| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-In the summer of 2005, Congress erupted in outrage at the possibility of Chinese investment in American oil and natural gas. Citing concerns of Sino "weapons of mass production," Congress passed the Exon-Florio amendment restricting Foreign Investment in American energy assets.Carroll 2009 James, Emory International Law Review, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167 The Unocal Incident: Protectionism Run Amok The response to the attempt of CNOOC to AND that Reagan threatened to veto in order to strip the economic security provisions. Pan 2009 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, What is Chinese about Chinese Businesses? Locating the ’rise of China’ in global production networks, Journal of Contemporary China, 18(58), January, 7–25 While many foreign businesses are moving their operations to China, many Chinese businesses, AND what is behind Chinese businesses is nothing short of the whole Chinese nation. Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers While such anti-China rhetoric and policies are lent credibility and urgency by the AND lost much of their galvanising impact on the government or the general public. Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers Secondly and more importantly, this construction of Otherness is prescriptive in practical and policy AND warehouses in revenge for their business losses from ’unfair Chinese competition.’ Hart-Landsberg %26 Burkett 2006 Martin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Paul, professor of economics at Indiana State University, China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and Consequences of Global Restructuring, Historical Materialism, volume 14:3 (3–43) Our analysis of contemporary dynamics also highlights the fact that this transnational capitalist restructuring, AND for change that can enable working people to reclaim control over their lives. —-The narrative of unified Chinese business interests precludes and assimilates progressive local activism folding it into a larger interlocking process of global economic scapegoating.Hart-Landsberg %26 Burkett 2006 Martin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Paul, professor of economics at Indiana State University, China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and Consequences of Global Restructuring, Historical Materialism, volume 14:3 (3–43) Although China’s National Bureau of Statistics has concluded, based on survey research, that AND the boss will move to a more investor-friendly environment further inland. —-The dominate frame of Chinese oil and natural gas investment as an act of national aggression makes American security policy a self-fulfilling prophecy.Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers From the global production network perspective, not only does the assumption of a zero AND succeed in bringing out a more unified rival in China down the road. —-Specifically, misperceptions undermine US-China energy relations and spur’s hostile Chinese naval modernization.Lieberthal and Herberg 2006 Kenneth, Distinguished Fellow and Director for China at The William Davidson institute, and research associate of the China Center at the University of Michigan, and Mikkal, Director of the asian Energy security program at The national bureau of asian research, China’s Search for Energy Security: Implications for U.S. Policy*, http://www.nbr.org/publications/nbranalysis/pdf/vol17no1.pdf Both the United States and China will benefit if they can develop a collaborative relationship AND each other’s energy insecurities and find new ways to work toward cooperative outcomes. —-Chinese naval modernization locks both China and American militaries in spiraling cycles of miscalculation and aggression, risking all out war.United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission 2009 "THE IMPLICATIONS OF CHINA’S NAVAL MODERNIZATION FOR THE UNITED STATES," HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION, June 11, http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2009hearings/transcripts/09_06_11_trans/09_06_11_trans.pdf In this hearing, witnesses told the Commission that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army ( AND As a consequence, a naval arms race in East Asia may ensue. —-The stakes are high —- The illusion of Chinese economic coherence creates a substantial risk of miscalculation and regional instability in the South China Sea.Pan 2012 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, "Three-way Illusions in the South China Sea", Fair Observer, June/July, http://www.fairobserver.com/article/three-way-illusions-south-china-sea-22?page=2 In international relations, illusions are not merely harmless fantasies. When political actors act AND that do not bode well for US-China relations or regional stability. Wittner 2011 Wittner, Emeritus Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany and former editor of Peace %26 Change, a journal of peace research, "COMMENTARY: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible?," November 28, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/opinion/avoiding-a-us-china-war.html While nuclear weapons exist, there remains a danger that they will be used. AND that of the world, they should be working to encourage these policies. Thus, Margaret and I advocate the United States federal government end Exon-Florio reviews for oil and gas production.Hart-Landsberg %26 Burkett 2006 Martin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Paul, professor of economics at Indiana State University, China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and Consequences of Global Restructuring, Historical Materialism, volume 14:3 (3–43) The data does indeed show that China has achieved unprecedented rates of growth and that AND to build international solidarity and nationally complementary strategies to oppose and overcome it. ====—-The elimination of investment restrictions is a critical challenge to American economic unilateralism. The elimination of Exon-Florio restrictions is not an affirmation of free trade systems but rather a strategic move to avoid the assimilation of leftist politics into the Pentagon’s efforts at "containing" China. ==== Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china A coalition of forces seeks to deprive China of permanent normal trading relations (PNTR AND , "the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time". Rahman 2011 K. Sabeel, A.B., Harvard College, 2005; M.Sc., Economics for Development, Oxford University, 2006; M.St., Sociolegal Studies, Oxford University, 2007; J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School, Class of 2012; Ph.D. Candidate, Government, Harvard University, ENVISIONING THE REGULATORY STATE: TECHNOCRACY, DEMOCRACY, AND INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIMENTATION IN THE 2010 FINANCIAL REFORM AND OIL SPILL STATUTES, http://www.harvardjol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Rahman_Note.pdf These weaknesses of the technocratic model create a fundamental challenge for the modern regulatory state AND one that leaves ample room for the representation and engagement of different values. —-Locating oil and natural gas investment from Chinese businesses within global production networks creates greater sensitivity to the uneven distribution of value and power in the global production processes and is a prerequisite to challenging inequality.Pan 2009 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, What is Chinese about Chinese Businesses? Locating the ’rise of China’ in global production networks, Journal of Contemporary China, 18(58), January, 7–25 The complexities of the identity of Chinese businesses are reflected in both the extensive intermingling AND in the face of the multiple, unstable identities of businesses and economies. Swyngedouw 2011 Eric, Interrogating post-democratization: Reclaiming egalitarian political spaces, Political Geography (2011), doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2011.08.001 Second, attention needs to turn to the modalities of repoliticization. Re-politicizing AND undocumented and other immigrants in Europe or the US claim their egalibertarian place. Mitchell 2010 Gordon R., Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Communication at the University of Pittsburgh, Switch-Side Debating Meets Demand-Driven Rhetoric of Science, Rhetoric %26 Public Affairs, http://www.pitt.edu/~~gordonm/JPubs/Mitchell2010.pdf Such findings are consistent with the views of policy analysts advocating the argumentative turn in AND its foundations in the English ield’s tradition of literary criticism and textual analysis. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-This is the only predictable basis for clash —- The resolution is the only location all debaters have equal access to both construct through topicality definitions and participation in the topic selection process.Zwarensteyn 2012 Ellen C., Masters Candidate in Communications at Grand Valley State University, High School Policy Debate as an Enduring Pathway to Political Education: Evaluating Possibilities for Political Learning, Masters Theses. Paper 35, http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/theses/35 Galloway (2007) also advances an argument concerning the privileging of the resolution as AND adaptive research once various topics have surfaced through practice or at debate tournaments. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: (1.) Scapegoating —- Their identification of ’America’ as a signifier for all racial violence serves the same purpose as Chinese economic scapegoating masking the structures of global capitalism and freeing individuals to stand silently in the face of atrocities.Stoekl 1990 Allan, Professor of French and Comparative Literature at Penn State University, Truman’s Apotheosis: Bataille, "Planisme," and Headlessness, Yale French Studies, No. 78, On Bataille (1990), pp. 181-205 It was no doubt true that official American policies of the period contributed to economic AND with the racists and their obviously naïve and sinister pseudoscience of biological determinism. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-The alternative fractures the left —- Rejecting the plan’s ~global/production~ focus unites the alternative with right wing china bashers and fractures opposition to the Pentagon’s militarist china policy.Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china A coalition of forces seeks to deprive China of permanent normal trading relations (PNTR AND , "the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time". Jensen 2009 Derrick, activist and the author of many books, most recently What We Leave Behind and Songs of the Dead, Forget Shorter Showers, Orion Magazine, http://www.orionmagazine.org/index.php/articles/article/4801/ WOULD ANY SANE PERSON think dumpster diving would have stopped Hitler, or that composting AND it’s deeply revolutionary. It’s not. Personal change doesn’t equal social change. —-Individual local strategies fail to adapt to the inevitability of global concerns and guarantees a world dominated by violence.Monbiot 2004 George, journalist, academic, and political and environmental activist, Manifesto for a New World Order, p. 11-13 The quest for global solutions is difficult and divisive. Some members of this movement AND to prevent climate change from destroying the conditions it requires for its survival. —-The alternative reifies constructed Western notions of the ’local’ that collapses autonomy and masks oppression.Escobar 1995 Arturo, Associate professor of Anthropology @ UMASS, Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World, pg. 170 As Ana Maria Alonso (1992) remarked in the context of another peasant struggle AND enthusiastically we assume the nonexistence of that distinction. (111,112) |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The Economist 2006 America’s ports and Dubai; Trouble on the waterfront, http://www.economist.com/node/5551176 XENOPHOBIA seems to be creeping into American politics. Last year, Congress saw off AND to base policy on the prejudice that every Arab is a potential terrorist. Myers 2003 Tony, former lecturer at the University of Stirling. He is the author of Upgrade Your English Essay (Arnold, 2002) and numerous articles on postmodernism, psychoanalysis and politics, Slavoj Zizek, pg 107-108 Of course, as fantasies cannot ultimately coexist peacefully, particularly when they are ethnic AND is a fantasy figure, someone who embodies the void of the Other. —-Perm is critical to political effectiveness and solves extinction.Hildyard Lohmann %26 Sexton, Their Author, 2012 Nicholas, founder and Director of The Corner House, Larry, author of the book "Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization and Power" %26 works at the British NGO The Corner House, Sarah, a director of The Corner House, Energy Security For What? For Whom? The Corner House, http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/energy-security-whom-what Critically, there is a need for public discussion and debate that correct the fatal AND "energy security" and the most pragmatic starting point for practical action. —-Energy is good —- Its interchangeable nature is key to resolve multiple barriers to equity and poverty alleviation.Epstein 2009 Alex, founder and director of the Center for Industrial Progress, Energy at the Speed of Thought: The Original Alternative Energy Market, TOS Vol. 4, No. 2. The most important and most overlooked energy issue today is the growing crisis of global AND supply stagnates3—meaning rising prices as far as the eye can see. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: Plan Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews. Inherency Contention 1- the Status Quo The United States currently submits all foreign investment deals related to oil and gas production to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS. These restrictions chill foreign investment and send a signal of US protectionism. Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. Relations Contention 2 US-China relations: US China economic relations are on the brink- China knows that election rhetoric is just bluster, but US investment openness remains a key issue for relations. Fung, associate editor-The Atlantic, 10-16-12 (Brian Fung, associate editor at The Atlantic, He has written previously for Foreign Policy and The Washington Post, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/10/dont-panic-us-chinese-economic-cooperation-isnt-about-to-break-down/263652/#) Skim the economic headlines of the past few weeks, and it would be easy AND that what looks like a snub is sometimes just part of doing business. Conflicts over the US foreign investment process risk shattering the relationship. The plan sends a strong signal of cooperation towards China. Xu 11 (Ting, senior project manager-Bertelsmann Foundation, The Next Big Threat to US-China Ties, July 13, http://thediplomat.com/2011/07/13/the-next-big-threat-to-us-china-ties/) The United States and China have long lobbed verbal grenades across the Pacific, each AND a win-win situation that would also boost Sino-American collaboration. And, investment restrictions spark a Chinese nationalist backlash that could escalate to war—clarifying CFIUS is key. Dorn 05 (James A, China specialist and VP for academic affairs at Cato, U.S.-China Relations in the Wake of CNOOC, CATO Policy Analysis, Nov 2, http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa553.pdf) The message that Congress should send China is the message Liu Junning, an independent AND will depend on sound free-market policies, not on destructive protectionism. Collapse of relations risks nuclear war. Wittner 11 (Wittner, Emeritus Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany and former editor of Peace and Change, a journal of peace research, “COMMENTARY: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible?,” November 28, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/opinion/avoiding-a-us-china-war.html) While nuclear weapons exist, there remains a danger that they will be used. AND that of the world, they should be working to encourage these policies. Collapse of economic interdependence between US and China makes miscalculation inevitable, causing cyber-terrorism and proxy wars in East Asia. Bremmer and Gordon 10-12-12 (Ian Bremmer is president of Eurasia Group and author of ''Every Nation for Itself: Winners and Losers in a G-Zero World,'' David Gordon is head of research at Eurasia Group and former director of policy planning at the State Department, “Where Commerce and Politics Collide,” http://www.chinausfocus.com/uncategorized/where-commerce-and-politics-collide/) Whatever happened to the reassuring view that expanding trade ties make for a safer and AND overcome the incentives for conflict avoidance that mutually assured economic destruction has created. Cyber attacks risk shooting wars between the US and China. Apps 10-24 (Peter Apps, Political Risk Correspondent for Reuters, 2012, http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/sns-rt-us-iran-cyberbre89n0nj-20121024,0,817484.story) The very attractions of the silent war - deniability and use of arms-length AND intelligence agency GCHQ and now senior fellow at London's Royal United Services Institute. And, the plan solves any alternative causes Marchick-Carlyle Group-2/12 Fostering Greater Chinese Investment in the United States http://www.cfr.org/china/fostering-greater-chinese-investment-united-states/p27310 China recently became the world's second-largest economy and has emerged as the world's AND welcomes Chinese investment and that additional investment is in both countries' economic interest. And, recent official statements prove these investment restrictions are a critical issue in the relationship. Xu et al 12 (Ting, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20In%20Hand.pdf) Many U.S. experts recognize the potentially enormous future benefit from growing Chinese AND welcome Chinese investment and in particular, to treat the SOEs equally. 4 Optional: AND CFIUS protectionism risk war with China – interdependency will falter Dorn, CATO China specialist, 07 (James, “The Rise of China Engagement or Protectionism? US Policy towards China,” GLOBAL DIALOGUE Volume 9 ● Number 1–2 ● Winter/Spring 2007, http://www.worlddialogue.org/content.php?id=395) Treasury Secretary Paulson is correct to urge institutional change in China rather than narrowly focus AND . If they couldn’t sell in America, they would fall apart.”11 China Gas Contention 3 is Chinese Gas: China is limiting itself to “hands off” oil and gas deals – these small partnerships don’t secure technical expertise to develop Chinese shale – this puts them decades behind gas targets Mandel 7-17 (Jenny, Reporter for EnergyWire, a daily publication covering the unconventional oil and gas sectors, Previous positions with EandE include editing Land Letter and writing news and feature stories for Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other news outlets, “Will U.S. shale technology make the leap across the Pacific?,” EnergyWire: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, http://www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/07/17/1) Modes of tech transfer Despite the challenges, the allure of a massive new domestic AND pursue contracts for natural gas imports to satisfy the strong and growing demand. US gas companies currently negotiate passive deals for China because of CFIUS restrictions. Knowledge @ Wharton 12 (China's Underground Race for Shale Gas, aug 21, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2851) Meanwhile, in the U.S., shale gas leaders, such as Devon AND Chinese companies may be able to negotiate better terms, says CATF's Sung. Only the US has the expertise necessary for China to develop its shale resources- increased Chinese access to US drilling techniques and regulatory methods is critical. Forbes, manager- Shale Gas Initiative at the World Resources Institute, 12 (Sarah, also the Senior Associate for the Climate and Energy Program at the World Resources Institute, HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION: “CHINA’S GLOBAL QUEST FOR RESOURCES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES; CHINA’S PROSPECTS FOR SHALE GAS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S.,” January 26, http://pdf.wri.org/testimony/forbes_testimony_china_shale_gas_2012-01-26.pdf) Are there risks as well as opportunities for U.S. companies? From AND aware of and take into account while pursuing and designing Chinese domestic development. Chinese shale development key to displace their coal use—renewables cant be scaled up fast enough. Hanger 12 (John, Special Counsel at the law firm Eckert Seamans, and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, “China Gets Cracking on Fracking: The Best Environmental News Of The Year?,” Aug 14, http://johnhanger.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-gets-cracking-on-fracking-good.html) China sits on natural gas reserves that are estimated to be 50% higher than the massive gas reserves in the USA. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/08/120808-china-shale-gas/. Despite this gargantuan gas resource, coal provides China 80% of its electricity, compared to 34% in the USA, as of May 2012. Why the difference? The shale gas boom that is now more than 10 years long in the USA is just getting started in China and so the Chinese remain heavily reliant on coal to make electricity and for their total energy. Around the world, the basic energy choice is coal or gas. China is just the biggest example of this fundamental fact. China's reliance on coal means that its economic growth brings skyrocketing carbon emissions and other air pollution. Indeed, Chinese air quality is infamous around the world, and smog has been so thick that Beijing airport has been unable to land planes for short periods. As of 2011, China was responsible for 29% of the world's carbon emissions, while the US produced 16%, even though the US economy is still considerably bigger than China's. Moreover, US carbon emissions are declining to 1992 levels, but China's emissions skyrocket. Though China is building substantial new wind, solar, and nuclear generation, those investments are not enough to cut Chinese coal consumption, given economic growth that is still 7% in what some describe as an economic slowdown. Shale gas, however, could be big enough to actually displace significant amounts of coal in China. More gas in China means less mercury, soot. lead, smog, and carbon emissions. China's energy plans call for shale gas to provide 6% of its total energy as soon as 2020. If it achieves that goal, China will avoid more than 500 million tons of carbon pollution per year or about 1.5% of today's total carbon emissions. Increasing demand for Chinese coal production causes water shortages which threaten economic collapse and political instability. Schneider 11 (Keith, senior editor for Circle of Blue-a nonprofit focusing on resource shortages founded in 2000, Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country, Feb 15, http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china%E2%80%94confronting-water-scarcity-and-energy-demand-in-the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-country/) By any measure, conventional and otherwise, China’s tireless advance to international economic prominence AND rising incomes and improving opportunities, is at risk, say some authorities. Chinese economic collapse causes Asian and Middle East conflict- China will turn outwardly aggressive. Newmeyer 09 DR. JACQUELINE NEWMYER - LONG TERM STRATEGY GROUP- THE CENTER FOR NATIONAL POLICY “ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPACT ON CHINESE MILITARY MODERNIZATION” APRIL 8, 2009, http://cnponline.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/12503 So I think either way, either because of the insecurity that is stoked AND the downturn would lead to a greater chance of conflict abroad for China. And, economic decline causes war. Royal 2010 Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. And, pollution from coal causes environmental protests that threaten CCP rule. LeVine 12 (Steve, author of The Oil and the Glory, Foreign Policy contributor, CHINA The Cost of Coal , The Weekly Wrap -- Aug. 3, 2012, http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/03/the_weekly_wrap_aug_3_2012_part_i) China's moment of coal truth: A question that has vexed us for some time AND and economic outcomes. And yet that is exactly what we are seeing. Those pollution protests causes Chinese instability and CCP lashout Nankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China's Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195andno_cache=1) As the impact of pollution on human health becomes more obvious and widespread, it AND border. All of these situations would alter security assumptions in the region. This causes the CCP to launch WMDs and kill billions to try to hold onto power Renxin 05 Renxin, Journalist, 8-3-2K5 (San, “CCP Gambles Insanely to Avoid Death,” Epoch Times, www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-8-3/30931.html) Since the Party’s life is “above all else,” it would not be surprising AND as something one finds difficult to tell whether it is false or true. And, Chinese pollution causes nuclear war with Russia Nankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China's Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195andno_cache=1) In addition to the concerns already mentioned, pollution, if linked to a specific AND in full-scale war between two powerful, nuclear-equipped nations. And, shale development key to Chinese energy security. Downs 00 (Erica, China Fellow @ Brookings, CHINA’S ENERGY SECURITY ACTIVITIES, http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1244/MR1244.ch3.pdf) The Chinese government can also improve China’s energy security through development of the country’s natural AND concerns—possibly a fear of foreign control over China’s gas resources. 76 The impact is China-India energy wars. Clement 12 (Nicholas, China and India Vie for Energy Security, May 25, http://www.2point6billion.com/news/2012/05/25/china-and-india-vie-for-energy-security-11177.html) The competitive relationship between China and India has become a defining feature of the strategic AND ongoing diplomatic engagement between China and India to avoid unnecessary or accidental escalation. Participating in oil joint ventures boosts US-China energy coop, allowing them to learn from us and control air pollution and environmental degradation. Wu, Brookings Visiting Fellow, 08 (Richard Weixing Hu, Advancing Sino-U.S. Energy Cooperation Amid Oil Price Hikes, March, http://www.brookings.edu/research/opinions/2008/03/energy-hu) Fourth, both governments should encourage their energy companies to collaborate in jointly enlarging the AND air and a considerable contribution to the common course of global environmental protection. And, politicization of Chinese energy deals independently undermines US-China energy relations, which causes hostile Chinese naval modernization. Lieberthal and Herberg 06 (Kenneth, Distinguished Fellow and Director for China at The William Davidson institute, and research associate of the China Center at the University of Michigan, and Mikkal, Director of the asian Energy security program at The national bureau of asian research, China’s Search for Energy Security: Implications for U.S. Policy*, http://www.nbr.org/publications/nbranalysis/pdf/vol17no1.pdf) Both the United States and China will benefit if they can develop a collaborative relationship AND each other’s energy insecurities and find new ways to work toward cooperative outcomes. Chinese naval modernization causes miscalculation, risking conflict with the US. United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission 09 (“THE IMPLICATIONS OF CHINA’S NAVAL MODERNIZATION FOR THE UNITED STATES,” HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION, June 11, http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2009hearings/transcripts/09_06_11_trans/09_06_11_trans.pdf) In this hearing, witnesses told the Commission that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army ( AND As a consequence, a naval arms race in East Asia may ensue. The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is particularly high- focusing on improving relations is critical. Glaser, CSIS Senior Fellow, 12 (Bonnie, Senior Fellow,Center for Strategic and International Studies, Armed Clash in the South China Sea, http://www.cfr.org/east-asia/armed-clash-south-china-sea/p27883) The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is significant. China, Taiwan AND one of the various disputes in the South China Sea from escalating militarily. Solvency Contention 4-Solvency: Narrowing the definition of national security to exclude “energy assets” insulates the CFIUS process from protectionist manipulation. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS. Ellis-Vinson and Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND were energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007 And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security-- explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key. Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). Clarification of CFIUS priorities should focus on specific industries to green-light. Xu et al 12 (Ting, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20In%20Hand.pdf) CFIUS should develop and make public both a list of strategic industries and a set AND multilateral channels of engagement to make improvements and upgrades to the investment climate. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Liu and Turner 11 (Kexin, CEF Intern, and Jennifer, director of the China Environment Forum, Shale We Dance? Exploring a New Area of U.S.-China Energy Collaboration, April, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Shale%20We%20Dance.pdf) CONCLUDING THOUGHTS The United States and China are motivated to shale gas exploration for similar AND order to protect the country’s already highly degraded water resources from further harm. Scissors, Heritage Fellow, 10 (Derek, Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy at Heritage, "Rebalancing" Chinese Investment in the U.S.," July 13, 2010, http://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/2010/pdf/wm2956.pdf) Natural Resources: The Biggest Problem. After the Unocal failure, the PRC turned toward Australia (and now Canada) for natural resource acquisition in a modern regulatory environment. The U.S. is losing investment—or seeing it diverted to government bonds—that would serve a range of national interests. Permitting the PRC to share in American gas production, for example, could improve China’s status as the world’s top air polluter. Chinese water scarcity from coal risks political instability and collapse of economic growthWilson Center 2012 (Choke Point: China/中国之瓶颈:水匮乏与能源需求, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/choke-point-china-http://www.wilsoncenter.org/choke-point-china) The burgeoning confrontation between energy and water creates a choke point that poses fundamental global AND point could endanger economic growth, food production, and even political stability. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: (A.) The alternative fractures the left —- Rejecting the plan for embracing free trade unites the alternative with right wing china bashers and fractures opposition to the Pentagon’s militarist china policy.Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china A coalition of forces seeks to deprive China of permanent normal trading relations (PNTR AND , "the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time". Moody 2000 Kim, staff writer for Labor Notes and author of An Injury to All and Workers in a Lean World, Protectionism or Solidarity? (Part I), http://www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/951 From a Marxist point of view, it seems obvious that the roots of economic AND to the defense of the business in the protection afforded by the border. Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/slavoj-zizek/resistance-is-surrender One of the clearest lessons of the last few decades is that capitalism is indestructible AND sense, but in order to better it or attenuate its malicious effect’? (A.) Rejecting trade makes war inevitable —- Extend Patrick —- Collapsing trade relations creates a spiraling cycle of suspicion and nationalism where every foreign business action is seen as zero sum with American national security.(B.) Solves their turns —- Interdependence creates an ethic of mutual recognition and respect between competitors that doesn’t require the instrumentalization of all life.Badhwar 2007 Neera K., Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Oklahoma - September "Friendship and Commercial Societies" Forthcoming in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm-http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm I have argued that the critics of market societies misunderstand both markets and friendship by AND friendlier to civic and character friendship than any other developed form of society. (A.) Withdrawing from global trade locks the alternative within a nationalist frame precluding transnational solidarity and organization.Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china The anti-China trade campaign amounts to a Faustian bargain that seeks to buy AND power of global corporations and multilateral agencies that promote TNC-led globalization. (B.) Total rejection of capitalism fragments resistance and reifies structural oppression.Gibson-Graham 1996 J.K., feminist economist, End of Capitalism, pg 263-264 One of our goals as Marxists has been to produce a knowledge of capitalism. AND its unity a fantasy, visible as a denial of diversity and change. Daily Times 2006 EDITORIAL: Economic neo-liberalism vs political realism, February 26th, http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006%5C02%5C26%5Cstory_26-2-2006_pg3_1 Ditto for CNOOC’s Unocal bid. China had no part to play in rearing Al AND to everyone’s advantage, politics has its own ideas of security and protectionism. (B.) The removal of anti-market forces solves bad capitalism and is historically distinct from the system described in their evidence.De Landa 1998 Manuel, Markets and Antimarkets in the World Economy, http://www.alamut.com/subj/economics/de_landa/antiMarkets.html When approaching the subject of economic power, one can safely ignore the entire field AND completely, and to begin speaking of markets and antimarkets and their dynamics. Badhwar 2007 Neera K., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma, Friendship and Commercial Societies, Forthcoming in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm None of this is to deny that when the means to an end is not AND as "praxis" distorts the nature of both business enterprises and friendships. —-The alternative fails —- Markets are inevitable and culturally universal.Lavoie and Chamlee-Wright 2000 Don Lavoie Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Emily Chamlee-Wright Associate Professor of Economics and Management at Beloit College, Culture and Enterprise: the development, representation, and morality of business p. 47-48 Indeed the favorite stick with which the left likes to hit economists is the claim AND human society has a strong propensity to generate and engage in market activity. Steele 1992 David Ramsay, author and Editorial Director of Open Court Publishing Company - From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation pg. 358-360 Marx also says that the relations are inevitably entered into ~some translations: ’are AND changes were somehow sealed off from having any direct influence on the relations. Steele 1992 David Ramsay, author and Editorial Director of Open Court Publishing Company - From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation pg. 361-362 To contradict historical materialism, it’s only necessary to claim that the relations changed once AND limited set of claims about the relations between forces and relations of production. No offense —- Collapse is worse for all their impacts and results in extermination of all life on the planet. Even in the face of inevitable collapse it’s try or die.Monbiot 2009 George, columnist for The Guardian, has held visiting fellowships or professorships at the universities of Oxford (environmental policy), Bristol (philosophy), Keele (politics), Oxford Brookes (planning), and East London (environmental science, August 17, 2009, "Is there any point in fighting to stave off industrial apocalypse?," http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cif-green/2009/aug/17/environment-climate-change I detect in your writings, and in the conversations we have had, an AND fight is still worth having; you, because you think it isn’t. Meltzer 2009 Allan, Professor of Political Economy at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Business, Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, First Recipient of the AEI Irving Kristol Award, and Chairman of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission, March 12, "Why Capitalism?" 2008-2009 Bradley Lecture Series, http://www.aei.org/publications/pubID.29525,filter.all/pub_detail.asp Newspaper headlines during the peak of the housing-credit crisis called it "the AND failures. It is the only system that increases both growth and freedom. Bhagwati 2011 Jagdish, University Professor of Law and Economics at Columbia University, Globalization Marches On, Project Syndicate, January 25th 2011, http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/globalization-marches-on Indeed, the West accepted the view that globalization would result (as with trade AND accidentally, establish a pro-globalization consensus that spans East and West. Kling 2002 Arnold, Ph.D. in economics from MIT, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, "Common Sense and Sensibility" http://www.techcentralstation.com/article.aspx?id=032802C Another notion comes from the environmentalists. According to their theory, wealth comes from AND , the market will find ways to side-step the doomsday scenarios. Welt 2009 Aviad, PhD in eco-finance from Columbia Law, National Security Review of Renewable Energy and CleanTech Transactions (August 1, 2011). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1933285 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1933285 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("Recovery Act") included a number AND along the years, shifting with it the focus of CFIUS’ analysis.2 Zenghelis 2012 Dimitri Zenghelis is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change London School of Economics, Associate Fellow Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House and Senior Economic Adviser Cisco, Restoring growth and confidence through resource-efficient innovation, June 27 2012 http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/2012/06/27/restoring-growth-zenghelis/ What is needed to restore confidence is a clear strategic vision with supporting policies to AND perceived lack of opportunity. This window of opportunity should not be wasted. Elliott 2008 Larry, Economics Editor at the Guardian, Can a dose of recession solve climate change?, http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/aug/25/economicgrowth.globalrecession There are many reasons why it is not quite as simple as that. My AND waiting for industrial capitalism to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions. Starr 2008 Steven, Associate member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Director of Clinical Laboratory Science Program, University of Missouri-Columbia, Catastrophic Climatic Consequences of Nuclear Conflict, International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation, Bulletin 28 April 2008, http://www.inesap.org/bulletin-28/catastrophic-climatic-consequences-nuclear-conflict Climatic changes resulting from nuclear conflict would occur many thousands of times faster – and AND annihilation which put all humanity and civilization under a common threat of destruction. Sharavin 2001 Alexander Sharavin, Director of the Institute of Military and Political Analysis, WHAT THE PAPERS SAY, October 3, 2001, pg. online China’s economy is among the fastest-growing economies in the world. It remains AND both, and even against the first frost of a possible nuclear winter. Scissors, Senior Research Fellow-Heritage, 12 (Derek, Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs , "China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S.," July 26, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-us) Wide-Ranging Implications One policy implication of CNOOC–Nexen is thus a bit AND regulatory oversight, and is a close American ally is the ideal alternative. Tamuno 2010 Paul Samuel, LLM Oil and Gas Law, University of Aberdeen, Assistan Lecturer Rivers State University of Science and Technology. Legal Response to Gas Flaring in Developed and Developing Countries: a comparative analysis of Nigeria, United Kingdom and Norway Centre for Energy, Petroleum %26 Mineral Law %26 Policy International Energy Law and Policy Research Paper Series Working Research Paper Series No: 2010/14 The extraction of crude oil often results in the bringing to the surface of accompanying AND are supposed to be regulated are often themselves responsible for regulatory functions.13 Kahn 2010 Brian, International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, Gas Flaring: Major Cause of Climate Change, BP Oil Spill Solution, May 23 2010, http://www.justmeans.com/Gas-Flaring-Major-Cause-of-Climate-Change-BP-Oil-Spill-Solution/15525.html Globally, gas flaring is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Over 400 AND as the rest of the Earth, in part because of black carbon. Just how much is black carbon contributing to climate change? James Hansen of NASA AND whose government has set a deadline for December 2010 to end gas flaring). |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Rosen and Hanemann 10-5-12 (Daniel and Thilo, Ralls vs. CFIUS: What Are the Implications for Chinese Investment?, Council on Foreign Relations, http://rhgroup.net/articles/ralls-vs-cfius-what-are-the-implications-for-chinese-investment) Last week President Obama issued an Executive Order requiring Chinese-controlled Ralls Corporation to AND to Chinese investment while screening for a narrow set of national security concerns. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: ====CFIUS blocking more Chinese deals-Investment declining ==== Inside US-China Trade 1/11/12 HEADLINE: 2011 TREND: MATURING CHINESE INVESTMENT ABROAD STILL FACES U.S. HURDLES Chinese outbound investment in 2011 slowed compared to a year earlier but showed signs of AND .S. has not been transparent for Chinese investors," he concludes. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-we meet-foreign investment restrictions on production Hirsch-former senior energy program adviser for Science Applications International Corporation-11 Commentary: Restrictions on world oil production http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2011-03-28/commentary-restrictions-world-oil-production-http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2011-03-28/commentary-restrictions-world-oil-production Restrictions on world oil production can be divided into four categories: 1. Geology AND and restrictions on foreign investment has led to significant Mexican oil production decline. -xxx—We-meet-the plan reduces restrictions that block, delay, and alter foreign investment in energy production Inside Energy with Federal Lands 4/12/10 (Herman Wang, HEADLINE: Foreign energy investments spark security concerns) Foreign firms appear to be increasingly interested in investing in US oil companies, electric AND have the sanctity of contracts and bright-letter law," Vrielink said. Vinson %26 Elkins LLP 12 (V%26E China Practice Update E-communication, "China Amends Foreign Investment Policy: New Foreign Investment Industry Guidance Catalogue," January 13, http://www.velaw.com/resources/pub_detail.aspx?id=20405) The Catalogue classifies foreign direct investments in the various Chinese industry sectors as "encouraged AND authorities. Foreign investment is not permitted in industries categorized as "prohibited." Wright v. Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc., 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 48718 2007 In the instant case, the Court is required to interpret the word "restriction" as used by the parties in the Agreement. The parties apparently agree that the legal definition of restriction—"a limitation or qualification," Black’s Law Dictionary 1341 (8th ed. 1999)—is a good place to start. Thus, the Court must determine whether the board’s supervision requirement falls within this definition. Google Dictionary qual•i•fi•ca•tion noun /ˌkwäləfəˈkāSHən/ qualifications, plural A quality or accomplishment that makes someone suitable for a particular job or activity - only one qualification required—fabulous sense of humor The action or fact of becoming qualified as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity - an opportunity for student teachers to share experiences before qualification A condition that must be fulfilled before a right can be acquired; an official requirement - the five-year residency qualification for presidential candidates |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No solution because of revenue concerns and if it does pass it’ll be limitedWeisman and Calmes 11/7/12 (*Jonathan, staffwriter, *Jackie, staffwriter, "Boehner Strikes Conciliatory Tone in Talk of Fiscal Cliff" http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/08/us/politics/back-to-bargaining-table-with-fiscal-cliff-dead-ahead.html?pagewanted=all%26_r=0-http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/08/us/politics/back-to-bargaining-table-with-fiscal-cliff-dead-ahead.html?pagewanted=all%26_r=0) But Democrats and Republicans are still far apart. Mr. Boehner made it clear AND on — and a catalyst for — major solutions, enacted in 2013." Congress doesn’t have a solution now, and limited solutions still result in investment uncertainty and cutsBillings Gazette 11/7/12 ("Gazette opinion: Urgent work awaits president, lame-duck Congress" http://billingsgazette.com/news/opinion/editorial/gazette-opinion/gazette-opinion-urgent-work-awaits-president-lame-duck-congress/article_42ea4dc9-6881-5289-82e4-bc0e5e494064.html-http://billingsgazette.com/news/opinion/editorial/gazette-opinion/gazette-opinion-urgent-work-awaits-president-lame-duck-congress/article_42ea4dc9-6881-5289-82e4-bc0e5e494064.html) President Barack Obama, re-elected Tuesday, and the 535 members of Congress AND to go over 9 percent, enough to throw us back into recession." WallStreet 9/14/12 http://www.marketwatch.com/story/us-sticks-its-nose-in-chinese-canadian-energy-deal-2012-09-14 U.S. Sticks its Nose in Chinese-Canadian Energy Deal The %2415.1 billion offer from China’s state-controlled Cnooc Ltd. AND non-election-related fireworks between now and then over the issue. Reuters 11/7 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2012, Argentine judge embargoes %2419 billion Chevron assets, http://cnn-latest-news-blog.blogspot.com/ Once a deal is announced, it must be approved by a body called the AND . defense contractor. "There’s just not enough business to go around." LeSage 11-8 (Jon, "A123, Wanxiang deal under scrutiny by Republican Senators," Nov 8, 2012, http://green.autoblog.com/2012/11/08/a123-wanxiang-deal-under-scrutiny-by-republican-senators/) Lithium-ion battery maker A123 Systems continues to be a source of drama and AND in A123’s technology and wants to see the legal process carried out thoroughly. Energy fights in the lame duck are inevitable- Obama will push the wind PTC and House Republicans will push Keystone.Energy Guardian 11-7- 12 (Edward Felker, Analysis: Obama victory a defeat for oil, coal industries, from Energy Guardian daily email newsletter on Nov 7, 2012) Voters on Tuesday returned President Barack Obama to the White House for another four years, but they did little to settle the divisions over energy and the environment in Washington. With Republicans easily retaining their hold on the House, and Democrats keeping their slim AND advocate who survived a tougher-than-expected challenge from John Ewing. ====No political capital ==== Darling 11/2 ("Brian Darling is Senior Fellow for Government Studies at The Heritage Foundation" http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/02/legislative-lowdown-a-hurricane-of-obama-scandals-hit-before-election-day/) Recent reports from Capitol Hill and the media indicate that Congress will have some serious oversight responsibilities in the emerging scandals of Benghazi-Gate and Solyndra-Gate immediately after the elections. Furthermore, Congress has scheduled a lame-duck post-election session to deal with pending legislative matters. No matter who wins the presidential election and congressional races, the post-election session of Congress will be dangerous for voters who favor small government. China FDI popular – economic considerations and China lobbySchatz 10-5-12 (Joseph, POLITICO Pro’s tax editor. Before AND black and white," Politico.com October 5, 2012, lexis) Mitt Romney’s hard-hitting ads claim President Barack Obama needs to "stand up AND Obama administration has also made efforts to link Chinese firms with American companies. Jackson 10 (James K. Jackson, CRS Specialist in International Trade and Finance, Foreign Investment, CFIUS, and Homeland Security: An Overview, February 4, http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/138597.pdf) While CFIUS’s activities often seem to be quite opaque, the Committee is not free AND interest activities from falling under foreign control, primarily for national defense purposes. Hamilton and Schroeder 1994 ~James T. Hamilton is an assistant Professor of Public Policy, Economics and Political Science at Duke University, Christopher H. Schroeder is a Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law "Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures: The Selection of Formal vs. Informal Rules in Regulating Hazardous Waste http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4229%26context=lcp~~ 3. As the regulatory costs imposed on parties increase, the more likely the AND parties since informal rules may be applied with more discretion than formal rules. Heineman 10 (Ben Heineman Jr. has held top positions in government, law, and business. He is the author of High Performance with High Integrity "No Presidential Greatness Without Spending Political Capital" http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/-http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/) Only in recent months, when he was willing to make it his personal issue AND echoes decisions of his great Democratic predecessors, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson. Klein 12 (Ezra, citing George Edwards, the director of the Center of Presidential studies at Texas A and M is the editor of Wonkblog and a columnist at the Washington Post, as well as a contributor to MSNBC and Bloomberg. "THE UNPERSUADED" http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/03/19/120319fa_fact_klein?currentPage=5-http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/03/19/120319fa_fact_klein?currentPage=5) The Obama Administration was taken by surprise when congressional Republicans turned against the individual mandate AND might have the perverse effect of making it harder for him to govern. Lester 11-2 (Patrick, Director of Federal Fiscal Policy at OMBWatch, He is an expert on federal budget and revenue issues and has been cited by numerous media outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, and Nonprofit Quarterly. Prior to coming to OMB Watch, Patrick was the Vice President for Social Impact, Social Solutions; Senior Vice President of Public Policy for the Alliance for Children and Families; and Director of Public Policy at the United Way. Previous to that, he was a Senior Policy Analyst at the Maryland Budget and Tax Policy Institute, "Mitigating the Impact of a Temporary Sequester," http://www.ombwatch.org/files/budget/mitigating_impact_of_temporary_sequester.pdf) Unless Congress and the president enact legislation delaying or canceling them, automatic federal spending AND or no damage to most affected federal defense and non-defense programs. No deal on sequestration and no impact – it’ll be resolved after the lame duckWright and Mak 11/6/12 (*AUSTIN, staffwriter, *Tim, staffwriter, "Lame duck looking lamer as fiscal cliff nears" http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83353.html-http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83353.html) If Obama wins, Democrats could try to improve their negotiating position by allowing sequestration AND defense cuts over 10 years, on top of the %24487 billion. Preble 2011 Christopher, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, Strength vs. Stupidity, National Interest, http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-skeptics/strength-vs-stupidity-5942 The latter point, "national security doesn’t require it," is crucial, correct AND that have sheltered under the U.S. security umbrella for decades. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Duchossois Indus. v. United States, 2010-1 U.S. Tax Cas. (CCH) P50,344 2010 In Kohler, the taxpayer purchased %24 19.5 million in Mexican pesos for AND or restrictions that devalues the pesos and lowers the value of the stock. Zotnick, law prof- RWU, 04 David M. Zlotnick, associate professor of law at the Roger Williams University School of Law, visiting professor of law at Washington College, Spring 2004, Roger Williams University Law Review, 9 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 645, p. 684 On the federal level, the time has come to listen to the voices of AND , this makes a travesty of the justice they have sworn to uphold. Treanor and Sperling, 1993 (William Michael, Associate Professor of Law @ Fordham University, and Gene B., Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, December, Prospective Overruling and the Revival of "unconstitutional" Statutes, 93 Colum. L. Rev. 1902, Columbia Law Review) A judicial decision invalidating a statute also skews the political dynamic because, as a AND different for the two camps, he voted in favor of the bill. Rosen and Hanemann 2011 Daniel H. Rosen is Founder and China Practice leader of the Rhodium Group and adjuct professor at Columbia University, Thilo Hanemann is Research Director at the Rhodium Group, AN AMERICAN OPEN DOOR?, May 2011, http://asiasociety.org/files/pdf/AnAmericanOpenDoor_FINAL.pdf Though the annual numbers are doubling, there is a growing perception in China that AND in this messaging given its oversight role and recent activism on foreign investment. Rosenberg, Law Prof- Chicago, 1991 (Gerald, The Hollow Hope, pg. 87) The judiciary, like other large political institutions, is afflicted with many bureaucratic problems AND judicial remedy is to return to court and re-start the process. Hamilton and Quinlan 06 (Daniel, and Joseph, Protecting Our Prosperity Ensuring Both National Security and the Benefits of Foreign Investment in the United States, NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR AMERICAN POLICY, JUNE, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/transatlantic-topics/Articles/economy/ProtectingOurProsperity_NFAP_June_20_2006.pdf) Fifth, don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Political uncertainties and potential delays for AND inflation, less innovation, lower wages, and lower stock prices. 35 Pacelle, poli sci prof-Missouri, 02 (Richard, poli sci prof and legal studies coordinator at the univ of Missouri at St. Louis The Role of the Supreme Court in American Politics: The Least Dangerous Branch?, p92) Even if the Supreme Court was to carve out some sphere of power for itself AND the other branches and the public, the cost is its institutional legitimacy. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: CFR 10/8 Oil Diplomacy in the Sudans, October 8, 2012, Interviewee: Alex de Waal, Executive Director, World Peace Foundation, Tufts University Interviewer: Christopher Alessi, Online Editor/Writer, http://www.cfr.org/sudan/oil-diplomacy-sudans/p29214 The immediate effect is that oil production and export is going to resume as soon AND domestic use, will also be back to pre-conflict levels soon. Murtaugh 9/14 Dan, Bloomberg News, North Dakota’s Bakken Oil Output Passes 600,000 Barrels a Day, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-14/north-dakota-s-bakken-oil-output-passes-600-000-barrels-a-day.html Oil production from the North Dakota portion of the Bakken shale formation topped 600, AND highest annual level since 1991, according to department figures compiled by Bloomberg. Macdonald 9-6-12 Gregor, contributing editor to Peak Prosperity and energy market expert, The Repricing of Oil, September 6 2012, http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/79590/repricing-oil-http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/79590/repricing-oil The oil market now understands that should prices fall below %2490, it starts AND far and wide digging up expensive, hard-to-extract oil. Goldwyn 12 (David, http://www.brookings.edu/~~/media/events/2012/6/29%20iran%20sanctions/20120629_sanctions_iran) Well, Steve, oil markets are notoriously volatile, so lots of things can AND probability, I think, but you could have a disruption in Venezuela. Scissors, Senior Research Fellow-Heritage, 12 (Derek, Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs , "China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S.," July 26, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-us) Wide-Ranging Implications One policy implication of CNOOC–Nexen is thus a bit AND regulatory oversight, and is a close American ally is the ideal alternative. Columbian 12 ("More U.S. drilling won’t ease gas prices at pump" http://www.columbian.com/news/2012/mar/21/more-us-drilling-wont-ease-gas-price-at-pump/) It’s the political cure-all for high gas prices: Drill here, drill AND would provide — it would at most cut gas prices by 10 percent. Energy Guardian 11-7 (Sandy Shore, AP Business Writer, "Oil falls to lowest level since July," from daily email sent from the Energy Guardian on Nov 11, 2012, from http://www.energyguardian.net) The price of oil tumbled nearly 5 percent Wednesday, its biggest decline of the AND day in the third quarter from 14.7 million a year earlier. Russian decline now –CapitalKhamraeva 9/17/12 V., Telegraph/Russia Behind the Headlines, Experts foresee new wave of financial crisis in Russia, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/russianow/business/9547777/russia-financial-crisis-second-wave.html Economic experts warn, however, that a new crisis is just around the corner AND financial regulators such as the Fed and the ECB use," he said. Gill et al 2009 Franklin E., retired Research Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law and Chief Corporate Financial Counsel, Sun Company, Inc. The International Lawyer Vol 43 No 2 Summer 2009, Russia and Ukraine, http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/multimedia/international_law/docs/committees/russia_eurasia/russiaeurasiayir.authcheckdam.pdf One of Vladimir Putin’s last acts in his capacity as Russia’s president was to sign AND few significant differences, however, in how the two laws are structured. FDI is key to Russian oil and gas modernization – capital intensive.Heinrich and Pleines 2012 Dr. Andreas Heinrich and Dr. Heiko Pleines are working at the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: the Resource Curse and Political Stability in Russia RUSSIAN ANALYTICAL DIGEST No. 113, 15 May 2012 http://www.css.ethz.ch/publications/pdfs/RAD-113.pdf With no relevant legislation in place, all post-Soviet states saw production sharing AND to resource nationalism the role of state companies in the industry was increased. Ogutcu 2002 Mehmet, former Head of the OECDs Global Forum on international investment and regional outreach programmes, ATTRACTING FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FOR RUSSIA’S MODERNIZATION 19 June 2002 http://www.oecd.org/investment/investmentfordevelopment/1942539.pdf However, what has been achieved to date is not in itself enough to guarantee AND the rest of the economy, which is in dire need of capital. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews.Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. US China economic relations are on the brink- China knows that election rhetoric is just bluster, but US investment openness remains a key issue for relations.Fung, associate editor-The Atlantic, 10-16-12 (Brian Fung, associate editor at The Atlantic, He has written previously for Foreign Policy and The Washington Post, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/10/dont-panic-us-chinese-economic-cooperation-isnt-about-to-break-down/263652/~~%23) Skim the economic headlines of the past few weeks, and it would be easy AND that what looks like a snub is sometimes just part of doing business. Xu 11 (Ting, senior project manager-Bertelsmann Foundation, The Next Big Threat to US-China Ties, July 13, http://thediplomat.com/2011/07/13/the-next-big-threat-to-us-china-ties/) The United States and China have long lobbed verbal grenades across the Pacific, each AND a win-win situation that would also boost Sino-American collaboration. And, investment restrictions spark a Chinese nationalist backlash that could escalate to war—clarifying CFIUS is key.Dorn 05 (James A, China specialist and VP for academic affairs at Cato, U.S.-China Relations in the Wake of CNOOC, CATO Policy Analysis, Nov 2, http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa553.pdf) The message that Congress should send China is the message Liu Junning, an independent AND will depend on sound free-market policies, not on destructive protectionism. Wittner 11 (Wittner, Emeritus Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany and former editor of Peace %26 Change, a journal of peace research, "COMMENTARY: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible?," November 28, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/opinion/avoiding-a-us-china-war.html) While nuclear weapons exist, there remains a danger that they will be used. AND that of the world, they should be working to encourage these policies. Chinese FDI in the US stands to skyrocket, but politicization of the CFIUS review process threatens this investment. The US must take new steps to send a signal that Chinese investment is welcome.Rosen and Hanemann 11 (Daniel, principal at RHG and Adjunct Professor at Columbia, and Thilo, Research Director- the Rhodium Group, Chinese FDI in the United States is taking off: How to maximize its benefits?, http://www.vcc.columbia.edu/content/chinese-fdi-united-states-taking-how-maximize-its-benefits) China’s outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) grew rapidly in the past decade, AND a test case for how the United States deals with these new realities. And, energy restrictions destroy investor confidence, which crushes the dollar and triggers economic recession- the vague CFIUS interpretation of national security chills ALL foreign investment.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167) B. National Security and Investor Uncertainty The uncertain interpretation of national security in Exon AND investment is more vital than ever to provide liquidity to American markets. 164 Rickards, 12 (James, economist and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street and the author of NYT Bestselling book Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, "Why We Should Still Be Worried about a Double-Dip Recession," February 27, 2012, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2012/02/27/why-we-should-still-be-worried-about-a-double-dip-recession) The late summer and fall of 2011 was filled with fears of a double- AND certainty returns and, on current form, that may be years away. And, the plan is a quick injection of capital which is critical to economic recovery.Xu et al 12 (Ting, China and Economy consultant for Bertelsmann Stiftung, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20in%20Hand%20Second%20Edition%20final.pdf) Although Chinese FDI has drawn increasing attention in the U.S. and Germany AND in bringing those countries that are facing a credit crunch back to growth. And, economic decline causes war.Royal 2010 Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, "Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises," in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. China is limiting itself to "hands off" oil and gas deals – these small partnerships don’t secure technical expertise to develop Chinese shale – this puts them decades behind gas targetsMandel 7-17 (Jenny, Reporter for EnergyWire, a daily publication covering the unconventional oil and gas sectors, Previous positions with E%26E include editing Land Letter and writing news and feature stories for Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other news outlets, "Will U.S. shale technology make the leap across the Pacific?," EnergyWire: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, http://www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/07/17/1) Modes of tech transfer Despite the challenges, the allure of a massive new domestic AND pursue contracts for natural gas imports to satisfy the strong and growing demand. Knowledge @ Wharton 12 (China’s Underground Race for Shale Gas, aug 21, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2851) Meanwhile, in the U.S., shale gas leaders, such as Devon AND Chinese companies may be able to negotiate better terms, says CATF’s Sung. Only the US has the expertise necessary for China to develop its shale resources- increased Chinese access to US drilling techniques and regulatory methods is critical.Forbes, manager- Shale Gas Initiative at the World Resources Institute, 12 (Sarah, also the Senior Associate for the Climate and Energy Program at the World Resources Institute, HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION: "CHINA’S GLOBAL QUEST FOR RESOURCES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES; CHINA’S PROSPECTS FOR SHALE GAS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S.," January 26, http://pdf.wri.org/testimony/forbes_testimony_china_shale_gas_2012-01-26.pdf) Are there risks as well as opportunities for U.S. companies? From AND aware of and take into account while pursuing and designing Chinese domestic development. Hanger 12 (John, Special Counsel at the law firm Eckert Seamans, and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, "China Gets Cracking on Fracking: The Best Environmental News Of The Year?," Aug 14, http://johnhanger.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-gets-cracking-on-fracking-good.html) China sits on natural gas reserves that are estimated to be 50% higher than the massive gas reserves in the USA. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/08/120808-china-shale-gas/. Despite this gargantuan gas resource, coal provides China 80% of its electricity, compared to 34% in the USA, as of May 2012. Why the difference? The shale gas boom that is now more than 10 years long in the USA is just getting started in China and so the Chinese remain heavily reliant on coal to make electricity and for their total energy. Around the world, the basic energy choice is coal or gas. China is just the biggest example of this fundamental fact. China’s reliance on coal means that its economic growth brings skyrocketing carbon emissions and other air pollution. Indeed, Chinese air quality is infamous around the world, and smog has been so thick that Beijing airport has been unable to land planes for short periods. As of 2011, China was responsible for 29% of the world’s carbon emissions, while the US produced 16%, even though the US economy is still considerably bigger than China’s. Moreover, US carbon emissions are declining to 1992 levels, but China’s emissions skyrocket. Though China is building substantial new wind, solar, and nuclear generation, those investments are not enough to cut Chinese coal consumption, given economic growth that is still 7% in what some describe as an economic slowdown. Shale gas, however, could be big enough to actually displace significant amounts of coal in China. More gas in China means less mercury, soot. lead, smog, and carbon emissions. China’s energy plans call for shale gas to provide 6% of its total energy as soon as 2020. If it achieves that goal, China will avoid more than 500 million tons of carbon pollution per year or about 1.5% of today’s total carbon emissions. Increasing demand for Chinese coal production causes water shortages which threaten economic collapse and political instability.Schneider 11 (Keith, senior editor for Circle of Blue-a nonprofit focusing on resource shortages founded in 2000, Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country, Feb 15, http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china%E2%80%94confronting-water-scarcity-and-energy-demand-in-the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-country/) By any measure, conventional and otherwise, China’s tireless advance to international economic prominence AND rising incomes and improving opportunities, is at risk, say some authorities. Chinese economic collapse causes Asian and Middle East conflict- China will turn outwardly aggressive.Newmeyer 09 DR. JACQUELINE NEWMYER - LONG TERM STRATEGY GROUP- THE CENTER FOR NATIONAL POLICY "ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPACT ON CHINESE MILITARY MODERNIZATION" APRIL 8, 2009, http://cnponline.