General Actions:
# | Date | Entry |
01/03/2013 | CSU 1ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Black Revolution 1AC
Energy production is inherently a white-over-black system. The focus on production obscures the real problem of the racial American culture that glorifies consumption. We cannot begin to address this problem until we get rid of the racial hierarchy that maintains America Mandell, J.D,‘8 (Bekah “Racial Reification and Global Warming: A Truly Inconvenient Truth” 4-1-8 http:~/~/ Boston College Third World Law Journal Volume 28 Issue 2 accessed: 10-27-12 mlb)
Global warming is an unforeseen side effect ………. actions to address the crisis.41
Blackness is only present through a continuous grammar of suffering; that grammar is one of accumulation and fungibility through a status of non-humanity that positions slaves as provision for Civil Society. The meta-physical and gratuitous violence creates the dichotomy between structural life and death – making the African that entered the ship a Black when it went. Fungibility is the structural essence for Civil Society and the condition of possibility for the ‘living.’ Pak, Philosophy PhD 12 (Yumi , "Outside Relationality: Autobiographical Deformations and the Literary Lineage of Afro-Pessimism in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature." Dissertation Accessed: 12-26-12 mlb)
Because the four authors I examine focus …. in the dialectic, as “anti-Human.”
This fungibility is replicated throughout status quo energy policy where Black suffering has created the condition of possibility for an advancement of consumption with no paradigm to evaluate it all. There is only the possibility of black trash when dealing with the question of energy production and the main goal is always consumption just to get out the solution only leading to a bigger problem. We are here to discuss the underside of the resolution it’s excretion , the crude process of production the continually posits blacks as the waste that must be disposed ofMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 83-89, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
Finally, Marxist explanations of white ……… racialized refuse, the black trash, of the white body politic.
Due to their position as black trash in terms of energy, blacks are rendered a disposable population that the US can dump its waste on and build harmful environmental plants around causing death and disease throughout the communitiesAABE, American Association of Blacks in Energy, 4 (“Energy, Economics, and the Environment: Effects on African Americans”, February, http:~/~/, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
African Americans are more ……. provide guidance on the likely effects of each.
This is also seen in efforts to clean up our economy. This “greenwashing” just move us towards a new “green capitalism” that just causes the same oppression with an environmentally friendly smileDawson, CUNY English professor, 2010 (Ashley, “Climate Justice: The Emerging Movement against Green Capitalism”, South Atlantic Quarterly; Spring2010, Vol. 109 Issue 2, p313-338, 26p, ebsco, ldg)
A specter is haunting the planet—the specter of ecocide. ……….human waste” it produces.
Questions of the environment we occupy must be reframed and analyzed for the position blacknessMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 72-73, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
In his introduction to Leviathan…… of politicized race and space
Our unflinching paradigmatic analysis that calls for the end of America. If we win the question of how the US has ethically distanced itself from Black and Red bodies then the round becomes a question of how we orient our intellectual discourse; the alternative calls for a revolutionary zeitgeist aimed at the overthrow of the political-project that is America.Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 2-4. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 08-08-2012, AJH)
What are we to make of a …….by a revolutionary Zeitgeist.
The gratuitous violence of the slave stops even radical change – only a new conceptual framework can interrogate the failures of civil society Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 54-57 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
IN THE INTRODUCTION and chapter 1, …….. Slave's grammar of suffering.
America is based on the suffering of the slave, an antagonism that cannot be articulated within existing discourse. Struggles that glorify civil society only prop up anti-blackness. Only the demand and recognition of the slave without reformation can solve. Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama ‘3 (Frank III “Gramsci’s Black Marx: Whither the Slave in Civil Society” Social Identities Vol. 9 no. 2 accessed: 12-25-12 mlb)
The value of reintroducing ………. contain the seeds of anti-blackness
Black is not an identity – it is a position – focusing on the subjective veils the object of the slaveWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 23-25 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Throughout this book I use ….. the living and the dead.)
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01/03/2013 | 2AC Fleeing KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
The grammar of suffering that has resulted from white supremacy has made it impossible to theorize a black ontology through the status of humanity. The middle passage has made the African that entered the ship into a Black when they left Wilderson, 10 professor of African American Studies at University of California, Irvine, 2003 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 36-38) ejf
Fanon is not attempting ….eyes of Humanity.8
Humanism and status quo philosophical thought is based on the fungibility of the slave – supposed revolutionary discourses rely on the death of the slaveWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 19-22 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Again, what is important … any era heretofore.
We control unx - The slave is already extinctSexton, UC Irvine African American Studies Director ‘10 (Jared, PhD Ethnic Stuides UC Berkeley “The Curtain of the Sky: An Introduction” 2-1-10 Critical Sociology 36:11 DOI: 10.1177/0896920509347136 via sage accessed: 12-23-12 mlb)
To suffer the loss ….and mass imprisonment (Davis 2003).
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01/03/2013 | 2AC A2: MembeTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: CaseThe negative’s deployment of the term fetish in their Mbembeevidence to describe an irrational obsession with an object replicates the long history of the term which is a racist representation of African religions rooted in European Colonialism.West, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the New School University, 2003 (Harry G., “Transparency and Conspiracy Ethnographies of suspicion in the new world order, Pg 249) More than four hundred …..cosmopolitan New York City.
Only rejecting the affirmative for deploying the term fetish has the potential to unravel the history of European colonialism which spawned the Enlightenment.West, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the New School University, 2003 (Harry G., “Transparency and Conspiracy Ethnographies of suspicion in the new world order, Pg 249-251) A “theoretically suggestive” ……Haiti, Abner Louima's country.
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01/03/2013 | 2AC FrameworkTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Policy focus inevitably creates cycles of failure, reduces world to bare life, nature to standing reserve – a radical ethics is key Smith, Queen’s Environmental Studies professor, 2011 (Mick, Against Ecological Sovereignty: Ethics, Biopolitics, and Saving the Natural World, pg 219-221, ldg)
The purpose of …..of ecological sovereignty.
Their formulation of the state as the pentacle of ethical action leads to individual inaction and cedes power to warmongers Kappeler, Freelance author and teacher in England and Germany, 95 (Susanne, The Will to Violence: the Politics of Personal Behavior, p. 9-11)
War does not …..or doing nothing.
Civil society is built upon gratuitous violence towards the slave – pragmatism and calls to uphold the state only mystify the grammars of suffering. No reform or law can solve Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 10-11 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Regarding the Black …..awaits an answer.
Framework is an attempt to maintain the white supremacist control of the status quo – that also kills the educational potential of debate Butler 2004 (Judith, Professor of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at UC-Berkeley, “Precarious Life: The Power of Mourning and Violence”, p.xx-xxi.)
To decide what …..effects of war.
Predictability serves as a policing of difference that penalizes anyone who doesn’t fit the “norm” of society Dantley, Miami educational leadership professor, 2002 (Michael, “Uprooting And Replacing Positivism, The Melting Pot, Multiculturalism, And Other Impotent Notions In Educational Leadership Through An African American Perspective”, Education and Urban Society, 34.3, SAGE, ldg)
The cultural thought … of Le Corbusier or Meis. (p. 143)
Fairness is not neutral or objective but rather shot through with biases produced by dominant power relations Delgado, a professor at the Seattle University School of Law, 92 (Richard, “Shadowboxing: An Essay on Power”, May, Cornell Law Review, accessed 12/22/12, soap)
We have cleverly …..get away with it.
The distance and detachment of switch-side debate facilitates institutionalized violence Mediatore, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ohio Wesleyan University, 7 (Shari Stone- in 2007(Challenging Academic Norms: An Epistemology for Feminist and Multicultural Classrooms http:~/~/, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
Continued appeals to …..suffering more directly.4
Politics is in a state of terminal decay, an absolute blurring between war, ideology, and policymaking. Only politics as deconstruction can reclaim the political. Saving the world be the century of the other | |
01/03/2013 | 2AC SpeciesismTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Also, not a reason why you can’t endorse both methods.Mills ’97 Charles Mills, Associate Professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois, Chicago. He is author of blackness visible: Essays on philosophy and race, also from Cornell. Cornell University Press, “The Racial Contract”, 1997, Page(s) 26-27 soap
It would be a …..dominated by Europeans.
Transcendence is not applicable to the black body Yancy, Professor at Duquense University, 2005 (George, “Whiteness and the Return of the Black Body”, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 19, No. 4, Project Muse, retrieved April 15, 2010) blh I write out of …..of human value. (Snead 1994, 4).
