclear Power in the Dock”, 4-5, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
This is unfortunate …..all be thankful.
Warming Advantage
Climate threats silence alternatives, props up the state and existing institutions, and force risk management which enforces biopolitics – their scholarship is informed by bias and lack of criticismRothe, Helmut Schmidt University Research Fellow, ‘11 (Defl “Managing Climate Risks or Risking a Managerial Climate: State, Security, and Governance in the international climate regime” International Relations 25: 330 http:~/~/ accessed: 12-28-12 mlb)
What other studies….. climate change storyline.
Reducing aerosols makes warming worseMeyer, Princeton mechanical engineer, 2012 (Warren, Harvard MBA, “Understanding the Global Warming Debate”, 2-9, http:~/~/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
This is the …..their “plug variable.”
Nuke doesn’t solve warming – takes too long, nuclear cannibalism, supply deficitsPearce, Michigan technological university engineering professor, 2012 (Joshua, “Limitations of Nuclear Power as a Sustainable Energy Source”, online pdg, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
Emissions from fossil …..on a global scale
Using catastrophic rhetoric to mobilize the public against warming just causes polarization and guarantees no actionShellenberger and Nordhaus, Co-founders of the Breakthrough Institute, 4 (Michael, Ted, “The Long Death of Environmentalism”, Accessed 11/14/12, soap)
The green bubble … global warming.
CO2 isn’t key-other factors overwhelm.Sandia National Laboratories, 7-25-12 (“Predictions by climate models are flawed, says invited speaker at Sandia”, Accessed 10-3-12, https:~/~/ NJR
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Massachusetts Institute …..of a degree.
Doesn’t solve in time and causes massive increases in C02Smith, Project Censored Award-winning journalist, 11 (Gar, co-founder of Environmentalists Against War, editor of Earth Island Journal, “Nuclear Roulette The Case Against A “Nuclear Renaissance”, No.5 in the International Forum on Globalization series focused on False Solutions to the global climate crisis, June 2011, 7/22/12, atl)
More than 200….. and get it.”
Warming won’t cause extinctionBarrett, professor of natural resource economics, 07 (Scott, at Columbia University, “Why Cooperate? The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods”, pg. Introduction) NJR
First, climate change … by now.
Marginal losses don’t erode ecosystem resilience—there’s more biodiversity than we could possibly need—and tech ensures we can just create moreSagoff, University of Maryland Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy Senior Research Scholar, 8 (Mark, “On the Economic Value of Ecosystem Services”, Environmental Values, Volume 17, Number 2, May 2008, pp. 239-257(19), 9/15/12, atl)
What about the …..yours for nothing.
Negative feedbacks stop runaway warmingSinger et. al., atmospheric physicist, 11 (S. Fred, first director of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service, and, Craig Idso, Editor of C02 science, and Robert M. Carter, marine geologist and research professor at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, 8-29, “Climate Change Reconsidered: 2011 Interim Report”, Accessed 10-3-12, NJR
According to Lindzen … climate models.
Energy efficiency is coming now and will stabilize the climateLovins Rocky Mountain Institute chief scientist, 2010 (Amory, “Profitable Solutions to Climate, Oil, and Proliferation”, AMBIO (2010) 39:236–248, online pdf, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
If global energy intensity…..huge climate leverage.
The plan diverts the private sector’s desire to invest in efficiencyRoche, Edinburgh energy consultant, 2007 (Site editor, “Opportunity Costs of Nuclear Power”, January, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
So it is important …..warns could happen. (15)
No species extinctionFerrarini, Parma University Department of Evolutionary and Functional Biology, 2012 (Alessandro, “I think different: Models of climate warming impact on plant species are unrealistic”, June, http:~/~/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
The impact of ……realistic or not.
China won’t model/cooperate– lack of domestic US support and cooperationHerberg, The National Bureau of Asian Research Energy Security Program Research Director, ‘11 (Mikkal senior lecturer on international and Asian energy at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego. He is also the BP Foundation Senior Research Fellow for International Energy at the Pacific Council on International Policy “ China’s Energy Rise and the Future of U.S.-China Energy Relations” 6-21-11 New America Foundation http:~/~/ accessed: 12-18-12 mlb)
China continues to ……moral high ground.
Meat production triggers warming-swamps other solutionsNightingale, Climate Action, 2012 (Linton, “Global warming inevitable unless meat eating habits change”, 4-12, http:~/~/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
A new study ……into the atmosphere.
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01/03/2013 | Block: Case v Emory PSTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Tariffs and supply shortages prevent developmentInternational Trade Agency, 11 (US Department of Commerce, “The Commercial Outlook for U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors” Manufacturing and Services Competitiveness Report February 2011, 8/20/12, atl
There are also …..with this process.
Way to many barriers to SMR spread-both internationally and domesticallyITA 2011 (Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, “The Commercial Outlook for U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors”, February, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-23-12, ldg)
A number of …..ameliorate this concern.
SMRs aren’t safer Lyman, Senior Scientist in the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, 12 (Edwin, May 9, 2012, Small Modular Reactor Panel Discussion Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Summary Prepared by Derek Updegraff, Rebecca Lordan, Pierce Corden Dirksen--‐366, 8/30/12, atl)
The last panelist…. safety and proliferation.
SMR power blocks and modular differences drive up costs and delaysDvorak, Editor at WTWH Media LLC, 10 (Paul, October 22, 2010, “Small modular reactors no panacea for high-cost nuclear power”,, 8/23/12, atl)
The standard facility …..waste disposal problems.”
US not biggest emitter - China and India overwhelmFirst Post. India, 12 (“Emissions set to raise in India and China: UN report”, 6-7-12, Firstpost. India, http:~/~/, accessed 6-9-12 wdw)
Beijing: Emissions in ……the report said.
Agriculture is the leading cause to blame for warming and releases tons of CO2, methane and N2OKoneswaran et al., Director of Animal Agriculture Impacts at the Humane Society of the United States, 8 (Gowri, “Global Farm Animal Production and Global Warming: Impacting and Mitigating Climate Change”, 1-31-08, Environ Health Perspect, 116 (5), pg 578, http:~/~/, accessed 6-9-12 wdw)
Although much evidence ……the transportation sector. (Steinfeld et al. 2006).
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01/03/2013 | Block: v Emory PSTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Reject util-calculating lesser evils results in the more extreme systemic violence and state of exceptions.Weizman, London University spatial and visual cultures professor, 2011 (Eyal, The least of all possible evils, pg 8-10, ldg)
The theological origins of the lesser evil ......with the result that a greater evil may be reached cumulatively.
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01/04/2013 | 1NC Case v Cornell FP [Solar and Wind Phronesis + Grid]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Phronesis
The existence of the “savage” is dependent upon the slave as a distinguisher of humanity – the savage is able to access a hope and transcendence that the slave cannotWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 51-53 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
The "Savage" on…… called the Slave.
Indigenous society feeds off of civil societyWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 167-168 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Clearly, Deloria draws…… the two rubrics.
Self -D
The use of the political to answer the call of ethics causes the political to make itself indispensable in a never ending cycle of controlHershock, Project Fellow at the EastWest Center, 1999 Peter D., Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Hawaii, "Changing the Way Society Changes: Transposing Social Activism into a Dramatic Key", Journal of Buddhist Ethics 6, p 158-150, cnb I have argued … its future.
Multiple jurisdictional barriers overwhelm the planSullivan, Arizona JD, 2010 (Bethany, “Changing Winds: Reconfiguring the Legal Framework for Renewable-Energy Development in Indian Country”, 52 Ariz. L. Rev. 823, Fall, lexis, ldg)
Unfortunately, the IEED's ……tribal civil jurisdiction.
BIA obstructionism blocks the planUnger, Loyola JD, 2009 (Kathleen, “Change Is In The Wind: Self-Determination And Wind Power Through Tribal Energy Resource Agreements,” 43 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 329, Fall, lexis, ldg)
*343 Second, as regulatory ……on their lands.
Tariffs will crush the industry – makes it uncompetitive and kills investmentBensinger, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer, 12 (Ken, April 23, “U.S. tariffs on Chinese solar cells fuel debate about green jobs,” http:~/~/, d/a 8-2-12, ads)
A simmering trade ……lower electricity bills.
Wind turbines endanger key species – causes massive ecological disruptionLynas, The Guardian||title="The Guardian" contributor, 11 (Mark, June 10, “Bats, birds and blades: wind turbines and org/2011/06/bats-birds-and-blades-wind-turbines-and-biodiversity/,” http:~/~/, d/a 7-18-12, ads)
I think wind ……renews ecological damage.
Plan’s deregulation is the mantra of neoliberalism.Wasserman, Nuclear Information Resource Service senior advisor, 2001 (Harvey, “Deregulation: The mantra of corporate globalization”, http:~/~/, DOA: 6-23-12, ldg)
Deregulation is a ……on this planet.
Neoliberalism orders the world that renders economically vulnerable societies disposable-creates structural violence and warGiroux, McMaster cultural studies professor, 2008 (Henry, “Beyond the biopolitics of disposability: rethinking neoliberalism in the New Gilded Age”, Social Identities; Sep2008, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p587-620, ebsco, ldg)
The mutually determining ……to murderous violence’ (Ziarek, 2008, p. 90).
Permeation of economic rationality via the plan entrenches inequality – turns the caseBrown, Maryland sociology professor, 2002 (Richard, “Global Capitalism, National Sovereignty, And The Decline Of Democratic Space”, Rhetoric and Public Affairs; Summer2002, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p347-357, ebsco, ldg)
The intrusion of ……informed, active citizenship
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01/04/2013 | Block: v Cornell FPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Only gratuitous freedom solves – adding on any contingent riders focuses away from the non-ontology of the slave and towards humanism thought. Gratuitous freedom means to become Black.Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 22-23 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Black slavery is ….. leading to the Slave. | |
01/15/2013 | 1NR: Case v SFSU AT [Appalachia Performance]Tournament: CSUF | Round: 2 | Opponent: SFSU AT | Judge: Deven Cooper The term “African American” in the speech and in the last CX is a loaded term that homogenizes groups from different socio-political backgrounds Fields 2k (Darell, Associate Professor of Architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Architecture in Black, pp. 26) An example of … this country.
Performance that fails to analyze the grammar and ghosts of Africa’s structural violence is a strategy of loss; mystifying the antagonistic relationship between the Slave and Society, making ontic violence inevitable. Wilderson, UC Irvine African-American Studies Assistant Professor, 2009 (Frank B. Wilderson III, Ph.D. at Cal-Berkeley, “Grammar and Ghosts: The Performative Limits of African Freedom,” Published in ‘Critical Stages,’ Pages 121-123, pdf, Written in May 2009, Accessed 08-02-2012, AJH)
The conference was …..but in a fog.
Black fungibility turns their performance into a property of enjoyment that lacks the potential to disentangle gratuitous violence from black suffering. This only makes black violence coherent reducing the slave to an object to be understood instead of an active feeling subjectWilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, 10 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 88-90, soap)
More is at …….relationship to Blacks.
Fungibility means their performance has no revolutionary potential because it gets commodified Wilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, 10 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 56, soap)
This theoretical aphasia ……a commodity of style? | |
01/15/2013 | 1NC/1NR: Case v Kansas CG [SPS - Warming]Tournament: CSUF | Round: 3 | Opponent: Kansas CG | Judge: Mironoff-Chin, Logan
No solvency – lack of grid storage capacityMaryniak, Singularity University Energy and Environmental Systems Track Chairman, 12 (Gregg, J.D. Northwestern University, Secretary of the X PRIZE Foundation, James S. McDonnell Planetarium Director, Vice President for Energy and Aerospace of the Saint Louis Science Center, former Chairman at the Lindbergh Foundation, “Storage, Not Generation, is the Challenge to Renewable Energy” 7-25-12 http:~/~/ accessed: 8-13-12 mlb)
If solar and wind …. energy industry.
No launch - thrustersJohnson et al. , Naval Research Laboratory High Energy Space Environment Head, ‘9 (Neil, Deputy Principal Investigator for Instrument/Observatory operations for the Large Area Telescope on Fermi, Fellow of the American Physical Society, Member of American Astronomical Society, former NASA Scientific advisory and review, Masters in Space Science, and PhD in Space Science from Rice University “Space-based Solar Power: Possible Defense Applications and Opportunties for NRL Contributions” Naval Research Laboratory http:~/~/ accessed: 8-16-12 mlb) Thrusters capable …….. demonstrated operationally 105
Feedbacks debate - there was more C02 in the past and nothing happened – means no runaway warmingEbell, CEI Center for Energy and Environment director, 2012 (Myron, "CEI's Ebell: Climate Data Proves Global Warming Alarmists Have Lost the Debate; Fortunately For Them There's the Liberal Media”, 5-2, http:~/~/, DOA: 5-24-12, ldg)
Justin Gillis of …….. and the alarmists have lost.
Alt cause debate – meat packing industry is a massive alt cause – outweighs their internal linksAgriculture is the leading cause to blame for warming and releases tons of CO2, methane and N2OKoneswaran et al., Director of Animal Agriculture Impacts at the Humane Society of the United States, 8 (Gowri, “Global Farm Animal Production and Global Warming: Impacting and Mitigating Climate Change”, 1-31-08, Environ Health Perspect, 116 (5), pg 578, http:~/~/, accessed 6-9-12 wdw)
Although much evidence ……… transportation sector. (Steinfeld et al. 2006).
The term African American is a loaded term that homogenizes groups from different socio-political backgrounds Fields 2k (Darell, Associate Professor of Architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Architecture in Black, pp. 26) An example of ….. forged in this country.
African American erases the insidious history of the middle passage from the world and is a form of colonizing black heritage Fields 2k (Darell, Associate Professor of Architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Architecture in Black, pp. 27-28) The same is true ………the New World-it sought us. | |
01/15/2013 | 2NC: K v Whitman MMTournament: CSUF | Round: 5 | Opponent: Whitman MM | Judge: Daniel Fitzmier Reject util-calculating lesser evils results in the more extreme systemic violence and state of exceptions.Weizman, London University spatial and visual cultures professor, 2011 (Eyal, The least of all possible evils, pg 8-10, ldg)
The theological origins of the lesser evil …… may be reached cumulatively.
The pollution you solve for is the blackMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 83-89, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
Finally, Marxist explanations …………. of the white body politic. | |
01/15/2013 | 1NC Wilderson K v SFSU AT [ Appalachia Performance]Tournament: CSUF | Round: 2 | Opponent: SFSU AT | Judge: Deven Cooper 1NC v SFSU
The aff call for freedom from ecocide adds contingency to Blackness and reifies humanism. Only freedom from Humanity solvesWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 22-23 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Black slavery is … the Slave.
The aff’s emancipatory politics upholds Humanist discourse and civil society by focusing alienation and exploitation rather than the grammar of suffering of accumulation and fungibility.Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 19-22 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Again, what is ……any era heretofore.
Liberal politics or radical critiques fail – it only serves to hide and ignore the violence of racism. By not making race the center of analysis it gives power to antiblack ideologies and social categorizationMartinot and Sexton, SF State Professor and UC Irvine African American Studies Director ‘3 (Steve and Jared “The Avant-Garde of White Supremacy” 6-1-3 Social Identities Vol. 9 no. 2 accessed: 12-27-12 mlb)
Leftist approaches that …..of abstraction
Alternative: A paradigmatic analysis of the underlying antagonism's of the 1AC
Paradigmatic analysis is key – other alternatives give up the power to questionWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. IX-X accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
STRANGE AS it ……and S'bu Zulu.
Recognition of the object status of the slave is key – the presence of the object disarticulates the system of anti-blackness and civil society which is built upon the ignorance of that violence.Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 39-44 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Ronald Judy's book……. capacity for transgression.
Politics that focus on exploitation (i.e. – the satiable demands of civil society’s junior partners) produce a narrative of loss followed by restoration. These are the contingent freedoms that replace the Black void with a positive Human value; within the world and not against it. What is needed is freedom from the human race, the world, Gratuitous Freedom that demand not that the Black be made living again, but to bring the living to death.Wilderson, 10 professor of African American Studies at University of California, Irvine, 2003 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 141-143) ejf
As sites of ……of the picture.
Environmental discourse crowds out racial problems and actively avoids discussions of race which turns solvencyCone, Union Theological Seminary Distinguished prof of Systematic Theology, 99
What is absent …..for everyone's greed."
Narratives just desensitize us to the suffering of others and turn black suffering into a spectacle to be watched and performed for the masterHartman, professor at Columbia University, 97 Saidiya V. Hartman, received her B.A. from Wesleyan University and Ph.D. from Yale University.1 She is a specialist in African American literature and history , “Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-making in The nineteenth-century”, 1997, Pg(s) 3-4, Google Books, Accessed 12/8/11 soap
I have chosen ……take up here.