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/12503 So I think either way, either because of the insecurity that is stoked AND the downturn would lead to a greater chance of conflict abroad for China. And, pollution from coal causes environmental protests that threaten CCP rule.LeVine 12 (Steve, author of The Oil and the Glory, Foreign Policy contributor, CHINA The Cost of Coal , The Weekly Wrap — Aug. 3, 2012, http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/03/the_weekly_wrap_aug_3_2012_part_i-http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/03/the_weekly_wrap_aug_3_2012_part_i) China’s moment of coal truth: A question that has vexed us for some time AND and economic outcomes. And yet that is exactly what we are seeing. Those pollution protests causes Chinese instability and CCP lashoutNankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China’s Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904%26tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195%26no_cache=1) As the impact of pollution on human health becomes more obvious and widespread, it AND border. All of these situations would alter security assumptions in the region. This causes the CCP to launch WMDs and kill billions to try to hold onto powerRenxin 05 Renxin, Journalist, 8-3-2K5 (San, "CCP Gambles Insanely to Avoid Death," Epoch Times, www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-8-3/30931.html) Since the Party’s life is "above all else," it would not be surprising AND as something one finds difficult to tell whether it is false or true. And, Chinese pollution causes nuclear war with RussiaNankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China’s Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904%26tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195%26no_cache=1) In addition to the concerns already mentioned, pollution, if linked to a specific AND in full-scale war between two powerful, nuclear-equipped nations. And, shale development key to Chinese energy security.Downs 00 (Erica, China Fellow @ Brookings, CHINA’S ENERGY SECURITY ACTIVITIES, http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1244/MR1244.ch3.pdf) The Chinese government can also improve China’s energy security through development of the country’s natural AND concerns—possibly a fear of foreign control over China’s gas resources. 76 Clement 12 (Nicholas, China and India Vie for Energy Security, May 25, http://www.2point6billion.com/news/2012/05/25/china-and-india-vie-for-energy-security-11177.html) The competitive relationship between China and India has become a defining feature of the strategic AND ongoing diplomatic engagement between China and India to avoid unnecessary or accidental escalation. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS.Ellis-Vinson %26 Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html-http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007. And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security— explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key.Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No disad- US offshore knowledge doesn’t translate to the South China Sea’s geology AND China can already just outsource it if they really want.Downs, China Fellow @ Brookings, 10-10-12 (Erica, China’s Oil Investment Is Not a Threat, Foreign Policy, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/10/10/China_Nexen_CNOOC_CFIUS?page=full) 2. It won’t help CNOOC in the South China Sea. After CNOOC announced AND South China Sea limit the portability of U.S.-gained expertise. We would obviously monitor China in the South China Sea and control escalation.Scissors and Cheng 12 (Derek Scissors, PhD , is Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation, China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S., july 31, http://www.chinausfocus.com/energy-environment/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-u-s/) Neither the Administration nor Congress should publicly oppose CNOOC’s acquisition of Nexen or privately pressure AND PRC’s employment of acquired technology in sensitive areas should continue to be monitored. Scissors, Senior Research Fellow-Heritage, 12 (Derek, Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs , "China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S.," July 26, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-us) On the security dimension, China has again demonstrated the ability to improve its technology AND to the PRC that the U.S. stands with its allies. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-The plan specifies that it removes restrictions only on the production stage. There is no other way to read it and the plan should be the ultimate arbiter of this question.Clark-partner Dewey %26 LeBoeuf LLP-11 LIMITS ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS IN THE PETROLEUM SECTOR: CFIUS INVESTMENT SCREENING, ECONOMIC SANCTIONS, ANTI-BRIBERY RULES, AND OTHER MEASURES http://tjogel.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ware_final1.pdf-http://tjogel.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ware_final1.pdf B. Petroleum Industry Experience and Challenges: Exon-Florio Although CFIUS’s focus on AND assets, creating some uncertainty for potential mergers and acquisitions in this sector. Merriam Webster Online http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/on-http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/on Definition of ON 9a —used as a function word to indicate destination or the focus of some action, movement, or directed effort crept up on him feast your eyes on this working on my skiing made a payment on the loan b —used as a function word to indicate the focus of feelings, determination, or will have pity on me keen on sorts a curse on you c —used as a function word to indicate the object with respect to some misfortune or disadvantageous event the crops died on them d —used as a function word to indicate the subject of study, discussion, or consideration a book on insects reflect on that a moment agree on price e : with respect to go light on the salt short on cash Rosen and Hanemann-Rhodium Group-11 (An American Open Door? Maximizing the Benefits of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment, http://www.ogilvypr.com/files/anamericanopendoor_china_fdi_study.pdf)
Several high-profile deals fired up these debates, such as the takeover of AND highlevel official—deputy secretary or higher—taking responsibility for the exemption). —-The plan is directly tied to oil and gas production-Capital is intrinsically tied to future increasesHouston Chronicle 1/4/12 International players jump at U.S. shale Simone Sebastian http://www.chron.com/business/article/International-players-jump-at-U-S-shale-2439490.php-http://www.chron.com/business/article/International-players-jump-at-U-S-shale-2439490.php Energy companies are funneling billions of dollars into the booming business of U.S AND 70 percent of Devon’s drilling costs, about %241.6 billion. —-C/I-Production is a distinct stage from exploration, transportation, storage, and distribution.Elcock 04 (Deborah, ’Environmental Policy and Regulatory Constraints to Natural Gas Production," Argonne National Laboratory, Dec, http://www.ipd.anl.gov/anlpubs/2004/12/51652.pdf) In 1999, the National Petroleum Council (NPC) reported that the demand for AND and long-term strategies for mitigating these environmental policy and regulatory constraints. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Graham and Marchick 5 ~Edward, Peterson Institute for International Economics and David Covington %26 Burling, Op-Ed in the Financial Times, quoted in their Carroll evidence, "A Misplaced Curb on Investment," 10-5, http://www.iie.com/publications/opeds/oped.cfm?ResearchID=568-http://www.iie.com/publications/opeds/oped.cfm?ResearchID=568~~ Congress should not be empowered to overturn the president’s national security decisions on particular transactions AND national security interests, America should welcome all other FDI with open arms. Tyson 8-10-12 (Laura, former Chair of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1993 to 1995 for Clinton, Benefits of Chinese investment, Australian Financial Review, lexis) Many Chinese investors view the CFIUS screening process as protectionist and targeted at them, AND needs the jobs, capital, and trade benefits that it would bring. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Won’t pass – house GOP and lack of electoral incentivesWorkpermit.com 12/31/12 (Workpermit is a specialist visa consultancy with nearly twenty-five years of experience dealing with visa applications. We are OISC registered. We can help with a wide range of visa applications to the UK or your country of choice. Please feel free to contact us for further details, "White House to campaign for immigration reform in 2013" http://www.workpermit.com/immigration-video.htm-http://www.workpermit.com/immigration-video.htm) Many Republican Party strategists say that, if the Republicans adopt an anti-immigration AND whether enough Republican Representatives will vote for change when the chips are down. ====Won’t pass – GOP doesn’t want Obama’s plan – assumes the optimism of their evidence ==== Stanage and Easley 12/17/12 (Niall, Jonathan, staffwriters for the hill "Republican leaders balance politics and principle on immigration reform" http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/273137-republican-leaders-balance-politics-and-principle-on-immigration-reform) Senior Republicans say the party is struggling to thread the needle on immigration reform, AND it," he said. "Republicans, realistically, can’t be obstructionist." UPI 12/30/12 ("Immigration reform being overshadowed?" http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2012/12/30/Immigration-reform-being-overshadowed/UPI-12951356886806/-http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2012/12/30/Immigration-reform-being-overshadowed/UPI-12951356886806/) WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 (UPI) — The U.S. economy AND Alfonso Aguilar, a Republican strategist at the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. Munro 12/31/12 (Neil, "Obama promises new immigration plan but keeps endgame close to his vest" http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/31/obama-promises-new-immigration-plan-but-keeps-endgame-close-to-his-vest/3/-http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/31/obama-promises-new-immigration-plan-but-keeps-endgame-close-to-his-vest/3/) President Barack Obama promised Dec. 30 to introduce an immigration bill during 2013, AND Joe Biden’s task force is putting together as we speak," he said. China FDI popular – economic considerations and China lobbySchatz 10-5-12 (Joseph, POLITICO Pro’s tax editor. Before AND black and white," Politico.com October 5, 2012, lexis) Mitt Romney’s hard-hitting ads claim President Barack Obama needs to "stand up AND Obama administration has also made efforts to link Chinese firms with American companies. Jackson 10 (James K. Jackson, CRS Specialist in International Trade and Finance, Foreign Investment, CFIUS, and Homeland Security: An Overview, February 4, http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/138597.pdf) While CFIUS’s activities often seem to be quite opaque, the Committee is not free AND interest activities from falling under foreign control, primarily for national defense purposes. Hamilton and Schroeder 1994 ~James T. Hamilton is an assistant Professor of Public Policy, Economics and Political Science at Duke University, Christopher H. Schroeder is a Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law "Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures: The Selection of Formal vs. Informal Rules in Regulating Hazardous Waste http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4229%26context=lcp~~ 3. As the regulatory costs imposed on parties increase, the more likely the AND parties since informal rules may be applied with more discretion than formal rules. Heineman 10 (Ben Heineman Jr. has held top positions in government, law, and business. He is the author of High Performance with High Integrity "No Presidential Greatness Without Spending Political Capital" http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/-http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/) Only in recent months, when he was willing to make it his personal issue AND echoes decisions of his great Democratic predecessors, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson. Basic scientific nature and self-preservation make global scientific cooperation inevitable Potocnik, 06 (Janez, European Commissioner for Science and Research, 1AC Article, 3/7/2006. "Between cooperation and Competition - Science and Research as a Transatlantic Bridge Builder", http://www.iterfan.org/index.php?option=com_content%26task=view%26id=139%26Itemid=2) Cooperation shortens the path leading from science to innovation and from knowledge to solutions in AND mix of cooperation and competition is often the key to performance and achievement. 1- No worker shortage – their ev is based on false allegations by corporations. Gene Nelson, IT professional, "Foreign workers take jobs away from skilled Americans," 8/21/2008, http://www.numbersusa.com/content/node/1304 Wealthy advocates of H-1B visas have industriously worked to keep this employer- AND fill openings in technology fields that are generated by retirements and business expansion. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: ====(1.) Fairness —- Creates a predictable limit on the debate and prevents mooting 9 minutes of affirmative speech time.==== (2.) Education —- Economic policy proscriptions are inevitable —- Voting affirmative ensures debaters are educated to evaluate economics correctly and empower good policy analysis.Timmer, 1998 C. Peter, Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Development Studies at Harvard University, Adding Value Through Policy-Oriented Research: Reflections of a Scholar-Practitioner, IMPACT ASSESSMENT DISCUSSION PAPER NO. 4, http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/48291/2/iadp04.pdf These factors, in turn, raise issues about how to train policy analysts to AND in a public forum where policymakers are listening, empowers good policy analysis. Mead 2009 Walter Russell, Senior Fellow @ the Council on Foreign Relations, http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8%26p=2 And yet, this relentless series of crises has not disrupted the rise of a AND in the international system, helping stronger countries marginalize and impoverish developing ones. (B.) The alternative fractures the left —- Rejecting the plan for embracing free trade unites the alternative with right wing china bashers and fractures opposition to the Pentagon’s militarist china policy.Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china A coalition of forces seeks to deprive China of permanent normal trading relations (PNTR AND , "the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time". Moody 2000 Kim, staff writer for Labor Notes and author of An Injury to All and Workers in a Lean World, Protectionism or Solidarity? (Part I), http://www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/951 From a Marxist point of view, it seems obvious that the roots of economic AND to the defense of the business in the protection afforded by the border. (if ASU alt) Vote affirmative to do the plan and adopt the historical material criticism of the 1NC—-Only the permutation solves —- Withdrawing from global trade locks the alternative within a nationalist frame precluding transnational solidarity and organization.Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china The anti-China trade campaign amounts to a Faustian bargain that seeks to buy AND power of global corporations and multilateral agencies that promote TNC-led globalization. Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/slavoj-zizek/resistance-is-surrender One of the clearest lessons of the last few decades is that capitalism is indestructible AND sense, but in order to better it or attenuate its malicious effect’? —-The alternative fails —- Markets are inevitable and culturally universal.Lavoie and Chamlee-Wright 2000 Don Lavoie Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Emily Chamlee-Wright Associate Professor of Economics and Management at Beloit College, Culture and Enterprise: the development, representation, and morality of business p. 47-48 Indeed the favorite stick with which the left likes to hit economists is the claim AND human society has a strong propensity to generate and engage in market activity. —-Total rejection of capitalism fragments resistance and creates a self-fulfilling structures of oppression —- Only the permutation of combining criticism with specific policy solutions solves.Gibson-Grahm 1996 J.K., feminist economist, End of Capitalism, pg 263-264 One of our goals as Marxists has been to produce a knowledge of capitalism. AND its unity a fantasy, visible as a denial of diversity and change. Steele 1992 David Ramsay, author and Editorial Director of Open Court Publishing Company - From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation pg. 358-360 Marx also says that the relations are inevitably entered into ~some translations: ’are AND changes were somehow sealed off from having any direct influence on the relations. Steele 1992 David Ramsay, author and Editorial Director of Open Court Publishing Company - From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation pg. 361-362 To contradict historical materialism, it’s only necessary to claim that the relations changed once AND limited set of claims about the relations between forces and relations of production. () Economic collapse isn’t inevitable —- Capitalism is empirically resilient in the face of systemic flaws and their authors are biased.Moynihan 2008 Michael, Associate Editor, Reason Magazine and visiting fellow from the Swedish Policy institute Timbro, "The Rise of Disaster Socialism," http://www.reason.com/news/show/129535.html So it’s equally unsurprising that we are now seeing Naomi Klein’s thesis in reverse— AND a little shock therapy of their own. And who could blame them? (A.) Rejecting trade makes war inevitable —- Extend Patrick —- Collapsing trade relations creates a spiraling cycle of suspicion and nationalism where every foreign business action is seen as zero sum with American national security.(B.) Solves their turns —- Interdependence creates an ethic of mutual recognition and respect between competitors that doesn’t require the instrumentalization of all life.Badhwar 2007 Neera K., Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Oklahoma - September "Friendship and Commercial Societies" Forthcoming in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm-http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm I have argued that the critics of market societies misunderstand both markets and friendship by AND friendlier to civic and character friendship than any other developed form of society. Daily Times 2006 EDITORIAL: Economic neo-liberalism vs political realism, February 26th, http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006%5C02%5C26%5Cstory_26-2-2006_pg3_1 Ditto for CNOOC’s Unocal bid. China had no part to play in rearing Al AND to everyone’s advantage, politics has its own ideas of security and protectionism. (B.) The removal of anti-market forces solves bad capitalism and is historically distinct from the system described in their evidence.De Landa 1998 Manuel, Markets and Antimarkets in the World Economy, http://www.alamut.com/subj/economics/de_landa/antiMarkets.html When approaching the subject of economic power, one can safely ignore the entire field AND completely, and to begin speaking of markets and antimarkets and their dynamics. () Turn Space Colonization —- (A.) Growth is key and independently resolves all their resource scarcity impacts.Engdahl 1994 Sylvia, award-winning science fiction writer, "Space and Human Survival, Part I," http://www.sylviaengdahl.com/space/survival.htm I have called this stage in our evolution the "Critical Stage." Paul Levinson AND , but give all cultures equal access to resources that are virtually unlimited. Bostrum 2002 Nick, Department of Philosophy, Yale University, Director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, "Astronomical Waste: The Opportunity Cost of Delayed Technological Development," Preprint, Utilitas Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 308-314, http://www.nickbostrom.com/astronomical/waste.html As I write these words, suns are illuminating and heating empty rooms, unused AND beings is lost for every second of postponement of colonization of our supercluster. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: This risks global nuclear conflict- new prolif risks theft, unauthorized use, terrorism, and crisis escalation.Busch, Professor of Government-Christopher Newport, 04 (Nathan, "No End in Sight: The Continuing Menace of Nuclear Proliferation" p 281-314) Summing Up: Will the Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be Better or Worse? AND proliferation in hopes that the stability predicted by the optimists will indeed occur. New prolif wont result in stable deterrence- and accidents outweighSagan 03, Political Science at Stanford University, ’3 (Scott– Co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation, "The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate Renewed" p 83) The nuclear optimists’ view that the spread of nuclear weapons will produce stable deterrence is AND evidence from the nuclear-proliferating world unfortunately supports this more pessimistic view. Nuclearization causes Iranian naval aggression and increases their support for terrorism against the US and Israel.Kahl 12 (Colin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East and Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, Iran and the Bomb, Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2012, Vol. 91 Issue 5, p157-162) Specifically, a nuclear-armed Tehran would likely provide Hezbollah and Palestinian militants with AND neighbors through more coercive diplomacy and subversion in Iraq and the Gulf states. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Plan Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews. Inherency Contention 1- the Status Quo The United States currently submits all foreign investment deals related to oil and gas production to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS. These restrictions chill foreign investment and send a signal of US protectionism. Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. Prolif Contention 2 iran: Removing restrictions on investment in US oil and gas production is the best way to get China to increase their support for Iran sanctions- that’s critical to effective international pressure. Downs, China fellow at Brookings, 7-19-12 (Erica S. Downs is a fellow at the John L. Thorton China Center at The Brookings Institution, “Getting China to Turn on Iran,” July 19, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/getting-china-turn-iran-7215) Over the past decade, as the United States employed increasingly robust sanctions to gradually AND This dual stance is attributable to the business decisions made by China’s NOCs. Allowing Chinese majority shares of US oil and gas production is critical garnering Chinese compliance on Iran. Only the signal of the plan solves Iran nuclearization. Downs, Brookings China Fellow, October ‘12 (Erica, CHINA, IRAN AND THE NEXEN DEAL, OPTIONS POLITIQUES, http://www.irpp.org/po/archive/oct12/downs.pdf) Meanwhile the expansion of the Chinese NOC footprint in the United States has coincided with AND nuclear program may run through the headquarters of CNOOC, CNPC and Sinopec. Iranian nuclearization makes nuclear war inevitable in the Middle East- even small conflicts could escalate to all out war. Kahl, Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, 12 (Colin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East and Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, Iran and the Bomb, Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2012, Vol. 91 Issue 5, p157-162) Waltz writes that "policymakers and citizens in the Arab world, Europe, Israel AND and the consequences of even a low-probability outcome could be devastating. Iranian nuclearization causes regional and global arms racing. Cirincione 06 (Joseph, Sr. Assoc. and Director @ the Non-Proliferation Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Summer, SAIS Review, “A New Non-Proliferation Strategy”) The danger posed by the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran or North Korea is AND decade-compounded by the existing political and territorial disputes still unresolved.4 Sanctions work- evidence suggests they will bring Iran back to the negotiating table. Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) In making the case for preventive war as the least bad option, Kroenig AND emphasize that all options, including military action, remain on the table. Economy Chinese FDI to the US declined sharply in 2012 but could rebound if the US takes steps to liberalize its national security FDI policy towards China. Hanemann 12-28 (Theo, research director at the Rhodium Group and leads the firm’s cross-border investment work, Chinese FDI in the US in 2012, http://rhgroup.net/notes/chinese-direct-investmnet-in-the-u-s-in-2012-a-record-year-amid-a-gloomy-fdi-environment) AGAINST THE GLOBAL TREND The recent growth of Chinese investment is even more remarkable in AND the United States remains a top destination for FDI from China and elsewhere. And, energy restrictions destroy investor confidence, which crushes the dollar and triggers economic recession- the vague CFIUS interpretation of national security chills ALL foreign investment. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) B. National Security and Investor Uncertainty The uncertain interpretation of national security in Exon AND investment is more vital than ever to provide liquidity to American markets. 164 We’re on the brink of a double dip recession- boosting investor confidence is key. Rickards, 12 (James, economist and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street and the author of NYT Bestselling book Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, “Why We Should Still Be Worried about a Double-Dip Recession,” February 27, 2012, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2012/02/27/why-we-should-still-be-worried-about-a-double-dip-recession) The late summer and fall of 2011 was filled with fears of a double- AND certainty returns and, on current form, that may be years away. And, the plan is a quick injection of capital which is critical to economic recovery. Xu et al 12 (Ting, China and Economy consultant for Bertelsmann Stiftung, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20in%20Hand%20Second%20Edition%20final.pdf) Although Chinese FDI has drawn increasing attention in the U.S. and Germany AND in bringing those countries that are facing a credit crunch back to growth. And, economic decline causes war. Royal 2010 Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. Gas Contention 4 is Chinese Gas China is limiting itself to “hands off” oil and gas deals – these small partnerships don’t secure technical expertise to develop Chinese shale – this puts them decades behind gas targets Mandel 7-17 (Jenny, Reporter for EnergyWire, a daily publication covering the unconventional oil and gas sectors, Previous positions with EandE include editing Land Letter and writing news and feature stories for Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other news outlets, “Will U.S. shale technology make the leap across the Pacific?,” EnergyWire: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, http://www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/07/17/1) Modes of tech transfer Despite the challenges, the allure of a massive new domestic AND pursue contracts for natural gas imports to satisfy the strong and growing demand. US gas companies currently negotiate passive deals for China because of CFIUS restrictions. Knowledge @ Wharton 12 (China's Underground Race for Shale Gas, aug 21, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2851) Meanwhile, in the U.S., shale gas leaders, such as Devon AND Chinese companies may be able to negotiate better terms, says CATF's Sung. Only the US has the expertise necessary for China to develop its shale resources- increased Chinese access to US drilling techniques and regulatory methods is critical. Forbes, manager- Shale Gas Initiative at the World Resources Institute, 12 (Sarah, also the Senior Associate for the Climate and Energy Program at the World Resources Institute, HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION: “CHINA’S GLOBAL QUEST FOR RESOURCES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES; CHINA’S PROSPECTS FOR SHALE GAS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S.,” January 26, http://pdf.wri.org/testimony/forbes_testimony_china_shale_gas_2012-01-26.pdf) Are there risks as well as opportunities for U.S. companies? From AND aware of and take into account while pursuing and designing Chinese domestic development. Chinese shale development key to displace their coal use—renewables cant be scaled up fast enough. Hanger 12 (John, Special Counsel at the law firm Eckert Seamans, and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, “China Gets Cracking on Fracking: The Best Environmental News Of The Year?,” Aug 14, http://johnhanger.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-gets-cracking-on-fracking-good.html) China sits on natural gas reserves that are estimated to be 50% higher than the massive gas reserves in the USA. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/08/120808-china-shale-gas/. Despite this gargantuan gas resource, coal provides China 80% of its electricity, compared to 34% in the USA, as of May 2012. Why the difference? The shale gas boom that is now more than 10 years long in the USA is just getting started in China and so the Chinese remain heavily reliant on coal to make electricity and for their total energy. Around the world, the basic energy choice is coal or gas. China is just the biggest example of this fundamental fact. China's reliance on coal means that its economic growth brings skyrocketing carbon emissions and other air pollution. Indeed, Chinese air quality is infamous around the world, and smog has been so thick that Beijing airport has been unable to land planes for short periods. As of 2011, China was responsible for 29% of the world's carbon emissions, while the US produced 16%, even though the US economy is still considerably bigger than China's. Moreover, US carbon emissions are declining to 1992 levels, but China's emissions skyrocket. Though China is building substantial new wind, solar, and nuclear generation, those investments are not enough to cut Chinese coal consumption, given economic growth that is still 7% in what some describe as an economic slowdown. Shale gas, however, could be big enough to actually displace significant amounts of coal in China. More gas in China means less mercury, soot. lead, smog, and carbon emissions. China's energy plans call for shale gas to provide 6% of its total energy as soon as 2020. If it achieves that goal, China will avoid more than 500 million tons of carbon pollution per year or about 1.5% of today's total carbon emissions. Increasing demand for Chinese coal production causes water shortages which threaten economic collapse and political instability. Schneider 11 (Keith, senior editor for Circle of Blue-a nonprofit focusing on resource shortages founded in 2000, Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country, Feb 15, http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china%E2%80%94confronting-water-scarcity-and-energy-demand-in-the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-country/) By any measure, conventional and otherwise, China’s tireless advance to international economic prominence AND rising incomes and improving opportunities, is at risk, say some authorities. Chinese economic collapse causes Asian and Middle East conflict- China will turn outwardly aggressive. Newmeyer 09 DR. JACQUELINE NEWMYER - LONG TERM STRATEGY GROUP- THE CENTER FOR NATIONAL POLICY “ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPACT ON CHINESE MILITARY MODERNIZATION” APRIL 8, 2009, http://cnponline.