Only a diverse movement can solve Torres, assistant professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University, 2007 (Bob, BA in org/wiki/Philosophy||title="Philosophy" and a BS in Agricultural org/wiki/Agricultural_Science||title="Agricultural Science" from Pennsylvania State org/wiki/Pennsylvania_State_University||title="Pennsylvania State University", MS and PhD in Development Sociology from Cornell org/wiki/Cornell_University||title="Cornell University", was a Fulbright Scholar in Spain, "Making a killing", p 117-9)
The way to …..domination of nature.
Their color blind approach helps to perpetuate the covert existence of institutional practices of exclusion and subversion – to deny Blackness is to erase black existence and sustain white supremacy McClendon, associate professor of African American and American Cultural Studies, 2003 (John H., professor at Bates College, “Act Your Age and Not Your Color: Blackness as Material Conditions, Presumptive Context, and Social Category”, White on White/Black on Black, pps 284-286) blh
This is why …..course of history. | |
01/03/2013 | 2AC A2: AntiptxTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The slave cannot be part of the political and must be the basis to address gratuitous violenceWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 142 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Given this state …..capacity of the Black. | |
01/04/2013 | 2AC Bright-fields Counter-Advocacy [Kansas CG]Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Their use of the word ‘disability’ must be a voting issue – Ableist Speech strengthens oppression and destroys the purposes of public debate – the impacts outweigh Wheelchair Dancer, 4-28-08 ("On Making Argument: Disability and Language ", accessed 10-13-12) RKB
If you are feeling a little bit of ……. speak out in the first place.
The use of the political to answer the call of ethics causes the political to make itself indispensable in a never ending cycle of controlHershock, Project Fellow at the EastWest Center, 1999 Peter D., Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Hawaii, "Changing the Way Society Changes: Transposing Social Activism into a Dramatic Key", Journal of Buddhist Ethics 6, p 158-150, cnb I have argued at some length (Hershock, 1999) ……. so is its future.
State actions seek to only mystify the antagonistic relationship that exists between the Settler/Master and certain bodies; maintaining the imaginary of Civil Society through a perpetual state of gratuitous violence Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 10 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 10-11. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-13-2012, soap)
Regarding the Black position, ………. Columbia University awaits an answer | |
01/07/2013 | 2AC Sexual DifferenceTournament: CSUF | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Racism informs sexism through the acting out of the myth of masculinity that is perpetuated by white supremacist – capitalist – patriarchy. Only interrogating the connections between racism and sexism can we challenge the system of power.bell hooks, Distinguished Professor of English at City College in New York, 1990. (Yearning: race gender and cultural politics, 63-64) amb To fully understand …. collective plight of black people.
The structure of their argument undermines feminism—the claim that a single link results in a big “root cause” impact marginalizes struggles against other forms of violence and discrimination Feminism is not dead. It is …. societal consciousness raising
Slavery is the great leveler of Black positionality; this is the context for the entirety of our AFF. Our call for Gratuitous Freedom is always a prior question because it resolves the structural violence that positions the Black Female as a paradox of non-being. This also means the two positions are not mutually exclusive.Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2003
Slavery is the …. a living laboratory. (emphasis mine, p. 68)
Our evidence is much better on how these contingent freedoms just allow an appropriation of violence through the black body only an end of the of civil society can solve the harms isolated by the affirmative and negative.Wilderson ’10 Frank B. Wilderson, Wilderson is an associate professor of African American studies and drama at the University of California, Irvine, “Red, White, and Black: Cinema and Structure of US Antagonisms”, 2010, Pg. 54-55 soap What is remarkable about …… anti-Black policing.
The alternative cannot be accessed by women of color until racism is dealt with in their communitiesPhillips ‘6 Layli Phillips, is Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies at Georgia State University, where she teaches courses in Black feminism and Womanism, the African American lesbian and gay experience, the psychology of women, and feminist methodology, “The Womanist Reader”, 2006, Google Books, accessed 10/12/11 soap Too many Blacks have ..surrenduring sense of identity | |
01/07/2013 | 1AC CSUF UDTournament: CSUF | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Civil society masks its oppression by attempting to be infinitely inclusive but can never fully include the black forcing them to structurally adjust only replicating the fungibility of the slaveWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 24-26. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-20-2012, AJH)
No one makes films and ……. concerning institutional integrity.
The black is the scandal of civil society that poses a radical incoherence on the logic of capitalism. Only the demand of the slave calls into question the concept of work not just the way work is structured.Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2003
The Black experience in this …… expanding civil society as well. | |
01/28/2013 | 2AC Black FrameworkTournament: Navy | Round: 6 | Opponent: Towson HW | Judge: Vik Keenan Our action is still aligned with Wilderson’s politics. The black college student has a responsibility to legitimate out brothers actions.H. Rap Brown 1969 (also known as Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, former Justice Minister of the Black Panther Party and chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Die Nigger Die! A Political Autobiography, accessed 12/26/11)WKS *Gender Edited All Black people are ……….. profound impact on you.
The slave cannot be part of the political and must be the basis to address gratuitous violence – means grassroots movements are not accessibleWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 142 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Given this state of affairs, …… police the political capacity of the Black.
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01/28/2013 | 1AC CommuncationTournament: Navy | Round: 3 | Opponent: GWU NS | Judge: Terrell Taylor Black Revolution 1AC
Energy production is inherently a white-over-black system. The focus on production obscures the real problem of the racial American culture that glorifies consumption. We cannot begin to address this problem until we get rid of the racial hierarchy that maintains America Mandell, J.D,‘8 (Bekah “Racial Reification and Global Warming: A Truly Inconvenient Truth” 4-1-8 http:~/~/ Boston College Third World Law Journal Volume 28 Issue 2 accessed: 10-27-12 mlb)
Global warming is ……actions to address the crisis.41
Blackness is only present through a continuous grammar of suffering; that grammar is one of accumulation and fungibility through a status of non-humanity that positions slaves as provision for Civil Society. The meta-physical and gratuitous violence creates the dichotomy between structural life and death – making the African that entered the ship a Black when it went. Fungibility is the structural essence for Civil Society and the condition of possibility for the ‘living.’ Pak, Philosophy PhD 12 (Yumi , "Outside Relationality: Autobiographical Deformations and the Literary Lineage of Afro-Pessimism in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature." Dissertation Accessed: 12-26-12 mlb)
Because the four ……. dialectic, as “anti-Human.”
Our argument is not that Blacks are socially dead but Black social life is policed by social death Pak, Philosophy PhD, 12 (Yumi , "Outside Relationality: Autobiographical Deformations and the Literary Lineage of Afro-Pessimism in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature." Dissertation Accessed 1/6/13, soap)
Furthermore, I do ……. of civil (or social) society.
This fungibility is replicated throughout status quo energy policy where Black suffering has created the condition of possibility for an advancement of consumption with no paradigm to evaluate it all. There is only the possibility of black trash when dealing with the question of energy production and the main goal is always consumption just to get out the solution only leading to a bigger problem. We are here to discuss the underside of the resolution it’s excretion , the crude process of production the continually posits blacks as the waste that must be disposed ofMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 83-89, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
Finally, Marxist ……. white body politic.
This is also seen in efforts to clean up our economy. This “greenwashing” just move us towards a new “green capitalism” that just causes the same oppression with an environmentally friendly smileDawson, CUNY English professor, 2010 (Ashley, “Climate Justice: The Emerging Movement against Green Capitalism”, South Atlantic Quarterly; Spring2010, Vol. 109 Issue 2, p313-338, 26p, ebsco, ldg)
A specter is haunting ……….. “human waste” it produces.
Questions of the environment we occupy must be reframed and analyzed for the position blacknessMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 72-73, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
In his introduction ……. race and space
Our unflinching paradigmatic analysis that calls for the end of the world. If we win the that the US has ethically distanced itself from Black and Red bodies then the round becomes a question of how we orient our intellectual discourse; the alternative calls for a revolutionary zeitgeist aimed at the overthrow of the political-project that is America.Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 2-4. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 08-08-2012, AJH)
What are we to ….. a revolutionary Zeitgeist.
The slave is anti-human and suffers ontologically so our paradigmatic analysis cannot be seen through civil society Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 10-11 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Regarding the Black position…… awaits an answer.
Civil society masks its oppression by attempting to be infinitely inclusive but can never fully include the black forcing them to structurally adjust only replicating the fungibility of the slaveWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 24-26. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-20-2012, AJH)
No one makes films and …… concerning institutional integrity.