Narratives attempt to imagine the suffering of the black which is necessarily unimaginable. This just erases the gratuitous violence done to the black body and just replicates the fungibility of the slaveHartman, professor at Columbia University, 97 Saidiya V. Hartman, received her B.A. from Wesleyan University and Ph.D. from Yale University.1 She is a specialist in African American literature and history , “Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-making in The nineteenth-century”, 1997, Pg(s) 18-20, Google Books, Accessed 12/8/11 soap
The nature of ……violence of identification.6 | |
01/15/2013 | 1NC Case v Whitman MMTournament: CSUF | Round: 5 | Opponent: Whitman MM | Judge: Daniel Fitzmier 1NCSWe can endorse the entirety of the 1AC without the pre-empts - The logic of Pre-Emption triggers cyclic violence by super-imposing fear politics upon the ballot Loan guarantees fail-empirics, waste, carbon pricing and cheap gas.Brailsford, Snake River Alliance program director, 2012 (Beatrice, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Good Energy Policy?”, August, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg)
No nuclear loan guarantees … the world going. Prolif
Anti-proliferation discourse obscures Western violence and masks the dangers of nuclear possessionCohn et al., Consortium on Gender, Security, and Human Rights director, 2005 (Carol, “The Relevance of Gender for Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction”, http:~/~/, DOA: 12-19-12, ldg)
“Proliferation” is not a . rational security grounds.
This racialized exclusion makes genocide inevitableBatur, Vassar sociology professor, 2007 (Pinar, Handbook of the The Soiology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, pg 446-7, ldg)
At the turn of the 20th …. with genocide, in Darfur.
No widespread proliferationHymans, USC IR professor, 2012 (Jacques, “North Korea's Lessons for (Not) Building an Atomic Bomb”, 4-16,, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
Washington's miscalculation is …….. has a lot of company.
Civilian cooperation is the only way non weapons states can proliferateFuhrmann University of South Carolina Political Science Assistant Professor, 09 (Matthew, “Spreading Temptation Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”, International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 7–41, 9/20/12, atl)
Decades ago …….. acquisition of nuclear weapons.
There’s a global decline in nuclear constructionMez, Freie Universität, Berlin, Professor of Political Science and Social Sciences, 12 (Lutz, May 7, 2012, “Nuclear energy–Any solution for sustainability and climate protection?” http:~/~/, 6/29/12, atl)
Is the entire world …….. not be underestimated (Mez et al., 2009url:
US won’t exert nonproliferation leadershipCleary, American Enterprise Institute research assistant, 2012 (Richard, “Persuading Countries to Forgo Nuclear Fuel-Makin”, 8-13, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
The cases ……. fuel-making.
US hypocricy outweighs and leadership fails anywayWellen, editor of the Foreign Policy in Focus, 12(Russ, Specializes in nuclear discussions about NPT and nonproliferation goals, June 19, 2012, “West's Idea of Nuclear Disarmament Doesn't Include Itself”,, 7/23/12, atl)
In a ….. its arsenal further." Proliferation discourse spurs ineffective policies—focus on motives and actors, not on weapons.Mutimer, York political science professor, 1994 (David, “Reimagining Security: The Metaphors of Proliferation”, http:~/~/, DOA: 12-20-12, ldg)
'Proliferation' in its ……… supply and acquisition. | |
01/15/2013 | 1NR Case v Whitman MMTournament: CSUF | Round: 5 | Opponent: Whitman | Judge: Daniel Fitzmier 1NR
Any plan that doesn’t assume 100% risk can’t solveBlake, Washington Monthly editor, 2010 (Mariah, “The Bailout Goes Nuclear”, January/February, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
The ceda provision …. all of the risk on taxpayers
Too much uncertainty with loan guarantees-no one accepts.Sokolski, Nonproliferation Policy education center executive director, 2010 (Herny, “Nuclear Power Federal Loan Guarantees: The Next Multi-Billion Dollar Bailout?”, 4-20, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
The value of federal ….. such guarantees. .
Status quo loan guarantees are enough – current levels for new nuclear haven’t been used upWang, Non Proliferation Policy Education Center, 2011 (Pamir, “Federal Clean Energy Loan Guarantees”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
Mr. Rowe has also ….. loan guarantees will resonate.
Other green house gases take out solvency.Mez et al., Free Universit Berlin Research Centre for Environmental Politics director, 2008 (Lutz, “We are Betting on The Wrong Horse”, February, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
In the coming decades…… climate protection talks.
Proliferation discourse is saturated with Orientalism. The us versus them dichotomy where “our” weapons are good and “theirs” are dangerous justifies the colonization and devaluation of the Third World Gusterson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 9 (Hugh, “Nuclear Weapons and the Other in the Western Imagination”, 5/14, http:~/~/, accessed 11/9/12, soap)
Thus in Western ….. nuclear powers.
The critique is prior—proliferation discourse undercuts aff solvency by prioritizing supply-side solutions at the expense of addressing legitimate demand-side concernsMutimer, York political science professor, 1994 (David, “Reimagining Security: The Metaphors of Proliferation”, http:~/~/, DOA: 12-20-12, ldg)
The Assembled Image ….. one of PROLIFERATION. | |
01/24/2013 | Case v Rutgers HM [Solar - Manufacturing, Detterence, Uganda Disease]Tournament: Navy | Round: 1 | Opponent: Rutgers HM | Judge: Manufacturing isn’t coming back-outdates factories and workforceDileo, MFG News, 2012 (Pete, “What Will It Take to Revive US Manufacturing?”, 3-9, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-17-12, ldg)
There are a …. manufacturing in the US.
Infrastructure, workforce, tax policy and lack of national strategy doom manufacturingButcher, Customer Interaction Magazine assistant editor, 8-28-12 (David, “4 Key Roadblocks to U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-17-12, ldg)
American manufacturing ……… expense of Europe and Japan
Threat construction privileges ethnocentric thinking and increases proclivity for war—empirical psychological research proves.Willer, Berkeley sociology professor, 2008 (Robb, “The Political Psychology of National Security, War, and Civil Liberties” http:~/~/, DOA: 12-20-12, ldg)
A central tenet of …… perceived as dominance oriented.
Terrorism studies are shrouded in epistemological uncertainty—-this is a reason to prefer our impacts because of their structural nature and to discard theirs—-your role as a scholar is to reject the cult of expertism in favor of exposing the political nature of the 1ac’s knowledge claimsRaphael, Kingston IR professor, 2009 (Sam, Critical terrorism studies, pg 50-1, ldg)
The close relationship …….. serves for the US state.
Bioterror threat is exaggerated- their timeframe and impact claims are false Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Bioweapons Working Group, 2010 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Working Group on Biological and Chemical Weapons, "Biological threats: A matter of balance," 2-2-10,, accessed 12-25-10, mss
The Graham-Talent …….development and use.
Technology is the religion of the white modern stateDinerstein, Tulane American Studies Director, ‘6 (Joel, Associate Professor of English, Woodrow Wilson Postdoctoral Fellowship to the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University “Technology and Its Discontents: On the Verge of the Posthuman” American Quarterly Vol 58 no 3. Sep. 2006 Johns Hopkins University Press .accessed: 12-28-12 mlb)
Immediately after 9/11, …. escape from the panhuman
Technology and progress rely on a utopia that makes challenging dominant structures unnecessaryDinerstein, Tulane American Studies Director, ‘6 (Joel, Associate Professor of English, Woodrow Wilson Postdoctoral Fellowship to the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University “Technology and Its Discontents: On the Verge of the Posthuman” American Quarterly Vol 58 no 3. Sep. 2006 Johns Hopkins University Press .accessed: 12-28-12 mlb)
What do claims …… to the future.
Energy Crisis
No scenario for superbugs- virulence trades off with transmissibilityOrent, anthropologist specializing in evolutionary epidemiology, 2005 Wendy, interview with Richard Halicks, “ Bird bug has flown the coop," 10-23-5, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, l/n, accessed 12-23-10, mss
Transmissibility ……., it dies with you.
Co-evolution and adaptation prevents risk of extinctionAchenbach, Washington Post Staff Writer, 03Joel, November, 2003, “Our Friend, the Plague”,, 9/22/11, atl
Whenever a new …. of plague.
| |
01/24/2013 | 1NR Case v Rutgers HMTournament: Navy | Round: 1 | Opponent: Rutgers HM | Judge:
Manufacturing sector improvingBartash, MarketWatch,12 (Jeffry, Market Watch, “Manufacturers grow a little faster in October”, November 1,12, http:~/~/, accessed 1/16/13,vc)
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) … out of negative territory.
| |
01/24/2013 | 1NC Case v Cornell PWTournament: Navy | Round: 4 | Opponent: Cornell PW | Judge: Indigenous culture loss inevitable without funding for language preservation Lutz, Cultural Survival executive director, 07 (Ellen L., former director of the Center for Human rights and Conflict Resulution, former professor of International criminal law at Tufts, former director of California’s Human Rights Watch, JD UC Berkeley, MA Anthropology Bryn Mawr, “Saving America’s Endangered Languages,” Rescuing Critically Endangered Native American Languages, Cultural Survival Quarterly 31.2, Summer 2007, http:~/~/, accessed 10-18-12, hgh)
Revitalizing critically en..... and our identity.” Transmission lines means solar can’t be integratededu/profile/rob-heidrick, McCombs School of Business Writer, 12 (Rob, June 7, “Alternative Energy Grid Faces Logistical Challenges,” http:~/~/, accessed 9-15-12, ads)
The U.S. energy .. a mistake to delay them.
Plan causes blackouts – spikes in generation overwhelm the griduk/journalists/matthew-holehouse/||title="Matthew Holehouse", The Telegraph Staff Writer, 11 (Matthew, November 23, “Green energy could trigger 'catastrophic' blackouts,” http:~/~/, accessed 9-15-12, ads)
Solar panels and wind ….. out of fuel within days.
| |
01/24/2013 | Neoliberalism KTournament: Navy | Round: 5 | Opponent: GMU LK | Judge: Krustifuk Viewing energy as merely a societal input reproduces tech positivism, inequality and neoliberal expansion-culminates in extinction.Byrne et al., Delaware Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, 2009 (John, “Relocating Energy in the Social Commons Ideas for a Sustainable Energy Utility”, Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 29.2, April, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg)
“Living Well”: Growth …… extensive threat to life in all forms.5
Method first key-otherwise alternative modes of knowledge concerning neoliberalism are delegitimized..Gunder et al., Aukland University senior planning lecturer, 2009 (Michael, Planning in Ten Words or Less: A Lacanian Entanglement with Spatial Planning pgs 111-2, ldg)
The hegemonic network, or ……. in a zero-sum game (Blair and Kumar 1997).
No trickle down-comaparative advantage and freely competitive markets don’t exist-globalization only increases inequality.McLauren, Friends of the Earth Trust Ltd head of policy and research, 2003 (Duncan,.“Environmental Space, Equity and the Ecological Debt,” Just Sustainabilities Development in an Unequal World, pg 32-4, ldg)
The driving forces ……… promote fair trade (see for example WDM, 1999, FOE-US et al, 1999, Mines, 2000, FOEI, 2000). The alt is to Embrace commons instead of enclosures
Discourse of the commons solves-creates space to challenge neoliberalismDe Angelis, East London political economy professor, 2003 (Massimo, “Reflections on alternatives, commons and communities”, Winter, http:~/~/, DOA: 7-2-12, ldg)
This movement …. the social fields. | |
01/24/2013 | Hagel DATournament: Navy | Round: 5 | Opponent: GMU LK | Judge: Krustifek The United States Federal Government should initiate a binding substantive environmental impact statement, including but not limited to a health impact assessment regarding the consequences of reducing production restrictions on federal lands in the Outer Continental Shelf for conventional natural gas production and adopt such measure only if it can be made consistent with the results of the statement. We’ll clarify.
Consensus building avoids political backlashPercival, Maryland law professor, 1997 (Robert, “Regulatory Evolution and the Future of Environmental Policy”, 1997 U Chi Legal F 159, lexis, ldg)
Those who make a …….. legislative gridlock.
3Hagel will be confirmed but it’ll be close—Obama’s PC is vital, high, and will be successful—key to restraintKurlander, Huffington post writer, 1/10 (Steven, blogs at Kurlys Kommentary and also writes for Florida Voices and the Huffington Post, January 10, 2013, “Steven Kurlander: Obama will push to advance his vision of America”,, 1/16/13, atl)
With the angst ….1st century American frontier.
Offshore drilling’s a partisan disasterHobson, EandE, 12 (Margaret, daily coverage of environmental and energy politics and policy., "Obama's development plans gain little political traction in years since Gulf spill",, 1/16/13, atl)
President Obama is …… the Democrat-controlled Senate.
Restraint’s key to the legitimacy of U.S. power-~--avoids great power warFujimoto, U.S. Army Lt. Colonel, 12 (Kevin, Lt. Colonel, January 11, 2012, “Preserving U.S. National Security Interests Through a Liberal World Construct,”, 1/15/13, atl)
With a credible ….. only superpower. PC ensures nominationTing, Temple University Beasley School of Law Professor, 1/15 (Jan, January 15, 2013, “Why Obama Can't Back Down On Chuck Hagel”,, 1/18/13, atl)
Having lofted …… Defense confirmed.
Filibuster would set off firestorm—only 5 votes differenceAssociated Press, 1/15 (January 15, 2013, “2 key senators back Hagel for US defence chief”,, 1/17/13, atl)
Democrats hold ...... rules on filibusters
Yes capitalHennessey, LA Times, 12/29 (Kathleen, LA Times, 2012, “Obama pushes for a 'fiscal cliff' deal, demands a vote”,,0,2652554.story, 1/15/13, atl)
The move was …….. elected to lead.”
Top of docket—comes up in, 1/17 (January 17, 2013, “Hagel Confirmation Hearing Set for Jan. 31”,, 1/17/13, atl)
WASHINGTON - The …… issued Wednesday.
Doesn’t win on energyEisler, Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, 4-2-12 (Matthew, “Science, Silver Buckshot, and ‘All of The Above”, Accessed 11-10-12, http:~/~/ NJR
Conservatives take ……… and increased resort to cant.
Winners lose-~--PC’s not renewable, is zero-sum, and diminishes fastRyan, Former Director ISER, 9 (Selwyn, Professor Emeritus and former Director, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of the West Indies, 1-18-9, “Obama and political capital”, Accessed 11-10-12, http:~/~/ NJR
Like many, I expect ……. cyberspace (the latent "Obama Party").
Winners win is bogus- success NOT passage is key- even if the plan solves its long term and doesn’t capture the link turnFrum, former American Enterprise Institute fellow, 7-20-2010 David, former Special Assistant to the U.S. President for Economic Speechwriting, "How can Obama rebound?" The International Herald Tribune, l/n, accessed 8-16-10, mss
Legislation can't save you ……… that will change.
The lobby’s super weakOverby, NPR Reporter, 11 (Peter, “With Little Clout, Natural Gas Lobby Strikes Out,” 2012,, 1/16/13, atl)
There is almost a century's …… on Capitol Hill.
Obama won’t spend PC on gun controlTurner, LA Times editor, 12/14 (Dan, “Not another gun control diatribe,” 2012,,0,404849.story, 1/15/13, atl)
The latter argument ….. as immigration reform,
and dump issues that fire up conservative opposition, such as climate controls and, yes, gun control. Smart politician. Disappointing leader.
Most recent evidenceHolt, President of the Consumer Energy Alliance, 13 (David, January 7, 2013, “Energy in the Next 4 Years,” http:~/~/, 1/16/13, atl)
Given the partisan …… and largely ineffective.
Oil spoils destroy any supportJoyce, NPR science desk correspondent, 10 (Christopher, All Things Considered, and Weekend Edition., 5/1/2010, "Offshore Drilling Loses Support After Gulf Oil Spill",, 1/16/13, atl)
Days into the oil spill, ……. No one likes the planWalsh, TIME Senior Editor, 11 (Bryan, 11/9/11, Why Obama’s Offshore Drilling Plan Isn’t Making Anyone Happy, http:~/~/,
Nonetheless, Obama …… lonely at the center.
No turns—every energy policy is polarizingWhitman, former EPA administrator, 2012 (Christine Todd, “Nuclear Power Garners Bipartisan Support”, 8-13, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
It’s clear from the …… policy particularly challenging.