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/12503 So I think either way, either because of the insecurity that is stoked AND the downturn would lead to a greater chance of conflict abroad for China. And, pollution from coal causes environmental protests that threaten CCP rule. LeVine 12 (Steve, author of The Oil and the Glory, Foreign Policy contributor, CHINA The Cost of Coal , The Weekly Wrap -- Aug. 3, 2012, http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/03/the_weekly_wrap_aug_3_2012_part_i) China's moment of coal truth: A question that has vexed us for some time AND and economic outcomes. And yet that is exactly what we are seeing. Those pollution protests causes Chinese instability and CCP lashout Nankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China's Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195andno_cache=1) As the impact of pollution on human health becomes more obvious and widespread, it AND border. All of these situations would alter security assumptions in the region. This causes the CCP to launch WMDs and kill billions to try to hold onto power Renxin 05 Renxin, Journalist, 8-3-2K5 (San, “CCP Gambles Insanely to Avoid Death,” Epoch Times, www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-8-3/30931.html) Since the Party’s life is “above all else,” it would not be surprising AND as something one finds difficult to tell whether it is false or true. And, Chinese pollution causes nuclear war with Russia Nankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China's Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195andno_cache=1) In addition to the concerns already mentioned, pollution, if linked to a specific AND in full-scale war between two powerful, nuclear-equipped nations. And, shale development key to Chinese energy security. Downs 00 (Erica, China Fellow @ Brookings, CHINA’S ENERGY SECURITY ACTIVITIES, http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1244/MR1244.ch3.pdf) The Chinese government can also improve China’s energy security through development of the country’s natural AND concerns—possibly a fear of foreign control over China’s gas resources. 76 The impact is China-India energy wars. Clement 12 (Nicholas, China and India Vie for Energy Security, May 25, http://www.2point6billion.com/news/2012/05/25/china-and-india-vie-for-energy-security-11177.html) The competitive relationship between China and India has become a defining feature of the strategic AND ongoing diplomatic engagement between China and India to avoid unnecessary or accidental escalation. Solvency Narrowing the definition of national security to exclude “energy assets” insulates the CFIUS process from protectionist manipulation. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS. Ellis-Vinson and Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007. And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security-- explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key. Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: links to politics doesn’t solve chilling Rosen and Hanemann-Rhodium Group-11 http://www.ogilvypr.com/files/anamericanopendoor_china_fdi_study.pdf-http://www.ogilvypr.com/files/anamericanopendoor_china_fdi_study.pdf An American Open Door? Maximizing the Benefits of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment 2. Systematize the promotion of FDi from china and elsewhere. A review of U.S. efforts to attract investment from China and other countries is needed. The current laissez-faire approach stems from an era when the United States dominated global FDI flows; it assumes that the United States remains unrivaled in its attractiveness and functions as though all foreign investors come from similar countries that do not need much on-the ground assistance. That situation has changed. More proactive measures are needed, not just at the state and local level, where earnest efforts are afoot, but also at the national level, where formal and informal barriers to foreign investment arise. Budnick et al 11 (Andrew, Princeton Task Force on Chinese Investment in the US, "Economic Patriotism: How to Deal with Chinese Investment," Dec, http://www.princeton.edu/~~smeunier/Princeton_Task_Force_Report_Final_2011) Costs: The costs of negotiations, which began anew in 2008, are minor compared to the potential benefits of increased bilateral investment. Still, if an agreement were reached, it might become political fodder for American politicians wary of China in general. Such a backlash might sour the treaty’s bid for Senate ratification. —-Permute- do the plan and offer to China to conclude negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty. In the process of negotiations, the United States should ask for reciprocal concessions on investment in oil and gas production. The United States should implement the outcome of these negotiations. At the conclusion of an agreement the United States should open up negotiations with other interested countries to conclude similar agreements.Rosen and Hanemann-Rhodium Group-11 (An American Open Door? Maximizing the Benefits of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment, http://www.ogilvypr.com/files/anamericanopendoor_china_fdi_study.pdf) However, we recommend realism in our expectations. Reform in China is not going AND would strengthen the position of those in the United States advocating investment openness. Truman 2010 Edwin M., Senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, former assistant secretary of the US Treasury for International Affairs, visiting economics lecturer at Amherst College and a visiting economics professor at Williams College. Sovereign Wealth Funds: Threat or Salvation? P67-68 Establishment of a standard of reciprocity as the quid pro quo for SWF investment may AND underlying issues by discouraging the home country from investing using normal commercial structures. Kong 10 (Qingjiang, Professor of Law of Zhejiang Gongshang University-China, US-CHINA BILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATY NEGOTIATIONS KONG, EAI Background Brief No. 507, Feb 25, http://www.eai.nus.edu.sg/BB507.pdf) The thrust of the US position is a high standard BIT. A BIT based AND issue has been the most difficult area of the talks since the outset. B. Currency and enforcement issues-turns relationsKong 10 (Qingjiang, Professor of Law of Zhejiang Gongshang University-China, US-CHINA BILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATY NEGOTIATIONS KONG, EAI Background Brief No. 507, Feb 25, http://www.eai.nus.edu.sg/BB507.pdf) Enforcement of the BIT will be another concern of the US side. The US AND the US and China unless either party’s stance is to be compromised.15 Harvard International Law Journal 10 (The Harvard International Law Journal is the oldest and most-cited student-edited journal of international and comparative law, What Would a U.S.-China Bilateral Investment Treaty Mean?, March, http://www.harvardilj.org/2010/03/what-would-a-u-s-china-bilateral-investment-treaty-mean/) A BIT typically permits aggrieved foreign investors to seek compensation for unfair or inequitable regulatory AND the issues surrounding a U.S.-China BIT merit careful scrutiny. Kong 10 (Qingjiang, Professor of Law of Zhejiang Gongshang University-China, US-CHINA BILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATY NEGOTIATIONS KONG, EAI Background Brief No. 507, Feb 25, http://www.eai.nus.edu.sg/BB507.pdf) The US model BIT is characterized by the national treatment of foreign investors and foreign AND between the US and China unless either party’s stance is to be compromised. Marchick 07 (David, partner at Covington %26 Burling, where he advises companies on the CFIUS process, "Swinging the Pendulum too Far: An Analysis of the CFIUS Process Post-Dubai Ports World," Jan, http://www.nfap.net/researchactivities/studies/NFAPPolicyBriefCFIUS0107.pdf) Timing matters most. With the exception of price, the most important factor for AND tough cases — maintaining the initial 30-day review timeframe is crucial. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Plan Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews. Investment Contention 1- investment The United States currently submits all foreign investment deals related to oil and gas production to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS. These restrictions chill foreign investment and send a signal of US protectionism. Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. Scenario 1- Protectionism: Global trade is on the brink of collapse- rising US protectionism risks global escalation. Lincicome 12 (Scott, trade attorney, “Is Missing American Trade Leadership Beginning to Bear Protectionist Fruit? (Hint: Kinda Looks Like It),” June 12, http://lincicome.blogspot.com/2012/06/is-missing-american-trade-leadership.html) Over the past few years, I and several other US trade-watchers have AND its long-held place at the front of the trade liberalization pack. And, restrictions on oil and gas investments explode the scope of foreign investment CFIUS reviews. This expansion of the CFIUS process is a protectionist tool to keep out investment. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) II. Post 9/11 Application of Exon-Florio After 9/11 AND that Reagan threatened to veto in order to strip the economic security provisions. And, expanding the scope of CFIUS reviews undermines US trade leadership and triggers retaliation. The impact is global wars. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) C. Economic Retaliation as a Result of CFIUS Protectionism Continued use of Exon- AND own interests to take any action that may destabilize the American economy. 182 And, protectionism sparks great power conflict and exacerbates all global problems. Patrick, Senior Fellow-CFR, 09 (Stewart, senior fellow and director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Protecting Free Trade,” National Interest, March 13, 2009, http://nationalinterest.org/article/protecting-free-trade-3060?page=show) President Obama has committed to working with U.S. trade partners to avoid AND daily economic intelligence briefing, distilling the security implications of the global crisis. And, Unilateral FDI liberalization is key to prevent trade policy backsliding which dooms global economic recovery. Erixon and Sally, directors-ECIPE, 10 (Fredrik and Razeen, European Centre for International Political Economy, TRADE, GLOBALISATION AND EMERGING PROTECTIONISM SINCE THE CRISIS, http://www.ecipe.org/media/publication_pdfs/trade-globalisation-and-emerging-protectionism-since-the-crisis.pdf) italics are from original source We think Mr. Bentham’s world-view will cause damage, not only to domestic economies but also to the world trading system. This will not be a replay of the 1930s, but a replay of the 1970s is a serious prospect. The world is in danger of undoing the market reforms of the 1980s and ‘90s that brought unprecedented prosperity, especially to emerging markets outside the West. Like the 1970s, policy backsliding could prolong a severe downturn and compromise eventual recovery. The short-term challenge is to arrest the slide to Big Government at home and creeping protectionism abroad. The medium-term challenge is to get back on track with trade and FDI liberalisation combined with domestic structural reforms – substantial “unfinished business” left before the crisis struck. More, not less, markets and globalisation are what the world needs. That is primarily a matter for unilateral action by governments and competitive emulation among them. It can be reinforced by international policy cooperation in the WTO, G20 and other fora, but not too much can be expected of cumbersome global-governance mechanisms. Overall, limits to government intervention and a well-functioning market economy are of a piece with open markets, economic globalisation and international political stability. Scenario 2- Economic Collapse: Chinese FDI to the US declined sharply in 2012 but could rebound if the US takes steps to liberalize its national security FDI policy towards China. Hanemann 12-28 (Theo, research director at the Rhodium Group and leads the firm’s cross-border investment work, Chinese FDI in the US in 2012, http://rhgroup.net/notes/chinese-direct-investmnet-in-the-u-s-in-2012-a-record-year-amid-a-gloomy-fdi-environment) AGAINST THE GLOBAL TREND The recent growth of Chinese investment is even more remarkable in AND the United States remains a top destination for FDI from China and elsewhere. CFIUS is increasingly assertive over Chinese energy deals---Casting a shadow over future investment Crooks-Financial Times-9/11/12 http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/4f880244-f90a-11e1-945b-00144feabdc0.html#axzz26DtOgO5Z Oil tie-up is test for US deal-watchers Over the latest three years for which data are publicly available, Cfius required legally AND oil company owning assets that are a big deal here in the US.” And, energy restrictions destroy investor confidence, which crushes the dollar and triggers economic recession- the vague CFIUS interpretation of national security chills ALL foreign investment. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) B. National Security and Investor Uncertainty The uncertain interpretation of national security in Exon AND investment is more vital than ever to provide liquidity to American markets. 164 CFIUS is increasingly assertive over Chinese energy deals---Casting a shadow over future investment Crooks-Financial Times-9/11/12 http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/4f880244-f90a-11e1-945b-00144feabdc0.html#axzz26DtOgO5Z Oil tie-up is test for US deal-watchers Over the latest three years for which data are publicly available, Cfius required legally AND oil company owning assets that are a big deal here in the US.” And, economic decline causes great power war. Royal 2010 Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. We’re on the brink of a double dip recession- boosting investor confidence is key. Rickards, 12 (James, economist and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street and the author of NYT Bestselling book Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, “Why We Should Still Be Worried about a Double-Dip Recession,” February 27, 2012, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2012/02/27/why-we-should-still-be-worried-about-a-double-dip-recession) The late summer and fall of 2011 was filled with fears of a double- AND certainty returns and, on current form, that may be years away. And, the plan is a quick injection of capital which is critical to economic recovery. Xu et al 12 (Ting, China and Economy consultant for Bertelsmann Stiftung, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20in%20Hand%20Second%20Edition%20final.pdf) Although Chinese FDI has drawn increasing attention in the U.S. and Germany AND in bringing those countries that are facing a credit crunch back to growth. China Gas China is limiting itself to “hands off” oil and gas deals – these small partnerships don’t secure technical expertise to develop Chinese shale – this puts them decades behind gas targets Mandel 7-17 (Jenny, Reporter for EnergyWire, a daily publication covering the unconventional oil and gas sectors, Previous positions with EandE include editing Land Letter and writing news and feature stories for Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other news outlets, “Will U.S. shale technology make the leap across the Pacific?,” EnergyWire: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, http://www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/07/17/1) Modes of tech transfer Despite the challenges, the allure of a massive new domestic AND pursue contracts for natural gas imports to satisfy the strong and growing demand. US gas companies currently negotiate passive deals for China because of CFIUS restrictions. Knowledge @ Wharton 12 (China's Underground Race for Shale Gas, aug 21, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2851) Meanwhile, in the U.S., shale gas leaders, such as Devon AND Chinese companies may be able to negotiate better terms, says CATF's Sung. Only the US has the expertise necessary for China to develop its shale resources- increased Chinese access to US drilling techniques and regulatory methods is critical. Forbes, manager- Shale Gas Initiative at the World Resources Institute, 12 (Sarah, also the Senior Associate for the Climate and Energy Program at the World Resources Institute, HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION: “CHINA’S GLOBAL QUEST FOR RESOURCES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES; CHINA’S PROSPECTS FOR SHALE GAS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S.,” January 26, http://pdf.wri.org/testimony/forbes_testimony_china_shale_gas_2012-01-26.pdf) Are there risks as well as opportunities for U.S. companies? From AND aware of and take into account while pursuing and designing Chinese domestic development. Chinese shale development key to displace their coal use—renewables cant be scaled up fast enough. Hanger 12 (John, Special Counsel at the law firm Eckert Seamans, and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, “China Gets Cracking on Fracking: The Best Environmental News Of The Year?,” Aug 14, http://johnhanger.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-gets-cracking-on-fracking-good.html) China sits on natural gas reserves that are estimated to be 50% higher than the massive gas reserves in the USA. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/08/120808-china-shale-gas/. Despite this gargantuan gas resource, coal provides China 80% of its electricity, compared to 34% in the USA, as of May 2012. Why the difference? The shale gas boom that is now more than 10 years long in the USA is just getting started in China and so the Chinese remain heavily reliant on coal to make electricity and for their total energy. Around the world, the basic energy choice is coal or gas. China is just the biggest example of this fundamental fact. China's reliance on coal means that its economic growth brings skyrocketing carbon emissions and other air pollution. Indeed, Chinese air quality is infamous around the world, and smog has been so thick that Beijing airport has been unable to land planes for short periods. As of 2011, China was responsible for 29% of the world's carbon emissions, while the US produced 16%, even though the US economy is still considerably bigger than China's. Moreover, US carbon emissions are declining to 1992 levels, but China's emissions skyrocket. Though China is building substantial new wind, solar, and nuclear generation, those investments are not enough to cut Chinese coal consumption, given economic growth that is still 7% in what some describe as an economic slowdown. Shale gas, however, could be big enough to actually displace significant amounts of coal in China. More gas in China means less mercury, soot. lead, smog, and carbon emissions. China's energy plans call for shale gas to provide 6% of its total energy as soon as 2020. If it achieves that goal, China will avoid more than 500 million tons of carbon pollution per year or about 1.5% of today's total carbon emissions. Coal consumption is responsible for 80% of China’s CO2 emissions and 20% of total global emissions- natural gas is the key bridge fuel. Saltvedt 10 (Thina Margrethe is Nordea Markets' senior macro oil analyst and global commodities strategist, she holds a PhD in Economics and MSc in International Business from the Univ. of Manchester's Institute of Science and Technology, “A Chinese shale gas Klondyke?,” 2 Nov, http://newsroom.nordeamarkets.com/en/files/2012/07/101102-Shale-gas-China.pdf) A shift from coal to natural gas will reduce China’s greenhouse gas emissions One consequence AND bridging fuel to a lowcarbon energy future in the short to medium term. Warming is real and causes extinction- it’s the only existential risk Deibel 7 Terry L., Professor of IR @ National War College, “Foreign Affairs Strategy: Logic for American Statecraft”, Conclusion: American Foreign Affairs Strategy Today Finally, there is one major existential threat to American security (as well as AND States, but potentially to the continued existence of life on this planet. And, we are reaching a massive tipping point. Sparks 2012 Donald L., S. Hallock du Pont Chair in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences and director of the Delaware Environmental Institute, 6-13-2012, Tipping Point, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/donald-l-sparks/rio20_b_1593195.html?utm_hp_ref=worldandir=World A group of 22 scientists sounded an alarming call to action last week. Their AND chemical contamination may have accumulated to such an extent as to be catastrophic. Consensus of evidence proves that warming real and anthropogenic Romm 2010 Joe, PhD in Oceanography from the Scripps Institute, Runs ClimateProgress, Disputing the Consensus on Global Warming, http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2010/06/16/206247/scientific-consensus-on-global-warming-climate-science/ How sad that the WSJ and CNBC have so little conception of what science really AND be significantly worse than has been suggested in scientific consensus estimates to date”). Carbon emissions causing ocean acidification-causes irreversible mass extinction Joe Romm is a Fellow at American Progress and is the editor of Climate Progress, “Science: Ocean Acidifying So Fast It Threatens Humanity’s Ability to Feed Itself,” 3/2/2012, http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2012/03/02/436193/science-ocean-acidifying-so-fast-it-threatens-humanity-ability-to-feed-itself/?utm_source=feedburnerandutm_medium=emailandutm_campaign=Feed%3A+climateprogre The world’s oceans may be turning acidic faster today from human carbon emissions than they AND corals, mollusks and some plankton need for reef and shell-building. And, Chinese shale production quickly reduces global emissions levels. Yang 12 (Catherine T. Yang, economic policy correspondent for BusinessWeek and former national director of the Asian American Journalists Assn., China Drills Into Shale Gas, Targeting Huge Reserves Amid Challenges, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/08/120808-china-shale-gas/#) Because natural gas generates electricity with half the carbon dioxide emissions of coal, China's AND trillion cubic meters) in estimated U.S. shale gas stores. Chinese coal uniquely key- overwhelms all other countries emissions COMBINED. Bradsher 06 (Keith, is the Hong Kong bureau chief of The New York Times, 1997 Pulitzer Prize nominee, won the Asia Society’s Osborn Elliott Award and the Overseas Press Club’s Malcolm Forbes Award in 2010, for coverage of clean energy in China, “Pollution From Chinese Coal Casts a Global Shadow”, June 11, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/11/business/worldbusiness/11chinacoal.html?_r=0andpagewanted=print) One of China's lesser-known exports is a dangerous brew of soot, toxic AND by five times the reduction in such emissions that the Kyoto Protocol seeks. Solvency Narrowing the definition of national security to exclude “energy assets” insulates the CFIUS process from protectionist manipulation. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS. Ellis-Vinson and Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND were energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007 And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security-- explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key. Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). Politicization could freeze all FDI Feng 2009 Yiheng, JD from NYU, Symposium: 14th Annual Herbert Rubin and Justice Rose Luttan Rubin International Law Symposium: A Special Tribute to Andreas Lowenfeld: Note: "We Wouldn't Transfer Title To The Devil": Consequences Of The Congressional Politicization Of Foreign Direct Investment On National Security Grounds 42 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. and Pol. 253 As CNOOC-Unocal and Dubai Ports-PandO show, Congress is AND a point at which FDI may freeze entirely, a highly undesirable result. Abuse of FINSA risks total halt of FDI Marchick and Mintz 2007 David, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and director of intergovernmental affairs in the Office of the United States Trade Representative during the Clinton Administration, and Richard, former Director of Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of Transportation, The Shifting Landscape of CFIUS, China Business Review January/February 2007 While observers around the world acknowledge that the United States has legitimate national security interests AND further integrating the US and PRC economies for the benefit of both countries. |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Won’t pass – house GOP and lack of electoral incentivesWorkpermit.com 12/31/12 (Workpermit is a specialist visa consultancy with nearly twenty-five years of experience dealing with visa applications. We are OISC registered. We can help with a wide range of visa applications to the UK or your country of choice. Please feel free to contact us for further details, "White House to campaign for immigration reform in 2013" http://www.workpermit.com/immigration-video.htm-http://www.workpermit.com/immigration-video.htm) Many Republican Party strategists say that, if the Republicans adopt an anti-immigration AND whether enough Republican Representatives will vote for change when the chips are down. ====Won’t pass – GOP doesn’t want Obama’s plan – assumes the optimism of their evidence ==== Stanage and Easley 12/17/12 (Niall, Jonathan, staffwriters for the hill "Republican leaders balance politics and principle on immigration reform" http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/273137-republican-leaders-balance-politics-and-principle-on-immigration-reform) Senior Republicans say the party is struggling to thread the needle on immigration reform, AND it," he said. "Republicans, realistically, can’t be obstructionist." UPI 12/30/12 ("Immigration reform being overshadowed?" http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2012/12/30/Immigration-reform-being-overshadowed/UPI-12951356886806/-http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2012/12/30/Immigration-reform-being-overshadowed/UPI-12951356886806/) WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 (UPI) — The U.S. economy AND Alfonso Aguilar, a Republican strategist at the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. Munro 12/31/12 (Neil, "Obama promises new immigration plan but keeps endgame close to his vest" http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/31/obama-promises-new-immigration-plan-but-keeps-endgame-close-to-his-vest/3/-http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/31/obama-promises-new-immigration-plan-but-keeps-endgame-close-to-his-vest/3/) President Barack Obama promised Dec. 30 to introduce an immigration bill during 2013, AND Joe Biden’s task force is putting together as we speak," he said. China FDI popular – economic considerations and China lobbySchatz 10-5-12 (Joseph, POLITICO Pro’s tax editor. Before AND black and white," Politico.com October 5, 2012, lexis) Mitt Romney’s hard-hitting ads claim President Barack Obama needs to "stand up AND Obama administration has also made efforts to link Chinese firms with American companies. Jackson 10 (James K. Jackson, CRS Specialist in International Trade and Finance, Foreign Investment, CFIUS, and Homeland Security: An Overview, February 4, http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/138597.pdf) While CFIUS’s activities often seem to be quite opaque, the Committee is not free AND interest activities from falling under foreign control, primarily for national defense purposes. Hamilton and Schroeder 1994 ~James T. Hamilton is an assistant Professor of Public Policy, Economics and Political Science at Duke University, Christopher H. Schroeder is a Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law "Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures: The Selection of Formal vs. Informal Rules in Regulating Hazardous Waste http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4229%26context=lcp~~ 3. As the regulatory costs imposed on parties increase, the more likely the AND parties since informal rules may be applied with more discretion than formal rules. Heineman 10 (Ben Heineman Jr. has held top positions in government, law, and business. He is the author of High Performance with High Integrity "No Presidential Greatness Without Spending Political Capital" http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/-http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/) Only in recent months, when he was willing to make it his personal issue AND echoes decisions of his great Democratic predecessors, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson. Fagan 6-14-12 (David, Partner, Covington %26 Burling LLP, "Hearing on "The Evolving U.S.-China Trade and Investment Relationship"Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2012hearings/written_testimonies/12_6_14/Fagan.pdf) FDI has received long-standing, bi-partisan policy backing: every Administration AND percent of total U.S. private R%26D investment. 2 Won’t go to war over food Chang 2/21/11 Gordon G Chang, Graduated Cornell Law School "Global Food Wars" http://blogs.forbes.com/gordonchang/2011/02/21/global-food-wars/ In any event, food-price increases have apparently been factors in the unrest AND of human innovation in free societies—and the efficiency of free markets. Supply and demand means farmers will make more food – empirically true Zubrin 5/13/11 — Dr. Robert Zubrin Fellow with the Center for Security Policy B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Rochester (1974), and a masters degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics, a masters degree in Nuclear Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering "WHY IT’S WRONG TO AGREE WITH THE MALTHUSIANS ABOUT ETHANOL" http://www.ilcorn.org/daily-update/182-why-it-rsquo-s-wrong-to-agree-with-the-malthusians-about-ethanol/ In fact, Lester Brown is wrong about the alleged famine-inducing potential of AND times as great as they were in 1960 (40 bushels per acre.) |
| 01/03/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy Guardian 11-7 (Sandy Shore, AP Business Writer, "Oil falls to lowest level since July," from daily email sent from the Energy Guardian on Nov 11, 2012, from http://www.energyguardian.net) The price of oil tumbled nearly 5 percent Wednesday, its biggest decline of the AND day in the third quarter from 14.7 million a year earlier. CFR 10/8 Oil Diplomacy in the Sudans, October 8, 2012, Interviewee: Alex de Waal, Executive Director, World Peace Foundation, Tufts University Interviewer: Christopher Alessi, Online Editor/Writer, http://www.cfr.org/sudan/oil-diplomacy-sudans/p29214 The immediate effect is that oil production and export is going to resume as soon AND domestic use, will also be back to pre-conflict levels soon. CSM 9/28/12 Christian Science Monitor, Oil production in US hits highest level in 15 years, Energy Voices Blog, http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/Energy-Voices/2012/0928/Oil-production-in-US-hits-highest-level-in-15-years Oil production in the United States rose last week to levels not seen since January AND :The Effect of New Production Methods on U.S Oil Output) Murtaugh 9/14 Dan, Bloomberg News, North Dakota’s Bakken Oil Output Passes 600,000 Barrels a Day, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-14/north-dakota-s-bakken-oil-output-passes-600-000-barrels-a-day.html Oil production from the North Dakota portion of the Bakken shale formation topped 600, AND highest annual level since 1991, according to department figures compiled by Bloomberg. Macdonald 9-6-12 Gregor, contributing editor to Peak Prosperity and energy market expert, The Repricing of Oil, September 6 2012, http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/79590/repricing-oil-http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/79590/repricing-oil The oil market now understands that should prices fall below %2490, it starts AND far and wide digging up expensive, hard-to-extract oil. Yetiv 9-4-12 Steve A., professor of political science at Old Dominion University. Is the Energy Boom a Mirage?, New York Times Oped, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/05/opinion/is-the-energy-boom-a-mirage.html Fourth, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries won’t sit by idly if America’s AND have avoided by using their wealth to quell dissent and maintain domestic control. Goldwyn 12 (David, http://www.brookings.edu/~~/media/events/2012/6/29%20iran%20sanctions/20120629_sanctions_iran) Well, Steve, oil markets are notoriously volatile, so lots of things can AND probability, I think, but you could have a disruption in Venezuela. Scissors, Senior Research Fellow-Heritage, 12 (Derek, Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs , "China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S.," July 26, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-us) Wide-Ranging Implications One policy implication of CNOOC–Nexen is thus a bit AND regulatory oversight, and is a close American ally is the ideal alternative. Columbian 12 ("More U.S. drilling won’t ease gas prices at pump" http://www.columbian.com/news/2012/mar/21/more-us-drilling-wont-ease-gas-price-at-pump/) It’s the political cure-all for high gas prices: Drill here, drill AND would provide — it would at most cut gas prices by 10 percent. ==== —-The Link takes at least a decade ==== Knapp 8 (Alex, the Social Media Editor and a staff writer for Forbes. "Is it Worth Drilling For More Domestic" Oil? http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/is_it_worth_drilling_for_more_domestic_oil/) Newt Gingrich’s American Solutions group has mounted an online petition designed to persuade Congress to AND prices rising–more mass transit, more fuel efficient vehicles, more investment . Ferguson 2012 Niall, History Professor at Harvard, Facebook won’t save us, Newsweek op-ed July 30th 2012, http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/22213/facebook_wont_save_us.html?utm_source=feedburner%26utm_medium=feed%26utm_campaign=Feed%253A+belfer%252Fpublications+%2528Belfer+Center+for+Science+and+International+Affairs+-+Latest+Publications%2529 By the same token, there was great technological progress during the 1930s. But AND technology can empower radicalized (or just plain crazy) individuals and groups. No link – Iran and low importsYergin 9-13-12 Daniel, co-founder and chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Interview with WSJ, Making Sense of the U.S. Oil Boom, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444301704577631820865343432.html ~The new flow~ changes the geopolitical perspective about energy. The U. AND very strong; obviously they’re highlighted by continuing tension over Iran’s nuclear program. Klare 2010 Michael T., professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, Twenty-First Century Energy Superpower, http://www.tomdispatch.com/archive/175297/ At present, China obtains most of its imported oil from Saudi Arabia, Iran AND Saudi Arabia and other petro-states, portraying such moves as antagonistic. Bremmer 11 (Ian, president Eurasia Group, "Washington’s stark choice: Democracy or Riyadh", 3/17) Events of the past three months have shattered many assumptions about the Middle East. AND role in the region and for the dollar as the primary reserve currency. Tovrov 2012 Daniel, International Business Times, Will Iran Sanctions Impact Global Oil Market?, http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/288004/20120126/iran-oil-price-sanctions-imf-supply-opec.htm But some analysts have come up with figures less pessimistic than the IMF’s. Mark AND with the United Arab Emirates to start weaning themselves off of Iranian oil. Russian decline now –CapitalKhamraeva 9/17/12 V., Telegraph/Russia Behind the Headlines, Experts foresee new wave of financial crisis in Russia, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/russianow/business/9547777/russia-financial-crisis-second-wave.html Economic experts warn, however, that a new crisis is just around the corner AND financial regulators such as the Fed and the ECB use," he said. Gill et al 2009 Franklin E., retired Research Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law and Chief Corporate Financial Counsel, Sun Company, Inc. The International Lawyer Vol 43 No 2 Summer 2009, Russia and Ukraine, http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/multimedia/international_law/docs/committees/russia_eurasia/russiaeurasiayir.authcheckdam.pdf One of Vladimir Putin’s last acts in his capacity as Russia’s president was to sign AND few significant differences, however, in how the two laws are structured. FDI is key to Russian oil and gas modernization – capital intensive.Heinrich and Pleines 2012 Dr. Andreas Heinrich and Dr. Heiko Pleines are working at the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: the Resource Curse and Political Stability in Russia RUSSIAN ANALYTICAL DIGEST No. 113, 15 May 2012 http://www.css.ethz.ch/publications/pdfs/RAD-113.pdf With no relevant legislation in place, all post-Soviet states saw production sharing AND to resource nationalism the role of state companies in the industry was increased. |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: China can already just outsource it if they really want.