Black and Red Bodies exist in a state of perpetual violence through a life constituted by disorientation as opposed to contingently interrupted by it. This is the structural position of being the Slave and Savage position external to the realm of the Settler/Master; violence as paradigmatic necessity subsumes cognitive maps and conceptual frameworks both systemically and epistemic contexts Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2011 (Frank B. , Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, “The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents,” pdf, http:~/~/, Pages, 2-6, Written in Winter 2011, Accessed 08-08-2012, AJH)
2 With only small …. turn myself in.
Communication theory assumes equality between subjects – it cannot account for the position of the slave Brady, executive board member of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, 12 (Nicholas, “Louder Than the Dark: Toward an Acoustics of Suffering”, http:~/~/, accessed 1/7/13, soap)
The violence that …… their own dominion.
Deliberation is exclusive of cultural minorities and opposing forms of scholarshipDeveaux, 2005 Monique Deveaux, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Global Social Change, Ph.D., University of Cambridge, MPhil, University of Cambridge, MA and BA, McGill University, “Minorities Within Minorities: Equality, Rights and Diversity”, 2005, GBooks, Accessed 2/10/12 soap
Critics of deliberative ….of citizens' differences.
Deliberation only confers legitimacy on existing institutions of oppression and silences dissent – only risks co-optionYoung, University of Chicago Political Science Professor, 2001 (Iris Marion, “Activist Challenges to Deliberative Democracy”, http:~/~/$FILE/Iris%20Marion%20Young%20-%20Activist%20Challenges%20to%20Deliberative%20Democracy.pdf, accessed 7/19/12, soap)
To this charge, the activist ….. silence real dissent.
Obsession with imagining ourselves as the state is a form of group think that’s the root cause of violence and strips life of all meaning Shaffer, Southwestern University law professor, 2007 (Butler, “Identifying With the State” 6-29, http:~/~/, DOA: 3-21-12, ldg)
One of the deadliest …… integrity in our lives. | |
01/28/2013 | 2AC Framework UDTournament: Navy | Round: 3 | Opponent: GWU NS | Judge: Terrell Taylor Politics is in a state of terminal decay, an absolute blurring between war, ideology, and policymaking. Only politics as deconstruction can reclaim the political.McQuillan, Professor of Literary Theory and Cultural Analysis and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Kingston University, 9(Martin McQuillan, , London, where he is also Co-Director of The London Graduate School, “Infinite Preface” in Deconstruction After 9/11, Routledge pub. 2009, soap)
Saving the world …… of the other. Their focus on creating “plans” and “roadmaps” to freedom just turn into violent messianism where those who don’t fit their picture of freedom get excludedCaputo, Professor of Religion Emeritus at Syracuse University, 97 (John D. Caputo, Thomas J. Watson and the David R. Cook Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Villanova University, 1997, Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida, pp. 156-162, http:~/~/, accessed 1-7-13, soap)
It is clear to anyone …… the coming of the Messiah. Always. Environmental apocalypticism causes eco-authoritarianism and mass violence against those deemed environmental threats-~--also causes political apathy which turns caseBuell, Queens College English professor, 2003 (Frederick, From Apocalypse To Way of Life, pg 185-6, ldg)
Looked at critically, then, ……… clearly terminal “nature.” | |
01/28/2013 | 1AC Contingent FreedomTournament: Navy | Round: 2 | Opponent: Towson JR | Judge: Shree Asware Energy production is inherently a white-over-black system. The focus on production obscures the real problem of the racial American culture that glorifies consumption. We cannot begin to address this problem until we get rid of the racial hierarchy that maintains America Mandell, J.D,‘8 (Bekah “Racial Reification and Global Warming: A Truly Inconvenient Truth” 4-1-8 http:~/~/ Boston College Third World Law Journal Volume 28 Issue 2 accessed: 10-27-12 mlb)
Global warming is an . actions to address the crisis.41
Blackness is only present through a continuous grammar of suffering; that grammar is one of accumulation and fungibility through a status of non-humanity that positions slaves as provision for Civil Society. The meta-physical and gratuitous violence creates the dichotomy between structural life and death – making the African that entered the ship a Black when it went. Fungibility is the structural essence for Civil Society and the condition of possibility for the ‘living.’ Pak, Philosophy PhD 12 (Yumi , "Outside Relationality: Autobiographical Deformations and the Literary Lineage of Afro-Pessimism in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature." Dissertation Accessed: 12-26-12 mlb)
Because the four authors ….. in the dialectic, as “anti-Human.”
Our argument is not that Blacks are socially dead but Black social life is policed by social death Pak, Philosophy PhD, 12 (Yumi , "Outside Relationality: Autobiographical Deformations and the Literary Lineage of Afro-Pessimism in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature." Dissertation Accessed 1/6/13, soap)
Furthermore, I do not …of civil (or social) society.
This fungibility is replicated throughout status quo energy policy where Black suffering has created the condition of possibility for an advancement of consumption with no paradigm to evaluate it all. There is only the possibility of black trash when dealing with the question of energy production and the main goal is always consumption just to get out the solution only leading to a bigger problem. We are here to discuss the underside of the resolution it’s excretion , the crude process of production the continually posits blacks as the waste that must be disposed ofMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 83-89, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
Finally, Marxist explanations ……. white body politic.
This is also seen in efforts to clean up our economy. This “greenwashing” just move us towards a new “green capitalism” that just causes the same oppression with an environmentally friendly smileDawson, CUNY English professor, 2010 (Ashley, “Climate Justice: The Emerging Movement against Green Capitalism”, South Atlantic Quarterly; Spring2010, Vol. 109 Issue 2, p313-338, 26p, ebsco, ldg)
A specter is haunting ….. waste” it produces.
Questions of the environment we occupy must be reframed and analyzed for the position blacknessMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 72-73, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
In his introduction to Leviathan…….. and space
Our unflinching paradigmatic analysis that calls for the end of America. If we win the question of how the US has ethically distanced itself from Black and Red bodies then the round becomes a question of how we orient our intellectual discourse; the alternative calls for a revolutionary zeitgeist aimed at the overthrow of the political-project that is America.Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 2-4. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 08-08-2012, AJH)
What are we to make ……. a revolutionary Zeitgeist.
The gratuitous violence of the slave stops even radical change – only a new conceptual framework can interrogate the failures of civil society Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 54-57 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
IN THE INTRODUCTION and chapter 1…….. Slave's grammar of suffering.
America is based on the suffering of the slave, an antagonism that cannot be articulated within existing discourse. Struggles that glorify civil society only prop up anti-blackness. Only the demand and recognition of the slave without reformation can solve. Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama ‘3 (Frank III “Gramsci’s Black Marx: Whither the Slave in Civil Society” Social Identities Vol. 9 no. 2 accessed: 12-25-12 mlb)
The value of reintroducing …. the seeds of anti-blackness | |
01/28/2013 | 2AC Hope KTournament: Navy | Round: Octos | Opponent: USMA BS | Judge: Grandpre, Jacobs, Hayes Their brown evidence is answered by our PAK evidence – we do not think the black is socially dead we agree they have agency and just a policing of the ability to enact that agency.Brown goes our way - Brown concludes those are instances of survival not political agencyBrown, Harvard African American Studies Professor, ‘9 (Vincent, African Studies Professor, “Social Death and Political Life in the Study of Slavery” 12-09 http:~/~/ The Historical Review Vol. 114. No. 5 pp.1231-1249 accessed: 1-5-13 mlb)
This view of the cultural …. artifacts of political history. 5
In the face of an oppression that will force self-murder we only have the option of revolutionary suicide – we must fight no matter what the cost Newton ’73 Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the revolutionary Marxist-Leninist organization, the black panther party and was the party’s ranking leader and chief ideologue and strategist, “Revolutionary Suicide”, 1973, pg 2-3 soap Connected to reactionary ….. driven out with a stick.
The argument isn’t that there is no black social life rather that black life is lived in social deathSexton 2012 (Jared, Ante-Ante-Blackness: Afterthoughts. http:~/~/ African American Studies. University of California, Irvine) A living death is a ….. than" black optimism. 24url: Their insistence on black humanity mystifies how black life is locked within social death Wilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, 10 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 65-66, soap)
Embracing Black people's …..a world of other subjects.20 | |
01/28/2013 | 2AC AgambenTournament: Navy | Round: Octos | Opponent: USMA BS | Judge: Jacobs, Grandpre, Hayes Humanism can only view the world in terms of contingent violence – the gratuitous violence of the slave stops even radical change – only a new conceptual framework can interrogate the failures of civil societyWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 54-57 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
IN THE INTRODUCTION ….. Slave's grammar of suffering
Attempts to theorize Blackness from an external standpoint only reposits instantiations of the White imaginary.Yancy, Professor at Duquense University, 2005 (George, “Whiteness and the Return of the Black Body”, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 19, No. 4, Project Muse, retrieved April 15, 2010) blh
I write out of a personal ….. a scale of --human-- value. (Snead 1994, 4).