Any risk of a link turns the case- public backlashMerrill, Columbia Law School, 12 (Margaret L., J.D., “Overcoming CFIUS Jitters: A Practical Guide for Understanding the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,” Quinnipiac L. Rev. 40,
The second measure relates …… resistant to political attack. | |
01/28/2013 | HIA CPTournament: Navy | Round: 5 | Opponent: GMU LK | Judge: Kristufek The United States Federal Government should initiate a binding substantive environmental impact statement, including but not limited to a health impact assessment regarding the consequences of reducing production restrictions on federal lands in the Outer Continental Shelf for conventional natural gas production and adopt such measure only if it can be made consistent with the results of the statement. We’ll clarify.
Consensus building avoids political backlashPercival, Maryland law professor, 1997 (Robert, “Regulatory Evolution and the Future of Environmental Policy”, 1997 U Chi Legal F 159, lexis, ldg)
Those who make ……………. gridlock. | |
01/28/2013 | Oil DATournament: Navy | Round: 5 | Opponent: GMU LK | Judge: Krustifek Russia’s gas dominance of Europe is the lifeblood of its economy-oil can’t compensateWright, Pipeline and Gas Journal contributor, 2009 (Lindsay, “Pipeline Politics: Russia’s Natural Gas Diplomacy”, August, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
The Kremlin and ….. crisscrossing the continent.
Putin collapse causes rampant nationalismFriedlander, UC Berkley College edu/node/351||title="Powered by Text-Enhance" Letters and Science, 2009 (Monica, May 13, “Ken Jowitt Offers New Perspective on Russian Politics,” http:~/~/, accessed 8-24-12, ads)
An expert in …… bad second-best.”
Nuclear warIrsraelyan, Former Soviet Ambassador, 98 (Victor, diplomat and arms control negotiator, “Russia at the Crossroads,” Lexis, accessed 8-30-12, ads)
The first and ……….. we all fall down together." n12 | |
01/28/2013 | 1NR case v GMU LK [Heg]Tournament: Navy | Round: 5 | Opponent: GMU | Judge: Krustifek The world has changed-US doesn’t need forward presence for stability.Parent et al., Miamia political science professor, 2011 (Joseph, “The Wisdom of Retrenchment”, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg)
A somewhat ….. remarkably mild.
Retrenchment is politically possibleParent et al., Miamia political science professor, 2011 (Joseph, “The Wisdom of Retrenchment”, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg)
Despite deep partisan ……. possess foresight and will.
And it solves all the AFF impacts.Parent et al., Miamia political science professor, 2011 (Joseph, “The Wisdom of Retrenchment”, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg)
Retrenchment works in …… to its leadership.
The hegemonic transition won’t trigger great power war- their impacts rely on a simplistic assumptionsGlaser, George Washington University international affairs professor, March 2011 Charles, GWU Institute for Security and Conflict Studies director, and GWU political science professor, Foreign Affairs, "Will China's Rise Lead to War?," Mar/April, Vol 90 Issue 2, ebscohost, accessed 3-9-11, mss
The standard realist ……. by nuclear competition.
Heg doesn’t solve war – that’s mastunduno
U.S. leadership isn’t key to international stability Zakaria, 08 (Fareed, editor of Newsweek International, The Post American World, pages 242-243)
What if that hegemony …….. as effective.
No credible threats nowBandow, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, 10 (Doug, 1-19, “Military Spending — For What?”, Accessed 9-26-11, http:~/~/ NJR
The United States ……… to defend Americans.
Extend Washing post – gas not key to manufacturing – takes out the internal links. Can’t increase jobs enough to jump start the industry
Alt cause- labor shortages and currency manipulationMarkowitz, Inc. reporter, 2012 (Eric, “Exposing the Myths About American Manufacturing”, 2-1,, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg)
Although the tide may …….. race to the bottom."
No solvency—OCS has no gas and takes decadesColagiovanni, Detroit Examiner consultant, 2012 (Lou, “CBO report finds 'drill baby drill' in practice produces little revenue or oil”, 8-18, http:~/~/ style="background:yellow;mso-highlight: yellow" %), DOA: 10-12-12, ldg)
It has been confirmed ………….US for a single year.
Manufacturing can’t sustain the recovery-bad jobsReich, Berkeley public policy professor, 2012 (Robert, “The factory jobs aren’t coming back”, 2-17, http:~/~/, DOA; 9-17-12, ldg)
But American manufacturing ………….. the American economy. | |
01/28/2013 | 2NC v Harvard BN [Natives]Tournament: Navy | Round: 8 | Opponent: Harvard BN | Judge: Jack Ewing
Civil society is built upon gratuitous violence towards the slave – pragmatism and calls to empirics only mystify the grammars of suffering. No reform or law can solveWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 10-11 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Regarding the Black position, ….. University awaits an answer.
Civil society masks its oppression by attempting to be infinitely inclusive but can never fully include the black forcing them to structurally adjust only replicating the fungibility of the slaveWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 24-26. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-20-2012, AJH)
No one makes …….. concerning institutional integrity.
Indigenous people can exist in the context of civil society and sovereignty while the Slave has no ontology – discourse on indigenous people ignores and exacerbates the violence towards the slaveWoods, University of Massachusetts Assistant Prof of Sociology, Anthropology, and Crime and Justice Studies, ‘7 (Tryon “ The Fact of Anti-Blackness: Decolonization in Chiapas and the Niger River Delta” Summer 2007 Human Architecture 5 pg. 319-329 accessed: 12-26-12 mlb)
Indigenous Americans ……… and indigenous "nation." | |
01/28/2013 | !!!!FYI!!!Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: | |
02/05/2013 | HIA CP Environmental LeadershipTournament: Georgia | Round: 3 | Opponent: Central Florida JV | Judge: Domestic change spills over to international environment leadershipDeSombre, Wellesley university environmental studies and political science professor, 2010 (Elizabeth, “The United States and Global Environmental Politics: Domestic Sources of U.S. Unilateralism”, http:~/~/, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg)
U.S. leadership (…….. incentive to do so.
US leadership key to multilateral cooperation on environmental destruction-it is the litmus testIvanova et al., William and Mary Government and Environmental Policy professor , 2008 (Maria, “Reclaiming U.S. Leadership in Global Environmental Governance”, SAIS Review, 28(2), Summer-Fall, project muse, ldg)
What has confused ………openly hostile attitude.
ExtinctionCayne et al., University of Chicago ecology professor, 2007 (Jerry, “Jerry Coyne and Hopi E. Hoekstra | The Greatest Dying”, 9-24, http:~/~/, DOA: 8-22-12, ldg)
Why, exactly, should ………. its current pace. | |
02/05/2013 | 1NC case v Central Florida JV (Nuclear Environmental Justice)Tournament: Georgia | Round: 3 | Opponent: CF JV | Judge: Environmental Justice initiatives homogenize the oppression of minority groupsYamamoto, Visiting Professor of Law at UC Berkeley, AND Lyman, JD from University of Hawaii, 1 (Eric K., Jen-L W., “Racializing Environmental Justice”, Spring, http:~/~/, accessed 12/27/12, soap)
"Racial communities are …. need to be rethought.
Energy efficiency is coming now and will stabilize the climateLovins Rocky Mountain Institute chief scientist, 2010 (Amory, “Profitable Solutions to Climate, Oil, and Proliferation”, AMBIO (2010) 39:236–248, online pdf, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
If global energy intensity—….huge climate leverage.
The plan diverts the private sector’s desire to invest in efficiencyRoche, Edinburgh energy consultant, 2007 (Site editor, “Opportunity Costs of Nuclear Power”, January, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
So it is important ….) warns could happen. (15)
Turns case Glick, National Coordinator of the Independent Progressive Politics Network, 04 (Ted, January 13, 2004, “Global warming: not just another issue” http:~/~/, 9/15/12, atl)
I've been in and …. justice in November.
Nuclear production locks us into production-ism through obsession with finance– turns caseMaciejewska et al., Wroclaw Sociology and Faculty of Social Sciences institute, 2011 (Malgorzata, “Lack of power or lack of democracy: the case of the projected nuclear power plant in Poland”, Economic and Environmental Studies, 11.3, project muse, ldg)
The mainstream discourse ….. restructure the modern economy.
Expansion of nuclear power devastates freshwater – waste disposal, fuel mining, and accidentsWilson, River Network's program on water and energy director, 12 (Wendy, June 27, 2012, “Burning Our Rivers”, The Water Footprint of Electricity, A River Network Report, 8/25/12, atl)
Nearly 25% of ….. power plant meltdown.
Their use of the term African American erases the insidious history of the middle passage from the world and is a form of colonizing black heritageFields 2k (Darell, Associate Professor of Architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Architecture in Black, pp. 27-28)
The same is true …. New World-it sought us.
Loan guarantees fail-empirics, waste, carbon pricing and cheap gas.Brailsford, Snake River Alliance program director, 2012 (Beatrice, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Good Energy Policy?”, August, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg)
No nuclear loan guarantees …. around the world going
Licensing and public opinion prevent solvencyFahring, Texas Law School JD, 2011 (TL, “Nuclear Uncertainty: A Look at the Uncertainties of a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance”, 41 Tex. Envtl. L.J. 279, lexis, ldg)
V. Potential Problems ……….. through with new construction.
Gas makes nuclear uncompetitive even with massive subsidiesTaylor et al., Cato energy policy fellow, 2011 (Jerry, “Nuclear Power in the Dock”, 4-5, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
This is unfortunate ……., at least, we can all be thankful.
Lack of workforce prevents construction AND drives up cost making it not competitive.Schlissel, Senior Consultant with Synapse Energy Economics, 09 (David, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Another Taxpayer Bailout Ahead?”, Union of Concerned Scientists, March 2009, 8/24/12, atl)
Cost estimates for ….Tennessee Valley Authority.
Plan can’t overwhelm liability concernsSchlissel, Senior Consultant with Synapse Energy Economics, 09 (David, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Another Taxpayer Bailout Ahead?”, Union of Concerned Scientists, March 2009, 8/24/12, atl)
Despite this claim, ….. around the plants.
Multiple avenues for cost overruns-that deters investment or means the energy isn’t competitive.Kessides, World Bank's Development Research Group Lead Economist, 09 (Ioannis, “Nuclear Power and Sustainable Energy Policy: Promises and Perils” Advance Access publication July 30, 2009 25:323–362, 6/28/12, atl)
The costs of nuclear … very vigorous analysis (Joskow 2006b). | |
02/05/2013 | 1NC FrameworkTournament: Georgia | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wake CW | Judge: Nick Schuillo B. Our interpretation is Grounded in the Resolution1. The topic is defined by the phrase following the colon—the USFG is the agent of the resolution, not the individual debatersWebster’s Guide to Grammar and Writing 2k
Use of a …….. a capital letter.
3. Should implies policy – it expresses that the government has a duty or obligationAmerican Heritage Dictionary of the English Language04 ("should." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 20 Sep. 2006. http:~/~/
should (shd) Pronunciation Key aux.v. Past tense of shall Used to ……… her a note.
E. The resolution presents an agreed question which is the focus of the debate. Debate is worthless without the predictability that is necessary to generate a starting point for discussionRuth Shively, former professor of political science at Texas AandM, 2000 (Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 181-2)
The requirements …… agreement or harmony.
2. Education- our framework solves fundamentalism and orthodoxy. Debate is progressive and not committed to an unethical ideologyEnglish et al, Schenley Park Debate Authors Working Group scholar, 7 (Eric, Stephen Lano, Gordon Mitchell, University of Pittsburg communications professor, Catherine Morrison, John Reif, and Carly Woods, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction,” June 2007, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, atw
It is our position, …… of fundamentalism.
B. Exploding predictable limits neutralizes the discursive benefits to debate and renders their advocacy meaningless—only our interpretation preserves the revolutionary potential of a deliberative activity Ruth Shively, former professor of political science at Texas AandM, 2000 (Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 180)
Thus far, I have …… civility and democracy. | |
02/05/2013 | 1NC SpeciesismTournament: Georgia | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wake CW | Judge: Nick Schuillo Focusing on liberation requires re-affirmation of animality to justify the liberation of those the affirmative targets which re-entrenches speciesism.Kim, UC Irvine political science professor, 2009 (Claire, “Slaying the Beast: Reflections on Race, Culture, and Species”, http:~/~/, ldg)
Dyson gives a …….., and our actions.
There is an institutional bias in favor of speciesism-the AFF’s failure to directly challenge it allows hegemonic discourses to constrain the parameters of discussion and political activity which allows specieisism to continue.Jackman, UC Davis sociology professor, 1994 (Mary, The Velvet Glove: Paternalism and Conflict in Gender, Class, and Race Relations, pg 64-68, ldg)
The institutionalization of …… for durable social control.
Speciesism makes possible “systematic beastilization” which justifies non-criminal putting to death of the other—root cause of all oppressionRossini, postdoctoral Fellow ASCA, 2006 (Manuela, “To the Dogs: Companion speciesism and the new feminist materialism”, text and image Volume 3, September, http:~/~/, ldg)
What is equally sobering……… disproportionate effects on animals.26
The alternative is to embrace the standpoint of the animal—this overcomes the humanist bias of the affirmative scholarship, connects the experiences of human and non-human animals and allows for total liberation by providing understanding of all oppressionBest, UT El Paso philosophy professor, 2009 (Steven, “The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: Putting Theory into Action and Animal Liberation into Higher Education “, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume VII, Issue 1, 2009, http:~/~/, ldg)
Postmodern critiques have …. ecological healing and balance. | |
02/05/2013 | 1NC Case vs Wake CW [Oppressed Communities Environmental Justice]Tournament: Georgia | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wake CW | Judge: Nick Schuillo Notions if energy are informed by neoliberalism-assumes energy is an external input necessary for human growth—this creates omnipresent scarcity and pre-determines outcomes by not questions the ends to which energy is used.Hildyard, Corner House director, 2012 (Nicholas, Corner House has aimed to support democratic and community movements for environmental and social justice, former co-editor of the Ecologist, “Energy Security For What? For Whom?”, February, http:~/~/, DOA: 7-5-12, ldg)
Clearly, like “security………. discussion of energy security
Environmental Justice initiatives homogenize the oppression of minority groupsYamamoto, Visiting Professor of Law at UC Berkeley, AND Lyman, JD from University of Hawaii, 1 (Eric K., Jen-L W., “Racializing Environmental Justice”, Spring, http:~/~/, accessed 12/27/12, soap)
"Racial communities ……. to be rethought.
The term African American is a loaded term that homogenizes groups from different socio-political backgroundsFields 2k (Darell, Associate Professor of Architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Architecture in Black, pp. 26) An example of this …… forged in this country.
Expanding energy production presupposes an ontological schema that subordinates nature to engineering and manipulation—-cleaner forms of production only sanitize consumptive practices Backhaus, Phil @ Loyola Maryland, 9 (Gary, "Automobility: Global Warming as Symptomatology" April 2009, com/2071-1050/1/2/187, accessed 9/30/12, soap)
Gore unwittingly bases ……. on its same course.
Constant consumption must be stopped – continuation risks environmental collapse and extinctionAdams, writer for and creator of "One Planet One Life", 7 (Will, blog for environmental sustainability, "Sustainability vs. Over-Consumption", http:~/~/, accessed 10/1/12, soap)
The new global economy, ……… towards this line
You should prioritize the question of consumption over production-~--the focus on the latter obscures the former Princen, University of Michigan Associate Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy, 3 (Thomas Princen, in the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan, where he also co-directs the Workshop on Consumption and Environment, "Principles for Sustainability: From Cooperation and Efficiency to Sufficiency," Global Environmental Politics 3.1, 2003, p. 33-50, soap)
Global timber ……..e need for such a focus.
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02/05/2013 | 2NC SpeciesismTournament: Georgia | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wake CW | Judge: Nick Schuillo
2. The affirmative’s quest for equality is premised on a constructed notion of humanity that perpetuates specieism.Deckha, Victoria University law professor, 2006 (Maneesha, “THE SALIENCE OF SPECIES DIFFERENCE FOR FEMINIST THEORY”, 17 Hastings Women's L.J. 1 (Winter 2006), http:~/~/, ldg)
Cultural critics have ……., cultures, etc.
2. The alternative’s counter history is key to show that the standpoint of animals has been excluded to perpetuate oppression AND is not based off a single universal standpoint which makes it methodologically superior the AFF.Kahn, North Dakota Educational Foundations professor, 2008 (Richard, “Towards an Animal Standpoint: Vegan Education and the Epistemology of Ignorance”, http:~/~/, ldg)
In this way, I ……….. working on animal standpoint theory.
1. Specieism has to be at the center of analysis-otherwise diminishing returns takes out solvency.Rowe, Professor of Plant Ecology at the University of Saskatchewa, 1990 (Stan, “Environmental Ethics - Ethical Ecosphere”, Trumpeter Vol 7, No 3,, ldg)
Ethics-by-extension soon ……….. human goals.
