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# | Date | Entry |
03/06/2013 | 1AC - Prolif AdvTournament: JV/Novice Nats | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:
Nuclear power is increasing globally – demand ensures it’ll be large reactorsBanks et al, Foreign Policy Energy Security Initiative nonresident fellow, 12-16 (John P. “Nuclear Power in Developing Countries? Let's Talk about It.” 12-16. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 1/1/2013. ADC)
While the developed world gets cold feet on nuclear power, … power, but commitments are pending.
This will result in breakout proliferation-asymmetries undermine deterrence and ensure nuclear war-safeguards are key.(Fast/breakout, checks US influence, miscalc risk (small difference/opaqueness) Sokolski, Nonproliferation Policy Education Center Executive Director, 09 Henry, June 1, 2009, “Avoiding a Nuclear Crowd”,, 10/3/12, atl)
Finally, several new nuclear weapons … None of this, however, is inevitable.
US construction is key to solve-SMR’s would out compete other models and a strong domestic industry ensures maintenance of the global gold standard.Miller, Bipartisan Policy Co-Chair for the Nuclear Initiative, 12 (Dr. Warren F. “Pete” e-, Former DOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, Senator Pete Domenici, July 2012, “Challenges and Opportunities Facing Nuclear Energy in the United States”,, 8/14/12, atl)
Several other countries, by contrast, have …research, development, and deployment (RDandD) programs.
The plan causes other suppliers to model US practices-ensures no proliferation.Sokolski, Nonproliferation Policy Education Center Executive Director, 11 (Henry, “The Post-Fukushima Arms Race?”, Foreign Policy, July, 29, 2011,, 10/9/12, atl)
A Japanese decision to resist temptation and adopt … time, as it has reluctantly in the past.
Other countries follow the US lead-ensures they’ll pick SMR’s and implement safety measuresLieberman, American Physical Society senior government relations specialist, 11 (Jodi, November 15, 2011 “Nonproliferation, Congress, and Nuclear Trade: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”
U.S. Nonproliferation Influence While 123 … will be held in South Korea in 2012.
Proliferation causes nuclear war-crisis escalation, aggression, saving face, delegation and launch on warning guarantee it.Kroenig, Georgetown University Government assistant professor, 12 (Matthew, Assistant Professor of Government at Georgetown University and Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow at Council on Foreign Relations, “The History of Proliferation Optimism: Does It Have A Future?,” 5-26-12,, accessed 10-2-12, mtf)
The proliferation optimist position, while … less-resolved opponents to back down.
Status quo nuclear power will be based off Chinese designs-guarantees accidents and meltdownsTu, Carnegie Energy and Climate Program senior associate, 12 (Kevin Jianjun. “China’s Nuclear Crossroads.” 3-11. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
It’s first important to acknowledge that the … energy-thirsty China can’t afford to make.
Meltdowns cause extinction – just one can kill millionsLendman, Research Associate, Center for Research on Globalization, 11 (Stephen, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,” 3-13-11, http:~/~/, accessed 9-15-12, ara)
Reuters said the 1995 Kobe quake … America, and parts of South America.
| |
03/06/2013 | 1AC - Manufacturing AdvTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Manufacturing declining – it’s key to weather recessionWoellert, Bloomberg News, 1-18 (Lorraine, Manufacturing in area shows a recent decline, 1-18-13, http:~/~/, accessed 1-18-13, ara)
Manufacturing in the Philadelphia region has … but it didn't reduce the uncertainty."
SMR’s are key to revive domestic manufacturing-robust export market and job creation.Locatelli and Mancini, Politecnico di Milano Department of Economics, 11 (Giorgio and Mauro, Dept. Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, "The role of the reactor size for an investment in the nuclear sector: An evaluation of not-financial parameters," Progress in Nuclear Energy Volume 53, Issue 2, March 2011, Science Direct, accessed 9-28-12, mtf)
11. Impact on employment This aspect is important … is differential and promotes the SMR choice. Manufacturing fuels hegemony and the economy-key to gains in jobs and innovationBoushey, Center for American Progress senior economist, 2012 (Heather, “Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Meanson Tax Reform and the U.S. Manufacturing Sector”, 7-19,, DOA: 11-5-12, ldg)
Having a strong manufacturing industry … fare if those ideas originate somewhere else?”34
US is key to global economy-they set the trendSeeking Alpha 2011 (“Prospects 2012: U.S. Economy Should Continue To Recover Slowly, But Risk Of Renewed Recession Remains”, 11-11, http:~/~/, DOA: 1-6-12, ldg)
Although it has been more than two years since the … second major recession in four years.