Their color blind approach helps to perpetuate the covert existence of institutional practices of exclusion and subversion – to deny Blackness is to erase black existence and sustain white supremacyMcClendon, associate professor of African American and American Cultural Studies, 2003 (John H., professor at Bates College, “Act Your Age and Not Your Color: Blackness as Material Conditions, Presumptive Context, and Social Category”, White on White/Black on Black, pps 284-286) blh This is why the color-blind …. the course of history.
Black is not an identity – it is a position – focusing on the subjective veils the object of the slaveWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 23-25 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Throughout this book I ….the living and the dead.)
Humanism and status quo philosophical thought is based on the fungibility of the slave – supposed revolutionary discourses rely on the death of the slaveWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 19-22 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Again, what is important for us ……. in any era heretofore. | |
01/28/2013 | 2AC Heg KTournament: Navy | Round: Quarters | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Pasquenelli, Harper, McVey Modernity and Enlightenment rationalism have radically increased violence and conflict—humanistic advances have only served to sanitize state violence.Hart, Ph.D. Former UVA Professor, 2012 (David Bentley, "The Precious Steven Pinker," First Things,, cab)
Whether Pinker himself ……, but spare us the mythology. | |
02/05/2013 | 2AC BuddhismTournament: Georgia | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgia HP | Judge: Abraham Corrigan No link - Black is not an identity – it is a positionWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 23-25 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Throughout this book ……and the dead.)
Even if they win a link - Identity is inevitable – using our identity is key to disrupt power hierarchies Ross, Professor British Romanticism, 20th Century African American Literature, Gender and Queer Theory, 2000 (Marlon B., Ph.D. University of Chicago, M.A. University of Chicago, B.A. Southwestern University, “Commentary: Pleasuring Identity, or the Delicious Politics of Belonging,” New Literary History, Vol. 31, No. 4, pages 847-848)blh
If we abandon…… of the dance.
The gratuitous violence of the slave stops even radical change – only a new conceptual framework can interrogate the failures of civil society Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 54-57 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
IN THE INTRODUCTION ……grammar of suffering.
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02/05/2013 | 2AC Warming DATournament: Georgia | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgia HP | Judge: Abraham Corrigan Environmental apocalypticism causes eco-authoritarianism and mass violence against those deemed environmental threats-~--also causes political apathy which turns solvency – independent reason to vote them down.Buell, Queens College English professor, 2003 (Frederick, From Apocalypse To Way of Life, pg 185-6, ldg)
Looked at critically…… clearly terminal “nature.”
Using catastrophic rhetoric to mobilize the public against warming just causes polarization and guarantees no action Shellenberger and Nordhaus, Co-founders of the Breakthrough Institute, 4 (Michael, Ted, “The Long Death of Environmentalism”, Accessed 11/14/12, soap)
The green bubble ……in global warming. | |
02/05/2013 | 2AC Framework UDTournament: Georgia | Round: 1 | Opponent: Georgia HP | Judge: Abraham Corrigan Without critical interrogation they constrain the boundaries of the possible and authorize ethical violence against others Butler, professor in the Rhetoric and Comparative Literature departments at the University of California, Berkeley, 2k (Judith Butler, , and is also the Hannah Arendt Professor of Philosophy at the European Graduate School. Butler received her PhD in philosophy from Yale University, “Changing the Subject: Judith Butler's Politics of Radical Resignification.”, interview conducted by Olson, Gary A.; Worsham, Lynn, JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory, v20 n4 p727-65 Fall 2000, http:~/~/, accessed 12/22/12, soap)
I'm always glad ……fundamentally capacious way.
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02/05/2013 | 2AC GilroyTournament: Georgia | Round: 4 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Darcy McCambell We control uniqueness – If the black body is positioned by social death then radical humanism can never account for their positionWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 20-21, pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-18-2012, AJH)
Without this gratuitous violence…… and the social death of Blacks.
Hatians revolted – means the aff is a good ideaFarley 4 Anthony Paul, Associate Professor at Boston College Law School, “Perfecting Slavery”,, Accessed: 11/15/11 soap VII. BURN What is …… problem of the colorline.
Gilroy’s criticism of racial theory conflates the lived experience with the representations of that experience. This places the location for change entirely in the mind in an attempt to rationalize our way out of racism. This ignores the experience of the physical perception of the black body which is critical to understanding the personal racial experiences that take place independently of the instances of structural racism that exist.Mahendran, professor at UC Berkeley, 2007 (Dilan, a Ph.D., candidate at UC Berkeley’s School of Information, Dilan’s academic areas of interest are in Race Critical Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophical Anthropology and Phenomenology, “The Facticity of Blackness A Non-conceptual approach to the Study of Race and Racism in Fanon’s and Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology”, HUMAN ARCHITECTURE: JOURNAL OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE, SUMMER 2007, 191-204) blh
This essay is an attempt to ……….. in the body that is already in the world.
Their color blind approach helps to perpetuate the covert existence of institutional practices of exclusion and subversion – to deny Blackness is to erase black existence and sustain white supremacy McClendon, associate professor of African American and American Cultural Studies, 2003 (John H., professor at Bates College, “Act Your Age and Not Your Color: Blackness as Material Conditions, Presumptive Context, and Social Category”, White on White/Black on Black, pps 284-286) blh
This is why the color-blind …….the course of history. | |
02/05/2013 | 2AC Framework UD AT: ResolvedTournament: Georgia | Round: 4 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Darcy McCampbell Resolved is to reduce by mental analysis Random House 11 (http:~/~/, accessed 12/22/12, soap)
to reduce by mental analysis (often followed by into).
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02/14/2013 | 1AC Communication UDTournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Georgia LS | Judge: Michael Ewald Attempts to theorize Blackness from an external standpoint only reposits instantiations of the White imaginary.Yancy, Professor at Duquense University, 2005 (George, “Whiteness and the Return of the Black Body”, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 19, No. 4, Project Muse, retrieved April 15, 2010) blh
I write out of a personal existential …. of --human-- value. (Snead 1994, 4). | |
02/14/2013 | 2AC Black White BinaryTournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Georgia LS | Judge: Michael Ewald They have the paradigm confused –We are not an exclusion but a realization that those identities still maintain humanity which makes their claim to oppression important but not structurally essentialWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 20-21, pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-18-2012, AJH)
Without this gratuitous violence…… death of Blacks.
Slave focus has been able to solve for the racial exclusion Perea identifies – only a risk that the call for a B/W Binary risks the same racial exclusion.Farley ‘98 Anthony Paul Farley, Associate Professor at Boston College Law School, “All Flesh Shall See It Together”, 1998,, Accessed: 6/4/12 soap
Sandrino-Glasser makes ….. read as a friendly intervention.
The black/white binary is essential to overcome white supremacy – means we solve their impactLasso, University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Law, 5 (Rogelio, “Some Potential Causalities of Moving beyond the Black/White Paradigm to Build Racial Coalitions”, L/N, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
As others have noted…….of white supremacy.
Multiracial coalitions fail – human selfishness and divided mentalityLasso, University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Law, 5 (Rogelio, “Some Potential Causalities of Moving beyond the Black/White Paradigm to Build Racial Coalitions”, L/N, accessed 2/5/13, soap)
IV The Dangers of ….. and academia. 3' | |
02/14/2013 | 2AC Warming DATournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Georgia LS | Judge: Michael Ewald
Using catastrophic rhetoric to mobilize the public against warming just causes polarization and guarantees no action Shellenberger and Nordhaus, Co-founders of the Breakthrough Institute, 4(Michael, Ted, “The Long Death of Environmentalism”, Accessed 11/14/12, soap)
The green bubble of seemingly ….. in global warming.
Environmental apocalypticism causes eco-authoritarianism and mass violence against those deemed environmental threats-~--also causes political apathy which turns solvency – independent reason to vote them down.Buell, Queens College English professor, 2003 (Frederick, From Apocalypse To Way of Life, pg 185-6, ldg)
Looked at critically, ….. clearly terminal “nature.”