3. The perm reasons from the inside out, undermining our stance against SpeciesismRowe, Professor of Plant Ecology at the University of Saskatchewa, 1996 (Stan, “From Shallow To Deep Ecological Philosophy”, Trumpeter Vol 13, No 1, http:~/~/, ldg)
As heirs to several … all its contents (Rowe 1990).
3. Have to tackle speciesism head on. Affirming animal liberation extrinsically leads to co-option.Perlo, Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Dundee, 2007 (Katherine, “Extrinsic and Intrinsic Arguments: Strategies for Promoting Animal Rights”, Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume V, Issue 1, http:~/~/, ldg)
Animal rights campaigners …… animal-abusing industries.
4. Their ad hoc inclusion of non-humans ensures failureFoucault, Professor of Philosophy at the College of France, 1980 (Michel, “Is It Really Important to Think?” Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, and Culture, 1997, pp. 155-156, ldg)
To say to oneself …….. the same. | |
02/10/2013 | 1NC T - Energy ProductionTournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: JCU MS | Judge: Financial incentives are public fund disbursed for the purpose of inducing energy productionWebb, Ottawa, law lecturer, 1993 (Kernaghan, “Thumbs, Fingers, and Pushing on String: Legal Accountability in the Use of Federal Financial Incentives”, 31 Alta. L. Rev. 501, lexis, ldg)
In this paper, "financial …. are not incentives.
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02/10/2013 | 1NC Case [JCU Civilian Nuclear]Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: JCU MS | Judge: Civilian cooperation is the only way non weapons states can proliferateFuhrmann University of South Carolina Political Science Assistant Professor, 09 (Matthew, “Spreading Temptation Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”, International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 7–41, 9/20/12, atl)
Decades ago scholars offered ………. of nuclear weapons.
The use of the political to answer the call of ethics causes the political to make itself indispensable in a never ending cycle of controlHershock, Project Fellow at the EastWest Center, 1999 Peter D., Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Hawaii, "Changing the Way Society Changes: Transposing Social Activism into a Dramatic Key", Journal of Buddhist Ethics 6, p 158-150, cnb I have argued at ……….., so is its future.
Use of the term ‘we’ paves the way for government intervention into individual lives and the debate space – this form of politicization in debate causes tyrannical rule and coercion, crushing the possibility for participatory democracy Roger Kerr, Executive Director of the New Zealand Business Roundtable, ‘3 (“The 'We' Word: And the Tyranny of the Majority” Of all such terms, ………… Orwellian world at worst.
Industry bottlenecks means you can’t build enoughRomm, Fellow at American Progress, 11 (Joe, Ph.D. in physics from MIT, editor of Climate Progress, Time named him a "Hero of the Environment″ and “The Web’s most influential climate-change blogger, “The Self Limiting Future of Nuclear Power”, Center for American Progress Action Fund, June 2011, 7/6/12, atl)
Then there are the ………year in the past decade.25
Multiple avenues for cost overruns deter investmentKessides, World Bank's Development Research Group Lead Economist, 09 (Ioannis, “Nuclear Power and Sustainable Energy Policy: Promises and Perils” Advance Access publication July 30, 2009 25:323–362, 6/28/12, atl)
The costs of …………. vigorous analysis (Joskow 2006b).
Plan can’t overwhelm liability concernsSchlissel, Senior Consultant with Synapse Energy Economics, 09 (David, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Another Taxpayer Bailout Ahead?”, Union of Concerned Scientists, March 2009, 8/24/12, atl)
Despite this claim, two ………. populations around the plants.
Gas makes nuclear uncompetitive even with massive subsidiesTaylor et al., Cato energy policy fellow, 2011 (Jerry, “Nuclear Power in the Dock”, 4-5, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
This is unfortunate ….., we can all be thankful.
Lack of workforce prevents construction AND drives up cost making it not competitive.Schlissel, Senior Consultant with Synapse Energy Economics, 09 (David, “Nuclear Loan Guarantees: Another Taxpayer Bailout Ahead?”, Union of Concerned Scientists, March 2009, 8/24/12, atl)
Cost estimates ……………….. Tennessee Valley Authority. | |
02/10/2013 | Block HIATournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: JCU | Judge: 1. Public participation-gives the project legitimacy and nullifies future backlash that will derail the deal.Wolsink, Amsterdam geography professor, 2010 (Maarten, “Contested environmental policy infrastructure: Socio-political acceptance of renewable energy, water, and waste facilities”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review Volume 30, Issue 5, September 2010, Pages 302–311, ScienceDirect, ldg)
In the example case ………. for example (Agterbosch and Breukers, 2008).
2. Links equally to the plan-DOE sucksBrunell, Association of Washington Businesses, 2012 (Don, “Washington View: Energy policy, clean-coal technology key to state’s future”, 1-2, http:~/~/, DOA: 8-23-12, ldg)
Progress on ……. to back out of the project.
3. CP solves inevitable delays by incorporating the publicHIP 2010 (Health Impact Project, “Health Impact Assessment: Bringing Public Health Data to Decision Making”, December, http:~/~/, DOA; 8-18-12, ldg)
HIA can build community support and reduce opposition to a proposed project. By ensuring that decisions are made with full attention to community concerns, HIA helps reduce conflicts that can delay projects. For example, an Alaska Native community considered litigation over plans to allow oil and gas lease sales in their traditional hunting areas. Instead, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) worked with the local government to complete an HIA, which resulted in new protections that addressed community concerns while still allowing development to go forward. Owing in part to the success of this HIA, an environmental impact statement associated with the lease sales was never challenged in court. Since then, the BLM has begun using HIA more commonly in similar planning and permitting decisions. 6
3. Binding key-ad hoc voluntary measures doesn’t cause a spilloverCole et al., UCLA School of Public Health, 2008 (Brian, “Building Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Capacity: A Strategy for Congress and Government Agencies”, December, http:~/~/, DOA: 8-18-12, ldg)
Some degree of ……… particular situation. 3
Resolved means firm in purposeRandom House Dictionary, 2009 Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, "resolved,", mss re⋅solved ri-zolvd
–adjective firm in purpose or intent; determined.
Mechanism mandates certainty – “increase” must be a mandate HEFC 2004 (Higher Education Funding Council for England, “Joint Committee on the Draft Charities Bill Written Evidence”, June, http:~/~/, ldg)
9.1 The Draft Bill ……. be considered to be ever-increasing. 2. Magnifies the risk of any conflict-reduces potential for bounceback.Sweezy, founding editor of the magazine Monthly Review, 2004 (Paul, “Capitalism and the environment” October, http:~/~/;com/p/articles/mi_m1132/is_5_56/ai_n6338575/pg_2/?tag=content;col1, ldg)
We live in and ………… fouls its own nest. 3. Biodiversity solves all global problems.Chen, Professor of Law University of Minnesota, 2000 (Jim, “COMMENTARY: Globalization and Its Losers”, Winter, 9 Minn. J. Global Trade 157, lexis, ldg)
Conscious decisions to ……. hundred million. | |
02/10/2013 | 2NC Wilderson K NU Round 1Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: JCU | Judge: The plan mystifies the ways in which nuclear power reproduces globalized eco-apartheid; they spur environmental racism and social inequalities through the nuclear production chain and make the security state invisibleChen, Doctoral Studies Candidate at CUNY, 2011 (Michelle, Columnist at Global Justice, “The Radioactive Racism behind Nuclear Energy,” Colorlines: News for Action, http:~/~/, Written 3-23-11, Accessed 1-8-13, AJH)
When the ……… less worthy of protection. | |
02/10/2013 | 1NR Case v Civilian Nuclear [JCU]Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: JCU | Judge: Link goes one way – only supply side cooperation fuels weaponizationFuhrmann University of South Carolina Political Science Assistant Professor, 09 (Matthew, “Spreading Temptation Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”, International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 7–41, 9/20/12, atl)
There is a rich literature …….. nuclear weapons will spread.
Empirically consistent – all types of assistance provide every necessary component for prolifFuhrmann University of South Carolina Political Science Assistant Professor, 09 (Matthew, “Spreading Temptation Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”, International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 7–41, 9/20/12, atl)
This article ………. reevaluate their export practices.
Studies prove civilian cooperation increases the likelihood over 300%Fuhrmann University of South Carolina Political Science Assistant Professor, 09 (Matthew, “Spreading Temptation Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”, International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 7–41, 9/20/12, atl)
Before moving to ………er about thirteen disputes.
Here’s a litany of examples that prove our argument
A) PakistanFuhrmann University of South Carolina Political Science Assistant Professor, 09 (Matthew, “Spreading Temptation Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreements”, International Security, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Summer 2009), pp. 7–41, 9/20/12, atl)
Pakistan’s civilian ……… to develop the bomb.
Tech problems with Thorium are insurmountableMakhijani, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research President, 09 (Arjun, “Thorium Fuel: No Panacea for Nuclear Power”,, 9/19/12, atl)
Research and ……… of annual dose.
Thorium takes too longTickell, Guardian environmental journalist, 2012 (Oliver, “Thorium: Not 'green,' not 'viable,' and not likely”, April/May,
Claim: Thorium and the ……… 40-70 years.
All the benefits of thorium are far off and hypothetical—there’s a reason the industry isn’t investing.NNL 2012 (National Nuclear Laboratory, “Comparison of thorium and uranium fuel cycles”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
Thorium fuel cycle ……. performance claims.
Fuel fabrication-either makes it not competitive or leads to prolifKatusa, Casey Research Chief Investment Strategist , 2012 (Martin, “The Thing About Thorium: Why The Better Nuclear Fuel May Not Get A Chance”, 2-16, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg)
Well, maybe quite a bit of support. ……. problem full circle.
No solvency-multipe barriers to adoptionRees, Guardian, 2011 (Eifon, “Don't believe the spin on thorium being a greener nuclear option”, 6-23, http:~/~/ class="MsoHyperlink" %), DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
There is a significant ………… than a distraction.'
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02/10/2013 | 1NC Wilderson K UD [vs Weber State]Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 4 | Opponent: Weber State | Judge: Erik Holland This is the structural antagonism that renders black life without analogSexton, UC Irvine African American Studies Director ‘10 (Jared, PhD Ethnic Studies UC Berkeley “The Curtain of the Sky: An Introduction” 2-1-10 Critical Sociology 36:11 DOI: 10.1177/0896920509347136 via sage accessed: 12-23-12 mlb)
But what if …… that are constitutive of slavery | |
02/10/2013 | 1NC Case v Weber State Bataille Religion AffTournament: Northwestern | Round: 4 | Opponent: Weber State OS | Judge: Erik Holland Postmodernism, despite its focus on “difference” and “Otherness,” is informed by white supremacist-capitalistic-patriarchal structures and ignores the black experience, particularly the experience of black females.hooks, Distinguished Professor of English at City College in New York, 1990 (bell, B.A. from Stanford University in 1973, M.A. in 1976 from the University of Wisconsin and Ph.D. in 1983 from the University of California, Santa Cruz, “Black Postmodernism”, http:~/~/
Postmodemist discourses are …….. radical liberation struggle.
The ability to transcend material violence from one’s structural position is a privilege not afforded to the Black bodyYancy, Professor at Duquense University, 2005 (George, “Whiteness and the Return of the Black Body”, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 19, No. 4, Project Muse, retrieved April 15, 2010) blh
I write out of a personal ….. along a scale of --human-- value. (Snead 1994, 4).
The ecstatic moment of pure expenditure fails—it reinscribes a teleology by conditioning the moment on being-toward-death and defers self-expression—this is a link turn to all their offense.Johnson, York University English and Related Literature PhD, ‘3 ( David, MA in Continental Philosophy “Why view time from the perspective of times end? : A Bergsonian attack on Bataillean Transience” Time Society2003 vol. 12, no 2-3 pg. 218 via sage journals accessed: 10-24-12 mlb)
For Bataille, accumulation is …… destructive, momentary form.
Use of the term ‘we’ paves the way for government intervention into individual lives and the debate space – this form of politicization in debate causes tyrannical rule and coercion, crushing the possibility for participatory democracyRoger Kerr, Executive Director of the New Zealand Business Roundtable, ‘3 (“The 'We' Word: And the Tyranny of the Majority”
Of all such terms, 'we' is the most /………………………….. the 'it' word: the government.
Vagueness takes out the aff DeBoer, 99 (Jason, Literary and Philosophical writer, “Bataille Versus Theory,” http:~/~/,,%20an%20essay%20by%20Jason%20DeBoer.doc, Accessed 10/5/12, CJB)
Georges Bataille organizes his writings …… the contemporary state of theory.
The aff presents a metaphysic of transience and death—this reinstates a teleological view of the self, turning the aff, and leads to capitalist cooptionJohnson, York University English and Related Literature PhD, ‘3 ( David, MA in Continental Philosophy “Why view time from the perspective of times end? : A Bergsonian attack on Bataillean Transience” Time Society2003 vol. 12, no 2-3 pg. 218 via sage journals accessed: 10-24-12 mlb)
Life proceeds at its own pace, …….example of pro-transience thought.
Ecstatic transcendence and embracing death are life-denying—death is the negation of affirmation—turns their MPXJohnson, York University English and Related Literature PhD, ‘3 ( David, MA in Continental Philosophy “Why view time from the perspective of times end? : A Bergsonian attack on Bataillean Transience” Time Society2003 vol. 12, no 2-3 pg. 218 via sage journals accessed: 10-24-12 mlb)
Bataille affirms the living moment, …….. a mere leap from life into death. | |
02/10/2013 | 2NC Wilderson K v BatailleTournament: Northwestern AB | Round: 4 | Opponent: Weber State OS | Judge: Erik Holland The perm attempts to force the Black positionality into coherence however the Slave is incoherent, radical, and dangerous to the US – anything short of the incoherence of the black body failsWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama, ‘3 (Frank B III “The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s (Silent) Scandal” Social Justice 30.2 pg 18-27 via proquest accessed: 12-16-12 mlb)
Slavery is the great leveler …….e pursued to the death.
The perm only incorporates anti-blackness as an afterthought or in a laundry list – the failure to put anti-blackness at the center works within and magnifies civil society and therefore violence.Sexton, UC Irvine African American Studies Director ‘10 (Jared, PhD Ethnic Studies UC Berkley “People-of-Color-Blindness” Summer Social Text 103 Vol. 28, No. 2 via ebsco accessed: 12-27-12 mlb)
If the oppression of ……… yet another revolution. 78
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02/10/2013 | 1NC AgonismTournament: Northwestern | Round: 5 | Opponent: UTSA MX | Judge: McVey First, a limited topic of discussion that provides for equitable ground is key to productive inculcation of decision-making and advocacy skills in every and all facets of life-~--even if their position is contestable that’s distinct from it being valuably debatable-~--this still provides room for flexibility, creativity, and innovation, but targets the discussion to avoid mere statements of fact-~--T debates also solve any possible turn Steinberg, University of Miami Lecturer of Communication Studies, and Freeley, Boston based attorney who focuses on criminal, personal injury and civil rights law, 2008 (David, Austin, “Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making,” p. 45, DOA: 10-17-12, ads)
Debate is a means ………. in the following discussion.
Discussion of specific policy-questions is crucial for skills development-~-- government policy discussion is vital to force engagement with and resolution of competing perspectives to improve social outcomes. Esberg, New York University's Center on International Cooperation Special Assistant to the Director, and Sagan, Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation Director, 2012 (Jane, Winner of 2009 Firestone Medal, Scott, Stanford University Professor of Political Science, “NEGOTIATING NONPROLIFERATION Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Nuclear Weapons Policy,” http:~/~/, DOA: 10-16-12, ads)
These government …….. and act on information. 14
Effective deliberation is crucial to the activation of personal agency and is only possible in a switch-side debate format where debaters divorce themselves from ideology to engage in political contestation-~--this activation of agency is vital to preventing mass violence and genocide and overcoming politically debilitating self-obsession Roberts-Miller, UT Rhetoric professor, 2003 (Patricia, “Fighting Without Hatred: Hannah Arendt’s Agonistic Rhetoric”, http:~/~/, DOA: 1-31-12, ldg)
Arendt is probably most …………the bureaucratizing of evil.
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02/14/2013 | 1NC Gendered LanguageTournament: Northwestern | Round: 5 | Opponent: UTSA MX | Judge: Alex McVey Their use of the “f” word is an independent reason to vote negative—it normalizes sexual violence and makes a culture of domination inevitableSchwyzer, Professor of Gender Studies - Pasadena City College, 09 (Hugo, November 4, 2009, ““Penetrate” v. “Engulf” and the multiple meanings of the “f” word: a note on feminist language”,, 4/8/12, atl)
In every women’s ……. and egalitarian world.