Decline causes war – strong statistical support Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010 (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)
Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline … should be considered ancillary to those views.
Especially true now Merlini, senior fellow, 2011 (Cesare, senior fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Italian Institute for International Affairs (IAI) in Rome, “A Post-Secular World?”, Survival, Volume 53, Issue 2, April, accessed 9/23/11, SLC)
Two neatly opposed scenarios for the future …absolutes such as unbridled nationalism.
Domestic manufacturing key to maintain robust military capabilities.Ezell, ITIF senior analyst, 11 (Stephen J. “The Case for a National Manufacturing Strategy.” April 2011. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/29/2012. ADC)
A strong manufacturing base is vital … base in the coming decades.”58
Alternative to heg is nuclear warZhang et al., Carnegie Endowment researcher, 2011 (Yuhan, “America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry”, 1-22, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-21-11, ldg)
This does not necessarily mean that the US … be devoid of unrivalled US primacy.
Hegemony solves nuke war and extinction – multipolarity is inevitable but absolute US power smooths the transition and is empirically correlated to great-power peaceBarnett, Naval War College Warfare Analysis and Research Department professor, 2011 (Thomas, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads”, 3-7, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)
Let me be more blunt: As the guardian of … embedded in the geometry to come.
American intervention is inevitable – it’s a question of whether it’s effectiveContinetti, associate editor of the Weekly Standard, 2008 (Matthew, “If we don't maintain world order, who will?”, 3-4, LA Times, http:~/~/,1,2482677.story?ctrack=4andcset=com/news/printedition/opinion/la-op-antle-continetti4mar04,1,2482677.story?ctrack=4andcset=true, ldg)
Today's prompt asks us, "Is interventionism … make the same mistakes again. | |
03/06/2013 | 1AC - SolvencyTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Capitalization is key to nuclear commercialization-only the federal government can leverage the funds necessaryBennett, Vice President for Public Affairs, Third Way, 10 (Matt, Josh Freed is Director of the Third Way Clean Energy initiative, Jeremy Ershow is a Policy Advisor at Third Way, “Breaking the Nuclear Financing Barrier,” February 10,, accessed 9-30-12, ara)
High financing costs stand in … budget request to triple the loan volume.
SMR’s can be commercialized quickly and are safe-studies prove they have multiple advantagesKessides and Kuznetsov, World Bank chief economist, 12 (Ioannis N., Development Research Group and The World Bank; and Vladimir, Consultant at The World Bank, "Small Modular Reactors for Enhancing Energy Security in Developing Countries," Sustainability 2012, 4.8,, accessed 9-29-12, mtf)
SMRs offer a number of advantages … by significant economies of scale 19.
NRC will streamline SMR’sSullivan, et al., partner, Hogan Lovells’ LLP, 10 (Mary Anne, partner in Hogan Lovells' energy practice in Washington, D.C., Daniel F. Stenger is a partner in Hogan Lovells' energy practice, Amy C. Roma is a senior associate in Hogan Lovells' energy practice, “Are Small Reactors the Next Big Thing in Nuclear?” 12-21-10, http:~/~/, accessed 9-20-12, ara)
The biggest challenge to getting SMRs to … supporting the NRC's initiative through industry working groups.
SMR’s compete with gas-better risk premium and no volatilityRosner, Distinguished Service Professor, Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Physics – Chicago University, 11 (Robert e-, Senior Fellow, Computation Institute; Director, Energy Policy Institute; Enrico Fermi Institute; Harris School of Public Policy, Stephen Goldberg, Special Assistant to the Director Argonne National Laboratory, “Small Modular Reactors – Key To Future Nuclear Power Generation In The U.S.”, Energy Policy Institute at Chicago The Harris School of Public Policy Studies, 6/2/12, atl)
In both the 2004 Chicago Study and the current work, … assessing the debt quality for nuclear power plants.