Warming won’t cause extinctionBarrett, professor of natural resource economics, 07 (Scott, at Columbia University, “Why Cooperate? The Incentive to Supply Global Public Goods”, pg. Introduction) NJR
First, climate change ….about it by now. | |
02/14/2013 | 2AC Framework UD v Wayne StateTournament: Northwestern | Round: 3 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: Joshua Gonzalez Focusing on instrumental education kills resistance to structural violence – also links to cap Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, 11 (Henry A. Giroux, 28 February 2011, “Left Behind? American Youth and the Global Fight for Democracy”, http:~/~/
Meanwhile, not only …. terms or simply perish. | |
02/14/2013 | 2AC Capitalism KTournament: Northwestern | Round: 3 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: Joshua Gonzalez Capitalism cannot explain the libidinal economy of anti-blackness – After the alternative the question of Why Africa is still not answered. If capitalism is based off value systems and productivity is would of made more economic and political sense. This means there are a surplus of examples that cannot be solves by the altWilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, Irvine, 2010 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, pgs 13-15) blh
David Eltis is emphatic …… than that of the slave.”
The identity politics link is a non-starter – The black is a position not an identity – Identity assumes you have the capacity to define your own existence the fungibility of slave closes off that possibility to the blackWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 23-25 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Throughout this book …… (Red and Black) are not Human cinema.
Any attempt to deconstruct Capitalism without placing the black body at the center fails to explain the surplus examples of exclusive policies of materiality within the context of the black body – instead it allows for the continuation of anti-black politicsWilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, Irvine, 2003 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “The Prison Slave as Hegemony's (Silent) Scandal”, Social Justice, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p18-27) blh
This ipso facto deputization ……. with a historical scandal.
America is based on the suffering of the slave, an antagonism that cannot be articulated within existing discourse. Struggles for hegemony/anticapitalism are dependent upon anti-blackness – only the demand and recognition of the slave without reformation can solve. Wilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama ‘3 (Frank III “Gramsci’s Black Marx: Whither the Slave in Civil Society” Social Identities Vol. 9 no. 2 accessed: 12-25-12 mlb)
The value of reintroducing ……… contain the seeds of anti-blackness
The negative’s deployment of the term fetish to describe an irrational obsession with an object replicates the long history of the term which is a racist representation of African religions rooted in European Colonialism.West, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the New School University, 2003 (Harry G., “Transparency and Conspiracy Ethnographies of suspicion in the new world order, Pg 249) More than four …. cosmopolitan New York City.
Slavery cannot be reduced down to purely economic desire. The only explanation can be found at the black bodyTibbs and Woods ‘8 Donald F. Tibbs, Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University, Tryon P. Woods, Assistant Professor of Criminology, Sonoma State University; BA, Wesleyan University; MS, Arizona State University; PhD, University of California, “The Jena Six and Black Punishment: Law and Raw Life in the Domain of Nonexistence”, Fall / Winter, 2008, L/N, Accessed 5/30/11\ soap
The "brave New World…….. primary reason for the slaves' (non)being.
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02/14/2013 | 2AC A2: PragmatismTournament: Northwestern | Round: 6 | Opponent: GWU NS | Judge: Incremental change failsHartman ’97 (Saidiya V. Hartman, received her B.A. from Wesleyan University and Ph.D. from Yale University.1 She is a specialist in African American literature and history and a professor at Columbia University, “Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-making in The nineteenth-century”, 1997, Pg(s) 3-4, Google Books, Accessed 12/8/11, soap)
The abolition of …..abolition and emancipation. | |
02/14/2013 | 2AC Red PedagogyTournament: Northwestern | Round: 7 | Opponent: West Georgia GM | Judge: Avery Henry We are a better starting point – the politics of the native is one that calls for the return of land, like reparation which only serves to uphold the ethicality of civil society. They only make civil society look better by planting roses and tulips around the dead bodies that make up civil society. The politics of the slave calls for the exposure of those bodies and destruction of civil society. Meaning we cut down those flowers and burn down the system. Our starting point in comparatively better – theirs would only risk co-option. Wilderson ’10 Frank B. Wilderson, Wilderson is an associate professor of African American studies and drama at the University of California, Irvine, “Red, White, and Black: Cinema and Structure of US Antagonisms”, 2010, Pg. 50-52 soap Indians perpetually shuttle ……. disentangle itself from slaveness.
Alternative Debate Their divide and conquer methodology just mirrors the slave masters attempt to divide the mass numbers of slaves so that they couldn’t successfully revolt – means there’s only a risk they fracture solvency Minges, N.E.H. Dissertation Grant Nominee, Union Theological Seminary N.Y., 2001 (Patrick, Union Fellowship, Union Theological Seminary N.Y., Doctoral Fellowship, Union Theological Seminary N.Y., Oikoumene Coordinator - Ecumenical Programs for Union Theological Seminary, Editor - One World newpaper at Union Theological Seminary, Editor - UNITAS newpaper for Union Theological Seminar, “Beneath the Underdog Race, Religion, and the Trail of Tears”, The American Indian Quarterly, Volume 25, Number 3, Summer 2001, pp. 453-479, Project Muse) blh At this early point, …… and their descendants.”36
Land restoration would just lead to a reinstallation of black slavery – means we are an impact turn to the alt Pratt ‘5 Carla D. Pratt, Professor Pratt teaches and writes in the area of race and the law, with particular emphasis on the role of law in constructing Indian and African American identity, “TRIBES AND TRIBULATIONS: BEYOND SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY AND TOWARD REPARATION AND RECONCILIATION FOR THE ESTELUSTI”, 2005, http:~/~/, accessed 5/5/12 soap
The Native Americans …. humanity-African slavery.
Natives had their own institution of slaves too Pratt ‘5 Carla D. Pratt, Professor Pratt teaches and writes in the area of race and the law, with particular emphasis on the role of law in constructing Indian and African American identity, “TRIBES AND TRIBULATIONS: BEYOND SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY AND TOWARD REPARATION AND RECONCILIATION FOR THE ESTELUSTI”, 2005, http:~/~/, accessed 5/5/12 soap
In seeking to reclaim ….. of tribal membership.
Indigenous people can exist in the context of civil society and sovereignty while the Slave has no ontology – discourse on indigenous people ignores and exacerbates the violence towards the slaveWoods, University of Massachusetts Assistant Prof of Sociology, Anthropology, and Crime and Justice Studies, ‘7 (Tryon “ The Fact of Anti-Blackness: Decolonization in Chiapas and the Niger River Delta” Summer 2007 Human Architecture 5 pg. 319-329 accessed: 12-26-12 mlb)
Indigenous Americans were ……. and indigenous "nation."
The existence of the “savage” is dependent upon the slave as a distinguisher of humanity – the savage is able to access a hope and transcendence that the slave cannotWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 51-53 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
The "Savage" on the other ….. fulcrum called the Slave. | |
02/25/2013 | 1AC Wilderson ByrdTournament: D7! | Round: 3 | Opponent: JMU BM | Judge: McVey Black Revolution 1AC
Blackness is present through the grammar of suffering of accumulation and fungibility which made the African that entered the middle passage a Black. This positions slaves as the condition of possibility for the ‘living.’ Pak, Philosophy PhD 12 (Yumi , "Outside Relationality: Autobiographical Deformations and the Literary Lineage of Afro-Pessimism in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature." Dissertation Accessed: 12-26-12 mlb)
Because the four authors …..t in the dialectic, as “anti-Human.”
This fungibility is replicated throughout status quo energy policy where Black suffering has created the condition of possibility for an advancement of consumption. There is only the possibility of black trash when dealing with the question of energy production. We are here to discuss the underside of the resolution it’s excretion , the crude process of production the posits blacks as the waste that must be disposed ofMills, Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University, 1 (Charles, John Evans, “Black Trash” Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, Pg(s) 83-89, accessed 12/21/12, soap)
Finally, Marxist explanations ………. of the white body politic.
The US can only exist as a settler colonialist state that set the stage for all other subjugation and fortifies the temporal capacity of America as a coherent idea Byrd, assistant professor of American Indian studies and English at the University of Illinois, 11 (Jodi, “Transit of Empire”, Pg(s) XVIII – XX, accessed 2/21/13, soap)
The stakes could not be ………. and/or imperial ear."7
The only way to reconceptualize native dispossession which underpins all US exploitations is through a reimagining of the territory and space of the US. Byrd, assistant professor of American Indian studies and English at the University of Illinois, 11 (Jodi, “Transit of Empire”, Pg(s) XXIX – XXXI, accessed 2/21/13, soap)
Indigenousness is an identity ……. hesitancy that I will discuss below.36
Forcing the position of the native into our discussion interrupts the normative flow of civil society. Byrd, assistant professor of American Indian studies and English at the University of Illinois, 11 (Jodi, “Transit of Empire”, Pg(s) 17 - 20, accessed 2/21/13, soap)
Further, the Indian …….., spirals, and jazz.