“Man” words subsume womyn into the male category making it possible to do violence against them and to treat them as unequals.Kleinman, professor of sociology at UNC Chapel Hill, 2007. (Sherryl., Ph.D. in sociology., "Why Sexist Language Matters", 3-12-07, jt
I'm not saying …… human beings otherwise? | |
02/14/2013 | 1NC Case v UTSA MX [Malcolm X]Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 5 | Opponent: UTSA MX | Judge: Alex McVey
They victimize the black subject by blaming their biology which assuages white guilt and abets white supremacy – turns caseWright ‘7 (William D. Wright, a professor emeritus of history at Southern Connecticut State University and author of 25 books including "Crisis of the Black Intellectual," "Critical Reflections on Black History," "Black History and Black Identity," "Racism Matters," "Black Intellectuals, Black Cognition and a Black Aesthetic," "The Socialist Analysis of W. E. B. Du Bois" and "Historians and Slavery; A Critical Analysis of Perspectives and Irony in American Slavery and Other Recent Works." He earned a Ph.D. from State University of New York at Buffalo where he was influenced by W. E. B. Du Bois, referring to himself as a Du Boisian historical sociologist. He later published his dissertation "The Socialist Analysis of W. E. B. Du Bois." , “The Crisis of the Black Intellectual”, 2007, Page(s) 33-34, soap)
Most Black intellectuals …… white supremacy/ebonicism.
Black Performance that fails to analyze the grammar and ghosts of Africa’s structural violence is a strategy of loss; mystifying the antagonistic relationship between the Slave and Society, making ontic violence inevitable. Wilderson, UC Irvine African-American Studies Assistant Professor, 2009 (Frank B. Wilderson III, Ph.D. at Cal-Berkeley, “Grammar and Ghosts: The Performative Limits of African Freedom,” Published in ‘Critical Stages,’ Pages 121-123, pdf, Written in May 2009, Accessed 08-02-2012, AJH)
The conference was …….. well-lit stage, but in a fog.
The sheer ……… on our doings as people.
Blackness studies represses discussions of sexuality and devalues them by assuming that race should be the main focus of the movementJohnson and Henderson, Northwestern University Associate Professor of African American Studies, University of North Carolina Professor, 5 E. Patrick Johnson, , Mae G. Henderson, , Chapel Hill, “Black Queer Studies,” 2005, Pg(s) 4 soap
Given the status of women (……… any one particular difference. | |
02/14/2013 | 1NR Case v Michigan HL [IFR, Prolif, Warming, Coal Add-on]Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 8 | Opponent: Michigan HL | Judge: Jarrod Atchison Coal production ending nowDorn, Grist Magazine, 9 Jonathan G., “Closing the door on building new coal-fired power plants in America”, http:~/~/, accessed 2/4/13, soap)
Community opposition, ……… plants in the United States.
Gas crowding out coal – cheaper and cleanerFahey, Associated Press, 12 Jonathan, “U.S. coal use falling fast as utilities switch to gas”, 6/12, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
NEW YORK – America is shoveling ………contracts and defer deliveries.
US switching from coal now – Cheap gas and EPA RegsPlumer, Washington Post, 12 (Brad, “The decline of U.S. coal, in three charts”, July 31, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
Coal has been the most ……. shipping its climate pollution abroad.
EPA Regs mean no new plantsFahey, Associated Press, 12 Jonathan, “U.S. coal use falling fast as utilities switch to gas”, 6/12, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
A pair of clean ……….. really competitive," Wang says.
Their authors exaggerateFarley, Kentucky diplomacy professor, 2011 (Robert, “Over the Horizon: Iran and the Nuclear Paradox”, 11-16,, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
But states and ……policy landscape.
Executive order and economic factors will cause investment in efficiency now-solves any barriersBradbury et al., WRI’s Climate and Energy program senior associate, 9-6-12 (James, “White House energy efficiency plan will up output, curb emissions”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
Last week, President Obama ……….. technical assistance in the application of CHP.
Construction of new reactors causes warming – trades off with energy efficiencyRoche, Edinburgh energy consultant, 2007 (Site editor, “Opportunity Costs of Nuclear Power”, January, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
The opportunity cost …….. by a large and rising margin.
Transition to a decentralized power system now- new reactors entrench the centralized system which is a massive cause of warming independent of nuclear’s carbon reductionsRoche, Edinburgh energy consultant, 2007 (Site editor, “Opportunity Costs of Nuclear Power”, January, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-26-12, ldg)
Centralised vs decentralised energy …… Kyoto world. (22)
Adaptation solves the impact to warming – Warming happends so slowly and in so far off that intervening actors and adaptation solves - MendelsohnThey say ocean AcidificationNatural variability makes the impact inevitable and means that oceans will adapt—their studies don’t assume thisHofmann et al., UC Santa Barbara ecology professor, 2011 (Gretchen E., “High-Frequency Dynamics of Ocean pH: A Multi-Ecosystem Comparison,” PLoS ONE Vol. 6, No. 12, Science Direct, ldg)
Since the publication ………… impacts of acidification.
Tipping points will be reached soon.Seldon, Security and Sustainability Forum, 2012 (Roberta, “Question of the Day: Is it Too Late to Combat Global Warming?”, 4-30, http:~/~/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
Is it really too …….. That means coal.”
4 degree warming is probable-even with substantial emission plans.Prinn et al., MIT atmospheric science professor, 2011 (Ronald, “Scenarios with MIT integrated global systems model: significant global warming regardless of different approaches”, Climatic Change, February, proquest, ldg)
Different groups employ ….from reference conditions.
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02/14/2013 | 2NC Wilderson K UD [v Michigan HL]Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 8 | Opponent: Michigan HL | Judge: Jarrod Atchison The argument isn’t that there is no black social life rather that black life is lived in social deathSexton 2012(Jared, Ante-Ante-Blackness: Afterthoughts. http:~/~/ African American Studies. University of California, Irvine) A living death is …….. than" black optimism. 24url: Brown goes our way - Brown concludes those are instances of survival not political agencyBrown, Harvard African American Studies Professor, ‘9 (Vincent, African Studies Professor, “Social Death and Political Life in the Study of Slavery” 12-09 http:~/~/ The Historical Review Vol. 114. No. 5 pp.1231-1249 accessed: 1-5-13 mlb)
This view of the cultural challenges …… artifacts of political history. 5 We should be analyzing the relationship between the plan and the advantages, not just the plan alone. Policy stories, like the 1ac institutionalize a particular understanding of both problems and solutions.Sending, Norwegian Institute for International Affairs research fellow, 2004 (Ole, Global Institutions and Development, pg 58-9, ldg)
Granted that the objectification ………….nd Olsen 1989: Scott and Meyer. 1994). | |
02/20/2013 | 1NC WIlderson UD NUTournament: NU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Michigan HL | Judge: Jarrod Atchinson Security is based on a desire to control and manage-~--its ontological precepts attempt to render everything knowable and hence predictable-~--means that random variation in IR ensures aggression and enemy creation-~--the impact is mass war and violence-~--vote neg to reprogram our ontological presuppositionsBurke, New South Wales IR professor, 2007 (Anthony, “Ontologies of War: Violence, Existence and Reason”, Theory and Event, 10.2, project muse, ldg)
I see such a drive for ……? …. Will our thought? AFF’s reformism is doomed to fail due to failure to cope with the deeper antagonisms of modernity. The result is securitized and militarized responses to crises that culminate in war.Ahmed, Institute for Policy Research and Development director, 2012 (Nafeez, “The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society”, Global Change, Peace and Security, 23.3, SAGE, ldg)
The twenty-first century ……….. in violent conflict.
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02/23/2013 | 1NR Case v Counter MemorialsTournament: D7! | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgetown CV | Judge: Paul Mabrey Try or die calculus is worst case planning that causes policy failureSchneier, internationally renowned security technologist, 2010 (Bruce, “Worst-Case Thinking”, 5-13, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-17-13, ldg)
At a security ……listening to them.
Environmental discourse crowds out racial problems and actively avoids discussions of race which turns solvencyCone, Union Theological Seminary Distinguished prof of Systematic Theology, 99
What is absent ……for everyone's greed."
Their objective philosophical narration only glosses over the lived experienced of the oppressed and maintain their invisibility in civil society. We need to start our philosophy from a cultural standpoint that takes into account lived experienceShelby, Harvard University Associate Professor of African and African American Studies, 8 (Tommie, “We Who Are Dark”, Pg(s) 14-15, soap)
First, philosophers often ……typical in philosophy. | |
02/25/2013 | 1NC Case v UMW PL Wind PTC [Warming Adv]Tournament: D7! | Round: 5 | Opponent: UMW PL | Judge: Even if warming is true, framing it as apocalypse re-entrenches technical management and leads to insufficient solutionsCrist, Virginal Tech political science professor, 2007 (Eileen, “Beyond the Climate Crisis”, Telos, 141, project muse, ldg)
While the ………—the ongoing destruction of life on Earth.
Focusing on state politics absolves individual responsibility for the environment and turns case – independent reason to vote negTrennel, Wales International Politics department, 2006 (Paul, “the (Im)possibility of Environmental Security”, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-17-13, ldg)
Thirdly, it can be claimed …….. supplied by a security framework.
Wind either doesn’t displace coal or causes carbon emissionsBryce, senior fellow, Manhattan Institute, 10 (Robert, “Wind Power Won’t Cool Down the Planet,” August 23, 2010,, accessed 2/13/13, kns)
The wind industry …. not doing much of anything."
The PTC drives overproduction – this causes negative pricing swings that drive out base load producers and destroy grid reliabilityHuntowski, NorthBridge Group director, 2012 (Frank, “Negative Electricity Prices and the Production Tax Credit”, 9-10, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg)
As a matter of ……… to maintain reliability.
Grid upgrade solves warming-unlocks renewable potential and increases innovation.Coughlin, IEEE's Society on Social Implications of Technology member, 2011 (Sierra, “Smart Grid: A Smart Idea For America?”, 11-27, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-14-1, ldg)
The natural environment ………. electricity increases.
Migitation and adaptions solve AND no tipping pointMendelsohn, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science Professor, ‘9 (Robert, Ezra Stiles College fellow at Yale, “Climate Change and Economic Growth” Commission on Growth and Development http:~/~/ accessed: 9-24-12 mlb)
The heart of the debate ……….. is needed are long‐run balanced responses.
US switching from coal now – Cheap gas and EPA RegsPlumer, Washington Post, 12 (Brad, “The decline of U.S. coal, in three charts”, July 31, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
Coal has been ……. climate pollution abroad.
No biodiversity loss or extinctionNIPCC ‘11 (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change 3-8-11 http:~/~/ accessed: 9-24-12 mlb)
In a paper published ………fluctuations in climate."
Natural variability makes the impact inevitable and means that oceans will adapt—their studies don’t assume thisHofmann et al., UC Santa Barbara ecology professor, 2011 (Gretchen E., “High-Frequency Dynamics of Ocean pH: A Multi-Ecosystem Comparison,” PLoS ONE Vol. 6, No. 12, Science Direct, ldg)
Since the publication of two ………. the impacts of acidification.
Dangerous climate change inevitableAnderson et al., Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research professor, 2011 (Kevin, “Beyond ‘dangerous’ climate change: emission scenarios for a new world”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A January 13, 2011 369 20-44, DOA: 6-5-12, ldg)
In relation to the first two issues, ……, particularly those directly informing policy.
Warming not real-negative feedbacks.Ebell, CEI Center for Energy and Environment director, 2012 (Myron, "CEI's Ebell: Climate Data Proves Global Warming Alarmists Have Lost the Debate; Fortunately For Them There's the Liberal Media”, 5-2, http:~/~/, DOA: 5-24-12, ldg)
Justin Gillis of the New York Times ……. to done and the alarmists have lost.
No warming- empirical data AND decreased solar activityRose, Vanity Fair contributing editor, 12 (David, 1-29-12, special-investigations writer for the U.K.’s Mail on Sunday, former investigative reporter for the Guardian, received numerous journalism awards, including a One World–European Union award for journalism in the service of human rights (1997) and the Royal Institute of International Affairs David Watt Memorial Prize (1993), "Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about," Daily Mail,, accessed 2-4-12, mss)
Forget global warming - …….., the canals of Holland froze solid.
Your authors are biased - CO2 not key, no weather events, models fail, and other countries don’t modelWatts, WUWT, ‘12 (Anthory “ Lindzen at Sandia National Labs: ‘climate models are flawed’” A press release provided by Sandia National Labs to Wattsupwiththat, 7-25-12 accessed: 9-24-12 mlb)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor ……. by tenths of a degree.
China and India overwhelm First Post. India, 12 (“Emissions set to raise in India and China: UN report”, 6-7-12, Firstpost. India, http:~/~/, accessed 6-9-12 wdw)
Beijing: Emissions in India …….. by 2100, the report said.
China won’t model/cooperate– lack of domestic US support and cooperation Herberg, The National Bureau of Asian Research Energy Security Program Research Director, ‘11 (Mikkal senior lecturer on international and Asian energy at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego. He is also the BP Foundation Senior Research Fellow for International Energy at the Pacific Council on International Policy “ China’s Energy Rise and the Future of U.S.-China Energy Relations” 6-21-11 New America Foundation http:~/~/ accessed: 12-18-12 mlb)
China continues to lead the …. moral high ground. | |
02/25/2013 | 1NR Case v UMW PL [Wind PTC Warming]Tournament: D7! | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: Case
Warming rhetoric is disabling effective approaches nowGilles et al., Sol Kula Healing director, 2012 (Mel, “How Apocalyptic Thinking Prevents Us from Taking Political Action”, 4-23, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-20-13, ldg)
To understand why fewer people believe ……… it, or simply brace for it, but to avert it.
Using catastrophic rhetoric to mobilize the public against warming just causes polarization and guarantees no action – means they cause climate denialism – turns case Shellenberger and Nordhaus, Co-founders of the Breakthrough Institute, 4 (Michael, Ted, “The Long Death of Environmentalism”, Accessed 11/14/12, soap)
The green bubble of seemingly ……..reduce belief in global warming.
No CO2 reduction – intermittency, no fossil fuel switch, and China CO2 growth outweighsTupi, Environmental Lawyer, 10 (Bradley, “Wind Energy Is Not The Answer”, http:~/~/, 2010, da: 02/21/2013, lmm)
One of the arguments wind ……. manufactures wind turbines.
Wind Turbines increase warming – pref our ev it’s the only peer reviewed study on this questionZhou, Nature Climate Change, 12 (Liming, “Imapcts of Wind Farms on Land Surface Temperature”, http:~/~/, 04/29/2012, da: 02/21/2013, lmm)
This study presents the ……… gone up from 111 in 2003 to 2358 in 2011.
EPA Regs mean no new plantsFahey, Associated Press, 12 Jonathan, “U.S. coal use falling fast as utilities switch to gas”, 6/12, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
A pair of clean air rules ……. not really competitive," Wang says.
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02/25/2013 | 2NC Case [Grid DA]Tournament: D7! | Round: 5 | Opponent: UMW PL | Judge: Transmission investments are increasing now – but will take a while.Powergrid International, 12-17-12 (“2013 trends for the power industry”, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg)
In the absence …………. isn't much different from that."
Pushing wind in advance of upgrades will crash the grid—causes blackoutsElectricity Journal 2009 (“How Much More Stress Can the Grid Handle?” October, Science Direct, ldg)
Speaking at an energy ………. from renewables by 2025, or roughly 270 GW.
PTC incentivizes the use of wind over every other alternative, and undermines the stability of baseload power productionBrown, Exelon corporation federal affairs vice president, 2012 (David, “It's Time to Pull the Plug on the PTC”, 12-21, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg)
The wind ………. consumers more.
Pace is key-wind is fine, but the plan causes it to be rolled out too fast.Apt et al., Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center executive director, 2008 (Jay, “Generating Electricity from Renewables: Crafting Policies that Achieve Society's Goals,” 5-26, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg)
Twenty-five states ……… become much less expensive.
Increasing wind causes price spikes and grid reliability-EU and Texas prove.Electricity Journal 2008 (“How Renewables Can Be Undermined By Intermittency”, Electricity Journal, 21.5, June, Science Direct, ldg)
Currently, renewable energy ……….. the new artificial constraint.
Lack of grid integration crushes solvency—prerequisite to the affOutka, FSU Institute for Energy Systems, Economics, and Sustainability faculty, 2010 (Uma, “Siting Renewable Energy: Land Use and Regulatory Context”, 37 Ecology L.Q. 1041, lexis, ldg)
Most of the siting considerations ……….. integration of solar energy into the grid. n242
Turns renewable feasibilityMIT Tech Review 2009 (David Talbot, “Lifeline for Renewable Power”, Tech Review Head, Jan/Feb, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg)
Without a radically …….. "It is a chicken-and-egg type of thing," she says.