==== Downs, China Fellow @ Brookings, 10-10-12 (Erica, China’s Oil Investment Is Not a Threat, Foreign Policy, http://www.foreignpoplicy.com/articles/2012/10/10/China_Nexen_CNOOC_CFIUS?page=full) 2. It won’t help CNOOC in the South China Sea. After CNOOC announced AND South China Sea limit the portability of U.S.-gained expertise. |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: they can do that nowDowns, China Fellow @ Brookings, 10-10-12 (Erica, China’s Oil Investment Is Not a Threat, Foreign Policy, http://www.foreignpoplicy.com/articles/2012/10/10/China_Nexen_CNOOC_CFIUS?page=full) 2. It won’t help CNOOC in the South China Sea. After CNOOC announced AND South China Sea limit the portability of U.S.-gained expertise. Epstein-Prof law Chicago-9 University of Chicago Law Review 76 U. Chi. L. Rev. 111 Symposium: The Going-private Phenomenon: The Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Virtues of Going Slow To be sure, SWFs could also attempt to influence firm-specific behavior in AND who do wish, above all else, to maximize their share value. Downs, China Fellow @ Brookings, 10-10-12 (Erica, China’s Oil Investment Is Not a Threat, Foreign Policy, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/10/10/China_Nexen_CNOOC_CFIUS?page=full) 3. Nexen’s oil will continue to flow to Americans. Americans worried that CNOOC AND . The only thing that will change is the name on the barrels. Kissinger 2012 Henry, former secretary of state, The Future of U.S. - Chinese Relations, Foreign Affairs - March / April 2012, http://www.henryakissinger.com/articles/fa0412.html On the Chinese side, proclamations at the governmental and the informal level that China AND themselves, and the world, to make an effort to do so. Ziegler 2006 Charles E. Ziegler is Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Louisville, and Director of the Institute for Democracy and Development, THE ENERGY FACTOR IN CHINA’S FOREIGN POLICY, The Energy Factor in China’s Foreign Policy," Journal of Chinese Political Science 11 (2006) http://louisville.edu/democracydevelopment/research/current-publications/the-energy-factor-in-china2019s-foreign-policy.html Chinese oil companies have even sought to acquire major holdings in North America, the AND expanding military relations and ensuring security in the oil-rich Caspian region. Starr 2001 S. Frederick, Chair of Central Asia-Caucasus Institute at John Hopkins University, "The War Against Terrorism and U.S. Bilateral Relations with the Nations of Central Asia," Testimony before Senate Subcommittee on Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus, Dec 13, http://www.cacianalyst.org/Publications/Starr_Testimony.htm However, this does not mean that US actions are without risk to the Central AND United States’ own long-term interest in helping build a stable world. |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Won’t pass – house GOP and lack of electoral incentivesWorkpermit.com 12/31/12 (Workpermit is a specialist visa consultancy with nearly twenty-five years of experience dealing with visa applications. We are OISC registered. We can help with a wide range of visa applications to the UK or your country of choice. Please feel free to contact us for further details, "White House to campaign for immigration reform in 2013" http://www.workpermit.com/immigration-video.htm-http://www.workpermit.com/immigration-video.htm) Many Republican Party strategists say that, if the Republicans adopt an anti-immigration AND whether enough Republican Representatives will vote for change when the chips are down. ====Won’t pass – GOP doesn’t want Obama’s plan – assumes the optimism of their evidence ==== Stanage and Easley 12/17/12 (Niall, Jonathan, staffwriters for the hill "Republican leaders balance politics and principle on immigration reform" http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/273137-republican-leaders-balance-politics-and-principle-on-immigration-reform) Senior Republicans say the party is struggling to thread the needle on immigration reform, AND it," he said. "Republicans, realistically, can’t be obstructionist." UPI 12/30/12 ("Immigration reform being overshadowed?" http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2012/12/30/Immigration-reform-being-overshadowed/UPI-12951356886806/-http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2012/12/30/Immigration-reform-being-overshadowed/UPI-12951356886806/) WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 (UPI) — The U.S. economy AND Alfonso Aguilar, a Republican strategist at the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. Munro 12/31/12 (Neil, "Obama promises new immigration plan but keeps endgame close to his vest" http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/31/obama-promises-new-immigration-plan-but-keeps-endgame-close-to-his-vest/3/-http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/31/obama-promises-new-immigration-plan-but-keeps-endgame-close-to-his-vest/3/) President Barack Obama promised Dec. 30 to introduce an immigration bill during 2013, AND Joe Biden’s task force is putting together as we speak," he said. Jackson 10 (James K. Jackson, CRS Specialist in International Trade and Finance, Foreign Investment, CFIUS, and Homeland Security: An Overview, February 4, http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/138597.pdf) While CFIUS’s activities often seem to be quite opaque, the Committee is not free AND interest activities from falling under foreign control, primarily for national defense purposes. Hamilton and Schroeder 1994 ~James T. Hamilton is an assistant Professor of Public Policy, Economics and Political Science at Duke University, Christopher H. Schroeder is a Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law "Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures: The Selection of Formal vs. Informal Rules in Regulating Hazardous Waste http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4229%26context=lcp~~ 3. As the regulatory costs imposed on parties increase, the more likely the AND parties since informal rules may be applied with more discretion than formal rules. Heineman 10 (Ben Heineman Jr. has held top positions in government, law, and business. He is the author of High Performance with High Integrity "No Presidential Greatness Without Spending Political Capital" http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/-http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/) Only in recent months, when he was willing to make it his personal issue AND echoes decisions of his great Democratic predecessors, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson. Obama pissed off the GOP – makes fights and uncertainty inevitable.Shear and Calmes 1-3-12 NYT Lawmakers Gird for Next Fiscal Clash, on the Debt Ceiling http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/03/us/politics/for-obama-no-clear-path-to-avoid-a-debt-ceiling-fight.html?_r=1%26 Moody’s, the rating agency, warned on Wednesday that the looming political battles over AND A. Boehner in the House collapsed amid acrimony and internal Republican dissension. China FDI popular – economic considerations and China lobbySchatz 10-5-12 (Joseph, POLITICO Pro’s tax editor. Before AND black and white," Politico.com October 5, 2012, lexis) Mitt Romney’s hard-hitting ads claim President Barack Obama needs to "stand up AND Obama administration has also made efforts to link Chinese firms with American companies. |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Plan Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews. Inherency Contention 1- the Status Quo The United States currently submits all foreign investment deals related to oil and gas production to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS. These restrictions chill foreign investment and send a signal of US protectionism. Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. Prolif Contention 2 iran: Removing restrictions on investment in US oil and gas production is the best way to get China to increase their support for Iran sanctions- that’s critical to effective international pressure. Downs, China fellow at Brookings, 7-19-12 (Erica S. Downs is a fellow at the John L. Thorton China Center at The Brookings Institution, “Getting China to Turn on Iran,” July 19, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/getting-china-turn-iran-7215) Over the past decade, as the United States employed increasingly robust sanctions to gradually AND This dual stance is attributable to the business decisions made by China’s NOCs. Allowing Chinese majority shares of US oil and gas production is critical garnering Chinese compliance on Iran. Only the signal of the plan solves Iran nuclearization. Downs, Brookings China Fellow, October ‘12 (Erica, CHINA, IRAN AND THE NEXEN DEAL, OPTIONS POLITIQUES, http://www.irpp.org/po/archive/oct12/downs.pdf) Meanwhile the expansion of the Chinese NOC footprint in the United States has coincided with AND nuclear program may run through the headquarters of CNOOC, CNPC and Sinopec. Iranian nuclearization makes nuclear war inevitable in the Middle East- even small conflicts could escalate to all out war. Kahl, Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, 12 (Colin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East and Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, Iran and the Bomb, Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2012, Vol. 91 Issue 5, p157-162) Waltz writes that "policymakers and citizens in the Arab world, Europe, Israel AND and the consequences of even a low-probability outcome could be devastating. Iranian nuclearization causes regional and global arms racing. Cirincione 06 (Joseph, Sr. Assoc. and Director @ the Non-Proliferation Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Summer, SAIS Review, “A New Non-Proliferation Strategy”) The danger posed by the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran or North Korea is AND decade-compounded by the existing political and territorial disputes still unresolved.4 This risks global nuclear conflict- new prolif risks theft, unauthorized use, terrorism, and crisis escalation. Busch, Professor of Government-Christopher Newport, 04 (Nathan, “No End in Sight: The Continuing Menace of Nuclear Proliferation” p 281-314) Summing Up: Will the Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be Better or Worse? AND proliferation in hopes that the stability predicted by the optimists will indeed occur. Sanctions work- evidence suggests they will bring Iran back to the negotiating table. Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) In making the case for preventive war as the least bad option, Kroenig AND emphasize that all options, including military action, remain on the table. Economy Chinese FDI to the US declined sharply in 2012 but could rebound if the US takes steps to liberalize its national security FDI policy towards China. Hanemann 12-28 (Theo, research director at the Rhodium Group and leads the firm’s cross-border investment work, Chinese FDI in the US in 2012, http://rhgroup.net/notes/chinese-direct-investmnet-in-the-u-s-in-2012-a-record-year-amid-a-gloomy-fdi-environment) AGAINST THE GLOBAL TREND The recent growth of Chinese investment is even more remarkable in AND the United States remains a top destination for FDI from China and elsewhere. Protectionist energy restrictions destroy investor confidence, which crushes the dollar and triggers economic recession- the vague CFIUS interpretation of national security chills ALL foreign investment. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) B. National Security and Investor Uncertainty The uncertain interpretation of national security in Exon AND investment is more vital than ever to provide liquidity to American markets. 164 And, protectionism sparks great power conflict and exacerbates all global problems. Patrick, Senior Fellow-CFR, 09 (Stewart, senior fellow and director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Protecting Free Trade,” National Interest, March 13, 2009, http://nationalinterest.org/article/protecting-free-trade-3060?page=show) President Obama has committed to working with U.S. trade partners to avoid AND daily economic intelligence briefing, distilling the security implications of the global crisis. We’re on the brink of a double dip recession- boosting investor confidence is key. Rickards, 12 (James, economist and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street and the author of NYT Bestselling book Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, “Why We Should Still Be Worried about a Double-Dip Recession,” February 27, 2012, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2012/02/27/why-we-should-still-be-worried-about-a-double-dip-recession) The late summer and fall of 2011 was filled with fears of a double- AND certainty returns and, on current form, that may be years away. And, the plan is a quick injection of capital which is critical to economic recovery. Xu et al 12 (Ting, China and Economy consultant for Bertelsmann Stiftung, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20in%20Hand%20Second%20Edition%20final.pdf) Although Chinese FDI has drawn increasing attention in the U.S. and Germany AND in bringing those countries that are facing a credit crunch back to growth. And, economic decline causes war. Royal 2010 Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. Gas Contention 4 is Chinese Gas China is limiting itself to “hands off” oil and gas deals – these small partnerships don’t secure technical expertise to develop Chinese shale – this puts them decades behind gas targets Mandel 7-17 (Jenny, Reporter for EnergyWire, a daily publication covering the unconventional oil and gas sectors, Previous positions with EandE include editing Land Letter and writing news and feature stories for Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other news outlets, “Will U.S. shale technology make the leap across the Pacific?,” EnergyWire: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, http://www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/07/17/1) Modes of tech transfer Despite the challenges, the allure of a massive new domestic AND pursue contracts for natural gas imports to satisfy the strong and growing demand. US gas companies currently negotiate passive deals for China because of CFIUS restrictions. Knowledge @ Wharton 12 (China's Underground Race for Shale Gas, aug 21, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2851) Meanwhile, in the U.S., shale gas leaders, such as Devon AND Chinese companies may be able to negotiate better terms, says CATF's Sung. Only the US has the expertise necessary for China to develop its shale resources- increased Chinese access to US drilling techniques and regulatory methods is critical. Forbes, manager- Shale Gas Initiative at the World Resources Institute, 12 (Sarah, also the Senior Associate for the Climate and Energy Program at the World Resources Institute, HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION: “CHINA’S GLOBAL QUEST FOR RESOURCES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES; CHINA’S PROSPECTS FOR SHALE GAS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S.,” January 26, http://pdf.wri.org/testimony/forbes_testimony_china_shale_gas_2012-01-26.pdf) Are there risks as well as opportunities for U.S. companies? From AND aware of and take into account while pursuing and designing Chinese domestic development. Chinese shale development key to displace their coal use—renewables cant be scaled up fast enough. Hanger 12 (John, Special Counsel at the law firm Eckert Seamans, and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, “China Gets Cracking on Fracking: The Best Environmental News Of The Year?,” Aug 14, http://johnhanger.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-gets-cracking-on-fracking-good.html) China sits on natural gas reserves that are estimated to be 50% higher than the massive gas reserves in the USA. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/08/120808-china-shale-gas/. Despite this gargantuan gas resource, coal provides China 80% of its electricity, compared to 34% in the USA, as of May 2012. Why the difference? The shale gas boom that is now more than 10 years long in the USA is just getting started in China and so the Chinese remain heavily reliant on coal to make electricity and for their total energy. Around the world, the basic energy choice is coal or gas. China is just the biggest example of this fundamental fact. China's reliance on coal means that its economic growth brings skyrocketing carbon emissions and other air pollution. Indeed, Chinese air quality is infamous around the world, and smog has been so thick that Beijing airport has been unable to land planes for short periods. As of 2011, China was responsible for 29% of the world's carbon emissions, while the US produced 16%, even though the US economy is still considerably bigger than China's. Moreover, US carbon emissions are declining to 1992 levels, but China's emissions skyrocket. Though China is building substantial new wind, solar, and nuclear generation, those investments are not enough to cut Chinese coal consumption, given economic growth that is still 7% in what some describe as an economic slowdown. Shale gas, however, could be big enough to actually displace significant amounts of coal in China. More gas in China means less mercury, soot. lead, smog, and carbon emissions. China's energy plans call for shale gas to provide 6% of its total energy as soon as 2020. If it achieves that goal, China will avoid more than 500 million tons of carbon pollution per year or about 1.5% of today's total carbon emissions. Increasing demand for Chinese coal production causes water shortages which threaten economic collapse and political instability. Schneider 11 (Keith, senior editor for Circle of Blue-a nonprofit focusing on resource shortages founded in 2000, Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country, Feb 15, http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china%E2%80%94confronting-water-scarcity-and-energy-demand-in-the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-country/) By any measure, conventional and otherwise, China’s tireless advance to international economic prominence AND rising incomes and improving opportunities, is at risk, say some authorities. Chinese economic collapse causes Asian and Middle East conflict- China will turn outwardly aggressive. Newmeyer 09 DR. JACQUELINE NEWMYER - LONG TERM STRATEGY GROUP- THE CENTER FOR NATIONAL POLICY “ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPACT ON CHINESE MILITARY MODERNIZATION” APRIL 8, 2009, http://cnponline.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/12503 So I think either way, either because of the insecurity that is stoked AND the downturn would lead to a greater chance of conflict abroad for China. And, pollution from coal causes environmental protests that threaten CCP rule. LeVine 12 (Steve, author of The Oil and the Glory, Foreign Policy contributor, CHINA The Cost of Coal , The Weekly Wrap -- Aug. 3, 2012, http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/03/the_weekly_wrap_aug_3_2012_part_i) China's moment of coal truth: A question that has vexed us for some time AND and economic outcomes. And yet that is exactly what we are seeing. Those pollution protests causes Chinese instability and CCP lashout Nankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China's Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195andno_cache=1) As the impact of pollution on human health becomes more obvious and widespread, it AND border. All of these situations would alter security assumptions in the region. This causes the CCP to launch WMDs and kill billions to try to hold onto power Renxin 05 Renxin, Journalist, 8-3-2K5 (San, “CCP Gambles Insanely to Avoid Death,” Epoch Times, www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-8-3/30931.html) Since the Party’s life is “above all else,” it would not be surprising AND as something one finds difficult to tell whether it is false or true. And, Chinese pollution causes nuclear war with Russia Nankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China's Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195andno_cache=1) In addition to the concerns already mentioned, pollution, if linked to a specific AND in full-scale war between two powerful, nuclear-equipped nations. Participating in oil joint ventures boosts US-China energy coop, allowing them to learn from us and control air pollution and environmental degradation. Wu, Brookings Visiting Fellow, 08 (Richard Weixing Hu, Advancing Sino-U.S. Energy Cooperation Amid Oil Price Hikes, March, http://www.brookings.edu/research/opinions/2008/03/energy-hu) Fourth, both governments should encourage their energy companies to collaborate in jointly enlarging the AND air and a considerable contribution to the common course of global environmental protection. And, politicization of Chinese energy deals independently undermines US-China energy relations, which causes hostile Chinese naval modernization. Lieberthal and Herberg 06 (Kenneth, Distinguished Fellow and Director for China at The William Davidson institute, and research associate of the China Center at the University of Michigan, and Mikkal, Director of the asian Energy security program at The national bureau of asian research, China’s Search for Energy Security: Implications for U.S. Policy*, http://www.nbr.org/publications/nbranalysis/pdf/vol17no1.pdf) Both the United States and China will benefit if they can develop a collaborative relationship AND each other’s energy insecurities and find new ways to work toward cooperative outcomes. Chinese naval modernization causes miscalculation, risking conflict with the US. United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission 09 (“THE IMPLICATIONS OF CHINA’S NAVAL MODERNIZATION FOR THE UNITED STATES,” HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION, June 11, http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2009hearings/transcripts/09_06_11_trans/09_06_11_trans.pdf) In this hearing, witnesses told the Commission that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army ( AND As a consequence, a naval arms race in East Asia may ensue. South China Sea war causes extinction Wittner 11 (Wittner, Emeritus Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany and former editor of Peace and Change, a journal of peace research, “COMMENTARY: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible?,” November 28, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/opinion/avoiding-a-us-china-war.html) While nuclear weapons exist, there remains a danger that they will be used. AND that of the world, they should be working to encourage these policies. Solvency Narrowing the definition of national security to exclude “energy assets” insulates the CFIUS process from protectionist manipulation. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS. Ellis-Vinson and Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007. And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security-- explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key. Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: McBride, Lain, Samuels 1ac Policy 1AC Contention One --- Weapons of Mass Production ---In the summer of 2005, Congress erupted in outrage at the possibility of Chinese investment in American oil and natural gas. Citing the apocalyptic threat of Sino “weapons of mass production,” Congress passed the Exon-Florio amendment empowering the Council on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to severely restrict foreign energy investors. Carroll, Attorney for Rogers Law Offices, 2009 James, Emory International Law Review, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 The Unocal Incident: Protectionism Run Amok The response to the attempt of CNOOC to AND that Reagan threatened to veto in order to strip the economic security provisions. ---Fear of foreign control over oil and natural gas subverts the Exon-Florio process, resulting in racially politicized threat construction. Carroll, Attorney for Rogers Law Offices, 2009 James, Emory International Law Review, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 Fear of foreign control has always politicized the Exon-Florio process. The tide AND , Exon-Florio investigations are driven by the political winds in Congress. ---Specifically, the policy of energy security review places Chinese oil investment as part of a larger homogenous strategy for global domination. Corporate action that would otherwise be widely considered business as usual is securitized and presented as evidence of China’s coordinated global assault on the American way of life. Pan, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, 2009 Chengxin, What is Chinese about Chinese Businesses? Locating the ‘rise of China’ in global production networks, Journal of Contemporary China, 18(58), January, 7–25 While many foreign businesses are moving their operations to China, many Chinese businesses, AND what is behind Chinese businesses is nothing short of the whole Chinese nation. ---The problem with CFIUS is the assumption of coherence; not the construction of China as a threat, nor lack of peaceful overtures. Viewing China as a cohesive whole means even when policymakers overcome their fear, fantasy continues to warp and distort America policy response. These questions must be challenged at the level of knowledge production. Pan 2012 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, China Watching and Contemporary Geopolitics of Fear and Fantasy, ElgarBlog, http://elgarblog.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/china-watching-and-contemporary-geopolitics-of-fear-and-fantasy-by-chengxin-pan/ In The Geopolitics of Emotion (2009), the French author Dominique Moïse describes how AND shift that is likely to profoundly shape global politics in the coming decades. ---The frame of Chinese oil and natural gas investment as monolithic nation-state action makes American security policy a self-fulfilling prophecy that sees acts of aggression behind every business move and investment deal. Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers From the global production network perspective, not only does the assumption of a zero AND succeed in bringing out a more unified rival in China down the road. ---This knowledge production starts from the position of the bomber and enables nuclear annihilation. Chow, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Modern Culture and Media Studies at Brown University, 2006 Rey, The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work, p. 40-42 Often under the modest and apparently innocuous agendas of fact gathering and documentation, the AND definable object” – and by “the problem of the vanishing object.” ---So called “objective” security claims must be analyzed at the level of knowledge production. The identification of a ‘China threat’ cannot be separated from the colonial desires they satisfy and military powers they benefit. Pan 2013 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Deakin University, Australia, Knowledge, Desire and Power in Global Politics Western Representations of China’s Rise, pg. 82-83 Consequently, for all the claims of the 'China threat’ paradigm to be scientific knowledge AND fulfilling prophecy, an issue which will be examined in the next chapter. Thus the plan --- The United States federal government should end Exon-Florio reviews for crude oil and natural gas production. Contention Two --- Global Production Networks ---Voting affirmative embraces a view of oil production as part of global production networks that transforms and deconstructs the nationalist economic lens. Such a move embodies a politics of international solidarity creating the space for pan-national connections between workers in China and the United States necessary to challenge and reshape both discourse and economic structure. Hart-Landsberg and Burkett 2006 Martin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Political Economy Program at Lewis and Clark College, Paul, professor of economics at Indiana State University, China and the Dynamics of Transnational Accumulation: Causes and Consequences of Global Restructuring, Historical Materialism, volume 14:3 (3–43) The data does indeed show that China has achieved unprecedented rates of growth and that AND to build international solidarity and nationally complementary strategies to oppose and overcome it. ---The problem is one of framing. Reinterpreting energy investment actions as specific businesses working within transnational production networks rather than as aggression from a rising Chinese behemoth shatters the notion of a unified Chinese business interest, exposing elite economic exploitation and challenging populist nationalism. Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers While such anti-China rhetoric and policies are lent credibility and urgency by the AND lost much of their galvanising impact on the government or the general public. ---The elimination of investment restrictions is a critical challenge to American economic unilateralism. The elimination of Exon-Florio restrictions is not an affirmation of free trade systems but rather a strategic move to avoid the assimilation of leftist politics into the Pentagon’s efforts at “containing” China. Bello, executive director of Focus on the Global South, and Mittal, co-director of the Oakland-based Institute for Food and Development Policy, 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china A coalition of forces seeks to deprive China of permanent normal trading relations (PNTR AND , "the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time". ---Locating oil and natural gas investment from Chinese businesses within global production networks creates greater sensitivity to the uneven distribution of value and power in the global production processes and is a prerequisite to challenging inequality. Pan 2009 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, What is Chinese about Chinese Businesses? Locating the ‘rise of China’ in global production networks, Journal of Contemporary China, 18(58), January, 7–25 The complexities of the identity of Chinese businesses are reflected in both the extensive intermingling AND in the face of the multiple, unstable identities of businesses and economies. --- Examining the self-fulfilling tendencies in Sino/American energy policy doesn’t deny Chinese agency and is a prerequisite to coherent policy response. Pan 2013 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Deakin University, Australia, Knowledge, Desire and Power in Global Politics Western Representations of China’s Rise, pg. 106-107 One might take comfort in the fact that neither Beijing nor Washington actually wants a AND all the more imperative to lay bare its intrinsic link with power practice. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Lain, McBride, Samuels 2ac case Only the US has the expertise necessary for China to develop its shale resources- increased Chinese access to US drilling techniques and regulatory methods is critical. Forbes, manager- Shale Gas Initiative at the World Resources Institute, 12 (Sarah, also the Senior Associate for the Climate and Energy Program at the World Resources Institute, HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION: “CHINA’S GLOBAL QUEST FOR RESOURCES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES; CHINA’S PROSPECTS FOR SHALE GAS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S.,” January 26, http://pdf.wri.org/testimony/forbes_testimony_china_shale_gas_2012-01-26.pdf) Are there risks as well as opportunities for U.S. companies? From AND aware of and take into account while pursuing and designing Chinese domestic development. Chinese shale development key to displace their coal use—renewables cant be scaled up fast enough. Hanger 12 (John, Special Counsel at the law firm Eckert Seamans, and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, “China Gets Cracking on Fracking: The Best Environmental News Of The Year?,” Aug 14, http://johnhanger.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-gets-cracking-on-fracking-good.html) China sits on natural gas reserves that are estimated to be 50% higher AND will avoid more than 500 million tons of carbon pollution per year or about 1.5% of today's total carbon emissions. 