Civil society’s demand of coherence and stability is a state of emergency for black and red bodies that mystifies the antagonism that positions their bodies as anti and infra-humanWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 10 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 6-7. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 02-22-13, soap)
The difficulty of writing …….. for Indians and Blacks.
Our unflinching paradigmatic analysis calls for the end of the world. The US has ethically distanced itself from Black and Red bodies so this round becomes a question of how we orient our intellectual discourse. Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 10 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 2-4. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 08-08-2012, AJH)
What are we to make …………….. by a revolutionary Zeitgeist.
Reformism can’t address the suffering of the slaveWilderson, University of California, Irvine professor of the African America studies and drama , ‘10 (Frank B. III “Red, White and Black” pg. 10-11 accessed: 12-21-12 mlb)
Regarding the Black position, …….. Columbia University awaits an answer.
Civil society masks its oppression by attempting to be infinitely inclusive which fails, forcing blacks to structurally adjust and replicates fungibilityWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 24-26. pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-20-2012, AJH)
No one makes films ……. concerning institutional integrity.
Communication theory assumes equality between subjects – it cannot account for the slave Brady, executive board member of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, 12 (Nicholas, “Louder Than the Dark: Toward an Acoustics of Suffering”, http:~/~/, accessed 1/7/13, soap)
The violence that produces the subject (in this case, the doctor) robs Anna Brown of vocality, not so much literally as ontologically. Insofar as an object (a commodity, a slave) can speak, it cannot be said that it can communicate. At the etymological root of “communicate” is the logic of the commons or community: informing to participate in the world, sharing one’s utterance(s) to join the community. Communication, not even to imply anything as serious as the ethics of dialogue, requires an equal ontological status amongst the communicators. That several titles of the video online have called her the “homeless woman” evidences one singular truth (the desire to insult her notwithstanding): Anna Brown, as the descendent of slaves, has no home while the doctors are in their own dominion.
Deliberation is exclusive of cultural minoritiesDeveaux, 2005 Monique Deveaux, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Global Social Change, Ph.D., University of Cambridge, MPhil, University of Cambridge, MA and BA, McGill University, “Minorities Within Minorities: Equality, Rights and Diversity”, 2005, GBooks, Accessed 2/10/12 soap
Critics of deliberative ……… significance of citizens' differences.
Deliberation only confers legitimacy on existing institutions of oppression and silences dissent – only risks co-optionYoung, University of Chicago Political Science Professor, 2001 (Iris Marion, “Activist Challenges to Deliberative Democracy”, http:~/~/$FILE/Iris%20Marion%20Young%20-%20Activist%20Challenges%20to%20Deliberative%20Democracy.pdf, accessed 7/19/12, soap)
To this charge, the activist …… effectively silence real dissent.
Policy focus inevitably creates serial policy failure Smith, Queen’s Environmental Studies professor, 2011 (Mick, Against Ecological Sovereignty: Ethics, Biopolitics, and Saving the Natural World, pg 219-221, ldg)
The purpose of this ……….. of ecological sovereignty.
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02/25/2013 | 2AC Case v JMU BLTournament: D7! | Round: 7 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Paul Johnson Calls to save civil society exclude the humanity of those who are continually left to die by civil society Rahim, Canadian Comparatist anthropologist, 8 (Abdel “Beyond the symbolic and towards the collapse”, http:~/~/, accessed 11/27/12, soap)
For, it is not Zerzan ……….. who dug out our diamonds and coal. Non-political Leftist solutions can solveKazin, co-editor of Dissent, 11(Michael, “Has the U.S. Left Made a Difference?”, January 1, http:~/~/, accessed 1/23/13, soap)
However, the Left does have …….l Left was unable to do. | |
02/25/2013 | 2AC FW UDTournament: D7! | Round: 6 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Paul Johnson Their interp doesn’t solve their impactsGalloway 2010 (Ryan, Head Coach at Samford University and overall amazing person. “The Importance of Being Relevant”
How relevant are ….. as a disad and a counterplan). Deliberative stasis causes exclusion and closes off the ability of deliberation to solve Deliberative theorists commonly …….. is biased against them. Deliberative discourse privileges certain styles while devaluing others. The only way their ideal world can exist is in a world where we eradicate difference Deliberative theorists tend to ……….and wide gesture.'" | |
02/25/2013 | 2AC Towson HWTournament: D7! | Round: 7 | Opponent: | Judge: Calls for concrete action ignore how the black is constituted in an absolute absence so there can’t be a mapped out alternative to an anti-black worldKokontis, Performance Studies from UC-Berkeley, 11 (Kate, PhD in, “Performative Returns and the Rememory of History: genealogy and performativity in the American racial state,” Dissertation available on Proquest)
“Hartman, on the other ….black freedom struggle” | |
02/25/2013 | 2AC PsychoanalysisTournament: D7! | Round: | Opponent: JMU BM | Judge: Alex McVey No reason our methods are mutually exclusive – Their psychoanalytic approach has no theorization of the structural antagonism that governs the world Wilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, 10 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 75-76, soap)
Fanon's psychoanalytic description ……theory of conflict.
Psychoanalysis can never solve Howards ‘10 (Percy, Singer/Producer/Blogger, “Frank B. Wilderson, ‘Wallowing in the contradictions’, Part 1,” ‘A Necessary Angel’, http:~/~/, Written in 07-09-2010, Accessed 10-07-2010)
PH: As a Psychotherapist, ……to a cure.
Psychoanalysis assumes all contemporaries are human which excludes an analysis of the black that is always already placed in absolute dereliction Wilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, 10 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 84-85, soap)
Alienation, however, that ……in the woodpile.
Psychoanalysis cannot account for and is parasitic upon black suffering and dispossession Wilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, 10 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 67-68, soap)
The remainder of …..has no words.
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03/09/2013 | 2AC Cap K UDdTournament: JvNovice | Round: 1 | Opponent: GMU BD | Judge: Mike Davis Their anti-capitalist revolution on further entrenches colonialism and doesn’t solve the indigenous positionMeans, Leader in the (AIM) Movement, 2010 (Russel, First National Director in the American Indian Movement (AIM), “Revolution and American Indians: ‘Marxism is as Alien to My Culture as Capitalism,’” The End of Capitalism, Online, Written 10/17/2010, Accessed 02/20/2013, AJH)
Now let’s suppose that in ………..; our knowledge is real.
To cast off that oppression is an erasure of difference which sustains anti-blacknessCrenshaw, prof of speech comm @ univ. Ala, 1997 Dr. Carrie-PhD. USC; former director of debate @ Univ. of Ala.; WESTERN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION; Resisting Whiteness’ Rhetorical Silence; 61(3), Summer; pp. 253-278.
This analysis of Helms’ ………. they mask its existence.
Despiritualization is inherent in Marx’s theory of “historical materialism;” it’s a constant state of Othering of Indigenous bodies because it maintains a Euro-Centric paradigm.Means, Leader in the (AIM) Movement, 2010 (Russel, First National Director in the American Indian Movement (AIM), “Revolution and American Indians: ‘Marxism is as Alien to My Culture as Capitalism,’” The End of Capitalism, Online, Written 10/17/2010, Accessed 02/20/2013, AJH)
Hegel and Marx were heirs to the ………. make things better for all of us. But what does this really mean?
Withdrawal and rejection reinforce capitalismHerod, American University social activist, 2007 (James, Getting Free: Creating an Association of Democratic Autonomous Neighborhoods, March 2007,, ldg)
We cannot destroy capitalism ….. will be no freedom for anyone.
Wiping away indigenous identity allows a capitalism to co-opt their identitiesGrande, Associate Professor at Connecticut College, 2004 (Sandy, Ph.D from Kent University and Chair of Education Department, “Red Pedagogy: Native American Social and Political Thought,” Pages 99-100, Written in October 2004, Accessed 02/20/2013, AJH)
Specifically, the identity paradox of …..of American Indian identity formation.