Blackouts cause nuclear meltdownsCappiello, AP reporter, 2011 (Dina, “AP IMPACT: Long Blackouts Pose Risk to US Reactors”, 3-29, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg)
Long before the nuclear ……., then the tsunami.
Solves competitiveness, economic collapse, and giant blackoutsChu, Physics nobel prize winner, 2012 (Stephen, “America’s Competitiveness Depends on a 21st Century Grid”, 5-30, PMA=Power Marketing Administrations, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg)
Upgrades are Key to American ……… among system operators.
Competitiveness prevents great power warBaru, Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy visiting professor, 2009 (Sanjaya, “Geopolitical Implications of the Current Global Financial Crisis”, Strategic Analysis, Volume 33, Issue 2 March 2009, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-15-13, ldg)
Hence, economic policies ……… and military power
ExtinctionLendman, CRG research associate, 2011 (Stephen, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan”, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg)
Fukushima Daiichi "nuclear ……… far outside East Asia. | |
02/25/2013 | 2NR Case [Grid DA]Tournament: D7! | Round: 5 | Opponent: UMW LP | Judge: Grid reliability key to the economy-effects every sectorBarrett et al., Lexington Institute adjunct fellow, 12-8-12 (Michael, “Sunday Reflection: Smarter grid is a smart investment”,, DOA: 2-14-13, ldg)
For thousands of years, ……. and anomalies. | |
02/25/2013 | 1NC GWU NS [AWE Warming]Tournament: D7! | Round: 8 | Opponent: GWU NS | Judge: Inconsistency means backup energy is required ClimateLab, 9 (ClimateLab is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization based in Washington DC, “Airborne Wind Energy Conversion Systems, 8-18-2009, http:~/~/, DOA 12-14-12, srg)
Even jet streams fail…… substantial infrastructure.”19url: Rapid build outs of renewables will overwhelm the rate of transmission investments and collapse the grid–grid investments have to occur first Martin, Bloomberg, 2009 (Christopher, “Wind Promises Blackouts as Obama Strains Grid With Renewables”, 8-7, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-13-13, ldg)
President Barack Obama’s ….U.S. builder of power lines. HAWE has no effect on warming – transmission grids and additional storage tech trade off with advantages Archer and Caldeira, Energies Journal, 09 (Cristina and Ken, Cristina Archer works for the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at California State University and Ken Caldeira works for the Department of Global Ecology at Carnegie Institution of Washington,, 5/18/2009, da: 2/6/2013, lmm)
Because jet …, precipitation decreased, and sea ice cover increased Airborne wind won’t be competitive for at least ten years- means they can’t solve warming in time Levitan, energy journalist, 12 (Dave, “High-Altitude Wind Energy: Huge Potential — And Hurdles,” http:~/~/, accessed 1-14-13, HEC)
But Caldeira and others …. with aviation?. No scenario for superbugs- virulence trades off with transmissibilityOrent, anthropologist specializing in evolutionary epidemiology, 2005 Wendy, interview with Richard Halicks, “ Bird bug has flown the coop," 10-23-5, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, l/n, accessed 12-23-10, mss
Transmissibility is the …….. the disease, it dies with you Effects of hydrogen sulfide releases will be limitedMoreira, University of Michigan Geology PhD, 5 (Naila, Writing Counselor at the Center, specializing in science writing, and a Lecturer in the English Department, written science, environmental, and general journalism for Science News, The Boston Globe, The Seattle Times, and other publications, "Last Gasp: Toxic gas could explain great extinction," Science News, Volume 167, No. 22, May 28, 2005, p. 339,, accessed 2-23-13, mtf)
Global warming during …… to 1.8 billion years ago.. Your author concludes no extinction from hydrogen sulfideEnergyskeptic Book Review, 11 (Science website covering various environmental and energy issues, “Will Global Warming Drive Homo Sapiens Extinct?”,, 10/13/2011, da: 02/23/2013, lmm)
Ward, despite ……one of them. | |
02/25/2013 | 1NR GWU NS [AWE Warming + Mars]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Wind on Mars is hurricane speeds- it would destroy the turbineHambling, reporter for The Guardian, 12 (David, “Weatherwatch: Curiosity Rover sends back weather reports from Mars,” 10-12-12, da 2-23-13, http:~/~/, mee)
Curiosity Rover is ……….. a wind blowing vertically.
Solving for anti-blackness is a prerequisite to successful space colonizationPerkins, Science News writer, 13 (Sid, “Book Review: The Visioneers: How a Group of Elite Scientists Pursued Space Colonies, Nanotechnologies, and a Limitless Future,” 2-21-13, da 2-24-13, http:~/~/ Nanotechnologies_and_a_Limitless_Future_by_W_Patrick_McCray, mee)
Dubbed “visioneers” — ……… futures, he suggests.
Squo solves- Mars OnePressTV, 13 (First human residents to settle in Mars in 2023,” 1-16-13, da 2-24-13, http:~/~/, mee)
"Gone are the days …..s to return the pioneers to Earth.”
Tipping points will be reached soon. Seldon, Security and Sustainability Forum, 2012 (Roberta, “Question of the Day: Is it Too Late to Combat Global Warming?”, 4-30, http:~/~/, DOA: 6-1-12, ldg)
Is it really too late to ……. That means coal.”
4 degree warming is probable-even with substantial emission plans. Prinn et al., MIT atmospheric science professor, 2011 (Ronald, “Scenarios with MIT integrated global systems model: significant global warming regardless of different approaches”, Climatic Change, February, proquest, ldg)
Different groups employ ………. from reference conditions.
Plan can’t solve globally-small solution can’t even pass. Ranger et al., Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment research fellow, 2012 (Nicola, “Is it possible to limit global warming to no more than 1.5°C?”. 2-22, climatic change, 111 (3-4). pp. 973-981, DOA: 6-4-12, ldg)
Our results suggest …… overshooting scenarios.
Only carbon-negative strategies solve Lubin, Business Insider reporter, 2011 (Gus, “New Study Says It May Be Too Late To Prevent The Global Warming Nightmare Scenario”, 10-22, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-4-12, ldg)
We've ignored the ….. from the atmosphere. | |
02/25/2013 | 2NC Wilderson [GWU NS]Tournament: D7! | Round: 8 | Opponent: GWNS | Judge: Enviornmentalism fails in towards the black – only a new conception of the polity around black trash solvesMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 72-73, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
In his introduction to ……….politicized race and space
Their framing of disease privileges expertism and demonizing target populations as disease-carriers, while causing the very pandemics it seeks to preventDiprose, New South Wales school of history, 2008 (Rosalyn, “Biopolitical technologies of prevention”, Health Sociology Review, 17.2, ebsco, ldg)
The problem with this paradigm …….heir expressed aims. Evaluate probability first-any risk logic makes decision making impossibleMeskil, Harvard Modern European History PhD, 2009 (David, “The "One Percent Doctrine" and Environmental Faith”, 12-9, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-20-13, ldg)
Tom Friedman's piece …….with the time (just barely) to take action. Method first key-otherwise alternative modes of knowledge concerning neoliberalism are delegitimized..Gunder et al., Aukland University senior planning lecturer, 2009 (Michael, Planning in Ten Words or Less: A Lacanian Entanglement with Spatial Planning pgs 111-2, ldg)
The hegemonic network…….. a zero-sum game (Blair and Kumar 1 | |
03/09/2013 | 1NC case [Coal Fuel Cells Warming + Heg]Tournament: JV Novice | Round: 2 | Opponent: USMA | Judge: S
Clean coal investment fails – billions of dollars spent with no results Glausser, QUEST reporter, 11 (Anne, reporter for QUEST, award-winning multimedia science and environment series created by KQED, San Francisco, “A Difficult Path for Clean Coal,” 9-23-11,, accessed 7-22-12, ara)
Coal generates ……..,” says Buchanan.
Massive infrastructural and technological hurdles to clean coal- plan doesn't solve and hikes energy prices Meigs, editor-in-chief, 2010 (James B., "WILL COAL BECOME THE CLEAN, GREEN FUEL OF THE FUTURE? NOT SO FAST", Popular Mechanics, February, accessed 7/15/12, EBSCOhost, SLC)
There's just one problem …… in the coming decades.
Clean coal plants massively increase coal ash dumping, causing cancer and other disease- it's much worse than nuclear waste Sood, environmental reporter, 2008 (Suemedha, " Don’t Drink the Water: Clean Coal’s Downside", Washington Post, January 31,, 7/14/12, SLC)
This is also of concern to ………. regulations for its disposal.”
US switching from coal now – Cheap gas and EPA Regs – solves the affPlumer, Washington Post, 12 (Brad, “The decline of U.S. coal, in three charts”, July 31, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
Coal has been the ……. its climate pollution abroad.
Hegemony is a fantasy that legitimizes constant violence—-you have an obligation to place the structural violence that hegemony renders invisible at the core of your decision calculusMcClintock, Wisconsin Women’s and Gender studies professor, 2009 (Anne, “Paranoid Empire: Specters from Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib”, Small Axe, March, ebsco, ldg)
By now it is fair to say that ……….. Those people were a kind of solution.
No China expansionism Rosecrance, Berkeley political science professor, 2010 (Richard, “Delicately Poised: Are China and the US Heading for Conflict?” Global Asia 4.4, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
Will China and the US Go to War……..? The answer is no.
Even if warming is true, framing it as apocalypse re-entrenches technical management and leads to insufficient solutionsCrist, Virginal Tech political science professor, 2007 (Eileen, “Beyond the Climate Crisis”, Telos, 141, project muse, ldg)
While the dangers ……… destruction of life on Earth.
Focusing on state politics absolves individual responsibility for the environment and turns case – independent reason to vote negTrennel, Wales International Politics department, 2006 (Paul, “the (Im)possibility of Environmental Security”, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-17-13, ldg)
Thirdly, it can be claimed …… by a security framework.
CCS only solves 11% of plant emissions - no impact on warming Bendsen and Ejlertsen, Energy and Climate Group, NOAH, 10 (Palle and Kim, Energy and Climate Group, NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark, “An assessment of cumulative CO2 reductions from carbon capture and storage at coal fuelled plants in a carbon constrained world,” June 2010,, accessed 7-18-12, ara)
Regional and …….renewable low energy system.
CCS can’t solve warming – their studies use flawed model and don’t consider energy penalty Feldman, InsideClimate News, 10 (Stacy, co-founder and managing editor for InsideClimate News, master's degree in international affairs from Columbia University, “Report: Potential of "Clean Coal" to Reduce Emissions is Overstated,” 6-10-10,, accessed 7-18-12, ara)
A new research paper …….. monitor leakages.
No biodiversity loss or extinctionNIPCC ‘11 (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change 3-8-11 http:~/~/ accessed: 9-24-12 mlb)
In a paper published in Systematics …… fluctuations in climate."
Dangerous climate change inevitableAnderson et al., Tyndall Centre for Climate Change research professor, 2011 (Kevin, “Beyond ‘dangerous’ climate change: emission scenarios for a new world”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A January 13, 2011 369 20-44, DOA: 6-5-12, ldg)
In relation to the first two issues, ……., particularly those directly informing policy.
Co-evolution and adaptation prevents risk of disease extinctionAchenbach, Washington Post Staff Writer, 03Joel, November, 2003, “Our Friend, the Plague”,, 9/22/11, atl
Whenever a new disease …………—just a touch of plague.
Warming doesn’t cause war-empirical record goes the other way.Tertrais, Foundation for Strategic Research Senior research fellow, 2011 (Bruno, “The Climate Wars Myth”, The Washington Quarterly, 34.3, Summer, http:~/~/, ldg)
Since the dawn of civilization, ……….. out of sync with geopolitical realities
China and India overwhelm First Post. India, 12 (“Emissions set to raise in India and China: UN report”, 6-7-12, Firstpost. India, http:~/~/, accessed 6-9-12 wdw)
Beijing: Emissions in India and China ……, the report said.
CO2 isn’t key-other factors overwhelm.Sandia National Laboratories, 7-25-12 (“Predictions by climate models are flawed, says invited speaker at Sandia”, Accessed 10-3-12, https:~/~/ NJR
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor ……… fluctuating by tenths of a degree.
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03/09/2013 | 1NR case [Coal Fuel Cells Warming + Heg]Tournament: JV/Novice | Round: 2 | Opponent: USMA HH | Judge: S
Companies won’t invest in clean coal – natural gas cheaper, same level of carbon emissionsWald, energy reporter, NY Times, 5-19 (Matthew L, “With Natural Gas Plentiful and Cheap, Carbon Capture Projects Stumble,” 5-19-12,, accessed 7-22-12, ara)
But even as the ……….. could be deployed.
Their only answer is that Fuel cells are not CCS but Fuel cells are just carbon capture – all our evidence applies AND funding now is sufficientCleanTechnica, 11 (“Are Fuel Cells the Answer to Coal Power Plant CO2 Capture?” 10-3-11,, accessed 1-20-13, ara)
Fuel cells may ……., such as cement plants and refineries.”
Clean coal isn’t viable – their studies are purposefully misleadingBrown, Associate Professor, Environmental Ethics, Science and Law, Penn State University, 12 (Donald, “The Ethics Of ‘Clean Coal’ Propaganda,” 6-3-12,, accessed 7-22-12, ara)
Given that academies of science ………. belladonna’s toxic effects.
CCT is decades away from successful developmentWashington Post, 2008 (Mufson, Steven, staff writer, "The 'Clean Coal' Myth", October 2,, accessed 7/11/12, SLC)
The phrase "clean coal" is ……. solutions that don't exist.
Coal in decline- can’t compete with natural gas and economic meritsFerber, Wired Science, 2-19 (Dan, writer for Wired Science, “Government Not to Blame for Coal Industry Ills”, 2-19-12, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-20-13, llc)
During the presidential campaign last fall, …… to natural gas if they can.”
Gas crowding out coal – cheaper and cleanerFahey, Associated Press, 12 Jonathan, “U.S. coal use falling fast as utilities switch to gas”, 6/12, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
NEW YORK – America is shoveling ………. try to cancel contracts and defer deliveries.
China won’t model or cooperate– lack of domestic US support and cooperation Herberg, The National Bureau of Asian Research Energy Security Program Research Director, ‘11 (Mikkal senior lecturer on international and Asian energy at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego. He is also the BP Foundation Senior Research Fellow for International Energy at the Pacific Council on International Policy “ China’s Energy Rise and the Future of U.S.-China Energy Relations” 6-21-11 New America Foundation http:~/~/ accessed: 12-18-12 mlb)
China continues to lead the developing countries …….to take the moral high ground.
The world has changed-US doesn’t need forward presence for stability.Parent et al., Miamia political science professor, 2011 (Joseph, “The Wisdom of Retrenchment”, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, ebsco, ldg)
A somewhat more ……deological disputes remarkably mild. | |
03/09/2013 | 1NC Case [Nat Gas Oil OCS Heg Aff]Tournament: JV Novice | Round: | Opponent: GMU KM | Judge: Jason Walker Research is a tool guided by sets of principles, methods and paradigms. Traditional research methods that the affirmative engages in rely upon a paradigm that assumes that the normative reality is the Caucasian male of European descent – at the expense of the black body.Akbar 91 (Na’im Ph. D Clinical Psychologist at Florida State University “Paradigms of African American Research” Black Psychology 717-718)
The final modality of our ….. horizons for study.
The way they have constructed their impacts within debate only serves to distance us from the everyday struggles in the real worldReid-Brinkley ‘8 Dr. Shanara Reid-Brinkley, "THE HARSH REALITIES OF “ACTING BLACK”: HOW AFRICAN-AMERICAN POLICY DEBATERS NEGOTIATE REPRESENTATION THROUGH RACIAL PERFORMANCE AND STYLE" pg. 118-120 soap
Mitchell observes that ……. visible and relevant to their rhetorical stance.
Their reading of framework in the 1AC to preempt us is a form of racial profiling that should be rejecting Massumi, Ph.D. from Yale University, 2007
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03/09/2013 | 1NR Case [Nat Gas Oil OCS Heg Aff]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Their argument assumes that we are preparing for future advocacy but our performance starts here – means we control uniqueness. Also, to accept debate just as academic playtime or intellectual masturbation is to deny the effects of the debate space as real.Warren and Fassett ‘7 Southern Illinois University Press. All rights reserved Critical Communication Pedagogy (2007) 411-430John T. Warren is an assistant professor in the School of Communication Studies at Bowling Green State University, where he teaches courses in performance, culture, identity, and power. Deanna L. Fassett is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies at San José State University, where she teaches courses in instructional communication and critical, feminist, and performative pedagogies.