We have the workforce and infrastructureSpencer et al, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies research fellow, 11 (Jack. “A Big Future for Small Nuclear Reactors?” Heritage Foundation. 2-02. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/7/2012. ADC)
Domestic Production. Although the nuclear …capabilities—all in the United States.
DOE grant was insufficient for commercialization – increases are still neededLyman, Cornell University Physics PhD, 12-21 (Ed, Princeton University’s Center for Energy and Environmental Studies former research scientist, Nuclear Control Institute former president, Union of Concerned Scientists writer. “Does DOE’s Funding Announcement Mark the End of its Irrational Exuberance for SMRs?” 12-21. http:~/~/ Accessed: 1/2/2013. ADC)
And in fact, the real news is not that … as the “fiscal cliff” looms, even this strategy may be doomed. | |
03/06/2013 | 2AC - DA - CIR PoliticsTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge:
No impact- bioweapons are ineffective- even if they weren’t their record of failure deters their use Stratfor, 2007 "Bioterrorism: Sudden Death Overtime?" 12-22-2007,, accessed 12-25-10, mss
First, it must be recognized that during the past ... been executed: The cost is higher than the benefit.
GOP won’t get on board- politically treacherousMeckler, Wall Street Journal, 2-25 (Laura, "The GOP's Immigration Dilemma," 2-25-13,, accessed 2-27-13, mtf)
But the party is hardly unified on ... American jobs, security and culture.
Won’t reach floor until summerReuters, 2-26 ("Senator McCain upbeat on immigration reform outlook," 2-26-13,, accessed 2-27-13, mtf)
The group hopes to finish writing the details of a bill next month so the full Senate can debate such a measure by June or July.
Winners win- presidents can build capital and transfers between domestic and foreign policiesMarshall and Prins, political science associate professors, 11 (Bryan W., associate professor of political science at Miami University; and Brandon C., associate professor of political science at the University of Tennessee and Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy, "Power or Posturing? Policy Availability and Congressional Influence on U.S. Presidential Decisions to Use Force," Presidential Studies Quarterly Volume 41, Issue 3, September 2011, Wiley Online Library, accessed 1-4-13, mtf)
Presidents rely heavily on Congress i... toward managing political capital at home (Fordham 2002).
Opponents are disorganized- nuclear industry empirically controls the messaging battleSquassoni, CSIS Senior Fellow, 12 (Sharon, Director and Senior Fellow, Proliferation Prevention Program at Center for Strategic and International Studies, former senior assoc. at Nuclear Nonproliferation Program at Carnegie, former Congressional adviser as senior specialist in weapons of mass destruction at the Congressional Research Service, “Nuclear Power in the Global Energy Portfolio” in the report: The Future of Nuclear Power in the United States, Federation of American Scientists, February 2012,, accessed 9-30-12, mtf)
Concerns about contamination of ... Research Center poll conducted about a week after Fukushima.18
Overloading Congress causes agenda success—focusing capital kills itTodd, et al., NBC, 2-5 (Chuck, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro, and Brooke Brower, “First Thoughts: Flooding the zone,” 2-5-13,, accessed 2-9-13, ara)
Flooding the zone: Exactly one week away from ...determined they lost some of their political capital.
Sequestration and second-term capital drain ensure no PC left for agendaJames, NPR, 2-26 (Frank, “Obama's Sequester Gamble: What If Nobody Notices?” 2-26-13,, DOA: 3-1-13, ara)
If the sequester does happen, expect video of Obama's be not nearly as bad as his warnings. | |
03/06/2013 | 2AC - K - SecurityTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: Discursive focus generates epistemological blind spots and won’t alter security structuresHyde-Price, International Politics Porfessor University of Bath, 2001 (Adrian, “Europe’s New Security Challenges,” p. 39) jba
Securitization thus focuses almost exclusively ... adrift on a sea of floating signifiers.