1ar tech transfer US gas companies currently negotiate passive deals for Chinese companies because of CFIUS restrictions. Knowledge @ Wharton 12 (China's Underground Race for Shale Gas, aug 21, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2851) Meanwhile, in the U.S., shale gas leaders, such as Devon AND Chinese companies may be able to negotiate better terms, says CATF's Sung. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Lain, McBride, Samuels *2AC-Restrictions on Production ---we meet-foreign investment restrictions are a type of restriction on production Hirsch-former senior energy program adviser for Science Applications International Corporation-11 Commentary: Restrictions on world oil production http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2011-03-28/commentary-restrictions-world-oil-production Restrictions on world oil production can be divided into four categories: 1. Geology AND where government confiscation of oil revenues, substandard technology, and restrictions on foreign ---We meet – FDI restrictions explicitly ban production- Ralls proves Voss 12 (CJ Attorney at Stoel Rives LLP) September 24, 2012 "Energy Law Alert: CFIUS Intervenes in Chinese-Owned Wind Project" http://www.stoel.com/showalert.aspx?Show=9813) On July 25, 2012, CFIUS issued an Order Establishing Interim Mitigation Measures requiring AND the sale or transfer of the equity or assets of the Oregon Projects. ---FDI restrictions via Mitigation agreements are access restrictions. Zaring, Law Prof at Penn, 09 (David, Assistant Professor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School, CFIUS AS A CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION SERVICE, Nov, 83 S. Cal. L. Rev. 81) To be sure, determining a "law of CFIUS" is not easy. AND to *85 "mitigate any threat to ... national security." 13 ---Counter-interpretation—restrictions include limiting conditions Plummer 29 J., Court Justice, MAX ZLOZOWER, Respondent, v. SAM LINDENBAUM et al., Appellants Civ. No. 3724COURT OF APPEAL OF CALIFORNIA, THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT100 Cal. App. 766; 281 P. 102; 1929 Cal. App. LEXIS 404September 26, 1929, Decided, lexis The word "restriction," when used in connection with the grant of interest in AND a particular event, or the performance or nonperformance of a particular act. ---These limiting conditions are de-facto prohibitions because they set the bar too high on production Marchick 07 (David, partner at Covington and Burling, where he advises companies on the CFIUS process, “Swinging the Pendulum too Far: An Analysis of the CFIUS Process Post-Dubai Ports World,” Jan, http://www.nfap.net/researchactivities/studies/NFAPPolicyBriefCFIUS0107.pdf) As Figure 4 (see Appendix) shows, jobs associated with foreign investment grew AND them at a competitive disadvantage vis-à-vis their American competitors. 1AR T Nothing meets No OCS restrictions Kathleen Gramp and Jeff LaFave, CBO Budget Analysis Division, August 2012, http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/08-09-12_Oil-and-Gas_Leasing.pdf Other than the temporary ban on leasing in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, there AND unless a future Administration chooses to restart the process before that plan expires. No prohibition on public lands---just administrative hurdle DOE ‘12 Obama Administration Releases Roadmap for Solar Energy Development on Public Lands http://energy.gov/articles/obama-administration-releases-roadmap-solar-energy-development-public-lands Today’s announcement builds on the historic progress made in fostering renewable energy development on public AND from sources like wind and solar have doubled since the President took office. We Meet Means EVEN IF deals are approved Chinese energy will be blocked. Hornby 3-8-13 (Lucy, Beijing-based correspondent for Reuters Insider, China's Commerce minister seeks clearer U.S. investment guide, http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/09/china-parliament-trade-idUSL4N0C02Y520130309) China's Commerce minister called for clearer guidelines from the United States on its security review AND Mexico, although the Canadian unit could, the Wall Street Journal reported. D SUBPOINT is WHO not WHERE – status quo restrictions stop Chinese people from coming to the US and producing energy. Mandel 12 (Jenny, Reporter for EnergyWire, a daily publication covering the unconventional oil and gas sectors, Previous positions with EandE include editing Land Letter and writing news and feature stories for Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other news outlets, “Will U.S. shale technology make the leap across the Pacific?,” EnergyWire: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, http://www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/07/17/1) Modes of tech transfer Despite the challenges, the allure of a massive new domestic AND red flags (EandENews PM, Aug. 2, 2005). CI ---Access restrictions include constraints that delay or increase the cost of production EIA 1 U.S. Natural Gas Markets: Mid-Term Prospects for Natural Gas Supply Reducing Federal access restrictions in the Rocky Mountains and OCS is expected to increase the AND 151.2 trillion cubic feet of resources are currently available for development. ---Prefer our source-The Energy Information Administration is the most qualified source Amadeo-no date U.S. Energy Information Administration (DOE EIA) http://useconomy.about.com/od/governmentagencies/p/DOE_EIA.htm What the US Energy Information Administration Is: The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is an independent statistical agency of the U AND which states would be the cheapest places in terms of home heating costs. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Lain, McBride, Samuels A2 Anthropocentrism --- CFIUS K AFF ---No link to the aff. (A.) Considering human impacts doesn’t require anthropocentrism --- Prudential and non-prudential justifications are mutually reinforcing. Plumwood 2002 Val, Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason, pg. 129 Similarly, the ideal of avoiding human-centeredness does not imply at all that AND confuse them, and in whose interests it would be to do so). (B.) Rejecting anthropocentric utilitarianism is counterproductive --- We can use anthropocentric concepts to get others onboard with nonhuman defense and recognition. Litfin 2003 Karen, University of Washington, Secularism, Sovereignty and the Challenge of Global Ecology: Towards a New Story, http://www.essex.ac.uk/ECPR/events/jointsessions/paperarchive/grenoble/ws6/litfin.pdf From any particular worldview comes a specific ethical proclivity. Under the secular worldview, AND stresses our special ethical responsibilities at least as much as our special rights. ---Permutation do both --- Reject anthropocentrism and aff ---The permutation solves best (A.) It’s try or die for the Aff --- Even if they win a long term inevitability claim, the alternative has zero mechanism for resolving the political structures of knowledge production that facilitate nuclear violence against the Chinese government. The permutation is the only option that allows the Earth to survive long enough to implement the alternative. (B.) Combing anthropocentrism with concern for nonhuman life, even within the framework of instrumental rationality, is the only pragmatic first step towards challenging human domination. Litfin 2003 Karen, University of Washington, Secularism, Sovereignty and the Challenge of Global Ecology: Towards a New Story, http://www.essex.ac.uk/ECPR/events/jointsessions/paperarchive/grenoble/ws6/litfin.pdf A second critical development is the extension of “rights” to nonhuman species, AND full-scale shift towards an integral perspective of the biosphere anytime soon. (C.) The alternatives sudden abandonment of all human management is catastrophic for both human and non human life. This also answers the ‘human extinction good’ claims that will come out in the block. Zizek 2008 Slavoj, Violence, or ........ Ecology as a New Opium for the Masses http://www.lacan.com/zizecology2.htm The lesson to be fully endorsed is thus that of another environmental scientist who came AND obstacle to protecting nature is the very notion of nature we rely on. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Lain, McBride, Samuels A2 Exclude Oil --- CFIUS K AFF ---Chinese production is inevitable- the plan only changes where, it is a question of whether or not it is through a nationalist frame of exclusion, or business freedom Scissors, Senior Research Fellow-Heritage, 12 (Derek, Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs , “China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S.,” July 26, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-us) Wide-Ranging Implications One policy implication of CNOOC–Nexen is thus a bit AND regulatory oversight, and is a close American ally is the ideal alternative. Banning oil acquisition in the US forces Chinese businesses to countries the US sees as hostile, reifying the threat narrative. Lieberthal and Herberg 06 (Kenneth, director of the John L. Thornton China Center of the Brookings Institution, and Mikkal, Director of the Asian Energy security program at The National Bureau of Asian Research, China’s Search for Energy Security: Implications for U.S. Policy*, http://www.nbr.org/publications/nbranalysis/pdf/vol17no1.pdf) Both the United States and China will benefit if they can develop a collaborative relationship AND each other’s energy insecurities and find new ways to work toward cooperative outcomes. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Lain, McBride, Samuels Politics Won’t Pass – GOP labor union dispute Sargent 3/22/13 (Greg, journalist for the Washington post with previous experience at talking points memo, New York magazine, and the New York Observor, “A bait and switch on immigration reform” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2013/03/22/a-bait-and-switch-on-immigration-reform/) Here’s something to keep an eye out for: Republicans who favor immigration reform carefully AND deal with Democrats on the real core issue — the path to citizenship. Won’t Pass – LGBT provision Lillis 3/19/13 (Mike, staffwriter for the The Hill, “GOP balks at LGBT protections in immigration reform” http://thehill.com/homenews/house/289019-gop-balks-at-lgbt-protections-in-immigration-reform) Republicans are refusing to cede ground in their opposition to benefits for lesbian, gay AND comprehensive immigration reform absolutely must include gay and lesbian couples and their families." Won’t pass – no border trigger York 3/27/13 (Byron, chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner, http://washingtonexaminer.com/border-security-in-exchange-for-immigration-reform-napolitano-says-no-deal./article/2525505) Republicans working to craft a comprehensive immigration reform bill say there is one rock- AND immigration reform, they can forget about making a deal, now or ever China FDI popular – economic considerations and China lobby Schatz 10-5-12 (Joseph, POLITICO Pro’s tax editor. Before AND black and white,” Politico.com October 5, 2012, lexis) Mitt Romney's hard-hitting ads claim President Barack Obama needs to "stand up AND scale of China's investments have changed the equation. Nealer was a Senate l8 5eadership staffer in the 1980s, when Japan's sudden emergency as a car and technology AND Obama administration has also made efforts to link Chinese firms with American companies. Obama has no political capital Parnes and Sink 3/20/13 (*Amie, the Hills White House Correspondent, *Justin, staffwriter for the hill, “Obama honeymoon may be over” http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/289179-obama-honeymoon-may-be-over) The second-term honeymoon for President Obama is beginning to look like it is AND wrong path, lockstep lawmakers will be punished in 2014,” he said. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Lain, McBride, Samuels NEXEN DA Drilling is inevitable in the SCS and only learning capabilities through the plan solves that drilling Rogers 12 (Will, Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, China’s Foray into Deep-Water Drilling Could Raise Stakes in South China Sea, http://www.cnas.org/blogs/naturalsecurity/2012/05/china-s-foray-deep-water-drilling-could-raise-stakes-south-china-sea.h) On Monday, Chinese media reported that China’s first deep-water drilling rig ( AND This February, CFIUS approved CNOOC’s purchase of Nexen, but explicitly included a mitigation agreement prohibiting their operation of deep water oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. Plenty 3-1-13 (Rebecca, energy industry reporter for Bloomberg, Cnooc Said to Cede Control of Nexen’s U.S. Gulf Assets, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-01/cnooc-said-to-cede-control-of-nexen-s-u-s-gulf-assets.html) Cnooc Ltd. (883), China’s largest offshore oil and natural gas producer, AND protections for Chinese companies against U.S. competition, Thompson said.¶ |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: 1AC Warming Advantage It’s real and is anthropogenic---contrary evidence is unqualified and funded by fossil fuel hacks Prothero 12 Donald R. Prothero, Professor of Geology at Occidental College and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology, 3-1-2012, "How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, 17.2, EBSCO How do we know that global warming is real and primarily human caused? There AND change when it threatens their survival. Neither can we as a society. Reducing emissions now is critical to prevent catastrophic warming Nuccitelli 12 – Dana, environmental scientist at a private environmental consulting firm in Sacramento and has a Bachelor's Degree in astrophysics from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Master's Degree in physics from the University of California at Davis, 2012, “Realistically What Might The Future Climate Look Like?”, http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/09/01/784931/realistically-what-might-the-future-climate-look-like/ This is Why Reducing Emissions is Critical¶ We’re not yet committed to surpassing 2 AND Earth than today’s, but we still can and must limit the damage. Extinction Flournoy 12 – Dan Flournoy, PhD and MA from the University of Texas, Former Dean of the University College at Ohio University, Former Associate Dean at State University of New York and Case Institute of Technology, Project Manager for University/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, Currently Professor of Telecommunications at Scripps College of Communications @ Ohio University, January 2012, "Solar Power Satellites," Springer Briefs in Space Development In the Online Journal of Space Communication , Dr. Feng Hsu, a NASA AND our Sun” (Hsu 2010 ) (Fig . 2.1 ). CO2 emissions will destroy the ocean---extinction Sify, Citing Professors @ University of Queensland and North Carolina, 10 (Sify News, Citing Ove Hoegh-Gulberg, Professor @ University of Queensland and Director of the Global Change Institute AND Citing John Bruno, Associate Professor of Marine Science @ UNC, “Could unbridled climate changes lead to human extinction?,” June 19th, http://www.sify.com/news/could-unbridled-climate-changes-lead-to-human-extinction-news-international-kgtrOhdaahc.html) Sydney: Scientists have sounded alarm bells about how growing concentrations of greenhouse gases are AND undergoing massive change and in some cases beginning to fail', he added. Warming magnifies all impacts and makes global conflicts inevitable Ginsborg et al. 12 – Mikkel Funder, Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde and Ida Peters Ginsborg - in collaboration with Nanna Callisen Bang, Denmark Institute for International Studies, 2012, "ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE AND CONFLICT IN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION EXPERIENCES FROM NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT" www.diis.dk/graphics/Publications/Reports2012/RP2012-04-Addressing-climate-change_web.jpg.pdf 2.2 Climate change as a conflict multiplier¶ Climate change is therefore best AND actors such as governments – thereby increasing the risk and intensity of conflict. SPS facilitates transition away from fossil fuels Flournoy 12 – Don Flournoy, PhD and MA from the University of Texas, Former Dean of the University College at Ohio University, Former Associate Dean at State University of New York and Case Institute of Technology, Project Manager for University/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, Currently Professor of Telecommunications at Scripps College of Communications at Ohio University, "Solar Power Satellites," January, Springer Briefs in Space Development, Book One of the obvious opportunities for solar power satellites is to become an on- AND Sunsat business to guarantee a sustainable night-and-day fuel source. Fossil fuel dependence is unsustainable---only SPS solves world energy needs and can be exported globally Dvorsky 11-28 – George Dvorsky, writer for Io9, a daily science and technology publication, November 28th, 2012, "How space-based solar power will solve all our energy needs" io9.com/5963955/how-space+based-solar-power-will-solve-all-our-energy-needs Humanity's demand for energy is growing at an astonishing rate. Combine this with an AND 200 kilograms), allowing all pieces to be mass produced at low cost. Terrestrial alternatives fail---only SPS can meet global demand Flournoy 12 – Don Flournoy, PhD and MA from the University of Texas, Former Dean of the University College at Ohio University, Former Associate Dean at State University of New York and Case Institute of Technology, Project Manager for University/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, Currently Professor of Telecommunications at Scripps College of Communications at Ohio University, "Solar Power Satellites," January, Springer Briefs in Space Development, Book Alternative terrestrial energy is not the complete answer, either. According to Woodcock, AND SSP does not provide potential targets for terrorists (National Space Society 2008 ). The plan solves for global emissions Kammen 7 – Professor of Public Policy @ UC Berkeley (Daniel, "Green Jobs Created by Global Warming Initiative," September 25th, http://www.unep.org/civil_society/GCSF9/pdfs/karmen-senate.pdf) In addition to supporting domestic job creation, clean energy is an important and fastest AND and the actions of a number of emerging economies to ‘go green’. Space Radar Advantage Energy shortages in the Air Force prevent space radar development---SPS is key David 12 – Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is a winner of last year's National Space Club Press Award and a past editor-in-chief of the National Space Society's Ad Astra and Space World magazines. He has written for SPACE.com since 1999. February 22nd, 2012, "Air Force Eyes Nuclear Reactors, Beamed Power for Spacecraft," www.space.com/14643-air-force-space-nuclear-reactors-power-beaming.html For example, the Air Force is currently limited to 27 kilowatt (kW) AND such as space tethers that could harvest energy from the Earth's geomagnetic field. SPS solves for space radar motive and capability --- key to ISR and space situational awareness Dinerman 7 – Taylor Dinerman, DoD Consultant, senior editor at the Gatestone Institute in New York. He specializes in the areas of space, missile defense and geopolitics affairs, July 16th, 2007, “Solar power satellites and space radar” http://integrator.hanscom.af.mil/2007/July/07262007/07262007-16.htm One of the great showstoppers for the Space Radar (SR) program, formerly AND of future capability and less ambitious in terms of near-term operations. Space radar is key to the navy and effective ballistic missile defense National Research Council 5 – Committee on the Navy's Needs in Space for Providing Future Capabilites, National Research Council. 2005. "The Navy's Needs in Space for Providing Future Capabilities" www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11299 NSS = Naval Support System Today, strike targets are identified, classified, tracked, and geolocated through a AND specialized maritime radar experts, the operational Navy, and sthe SBR office. Collapse of the naval effectiveness causes great power wars Conway et al. 7 James T., General, U.S. Marine Corps, Gary Roughead, Admiral, U.S. Navy, Thad W. Allen, Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, “A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower,” October, http://www.navy.mil/maritime/MaritimeStrategy.pdf No other disruption is as potentially disastrous to global stability as war among major powers AND and sustain forces, sea control and power projection enable extended campaigns ashore. Naval power is key to hegemony---no defense applies Cropsey 12 – Seth Cropsey, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, 4/18/12, “The U.S. Navy Shipbuilding Plan: Assumptions and Associated Risks to National Security,” http://www.hudson.org/files/publications/SethCropsey~-~-USNavyShipbuildingPlan~-~-Testimony041812.pdf Unlike the U.S. whose seapower has protected global sea lanes that other AND political liberty would benefit for the remainder of this century. Thank you. Hegemony prevents global nuclear war Barnett 11 – Thomas P.M. Barnett is Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis and Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, March 7th, 2011, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads It is worth first examining the larger picture: We live in a time of AND in all of its forms, deeply embedded in the geometry to come. Perception of decline causes US lashout---triggers hegemonic wars Goldstein 7 – Professor of Global Politics and International Relations @ University of Pennsylvania “Power transitions, institutions, and China's rise in East Asia: Theoretical expectations and evidence,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 30, Issue 4 and 5 August 2007, pages 639 – 682 Two closely related, though distinct, theoretical arguments focus explicitly on the consequences for AND the period prior to the possible crossover.19 pg. 647-650 Space radar is key to make missile defense effective---prevents Taiwan War and Russia aggression Pappalardo 8 – Joe Pappalardo, Popular Mechanics, January 28th, 2008, "From Space to Sea, New Radar Tech Could Shift Military Might" www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/navy-ships/4246901 This month Lockheed Martin released a 280-word statement from its radar research headquarters AND of space navigation systems using GPS satellites as reference points from high orbits. Taiwan escalates and goes nuclear---no defense William Lowther 3-16, Taipei Times, citing a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, 3/16/13, “Taiwan could spark nuclear war: report,” http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2013/03/16/2003557211 Taiwan is the most likely potential crisis that could trigger a nuclear wa AND such a conflict would be tremendously dangerous and quite possibly devastating.” Russia aggression goes nuclear Blank 9 – Dr. Stephen Blank is a Research Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, March 2009, “Russia And Arms Control: Are There Opportunities For The Obama Administration?” http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/pub908.pdf Proliferators or nuclear states like China and Russia can then deter regional or intercontinental attacks AND perhaps make wars of aggression on their neighbors or their own people.172 Missile defense deployment is inevitable but ineffective now---new upgrades are key to counter global threats including North Korea Huessy 3/8 – Peter R. Huessy, Senior Defense Consultant Associate at the National Defense University Foundation (NDUF) and President of GeoStrategic Analysis, March 8th, 2013, "Missile Defense Now More Important Than Ever" www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/03/08/missile-defense-now-more-important-than-ever Missile defense approaches its 30th anniversary with both great accomplishments behind it and great challenges AND to deploy, especially as we see threats emerge from Hezbollah to China. There’s a high risk of North Korean strikes now Cornwell 3-26 – Rupert Cornwell, won two British Press Awards as a journalist, previously foreign correspondent for the Financial Times and Reuters, has also been a diplomatic correspondent, served as Washington Bureau Editor. March 26th, 2013, "North Korean missiles 'on highest alert' to attack US bases on mainland America, Hawaii and Guam " www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/north-korean-missiles-on-highest-alert-to-attack-us-bases-on-mainland-america-hawaii-and-guam-8549318.html Tensions on the Korean peninsula escalated further today as North Korea announced it had placed AND have to do something to show there is real menace behind the bluster. Extinction Chol 11 Kim Myong Chol is author of a number of books and papers in Korean, Japanese and English on North Korea, including Kim Jong-il's Strategy for Reunification. He has a PhD from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Academy of Social Sciences "Dangerous games" Aug 20 www.atimes.com/atimes/Korea/MH20Dg01.html The divided and heavily armed Korean Peninsula remains the most inflammable global flashpoint, with AND each spewing as much radioactive fallout as 150-180 H-bombs. Plan The Department of Defense should acquire electricity in the United States produced from solar power satellite rectenna conversion. Solvency DOD wants SPS---procurement rapidly accelerates commercial development Lemonick 9 – Michael D. Lemonick is the senior writer at Climate Central, AND from_space_moving_beyond_science_fiction/2184/ But the military’s interest in SBSP could give a major boost to the technology. AND of Energy — that would have a stake in space-based power. Procurement makes SPS economically feasible and catalyzes investment NSSO 7 – National Security Space Office, Report to the Director, October 10, 2007, “Space-Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security; Phase 0 Architecture Feasibility Study” http://www.nss.org/settlement/ssp/library/final-sbsp-interim-assessment-release-01.pdf FINDING:The SBSP Study Group found that industry has stated that the #1 AND prizes or signaling its willingness to become the anchor customer for the product. SPS-Alpha can be up and running in a few years– new tech ensures feasibility and low costs Mankins 12 – John C. Mankins, President of Artemis Innovation Management Solutions LLC AND /new-paradigm-for-space-based-solar.html Question: How exactly has the technology evolved since the 1970s? ¶ There have AND mass-produced pieces, standard launch systems and robotic assembly in space. Recent studies prove that SPS tech is feasible now – terrestrial solar fails Garretson 12 – Lt Col Peter Garretson is an airpower strategist currently serving on the CSAF’s Strategic Studies Group (HAF/CK). His previous assignment was at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi as an Air Force Fellow examining Indo–US long-term space collaboration under the sponsorship of the Council on Foreign Relations. Prior to that he was the chief of future science and technology exploration for the HQ USAF Directorate of Strategic Planning (AF/A8XC), Spring 2012, "Solar Power in Space?" Strategic Studies Quarterly Spring, http://www.au.af.mil/au/ssq/2012/spring/garretson.pdf As of 2010, the fundamental research to achieve technical feasibility for the SPS AND to sunlight, allowing the land beneath to remain available for agricultural uses. SPS is resilient, cost-effective, and efficient Reed and Willenberg 4 – Head of the Welsom Space Consortium, and Harvey, PhD, Independent Review Team Leader for Space Power Research for NASA, Former Chief Scientist of the ISS (Kevin and Harvey, , "Early commercial demonstration of space solar power using ultra-lightweight arrays,” Acta Astronautica, Volume 65, Issues 9-10, accessed on Science Direct) Future systems will be even more sensitive to specific power. A number of conceptual AND and are resistant to atomic oxygen and radiation in the operational space environment. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC Solvency AT: Space Debris Debris doesn't take out SPS Fan et al 11 – MAs from Caltech *William Fan, Harold Martin, *James Wu, Brian Mok, “Space Based Solar Power: Industry and Technology Assessment”, http://www.pickar.caltech.edu/e103/Final%20Exams/Space%20Based%20Solar%20Power.pdf GEO Sun Tower: This architecture is similar to that of the MEO Sun Tower AND a greater distance from earth, which will reduce encounters with space debris. Global launces inevitable---Asia space race Williams 2-1 – Carol J. Williams, February 1st, 2013, "Asian space race reflects sharpened U.S.-China rivalry" www.latimes.com/news/world/worldnow/la-fg-wn-asia-space-race-global-focus-20130131,0,7945804.story South Korea’s successful satellite launch this week served as the latest act of one- AND U.S. efforts to bridle Beijing’s gallop into the final frontier. SPS only needs a few launches Salkever 9 – Alex Salkever, interviewing Cal Boerman, Solaren's Director of Energy Services, September 26th, 2009, "Plans for solar power from outer space move forward" www.dailyfinance.com/2009/09/26/plans-for-solar-power-from-outer-space-move-forward/ How many launches will it take to the get the whole system up and orbiting AND some other lightweight reflective material to construct mirrors to concentrate the sun's energy. AT: Bird Flu No impact to bird flu Weil 6— M.D. from Harvard Medical School, Director of the Program in Integrative Medicine of the College of Medicine, University of Arizona (Andrew, “Is Bird Flu Overhyped?,” 15 January, “http:www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1149398,00.html) Anxiety about avian flu is spreading far faster than the disease. Watch enough reports AND general pattern of all influenza pandemics, including the terrible one of 1918. In addition, we would have a chance to stop the epidemic spread of a mutated avian-flu virus by containing it at its point of origin. A few mining towns in Colorado were able to avoid the 1918 flu by barring outsiders for a few months during the epidemic. Australia mostly escaped because of a strict quarantine of incoming ships. In 1918 scientists did not know what viruses were and did not understand how they AND the avian flu. We do not need to lose sleep over it. Economy AO SSA is key to satellite protection – it’s inevitable, it’s only a question of effectiveness Weeden 9-10 – Brian Weeden, Bachelor's in Science (B.S AND .org/media/90775/going_blind_final.pdf The United States, and indeed the world, is increasingly reliant on satellites in AND This data is used by other government entities for a variety of functions. Satellites are key to the economy AIAA 10 – Aerospace Industries Association of America, “Aerospace and Defense: The Strength to Lift America”, April, http://www.nationalaerospaceweek.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/whitepaper.pdf Space systems drive our nation’s competitiveness, economic growth, and innovation. U. AND at a time when other nations are rapidly modernizing their own space infrastructure. SPS solves resource scarcity and cosmic accidents - both guarantee extinction Collins and Autino 10 (Patrick, Professor of Life and Environmental Science @ Azabu University, and Adriano, Systems Engineer @ Andromeda Incorporated, “What the growth of a space tourism industry could contribute to employment, economic growth, environmental protection, education, culture, and world peace,” Acta Astronautica, Science Direct) The major source of social friction, including international friction, has surely always been AND valuable activities—notably supplying widely popular travel services to the general public. 1AR XT 2AC Warming AT: Backstopping US production high—cutting into global market Kent 3/12 (Sarah, Wall Street Journal, “OPEC: U.S. Shale Oil to Cut Into Demand,” http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323826704578356160577328022.html?mod=googlenews_wsj) The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries cut its forecast of demand for its oil AND , can maintain its position amid a boom in U.S. oil production resulting from shale- rock drilling technology.¶ Senior figures in OPEC initially AND , according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. No backstopping – no capacity Forbes 11 (Forbes magazine, “Spare Capacity Dwindles, Alaska Looks Better,” http://blogs.forbes.com/greatspeculations/2011/07/15/spare-capacity-dwindles-alaska-looks-better/) Heck, Barron’s had a cover story a few days ago about oil reaching $ AND crude oil is down more 70% from its high in the 1980s.” It’s impossible Oweiss 4 – Ibrahim M. Oweiss is an oil economist. He taught at Georgetown University and at Harvard University “The Invisible Hand and the Price of Oil” October 23rd In analyzing world market of crude oil, one can expect a trend of higher AND an upward trend on the price of oil until demand starts to decrease. It does not turn the case Henriques and Sadorsky 8 (Irene, and Peter, Schulich School of Business in Canada, “Oil prices and the stock prices of alternative energy companies,” http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic741392.files/EnergyStockPrices.pdf, Energy Economics 30 (2008) 998–1010) Simulation results show the stock prices of alternative energy companies to be impacted by shocks AND These results should be of use to investors, managers and policy makers. AT: Russia No economy impact Goodrich and Zeihan 9 Lauren Goodrich, Stratfor's Director of Analysis and Senior Eurasia analyst, and Peter Zeihan, Vice President of Analysis at Stratfor, “The Financial Crisis and the Six Pillars of Russian Strength,” March 3 2009, http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/20090302_financial_crisis_and_six_pillars_russian_strength Thus, while Russia's financial sector may be getting torn apart, the state does AND has many tools more potent than finance with which to continue reasserting itself. Russia’s economy is declining now – diversification solves Bloomberg 12-14 – By Henry Meyer and Agnes Lovasz, December 14th, 2012, "Russia Faces Economy Trap as Oil Decline Looms, EBRD Says" www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-13/russia-at-risk-from-dwindling-oil-reserves-european-bank-says.html ‘Petro-State’¶ “The problem of being a petro-state is AND model should be economic freedom, private property and non-state capitalism.” AT: Co2 SPS creation only emits a nebulous amount of CO2 and it's offset by the carbon-free power it creates Asakura, Professor @ Azabu University, 2k (Asakura, Keiichiro, Collins, Patrick, Nomura, Koji, Hayami, Hitoshi, and Yoshioka, Kanji, Department of Environmental Policy @ Azabu University, " CO2 Emission from Solar Power Satellite through its Life Cycle: Comparison of Power Generation Systems using Japanese Input-Output Tables," July, http://policy.rutgers.edu/cupr/iioa/AsakuraCollinsNomuraHayamiandYoshioka_LifeCycleCO2.pdf, EMM) In this paper we have analyzed the CO2 emission likely to be produced by a AND to initiative the escape from a 'closed-Earth' industrial-economic system. 