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03/09/2013 | 1AC Wilderson Byrd UDTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 1 | Opponent: GMU BD | Judge: Mike Davis Any attempt to deconstruct oppression without placing the blackness and redness at the center fails and allows for the continuation of anti-black politicsWilderson, professor of African American Studies at University of California, Irvine, 2003 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “The Prison Slave as Hegemony's (Silent) Scandal”, Social Justice, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p18-27) blh
This ipso facto deputization ……….. with a historical scandal. | |
03/09/2013 | 2AC CaseTournament: JV Novice | Round: 1 | Opponent: GMU BD | Judge: Mike Davis Non political Leftist solutions can solveKazin, co-editor of Dissent, 11 (Michael, “Has the U.S. Left Made a Difference?”, January 1, http:~/~/, accessed 1/23/13, soap)
However, the Left …….. Left was unable to do.
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03/09/2013 | 2AC Framework UDTournament: ADA | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wake BM | Judge: John Koch Their interp doesn’t solve their impactsGalloway 2010 (Ryan, Head Coach at Samford University and overall amazing person. “The Importance of Being Relevant”
How relevant are /…………….. margin as a disad and a counterplan).
Deliberative stasis causes exclusion and closes off the ability of deliberation to solve Young, University of Chicago Political Science Professor, 96 (Iris Marion, “Communication and The Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy” in “Democracy and Difference: Contesting The Boundaries of The Political”, 1996, Pg(s) 125-126, accessed 2/13/13, soap)
Deliberative theorists commonly ………… Deliberative discourse privileges certain styles while devaluing others. The only way their ideal world can exist is in a world where we eradicate difference Young, University of Chicago Political Science Professor, 96 (Iris Marion, “Communication and The Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy” in “Democracy and Difference: Contesting The Boundaries of The Political”, 1996, Pg(s) 122, accessed 2/13/13, soap)
Deliberative theorists tend ………. tone of voice, and wide gesture.'" | |
03/09/2013 | 2AC Framework UDTournament: JV Novice | Round: Quarters | Opponent: USMA CH | Judge: McVey, Godbey, Kozak Topical – means related to current events Free Online dictionary, no date (http:~/~/, accessed 3/3/13, soap)
top·i·cal (tp-kl) adj. 1. …….. particular topic or topics. | |
03/09/2013 | 2AC Agamben UDTournament: JV Novice | Round: Quarters | Opponent: Army CH | Judge: McVey, Godbey, Kozak We control uniqueness – If the black body is positioned by social death then radical humanism can never account for their positionWilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2010 (Frank B., Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, “Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms,” Pages 20-21, pdf, Written in 2010, Accessed 09-18-2012, AJH)
Without this gratuitous violence………e social death of Blacks. | |
03/09/2013 | 2AC Individual Identity KTournament: JV Novice | Round: Quarters | Opponent: USMA CH | Judge: McVey, Godbey, Kozak Intersectionality turns on itself victimizing the position of the black female and framing them only in terms of difference. It also has no theory of sexuality which makes it harmful to the Quare body Puar ’11 Jasbir Puar, a US-based queer theorist, presently a core faculty member in the department of Women's and Gender Studies at Rutgers University, “‘I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess’ Intersectionality, Assemblage, and Affective Politics”, 2011, http:~/~/, accessed 4/28/11 soap
It has been more than …………. "disability" into the intersectional fray.) Intersectionality is infinitely regressive- too many questions about which strands of oppression are separated and which are analyzedBrown, University of Washington, 12 (Michael, “Gender and sexuality I: Intersectional anxieties,” Progress in Human Geography, vol. 36 No. 4, 541-550, August 2012, accessed Sage 3-1-13, mee)
A mounting argument in the ………….., but here too anxieties emerge.
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03/09/2013 | 2AC Cap K UDTournament: JV Novice | Round: Finals | Opponent: GMU KM | Judge:
The Despiritualization of “historical materialism;” maintains a euro-centric view of indigenous bodies justifying violence against themMeans, Leader in the (AIM) Movement, 2010 (Russel, First National Director in the American Indian Movement (AIM), “Revolution and American Indians: ‘Marxism is as Alien to My Culture as Capitalism,’” The End of Capitalism, Online, Written 10/17/2010, Accessed 02/20/2013, AJH)
Hegel and Marx were …….. But what does this really mean? | |
03/09/2013 | 2AC Sexual Difference KTournament: JV/Novice | Round: Finals | Opponent: GMU KM | Judge: Slavery is the great leveler of Black positionality; this is the context for the entirety of our AFF. Our call for Gratuitous Freedom is always a prior question because it resolves the structural violence that positions the Black Female as a paradox of non-being. This also means the two positions are not mutually exclusive.Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2003
Slavery is the great ……….. living laboratory. (emphasis mine, p. 68)
The alternative cannot be accessed by women of color until racism is dealt with in their communities Phillips ‘6 Layli Phillips, is Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies at Georgia State University, where she teaches courses in Black feminism and Womanism, the African American lesbian and gay experience, the psychology of women, and feminist methodology, “The Womanist Reader”, 2006, Google Books, accessed 10/12/11 soap Too many Blacks ……. surrendering the sense of identity.
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03/20/2013 | 1AC Wilderson Byrd UDTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Deliberative inclusion doesn’t lead to equality – dealing with difference is a pre-requisiteBeebeejaun, Department of Planning and Architecture, University of the West of England, 6 (Yasminah, “The Participation Trap: The Limitations of Participation for Ethnic and Racial Groups”, February, http:~/~/, accessed 1/11/13, soap)
Despite the cross-…… equity more generally.
Discourse of fairness and predictability through the state has been used to deny subjectivity to natives – excludes them from deliberationVan Cott, University of Connecticut, 11 (Donna Lee, “Can Deliberative Institutions Promote Democracy in Divided Societies?: Lessons from Indigenous Peoples in the Andes”,, accessed 1/12/13, soap)
In this essay I link …….. peoples' political parties preside in the Andes. | |
03/20/2013 | 2AC Feminism [Black Lesbian Separatism/Castration]Tournament: ADA | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wake DL | Judge: Avery Henry
The AFF’s unique assumption of solving for privilege disparities disavows their own privilege of existence on stolen Indigenous Land. This retains a colonialist epistemology; only the insatiable demands of Indigenous bodies can provide the necessary epistemic and systemic breaks to solve.Churchill, Author, 1996 (Ward, Former Professor and Chairman of Ethnic Studies Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder, “From A Native Son: Selected Essays in Indigenism, 1985-1995,” Pages 520-525, Pdf, Written in 1996, Accessed 2-13-2013, AJH)
I'll debunk some of this nonsense ……, militaristic order on non-Indians.
Only a complete decolonization of our minds is a pedagogically valuable tool to combat the Settelerism that is foundational to their impacts.Churchill, Author, 1996 (Ward, Former Professor and Chairman of Ethnic Studies Department at the University of Colorado at Boulder, “From A Native Son: Selected Essays in Indigenism, 1985-1995,” Pages 84-89, Pdf, Written in 1996, Accessed 2-13-2013, AJH)
The question which ……..all went to work on attaining it?
Perm do both - Racism informs sexism through the acting out of the myth of masculinity that is perpetuated by white supremacist – capitalist – patriarchy. Only interrogating the connections between racism and sexism can we challenge the system of power bell hooks, Distinguished Professor of English at City College in New York, 1990. (Yearning: race gender and cultural politics, 63-64) amb To fully understand …… collective plight of black people.
Feminism cannot begin to resolve the position of black body within society it only further entrenches anti-black policing on black women in particular Wilderson, Associate Professor of African American Studies @ UCI, 10 (Frank B. Wilderson, Wilderson is an associate professor of African American studies and drama at the University of California, Irvine, “Red, White, and Black: Cinema and Structure of US Antagonisms”, 2010, Pg. 54-55, soap)
What is remarkable about …….. but I call it anti-Black policing.
The alternative cannot be accessed by women of color until racism is dealt with in their communities Phillips ‘6 Layli Phillips, is Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies at Georgia State University, where she teaches courses in Black feminism and Womanism, the African American lesbian and gay experience, the psychology of women, and feminist methodology, “The Womanist Reader”, 2006, Google Books, accessed 10/12/11 soap Too many Blacks have ….. sense of identity.
Gender is a concept created out of a European epistemology, solidified through the violence of colonialism and propogated through slavery – the negatives approach of focusing only on slavery fails to be able to “uproot” the systemic nature of anti-blackness Thomas, Assistant Professor in the English Department at Syracuse University, 2005 (Greg, “Man and Woman, Slavery and Empire: “Reconstructing (Gender)” in “Plantation America”” JENDA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies: Issue 7, retrieved online on 10/01/10 from http:~/~/
Uprooting white imperialist …“emancipation,” once again.