Evaluating high-impact, low-probability events key to prevent catastropheBlyth and Taleb, NYU’s Polytech Institute Risk Engineering professor, 11 Mark, Brown University International Political Economy professor, and Nassim Nicholas, "The Black Swan of Cairo," Foreign Affairs, May/June 2011, 90(3), ebsco, accessed 8-1-11, mss
Why is surprise the permanent condition of the U.S. p... (it fluctuates but does not sink) goes the Latin saying.
Prolif discourse is key to deterrenceJasper, University of Singapore Department of Social Sciences, 09 (Ulla, “A Common Deterrent for a United Europe? Revisiting European Nuclear Discourse”, 10/4/12, atl)
Yet, British and French similarities are not ... “maturity” to host a common European deterrent | |
03/06/2013 | 1AC - Plan TextTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: | |
03/06/2013 | 1AC - Plan TextTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: | |
03/06/2013 | 1AC - Heg Aff vs. KsTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: 1ACNuclear Aff – Plan Text
Plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase loan guarantees for and reduce licensing restrictions on thorium-fueled Small Modular Reactors.
Nuclear Aff – China – 1AC
US leads SMRs, but China is catching up – action needed to ensure US leadershipWheeler, Power Engineering editor, 12 (Brian. “Developing Small Modular Reactor Designs in the U.S.” 4-01. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
The development of small modular reactors in the … Bob Prince, vice chairman and CEO, Gen4 Energy.
Licensing barriers are pushing investors to ChinaBehr, Climate Wire staff writer, 11 (Peter. “Futuristic U.S. Power Reactor May Be Developed Overseas.” 6-23. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
The TerraPower "wave reactor" concept is … and here is the proof that it works.'"
US failure to lead causes Chinese leadership – leads to China hegemonyCullinane, Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee staff associate, 11 (Scott. “America Falling Behind: The Strategic Dimensions of Chinese Commercial Nuclear Energy.” Journal of Energy Security. 9-28. http:~/~/ Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
The international trade of nuclear material … of the Pacific to shape the 21st century.
Guarantees great power war Zhang et al., Carnegie Endowment researcher, 11 (Yuhan, “America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry”, 1-22-11, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-21-11, ldg)
This does not necessarily mean that the US is in systemic … a future that will inevitably be devoid of unrivalled US primacy.
The plan solveSpencer and Loris, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, 11 (Jack, Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at Heritage Foundation; and Nicolas D., Research Associate, "A Big Future for Small Nuclear Reactors?," February 2, 2011,, accessed 9-29-12, mtf)
Small modular reactors (SMRs) have garnered significant … these issues be resolved by the end of 2011.
Loan guarantees keyPeskoe, Associate, McDermott Will and Emery LLP, 12 (Ari, focuses on regulation, legislation, and transactional issues related to energy policy, “A Solution Looking For a Problem: Building More Nuclear Reactors after Vogtle,” April 2012, Electricity Journal, Volume 25, Issue 3, ScienceDirect, accessed 10-2-12, ara)
Given the checkered history of reactor … of the liabilities associate with a nuclear disaster.64 Nuclear power and the state are inevitableNordhaus, Breakthrough Institute, 11 (Ted, 2/25/11, “The Long Death of Environmentalists”,
Tenth, we are going to have to get over our suspicion … past in which humans lived in harmony with Nature.
We’re a step in the right direction – thorium was ignored because it couldn’t be used to make a bombPuplava, PFS Group Chief Investment Strategist, 11 (President, “Kirk Sorensen States Thorium a Million Times More Energy Dense than Fossil Fuels”,, 10/4/12, atl)
Kirk: (2:14) Yeah, I’d be happy to talk about that, … goal is to make nuclear power rather than to make nuclear weapons.
Heg solves everything
Violence has declined – your authors shortcut their scholarship towards convenient conclusions Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology – Harvard, 11 (Steven, October 4, 2011, “The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined”, Viking Adult, 2/29/12, atl)
This book is about what may be the most … human minds deal with changing circumstances.
War is at its lowest level in history because of US primacy-~--best statistical studies prove heg solves war because it makes democratic peace resilient globalization sustainable-~--it’s the deeper cause of proximate checks against warOwen, UVA politics professor, 2011 (John, “Don’t Discount Hegemony”, 2-11, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)
Andrew Mack and his colleagues at the Human …material and moral support for liberal democracy remains strong.