2AC Space Radar 2AC Radio DA No link Hashimoto 11 (Kozo, Fellow @ the Paleological Association of Japan and Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, " Frequency Allocations of Solar Power Satellite and International Activities," May, IEEE, EMM) F. Effects on Radio Propagation From a view point of the safety to biological AND terrestrial radio relay links, if harmonics of the SPS beam are phase. Companies will coordinate to avoid disruption Smith 8 – PhD Student @ University of Reading M.V., Lt. Col, PhD student in the strategic studies program under Professor Colin Gray at the University of Reading in the UK, winner of the National Space Society’s 2008 Space Pioneer Award, Chief of Future Concepts (Dream Works) the Pentagon, http://spacesolarpower.wordpress.com/2008/08/31/parking-slots-and-frequencies/ How does a company obtain a geostationary parking slot for a SBSP satellite? Parking AND entrant is obliged to ensure that their transmissions will not disrupt existing services. Asteroid detection efforts will inevitably fail NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 09 (Committee to Review Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies, National Research Council, Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies: Interim Report, The National Academies Press, http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12738andpage=1) Congress directed NASA to ask the National Research Council to review NASA’s near-Earth AND near-Earth objects 140 meters in diameter or greater by 2020. No Asteroid Strikes Plan solves asteroid deflection Mahan 7 - founder of Citizens for Space Based Solar Power (Rob, SBSP FAQ, based on a Bright Spot Radio interview from December 28th, 2007, http://c-sbsp.org/sbsp-faq/) Are there other reasons you believe we should be developing SBSP space- AND a platform for planetary protection from NEO (meteor / asteroid) strikes. No Asteroid strikes Murraco 11 (Michael, “Asteroid 2009 DD45 Barely Misses Earth June 1, 2011”, Mount Washington Valley Astronomy, 6/3, http://mwvastronomy.net/2011/06/asteroid-2009-dd45-barely-misses-earth-june-1-2011/) What has kept the Earth “safe” at least the past 65 million years, other than blind luck is the massive gravitational field of Jupiter, our cosmic guardian, with its stable circular orbit far from the sun, which assures a low number of impacts resulting in mass extinctions by sweeping up and scatters away most of the dangerous Earth-orbit-crossing comets and asteroids. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC “In the US” T We meet---we procure energy produced IN the US---we only incentivize what is topical We meet---rectennas would be in the US Snead 8 – James Michael Snead, senior member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, past chair of the Space Logistics Technical Committee, published in Aerospace America, the Air Force Air and Space Power Journal, the International Society of Logistics’ Logistics Spectrum magazine, the Journal of AstroPolitics, and the online Space Review, graduate of the Air Force Institute of Technology with Master's Degrees in Aerospace Engineering, November 19th, 2008, “The End of Easy Energy and What to Do About It,” National Space Society, http://mikesnead.net/resources/spacefaring/white_paper_the_end_of_easy_energy_and_what_to_do_about_it.pdf Possible rectenna locations in the United States 2.45/5.8 GHz AND greater than the approximately 250 SSP platforms that would likely be used.211 Counter-interp---in means within The Chambers Dictionary, 2006 Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd. Page 750 In – prep. Expressing the relation of a thing to that which surrounds, encloses, includes, or conditions it, with respect to the time place, time, or circumstance; or to that which is assumed, held, maintained , or the relation of a right or possession to the person who holds or enjoys it Counter-interpretation---energy production is creation of electricity for final consumption DOCC 9 the Department of Climate Change on behalf of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Expert Group on Streamlining Greenhouse and Energy Reporting. "National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Streamlining Protocol" www.climatechange.gov.au//media/publications/greenhouse-report/nger-streamlining-protocol.pdf 7.1 Energy production¶ Under the NGER Act corporations are required to report AND the facility or for use other than in the operation of the facility. Appendix C provides a list of reportable fuels and energy commodities under Schedule 1 of the NGER Regulations. *National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System (NGER) is a 2007 Australian GHG reporting scheme This takes place at rectennas in the US URSI 5 – International Union of Radio Science (URSI), November 2005, "Supporting Document for the URSI White Paper on Solar Power Satellite Systems," www.ss.ncu.edu.tw/ursi/record/WP_SPS_supdoc_051129.pdf The rectenna is extremely efficient in the energy conversion. The 82% of the AND compared to only 600 Wh/day/m2 for terrestrial photovoltaics.5 SPS collects solar, rectennas convert it to electricity Powersat 12 – Powersat Corporation, 2012, "Energy market drivers behind Space Solar Power (SSP)" www.powersat.com Space-based solar power is a method of collecting solar energy so that it can be distributed for use all over the earth. With this amazing technology, space-based solar power is the future of power generation. Counter-interp---“in the US” includes possessions Department of Defense 5 (Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005., http://www.thefreedictionary.com/United+States) UNITED STATES: Includes the land area, internal waters, territorial sea, and airspace of the United States, including the following: a. US territories, possessions, and commonwealths; and b. Other areas over which the US Government has complete jurisdiction and control or has exclusive authority or defense responsibility. We meet---SPS is in GSO slots that the USFG owns Smith 8 – PhD Student @ University of Reading M.V., Lt. Col, PhD student in the strategic studies program under Professor Colin Gray at the University of Reading in the UK, winner of the National Space Society’s 2008 Space Pioneer Award, Chief of Future Concepts (Dream Works) the Pentagon, http://spacesolarpower.wordpress.com/2008/08/31/parking-slots-and-frequencies/ How does a company obtain a geostationary parking slot for a SBSP satellite?¶ Parking slots are allotted internationally, by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).¶ However, the ITU only allocates orbital slots to countries, and not to private sector companies.¶ Companies must negotiate with countries who hold the rights to orbital slots of interest. They must establish an agreement whereby space-based solar power satellites can thereafter occupy the countries’ allocated orbital slot(s). Counter-interpretation---of means from a source Dictionary.com 13 “of” accessed 3-27, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/of preposition¶ 1.¶ (used to indicate distance or direction from, separation, deprivation, etc.): within a mile of the church; south of Omaha; to be robbed of one's money.¶ 2.¶ (used to indicate derivation, origin, or source): a man of good family; the plays of Shakespeare; a piece of cake. Prefer it - Grammar---key to precision and predictability---multiple anchor points in the resolution gives it coherent meaning---prevents arbitrary definitions
2. Aff and Neg ground---“extraction” allows affs that mine a little more uranium without creating electricity---that kills link ground. Forcing the aff to be entirely throughout is impossible because energy plants can’t cover the entire US. The word substantial prevents tiny cases 3. Education---SPS is key Medin 10 – Kristin Medin Chief Industrial Designer, NewSpace DesignLabs, Winter 2010, "Disruptive Technology: A Space-Based Solar Power Industry Forecast,"" Online Journal of Space Communication, Issue Number 16, spacejournal.ohio.edu/issue16/medin.html Abstract¶ Space-based solar power (SBSP) is an emerging industry whose AND terrestrial infrastructure needed to distribute that power, potentially to all human civilization. 4. We internal link turn limits---extraction is limitless Natural Gas.org No Date – “Processing Natural Gas" www.naturalgas.org/naturalgas/processing_ng.asp Natural gas, as it is used by consumers, is much different from the AND materials for oil refineries or petrochemical plants, and as sources of energy. Reasonability---competing interpretations are a race to the bottom to arbitrary exclude the aff
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: Albedo CP Perm do both Perm do plan and geoengineering Perm do plan and reasonable defense plan 2AC Geoengineering CP V2.0 Peer review studies show that injections reduce the albedo-indicts their authors Alterskjaer Kristjansoon and Seland 11 (10/31 peer reviewed journal under the atmospheric chemistry and physics K. department of geoscience at the university of oslo. J.E. Norwegian meteorological institute. http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/29527/2011/acpd-11-29527-2011-print.pdf)jc In earlier studies Latham et al. (2008) and Jones et al. AND added sea salt reduces the cloud droplet nucleation and therefore the cloud albedo. Geoengineering fails and causes global instability Vidal 13 – John Vidal, January 8th, 2013, "Rogue geoengineering could 'hijack' world's climate" www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/jan/08/geoengineering-hijack-world-climate/print The world's climate could be hijacked by a rogue country or wealthy individual firing small AND sapping the ability of governments to tackle the growing threat of climate change. Hacks proposal new geoengineering ideas all the time---be very skeptical Discover News 12-13 – Discovery News, December 13th, 2012, "Geoengineering Schemes Split Scientists" news.discovery.com/earth/global-warming/geoengineering-climate-change-121021.htm In the past, proponents of geo-engineering have proposed things like orbiting space AND amount isn't clear. That was another side effect of the Pinatubo eruption. Reasonable Defense Preventing Sequestration doesn’t solve Space Radar development---the 1AC proves SPS is key |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC Politics DA---Immigration Won’t pass---and gun control and budget pounds Altman 3/20 Alex Altman, Washington correspondent for TIME, “Four Hurdles That Could Block Immigration Reform,” http://swampland.time.com/2013/03/20/four-hurdles-that-could-block-immigration-reform/ The next few months offer the best chance in a generation for the two parties AND is high. Each day, 1,400 undocumented immigrants are deported. Perez nomination pounds immigration US News 3-21-13, Ron Bonjean, “Tread Carefully, GOP—The Perez Nomination Is a Trap”, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/ron-bonjean/2013/03/21/perez-nomination-could-be-a-trap-for-the-gop While the GOP continues to try to thread the needle over amnesty, pathways to AND a fight with some Senate Republicans about voting rights, immigration and discrimination. Obama will XO immigration reforms Lillis 2-16 – Mike Lillis, February 16th, 2013, "Dems: Obama can act unilaterally on immigration reform" thehill.com/blogs/regwatch/administration/283583-dems-recognize-that-obama-can-act-unilaterally-on-immigration-reform President Obama can – and will – take steps on immigration reform in the event AND talented in, but there's also a labor flow issue," he said. Timeframe is more than 10 years Navarrette 2-19 – Ruben Navarrette, CNN Contributor, February 19th, 2013, "Guest worker issue may kill immigration reform" www.cnn.com/2013/02/19/opinion/navarrette-immigration-reform/index.html How long? The undocumented could immediately apply for a special protective status to avoid deportation, but it would take them about eight years to get legal permanent residency (a green card) and another four or five years to become a U.S. citizen. Congressional support for SPS Morring 7 – Frank Morring, expert at Aviation Week and Space Technology, August 20th, 2007, “Space Solar Power: Climate, Economy, National Security Drive Another Look At SSP; Experts see warming, economic concerns and energy security as reasons to build SSP” Proquest Search Another factor that might build support in Congress and the Executive Branch is the effect building an SSP system would have on competitiveness. "Here in the U.S. we continue to be concerned about competitiveness, particularly in light of the migration of many high-tech industries overseas, and how to provide long-term economic and science and technology strength in the U.S. It's an ongoing challenge," Mankins says. The DOD supports SPS and shields it Hurst 8 – executive editor and writer for ecopolitology and Cleantechnica (Timothy B. December 21, 2008, Red Green and Blue, “Will Obama Champion Space-Based Solar Power?” http://redgreenandblue.org/2008/12/21/will-obama-champion-space-based-solar-power/) But there has also been some discussion that Obama could make cuts at NASA, AND robust Space-Based Solar Program, we’ll have to wait and see. No spillover Judson Berger 3-4, 2013, “Recurring budget crises could put squeeze on Obama's second-term priorities,” Fox News, http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/04/recurring-budget-crises-could-put-squeeze-on-obama-second-term-priorities/#ixzz2OknXmt3G Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., a vocal advocate for immigration reform AND .C., who both are part of a bipartisan group crafting legislation. Infrastructure pounds Katie Fahrenbacher 3-15, “Obama starts unveiling his plans for climate change, clean energy,” 3/15/13, http://gigaom.com/2013/03/15/obama-starts-unveiling-his-plans-for-climate-change-clean-energy/ President Obama called for stronger action on climate change and support of clean energy research AND , air and soil from infrastructure projects that could have negative environmental effects. Aviation taxes pound Sullivan 3-26-13, Andy, Oman Observer Reporter, “Obama’s tax move against jet loophole hits turbulence”, http://main.omanobserver.om/node/158306 First came the recession, throwing thousands out of work. Then came the drought AND are still struggling to emerge from the country’s deepest recession in 80 years. PC not key and winners win Hirsh 2-7 – Michael, chief correspondent for National Journal; citing Ornstein, a political scientist and scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and Bensel, gov’t prof at Cornell, "There's No Such Thing as Political Capital", 2013, www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207 But the abrupt emergence of the immigration and gun-control issues illustrates how suddenly AND change positions to get on the winning side. It’s a bandwagon effect.” DOD shields Appelbaum 12 – Binyamin, Defense cuts would hurt scientific RandD, experts say, The New York Times, 1-8, http://hamptonroads.com/2012/01/defense-cuts-would-hurt-scientific-rd-experts-say Sarewitz, who studies the government's role in promoting innovation, said the Defense Department AND find ways to reduce one of its largest budget items, energy costs. AT: Food Labor shortages do not impact food prices Martin 7 (Philip Martin, Professor of California Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, November 2007, Farm Labor Shortages: How Real? What Response, http://www.cis.org/node/637) The final point is "What does it all mean to consumers?" And in AND point it might be instead of me keeping talking to respond to questions. AT: Economy No economic benefit to legalization Hill et al. 10 – Laura E. Hill is a research fellow at AND Legalization of the estimated 12 million unauthorized immigrants residing in the United States would lead AND tax revenues resulting from increased earnings among the formerly unauthorized would be modest. No chance of war from economic decline---best and most recent data Daniel W. Drezner 12, Professor, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, October 2012, “The Irony of Global Economic Governance: The System Worked,” http://www.globaleconomicgovernance.org/wp-content/uploads/IR-Colloquium-MT12-Week-5_The-Irony-of-Global-Economic-Governance.pdf The final outcome addresses a dog that hasn’t barked: the effect of the Great AND disruptions of the Occupy movement fuel impressions of surge in global public disorder. The aggregate data suggests otherwise, however. The Institute for Economics and Peace has AND surge in protectionist nationalism or ethnic exclusion that might have been expected.”40 None of these data suggest that the global economy is operating swimmingly. Growth remains AND II – and not even worse – must be regarded as fortunate.”42 AT: Biotech Volcano Defense No super volcanoes and it won't cause extinction MSNBC 11 "Supervolcanoes won't destroy Earth in 2012," 12/29, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45818146/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/supervolcanoes-wont-destroy-earth/#.T9wS0LXOzyA But is another supervolcano eruption on the way? At the dawn of the new year, researchers say: Don't hold your breath. Catastrophic consequences Supervolcanoes are capable of eruptions dwarfing anything ever recorded by man, spewing out thousands of times more magma and ash. A supervolcano eruption would have consequences similar to those from the impact of a mile-wide asteroid, potentially killing millions of people and disrupting climate and ecosystems by blotting out the sun with ash and cooling the Earth. The largest supervolcano blast of the past 25 million years may have been the most recent one: the explosion of Mount Toba in Sumatra some 74,000 years ago. Scientists say Toba released a staggering 700 cubic miles of magma and a thick layer of ash over all of South Asia. By comparison, the famous explosion of the volcanic Indonesian island of Krakatoa in 1883 released about 3 cubic miles of magma. There are roughly a dozen supervolcanoes today, some of them lying at the bottom of the sea. One, however, is in the middle of the United States. The most recent giant eruption of the volcanically active area underlying Yellowstone National Park created the oval-shaped, 40- by 25-mile Yellowstone caldera. These energetic underpinnings are what fuel the park's famous geysers. Infographic: The Geology of Yellowstone Minuscule odds There is evidence that volcanic activity in Yellowstone will eventually lead to a colossal eruption capable of covering half the United States in 3 feet of ash. However, experts agree that super-eruptions are exceedingly rare, and the odds that one will occur in our lifetimes are vanishingly small. In all, geologists have identified the remnants of about 50 super-eruptions. This may sound like a lot until it is put into the context of the full span of geologic history. Research suggests there is a super-eruption every 700,000 years or so, on average. Scientists regularly monitor volcanically active regions globally, and there is absolutely no sign of a super-eruption looming anytime soon, said climate scientist Drew Shindell at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, who has studied what super-eruptions might do to climate. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC Weaponization DA 2AC Weaponization DA Weaponization inevitable globally Bridge 12-10 – Robert Bridge, writer for RT, December 10th, 2012, "Space militarization: Coming to a galaxy near you" rt.com/politics/space-militarization-us-russia-699/print/ The United States is moving toward the militarization of space and this will change the AND , which means military confrontation in outer space will intensify,” Zaitsev warned. US weaponization deters arms races Dolman 12 – Everett, PhD and Professor of Comparative Military Studies @ US Air Force School of Advanced Air and Space Studies and Recipient of Central Intelligence’s Outstanding Intelligence Analyst Award, “ New Frontiers, Old Realities,” Spring, http://www.au.af.mil/au/ssq/2012/spring/dolman.pdf And in such circumstances, the United States certainly would respond. Conversely, if AND could prepare outer space for a long-overdue burst of economic expansion. Double bind – if there’s weaponization now, it’s non-unique – if there’s arms control now, the plan would be deployed peacefully and would not cause weaponization Unilateralism causes cooperation, not backlash Stone 11 – Christopher Stone, Space policy analyst and strategist, space/missile officer with Air Force Space Command Reserve Component, “American leadership in space: leadership through capability,” The Space Review, Monday, March 14, 2011, pg. http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1797/1 When it comes to space exploration and development, including national security space and commercial AND world into space with programs and objectives “worthy of a great nation”. SPS creates cooperation through the NSP Garretson 12 – Peter Garretson, Lieutenant Colonel of the USAF serving on CSAF's Strategic Studies Group, Spring 2012 "Solar Power in Space?" Strategic Studies Quarterly Spring Our current National Space Policy articulates the top three space-related goals as: AND It presents excellent opportunities for the United States to lead in international cooperation. DOD guts Obama space multilateralism now Mackey 12 – Craig A. Mackey graduated from the American University School of International AND .edu/sis/jis/upload/JIS_F2012.pdf In 2010, President Obama unveiled a new US national space policy, which appeared AND in space appears to have stalled in light of US national security considerations. Weapons are not destabilizing Lopez 12 – Laura Delgado Lopez, expert at the Institute for Global Environmental Studies, Arlington, Virginia, master's degree in international science and technology from George Washington University, 2009 Truman Scholar and a Northrop Grumman Fellow at GWU's Space Policy Institute, bachelor's in political science, March 6th, 2012, "Predicting an Arms Race in Space: Problematic Assumptions for Space Arms Control" www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14777622.2012.647391 If space weapons are taken to be destabilizing, then the context preceding their deployment AND to assume that these weapons would be the destabilizing element in the system. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 3 | Opponent: | Judge: 1AR T Ev Under their interpretation, no aff is topical---the US imports coal, oil, and gas EIA 12-17 – EIA, December 17th, 2012, "Energy Perspectives: United States energy imports decline while energy exports increase" www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=9230 In 2011, the United States consumed more than 97 quadrillion Btu (quads) AND , combined to account for about 2% of energy imports in 2011. 1AR Oceans Ev CO2 acidifies the oceans---causes extinction Romm 9 Joe, Fellow at American Progress and is the editor of Climate Progress, holds a Ph.D. in physics from MIT, “Imagine a World without Fish: Deadly ocean acidification — hard to deny, harder to geo-engineer, but not hard to stop — is subject of documentary,” http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2009/09/02/204589/a-sea-change-imagine-a-world-without-fish-ocean-acidification-film/ Global warming is “capable of wrecking the marine ecosystem and depriving future generations of AND that life “” the time to start slashing carbon dioxide emissions is now. 1AR Econ Defense No conflicts resulted from the recession – disproves the impact Barnett 9—senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC (Thomas, The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis, 25 August 2009, http://www.aprodex.com/the-new-rules~-~-security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis-398-bl.aspx) When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago, the blogosphere was ablaze AND friendly cooperation on such stimulus packaging was the most notable great-power dynamic caused by the crisis. Can we say that the world has suffered a distinct AND great resilience of America's post-World War II international liberal trade order. 1AR Plan Solves Aerospace Plan solves aerospace workforce Mankins, President of SPA and Former NASA Scientist, 9 (John, Preeminent Global Expert on SSP, SPA = Space Power Association, President of ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, Worked @ NASA for 25 Years, “To boldly go: the urgent need for a revitalized investment in space technology,” 5-18, http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1377/1) Unfortunately, the US investment in advanced research and technology for space exploration and development AND valuable space capabilities for the public, the nation, and the world. 1AR Gun Control Spending capital to pass a controversial guns agenda Fox News 3-28, http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/28/obama-moves-to-hame-congress-into-approving-gun-control-package/ President Obama moved Thursday to put the muscle of the White House and his network AND just launched a $12 million ad buy in support of the legislation. 1AR Cyber Defense No impact to cyber-terror---won’t cause military conflict Thomas P.M. Barnett 13, special assistant for strategic futures in the U.S. Defense Department's Office of Force Transformation from 2001 to 2003, is chief analyst for Wikistrat, March/April 2013, “Think Again: The Pentagon,” Foreign Policy, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/03/04/the_pentagon?page=full As for cyber serving as a stand-alone war-fighting domain, there AND and the generals about the imminent threat of a "cyber Pearl Harbor." Please remember amid all this frenetic scaremongering that the Pentagon is never more frightened about AND But you won't hear that from the next-warriors on the Potomac. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Contention 1- Inherency In September of 2012, Obama used his power under Exon-Florio to prohibit a Chinese company named Ralls from operating wind turbines in the United States. Ralls has sued the President and the Treasury Department’s CFIUS committee. The Court is about to rule against their challenge to national security restrictions on wind production. Daily Journal of Commerce (Portland, OR) 12/19/12 December 19, 2012 Wednesday SECTION: COMMENTARY LENGTH: 932 words HEADLINE: Commentary AND Ralls has said it will appeal, and the court battles will continue. And, the plan is key- a judicial ruling limiting the application of CFIUS review regarding national security and energy production assets would set a precedent for all foreign investment deals. The international business community is closely watching the court on this issue. Vigdor et al-Vinson and Elkins LLP-10/22/12 Blocking Ore. Wind Farms: Overstepping Authority? http://www.velaw.com/uploadedFiles/VEsite/Resources/BlockingOreWindFarmsOversteppingAuthority.pdf The Ralls Corporation, a Chinese-owned wind farm developer, has sued President AND November when the court holds a hearing on the government’s motion to dismiss. Advantage 1- Grid Investment The Ralls wind restriction makes Chinese energy investment uncertainty inevitable. Removing national security restrictions is critical to increasing Chinese energy investment in the US. Hart 13 (Melanie Hart, Policy Analyst for Chinese Energy and Climate Policy at American Progress. She focuses on China’s science and technology development policies for energy innovation as well as its domestic energy efficiency program, environmental regulatory regime, and domestic and international responses to global climate change. Before joining American Progress, Melanie was a project consultant for the Aspen Institute. She also worked on Qualcomm’s Asia Pacific business development team, where she provided technology market and regulatory analysis to guide Qualcomm operations in Greater China, "Increasing Opportunities for Chinese Direct Investment in U.S. Clean Energy," Feb 11, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/china/report/2013/02/11/52576/increasing-opportunities-for-chinese-direct-investment-in-u-s-clean-energy/) In President Barack Obama’s first term, economic issues were often a source of friction AND blocked for national security reasons.¶ National security reviews add another layer of uncertainty Chinese enterprises report that one of their biggest concerns with direct investments in the United AND from launching projects that would be a win-win for both nations. Specifically, this cooperative investment is key to future grid investment. Hart 13 (Melanie Hart, Policy Analyst for Chinese Energy and Climate Policy at American Progress. She focuses on China’s science and technology development policies for energy innovation as well as its domestic energy efficiency program, environmental regulatory regime, and domestic and international responses to global climate change. Before joining American Progress, Melanie was a project consultant for the Aspen Institute. She also worked on Qualcomm’s Asia Pacific business development team, where she provided technology market and regulatory analysis to guide Qualcomm operations in Greater China, "Increasing Opportunities for Chinese Direct Investment in U.S. Clean Energy," Feb 11, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/china/report/2013/02/11/52576/increasing-opportunities-for-chinese-direct-investment-in-u-s-clean-energy/) Why encouraging inward Chinese direct investment in clean energy makes sense for the United States AND critical prerequisites for building and promoting Chinese name-brand goods and services. Increasing grid investment is critical to avoid massive nuclear meltdowns that risk extinction- outweighs the risk of nuclear war Goldes, founder Aesop Institute, 11 (Mark Goldes, Former Research Fellow at Brandeis University, is Founder of the Aesop Institute, served as a consultant on economic development to Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s New York office. He later became Chief of Housing and Economic Development for Oakland, California, Formerly Senior Director of the Berlin Corridor control radar in Germanyfor US Air Force, "SOLAR MEGASTORMS can GENERATE a GLOBAL NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE" http://www.opednews.com/articles/SOLAR-MEGASTORMS-can-GENER-by-Mark-Goldes-111119-448.html-http://www.opednews.com/articles/SOLAR-MEGASTORMS-can-GENER-by-Mark-Goldes-111119-448.html) We are unprepared and are playing Russian roulette with the sun. The NOAA sees AND specific year. This entire 11 year sunspot cycle should be of concern. More investment is key to grid resiliency- all of their impact defense assumes we can fund grid improvements. Carson 13 (Phil, Editor-in-chief of Intelligent Utility Daily at Energy Central, "Politics, power and grid investments," Jan 9, http://www.intelligentutility.com/article/13/01/politics-power-and-grid-investments) I’ve been raving about infrastructure investment and the need for public/private partnerships, AND the needed investments to modernize it are the keys to our American future. More private investment will be critical for grid modernization- public stimulus spending wont cut it Kovacs 10 (William L. Kovacs, senior vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Environment, Technology, and Regulatory Affairs Division., Jan 21, "Smartgrid Modernization Requires Regulatory Reform," http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2010/01/21/smartgrid-modernization-requires-regulatory-reform) The fledgling smartgrid for electricity got some feathers on its wings in October 2009 with AND regulatory structure, business and industry stand ready to make the needed investments. IF TIME—— The grid is at high risk for failure- investment is needed quickly. Gunther 13 (Erich,Chairman and CTO, Co-Founder, EnerNex; Chairman, DOE GridWise Architecture Council; IEEE Fellow, PES Board Member, New Podcast: Modernizing the North American Grid, Feb 6, 2013, http://gridinsights.energycentral.com/detail.cfm/New-Podcast-Modernizing-the-North-American-Grid?id=100) Aging electric utility infrastructure in the United States is taking its toll on our society AND that they are safe, effective, deployable, and cost-effective. Advantage 2- the Trans-Pacific Partnership CFIUS is an important test case for judicial review-the plan has large precedent potential Bracken 12 (Len, Suit Filed Against CFIUS Order Seen As Trial Balloon in National Security Law, Oct 25, http://www.bartsfisher.com/pdf/040.pdf) The civil complaint recently filed by the Chinese-owned Ralls Corp. against the AND the case is being closely watched for a potential precedent-setting effect. The plan sets a precedent for limiting national security exemptions in other areas including Freedom of Information Act requirements. Zaring-Assistant Professor, Wharton School-9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW Vol. 83:81 CFIUS AS A CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION SERVICE http://lawgip.usc.edu/assets/docs/contribute/83_1ZaringforWebsite.pdf-http://lawgip.usc.edu/assets/docs/contribute/83_1ZaringforWebsite.pdf C. CFIUS AND THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL DEFINITION OF NATIONAL SECURITY National security, or AND may also represent a different approach to formulating controlling policymaking in national security. National Security exemptions undermine FOIA’s ability to challenge secrecy in TPP negotiations Levine-Stanford Law-4/6/12 Bring in the Nerds: Secrecy, National Security and the Creation of International Intellectual Property Law Cardozo Arts %26 Entertainment Law Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, p. 105, 2012 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2038020-http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2038020 The first observation is the amplified use of formal secrecy as an international lawmaking construct AND U.S.’s position as a fair arbiter in international relations. This secrecy allows corporate interests to hijack the process, locking in restrictive intellectual property provisions. Levine-Stanford Law-4/6/12 Bring in the Nerds: Secrecy, National Security and the Creation of International Intellectual Property Law Cardozo Arts %26 Entertainment Law Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, p. 105, 2012 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2038020-http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2038020 Importantly, this Article does not suggest that all information regarding international IP lawmaking should be disclosed to the public.11 However, the current state of affairs goes too far the other way. While there might be legitimate concerns about foreign diplomatic relations that warrant careful analysis and on occasion some secrecy, particularly with regard to foreign government information held by the U.S., the international lawmaking process’ blanket treatment as an omnibus national security event has lead to fundamental problems of transparency and accountability that make up the second major observation of this Article. While the public has been prevented from seeing negotiating texts and proposals because of proffered national security concerns, ―cleared advisors,‖ chosen by the USTR and made up almost exclusively of industry representatives, have presumably had access to those documents or relevant portions thereof.12 In the case of the cleared advisors for the referenced international agreements, they are almost exclusively IP industry representatives who, as a community, generally seek increasingly restrictive IP laws.13 Foot note included 13James Love, Who USTR Clears to See Secret Text for IPR Negotiations? (Such as TPPA), KNOWLEDGE ECOLOGY INT’L (Feb. 16, 2012, 8:49 AM), http://keionline.org/node/1362 (―After reviewing the names ~of members of several USTR ITACs~ (many of whom are former employees of USTR and other government trade offices), you can evaluate the USTR claim that none of them are ‗lobbyists’ . . . . ―); see also Rashmi Rangnath, PK and EFF Tell Congress: Secret Negotiations Harm the Public Knowledge, PUB. KNOWLEDGE (Aug. 6, 2009), http://www.publicknowledge.org/node/2593 (―~I~ndustry groups such as the ~Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)~, the ~Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)~, and PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) are members of ITAC 15 ~which covers IP rights~ while public interest representatives, with the exception of one public health representative, are excluded. This gives the IP industry an opportunity to lock in its favored provisions into trade agreements, even when those provisions reflect controversial or unsettled interpretations of U.S. law.