| 09/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. Lincicome 12 (Scott, trade attorney, “Is Missing American Trade Leadership Beginning to Bear Protectionist Fruit? (Hint: Kinda Looks Like It),” June 12, http://lincicome.blogspot.com/2012/06/is-missing-american-trade-leadership.html) Over the past few years, I and several other US trade-watchers have AND its long-held place at the front of the trade liberalization pack. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) II. Post 9/11 Application of Exon-Florio After 9/11 AND that Reagan threatened to veto in order to strip the economic security provisions. And, these investment restrictions undermine US trade leadership and triggers retaliation. The impact is global wars.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) C. Economic Retaliation as a Result of CFIUS Protectionism Continued use of Exon- AND own interests to take any action that may destabilize the American economy. 182 And, protectionism collapses the global economy, sparks great power conflict, and exacerbates all global problems.Patrick, Senior Fellow-CFR, 09 (Stewart, senior fellow and director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Protecting Free Trade,” National Interest, March 13, 2009, http://nationalinterest.org/article/protecting-free-trade-3060?page=show) President Obama has committed to working with U.S. trade partners to avoid AND daily economic intelligence briefing, distilling the security implications of the global crisis. And, none of their trade offense applies- protectionism is unquestionably bad- best studies.Bhagwati, CFR Senior Fellow, 10 (Jagdish, University Professor of Law and Economics at Columbia University and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, renowned expert on international trade, he has served as the Special Adviser to the UN on globalization, “How to demolish protectionist myths,” July 5, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/jul/05/free-trade-protectionist-myths) Evidently, the pessimism and despair that often overwhelms free traders today is unwarranted. AND include services. To which the free trader responds: no problem there! And, clarifying the definition of national security solves tit-for-tat protectionismRosen and Hanemann 09 (Daniel, and Thilo, China’s Changing Outbound Foreign Direct Investment Profile: Drivers and Policy Implications, June, http://www.iie.com/publications/pb/pb09-14.pdf) Limiting national security concerns in an era of high-value mergers and acquisitions: AND both by maximizing its asset values and preventing tit-fortat treatment abroad. And, Unilateral FDI liberalization is key to prevent trade policy backsliding which dooms global economic recovery.Erixon and Sally, directors-ECIPE, 10 (Fredrik and Razeen, European Centre for International Political Economy, TRADE, GLOBALISATION AND EMERGING PROTECTIONISM SINCE THE CRISIS, http://www.ecipe.org/media/publication_pdfs/trade-globalisation-and-emerging-protectionism-since-the-crisis.pdf) [italics are from original source] We think Mr. Bentham’s world-view will cause damage, not only to AND of a piece with open markets, economic globalisation and international political stability. And, Doha’s collapse doesn’t matter- it just makes the risk of protectionism worse.Bhagwati 6-24 (Jagdish, “Doha’s Retreat,” 2012, http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/bhagwati/2012/07/24/dohas-retreat/) But I cannot conclude without commenting on the different but related issue of Protectionism which AND from indifference or complacency, it bodes ill for the world trading system. Rosen and Hanemann 11 (Daniel, principal at RHG and Adjunct Professor at Columbia, and Thilo, Research Director- the Rhodium Group, Chinese FDI in the United States is taking off: How to maximize its benefits?, http://www.vcc.columbia.edu/content/chinese-fdi-united-states-taking-how-maximize-its-benefits) China’s outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) grew rapidly in the past decade, AND a test case for how the United States deals with these new realities. And, the lack of a list of allowed industries results in investment chilling across the board- it undermines faith in the entire CFIUS process.Xu et al 12 (Ting, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20In%20Hand.pdf) As a result of the different regulatory environment for Foreign Direct Investment and different considerations AND investment which creates new jobs or safeguards employment in Germany is highly welcomed. And, energy restrictions chills ALL foreign investment, destroying investor confidence, which crushes the dollar and triggers economic recession.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167) B. National Security and Investor Uncertainty The uncertain interpretation of national security in Exon AND investment is more vital than ever to provide liquidity to American markets. 164 Rickards, 12 (James, economist and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street and the author of NYT Bestselling book Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, “Why We Should Still Be Worried about a Double-Dip Recession,” February 27, 2012, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2012/02/27/why-we-should-still-be-worried-about-a-double-dip-recession) The late summer and fall of 2011 was filled with fears of a double- AND certainty returns and, on current form, that may be years away. And, economic decline causes great power war.Royal 2010 Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. And, diversionary war theory is true- best models prove.Pickering and Kisangani 2009 – department of political science at Kansas State, citing the International Military Intervention dataset (Jeffrey and Emizet, British Journal of Political Science, 39:483-515, “The dividends of diversion”, ProQuest) CONCLUSIONS In his seminal review of diversionary research, Jack Levy contends that most diversionary AND the democracy ages, and democratic norms and institutions become more deeply entrenched. And, independently, decline of the dollar collapses hegemony.Paul, executive director-Global Policy Forum, 03 (James A, Fall of the Dollar, Global Policy Forum, August, http://dspace.cigilibrary.org/jspui/bitstream/123456789/21885/1/Fall%20of%20the%20Dollar.pdf?1) Implications of the Dollar’s Decline As the dollar has continued to fall, US authorities AND in the very same direction for the global order based on US dominance. And, American hegemony prevents multiple scenarios for nuclear war.Kagan 07 (Robert, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Senior Transatlantic Fellow at the German Marshall Fund, “End of Dreams, Return of History,” Policy Review n 144, July 17, http://www.hoover.org/publications/policy-review/article/6136) The jostling for status and influence among these ambitious nations and would-be nations AND a retraction of American influence and global involvement will provide an easier path. No turns- US dominance is critical to international peace and economic growth- any shift to a multipolar world will produce conflict.Kagan 12 (Robert, Brooking’s Senior Fellow of Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe, “Why the World Needs America,” Feb 11, http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2012/02/11-us-power-kagan) History shows that world orders, including our own, are transient. They rise AND what the world looked like right before the American order came into being. And, foreign investment is critical to economic growth- FDI boosts jobs, RandD, innovation, and multiple industrial sectors.Stagg 2007 Jonathan, JD candidate University of Iowa, NOTE: Scrutinizing Foreign Investment: How Much Congressional Involvement Is Too Much? November, 2007 93 Iowa L. Rev. 325 CFIUS, the group the President has designated to investigate foreign-investment transactions, AND half of 2006, a 169% increase over the previous year. 43 And, the plan is a quick injection of capital which is critical to economic recovery.Xu et al 12 (Ting, China and Economy consultant for Bertelsmann Stiftung, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20in%20Hand%20Second%20Edition%20final.pdf) Although Chinese FDI has drawn increasing attention in the U.S. and Germany AND in bringing those countries that are facing a credit crunch back to growth. Xu 11 (Ting, senior project manager-Bertelsmann Foundation, The Next Big Threat to US-China Ties, July 13, http://thediplomat.com/2011/07/13/the-next-big-threat-to-us-china-ties/) The United States and China have long lobbed verbal grenades across the Pacific, each AND a win-win situation that would also boost Sino-American collaboration. And, CFIUS restrictions on Chinese energy investment undermines the economic interdependence that assures peace between US and China.Dorn, CATO China specialist, 07 (James, “The Rise of China Engagement or Protectionism? US Policy towards China,” GLOBAL DIALOGUE Volume 9 ● Number 1–2 ● Winter/Spring 2007, http://www.worlddialogue.org/content.php?id=395) Treasury Secretary Paulson is correct to urge institutional change in China rather than narrowly focus AND . If they couldn’t sell in America, they would fall apart.”11 And, absent the plan, a nationalist backlash is inevitable and escalates to war.Dorn 05 (James A, China specialist and VP for academic affairs at Cato, U.S.-China Relations in the Wake of CNOOC, CATO Policy Analysis, Nov 2, http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa553.pdf) The message that Congress should send China is the message Liu Junning, an independent AND will depend on sound free-market policies, not on destructive protectionism. Wittner 11 (Wittner, Emeritus Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany and former editor of Peace and Change, a journal of peace research, “COMMENTARY: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible?,” November 28, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/opinion/avoiding-a-us-china-war.html) While nuclear weapons exist, there remains a danger that they will be used. AND that of the world, they should be working to encourage these policies. And, the plan strengthens the overall relationship.Marchick, Managing Director, Carlyle Group, 12 (David, Fostering Greater Chinese Investment in the United States, Policy Innovation Memorandum No. 13, February, http://www.cfr.org/china/fostering-greater-chinese-investment-united-states/p27310) China recently became the world's second-largest economy and has emerged as the world's AND the United States have either been approved or have not required any approval. And, recent official statements prove these investment restrictions are a critical issue in the relationship.Xu et al 12 (Ting, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20In%20Hand.pdf) Many U.S. experts recognize the potentially enormous future benefit from growing Chinese AND welcome Chinese investment and in particular, to treat the SOEs equally. 4 The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS.Ellis-Vinson and Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007. And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security-- explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key.Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). Xu et al 12 (Ting, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20In%20Hand.pdf) CFIUS should develop and make public both a list of strategic industries and a set AND multilateral channels of engagement to make improvements and upgrades to the investment climate. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: 5 | Opponent: | Judge: Lack of Chinese support for Iran sanctions undercuts international pressure. Removing restrictions on Chinese investment in US oil and gas production is the best way to get them to come around. Downs, China fellow at Brookings, 7-19-12 (Erica S. Downs is a fellow at the John L. Thorton China Center at The Brookings Institution, “Getting China to Turn on Iran,” July 19, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/getting-china-turn-iran-7215) Over the past decade, as the United States employed increasingly robust sanctions to gradually AND the greater the chance they will think twice about doing business in Iran. The Chinese government responded to the new U.S. sanctions signed into law AND This dual stance is attributable to the business decisions made by China’s NOCs. And, China is key- their cooperation is the lynchpin of international pressure on Iran nuclearization. Downs, China fellow at Brookings, 11 (Erica S. Downs is a fellow at the John L. Thorton China Center at The Brookings Institution, “Getting China to Sanction Iran,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2011, http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2011/02/03-china-iran-downs-maloney) For more than three decades, the United States has tried to persuade the international AND that exist between Beijing and Tehran despite their strong ideological and commercial links. Two impacts- First- Nuclearization— Iranian nuclearization makes nuclear war inevitable in the Middle East- even small conflicts could escalate to all out war. Kahl, Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, 12 (Colin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East and Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, Iran and the Bomb, Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2012, Vol. 91 Issue 5, p157-162) Waltz writes that "policymakers and citizens in the Arab world, Europe, Israel AND and the consequences of even a low-probability outcome could be devastating. Iranian nuclearization causes regional and global arms racing. Cirincione 06 (Joseph, Sr. Assoc. and Director @ the Non-Proliferation Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Summer, SAIS Review, “A New Non-Proliferation Strategy”) The danger posed by the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran or North Korea is AND decade-compounded by the existing political and territorial disputes still unresolved.4 This risks global nuclear conflict- new prolif risks theft, unauthorized use, terrorism, and crisis escalation. Busch, Professor of Government-Christopher Newport, 04 (Nathan, “No End in Sight: The Continuing Menace of Nuclear Proliferation” p 281-314) Summing Up: Will the Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be Better or Worse? AND proliferation in hopes that the stability predicted by the optimists will indeed occur. Sanctions work- evidence suggests they will bring Iran back to the negotiating table. Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) In making the case for preventive war as the least bad option, Kroenig AND emphasize that all options, including military action, remain on the table. Second impact- Strikes- Israel will strike Iran unless the US gets China on board to tighten sanctions on Iran- officials statements say they will strike by the end of the year. The International Herald Tribune 9/1/12 HEADLINE: Atomic report puts Israel in bind; As Iran draws closer to a red line, Netanyahu finds options are narrow BYLINE: JODI RUDOREN and DAVID E. SANGER For Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, the International Atomic Energy Agency has offered AND are saying much the same thing and may be growing tired of waiting. And, tightening sanctions on Iranian oil staves off an Israeli strike on Iran. National Journal 12 (Sara Sorcher, Insiders: New Sanctions on Iran Stave Off Need for Military Action, Jan 31, http://www.nationaljournal.com/nationalsecurity/insiders-new-sanctions-on-iran-stave-off-need-for-military-action-20120130) Now that the European Union has agreed to impose a ban on oil purchases from AND according to another Insider, “as long as Israel doesn’t act first.” Israel strikes on Iran cause multiple scenarios for nuclear war, CBW use and terrorist attacks. Russell 09 (James A. Russell, managing editor of Strategic Insights, the quarterly ejournal published by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School, Spring 2009, Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East, Security Studies Center) Iran’s response to what would initially start as a sustained stand-off bombardment ( AND U.S. massive response – a potential “Armageddon” scenario. And, strikes don’t solve prolif and make escalation inevitable- Iran would face use-it-or-lose-it pressure, no hotlines exist, and Iran’s command-and-control weakness risks unauthorized escalation. Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) Kroenig's discussion of timing is not the only misleading part of his article; so AND community would struggle to track or slow Tehran's efforts to rebuild its program. Chinese support for sanctions is the best bet to prevent Israel from striking. Wuthnow 12 (Joel, fellow at the China and the World Program at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, Will China Stop Iran?, March 05, http://thediplomat.com/2012/03/05/will-china-stop-iran/) What might China be asked to do? During Vice President Xi Jinping’s visit to AND and all the strife that would entail – may well be much worse. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: ---The plan specifies that it removes restrictions only on the production stage. There is no other way to read it and the plan should be the ultimate arbiter of this question. ---Foreign investment restrictions apply to extraction Clark-partner Dewey and LeBoeuf LLP-11 LIMITS ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS IN THE PETROLEUM SECTOR: CFIUS INVESTMENT SCREENING, ECONOMIC SANCTIONS, ANTI-BRIBERY RULES, AND OTHER MEASURES http://tjogel.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ware_final1.pdf B. Petroleum Industry Experience and Challenges: Exon-Florio Although CFIUS’s focus on AND assets, creating some uncertainty for potential mergers and acquisitions in this sector. ---On indicates focus of the plan Merriam Webster Online http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/on ---We meet---the investment restrictions are on energy production ---the plan applies to 100 percent of production Rosen and Hanemann-Rhodium Group-11 (An American Open Door? Maximizing the Benefits of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment, http://www.ogilvypr.com/files/anamericanopendoor_china_fdi_study.pdf) Several high-profile deals fired up these debates, such as the takeover of AND highlevel official—deputy secretary or higher—taking responsibility for the exemption). ---The plan is directly tied to oil and gas production-Capital is intrinsically tied to future increases Houston Chronicle 1/4/12 International players jump at U.S. shale Simone Sebastian http://www.chron.com/business/article/International-players-jump-at-U-S-shale-2439490.php Energy companies are funneling billions of dollars into the booming business of U.S AND 70 percent of Devon's drilling costs, about $1.6 billion. ---C/I-Production is a distinct stage from exploration, transportation, storage, and distribution. Elcock 04 (Deborah, ‘Environmental Policy and Regulatory Constraints to Natural Gas Production,” Argonne National Laboratory, Dec, http://www.ipd.anl.gov/anlpubs/2004/12/51652.pdf) In 1999, the National Petroleum Council (NPC) reported that the demand for AND and long-term strategies for mitigating these environmental policy and regulatory constraints. ---Our interpretation is Superior-it allows a core set of affirmatives that remove restrictions related to extraction. It excludes restrictions before or after the production stage like exploration and transportation. ---Reasonability-Competing interpretations encourage a race to the bottom. Limits for limits sake have destroyed affirmative ground on the last several topics. You should err affirmative if our interpretation is proven debatable. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No change of agreement- ideology Slate 9/21 Take the Easy Way Out, Matthew Yglesias, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2012/09/sequestration_both_parties_agree_it_ll_hurt_the_economy_so_they_should_agree_to_repeal_it_.html Except, perversely, the .. isn’t actually a problem. No time or agreement Reuters 9/21 Will Lame Duck Congress Save US From ‘Fiscal Cliff’?, 21 Sep 2012 , http://www.cnbc.com/id/49119887 The most vocal ... now a lobbyist. All agreements have failed- lame duck is the same CNN 9/91 Congress leaves with no real progress on fiscal cliff, Ted Barrett, CNN Senior Congressional Producer, September 21, 2012, http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/21/politics/congress-fiscal-cliff/index.html The enormity and ... year is uncertain. N/U- Congress is already backlashing now to the CNOOC-Nexen deal. McCarthy and Jordan 8-4-12 (Shawn and Pav, China goes corporate with bid for Canadian oil, http://m.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-and-resources/china-goes-corporate-with-bid-for-canadian-oil/article4446114/?service=mobile) As SOEs from .. Gulf of Mexico assets. FDI policies have bipartisan support. Fagan 6-14-12 (David, Partner, Covington and Burling LLP, “Hearing on “The Evolving U.S.-China Trade and Investment Relationship”Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2012hearings/written_testimonies/12_6_14/Fagan.pdf) FDI has received .. U.S. private RandD investment. 2 China hires lobbyists to quell opposition- even those that don’t like Chinese investment won’t necessarily push to block deals. Financial Post 7-27- 12 (CNOOC’s bid for Nexen raises political hackles in Washington, http://business.financialpost.com/2012/07/27/cnoocs-bid-for-nexen-raises-political-hackles-in-washington/) CNOOC and Nexen said... government should intervene. Winners win Heineman 10 (Ben Heineman Jr. has held top positions in government, law, and business. He is the author of High Performance with High Integrity “No Presidential Greatness Without Spending Political Capital” http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/03/no-presidential-greatness-without-spending-political-capital/37865/ Donnie) Only in recent ... Lyndon Johnson. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Oil production high now – Public lands Finley 9/14 Bruce, Denver Post Staff Writer, Salazar: All energy production OK on public land with careful planning - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_21538068/salazar-all-energy-production-ok-public-land-careful#ixzz26l5X0ima The strategy ... program," Salazar said. Productivity Murtaugh 9/14 Dan, Bloomberg News, North Dakota’s Bakken Oil Output Passes 600,000 Barrels a Day, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-09-14/north-dakota-s-bakken-oil-output-passes-600-000-barrels-a-day.html Oil production from ... compiled by Bloomberg. FDI in renewables is key to growth, CFIUS blocks now. Welt 2009 Aviad, PhD in eco-finance from Columbia Law, National Security Review of Renewable Energy and CleanTech Transactions (August 1, 2011). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1933285 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1933285 The American Recovery and ...of CFIUS' analysis.2 ---No Link-Investment tradeoff Scissors, Senior Research Fellow-Heritage, 12 (Derek, Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs , “China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S.,” July 26, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-us) Wide-Ranging Implications.. alternative. Renewables are dead – PTC Galbriath 9/13 Kate, New York Times, An Expiring Tax Credit Threatens the Wind Power Industry http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/14/us/an-expiring-tax-credit-threatens-the-texas-wind-power-industry.html “We haven’t had the .. get built, he said. Natural gas Hauter 9/18/12 Wenonah Hauter is the Executive Director of Food and Water Watch., Memo to Fracking Apologists: You're Hurting Renewables (and You're Greenwashing, Too), http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wenonah-hauter/memo-to-fracking-apologists_b_1890889.html Let's talk first .. in the coming decades. Nuclear war outweighs – no adaptation. Starr 2008 Steven, Associate member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Director of Clinical Laboratory Science Program, University of Missouri-Columbia, Catastrophic Climatic Consequences of Nuclear Conflict, International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation, Bulletin 28 April 2008, http://www.inesap.org/bulletin-28/catastrophic-climatic-consequences-nuclear-conflict Climatic changes resulting ...threat of destruction. Turn – flaring. Unocal means China drills in the developing world Scissors, Senior Research Fellow-Heritage, 12 (Derek, Senior Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, and Dean Cheng is Research Fellow in Chinese Political and Security Affairs , “China Buys Canadian Energy: Lessons for the U.S.,” July 26, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/07/china-buys-canadian-energy-lessons-for-the-us) Wide-Ranging , alternative. That causes gas flaring – lax regs Tamuno 2010 Paul Samuel, LLM Oil and Gas Law, University of Aberdeen, Assistan Lecturer Rivers State University of Science and Technology. Legal Response to Gas Flaring in Developed and Developing Countries: a comparative analysis of Nigeria, United Kingdom and Norway Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy International Energy Law and Policy Research Paper Series Working Research Paper Series No: 2010/14 The extraction of ... regulatory functions.13 That’s responsible for TWENTY FIVE PERCENT of warming – black carbon. Kahn 2010 Brian, International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University, Gas Flaring: Major Cause of Climate Change, BP Oil Spill Solution, May 23 2010, http://www.justmeans.com/Gas-Flaring-Major-Cause-of-Climate-Change-BP-Oil-Spill-Solution/15525.html Globally, gas flaring ...December 2010 to end gas flaring). Econ collapse pushes warming off the agenda. Elliott 2008 Larry, Economics Editor at the Guardian, Can a dose of recession solve climate change?, http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/aug/25/economicgrowth.globalrecession There are many ... of its own contradictions. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: ---The affirmative is a prerequisite to the critique. (A.) The alternative fractures the left --- Rejecting the plan for embracing free trade unites the alternative with right wing china bashers and fractures opposition to the Pentagon’s militarist china policy. Bello and Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china A coalition of forces seeks to deprive China of permanent normal trading relations (PNTR AND , "the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time". (B.) Nationalist scapegoating precludes anti-capitalist mobilization --- CFIUS allows all the problems of capitalism to be blamed on China. Moody 2000 Kim, staff writer for Labor Notes and author of An Injury to All and Workers in a Lean World, Protectionism or Solidarity? (Part I), http://www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/951 From a Marxist point of view, it seems obvious that the roots of economic AND to the defense of the business in the protection afforded by the border. ---Capitalism will not collapse and rejection surrenders to the right --- The only solution is transforming the structures of trade from within. Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/slavoj-zizek/resistance-is-surrender One of the clearest lessons of the last few decades is that capitalism is indestructible AND sense, but in order to better it or attenuate its malicious effect’? ---Turn --- Interdependence. (B.) Solves their turns --- Interdependence creates an ethic of mutual recognition and respect between competitors that doesn’t require the instrumentalization of all life. Badhwar 2007 Neera K., Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Oklahoma - September “Friendship and Commercial Societies” Forthcoming in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm I have argued that the critics of market societies misunderstand both markets and friendship by AND friendlier to civic and character friendship than any other developed form of society. ---Only the permutation solves. (A.) Withdrawing from global trade locks the alternative within a nationalist frame precluding transnational solidarity and organization. Bello and Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china The anti-China trade campaign amounts to a Faustian bargain that seeks to buy AND power of global corporations and multilateral agencies that promote TNC-led globalization. (B.) Total rejection of capitalism fragments resistance and reifies structural oppression. Gibson-Graham 1996 J.K., feminist economist, End of Capitalism, pg 263-264 One of our goals as Marxists has been to produce a knowledge of capitalism. AND its unity a fantasy, visible as a denial of diversity and change. ---Turn --- Anti-markets (A.) CFIUS securitization is anti-market neoliberalism. Daily Times 2006 EDITORIAL: Economic neo-liberalism vs political realism, February 26th, http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006%5C02%5C26%5Cstory_26-2-2006_pg3_1 Ditto for CNOOC’s Unocal bid. China had no part to play in rearing Al AND to everyone’s advantage, politics has its own ideas of security and protectionism. (B.) The removal of anti-market forces solves bad capitalism and is historically distinct from the system described in their evidence. De Landa 1998 Manuel, Markets and Antimarkets in the World Economy, http://www.alamut.com/subj/economics/de_landa/antiMarkets.html When approaching the subject of economic power, one can safely ignore the entire field AND completely, and to begin speaking of markets and antimarkets and their dynamics. ---Value to life is an affirmative argument --- The expression of economic human potential breaks free from the normative constraints of subjectivity in favor of new forms of emotional intensity. Badhwar 2007 Neera K., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma, Friendship and Commercial Societies, Forthcoming in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm None of this is to deny that when the means to an end is not AND as “praxis” distorts the nature of both business enterprises and friendships. ---The alternative fails --- Markets are inevitable and culturally universal. Lavoie and Chamlee-Wright 2000 Don Lavoie Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Emily Chamlee-Wright Associate Professor of Economics and Management at Beloit College, Culture and Enterprise: the development, representation, and morality of business p. 47-48 Indeed the favorite stick with which the left likes to hit economists is the claim AND human society has a strong propensity to generate and engage in market activity. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No offense --- Collapse is worse for all their impacts and results in extermination of all life on the planet. Even in the face of inevitable collapse it’s try or die. Monbiot 2009 George, columnist for The Guardian, has held visiting fellowships or professorships at the universities of Oxford (environmental policy), Bristol (philosophy), Keele (politics), Oxford Brookes (planning), and East London (environmental science, August 17, 2009, “Is there any point in fighting to stave off industrial apocalypse?,” http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cif-green/2009/aug/17/environment-climate-change I detect in your writings, and in the conversations we have had, an AND fight is still worth having; you, because you think it isn't. Capitalism is sustainable --- Empirically resilent in the face of criticism and short term failure. Meltzer 2009 Allan, Professor of Political Economy at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Business, Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, First Recipient of the AEI Irving Kristol Award, and Chairman of the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission, March 12, “Why Capitalism?” 2008-2009 Bradley Lecture Series, http://www.aei.org/publications/pubID.29525,filter.all/pub_detail.asp Newspaper headlines during the peak of the housing-credit crisis called it "the AND failures. It is the only system that increases both growth and freedom. Crisis establishes pro-globalization consensus – ironic reversal. Bhagwati 2011 Jagdish, University Professor of Law and Economics at Columbia University, Globalization Marches On, Project Syndicate, January 25th 2011, http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/globalization-marches-on Indeed, the West accepted the view that globalization would result (as with trade AND accidentally, establish a pro-globalization consensus that spans East and West. They can’t solve their impacts --- Collapse wouldn’t cause a mindset shift, people would rapidly re-develop civilization and industry. Bostrom 2007 Nick, Faculty of Philosophy and Director, Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford, The Future of Humanity in New Waves in Philosophy of Technology eds. Jan-Kyrre Berg Olsen and Evan Selinger. Palgrave McMillan We need to distinguish different classes of scenarios involving societal collapse. First, we AND face a cycle of indefinitely repeating collapse and regeneration (see figure 1). Tech solves the impact De Mesquita 2009 Bruce Bueno de Mesquita is a professor of political science at New York University, Recipe for Failure, Foreign Policy, November/December 2009, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2009/10/16/recipe_for_failure?page=full So how might we solve global warming and make the world in 500 years look AND , warming our solar system, our galaxy, and beyond with abandon. Efficiency makes growth sustainable Kling 2002 Arnold, Ph.D. in economics from MIT, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, “Common Sense and Sensibility” http://www.techcentralstation.com/article.aspx?id=032802C Another notion comes from the environmentalists. According to their theory, wealth comes from AND , the market will find ways to side-step the doomsday scenarios. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Nullifying a law is the same thing as reducing a restriction. Duchossois Indus. v. United States, 2010-1 U.S. Tax Cas. (CCH) P50,344 2010 In Kohler, the taxpayer purchased $ 19.5 million in Mexican pesos for AND or restrictions that devalues the pesos and lowers the value of the stock. the Court can “reduce restrictions”- contextual evidence Shim 96 (Yumee, Mountain States Legal Foundation v. Glickman: When a Tree Falls in the Forest, is Anything Left (Of) Standing?, Fall, 1996, 15 Temp. Envtl. L. and Tech. J. 277) Specifically, plaintiffs alleged that the implementation of the Guidelines would drive up the price AND agency to comply with the procedural commands of NFMA and NEPA ...." Id. Permute- do both- Court action provides political cover. Zotnick, law prof- RWU, 04 David M. Zlotnick, associate professor of law at the Roger Williams University School of Law, visiting professor of law at Washington College, Spring 2004, Roger Williams University Law Review, 9 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 645, p. 684 On the federal level, the time has come to listen to the voices of AND , this makes a travesty of the justice they have sworn to uphold. CP Links to Politics Treanor and Sperling, 1993 (William Michael, Associate Professor of Law @ Fordham University, and Gene B., Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, December, Prospective Overruling and the Revival of "unconstitutional" Statutes, 93 Colum. L. Rev. 1902, Columbia Law Review) A judicial decision invalidating a statute also skews the political dynamic because, as a AND different for the two camps, he voted in favor of the bill. Turn- Delay- the CP will be appealed which delays the final decision Rosenberg, Law Prof- Chicago, 1991 (Gerald, The Hollow Hope, pg. 87) The judiciary, like other large political institutions, is afflicted with many bureaucratic problems AND judicial remedy is to return to court and re-start the process. Delays causes FDI chilling that wrecks the economy Hamilton and Quinlan 06 (Daniel, and Joseph, Protecting Our Prosperity Ensuring Both National Security and the Benefits of Foreign Investment in the United States, NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR AMERICAN POLICY, JUNE, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/transatlantic-topics/Articles/economy/ProtectingOurProsperity_NFAP_June_20_2006.pdf) Fifth, don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Political uncertainties and potential delays for AND inflation, less innovation, lower wages, and lower stock prices. 35 CP will be rolled back. Pacelle, poli sci prof-Missouri, 02 (Richard, poli sci prof and legal studies coordinator at the univ of Missouri at St. Louis The Role of the Supreme Court in American Politics: The Least Dangerous Branch?, p92) Even if the Supreme Court was to carve out some sphere of power for itself AND the other branches and the public, the cost is its institutional legitimacy. Turn- separation of powers The CP is Court policy making which crushes SOP. Dunn 08 (Joshua, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs and the author of Complex Justice: The Case of Missouri v. Jenkins, “The Perils of Judicial Policymaking: The Practical Case for Separation of Powers,” September 23, 2008, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2008/09/the-perils-of-judicial-policymaking-the-practical-case-for-separation-of-powers) There is an obvious constitutional implication that flows from realism's normative position: If judges AND Newtonian principles of physics and wanted to move us beyond such constitutional fetishism. Loss of SOP risks nuclear war. Redish and Cisar 91 (Martin and Elizabeth, prof of law at Northwestern, clerk for judge Bauer, 41 Duke L.J. 449) 3. The Costs of Abandoning Separation of Powers. The most significant problem with AND be forced into the position of saying, "I told you so." |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Israel will strike before the elction- Obama insiders Schechter-Presstv-9/21/12 Is It Time For an “October Surprise? http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_65003.shtml The truth is he has been unsuccessful in "fixing" the economy, that AND which would signal the failure of one of Washington's key foreign policy objectives. Strong risk of Israel strike before the election Blomfield 9/15/12 telegraph.co.uk HEADLINE: Benjamin Netanyahu's angry threats against Iran have put West on edge over possible Israeli attack; With the biggest decision of his political career weighing on him, one on which AND to restrain Mr Netanyahu look less likely to succeed with every passing month. Investment |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: FDI solves war - 4 reasons Lee and Mitchell 2010 Hoon, Dept of Political Science – Texas Tech, and Sarah, Dept of Political Science – University of Iowa, Foreign Direct Investment and Territorial Disputes http://www.saramitchell.org/leemitchell2010.pdf Theoretical arguments relating FDI to interstate conflict can be categorized into three broad perspectives. AND enables the local population to benefit as well (Souva 2002: 12). |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Obama ahead-consensus of polls Guardian Unlimited 9/20/12 HEADLINE: Post-convention polling gives definitive view: Obama has consolidated his lead Before the conventions, I wrote that "If Obama still leads by 1. AND adjustment, the median result is still Obama, by 3 percentage points. U-approval ratings increasing Guardian Unlimited 9/20/12 HEADLINE: Post-convention polling gives definitive view: Obama has consolidated his lead For those who don't like doing the math, a 3-point lead AND expect, his lead has increased, given the rise in his approvals. Encouraging more aggressive Chinese ownership would trigger a political circus Helman 6-21-12 (Christopher, Forbes energy writer for almost ten years, What To Expect From A Sinopec-Chesapeake Deal, http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2012/06/21/what-to-expect-from-a-sinopec-chesapeake-deal/) But would Sinopec (NYSE:SNP) want to take on the risk of AND a 33% JV in the Mississippian would fetch about $4 billion. Turn-Israel strike helps Obama Shalev-Haaretz-8/26/12 An Israeli attack on Iran would help, not harm, Obama’s reelection http://www.haaretz.com/blogs/west-of-eden/an-israeli-attack-on-iran-would-help-not-harm-obama-s-reelection.premium-1.460819 It was left to political strategist Karl Rove, grandmaster of Republican tactics and chief AND clear advantage over Romney in all the public opinion polls, they noted. ---Retrenchment won’t lead to great power war. Parent and MacDonald 2011 Joseph M. Parent is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Miami. Paul K. MacDonald is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College. “The Wisdom of Retrenchment: America Must Cut Back to Move Forward” http://www.ihavenet.com/World-United-States-The-Wisdom-of-Retrenchment-America-Must-Cut-Back-to-Move-Forward-Foreign-Affairs.html A somewhat more compelling concern raised by opponents of retrenchment is that the policy might AND the United States, such as al Qaeda, want it to fall. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2ac real u Models prove Romney will win Gourdie 9/20/12 Jim, November 7, 2012 _ Romney Wins By A Landslide!, http://conservativesonfire.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/november-7-2012-_-romney-wins-by-a-landslide/ So, not as big a spread as I am predicting, But 7. AND popular vote margin of 53-47 percent in Romney’s favor is predicted. Romney leads – their polls are skewed. Chambers 9/16 Dean, Mitt Romney holds large lead in UnSkewedPolls.com average of polls, The Examiner, http://www.examiner.com/article/mitt-romney-holds-large-lead-unskewedpolls-com-average-of-polls While Mitt Romney enjoys a 47 percent to 46 percent lead over President Obama in AND averaged, they show a Mitt Romney lead of 7.8 percent. NU-campaign spending and close races give Romney a chance Politico.com 9/18/12 HEADLINE: Romney RIP — not so fast Mitt Romney's campaign might appear to be collapsing like a cheap card table, but AND you can't detect. Karl Rove knows how to win," she said. It’s a toss up in swing states and Obama is losing ground Morrissey 9/19/12 Swing state polling shows dead heat, too http://hotair.com/archives/2012/09/19/swing-state-polling-shows-dead-heat-too/ Earlier today, I took a look at the Associated Press poll that shows the AND we won’t see any real momentum until the debates start in two weeks. Romney making gains in latest polls-the race is a tie Digital Journal 9/19/12 HEADLINE: Two major polls show Romney has closed gap Despite the mainstream media airing far more anti-Romney commentaries and delivering few criticisms AND term while unemployment has remained above eight percent for most of his term. |
| 09/26/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Economy Turn 2AC A. Obama will lose-Economy-Best evidence Mercury News 8/23/12 http://www.mercurynews.com/elections/ci_21382461/romney-will-win-election-state-by-state-study Romney will win election, state-by-state study predicts An analysis from the University of Colorado that has correctly predicted the outcome of presidential AND model is unable to correctly predict," Berry said in a news release. B. Plan solves. Lack of investor certainty makes economic recovery impossible. The plan opens the floodgates to new investment and a quick turnaround. That’s Richards and Xu. Jobs FDI Turn 2AC A. New deals on Chinese gas investment boost Obama on key election issue South China Morning Post 2/12/12 HEADLINE: Getting to know you - Barack Obama; President Obama is likely to focus on securing Chinese help for the troubled US economy - but he can't expect sweeping gestures from Beijing While Obama has a long list of goals for Xi's visit, some analysts say AND than before," said Shen Jianguang, chief Asia economist with Mizuho Securities. B. Chinese investment popular in key swing states WSJ 2/11/12 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203735304577163741272699930.html In the Heart of the Rust Belt, Chinese Funds Provide the Grease Nexteer is one of the largest U.S. industrial investments by a Chinese AND workers for Chinese employers if they invest in a pharmaceutical operation in Toledo. Gas-OH/PA Turn 2AC Foreign investment is key to Obama wins in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Crooks and McGregor 2012 Ed and Richard, Shale gas fuels change in US swing states, Financial Times, June 5th 2012, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/7b2e21b4-af2f-11e1-a4e0-00144feabdc0.html#axzz22JoM1Gtu The shale revolution is spreading into eastern Ohio, bringing with it the possibility of AND to be very, very close and little things can mean a lot.” Ohio is key to the election Peoples 6/14 (Steve, staff reporter for the associated press, “Dueling economic speeches, one swing state: Obama, Romney try to seize economic debate in Ohio” 6/14/12 http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/dueling-economic-speeches-1-swing-state-obama-romney-try-to-seize-economic-debate-in-ohio/2012/06/14/gJQAcp5cbV_story.html) KY President Barack Obama cast his re-election race against Republican Mitt Romney as the AND — particularly Romney. No Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio Romney will win Ohio Examiner 9-21-12 (http://www.examiner.com/article/mitt-romney-likely-win-of-five-key-swing-states-shown-by-purple-poll-surveys) The bipartisan polling firm Purple Strategies has released today the latest Purple Poll surveys in five key swing states that show them all close. The surveys, conducted recently and released today for Colorado, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and North Carolina reveal data that show Mitt Romney will win these states over President Obama and is quite likely to win the presidency in November. Romney win now because of jobs Examiner 9-21-12 (http://www.examiner.com/article/mitt-romney-likely-win-of-five-key-swing-states-shown-by-purple-poll-surveys) Purple Poll's Ohio numbers show Obama's best numbers of the five states, where he AND the state 50.4 percent to 49.6 percent for Obama. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Clay | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. Lincicome 12 (Scott, trade attorney, "Is Missing American Trade Leadership Beginning to Bear Protectionist Fruit? (Hint: Kinda Looks Like It)," June 12, http://lincicome.blogspot.com/2012/06/is-missing-american-trade-leadership.html) Over the past few years, I and several other US trade-watchers have AND its long-held place at the front of the trade liberalization pack. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167) II. Post 9/11 Application of Exon-Florio After 9/11 AND that Reagan threatened to veto in order to strip the economic security provisions. And, expanding the scope of CFIUS reviews undermines US trade leadership and triggers retaliation. The impact is global wars.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167) C. Economic Retaliation as a Result of CFIUS Protectionism Continued use of Exon- AND own interests to take any action that may destabilize the American economy. 182 And, protectionism sparks great power conflict and exacerbates all global problems.Patrick, Senior Fellow-CFR, 09 (Stewart, senior fellow and director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance at the Council on Foreign Relations, "Protecting Free Trade," National Interest, March 13, 2009, http://nationalinterest.org/article/protecting-free-trade-3060?page=show) President Obama has committed to working with U.S. trade partners to avoid AND daily economic intelligence briefing, distilling the security implications of the global crisis. And, Unilateral FDI liberalization is key to prevent trade policy backsliding which dooms global economic recovery.Erixon and Sally, directors-ECIPE, 10 (Fredrik and Razeen, European Centre for International Political Economy, TRADE, GLOBALISATION AND EMERGING PROTECTIONISM SINCE THE CRISIS, http://www.ecipe.org/media/publication_pdfs/trade-globalisation-and-emerging-protectionism-since-the-crisis.pdf) ~italics are from original source~ We think Mr. Bentham’s world-view will cause damage, not only to domestic economies but also to the world trading system. This will not be a replay of the 1930s, but a replay of the 1970s is a serious prospect. The world is in danger of undoing the market reforms of the 1980s and ’90s that brought unprecedented prosperity, especially to emerging markets outside the West. Like the 1970s, policy backsliding could prolong a severe downturn and compromise eventual recovery. The short-term challenge is to arrest the slide to Big Government at home and creeping protectionism abroad. The medium-term challenge is to get back on track with trade and FDI liberalisation combined with domestic structural reforms – substantial "unfinished business" left before the crisis struck. More, not less, markets and globalisation are what the world needs. That is primarily a matter for unilateral action by governments and competitive emulation among them. It can be reinforced by international policy cooperation in the WTO, G20 and other fora, but not too much can be expected of cumbersome global-governance mechanisms. Overall, limits to government intervention and a well-functioning market economy are of a piece with open markets, economic globalisation and international political stability. And, energy restrictions destroy investor confidence, which crushes the dollar and triggers economic recession- the vague CFIUS interpretation of national security chills ALL foreign investment.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (James, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167) B. National Security and Investor Uncertainty The uncertain interpretation of national security in Exon AND investment is more vital than ever to provide liquidity to American markets. 164 Rickards, 12 (James, economist and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street and the author of NYT Bestselling book Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, "Why We Should Still Be Worried about a Double-Dip Recession," February 27, 2012, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2012/02/27/why-we-should-still-be-worried-about-a-double-dip-recession) The late summer and fall of 2011 was filled with fears of a double- AND certainty returns and, on current form, that may be years away. And, the plan is a quick injection of capital which is critical to economic recovery.Xu et al 12 (Ting, China and Economy consultant for Bertelsmann Stiftung, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20in%20Hand%20Second%20Edition%20final.pdf) Although Chinese FDI has drawn increasing attention in the U.S. and Germany AND in bringing those countries that are facing a credit crunch back to growth. Lack of Chinese support for Iran sanctions undercuts international pressure. Removing restrictions on Chinese investment in US oil and gas production is the best way to get them to come around.Downs, China fellow at Brookings, 7-19-12 (Erica S. Downs is a fellow at the John L. Thorton China Center at The Brookings Institution, "Getting China to Turn on Iran," July 19, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/getting-china-turn-iran-7215) Over the past decade, as the United States employed increasingly robust sanctions to gradually AND the greater the chance they will think twice about doing business in Iran. The Chinese government responded to the new U.S. sanctions signed into law AND This dual stance is attributable to the business decisions made by China’s NOCs. And, China is key- their cooperation is the lynchpin of international pressure on Iran nuclearization.Downs, China fellow at Brookings, 11 (Erica S. Downs is a fellow at the John L. Thorton China Center at The Brookings Institution, "Getting China to Sanction Iran," Foreign Affairs, March/April 2011, http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/2011/02/03-china-iran-downs-maloney) For more than three decades, the United States has tried to persuade the international AND that exist between Beijing and Tehran despite their strong ideological and commercial links. Kahl, Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, 12 (Colin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East and Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, Iran and the Bomb, Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2012, Vol. 91 Issue 5, p157-162) Waltz writes that "policymakers and citizens in the Arab world, Europe, Israel AND and the consequences of even a low-probability outcome could be devastating. Iranian nuclearization causes regional and global arms racing.Cirincione 06 (Joseph, Sr. Assoc. %26 Director @ the Non-Proliferation Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Summer, SAIS Review, "A New Non-Proliferation Strategy") The danger posed by the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran or North Korea is AND decade-compounded by the existing political and territorial disputes still unresolved.4 This risks global nuclear conflict- new prolif risks theft, unauthorized use, terrorism, and crisis escalation.Busch, Professor of Government-Christopher Newport, 04 (Nathan, "No End in Sight: The Continuing Menace of Nuclear Proliferation" p 281-314) Summing Up: Will the Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be Better or Worse? AND proliferation in hopes that the stability predicted by the optimists will indeed occur. Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) In making the case for preventive war as the least bad option, Kroenig AND emphasize that all options, including military action, remain on the table. Israel will strike Iran unless the US gets support for tighten sanctions on Iran- officials statements say they will strike by the end of the year. The International Herald Tribune 9/1/12 HEADLINE: Atomic report puts Israel in bind; As Iran draws closer to a red line, Netanyahu finds options are narrow BYLINE: JODI RUDOREN and DAVID E. SANGER For Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, the International Atomic Energy Agency has offered AND are saying much the same thing and may be growing tired of waiting. And, tightening sanctions on Iranian oil staves off an Israeli strike on Iran.National Journal 12 (Sara Sorcher, Insiders: New Sanctions on Iran Stave Off Need for Military Action, Jan 31, http://www.nationaljournal.com/nationalsecurity/insiders-new-sanctions-on-iran-stave-off-need-for-military-action-20120130) Now that the European Union has agreed to impose a ban on oil purchases from AND according to another Insider, "as long as Israel doesn’t act first." Israel strikes on Iran cause multiple scenarios for nuclear war, CBW use and terrorist attacks.Russell 09 (James A. Russell, managing editor of Strategic Insights, the quarterly ejournal published by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School, Spring 2009, Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East, Security Studies Center) Iran’s response to what would initially start as a sustained stand-off bombardment ( AND U.S. massive response – a potential "Armageddon" scenario. Wuthnow 12 (Joel, fellow at the China and the World Program at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, Will China Stop Iran?, March 05, http://thediplomat.com/2012/03/05/will-china-stop-iran/) What might China be asked to do? During Vice President Xi Jinping’s visit to AND and all the strife that would entail – may well be much worse. China is currently limiting itself to minority, "hands off" oil and gas deals out of fear of another Unocal—these small partnerships fail to secure the necessary technical expertise needed to develop Chinese shale, putting them decades behind their gas targets.Mandel 7-17 (Jenny, Reporter for EnergyWire, a daily publication covering the unconventional oil and gas sectors, Previous positions with E%26E include editing Land Letter and writing news and feature stories for Greenwire, ClimateWire, and other news outlets, "Will U.S. shale technology make the leap across the Pacific?," EnergyWire: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, http://www.eenews.net/public/energywire/2012/07/17/1) Modes of tech transfer Despite the challenges, the allure of a massive new domestic AND pursue contracts for natural gas imports to satisfy the strong and growing demand. Knowledge @ Wharton 12 (China’s Underground Race for Shale Gas, aug 21, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/arabic/article.cfm?articleid=2851) Meanwhile, in the U.S., shale gas leaders, such as Devon AND Chinese companies may be able to negotiate better terms, says CATF’s Sung. Only the US has the expertise necessary for China to develop its shale resources- increased Chinese access to US drilling techniques and regulatory methods is critical.Forbes, manager- Shale Gas Initiative at the World Resources Institute, 12 (Sarah, also the Senior Associate for the Climate and Energy Program at the World Resources Institute, HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION: "CHINA’S GLOBAL QUEST FOR RESOURCES AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE UNITED STATES; CHINA’S PROSPECTS FOR SHALE GAS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S.," January 26, http://pdf.wri.org/testimony/forbes_testimony_china_shale_gas_2012-01-26.pdf) Are there risks as well as opportunities for U.S. companies? From AND aware of and take into account while pursuing and designing Chinese domestic development. Hanger 12 (John, Special Counsel at the law firm Eckert Seamans, and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, "China Gets Cracking on Fracking: The Best Environmental News Of The Year?," Aug 14, http://johnhanger.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-gets-cracking-on-fracking-good.html) China sits on natural gas reserves that are estimated to be 50% higher than the massive gas reserves in the USA. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/energy/2012/08/120808-china-shale-gas/. Despite this gargantuan gas resource, coal provides China 80% of its electricity, compared to 34% in the USA, as of May 2012. Why the difference? The shale gas boom that is now more than 10 years long in the USA is just getting started in China and so the Chinese remain heavily reliant on coal to make electricity and for their total energy. Around the world, the basic energy choice is coal or gas. China is just the biggest example of this fundamental fact. China’s reliance on coal means that its economic growth brings skyrocketing carbon emissions and other air pollution. Indeed, Chinese air quality is infamous around the world, and smog has been so thick that Beijing airport has been unable to land planes for short periods. As of 2011, China was responsible for 29% of the world’s carbon emissions, while the US produced 16%, even though the US economy is still considerably bigger than China’s. Moreover, US carbon emissions are declining to 1992 levels, but China’s emissions skyrocket. Though China is building substantial new wind, solar, and nuclear generation, those investments are not enough to cut Chinese coal consumption, given economic growth that is still 7% in what some describe as an economic slowdown. Shale gas, however, could be big enough to actually displace significant amounts of coal in China. More gas in China means less mercury, soot. lead, smog, and carbon emissions. China’s energy plans call for shale gas to provide 6% of its total energy as soon as 2020. If it achieves that goal, China will avoid more than 500 million tons of carbon pollution per year or about 1.5% of today’s total carbon emissions. Increasing demand for Chinese coal production causes water shortages which threaten economic collapse and political instability.Schneider 11 (Keith, senior editor for Circle of Blue-a nonprofit focusing on resource shortages founded in 2000, Choke Point: China—Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country, Feb 15, http://www.circleofblue.org/waternews/2011/world/choke-point-china%E2%80%94confronting-water-scarcity-and-energy-demand-in-the-world%E2%80%99s-largest-country/) By any measure, conventional and otherwise, China’s tireless advance to international economic prominence AND rising incomes and improving opportunities, is at risk, say some authorities. Chinese economic collapse causes Asian and Middle East conflict- China will turn outwardly aggressive.Newmeyer 09 DR. JACQUELINE NEWMYER - LONG TERM STRATEGY GROUP- THE CENTER FOR NATIONAL POLICY "ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPACT ON CHINESE MILITARY MODERNIZATION" APRIL 8, 2009, http://cnponline.