Hegemony solves nuke war and extinction – multipolarity is inevitable but absolute US power smooths the transition and is empirically correlated to great-power peaceBarnett, Naval War College Warfare Analysis and Research Department professor, 2011 (Thomas, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads”, 3-7, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)
Let me be more blunt: As the guardian of … embedded in the geometry to come.
American intervention is inevitable – it’s a question of whether it’s effectiveContinetti, associate editor of the Weekly Standard, 2008 (Matthew, “If we don't maintain world order, who will?”, 3-4, LA Times, http:~/~/,1,2482677.story?ctrack=4andcset=com/news/printedition/opinion/la-op-antle-continetti4mar04,1,2482677.story?ctrack=4andcset=true, ldg)
Today's prompt asks us, "Is interventionism … make the same mistakes again.
Politicians will cling to hegemony no matter whatCalleo, SAIS European Studies professor, 2010 (David, “American Decline Revisited,” Survival, 52:4, 215 – 227, ebsco, ldg)
The history of the past two decades suggests … imperial instrument that threatens the world with inflation.
Absolute decline means the US will become uncooperative and desperate-~--hegemonic wars will ensueGoldstein, Penn IR professor, 2007 (Avery, “Power transitions, institutions, and China's rise in East Asia: Theoretical expectations and evidence,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 30, Issue 4 and 5 August, ebsco, ldg)
Two closely related, though distinct, theoretical arguments …about the period prior to the possible crossover.19 pg. 647-650
Shocks to the system are the ONLY propensity for conflict—globalization and liberal norms have eradicated warfare and structural violence—every field study provesHorgan, Stevens Institute of Technology Center for Science director, 2009 (John, “The End of the Age of War”, 12-6, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)
The economic crisis was supposed to increase violence … of the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo.
Focus on strategic deterrence and democracy are key to adverting crisis escalation—reject the infinite number of root causes that debilitate actionMoore, UVA law professor, 2004 (John, “Beyond the Democratic Peace: Solving the War Puzzle”, 44 Va. J. Int'l L. 341, Winter, lexis, ldg)
If major interstate war is predominantly a product of a … in general, happens when levels of deterrence are dramatically increased or decreased?
Blanket indicts aren’t accurateSorensen, Aarhus University IR professor, 1998 (Georg, “IR Theory after the cold war” Review of International Studies, JSTOR, ldg)
What, then, are the more general problems with the … to embrace any conceivable change project.28
Rational choice theory is goodOwen, Southampton Political theory reader, 2002 (David, “Re-orienting International Relations: On Pragmatism, Pluralism and Practical Reasoning”, Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 31.3, SAGE, ldg)
Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in …, and so a potentially vicious circle arises.
Our method of policy advocate is productive and effectiveMartin, Cambridge geography professor, 2001 (Ron, “Geography and public policy: the case of the missing agenda”, Progress in Human Geography 25,2, SAGE, ldg)
One reason for the neglect of public policy … … can form the basis of critical public policy analysis.9 | |
03/06/2013 | 2AC - K - Blackness/Debate BadTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 3 | Opponent: West Conn PW | Judge: Omission is not exclusion; NO discursive act can include everything; this doesn't mean we reject or marginalize these concernsRorty, Stanford comparative literature professor, 2002 (Richard, “Hope and the Future”, Peace Review; Jun2002, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p149-155, 7p, ebsco, ldg)
I have no quarrel with Cornell’s and Spivak’s claim that “… should be told, in many other ways.
Energy policy debate is crucial to long-term sustainable energy needs – focus on political, economic, and technical aspects is keyRosner, Editor, Journal of Energy Security, 11 (Kevin, Director of the NATO Forum on Energy Security, “From the Editor: What Goes Around Comes Around,” 5-23-11, http:~/~/, accessed 8-12-12, ara)
With the price of oil hovering near its historic high, … coverage of energy security across a horizontal, hybrid landscape.