‖). end footnote This information asymmetry makes the story told by Sean Flynn above particularly egregious. There is nothing stopping Flynn’s American University School of Law’s Program on Information Justice and IP (PIJIP) from hosting another workshop for TPP negotiators. But when PIJIP is unable to access draft TPP negotiating texts and proposals and is simultaneously asked to move its event so that an entity that does have access to negotiating texts through proxies can host a de facto lobbying event, the public should be concerned. The same nerds that were needed in the SOPA and PIPA debates are undoubtedly needed in the closed negotiations surrounding TPP. Thus, stories like Flynn’s underscore both a perception and reality of special treatment for certain interests. Indeed, as has been amply documented,14 FOIA enables different standards of transparency and accountability between government and public versus some private entities that are deemed ―cleared advisors,‖ allowing for more information shared with, and therefore more input coming from, chosen private entities than the public and its nerds. Scenario One: Disease Lack of transparency in negotiations undermine efforts to build in protections for global disease prevention—-This year is key and the TPP will set a precedent for future agreements Balasegaram-Director MSF access campaign-13 tradinG away HealtH: tHe trans-PaciFic PartnersHiPaGreeMent (tPP) http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/publications/reports/2013/Access_Briefing_TPP_ENG_2013.pdf-http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/publications/reports/2013/Access_Briefing_TPP_ENG_2013.pdf Unless damaging provisions are removed before negotiations are finalized, the TPP agreement is on AND imposing some of the most damaging TRIPS-plus provisions on developing countries. Disease pandemics risk extinction. Steinbruner 1998 John D., Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution, "Biological weapons: A plague upon all houses," Foreign Policy, Dec 22, LN It is a considerable comfort and undoubtedly a key to our survival that, so AND health, but a fundamental security problem for the species as a whole. Their defense doesn’t assume Asia which is uniquely vulnerable to pandemics Asia Business Council ’10 Containing Pandemic and Epidemic Diseases in Asia http://www.asiabusinesscouncil.org/docs/DiseaseBriefing.pdf How prepared is Asia for pandemic and epidemic diseases? While efforts by national governments AND ensure rapid action to minimize economic and social costs when unexpected diseases hit. Scenario Two: Agriculture Lack on public input in negotiations locks in dysfunctional agriculture policy Hansen-Kuhn-Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy-3/4/13 Who’s at the Table? Demanding Answers on Agriculture in the Trans-Pacific Partnership http://www.iatp.org/documents/who%E2%80%99s-at-the-table-demanding-answers-on-agriculture-in-the-trans-pacific-partnership-http://www.iatp.org/documents/who%E2%80%99s-at-the-table-demanding-answers-on-agriculture-in-the-trans-pacific-partnership The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has the potential to become the biggest AND farmers, consumers, and legislators should ask questions, and demand answers. This collapses Asian food security GRAIN Briefing, 2001 (March, Intellectual Property Rights: Ultimate Control of Agricultural R%26D in Asia, http://www.grain.org/briefings/?id=35-http://www.grain.org/briefings/?id=35) Patent proponents keep banging on about the importance of IPR for access and innovation. AND simply a means for controlling the market and extracting more profit from it. On the other hand, IPRs are entirely inadequate as an incentive for research into AND with TRIPS – with severe implications for the region’s long term food security. Asian governments urgently need to wake up to the inherent threats of IPR over genetic resources, take a look at other options which would better serve the interests of their people, and start implementing a truly pro-people agricultural R%26D agenda. The impact collapses civilization Brown-Worldwatch-’9 Lester R, founder of the Worldwatch Institute and the Earth Policy Institute "Can Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?" Scientific American, May The biggest threat to global stability is the potential for food crises in poor countries AND states disintegrate, their fall will threaten the stability of global civilization itself. And, IPR development causes massive pesticide use, monocultures, and destroys biodiversity Tarasofksy and House, Chatham House Analysts, 2005 (June, Report on Trade, Environment and Intellectual Property Rights, http://www.riia.org/pdf/research/sdp/R-IPRs.pdf-http://www.riia.org/pdf/research/sdp/R-IPRs.pdf) There are several strands to the argument that the TRIPS Agreement and other IPRs impact AND both breeders and farmers in this context has yet to be empirically measured. Causes extinction Fowler and Mooney, Rural Advancement Fund International, 1990, (Shattering: Food, Politics, and the Loss of Genetic Diversity p. ix) While many may ponder the consequences of global warming, perhaps the biggest single environmental AND narrow our options for the future and render our own survival more precarious. Our aff is a prerequisite security K—- The frame of Chinese investment as coming from a monolithic, hostile nation-state action makes American security policy a self-fulfilling prophecy that sees acts of aggression behind every business move and investment deal. Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers From the global production network perspective, not only does the assumption of a zero AND succeed in bringing out a more unified rival in China down the road. —-And our advantage specifically accesses their impacts—Freedom of information is a prerequisite to the alternative —- Access to information key to check the worst forms of corporate governance. Amoroso 1973 Frank, The Freedom of Information Act: Shredding the Paper Curtain, St. John’s Law Review, Issue 4 Volume 47, May, Number 4, http://scholarship.law.stjohns.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3017%26context=lawreview Acquisition of information and control over its dissemination are the hallmarks of political power. AND currency of power is reflected in the vital issues of the day.1 —-Aff is a prerequisite to the critique —- Unchecked IPR commodifies cultural forms maintaining a hegemonic worldview and actively precluding meaningful dissent. Macmillan 2003 Fiona, Professor of Law, Birkbeck College, University of London, "Copyright’s Commodification of Creativity," http://www.oiprc.ox.ac.uk/ So the media and entertainment industry controls and homogenises what we get to see, AND between law, culture, and the politics of commodifying cultural forms.100 Advocating against existential risks is the most ethical- we have a moral obligation to future generations to put all our focus on avoiding extinction. Bostrum 12 (http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/03/were-underestimating-the-risk-of-human-extinction/253821/) Some have argued that we ought to be directing our resources toward humanity’s existing problems, rather than future existential risks, because many of the latter are highly improbable. You have responded by suggesting that existential risk mitigation may in fact be a dominant moral priority over the alleviation of present suffering. Can you explain why? Bostrom: Well suppose you have a moral view that counts future people as being AND eliminating poverty or curing malaria, which would be tremendous under ordinary standards. Plan: The Federal judiciary should substantially reduce restrictions on wind production by holding that economic security should be excluded from the definition of national security in Exon Florio. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-We meet-statutory restriction A. Statutory restriction is a control or limit Business Dictionary ’13 http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/statutory-restriction.html statutory restriction Control or limits imposed on an activity under its ruling legislation. B. The plan removes a statutory restriction on wind production Greguras-KLgates LLP-3/1/13 What Chinese Cleantech Companies Need to Know about CFIUS Review in 2013 http://www.klgates.com/files/Publication/0f625ea6-f867-4aad-9915-acc67e789c40/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/1fb6f0da-9bcd-4776-9aa6-8f88476219f1/Corporate_Alert_03012013.pdf-http://www.klgates.com/files/Publication/0f625ea6-f867-4aad-9915-acc67e789c40/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/1fb6f0da-9bcd-4776-9aa6-8f88476219f1/Corporate_Alert_03012013.pdf The third question is very open-ended and subject to the changing political climate AND developers—any prohibitions or restrictions similar to those imposed on Ralls……"7 —-Our interpretation is Superior-our restriction is grounded in the Foreign Investment and National Security Act. It requires affirmatives to be based in legislative restrictions and excludes regulatory red tape cases. —-The plan removes restrictions on the production of wind power—-the issue in Ralls and the action of the plan are about prohibiting energy production not administrative hurdles. Clement et al-Ralls Complaint-’12 AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF ’12 http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/RallsFiledAmendedComplaint.pdf-http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/RallsFiledAmendedComplaint.pdf C. Ralls’s Acquisition and Development of the Butter Creek Projects 58. Plaintiff Ralls AND Nor has Ralls had any opportunity to review or rebut such evidence, t he conclusions CFIUS has drawn from that evidence (aside from its general conclusion regarding AND in the violation of Ralls’s right to equal protection violate the United States Constitution —-Counter-interpretation—restrictions include limiting conditions Plummer 29 J., Court Justice, MAX ZLOZOWER, Respondent, v. SAM LINDENBAUM et al., Appellants Civ. No. 3724COURT OF APPEAL OF CALIFORNIA, THIRD APPELLATE DISTRICT100 Cal. App. 766; 281 P. 102; 1929 Cal. App. LEXIS 404September 26, 1929, Decided, lexis The word "restriction," when used in connection with the grant of interest in AND a particular event, or the performance or nonperformance of a particular act. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-FINSA is written broadly to include energy assets. The plan limits the scope of its application by excluding wind power. Their definition doesn’t apply because it’s about striking down a law not interpreting one. Jackson-Congressional Research Service-9/26/12 The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL33388.pdf-http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL33388.pdf Factors for Consideration The Exon-Florio provision includes a list of twelve factors the President must consider AND national security, including national economic security and national public health or safety." —-C/I—-The Courts make law and can legally narrow the scope of a statute West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/statute Laws created through judicial opinion stand in contradistinction to laws created in statutes. Case AND statutes unless they are reapproved before a certain amount of time has passed. —-We meet—-the Court can "reduce restrictions"- contextual evidence Shim 96 (Yumee, Mountain States Legal Foundation v. Glickman: When a Tree Falls in the Forest, is Anything Left (Of) Standing?, Fall, 1996, 15 Temp. Envtl. L. %26 Tech. J. 277) Specifically, plaintiffs alleged that the implementation of the Guidelines would drive up the price AND agency to comply with the procedural commands of NFMA and NEPA ...." Id. —-Reducing restrictions can mean not enforcing them Berger 1 Justice Opinion, INDUSTRIAL RENTALS, INC., ISAAC BUDOVITCH and FLORENCE BUDOVITCH, Appellants Below, Appellants, v. NEW CASTLE COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT and NEW CASTLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE, Appellees Below, Appellees. No. 233, 2000SUPREME COURT OF DELAWARE776 A.2d 528; 2001 Del. LEXIS 300April 10, 2001, Submitted July 17, 2001, Decided lexis We disagree. Statutes must be read as a whole and all the words must AND remaining deed restrictions requiring phasing to coincide with improvements to the transportation system. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-The permutation solves best —- Combining securitization with criticism renegotiates the logic of security and solves their impact while avoiding legitimate contextualized dangers. Trombetta 2008 Maria Julia, Environmental security and climate change: analyzing the discourse, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 21:4, 585-602 The recognition and constitution of a problem as a threat implies the identification of the AND , it is a reflexive and contextualized process that generates meanings and practices. —-alt cant include the aff- if it does tis a voting issue for affirmative ground and education from cost benefit analysis —-Providing transparency for the TPP is a prerequisite to the K —- Prevents backdoor negotiations that uniquely enable technocratic energy policy. Chin 2012 Allison, President of the Sierra Club, The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Pact: an affront to democracy, Sierra Club Yodeler, http://theyodeler.org/?p=5819 Members of the public who register with the U.S. Trade Representative are AND public and the environment – even if it’s inconvenient for some large corporations. —-Freedom of information is good —- Critical internal link to preservation of democracy and halt conservative takeover. Mendel 1999 Toby, Head of the UN ARTICLE 19’s Law Programme, The Public’s Right to Know: Principles on Freedom of Information Legislation, http://www.article19.org/data/files/pdfs/standards/righttoknow.pdf Information is the oxygen of democracy. If people do not know what is happening AND government and is the basis for proper, informed debate of those actions. —-Fear is the greatest force for good in preventative medicine —- Multiple empirical examples prove it saves lives. Richards 2001 Edward P., Executive Director, Center for Public Health Law, Professor of Law, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law, Bioterrorism and the Use of Fear in Public Health, http://biotech.law.lsu.edu/blaw/bt/epr_bioterror01.pdf In 1910, Rosenau, the father of preventive medicine in the United States, AND take personal precautions, but not afraid enough to want to restrict others. —-Environmental Securitization is key to prevent the marginalization of environmental concerns and re-politicize/transform security. Trombetta 2008 Maria Julia, Environmental security and climate change: analyzing the discourse, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 21:4, 585-602 The Copenhagen School warns about the risk of securitization and distinguishes between securitization—’meaning AND be brought into existence and new actors can gain relevance in security policies. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Micro-grid fails—-unreliable and quality problems BIESI 11 Brookings Institution Energy Security Initiative, The Hoover Institution Shultz-Stevenson Task Force on Energy Policy, "Assessing the Role of Distributed Power Systems in the U.S. Power Sector", October, media.hoover.org/sites/default/files/documents/Distributed-Energy.pdf Microgrid¶ Generation technologies are central to discussions around distributed energy systems. However, AND level of distributed generation deployment, reserve margin maintenance can be a problem. Microgrid’s reliance on multiple inputs fails Amora 10 Ramon, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University, "Controls for microgrids with storage: Review, challenges, and research needs", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 14, Issue 7, September 2010, Pages 2009–2018 Microgrids installations and integration in LV distribution systems will increase significantly in future. Consequently AND disconnection processes involve big number of microsources at the same time ~6~. Failure to rule for Ralls would send a dangerous signal undermining judicial review of the executive. Abassi, chief counsel-Cause of Action, 12 (Amber, Chief Counsel for Regulatory Affairs-Cause of Action, BRIEF OF OREGON WINDFARMS, LLC,KENT MADISON, WILLIAM J. DOHERTY, AND IVAR CHRISTENSENAS AMICI CURIAE IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF, Nov 12, http://www.scribd.com/doc/113087608/Ralls-v-CFIUS-Brief-in-Support-of-Motion-to-Participate-as-Amici-Curiae) C. Judicial review is a necessary prophylactic against the Executive Branch asserting extra- AND for American enterprises and their foreign business partners to create a prosperous tomorrow. That risks unchecked unilateralism in national security policy. Landau 12 (Joseph, Associate Professor, Fordham Law School, CHEVRON MEETS YOUNGSTOWN: NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE ADMINISTRATIVE STATE, 92 B.U.L. Rev. 1917) Although certain Chevron-backers in theory call for a statutory, not constitutional, AND a practical matter, collapses into a theory of single-branch governance. That kills heg- Bush Doctrine proves. Ikenberry 2005 G John, IR Prof @ Princeton, Why Bush Grand Strategy Fails, 8-10-2005, http://www.princeton.edu/~~gji3/ikenberryWhyBushForeign%282%29.pdf America’s power advantages – massive, useable, and enduring — are what gave rise AND within consensual rules and cooperative frameworks but by wielding a big stick.37 But this Bush administration vision is premised on a radical misreading of functional power realities AND These failures, in turn, reinforce American nationalism and global disengagement.39 The rise of unipolar American power is paradoxical: the collapse of the Soviet Union AND American power – and the entire grand strategic vision is thrown into crisis. Collapse of US leadership risks war in every major flash point. Brzezinski 12 ~Zbignbiew Brzezinski, national security advisor under U.S. President Jimmy Carter, January/February 2012, "8 Geopolitically Endangered Species", Foreign Policy, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/01/03/8_geopolitically_endangered_species?page=full-http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/01/03/8_geopolitically_endangered_species?page=full, With the decline of America’s global preeminence, weaker countries will be more susceptible to AND 7. PAKISTAN Although Islamabad is armed with 21st-century nuclear weapons a nd held together by a professional late 20th-century army, the majority of AND extremism; a worldwide energy crisis; vulnerability of America’s Persian Gulf allies. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Won’t Pass – GOP labor union dispute Sargent 3/22/13 (Greg, journalist for the Washington post with previous experience at talking points memo, New York magazine, and the New York Observor, "A bait and switch on immigration reform" http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2013/03/22/a-bait-and-switch-on-immigration-reform/-http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2013/03/22/a-bait-and-switch-on-immigration-reform/) Here’s something to keep an eye out for: Republicans who favor immigration reform carefully AND deal with Democrats on the real core issue — the path to citizenship. - No link- a. Obama is the defendant in Ralls- the plan rules against him
Zhao 12 (Kun, Update on Ralls Corporation v. CFIUS, et al., Nov 27, http://www.uschinalawblog.com/index.php/2012/11/27/update-on-ralls-corporation-v-cfius-et-al/) On September 12, 2012, Ralls Corporation ("Ralls") filed a lawsuit in AND Defendants’ answer to Ralls’ amended complaint is due by December 8, 2012. b. Means Obama wouldn’t take any blame- he and the GOP are on the same side in support of national security restrictions. Newsmax 13 (Republicans Upset Over Approval of Chinese Buyout of US Energy Company, http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/chinese-clean-energy-buyout/2013/01/29/id/487957) Republican anger is growing over the decision to give a Chinese company government approval to AND Some Republican legislators urged CFIUS to block the buyout for exactly that reason. 2. Court action provides political cover for Obama to deflect controversy Pacelle, Prof-Political Science-Georgia Southern, 2002 (Richard L., Prof of Poli Sci @ Georgia Southern University, The Role of the Supreme Court in American Politics: The Least Dangerous Branch? 2002 p 175-6) The limitations on the Court are not as significant as they once seemed. They AND turn the focus to judicial capacity, the subject of the next chapter. 3. Future wind fights are inevitable in Congress National Journal 13 (Battle Over Wind Subsidy Leaves Industry Bruised, Jan 3, http://www.nationaljournal.com/congress/influence/battle-over-wind-subsidy-leaves-industry-bruised-20130103) Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., who is the most outspoken supporter AND agree on a way forward. But that’s a fight for another day.
Obama just lost on his labor appointments and Republicans are using it against him in Congress. Costa 1-31-13 (Robert, is National Review’s Washington editor. He manages NR’s Capitol Hill bureau and reports on the White House, Congress, and campaigns. Politico and Washingtonian magazine recently cited him as one of the capital’s best reporters, "Senate GOP Battles Obama’s NLRB Appointees," http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/339378/senate-gop-battles-obamas-nlrb-appointees-robert-costa) Senate Republicans continue to hammer President Obama for his recess appointees to the National Labor AND , even though a federal court recently ruled that the appointments are unconstitutional. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 3. N/U-the Chinese wind industry is screwed because of domestic reasons Bloomberg 12 (The Downside of China’s Clean Energy Push, Nov 21, http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-11-21/the-downside-of-chinas-clean-energy-push) So what’s China gotten for its money so far? Clean power, and plenty AND sales—its largest loss since its initial public offering in January 2011. 4. Turn- China CANT be a leader in wind power because its shut out of the US market by the restriction THAT THE PLAN REMOVES. Rapoza 13 (Kenneth, economics reporter for the Dow Jones, Forbes, Wall Street Journal and Barron’s, First Solar, Now China Wind Power In Washington’s Crosshairs, Forbes, Jan 16, http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2013/01/16/first-solar-now-china-wind-power-in-washingtons-crosshairs/) China wants to become a leader in alternative sources of energy, both as an AND It’s just that, if it wants to spread the cheer of cleaner air 5. The plan causes cooperative investment and interdependence not conflict. Hart 13 (Melanie Hart, Policy Analyst for Chinese Energy and Climate Policy at American Progress. She focuses on China’s science and technology development policies for energy innovation as well as its domestic energy efficiency program, environmental regulatory regime, and domestic and international responses to global climate change. Before joining American Progress, Melanie was a project consultant for the Aspen Institute. She also worked on Qualcomm’s Asia Pacific business development team, where she provided technology market and regulatory analysis to guide Qualcomm operations in Greater China, "Increasing Opportunities for Chinese Direct Investment in U.S. Clean Energy," Feb 11, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/china/report/2013/02/11/52576/increasing-opportunities-for-chinese-direct-investment-in-u-s-clean-energy/) One of our most promising opportunities for U.S.-China clean energy cooperation AND economic difficulty, we should not let those opportunities go by the wayside. 6. Doesn’t collapse relations- no spillover between issues Hart 13 (Melanie Hart, Policy Analyst for Chinese Energy and Climate Policy at American Progress. She focuses on China’s science and technology development policies for energy innovation as well as its domestic energy efficiency program, environmental regulatory regime, and domestic and international responses to global climate change. Before joining American Progress, Melanie was a project consultant for the Aspen Institute. She also worked on Qualcomm’s Asia Pacific business development team, where she provided technology market and regulatory analysis to guide Qualcomm operations in Greater China, "Increasing Opportunities for Chinese Direct Investment in U.S. Clean Energy," Feb 11, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/china/report/2013/02/11/52576/increasing-opportunities-for-chinese-direct-investment-in-u-s-clean-energy/) One area in which the Obama administration has proven especially adept, however, is AND American interests are being harmed, he has not hesitated to get tough. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: - Wind production is really high now- it was 45% of all new generation in 2012
Clean Technica 13 (Wind Power Tops In New US Generation Capacity For 2012, Jan 18, http://cleantechnica.com/2013/01/18/wind-power-tops-in-new-us-generation-capacity-for-2012/) With key federal tax credits due to expire at year-end 2012, US AND , wind power was ~%231 for new US electricity production in 2012. 2. FDI in wind now Holloway 3/21/13 Japanese bank to fund first U.S. offshore wind farm, James Holloway-Open University, with a B.Sc. in Technology and a Diploma in Design and Innovation, March 21, 2013, http://www.gizmag.com/cape-cod-wind-farm/26753/ Not having a section devoted to cures for insomnia, Gizmag tends to pass over AND been signed off by the U.S. Department of the Interior. And exports will take too long Friedman 3/13/12 (George, stratfor, Ph.D in government at Cornell, "America is Becoming a Natural Gas Exporter and Geopolitical Player in Asia" http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=72361)
If production continues to increase beyond any increasing demands, the next logical step would AND Even without delays, full export capacity will not be reached for years. No support for exports in the foreseeable future and long timeframe Dlouhy 7/16/12 (Jennifer A., staffwriter, "Natural gas glut a dilemma for Obama" http://www.chron.com/business/article/Natural-gas-glut-a-dilemma-for-Obama-3706576.php) WASHINGTON - The drilling boom that has led to a glut of natural gas and AND manufacturers as well as voters - few elected officials are pushing the issue. Russian FDI policy explicitly models CFIUS Gill et al 2009 Franklin E., retired Research Professor of Law, University of New Mexico School of Law and Chief Corporate Financial Counsel, Sun Company, Inc. The International Lawyer Vol 43 No 2 Summer 2009, Russia and Ukraine, http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/multimedia/international_law/docs/committees/russia_eurasia/russiaeurasiayir.authcheckdam.pdf One of Vladimir Putin’s last acts in his capacity as Russia’s president was to sign AND few significant differences, however, in how the two laws are structured. FDI is key to Russian oil and gas modernization – capital intensive. Heinrich and Pleines 2012 Dr. Andreas Heinrich and Dr. Heiko Pleines are working at the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, The Political Challenges of an Oil Boom: the Resource Curse and Political Stability in Russia RUSSIAN ANALYTICAL DIGEST No. 113, 15 May 2012 http://www.css.ethz.ch/publications/pdfs/RAD-113.pdf With no relevant legislation in place, all post-Soviet states saw production sharing agreements (PSAs) as the preferred means of regulating FDI in oil and gas production, because these case-specific agreements are immune to administrative and legislative changes in the host country. Although host governments and investors may have complementary interests, as both profit from rising oil or gas production, there are limits to reciprocity. On the one hand, big multi- AND to resource nationalism the role of state companies in the industry Wind solves NO2 emissions. Sovacool 11 (Benjamin K., Assistant Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, part of the National University of Singapore. He is also a Research Fellow in the Energy Governance Program at the Centre on Asia and Globalization, The Hidden Factors That Make Wind Energy Cheaper than Natural Gas in the United States, The Electricity Journal, Volume 24, Issue 9, November 2011, Pages 84–95) With uncertainty around natural gas and power prices as the economy recovers, wind’s long AND gas is an underestimate to the extent that it does not include ozone. That’s key to avoid ozone destruction. Thompson 12 (Andrew J. Thomson et al, May 2012. 1School of Biological Sciences, Norwich Research Park, University of East Anglia. Biological sources and sinks of nitrous oxide and strategies to mitigate emissions, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences, 367.1593, p. 1157-1168) N2O concentrations in the atmosphere are rising steadily with consequences not only for global warming AND reduction in future ozone depletion than any of the remaining uncontrolled halocarbon emissions. Ozone depletion causes extinction. Greenpeace 95 ("Full of Homes: The Montreal Protocol and the Continuing Destruction of the Ozone Layer," http://archive.greenpeace.org/ozone/holes/holebg.html) When chemists Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina first postulated a link between chlorofluorocarbons and ozone AND so quickly - the stakes are literally the continuation of life on earth. Wind power can serve as a hedge against natural gas price shocks and volatility Berry, 5 (David, Energy Project, Western Resource Advocates, Energy Policy, "Renewable Energy as a Natural Gas Price Hedge: The Case of Wind," April, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 799-807) 3. Renewable energy as a price hedge Renewable energy with low and stable prices can serve as a hedge against natural gas AND typically take all the energy output from a wind facility regardless of gas prices High gas prices jack the chemical sector Bezdek and Wendling, 04 – work for Management Information Services Inc. (Roger and Robert, PUBLIC UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY, "The Case Against Gas Dependence", April, lexis) Moreover, two articles last year in Public Utilities Fortnightly that addressed natural gas supply AND the most serious effect of the current (and future) gas crisis. Extinction Baum 99 – editor-in-chief of the American Chemical Society’s Chemical and Engineering News ~Rudy M. Baum, C%26E News, "Millennium Special Report," 12-6-99, http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/cenear/991206/7749spintro2.html~~ The pace of change in today’s world is truly incomprehensible. Science is advancing on AND up in real public fear of genetic manipulation and corporate control over food. |
| 03/30/2013 | |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2. China’s military is dependent on its economy – If the economy collapses they wouldn’t be able to fund a war. New York Post 6/1/99 http://www.papillonsartpalace.com/chinaspy.htm How are we to make China pay for its wanton act of aggression? The AND as a military institution. Weaken Beijing’s economy and you weaken its military. 3. China’s economy is literally bulletproof – It can recover from any crisis. McKay et al 04- Professsor with the Monasha Asia Institute, Monash University, director of the Austraian APEC Study Centre and is currently with Analysis International, a think tank and new research group –2004 (John, Towards China Inc? Assessing the Implications for Africa, ed by G. Mills and N. Skidmore, p. 59-60 ) China’s economic growth is undoubtedly the driving force in the global economy at present. AND SARS indicates that the Chinese economy is proving itself to be crisis resistant |