Back to my classroom. ……, we are already performing
We need to step away from those structures of oppressionDELORIA American Indian Author, theologian, historian, activist 1977 If there were any …….reorientation alone.
03/09/2013 | 2NC Wilderson [vs Nat Gas Oil]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 4. Focus on outside wars = ignore inside wars Focusing on making the system tolerable is zero-sum with revolutionary analysisRodriguez, UC Riverside ethnic studies professor, 2008 (Dylan, “Warfare and the Terms of Engagement,” Dylan Rodríguez. Book Excerpt from Abolition Now!”, http:~/~/, DOA: 12-19-12, ldg)
This time of crisis ……….. and political premises of these wars.
Racism allows for domestic warfare and policingRodriguez, UC Riverside Ethnic Studies Department Chair ‘10 (Dylan, PhD in Ethnic studies from UC Berkeley “The Terms of Engagement: Warfare, White Locality, and Abolition” Critical Sociology 36:151 via sage accessed: 12-27-12 mlb)
Generally, the state materializes ……. progressive black audience on all rhetorical counts. The affirmative’s claims to how China will act and react to certain policies like the plan depends on a rationalization of China—this flawed positivist epistemology seeks to render all of the international arena knowable and predictable—the result is the inevitable emergence of a ‘China threat’ based on orientalism Having examined …… ambitions of U.S. foreign policy. | |
03/20/2013 | 1NC Case v Emory [Appalachia Sustainable + Politics]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: CaseS
Tower supply bottleneck Bailey, Wind Power Monthly reporter, 13 (Diane, leading news magazine of the international wind energy business, “US faces tower bottleneck after closures,” 1-28-13, Wind Power Monthly, da 2-7-13, http:~/~/, mee)
"There is the distinct …… and Katana Summit.
Coal declining- emissions, natural gas, regulations, supply Ward, West Virginia Gazette reporter, 2-4 (Ken, “Central Appalachian coal forecast troubling,” 2-4-13, Charleston Newspapers, da 2-7-13, http:~/~/, mee)
Long-term forecasts ……… pollution restrictions.
Job creation won’t be local, massive, or permanent Rosenbloom, science writer and editor for AWEO, 6 (Eric, president of National Wind Watch, founder of Kirby Mountain Composition and Graphics, “A Problem With Wind Power,” featured in the book “What energy sources should be pursued?,” by Stuart A. Kallen, September 5, 2006, da 2-15-13,, mee)
Despite the energy industry’s ….. trees and moose trails.
Environmental apocalypticism causes eco-authoritarianism and mass violence against those deemed environmental threats-~--also causes political apathy which turns caseBuell, Queens College English professor, 2003 (Frederick, From Apocalypse To Way of Life, pg 185-6, ldg)
Looked at critically, then, crisis …….. clearly terminal “nature.”
Environmental improvements now- their evidence ignores long term trends and is biasedHayward, Pacific Research Institute senior fellow, 11 (Steven F., F.K Weyerhaeuser Fellow in Law and Economics at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington DC, holds a Ph.D. in American Studies and an M.A. in Government from Claremont Graduate School, and has been a visiting professor at Georgetown University and Ashland University, "2011 Almanac Of Environmental Trends," April 2011,, accessed 2-3-13, mtf)
Quick: What’s the largest …….. heating and energy in Britain.
Construction of wind turbines turns the environmentRosenbloom, science writer and editor for AWEO, 6 (Eric, president of National Wind Watch, founder of Kirby Mountain Composition and Graphics, “A Problem With Wind Power,” featured in the book “What energy sources should be pursued?,” by Stuart A. Kallen, September 5, 2006, da 2-15-13,, mee)
FPL Energy also says, “although ……. as described in part I
No shift to wind- companies will just go back to underground mining- their authorZeller, NYT Staff Writer, 2010 (Tom, August 14, “A Battle in Mining Country Pits Coal Against Wind,” pg. http:~/~/, d/a 2-3-13, ads)
Ms. Scarbro reckons that …….. from below.
Switching to wind fails- laundry list Rosenbloom, science writer and editor for AWEO, 6 (Eric, president of National Wind Watch, founder of Kirby Mountain Composition and Graphics, “A Problem With Wind Power,” featured in the book “What energy sources should be pursued?,” by Stuart A. Kallen, September 5, 2006, da 2-15-13,, mee)
(1 megawatt (MW, 1 million watts) …….. makes the grid more unstable.
Regulations and agency cooperation solve AppalachiaEPA, 9 (Environmental Protection Agency, “Obama Administration Takes Unprecedented Steps to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Mountaintop Coal Mining, Announces Interagency Action Plan to Implement Reforms: Federal agencies take coordinated action to strengthen oversight and regulation, minimize adverse environmental consequences of mountaintop coal mining,” 6-11-09, News Release from Headquarters, da 2-7-13, http:~/~/!nsf/bd4379a92ceceeac8525735900400c27/e7d3e5608bba2651852575d200590f23!OpenDocument, mee)
Obama Administration officials ………. or near Appalachian streams. Progressivism
Western depictions of the Middle East are filtered through hegemonic domination-reject themRosen, New York university center on law and security fellow, 2011 (Nir, “Western Media Fraud in the Middle East”, 5-19, http:~/~/, DOA: 3-21-12, ldg)
Too often, you consumers of mainstream …… leftist Arab nationalist politics
Their Elk card is only about West Virginia AND agrees they can’t solve Congress or the Senate Elk, labor journalist and union organizer, 9 (Mike, “Stop The Teabaggers, Give Them Green Jobs: Lessons From The Coalfields Of West Virginia,” 8-27-09, da 2-8-13, http:~/~/, mee)
The failure of the ……. in West Virginia.
GOP won’t embrace Tea PartyZeleny, NYT reporter, 2-2 (Jeff, “Top G.O.P. Donors Seek Greater Say in Senate Races,” 2-2-13, New York Times, da 2-3-13, http:~/~/, mee)
The biggest donors in …….. general elections.
Tea party decline no matter what-support has dissipatedFriedersdorf, Atlantic staff writer, 1-9-13 (Conor, “The Decline and Fall of the Tea Party”, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-3-13, ldg)
As the Tea Party peaked…….. have a favorable opinion of it.
Internationalism fails –structural complexity and impossible processes Schweller, Ohio State Poli Sci Professor, , 2010 (Randall L., PhD Columbia University, Former Olin Fellow at Harvard, “Ennui Becomes Us” The National Interest Jan/Feb 2010 Iss. 105, pg, 27. accessed: 3-31-12 mlb)
What some call global ……. held than ever before.
Global governance fails and can’t address challenges Faulk, Princeton University international law Professor, 2009 (Richard, SJD from Harvard, and an appointee to two United Nations positions on the Palestinian territories. “A Radical World Order Challenge: Addressing Global Climate Change and the threat of Nuclear Weapons” 12-15-09 http:~/~/ accessed: 3-31-12 mlb)
The very character of …….representing states.
Obama won’t strike Iran-5 reasonsScoblete, RealClearWorld editor, 11-9-11 (Greg, “Five Reasons Why Obama Won't Bomb Iran”, http:~/~/, DOA: 11-9-11, ldg)
A Coalition of the Unwilling: …… domestic agenda.
The affirmative’s analysis of war ignores and reifies domestic racial warmakingRodriguez, UC Riverside Ethnic Studies Department Chair ‘10 (Dylan, PhD in Ethnic studies from UC Berkeley “The Terms of Engagement: Warfare, White Locality, and Abolition” Critical Sociology 36:151 via sage accessed: 12-27-12 mlb)
In spite of, or perhaps because of, …….and penal abolitionists
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03/20/2013 | 1NR Case v Emory [Appahlachia]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: US switching from coal now – Cheap gas and EPA RegsPlumer, Washington Post, 12 (Brad, “The decline of U.S. coal, in three charts”, July 31, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
Coal has been …. climate pollution abroad.
EPA Regs mean no new plantsFahey, Associated Press, 12 Jonathan, “U.S. coal use falling fast as utilities switch to gas”, 6/12, http:~/~/, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
A pair of clean air rules ….. really competitive," Wang says.
Coal declining specifically in AppalachiaLovan, AP writer, 11 (Dylan, “Appalachia Coal Decline: Industry Faces Steep Challenges,” 9-27-11, Huffington Post, da 2-17-13, http:~/~/, mee)
Experts say a …….at was the easiest to get."
Coal maintains more jobs than windMurphy, 12 (Robert, “Wind Jobs Apparently More Valuable Than Coal org/2012/10/02/wind-jobs-apparently-more-valuable-than-coal-jobs/,” 10-2-12, Institute for Energy Research, da 2-19-13, http:~/~/, mee)
Siemens has html(% class="Underline" %) ……..and affordable energy.
Job creation is negligible – manufacturing is done overseasKarl, ABC News Staff Writer, 10 (Jonathan style="font-size:8.5pt;font-family:"Arial","sans-serif";color:#333333; background:white" %) February 9, “New Wind Farms in the U.S. Do Not Bring Jobs,” http:~/~/, d/a 7-19-12, ads)
One reason so much …… many of them in China. Progressivism
No Tea party Takeover – People are distancing themselves from the tea party by name and ideology – that’s FelderstofTea party take over is all hype-no sustained supportSalt Lake Tribune 1-9-13 (“Rasmussen Reports: Tea Party In Full Decline”, http:~/~/, DOA: 2-3-13, ldg)
In 2009, the Wall Street …… (21%) are undecided.
Using catastrophic rhetoric to mobilize the public just causes polarization and guarantees no action Shellenberger and Nordhaus, Co-founders of the Breakthrough Institute, 4 (Michael, Ted, “The Long Death of Environmentalism”, Accessed 11/14/12, soap)
The green bubble of seemingly …. in global warming.
Crisis discourse causes conservative backlash – makes their politics indefensible and labeled as hyperboleBuell, Queens College English professor, 2003 (Frederick, From Apocalypse To Way of Life, pg 185-6, ldg)
Something happened to ….. uncovering new information
Climate securitization causes massive arms races and guts effective measuresBrzoska, University of Hamburg Professor, ‘8 (Michael, PhD Political Science, “The securitization of climate change and the power of concepitons of security” March 26-29 2008 http:~/~/ accessed: 12-28-12 mlb)
Climate change could …. turning violent
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03/20/2013 | 2NC Wilderson v Emory [Appalachia]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Their impact author concludes negative- consumption and the economic system prevent sustainability. The aff does not decrease consumption but rather replaces coal with wind and commodifies the consumption mindset- that makes their impacts inevitable – they literally read a no solvnacy card and turn to their affGowdy, Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 7 (John, “Avoiding Self-Organized Extinction: Toward a Co-Evolutionary Economics of Sustainability,” 4-26-07, da 2-6-13, http:~/~/, mee)
The word collapse …….. of consumption.
Turns sustainability Mills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 83-89, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
Finally, Marxist explanations ……, the black trash, of the white body politic. Their card concludes perm failsGowdy, Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 7 (John, “Avoiding Self-Organized Extinction: Toward a Co-Evolutionary Economics of Sustainability,” 4-26-07, da 2-6-13, http:~/~/, mee)
Those few cultures, such as …… look at the worst.’ – Thomas Hardy Their card concludes perm failsGowdy, Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 7 (John, “Avoiding Self-Organized Extinction: Toward a Co-Evolutionary Economics of Sustainability,” 4-26-07, da 2-6-13, http:~/~/, mee)
Those few cultures, such as …… look at the worst.’ – Thomas Hardy
Aff’s neorealist call to solve resource wars ignores complex factors – normalizes political violence and turns case – only the alt solves by examining the underlying causesAhmed, Institute for Policy Research and Development director, 2012 (Nafeez, “The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society”, Global Change, Peace and Security, SAGE, accessed 2/15/13, soap)
In one salient example, …….. if not planetary annihilation?61
Their method turns debate into a catastrophic prediction market-~-- we define down the standards for evidence by elevating extinction risks as the central criteria for evaluation-~--this orients society towards permanent war and evacuates critical public spheres which means the aff becomes anti-politicalElmer et al., Director of the Infoscape Research Lab, 2006 (Greg, “Surviving The Inevitable Future Preemption in an age of faulty intelligence”, Cultural Studies, 20.4-5, ebsco, ldg)
In the lead up to the presidential …..because the fraud may be our very own. | |
03/20/2013 | T - Restriction and IncentivesTournament: Ada | Round: 3 | Opponent: Boston College | Judge: Wiener Financial incentives are public fund disbursed for the purpose of inducing energy productionWebb, Ottawa, law lecturer, 1993 (Kernaghan, “Thumbs, Fingers, and Pushing on String: Legal Accountability in the Use of Federal Financial Incentives”, 31 Alta. L. Rev. 501, lexis, ldg)
In this paper, "financial incentives…….., but they are not incentives.
Restriction are direct governmental limitations -~-- excludes measures the only have limiting effectsViterbo, Torino law professor, 2012 (Annamaria, International Economic Law and Monetary Measures: Limitations to States' Sovereignty and Dispute, pg. 166, ldg)
In order to distinguish an …. in itself, for all purposes. | |
03/20/2013 | 1NC Case v Boston College [Nat Gas applications - Energy Poverty]Tournament: ADA | Round: 3 | Opponent: BC | Judge: Wiener S
Spot pricing causes short term volatility -~-- Russia floods the market to crowd out producers and engages in collusion to drive up future prices -~-- turns the whole caseHulbert, European Energy Review lead analyst, 2012 (Matthew, “Why America Can Make or Break A New Global Gas World”, 8-5, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
But it’s not all bad news for Russia…… potential. Ironic times indeed.
Turns the case -~-- US entrance in the energy market results in gas dumping and undercutting of the LNG MarketRyan, Double Forte Management Consulting Services vice president, 2012 (Margaret, “Oil-linked Natural Gas Pricing Under Continued Pressure in Europe”, 8-28, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
Europe is supplied ……. the ongoing economic crisis.
Gas exports are key to Russia’s sphere-single biggest internalKoven, USAF colonel, 2012 (Alexander, “Under The Yoke: Europe's Natural Gas Dependency On Russia”, 1-3, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
To protect its leverage over ………. threat to its own security."35
Intrusions in their sphere of influence collapses relations and risk escalatory proxy wars.Cohen NYU Russian studies and history professor, 2010 (Stephen, “US-Russian Relations in an Age of American Triumphalism”, 5-25, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
The third post-1991 conflict …… can connect these dots.
Cheap natural gas blocks renewables feedstock development- key to solve toxic chemicalsBozell, Tennessee biomass chemistry professor, 2008 (Joseph, “Feedstocks for the Future”, Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 36.3, Wiley Online, ldg)
Incorporation of domestic renewable ……. the biorefinery's economic viability.
That hurts the environmentShabecoff, former NYT environmental reporter, 2007 (Philip, “Poisoned Profits”, May,, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg)
The toxification of the ……It cannot happen too soon.
Energy Poverty Adv
Infrastructure prevents effective exportsHertzog, Energy collective consultant, 10-1-12 (Christine, “Natural Gas – Is It Stunting Innovative Thinking?”,, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg)
Natural gas is seen …….. of natural gas.
No solvency and status quo solves- global production collapses export profitabilityMedlock, Rice University economics PhD, 2012 (Kenneth, “US LNG Exports: Truth and Consequence”, 8-10,, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg)
The prospect of exporting …… investments due to US domestic supply response.
Exports are self-defeating- the first wave would collapse the price differential and make it uneconomicalLevi, CFR energy senior fellow, 2012 (Michael, “A Strategy for U.S. Natural Gas Exports”, June,, DOA: 10-12-12, ldg)
The first way that prices could …… policy that is adopted.
Liquefaction in the US is too expensiveBrenner, Upstream: The International Oil and Gas Newspaper, 2010 (Noah, “US 'may become shale gas exporter”, 10-22, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg)
“At the moment ……. players chase the best market price.
Companies can’t make money on exportsWSJ 8-12-12 (“Don't Be Surprised if U.S. Gas Export Profits Leak Away”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-16-12, ldg)
But if "$3 in, $17 out" ……. is a wild card.
Exports cause price spikes-turns economyBloomberg 2012 (“U.S. Gas Export Limit of 10% Would Be ‘Smart,’ Dow CEO Says”, 4-26, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-16-12, ldg)
Chief Executive Officer Andrew ….. probably be smart.”
Wrecks manufacturing-they need the comparative advantageBiltz, Dow Jones chemical vice president, 2012 (George, “Manufacturing Key to Natural Gas Value”, 4-19, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-16-12, ldg)
While the nation struggles to find …….. back economic prosperity.