Policy debate facilitates deliberation and more effective decision-making-~--especially true in the context of energy and the environment where special interests poison neutralityMitchell, University of Pittsburgh Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Communication, 10 (Gordon, Director, William Pitt Debating Union, “SWITCH-SIDE DEBATING MEETS DEMAND-DRIVEN RHETORIC OF SCIENCE”, http:~/~/ class="MsoHyperlink" %), DOA: 10-18-12, ads)
Yet the picture grows more complex … facilitate, not frustrate, deliberative
Debate is never the site for social change only for learning the skills to advocate for changeAtchison, Wake Forest University Director of Debate, and Panetta, University of Georgia Director of Debate, 2009 (Jarrod, Edward, “Intercollegiate Debate and Speech Communication: Issues for the Future,” The SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies, Lunsford, Andrea, ed., 2009, p. 317-334)
The final problem with an individual … effort by a great number of people.
Policy simulation key to creativity and decision-making - the detachment that they criticize is key to its revolutionary benefitsEijkman, University of New South Wales Australian Defence Force Academy Visiting Fellow, 2012 (Dr Henk, University of New South Wales Australian Defence Force Academy Independent consultant, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology in India Visiting Professor of Academic Development, has taught at various institutions in the social sciences and his work as an adult learning specialist has taken him to South Africa, Malaysia, Palestine, and India. He publishes widely in international journals, “The role of simulations in the authentic learning for national security policy development: Implications for Practice,” http:~/~/, DOA: 10-19-12, ads)
Policy simulations stimulate Creativity Participation … policy process in the desired direction
Roleplaying specifically activates agencyHanghoj, Aarhus University Department of Education Assistant Professor, 2008 (Thorkild, Specialized in educational gaming, affiliated with DREAM (Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials), which is located at the Institute of Literature, Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Southern Denmark, “PLAYFUL KNOWLEDGE An Explorative Study of Educational Gaming,” http:~/~/, DOA: 10-18-12, ads)
Thus, debate games require teachers to … citizens in a democratic society.
Policy focus goodNye, Harvard IR professor, 2009 (Joseph, “Scholars on the Sidelines”, 4-13, http:~/~/, ldg)
President Obama has appointed some … life seem to be headed in the opposite direction. | |
03/06/2013 | 2AC - Add On - FreshwaterTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: Plan solves freshwater shortagesClegg et al., Lloyd’s Register Global Nuclear Director, 12 (Richard e-, founder and Director of the Dalton Nuclear Institute at the University of Manchester, Mamdouh El-Shanawany, Nuclear Technical Director of Energy at Lloyd’s Register, September, 2012, “Small Modular Reactors”, Article - Issue 52, Sep 2012, 9/4/12, atl)
The third SMR design is based on the ... they could easily be adapted to a desalination plant.
Key to prevent extinctionDudgeon et al, University of Hong Kong Ecology and Biodiversity professor, 6 (David, he has spent 30 years researching the ecology, biodiversity and conservation of the animals that inhabit streams and rivers, author of over 150 papers in international journals, with Angela H. Arthington, Mark O. Gessner, Zen-Ichiro Kawabata, Duncan J. Knowler, Christian Le´veˆque, Robert J. Naiman, Anne-He´le`ne Prieur-Richard, Doris Soto, Melanie L. J. Stiassny, and Caroline A. Sullivan, "Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges," Biological Reviews, 81.2, 2006, 163-82, Wiley Online Library, accessed 2-7-12, mss)
Freshwater biodiversity is the over-riding ... ( Jackson et al., 2001; Postel and Richter, 2003 ; Clark and King, 2004).
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03/06/2013 | 2AC - CP - DODTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: DOD doesn’t have a big enough market shareVilahauer, CSIS energy and national security program, 2011 (Laura, “Event Summary: Operational Energy Strategy”, 7-15, http:~/~/, OA: 9-26-12, lgd)
An overarching theme from the ... it is operating in a vacuum.
Military personal don’t have the knowledgeParthemore et al., CNAS Bacevich Fellow, 2010 (Christine, “Broadening Horizons: Climate Change and the U.S. Armed Forces”, April, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-23-12, ldg)
Many serious complications must be weighed as well. ... types of reactors are most suitable for these purposes.