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/12503 So I think either way, either because of the insecurity that is stoked AND the downturn would lead to a greater chance of conflict abroad for China. And, economic decline causes war.Royal 2010 Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, "Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises," in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, pg. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline may increase the likelihood of extern conflict AND not featured prominently in the economic-security debate and deserves more attention. And, pollution from coal causes environmental protests that threaten CCP rule.LeVine 12 (Steve, author of The Oil and the Glory, Foreign Policy contributor, CHINA The Cost of Coal , The Weekly Wrap — Aug. 3, 2012, http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/03/the_weekly_wrap_aug_3_2012_part_i-http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/03/the_weekly_wrap_aug_3_2012_part_i) China’s moment of coal truth: A question that has vexed us for some time AND and economic outcomes. And yet that is exactly what we are seeing. Those pollution protests causes Chinese instability and CCP lashoutNankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China’s Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904%26tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195%26no_cache=1) As the impact of pollution on human health becomes more obvious and widespread, it AND border. All of these situations would alter security assumptions in the region. This causes the CCP to launch WMDs and kill billions to try to hold onto powerRenxin 05 Renxin, Journalist, 8-3-2K5 (San, "CCP Gambles Insanely to Avoid Death," Epoch Times, www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-8-3/30931.html) Since the Party’s life is "above all else," it would not be surprising AND as something one finds difficult to tell whether it is false or true. And, Chinese pollution causes nuclear war with RussiaNankivell 05 (Nathan, Senior Researcher @ Office of the Special Advisor Policy, Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters, Canadian Department of National Defence, China’s Pollution and the Threat to Domestic and Regional Stability, China Brief Vol: 5 Issue: 22, http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3904%26tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=195%26no_cache=1) In addition to the concerns already mentioned, pollution, if linked to a specific AND in full-scale war between two powerful, nuclear-equipped nations. And, shale development key to Chinese energy security.Downs 00 (Erica, China Fellow @ Brookings, CHINA’S ENERGY SECURITY ACTIVITIES, http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1244/MR1244.ch3.pdf) The Chinese government can also improve China’s energy security through development of the country’s natural AND concerns—possibly a fear of foreign control over China’s gas resources. 76 The impact is China-India energy wars. Clement 12 (Nicholas, China and India Vie for Energy Security, May 25, http://www.2point6billion.com/news/2012/05/25/china-and-india-vie-for-energy-security-11177.html) The competitive relationship between China and India has become a defining feature of the strategic AND ongoing diplomatic engagement between China and India to avoid unnecessary or accidental escalation. Participating in oil joint ventures boosts US-China energy coop, allowing them to learn from us and control air pollution and environmental degradation. Wu, Brookings Visiting Fellow, 08 (Richard Weixing Hu, Advancing Sino-U.S. Energy Cooperation Amid Oil Price Hikes, March, http://www.brookings.edu/research/opinions/2008/03/energy-hu) Fourth, both governments should encourage their energy companies to collaborate in jointly enlarging the AND air and a considerable contribution to the common course of global environmental protection. And, politicization of Chinese energy deals independently undermines US-China energy relations, which causes hostile Chinese naval modernization. Lieberthal and Herberg 06 (Kenneth, Distinguished Fellow and Director for China at The William Davidson institute, and research associate of the China Center at the University of Michigan, and Mikkal, Director of the asian Energy security program at The national bureau of asian research, China’s Search for Energy Security: Implications for U.S. Policy*, http://www.nbr.org/publications/nbranalysis/pdf/vol17no1.pdf) Both the United States and China will benefit if they can develop a collaborative relationship AND each other’s energy insecurities and find new ways to work toward cooperative outcomes. Chinese naval modernization causes miscalculation, risking conflict with the US. United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission 09 ("THE IMPLICATIONS OF CHINA’S NAVAL MODERNIZATION FOR THE UNITED STATES," HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION, June 11, http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2009hearings/transcripts/09_06_11_trans/09_06_11_trans.pdf) In this hearing, witnesses told the Commission that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army ( AND As a consequence, a naval arms race in East Asia may ensue. The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is particularly high- focusing on improving relations is critical. Glaser, CSIS Senior Fellow, 12 (Bonnie, Senior Fellow,Center for Strategic and International Studies, Armed Clash in the South China Sea, http://www.cfr.org/east-asia/armed-clash-south-china-sea/p27883) The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is significant. China, Taiwan AND one of the various disputes in the South China Sea from escalating militarily. The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews.Narrowing the definition of national security to exclude "energy assets" insulates the CFIUS process from protectionist manipulation. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS. Ellis-Vinson %26 Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html-http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007. And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security— explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key. Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). And, strikes don’t solve prolif and make escalation inevitable- Iran would face use-it-or-lose-it pressure, no hotlines exist, and Iran’s command-and-control weakness risks unauthorized escalation.==== Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) Kroenig’s discussion of timing is not the only misleading part of his article; so AND community would struggle to track or slow Tehran’s efforts to rebuild its program. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Henry Clay | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The debate swamps uniqueness. Hewitt 10/3/12 Hugh, Professor of Law at Chapman University School of Law, Since No President Has Ever Done This Badly In A Debate, We Have No Idea What It Will Do To Race, http://www.hughhewitt.com/blog/g/3749bf66-2db1-4461-82cb-c284d8a12970 A historic defeat for a sitting president. Never has a POTUS been this badly AND other green energy expenditures of 90 billion could have been 2 million teachers. Relations collapse inevitable no matter who wins. Bovt 9-12-2012 Gregory, Russian Political Analyst, Moscow Times, Whether Obama or Romney, the Reset Is Dead http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/whether-obama-or-romney-the-reset-is-dead/467947.html#ixzz26kmH7p4R On the positive side, a new visa agreement came into force this week that AND from both sides would itself be considered a major achievement in bilateral relations. Relations impossible – KGB regime. NYQUIST, FEBRUARY 27th 2009 J.R., a WorldNetDaily contributing editor and a renowned expert in geopolitics and international relations, is the author of "Origins of the Fourth World War." The Man Who Warned Congress, Financial Sense, http://www.financialsense.com/stormwatch/geo/pastanalysis/2009/0227.html In 25 February Andrei Illarionov testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The AND with poorly hidden joy and satisfaction on the part of the Russian Chekists.” The debate gives Romney and edge with swing voters, they are on his side, will win the election Berkin 10/5 (George, is a graduate of Columbia University, was a reporter at The Star-Ledger for nearly 15 years, “Romney won the debate because he clearly explained a better solution” http://blog.nj.com/njv_george_berkin/2012/10/romney_won_the_debate_because.html) It wasn’t just that Mitt Romney won the first presidential debate, convincingly explaining his AND would give tax breaks to the wealthy – Romney respectfully corrected the president. Foreign investment is key to Obama wins in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Crooks and McGregor 2012 Ed and Richard, Shale gas fuels change in US swing states, Financial Times, June 5th 2012, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/7b2e21b4-af2f-11e1-a4e0-00144feabdc0.html#axzz22JoM1Gtu The shale revolution is spreading into eastern Ohio, bringing with it the possibility of AND to be very, very close and little things can mean a lot.” Ohio is key to the election Peoples 6/14 (Steve, staff reporter for the associated press, “Dueling economic speeches, one swing state: Obama, Romney try to seize economic debate in Ohio” 6/14/12 http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/dueling-economic-speeches-1-swing-state-obama-romney-try-to-seize-economic-debate-in-ohio/2012/06/14/gJQAcp5cbV_story.html) KY President Barack Obama cast his re-election race against Republican Mitt Romney as the AND — particularly Romney. No Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio Oil and gas is popular – our turn is unique. Bush 2012 Bill, 71 percent of voters favor more oil and natural gas development, American Petroleum Institute, http://www.api.org/News-and-Media/News/NewsItems/2012/Aug-2012/71-percent-of-voters-favor-more-oil-and-natural-gas-development.aspx Washington, D.C., August 14, 2012 – Seventy-one percent AND three voters believe the nation is moving in the wrong direction on energy." Turn-Strike kills Obama in election Bolton-The Hill-2/23/12 Israeli strike on Iran would pose risk for US economy, Obama reelection bid http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/212239-possible-israeli-strike-on-iran-poses-risks-for-us-economy-obama A military strike by Israel against Iran’s nuclear facilities has emerged as one of the AND ,” said Adam Hersh, an economist at the Center for American Progress. Obama needs to leverage Iran sanctions to secure Jewish vote---key to swing states Kampeas-Jewish Press-9/5/12 At DNC, Focus Is On Jewish Swing Voters As Key To Obama Election Win http://www.jewishpress.com/news/politics/at-dnc-focus-is-on-jewish-swing-voters-as-key-to-obama-election-win/2012/09/05/0/ President Obama meeting recently with Jewish Leaders. CHARLOTTE, N.C. – AND a bid to halt its suspected nuclear weapons program, including intensified sanctions. Obama is Teflon, nothing sticks. Rogers 2012 Ed, chairman of the lobbying and communications firm BGR Group Obama's 21st-century Teflon is working, 9/17/2012 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-insiders/post/obamas-21st-century-teflon-is-working/2012/09/17/82b05da8-00bf-11e2-bbf0-e33b4ee2f0e8_blog.html?wprss=rss_opinions\ So as the campaign heads for the debates, voters must be asking themselves what AND century coat of Teflon that makes Reagan's legendary resilience look small-time. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Clay | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: Protectionism undermines interdependence and makes cooperation less likely, that’s Patrick. EVEN IF breakdown doesn’t directly cause war it means states are less likely to cooperate on flashpoints. We will independently impact every scenario in the Patrick evidence –Walayat 2010 Nadeem, 20 years of experience trading derivatives, Pakistan Collapse Could Trigger Global Great Depression and World War III, 1-16-2012, http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article16543.html The world appears to be sleep walking towards a mega-crisis during 2010 and AND from within a failed state even if the nuclear weapons themselves remained secure. Blank 2009 Stephen J., Research Professor of National Security Affairs Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College, RUSSIA AND ARMS CONTROL: ARE THERE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION? March 2009 http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/pub908.pdf Proliferators or nuclear states like China and Russia can then deter regional or intercontinental attacks AND perhaps make wars of aggression on their neighbors or their own people. 172 Hayes %26 Green 2009 Peter Hayes, Professor of International Relations at RMIT University %26 Michael Hamel-Green, Dean of and Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development at Victoria University, "Denuclearizing The Korean Peninsula And Northeast Asia," Asian Pacific Journal The international community is increasingly aware that cooperative diplomacy is the most productive way to AND threat but a global one that warrants priority consideration from the international community. Blanton and Apodaca 2007 Robert G., Department of Political Science, University of Memphis, and Clair, Department of International Relations, Florida International University, The Social Science Journal 44 (2007) 599–619, https://umdrive.memphis.edu/rblanton/public/pubs_cv_blanton/soc_sci_journal_2007.pdf Traditionally, FDI has been a particularly controversial facet of globalization, as the " AND implicitly accepts the "costs" of negative publicity and disregards them thereafter. Lee and Mitchell 2010 Hoon, Dept of Political Science – Texas Tech, and Sarah, Dept of Political Science – University of Iowa, Foreign Direct Investment and Territorial Disputes http://www.saramitchell.org/leemitchell2010.pdf Theoretical arguments relating FDI to interstate conflict can be categorized into three broad perspectives. AND enables the local population to benefit as well (Souva 2002: 12). Chi 2011 Zhihang, Vice President and General Manager of North America for Air China, PhD in Business from MIT, Air China’s Zhihang Chi Opines on Future of U.S.-China Relationship, The Planning Report, August 23 2011, http://www.planningreport.com/2011/08/23/air-chinas-zhihang-chi-opines-future-us-china-relationship With respect to being economic friends, I want to bring up the issue of AND sound bites dictate our life and the U.S.-China relationship. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Clay | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: Netanyahu is backed into a corner-even if it was a bluff, a strike before the election is increasingly likely Los Angeles Times 8/17/12 Edmund Sanders HEADLINE: Debate rages over Netanyahu threats to attack Iran Whether serious or a bluff, Israel’s public threats to attack Iran’s nuclear development program AND to Netanyahu say his threat to attack is serious, not a bluff. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Clay | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: Duchossois Indus. v. United States, 2010-1 U.S. Tax Cas. (CCH) P50,344 2010 In Kohler, the taxpayer purchased %24 19.5 million in Mexican pesos for AND or restrictions that devalues the pesos and lowers the value of the stock. Shim 96 (Yumee, Mountain States Legal Foundation v. Glickman: When a Tree Falls in the Forest, is Anything Left (Of) Standing?, Fall, 1996, 15 Temp. Envtl. L. %26 Tech. J. 277) Specifically, plaintiffs alleged that the implementation of the Guidelines would drive up the price AND agency to comply with the procedural commands of NFMA and NEPA ...." Id. Zotnick, law prof- RWU, 04 David M. Zlotnick, associate professor of law at the Roger Williams University School of Law, visiting professor of law at Washington College, Spring 2004, Roger Williams University Law Review, 9 Roger Williams U. L. Rev. 645, p. 684 On the federal level, the time has come to listen to the voices of AND , this makes a travesty of the justice they have sworn to uphold. Treanor and Sperling, 1993 (William Michael, Associate Professor of Law @ Fordham University, and Gene B., Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, December, Prospective Overruling and the Revival of "unconstitutional" Statutes, 93 Colum. L. Rev. 1902, Columbia Law Review) A judicial decision invalidating a statute also skews the political dynamic because, as a AND different for the two camps, he voted in favor of the bill. Rosen and Hanemann 2011 Daniel H. Rosen is Founder and China Practice leader of the Rhodium Group and adjuct professor at Columbia University, Thilo Hanemann is Research Director at the Rhodium Group, AN AMERICAN OPEN DOOR?, May 2011, http://asiasociety.org/files/pdf/AnAmericanOpenDoor_FINAL.pdf Though the annual numbers are doubling, there is a growing perception in China that AND in this messaging given its oversight role and recent activism on foreign investment. Rosenberg, Law Prof- Chicago, 1991 (Gerald, The Hollow Hope, pg. 87) The judiciary, like other large political institutions, is afflicted with many bureaucratic problems AND judicial remedy is to return to court and re-start the process. Hamilton and Quinlan 06 (Daniel, and Joseph, Protecting Our Prosperity Ensuring Both National Security and the Benefits of Foreign Investment in the United States, NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR AMERICAN POLICY, JUNE, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/transatlantic-topics/Articles/economy/ProtectingOurProsperity_NFAP_June_20_2006.pdf) Fifth, don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Political uncertainties and potential delays for AND inflation, less innovation, lower wages, and lower stock prices. 35 Pacelle, poli sci prof-Missouri, 02 (Richard, poli sci prof and legal studies coordinator at the univ of Missouri at St. Louis The Role of the Supreme Court in American Politics: The Least Dangerous Branch?, p92) Even if the Supreme Court was to carve out some sphere of power for itself AND the other branches and the public, the cost is its institutional legitimacy. Dunn 08 (Joshua, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs and the author of Complex Justice: The Case of Missouri v. Jenkins, "The Perils of Judicial Policymaking: The Practical Case for Separation of Powers," September 23, 2008, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2008/09/the-perils-of-judicial-policymaking-the-practical-case-for-separation-of-powers) There is an obvious constitutional implication that flows from realism’s normative position: If judges AND Newtonian principles of physics and wanted to move us beyond such constitutional fetishism. Redish and Cisar 91 (Martin and Elizabeth, prof of law at Northwestern, clerk for judge Bauer, 41 Duke L.J. 449) 3. The Costs of Abandoning Separation of Powers. The most significant problem with AND be forced into the position of saying, "I told you so." |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Clay | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: Jackson 10 (James K. Jackson, CRS Specialist in International Trade and Finance, Foreign Investment, CFIUS, and Homeland Security: An Overview, February 4, http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/138597.pdf) While CFIUS’s activities often seem to be quite opaque, the Committee is not free AND interest activities from falling under foreign control, primarily for national defense purposes. Hamilton and Schroeder 1994 ~James T. Hamilton is an assistant Professor of Public Policy, Economics and Political Science at Duke University, Christopher H. Schroeder is a Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law "Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures: The Selection of Formal vs. Informal Rules in Regulating Hazardous Waste http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4229%26context=lcp~~ 3. As the regulatory costs imposed on parties increase, the more likely the AND parties since informal rules may be applied with more discretion than formal rules. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Clay | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: Hewitt 10/3/12 Hugh, Professor of Law at Chapman University School of Law, Since No President Has Ever Done This Badly In A Debate, We Have No Idea What It Will Do To Race, http://www.hughhewitt.com/blog/g/3749bf66-2db1-4461-82cb-c284d8a12970 A historic defeat for a sitting president. Never has a POTUS been this badly AND other green energy expenditures of 90 billion could have been 2 million teachers. Bovt 9-12-2012 Gregory, Russian Political Analyst, Moscow Times, Whether Obama or Romney, the Reset Is Dead http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/whether-obama-or-romney-the-reset-is-dead/467947.html~~%23ixzz26kmH7p4R On the positive side, a new visa agreement came into force this week that AND from both sides would itself be considered a major achievement in bilateral relations. NYQUIST, FEBRUARY 27th 2009 J.R., a WorldNetDaily contributing editor and a renowned expert in geopolitics and international relations, is the author of "Origins of the Fourth World War." The Man Who Warned Congress, Financial Sense, http://www.financialsense.com/stormwatch/geo/pastanalysis/2009/0227.html In 25 February Andrei Illarionov testified before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The AND with poorly hidden joy and satisfaction on the part of the Russian Chekists." The debate gives Romney and edge with swing voters, they are on his side, will win the election Berkin 10/5 (George, is a graduate of Columbia University, was a reporter at The Star-Ledger for nearly 15 years, "Romney won the debate because he clearly explained a better solution" http://blog.nj.com/njv_george_berkin/2012/10/romney_won_the_debate_because.html) It wasn’t just that Mitt Romney won the first presidential debate, convincingly explaining his AND would give tax breaks to the wealthy – Romney respectfully corrected the president. Daily Caller 10/5 Laura Byrne - The Daily Caller, 10/05/12, http://dailycaller.com/2012/10/05/romney-overtaking-obama-in-ohio/~~%23ixzz28TLbnXi8 A new Rasmussen poll and early absentee ballot requests both suggest that President Barack Obama is losing his lead in Ohio after Mitt Romney’s performance in Wednesday night’s presidential debate. A post-debate poll revealed Obama and Romney are essentially tied in Ohio, with just one point separating the candidates. Earlier polls had shown Obama leading by up to eight points. According to county data retrieved by conservative nonprofit American Majority Action (AMA) and reviewed by The Daily Caller, early absentee ballot requests also indicate Obama faces a tough battle in the state. Compared to 2008, a higher percentage of Republicans have requested absentee ballots in the five largest counties in Ohio this year. Summit County saw a particularly large increase, with 27 points. "Polls can be manipulated — real votes can’t," AMA President Ned Ryun said in a statement. So far, Ohioans have requested just over half the amount of ballots they did in 2008. "So far, although it is early, the overall across-the-board direction of every single county in Ohio seems to be not just challenging the pollsters’ template that Obama is widening his lead, but is obliterating it," University of Dayton professor Dr. Larry Schweikart told AMA. Foreign investment is key to Obama wins in Ohio and Pennsylvania.Crooks and McGregor 2012 Ed and Richard, Shale gas fuels change in US swing states, Financial Times, June 5th 2012, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/7b2e21b4-af2f-11e1-a4e0-00144feabdc0.html~~%23axzz22JoM1Gtu The shale revolution is spreading into eastern Ohio, bringing with it the possibility of AND to be very, very close and little things can mean a lot." Peoples 6/14 (Steve, staff reporter for the associated press, "Dueling economic speeches, one swing state: Obama, Romney try to seize economic debate in Ohio" 6/14/12 http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/dueling-economic-speeches-1-swing-state-obama-romney-try-to-seize-economic-debate-in-ohio/2012/06/14/gJQAcp5cbV_story.html-http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/dueling-economic-speeches-1-swing-state-obama-romney-try-to-seize-economic-debate-in-ohio/2012/06/14/gJQAcp5cbV_story.html) KY President Barack Obama cast his re-election race against Republican Mitt Romney as the AND — particularly Romney. No Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio Oil and gas is popular – our turn is unique.Bush 2012 Bill, 71 percent of voters favor more oil and natural gas development, American Petroleum Institute, http://www.api.org/News-and-Media/News/NewsItems/2012/Aug-2012/71-percent-of-voters-favor-more-oil-and-natural-gas-development.aspx Washington, D.C., August 14, 2012 – Seventy-one percent AND three voters believe the nation is moving in the wrong direction on energy." Turn-Strike kills Obama in election Bolton-The Hill-2/23/12 Israeli strike on Iran would pose risk for US economy, Obama reelection bid http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/212239-possible-israeli-strike-on-iran-poses-risks-for-us-economy-obama-http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/212239-possible-israeli-strike-on-iran-poses-risks-for-us-economy-obama A military strike by Israel against Iran’s nuclear facilities has emerged as one of the AND ," said Adam Hersh, an economist at the Center for American Progress. Obama needs to leverage Iran sanctions to secure Jewish vote—-key to swing states Kampeas-Jewish Press-9/5/12 At DNC, Focus Is On Jewish Swing Voters As Key To Obama Election Win http://www.jewishpress.com/news/politics/at-dnc-focus-is-on-jewish-swing-voters-as-key-to-obama-election-win/2012/09/05/0/-http://www.jewishpress.com/news/politics/at-dnc-focus-is-on-jewish-swing-voters-as-key-to-obama-election-win/2012/09/05/0/ President Obama meeting recently with Jewish Leaders. CHARLOTTE, N.C. – AND a bid to halt its suspected nuclear weapons program, including intensified sanctions. Rogers 2012 Ed, chairman of the lobbying and communications firm BGR Group Obama’s 21st-century Teflon is working, 9/17/2012 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-insiders/post/obamas-21st-century-teflon-is-working/2012/09/17/82b05da8-00bf-11e2-bbf0-e33b4ee2f0e8_blog.html?wprss=rss_opinions\ So as the campaign heads for the debates, voters must be asking themselves what AND century coat of Teflon that makes Reagan’s legendary resilience look small-time. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: Clay | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge: (A.) The alternative fractures the left —- Rejecting the plan for embracing free trade unites the alternative with right wing china bashers and fractures opposition to the Pentagon’s militarist china policy.Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china A coalition of forces seeks to deprive China of permanent normal trading relations (PNTR AND , "the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time". Moody 2000 Kim, staff writer for Labor Notes and author of An Injury to All and Workers in a Lean World, Protectionism or Solidarity? (Part I), http://www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/951 From a Marxist point of view, it seems obvious that the roots of economic AND to the defense of the business in the protection afforded by the border. Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/slavoj-zizek/resistance-is-surrender One of the clearest lessons of the last few decades is that capitalism is indestructible AND sense, but in order to better it or attenuate its malicious effect’? —-The alternative fails —- Markets are inevitable and culturally universal.Lavoie and Chamlee-Wright 2000 Don Lavoie Professor of Economics at George Mason University and Emily Chamlee-Wright Associate Professor of Economics and Management at Beloit College, Culture and Enterprise: the development, representation, and morality of business p. 47-48 Indeed the favorite stick with which the left likes to hit economists is the claim AND human society has a strong propensity to generate and engage in market activity. Steele 1992 David Ramsay, author and Editorial Director of Open Court Publishing Company - From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation pg. 358-360 Marx also says that the relations are inevitably entered into ~some translations: ’are AND changes were somehow sealed off from having any direct influence on the relations. a) Moot affirmative strategy —- Makes it impossible for the 2ac to leverage any aspect of the case as offense creating a massive strategic imbalance and disincentivizes in-depth case research.Alinsky 1972 Saul, Rules for Radicals, pg 76 An organized personality. The organizer must be well organized himself so he can be AND , to use irrationality in his attempts to progress towards a rational world. (A.) Rejecting trade makes war inevitable —- Extend Patrick —- Collapsing trade relations creates a spiraling cycle of suspicion and nationalism where every foreign business action is seen as zero sum with American national security.