Politics that focus on exploitation produce a narrative of loss followed by restoration. These are the contingent freedoms that replace the Black void with a positive Human value, within the world and not against it. What is needed is freedom from the human race, the world, gratuitous freedom that demand not that the Black be made living again, but to bring the living to death.
Wilderson, 10 professor of African American Studies at University of California, Irvine, 2003 (Frank, A. B. Dartmouth College (Government/Philosophy); MFA Columbia University (Fiction Writing); Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley (Rhetoric/Film Studies), “Red, White and Black” pg. 141-143) blh
As sites of political struggle …… living out of the picture.
Slavery is the great leveler of Black positionality; this is the context for the entirety of our AFF. Our call for Gratuitous Freedom is always a prior question because it resolves the structural violence that positions the Black Female as a paradox of non-being. This also means the two positions are not mutually exclusive.Wilderson, Associate Professor of African-American Studies at UC Irvine, 2003
Slavery is the great leveller of ….. becomes a living laboratory. (emphasis mine, p. 68)
Feminist theory relies on stabilized notions of male/female and excludes all those between and beyond the two, reinforcing heteronormativity – turns the alt Kathy Davis et al, 2006. (Mary Evans and Judity Lorber. Handbook of Gender and Women's Studies, pg 310 google books). Jt
In current gender theory…….. question our own assumptions.
Performance cannot reconcile the structural violence that separates the modalities of Whiteness and Blackness for it fails to reconcile the positions of Africa and the Slave as positions of ontological death and natal alienation. Wilderson, UC Irvine African-American Studies Assistant Professor, 2009 (Frank B. Wilderson III, Ph.D. at Cal-Berkeley, “Grammar and Ghosts: The Performative Limits of African Freedom,” Published in ‘Critical Stages,’ Pages 119-120, pdf, Written in May 2009, Accessed 08-02-2012, AJH)
When a group comprised primarily ……The harvest can be as mystifying as it is clarifying.
Performance that fails to analyze the grammar and ghosts of Africa’s structural violence is a strategy of loss; mystifying the antagonistic relationship between the Slave and Society, making ontic violence inevitable. Wilderson, UC Irvine African-American Studies Assistant Professor, 2009 (Frank B. Wilderson III, Ph.D. at Cal-Berkeley, “Grammar and Ghosts: The Performative Limits of African Freedom,” Published in ‘Critical Stages,’ Pages 121-123, pdf, Written in May 2009, Accessed 08-02-2012, AJH)
The conference was ………., but in a fog.
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03/20/2013 | 1AR Feminism [Black lesbian Separatism]Tournament: ADA | Round: 5 | Opponent: Wake DL | Judge: Avery Henry
“Man” words subsume womyn into the male category making it possible to do violence against them and to treat them as unequals.Kleinman, professor of sociology at UNC Chapel Hill, 2007. (Sherryl., Ph.D. in sociology., "Why Sexist Language Matters", 3-12-07, jt
I'm not saying that ….human beings otherwise?
Sexist language is the root cause of patriarchy and causes loss of female agency.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. “Feminist Philosophy of Language” http:~/~/ Jt
1Sme feminists (……aspects of their thoughts.
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03/20/2013 | 1AR CapitalismTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Viewing race through a class only lens fails – only the perm solves
Alexander, researcher at the Centre for Civil Society, 2004 (Amanda, University of KwaZulu-Natal. “Representation, Recognition and Race: Evaluating Spaces for the Reproduction of White Dominance” Oct) In contemporary discourse, … within racial justice movements. | |
03/29/2013 | 1AC Wilderson-Byrd UDTournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: USC PS | Judge: Zagorin, Schultz, Albaniak Deliberation is ineffective and re-entrenches the exclusionary logic that allows anti-blackness to exist( class="MsoNormal" ) ( class="MsoNormal" ) ( class="MsoNormal" ) ( class="MsoNormal" ) | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rnd 6 1ACTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Blackness is present through the grammar of suffering of accumulation and fungibility which made the African that entered the middle passage a Black. This positions slaves as the condition of possibility for the ‘living.’ This fungibility is replicated throughout status quo energy policy where Black suffering has created the condition of possibility for an advancement of consumption. There is only the possibility of black trash when dealing with the question of energy production. We are here to discuss the underside of the resolution it’s excretion , the crude process of production the posits blacks as the waste that must be disposed of Finally, Marxist explanations of white racism locate it as a superstructure of the racialized The US can only exist as a settler colonialist state that set the stage for all other subjugation and fortifies the temporal capacity of America as a coherent idea The stakes could not be greater, given that currently the U.S. The United States relationship to Indians is organized around the Settler Colonial management of life. The anxious desire to control the Indian Other results in genocidal violence Representing Native populations and lands as occupying an "anomalous" position allows the U Forcing the position of the native into our discussion interrupts the normative flow of civil society. Further, the Indian has the ability to "'stop the world'... as Black social life is policed by social death Furthermore, I do not wish to imply that Afro-pessimism denies the very Civil society’s demand of coherence and stability is a state of emergency for black and red bodies that mystifies the antagonism that positions their bodies as anti and infra-human The difficulty of writing a book which seeks to uncover Red, Black, and Our unflinching paradigmatic analysis calls for the end of the world. The US has ethically distanced itself from Black and Red bodies so this round becomes a question of how we orient our intellectual discourse. What are we to make of a world that responds to the most lucid enunciation Reformism can’t address the suffering of the slave Regarding the Black position, some might ask why, after claims successfully made Civil society masks its oppression by attempting to be infinitely inclusive which fails, forcing blacks to structurally adjust and replicates fungibility No one makes films and declares their own films "Human" while simultaneously asserting Communication theory assumes equality between subjects – it cannot account for the slave The violence that produces the subject (in this case, the doctor) robs Deliberation is ineffective and re-entrenches the exclusionary logic that allows anti-blackness to exist Critics of deliberative democracy theory have issued a range of objections to formal, idealized Policy focus inevitably creates serial policy failure The purpose of this book is to open possibilities for rethinking and constituting ecological ethics Deliberative inclusion doesn’t lead to equality – dealing with difference is a pre-requisite Despite the cross-fertilization of literature in both contexts there are clear differences between Discourse of fairness and predictability through the state has been used to deny subjectivity to natives – excludes them from deliberation In this essay I link one of political philosophy's most ambitious and utopian proposals -- Any attempt to deconstruct oppression without placing the blackness and redness at the center fails and allows for the continuation of anti-black politics This ipso facto deputization of white people in the face of black people accounts for | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rnd 6 2AC FrameworkTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: Politics is in decay Saving the world has to be reinvented every day. In the absence of any programmable response to perhaps, the twenty-first century will be the century of the other. Their interp doesn’t solve their impacts How relevant are the debates we are having in training our students to advocate effectively Deliberative stasis just sustains privledge Deliberative theorists commonly write about this process of moving from subjective self-regarding preferences Predictability polices difference The cultural thought is propagated through a systemic pedagogy in educational institutions convinced to reproduce | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rnd 6 2AC KritikTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: We control uniqueness – If the black body is positioned by social death then radical humanism can never account for their position Without this gratuitous violence, a violence that marks everyone experientially until the late Middle Recognizing the humanity of the slave on conceals gratuitous violence and obscures the structural antagonism However, suppose that the recognition of humanity held out the promise not of liberating Structural antagonism between humanity and the slave precludes alt solvency Socially or politically engaged films pride themselves on their proclivity to embrace what the Left The 1AC does not preclude the use of good values to catalyze a revolution – we have a fugitive relation to the world “To the university I’ll steal, and there I’ll steal,” to borrow from Their hauntological focus is not mutually exclusive with the aff In Specters of Marx, Derrida asks us to turn away from dialectal compulsions and Their Kritik of the race focus of the aff forces the discussion of race to the back burner – that sustains white privledge This analysis of Helms’ opening argument illustrates how the ideology of white privilege operates through Wiping away indigenous identity allows capitalism to co-opt their identities Specifically, the identity paradox of American Indians deeply problematizes the postmodern insistence that we | |
03/31/2013 | NDT Rnd 6 2AC CaseTournament: | Round: | Opponent: Emory PS | Judge: The performance of the 1NC is not value neutral. Arguments they chose to answer and spend time on reflect a valuation of argumentation - Their silence on the issue of indigenous peoples presented in the 1AC is a willful reestablishment of imperialist colonialism that outweighs their environmental focus- star this card- its comparative I'll debunk some of this nonsense in a moment, but first I want to |
Tournament | Round | Report |
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