Links to ptxSorenson, Retired Lt. General, 12 (Jeff, September 28, 2012, “Saving energy, saving soldiers' lives”,, 11/6/12, atl)
From biofuels that could propel ...billions on renewable energy projects. | |
03/06/2013 | 2AC - DA - EPA TradeoffTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 6 | Opponent: Florida FP | Judge: Empirics prove HTGRs don’t get commercializedThomas, Greenwich energy studies professor, 2011 (Steve, “The Pebble Bed Modular Reactor: An obituary”, 1-26, Energy Policy Volume 39, Issue 5, May 2011, Pages 2431–2440, ldg)
1.2. History of the HTGR Up to 1990, four major nuclear ...based on the HTRModul concept, has been in operation since 2003.
Chinese nuclear exports in Southeast Asia causes nuclear terrorism and piracyCNS, 12 (Center for Nonproliferation Studies. May 2012. “PROSPECTS FOR NUCLEAR SECURITY PARTNERSHIP IN SOUTHEAST ASIA.” http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 9/30/2012. ADC)
Due to the increased flow of nuclear materials ..... increasing importance on the issue of trade security.
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03/06/2013 | 1AC - Latin AmericaTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 7 | Opponent: JMU RS | Judge: New energy sources lead to North America power integration – only nuclear is non-controversial Brookings Institution, 8 (Nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, "Re-Thinking U.S.-Latin American Relations: A Hemispheric Partnership for a Turbulent World," November,, accessed 9-10-11, mtf)
Addressing the challenge of energy security will require …require high levels of cooperation among hemispheric partners.
Energy cooperation is key to improving US-Latin America relations Brune, Senior Fellow, Truman National, 10 (Dr. Nancy E. Brune works on energy security and national security issues at Sandia National Laboratories. She is a Truman National Security Fellow, as well as a member of Women in International Security and the Pacific Council on International Policy, “Latin America: A Blind Spot in US Energy Security Policy,” Journal of Energy Security, 7/26/10, http:~/~/ jap
The current landscape is ripe for technological … to their energy security interests. Will America?
Relations and focus on Latin America is key to check Chinese great power competition Malik, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies professor, 6 (Dr. Mohan, "CHINA'S GROWING INVOLVEMENT IN LATIN AMERICA," PINR is an independent organization that utilizes open source intelligence to provide conflict analysis services in the context of international relations, 6-12-06,, accessed 9-10-11, mtf)
China's forays into Latin America are part … could become a site for great power rivalry.
Guarantees great power war Zhang et al., Carnegie Endowment researcher, 11 (Yuhan, “America’s decline: A harbinger of conflict and rivalry”, 1-22-11, http:~/~/, DOA: 9-21-11, ldg)
This does not necessarily mean that the US is in … be devoid of unrivalled US primacy.
Hegemony solves nuke war and extinction – multipolarity is inevitable but absolute US power smooths the transition and is empirically correlated to great-power peaceBarnett, Naval War College Warfare Analysis and Research Department professor, 2011 (Thomas, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads”, 3-7, http:~/~/, DOA: 10-9-11, ldg)
Let me be more blunt: As the guardian of … embedded in the geometry to come.
American intervention is inevitable – it’s a question of whether it’s effectiveContinetti, associate editor of the Weekly Standard, 2008 (Matthew, “If we don't maintain world order, who will?”, 3-4, LA Times, http:~/~/,1,2482677.story?ctrack=4andcset=com/news/printedition/opinion/la-op-antle-continetti4mar04,1,2482677.story?ctrack=4andcset=true, ldg)
Today's prompt asks us, "Is interventionism an organic plank of … Let's not make the same mistakes again.
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03/06/2013 | 1AC - MexicoTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 7 | Opponent: JMU RS | Judge: Manufacturing declining – it’s key to weather recessionWoellert, Bloomberg News, 1-18 (Lorraine, Manufacturing in area shows a recent decline, 1-18-13, http:~/~/, accessed 1-18-13, ara)
Manufacturing in the Philadelphia region has … but it didn't reduce the uncertainty."