(B.) Solves their turns —- Interdependence creates an ethic of mutual recognition and respect between competitors that doesn’t require the instrumentalization of all life.Badhwar 2007 Neera K., Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Oklahoma - September "Friendship and Commercial Societies" Forthcoming in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm-http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm I have argued that the critics of market societies misunderstand both markets and friendship by AND friendlier to civic and character friendship than any other developed form of society. (A.) Withdrawing from global trade locks the alternative within a nationalist frame precluding transnational solidarity and organization.Bello %26 Mittal 2000 Walden, Anuradha, Dangerous Liaisons: Progressives, the Right, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign, Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, May, http://www.tni.org/archives/archives_bello_china The anti-China trade campaign amounts to a Faustian bargain that seeks to buy AND power of global corporations and multilateral agencies that promote TNC-led globalization. (B.) Total rejection of capitalism fragments resistance and reifies structural oppression.Gibson-Graham 1996 J.K., feminist economist, End of Capitalism, pg 263-264 One of our goals as Marxists has been to produce a knowledge of capitalism. AND its unity a fantasy, visible as a denial of diversity and change. Daily Times 2006 EDITORIAL: Economic neo-liberalism vs political realism, February 26th, http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006%5C02%5C26%5Cstory_26-2-2006_pg3_1 Ditto for CNOOC’s Unocal bid. China had no part to play in rearing Al AND to everyone’s advantage, politics has its own ideas of security and protectionism. (B.) The removal of anti-market forces solves bad capitalism and is historically distinct from the system described in their evidence.De Landa 1998 Manuel, Markets and Antimarkets in the World Economy, http://www.alamut.com/subj/economics/de_landa/antiMarkets.html When approaching the subject of economic power, one can safely ignore the entire field AND completely, and to begin speaking of markets and antimarkets and their dynamics. Badhwar 2007 Neera K., Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oklahoma, Friendship and Commercial Societies, Forthcoming in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, http://praxeology.net/guest-badhwar1.htm None of this is to deny that when the means to an end is not AND as "praxis" distorts the nature of both business enterprises and friendships. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No offense —- Collapse is worse for all their impacts and results in extermination of all life on the planet. Even in the face of inevitable collapse it’s try or die.Monbiot 2009 George, columnist for The Guardian, has held visiting fellowships or professorships at the universities of Oxford (environmental policy), Bristol (philosophy), Keele (politics), Oxford Brookes (planning), and East London (environmental science, August 17, 2009, "Is there any point in fighting to stave off industrial apocalypse?," http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cif-green/2009/aug/17/environment-climate-change I detect in your writings, and in the conversations we have had, an AND fight is still worth having; you, because you think it isn’t. Kling 2002 Arnold, Ph.D. in economics from MIT, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, "Common Sense and Sensibility" http://www.techcentralstation.com/article.aspx?id=032802C Another notion comes from the environmentalists. According to their theory, wealth comes from AND , the market will find ways to side-step the doomsday scenarios. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: —-we meet-foreign investment restrictions on production Hirsch-former senior energy program adviser for Science Applications International Corporation-11 Commentary: Restrictions on world oil production http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2011-03-28/commentary-restrictions-world-oil-production-http://www.energybulletin.net/stories/2011-03-28/commentary-restrictions-world-oil-production Restrictions on world oil production can be divided into four categories: 1. Geology AND and restrictions on foreign investment has led to significant Mexican oil production decline. -xxx—We-meet-the plan reduces restrictions that block, delay, and alter foreign investment in energy production Ellis-Vinson %26 Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Government regulation is a way of life for the energy industry. Recently, however AND energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007. —-Mitigation measures block, delay, and alter deaks, even if they aren’t blocked Marchick 07 (David, partner at Covington %26 Burling, where he advises companies on the CFIUS process, "Swinging the Pendulum too Far: An Analysis of the CFIUS Process Post-Dubai Ports World," Jan, http://www.nfap.net/researchactivities/studies/NFAPPolicyBriefCFIUS0107.pdf) In the 18 years that Exon-Florio has been in force, there have AND a company if a President were to block an acquisition would be substantial. Vinson %26 Elkins LLP 12 (V%26E China Practice Update E-communication, "China Amends Foreign Investment Policy: New Foreign Investment Industry Guidance Catalogue," January 13, http://www.velaw.com/resources/pub_detail.aspx?id=20405) The Catalogue classifies foreign direct investments in the various Chinese industry sectors as "encouraged AND authorities. Foreign investment is not permitted in industries categorized as "prohibited." Wright v. Magellan Behavioral Health, Inc., 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 48718 2007 In the instant case, the Court is required to interpret the word "restriction" as used by the parties in the Agreement. The parties apparently agree that the legal definition of restriction—"a limitation or qualification," Black’s Law Dictionary 1341 (8th ed. 1999)—is a good place to start. Thus, the Court must determine whether the board’s supervision requirement falls within this definition. Google Dictionary qual•i•fi•ca•tion noun /ˌkwäləfəˈkāSHən/ qualifications, plural A quality or accomplishment that makes someone suitable for a particular job or activity - only one qualification required—fabulous sense of humor The action or fact of becoming qualified as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity - an opportunity for student teachers to share experiences before qualification A condition that must be fulfilled before a right can be acquired; an official requirement - the five-year residency qualification for presidential candidates B. Capital key-Future oil and gas production will depend on foreign capital. That’s Ellis-Vinson-That capital is intrinsically tied to energy production proves it should be core affirmative ground. |
| 10/07/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: (A.) Absent the plan, the cifus review process will be dominated by racist congressional debate and china bashing —- The 1ac advantage scenarios are occurring BECAUSE congress is overly concerned with the preservation of national security.The Economist 2006 America’s ports and Dubai; Trouble on the waterfront, http://www.economist.com/node/5551176 XENOPHOBIA seems to be creeping into American politics. Last year, Congress saw off AND to base policy on the prejudice that every Arab is a potential terrorist. Myers 2003 Tony, former lecturer at the University of Stirling. He is the author of Upgrade Your English Essay (Arnold, 2002) and numerous articles on postmodernism, psychoanalysis and politics, Slavoj Zizek, pg 107-108 Of course, as fantasies cannot ultimately coexist peacefully, particularly when they are ethnic AND is a fantasy figure, someone who embodies the void of the Other. Rahman 2011 K. Sabeel, A.B., Harvard College, 2005; M.Sc., Economics for Development, Oxford University, 2006; M.St., Sociolegal Studies, Oxford University, 2007; J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School, Class of 2012; Ph.D. Candidate, Government, Harvard University, ENVISIONING THE REGULATORY STATE: TECHNOCRACY, DEMOCRACY, AND INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIMENTATION IN THE 2010 FINANCIAL REFORM AND OIL SPILL STATUTES, http://www.harvardjol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Rahman_Note.pdf These weaknesses of the technocratic model create a fundamental challenge for the modern regulatory state AND one that leaves ample room for the representation and engagement of different values. —-Permutation do both —- Claim the debate-space for those excluded by the police order and plan.—-Perm is critical to political effectiveness and solves extinction.Hildyard Lohmann %26 Sexton, Their Author, 2012 Nicholas, founder and Director of The Corner House, Larry, author of the book "Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization and Power" %26 works at the British NGO The Corner House, Sarah, a director of The Corner House, Energy Security For What? For Whom? The Corner House, http://www.thecornerhouse.org.uk/resource/energy-security-whom-what Critically, there is a need for public discussion and debate that correct the fatal AND "energy security" and the most pragmatic starting point for practical action. (A.) CFIUS review requires determinist securitization of energy assets —- That’s Carroll —- The plan halts the material expansion of securitization into foreign investment and energy policy.Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers From the global production network perspective, not only does the assumption of a zero AND succeed in bringing out a more unified rival in China down the road. —-The permutation solves best —- Combining securitization with criticism renegotiates the logic of security and solves their impact while avoiding legitimate contextualized dangers.Trombetta 2008 Maria Julia, Environmental security and climate change: analyzing the discourse, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 21:4, 585-602 The recognition and constitution of a problem as a threat implies the identification of the AND , it is a reflexive and contextualized process that generates meanings and practices. |
| 10/27/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity MR | Judge: Antonucci Contention 1- Inherency The U.S. submits all oil and gas deals to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. – known as CFIUS – these restrictions chill investment and signal protectionism Wilson Center 5-31-12 (Chinese Investment in North American Energy, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/chinese-investment-north-american-energy) While Chinese foreign energy investment is on the rise, the more notable story is AND companies, which will allow China’s companies to better extract resources at home. Advantage 1 Contention 2 is Iran Removing restrictions on investment in US oil and gas production is the best way to get China to increase their support for Iran sanctions- that’s critical to effective international pressure. Downs, China fellow at Brookings, 7-19-12 (Erica S. Downs is a fellow at the John L. Thorton China Center at The Brookings Institution, “Getting China to Turn on Iran,” July 19, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/getting-china-turn-iran-7215) Over the past decade, as the United States employed increasingly robust sanctions to gradually AND the greater the chance they will think twice about doing business in Iran. The Chinese government responded to the new U.S. sanctions signed into law AND This dual stance is attributable to the business decisions made by China’s NOCs. Allowing Chinese majority shares of US oil and gas production is critical garnering Chinese compliance on Iran. Only the signal of the plan solves Iran nuclearization. Downs, Brookings China Fellow, October ‘12 (Erica, CHINA, IRAN AND THE NEXEN DEAL, OPTIONS POLITIQUES, http://www.irpp.org/po/archive/oct12/downs.pdf) Meanwhile the expansion of the Chinese NOC footprint in the United States has coincided with AND nuclear program may run through the headquarters of CNOOC, CNPC and Sinopec. Two impacts- First- Nuclearization— Iranian nuclearization makes nuclear war inevitable in the Middle East- even small conflicts could escalate to all out war. Kahl, Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, 12 (Colin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East and Senior Fellow, the Center for a New American Security, Iran and the Bomb, Foreign Affairs; Sep/Oct2012, Vol. 91 Issue 5, p157-162) Waltz writes that "policymakers and citizens in the Arab world, Europe, Israel AND and the consequences of even a low-probability outcome could be devastating. Iranian nuclearization causes regional and global arms racing. Cirincione 06 (Joseph, Sr. Assoc. and Director @ the Non-Proliferation Project @ the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Summer, SAIS Review, “A New Non-Proliferation Strategy”) The danger posed by the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran or North Korea is AND decade-compounded by the existing political and territorial disputes still unresolved.4 This risks global nuclear conflict- new prolif risks theft, unauthorized use, terrorism, and crisis escalation. Busch, Professor of Government-Christopher Newport, 04 (Nathan, “No End in Sight: The Continuing Menace of Nuclear Proliferation” p 281-314) Summing Up: Will the Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons Be Better or Worse? AND proliferation in hopes that the stability predicted by the optimists will indeed occur. ---Iranian proliferation doesn’t solve war and empowers religious fundamentalists that are structurally aligned with global capitalism and Western imperialism. Esteban 2005 Marco Antonio, political activist and teacher in Barcelona, Two Forms of Resistance against Empire, http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2005/esteban111005.html Nevertheless, there is a point that Zizek does not take in account. It AND in a world returned to pre-Enlightenment? I am afraid not. Sanctions work- evidence suggests they will bring Iran back to the negotiating table. Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) In making the case for preventive war as the least bad option, Kroenig AND emphasize that all options, including military action, remain on the table. Second impact- Strikes- Israel will strike Iran soon unless they see quick process from the US further tightening sanctions. National Journal 10-10 (Sara Sorcher polling NJ’s Insiders: National Journal’s National Security Insiders Poll is a periodic survey of defense and foreign-policy experts. They are: National Security Insiders Gordon Adams, Charles Allen, Thad Allen, James Bamford, David Barno, Milt Bearden, Peter Bergen, Samuel “Sandy” Berger, David Berteau, Stephen Biddle, Nancy Birdsall, Kit Bond, Stuart Bowen, Paula Broadwell, Mike Breen, Steven Bucci, Nicholas Burns, Dan Byman, James Jay Carafano, Phillip Carter, Wendy Chamberlin, Michael Chertoff, Frank Cilluffo, James Clad, Richard Clarke, Steve Clemons, Joseph Collins, William Courtney, Roger Cressey, Gregory Dahlberg, Robert Danin, Richard Danzig, Paul Eaton, Andrew Exum, William Fallon, Eric Farnsworth, Jacques Gansler, Stephen Ganyard, Daniel Goure, Mike Green, Mark Gunzinger, Jim Harper, Michael Hayden, Pete Hoekstra, Bruce Hoffman, Paul Hughes, Colin Kahl, Donald Kerrick, Rachel Kleinfeld, Lawrence Korb, David Kramer, Andrew Krepinevich, Charlie Kupchan, W. Patrick Lang, Cedric Leighton, James Lindsay, Trent Lott, Peter Mansoor, Brian McCaffrey, Steven Metz, Franklin Miller, Philip Mudd, John Nagl, Shuja Nawaz, Kevin Nealer, Michael Oates, Thomas Pickering, Paul Pillar, Stephen Rademaker, Marc Raimondi, Celina Realuyo, Bruce Riedel, Barry Rhoads, Marc Rotenberg, Kori Schake, Mark Schneider, John Scofield, Tammy Schultz, Stephen Sestanovich, Sarah Sewall, Matthew Sherman, Jennifer Sims, Constanze Stelzenmüller, Frances Townsend, Mick Trainor, Suzanne Spaulding, Ted Stroup, Tamara Wittes, Dov Zakheim, and Juan Zarate., “Insiders: Israel Will Attack Iran, National Journal” – Wed, Oct 10, 2012, http://news.yahoo.com/insiders-israel-attack-iran-200004624~-~-politics.html) Two-thirds of National Journal's National Security Insiders believe Israel will attack Iran to AND Those who think a nuclear Iran can be deterred don't live in Jerusalem." And, tightening sanctions on Iranian oil staves off an Israeli strike on Iran. National Journal 12 (Sara Sorcher, Insiders: New Sanctions on Iran Stave Off Need for Military Action, Jan 31, http://www.nationaljournal.com/nationalsecurity/insiders-new-sanctions-on-iran-stave-off-need-for-military-action-20120130) Now that the European Union has agreed to impose a ban on oil purchases from AND according to another Insider, “as long as Israel doesn’t act first.” Israel strikes on Iran cause multiple scenarios for nuclear war, CBW use and terrorist attacks. Russell 09 (James A. Russell, managing editor of Strategic Insights, the quarterly ejournal published by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School, Spring 2009, Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East, Security Studies Center) Iran’s response to what would initially start as a sustained stand-off bombardment ( AND U.S. massive response – a potential “Armageddon” scenario. And, strikes don’t solve prolif and make escalation inevitable- Iran’s command-and-control weakness risks unauthorized use. Kahl 12 (Colin, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Not Time to Attack Iran, Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Mar/Apr2012, Vol. 91, Issue 2) Kroenig's discussion of timing is not the only misleading part of his article; so AND community would struggle to track or slow Tehran's efforts to rebuild its program. Chinese support for sanctions is the best way to prevent Israel strikes. Wuthnow 12 (Joel, fellow at the China and the World Program at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, Will China Stop Iran?, March 05, http://thediplomat.com/2012/03/05/will-china-stop-iran/) What might China be asked to do? During Vice President Xi Jinping’s visit to AND and all the strife that would entail – may well be much worse. Advantage 2 Contention 3 is China Relations US China economic relations are on the brink- China knows that election rhetoric is just bluster, but US investment openness remains a key issue for relations. Fung, associate editor-The Atlantic, 10-16-12 (Brian Fung, associate editor at The Atlantic, He has written previously for Foreign Policy and The Washington Post, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/10/dont-panic-us-chinese-economic-cooperation-isnt-about-to-break-down/263652/#) Skim the economic headlines of the past few weeks, and it would be easy AND that what looks like a snub is sometimes just part of doing business. Conflicts over the US foreign investment process risk shattering the relationship. The plan sends a strong signal of cooperation towards China. Xu 11 (Ting, senior project manager-Bertelsmann Foundation, The Next Big Threat to US-China Ties, July 13, http://thediplomat.com/2011/07/13/the-next-big-threat-to-us-china-ties/) The United States and China have long lobbed verbal grenades across the Pacific, each AND a win-win situation that would also boost Sino-American collaboration. Chinese exclusion in the energy sector creates self-fulfilling prophecies. Pan 2007 Chengxin, School of International and Political Studies, Faculty of Arts, Deakin University, What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise, Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers From the global production network perspective, not only does the assumption of a zero AND succeed in bringing out a more unified rival in China down the road. And, investment restrictions spark a Chinese nationalist backlash that could escalate to war—clarifying CFIUS is key. Dorn 05 (James A, China specialist and VP for academic affairs at Cato, U.S.-China Relations in the Wake of CNOOC, CATO Policy Analysis, Nov 2, http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa553.pdf) The message that Congress should send China is the message Liu Junning, an independent AND will depend on sound free-market policies, not on destructive protectionism. Collapse of relations risks nuclear war. Wittner 11 (Wittner, Emeritus Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany and former editor of Peace and Change, a journal of peace research, “COMMENTARY: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible?,” November 28, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/opinion/avoiding-a-us-china-war.html) While nuclear weapons exist, there remains a danger that they will be used. AND that of the world, they should be working to encourage these policies. And, politicization of Chinese energy deals independently undermines US-China energy relations, which causes hostile Chinese naval modernization. Lieberthal and Herberg 06 (Kenneth, Distinguished Fellow and Director for China at The William Davidson institute, and research associate of the China Center at the University of Michigan, and Mikkal, Director of the asian Energy security program at The national bureau of asian research, China’s Search for Energy Security: Implications for U.S. Policy*, http://www.nbr.org/publications/nbranalysis/pdf/vol17no1.pdf) Both the United States and China will benefit if they can develop a collaborative relationship AND each other’s energy insecurities and find new ways to work toward cooperative outcomes. Chinese naval modernization causes miscalculation, risking conflict with the US. United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission 09 (“THE IMPLICATIONS OF CHINA’S NAVAL MODERNIZATION FOR THE UNITED STATES,” HEARING BEFORE THE U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION, June 11, http://www.uscc.gov/hearings/2009hearings/transcripts/09_06_11_trans/09_06_11_trans.pdf) In this hearing, witnesses told the Commission that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army ( AND As a consequence, a naval arms race in East Asia may ensue. The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is particularly high- focusing on improving relations is critical. Glaser, CSIS Senior Fellow, 12 (Bonnie, Senior Fellow,Center for Strategic and International Studies, Armed Clash in the South China Sea, http://www.cfr.org/east-asia/armed-clash-south-china-sea/p27883) The risk of conflict in the South China Sea is significant. China, Taiwan AND one of the various disputes in the South China Sea from escalating militarily. Risk of miscalculation is high – threat perception. Pan 2012 Chengxin, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, "Three-way Illusions in the South China Sea", Fair Observer, June/July, http://www.fairobserver.com/article/three-way-illusions-south-china-sea-22?page=2 In international relations, illusions are not merely harmless fantasies. When political actors act AND that do not bode well for US-China relations or regional stability. The plan solves any alternative causes Marchick-Carlyle Group-2/12 Fostering Greater Chinese Investment in the United States http://www.cfr.org/china/fostering-greater-chinese-investment-united-states/p27310 China recently became the world's second-largest economy and has emerged as the world's AND welcomes Chinese investment and that additional investment is in both countries' economic interest. Plan The United States Federal Government should exclude crude oil and natural gas production from Exon-Florio reviews. Solvency Contention 4-Solvency: Narrowing the definition of national security to exclude “energy assets” insulates the CFIUS process from protectionist manipulation. Carroll-Emory International Law Review-9 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167 COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY Conclusion Exon-Florio should be amended to more narrowly define national security. The AND by embracing globalization and cooperation can the United States truly achieve national security. And, oil and gas are the key energy issues for CFIUS. Ellis-Vinson and Elkins LLP-6/1/07 US energy and foreign direct investment: Is the foreign capital flow for oil and gas at risk? http://www.ogfj.com/articles/print/volume-4/issue-6/capital-perspectives/us-energy-and-foreign-direct-investment-is-the-foreign-capital-flow-for-oil-and-gas-at-risk.html Energy has traditionally been an area of some concern for CFIUS. In fact, AND were energy-related - a trend that has continued thus far in 2007 And, the US should clarify that energy production does not undermine national security-- explicitly exempting specific industries from CFIUS review is key. Pane 05 (Marc, studied ILaw at Fordham, worked for the Office of the Principal Defender for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, CNOOC’s Bid for UNOCAL: Now is the Time to Improve theExon-Florio Amendment, http://www.scribd.com/doc/61823408/CNOOC-s-Bid-for-UNOCAL-Now-is-the-Time-to-Improve-the-Exon-Florio-Amendment) What does this all mean for Exon-Florio? Almost since its enactment, AND from global energy markets might result in a greater risk of supply disruption). Clarification of CFIUS priorities should focus on specific industries to green-light. Xu et al 12 (Ting, with Thieß Petersen and Tianlong Wang, Cash in Hand: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. and Germany, June, http://www.bfna.org/sites/default/files/publications/Cash%20In%20Hand.pdf) CFIUS should develop and make public both a list of strategic industries and a set AND multilateral channels of engagement to make improvements and upgrades to the investment climate. |
| 10/27/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: (B.) That precludes rational debate --- Not addressing political xenophobia surrounding Chinese energy investment takes out alternative solvency. The Economist 2006 America's ports and Dubai; Trouble on the waterfront, http://www.economist.com/node/5551176 XENOPHOBIA seems to be creeping into American politics. Last year, Congress saw off AND to base policy on the prejudice that every Arab is a potential terrorist. (C.) Solves their link claims better --- The plan reduces government authority to conduct unnecessary and poorly designed risk analysis review of foreign energy investment. ---This is best--- (A.) Key to policy education --- Separating complexity analysis from material policy alternatives crushes political effectiveness. Roe 1999 Emery, Director of the Center for Sustainable Resource Development at UC Berkeley, Except Africa, pg 184-185 Second, the conjunction of politics and complexity places up-front the core dilemma AND part—it means avoiding precisely many advocates of the polarized power narrative. ---CFIUS restraints undermine rights creating a slippery slope that violates property rights. Pryce 2008 Hon. Deborah, chairwoman of the subcommittee on domestic and international monetary policy, trade, and technology, FOREIGN INVESTMENT, JOBS, AND NATIONAL SECURITY: THE CFIUS PROCESS, WE NEED TO REFORM THE CFIUS PROCESS, http://www.zopenewbies.net/we-need-to-reform.html As far as the CFIUS process is concerned, we should all be reminded that AND the American ideals we need to export to the rest of the world. ---You are ethically obligated to reject property rights violations. Holcberg 2005 David, “‘Public’ Use vs. Property Rights”, San Francisco Examiner, June 24, 2005, http://www.aynrand.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticleandid=11157 In another heavy blow to property rights, the Supreme Court has ruled against the AND closer to tyranny and away from the freedom America's founders intended to establish. (B.) Nobel prize winning studies confirm the possibility of economic prediction in the face of uncertainty and essentialist models. Caldwell 2004 Bruce, Ph.D., Hayek’s Challenge: an Intellectual Biography of F.A. Hayek University of Chicago Press p. 330 Experimental economists like Vernon Smith, the other Nobel Prize winner in 2002, who AND that allow (typically market-level) predictions to be made.9 (C.) Winning an epistemological challenge doesn’t disprove the affirmative --- Disproving the possibility of epistemic certainty also disproves the possibility of total epistemic uncertainty meaning even winning 100% of their argument only functions as partial case defense. Cowen 2004 Tyler, Department of Economics @ George Mason University, The Epistemic Problem Does Not Refute Consequentialism, http://www.gmu.edu/centers/publicchoice/faculty%20pages/Tyler/Epistemic2.pdf The epistemic critique relies heavily on a complete lack of information about initial circumstances. AND Roughness), but it would not refute the relevance of consequences more generally. ---Essentialist impact and internal link claims are good --- Individually empowering and self-correcting as debater skill level improves. Zwarensteyn 2012 Ellen C., Masters Candidate in Communications at Grand Valley State University, High School Policy Debate as an Enduring Pathway to Political Education: Evaluating Possibilities for Political Learning, Masters Theses. Paper 35, http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/theses/35 One frustration a few debaters expressed was the relatively reductionist style of argumentation early debaters AND there is to research the nuance, realities, and complexities of argumentation. |
| 10/28/2012 | Tournament: Harvard | Round: 6 | Opponent: | Judge: Conflict not inevitable – rational actors. Kissinger 2012 Henry, former secretary of state, The Future of U.S. - Chinese Relations, Foreign Affairs - March / April 2012, http://www.henryakissinger.com/articles/fa0412.html On the Chinese side, proclamations at the governmental and the informal level that China AND themselves, and the world, to make an effort to do so. China won’t overtake the US and even if they did there wouldn’t be war. Clemens 2012 Walter C. Clemens, Jr. is Professor of Political Science, Boston University, and Associate, Harvard University Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in US-China Relations, May 17, 2012, http://www.chinausfocus.com/foreign-policy/self-fulfilling-prophecies-in-us-china-relations/ Taking into account the many factors that shape the global balance of power, one AND carrier that can move but is still not yet equipped to land airplanes. China won’t challenge heg – historical lessons and demographics. Wenzhao 2011 Tao Wenzhao, October 19, a senior research fellow at the Tsinghua Center for U.S.-China Relations. He was Director of the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Chinese Perceptions of the United States: Impact on Policy, The United States and China: Mutual Public Perceptions, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/KICUS_Mut_Pub_Perc_WEB.pdf In spite of three decades of rapid economic growth, China is still at the AND countries, and will not constitute a military threat to other countries.8 Modernization doesn’t allow power projection – defensive deployment. Swaine 2011 Michael D., senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Enough Tough Talk on China, National Interest, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/enough-tough-talk-china-5934 In reality, there is little if any hard evidence to indicate that China’s strategic AND future strategic orientation is susceptible to outside influence, not fixed in stone. |