Communication theory assumes equality between subjects – it cannot account for the slave Brady, executive board member of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, 12 (Nicholas, “Louder Than the Dark: Toward an Acoustics of Suffering”, http:~/~/, accessed 1/7/13, soap)
The violence that ….. in their own dominion.
Deliberation is exclusive of cultural minoritiesDeveaux, 2005 Monique Deveaux, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Global Social Change, Ph.D., University of Cambridge, MPhil, University of Cambridge, MA and BA, McGill University, “Minorities Within Minorities: Equality, Rights and Diversity”, 2005, GBooks, Accessed 2/10/12 soap
Critics of deliberative democracy ….significance of citizens' differences.
Deliberation only confers legitimacy on existing institutions of oppression and silences dissent – only risks co-optionYoung, University of Chicago Political Science Professor, 2001 (Iris Marion, “Activist Challenges to Deliberative Democracy”, http:~/~/$FILE/Iris%20Marion%20Young%20-%20Activist%20Challenges%20to%20Deliberative%20Democracy.pdf, accessed 7/19/12, soap)
To this charge, the activist …..effectively silence real dissent.
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03/20/2013 | 1NR Case v Boston College [Nat Gas Energy Poverty]Tournament: ADA | Round: 3 | Opponent: BC | Judge: Wiener 1NRS
Russian export revenues are key to keep domestic prices low and distribute societal goods-alternative is internal instabilityGhaleb, Central European University energy security PhD candidate, 2011 (Alexander, “Natural Gas As An Instrument Of Russian State Power”, October, online pdf, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
Through the use …….. wrote, “the primary motive is political.”75
Russia only fights us if we interfere with themBandow, CATO senior fellow, 2012 (Doug, “NATO and Libya: It's Time To Retire a Fading Alliance”, 1-2, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-2-12, ldg)
Potentially more …….. great military equalizer. AdvantageNo exportsShaw, Alaska Fairbanks marine science professor, 8-16-12 (David, “Should the United States Export Natural Gas?”, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-16-12, ldg)
The L.N.G. infrastructure (……. market stability.
Alt cause- labor shortages and currency manipulationMarkowitz, Inc. reporter, 2012 (Eric, “Exposing the Myths About American Manufacturing”, 2-1,, DOA: 10-13-12, ldg)
Although the tide …….. the race to the bottom."
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03/20/2013 | 2NC T - Restriction/IncentiveTournament: ADA | Round: 3 | Opponent: BC | Judge: Wiener 1. Anything can affect energy markets-plan un-limitsEIA 1992 (Energy Information Administration, “Federal Energy Subsidies: Direct and Indirect Interventions in Energy Markets,” ftp:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
In some sense, most Federal policies ……public enterprise, or research and development.
2. There are numerous industries the AFF allows into the topic because they deal with energy.Tacoa-Vielma, WTO trade in services division counselor, 2003 (Jasmin, “Energy And Environmental Services: Negotiating Objectives and Development Priorities,”, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
Another perceived deficiency ………coverage by GATS commitments.
2. Financial incentives must be targeted at energy generationO’Brien, UK Energy and Climate Change state minister, 2008 (Mike, “Clause 20 — Terms and conditions”, 11-18, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-27-12, ldg)
I have quite a lot still to say, ……. will be a real feed-in tariff scheme.
3. For’ requires a direct relationship, it can’t be something that just affects the objectWord and Phrases 2004 (Words and Phrases Permanent Edition, “For,” Volume 17, p. 338-343 November 2004, Thomson West)
WD Tenn 1942. …… an indirect relation.
FOR is exclusiveClegg, National Legal Center for the Public Interest general counsel, 1995 (Roger, “Reclaiming The Text of The Takings Clause,” 46 S.C. L. Rev. 531, Summer, lexis, ldg)
Even if it made no sense to ……. of the Amendment. n20 | |
03/20/2013 | 2NC K v Wake HQ [Nuclear Restrictions - Warming]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Questions of the environment we occupy must be reframed and analyzed from blacknessMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 72-73, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
In his introduction to Leviathan, …. politicized race and space | |
03/29/2013 | 1NC NDT Rd 1Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Their approach ensures there’s no gains from argumentation- debate is worthless without the predictability that is necessary to generate a starting point for discussion The aff collapses deliberation- agreement on the fundamentals of the discussion is essential to prevent political debates from devolving into irresolvable ideological disputes. By extension, partisan ……alternative positions evaluated. Specifically, a pre-condition to dealing with race is that the each side have the opportunity to rigorously test and carefully scrutinize the other’s arguments. The impact is the impossibility of better and more productive conversation about race and white supremacy. Does this solution, ……of all participants. K2 The Affirmatives reformism will to fail due to the failure to cope with the deeper antagonisms of modernity. The result is securitized and militarized responses to crises that culminate in war. The twenty-first ……in violent conflict. The state is the site of White supremacy because it hides the structures of gratuitous violence The foundations of ……its ritualistic violence. This logic is based on a desire to control and manage that renders everything knowable and hence predictable - the impact is mass war and violence---vote neg to reprogram our ontological presuppositions I see such ……and violence? Will our thought? Alternative: A paradigmatic analysis of the underlying antagonism's of the 1AC The aff's view of violence as explainable and contingent makes invisible that violence which is based off accumulation and fungibility which is the root cause of their impacts - Recognition of the object status of the slave is key IN THE INTRODUCTION ……grammar of suffering Climate Justice AFF re-inscribes scarcity by always focusing on supply. This crowds out efforts to reduce demand and is unsustainable. This comes first because scarcity is constructed prior to material energy mixes. BEYOND THE 'SCARCITY' ……economy of desire. Sustainability is a ruse for infinite economic growth and capital But these are ……of that Earth Biodiversity highest in 65 million years AND any decline is not anthropogenic AND preserving it only prevents evolution which strengthens the biosphere Notice next that ……survive those changes. The United States relationship to red bodies is organized around the Settler Colonial management of life. The anxious desire to control the Indigenous other results in genocidal violence Representing Native populations ……of U.S. governance. Warming No modeling Even if warming is true, framing it as apocalypse re-entrenches technical management and leads to insufficient solutions While the dangers ……life on Earth. Focusing on state politics absolves individual responsibility for the environment and turns case – independent reason to vote neg Thirdly, it can ……by a security framework. Negative feedbacks stop runaway warming According to Lindzen ……art climate models. | |
03/29/2013 | 2NC Wilderson K Cards NDT Rd 1Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Global warming is ……address the crisis.41 Wind energy forces tribes to exchange spirituality for economics Wealthier communities are ……of environmental racism?" Law functions as a preserver of a white supremacist status quo. Deconstructing law is key to analyzing the operations of white supremacy. Slavery built the system of law by establishing one of the three core terms of legality What Fanon means … these societies. We control uniqueness – If the black body is positioned by social death then radical humanism can never account for their position Without this gratuitous …death of Blacks. | |
03/29/2013 | 1NR Case Cards NDT Rd 1Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Emory Cm | Judge: We are a prior question – oppression of indigenous bodies set the state for all other impacts – it’s a sequencing question The stakes could ……and/or imperial ear."7 The inclusionary rhetoric of the affirmative only re-entrenches colonialism When these two ……equality, and humanity. This is specifically true in terms of energy policy The Energy Policy ……to its doom. Warming No spillover– lack of domestic US support and cooperation China continues to ……moral high ground. Warming rhetoric is destroying effective approaches now To understand why ……but to avert it. | |
03/29/2013 | NDT RD 3 T - In the U.S.Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Northwestern MP | Judge: Excerpted from …….. by reason of the place of birth. | |
03/29/2013 | NDT RD 3 Wilderson KTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Northwestern MP | Judge: The state is the site of White supremacy because it hides the structures of gratuitous violence The foundations of US ……. its ritualistic violence. The aff's view of violence as explainable and contingent makes invisible that violence which is based off accumulation and fungibility which is the antagonism at the root of the 1AC's harms IN THE INTRODUCTION and chapter 1…….. the Slave's grammar of suffering The Alternative is a politics of refusal. What is needed is the radical injection of society’s incoherence, the ‘wretched of the earth;’ the politics of the Black Body with a gesture towards the disconfiguration of Civil Society. Without the textual categories of dress, ……… be pursued to the death. 2NC Warming is a product of racism that seeks to uphold white consumption - only a dismantling of racist structures can solve Global warming is ……. address the crisis.41 The use of the political to answer the call of ethics causes the political to make itself indispensable in a never ending cycle of control Solar is just more green consumerism None of this would matter……….. have embraced the green agenda might suddenly discover another urgent cause. | |
03/29/2013 | NDT RD 3 A2 Warming ADVTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Northwestern MP | Judge: Even if warming is true, framing it as apocalypse re-entrenches technical management and leads to insufficient solutions While the dangers of ……..—the ongoing destruction of life on Earth. Focusing on state politics absolves individual responsibility for the environment and turns case – independent reason to vote neg Thirdly, it can be claimed ……… by a security framework. No solvency and turn: Construction and launching of SPS emits co2 Solar power generation, ………. reduction in electric power. SPS can’t solve – many conditions aren’t met Arthur Smith laments the lack ……….. be unwise and unwarranted. Prizes fail – lack of external financing, unquantifiable goals, and duplication Prizes have significant limitations. In most circumstances, they should not be the policy instrument of choice for science and technology. Since only winning teams receive prizes, and only after they have won, all entrants must have or raise the funds necessary to compete. Most researchers and small and medium-sized companies find it difficult to self-finance or raise external funding. For example, offering a prize for a breakthrough in high-energy physics would not work if it required physicists to raise billions of dollars to build a new particle accelerator. Furthermore, it may be impossible to clearly specify in advance what the victory conditions are, since the outcomes of fundamental research are, by definition, unknowable or difficult to quantify in advance. Many of the most interesting discoveries in science are serendipitous. Even when the goals of a prize are generally understood, it may be difficult to develop appropriately specific proxies for those goals, such as an improvement in the price-to-performance ratio of a given technology, or widespread market acceptance. Finally, prizes are more likely than traditional funding mechanisms to lead to duplication of effort, although this effect can be mitigated through careful program design (Newell and Wilson 2005). No extinction In a paper published in ……. fluctuations in climate." Newest and best empirical study proves no impact to oceans Alarmists and anti-CO2 ……. scientific sunlight. Coal in decline now During the presidential campaign ……. to natural gas if they can.” Passing the tipping point inevitable In relation to the first two issues, ……. those directly informing policy. No international cooperation China continues to lead …… moral high ground. Negative feedbacks stop runaway warming 1NR – Warming US switching from coal now – Cheap gas and EPA Regs Coal has been the ……. its climate pollution abroad. EPA Regs mean no new plants A pair of clean air rules ……. not really competitive," Wang says. Can’t solve-eliminating every coal plant would only be a point 2 degree change Who could have dreamed solving ……… can possibly do anything about it. We control uniqueness - Warming rhetoric is destroying effective approaches now To understand why fewer people believe ………: we should not seek to ignore it, or simply brace for it, but to avert it. Using catastrophic rhetoric to mobilize the public against warming just causes polarization and guarantees no action The green bubble of seemingly …… reduce belief in global warming. Securitization undermines cooperation---turns case Opponents were ……… and climate security discourses respectively. Not cheap or feasible – worse than normal solar For example, transmission …… would say “don’t bother.” Discount all their evidence-it relies on hyperbole to create interest You don’t have to spend much …….. the activists are excited about. | |
03/29/2013 | NDT RD 3 A2 Advocacy ContentionTournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: Northwestern MP | Judge: Communication theory assumes equality between subjects – it cannot account for the slave The violence that …. in their own dominion. Deliberation is ineffective and re-entrenches the exclusionary logic that allows anti-blackness to exist Critics of deliberative democracy ….. to get to the heart of disputes. We can endorse the entirety of the 1AC without the pre-empts - The logic of Pre-Emption triggers cyclic violence by super-imposing fear politics upon the ballot Fear is always a good reason ….. of your world. Get used to it. Sustainability is a ruse for infinite economic growth and capital But these are not, I think, ……. small part of that Earth |
Tournament![]() | Round![]() | Report![]() |
USC | 2 |
Opponent: Iowa DH | Judge: Daniel Fitzmeir 1NC: Wilderson + Case |
USC | 4 |
Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Kathryn Kernoff 1NC: Wilderson + Case |
USC | 6 |
Opponent: Cornell FP | Judge: Logan Mirnoff-Chin 1NC: Wilderson + Case |
CSUF | 2 |
Opponent: SFSU AT | Judge: Deven Cooper 1NC: Wilderson + Case |
CSUF | 3 |
Opponent: Kansas CG | Judge: Logan Mirnoff-Chin 1NC: Wilderson + Case |
CSUF | 5 |
Opponent: Whitman MM | Judge: Daniel Fitzmier 1NC: Wilderson + Preemption PIC + Case |
Navy | 1 |
Opponent: Rutgers HM | Judge: 1AC 1NC: |
Navy | 4 |
Opponent: Cornell PW | Judge: Renee Elrich 1AC: |
Navy | 5 |
Opponent: GMU LK | Judge: Krustifek 1AC: |
Navy | 8 |
Opponent: Harvard BN | Judge: Jack Ewing 1AC: |
Georgia | 3 |
Opponent: Central Florida JV | Judge: Marie E. 1AC: Place nuclear reactors in high socio-economic communities - solves environmental justice. 1NC 2NC 2NR |
Georgia | 5 |
Opponent: Wake CW | Judge: Nick Schuillo 1AC 1NC 2NC 2NR |
Northwestern | 1 |
Opponent: JCU MS | Judge: Donny Peters 1AC 1NC 2NC 1NR 2NR |
Northwestern | 4 |
Opponent: Weber State OS | Judge: Erik Holland 1AC 1NC 2NC 1NR 2NR |
Northwestern | 5 |
Opponent: UTSA MX | Judge: Alex McVey 1AC 1NC 2NC 1NR 2NR |
Northwestern | 8 |
Opponent: Michigan HL | Judge: Jarrod Atchison 1NC 2NC 1NR 2NR: |
D7! | 1 |
Opponent: Georgetown CV | Judge: Paul Mabrey 1AC: 1NC 2NC 2NR |
D7! | 5 |
Opponent: UMW LP | Judge: Sydney Pasquenelli 1AC 1NC 2NC 2NR |
D7! | 4 |
Opponent: DCCC BS | Judge: Amber Kelsie 1AC 1NC 2AC 2NC 1NR 2NR |
D7! | 8 |
Opponent: GWU NS | Judge: Hayes, Pasquenelli, Wiener 1AC 1NC 2AC 2NC 1NR 2NR |
JV/Novice | 2 |
Opponent: Army HH | Judge: Mike Davis 1NC 2NC 2NR: |
JV/Novice | 4 |
Opponent: GMU KM | Judge: Jason Walker 1AC 1NC 2NC 2NR |
JV/Novice | 6 |
Opponent: USMA BS | Judge: Sean Lowry 1AC 1NC 2NC 1NR 2NR |
ADA | 1 |
Opponent: Emory FH | Judge: 1AC 1NC 2NC 2NR |
ADA | 3 |
Opponent: Boston College FM | Judge: Jake Wiener 1AC 1NC 2NC 2NR |
ADA | 6 |
Opponent: Wake HQ | Judge: 1AC 1NC 2NC 2NR |
NDT | 2 |
Opponent: NU MP | Judge: Najor, Allen, Ziegler 1AC 1NC 2NC 1NR 2NR |
NDT | 1 |
Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Reynolds, Quigley, J. V. Reed 1AC 1NC 2NC 1NR 2NR: |
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Air Force
Appalachian State
Arizona State
Boston College
CSU Northridge
CSU Sacramento
Cal Berkeley
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Cal Poly SLO
Case Western
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Central Oklahoma
East Los Angeles College
Eastern Washington
Fayetteville State
Florida Int'l
Florida State
Fort Hays
Fresno State
Gainesville State
George Mason
George Washington
Georgia State
Georgia Tech
Idaho State
Illinois State
James Madison
John Carroll
Johns Hopkins
Johnson County CC
Kansas State
LA City College
Lewis-Clark State College
Los Rios
Mary Washington
Miami FL
Miami OH
Michigan State
Missouri State
New School
North Texas
Northern Iowa
Notre Dame
Ohio Wesleyan
Portland State
Puget Sound
San Diego State
San Francisco State
Santa Clara
South Florida St Pete
Southern Methodist
Texas State
Texas-San Antonio
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest
Wayne State
West Georgia
West Virginia
Western Connecticut
Wichita State
Wisconsin Oshkosh