Infrastructure exists now-US can be a first mover and corner the market on SMR’sRosner and Goldberg, Energy Policy Institute at Chicago, 11 (Robert and Stephen, The Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago; Contributor: Joseph S. Hezir, Principal, EOP Foundation, Inc. "Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S.," Technical Paper, Revision 1, November 2011,, accessed 8-6-12, mtf)
As stated earlier, SMRs have the potential to …, and, now rapidly emerging, China
US manufacturing key to Mexico economy – stabilizes peso and boosts exportsBain, Bloomberg, 12 (Ben, “Mexico’s Peso Gains on U.S. Manufacturing Pickup; Bonds Decline,” 10-1-12,, accessed 10-3-12, ara)
Mexico’s peso advanced after a report … it bodes well for Mexico given the synergies.”
Mexico economy is down now – growth is key to government reforms and preventing illegal immigrationBooth and Miroff, Washington Post, 12-19 (William and Nick, “As Mexico claws toward prosperity, some in middle class slide back,” 12-19-12,, accessed 1-12-13, ara)
By a wide range of social and economic indicators, … soaring public spending on social welfare programs.
Reforms key to Nieto’s agenda – that’s key to US-Mexico cooperation and relationsFarnsworth, VP, Council of the Americas, 12 (Eric, former managing director of Manatt Jones Global Strategies LLC, MPA in International Relations from Princeton “The United States and Mexico: The Path Forward,” 11-30-12,, accessed 1-13-13, ara)
With labor reform out of the way, attention … are united by much more than a fence.
Illegal immigrants spread infectious diseases – used as bioweapon agentsLeMay, Political Science professor, California State University, 2007 (Michael, Director National Security Studies Program California State University, “Illegal Immigration: A Reference Handbook,” p.103) jba
Of particular concern with the … (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006).
Disease causes extinction Keating, Foreign Policy web editor, 9 (Joshua, “The End of the World”, 11-13-09,, ldg)
How it could happen: Throughout history, … has added a new and just as troubling complication.
US-Mexico relations are key to solve cyber-security threats – engagement is keyDownie, Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National Defense University, 11 (Dr. Richard, deputy director and fellow with the CSIS Africa Program, master’s degree in international public policy from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, “Critical Strategic Decisions in Mexico: the Future of US/Mexican Defense Relations,” July 2011,, DOA: 2-26-13, ara)
2). Impact on US/Mexico Defense Relationship. … relationship arising from our past history
Extinction Adhikari, Tech News World writer, 9 (Richard, "Civilization's High Stakes Cyber-Struggle: QandA With Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.)," Tech News World, 12-2-09,, accessed 2-22-12, mtf)
The conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan, … vitality and, ultimately, global civilization.
Independently, strong Mexican exports are key to US-Mexico economic relations – solves US economy long-termRoseman, Research Associate, Council On Hemispheric Affairs, 12 (Ethan, “Enhanced Reciprocity for the U.S.-Mexico Relationship?” 12-17-12,, accessed 1-13-12, ara)
The economy in the United States is … without the collaboration of the drug cartels.
Decline causes war – strong statistical support Royal, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010 (Jedediah, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215, ldg)
Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline … view presented here should be considered ancillary to those views.
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03/06/2013 | 2AC - CP - LWR PICTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 7 | Opponent: | Judge: A) CommercializationYurman, Global Nuclear Energy Industry Consultant, 12 (Dan, 8/23/12 “LWR SMRs have fuel advantages”, 10/13/12, atl)
From 2007-2012 I was a reporter for Fuel Cycle ...fuel. Business as usual for LWRs
B) NRC regsMcMahon, Forbes Contributor, 12 (Jeff, Contributor, “Small Modular Nuclear Reactors By 2022 -- But No Market For Them,” Forbes,, 10/13/12, atl)
The SMRs most likely to succeed are ...would have particular advantage.” | |
03/06/2013 | 2AC - CP - Free MarketTournament: JV/Novice | Round: 7 | Opponent: | Judge: Free market fails – federal support is keyWilson, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy director of research, 11 (John. “Energy Subsidies in a Free Market.” 12-17. http:~/~/ Aff Accessed: 10/02/2012. ADC)
Bob Inglis’ call to “simultaneously eliminate all ... guarantees are needed, but they won’t be necessary.” |
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