Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Third Way. The Future of Nuclear Energy: A White Paper. January 2011.
Both industry and government
that the U.S. once led.
Alpern 10
Peter Alpern (Associate Editor, covers technology), “Nuclear Revival Falls into a Lull” Industry Week, Oct. 11, 2010, ProQuest Research Library
Like many manufacturers that
be waiting a while longer.
Nuclear Energy Institute, “Policies That Support New Nuclear Power Plant Development” October 2009 http:~/~/
The financial markets are
can offset that risk.
Advantage 1: Global Warming
US is the number one emitter of greenhouse gasses per capita
Beattie 10 – Professor @ Manchester
Geoffrey Beattie, Professor of Psychological Sciences @ Manchester, “Why aren't we saving the planet?: a psychologist's perspective,” pg. 113-114
But of course, life is never
megatonnes and 11.0 tonnes per person).
Warming is real and anthropogenic-4 reasons
Prothero 12 (M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees in geological sciences from Columbia University, and a B.A. in geology and biology from the University of California, Riverside, Professor of Geology at Occidental College in Los Angeles, and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology, “How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused” Skeptic. Altadena: 2012. Vol. 17, Iss. 2; pg. 14, 10 pgs, proquest) HDG
How do we know that
river deltas) would be drowned.
EDF 11 (Environmental Defense Fund, leading national nonprofit organization representing more than 700,000 members. Citing Science and the IPCC, as well as other multinational climate organizations, “Scientific Consensus on the Basic Facts of Global Warming,” http:~/~/
The most respected scientific
working on solutions is now.
Hance 12
Jeremy Hance¶ 2,600 scientists: climate change killing the world's coral reefs¶ ¶ July 10, 2012¶
In an unprecedented show of concern,
climate change—but it is closing rapidly."
Gerhardt 11
Tina Gerhardt is an independent journalist. Her work has appeared in the Nation, the Wall Street Journal, and many other publications Our Oceans Are in Dire Shape, But Without Them All Life on Land -- Human, Plant and Animal -- Is Totally Screwed http:~/~/
Global warming has often been
would emit less greenhouse gas emissions.
Global Warming stops ocean currents, impact is extinction
Spencer 09
Ben Spencer ¶Reporter for the West Australian The Oceans of Life
Ever since the Earth was formed,
the ocean, there is no life.
Only nuclear power can meet demands and avoid global warming. New reactors solve safety.
Doron 12
ZVI J. (a retired nuclear engineer and a co-author of a book (in German) about energy and climate policies.), “Sunday Dialogue: Nuclear Energy, Pro and Con”, February 21, http:~/~/ Aff 7/5/12. JD.
On Feb. 9 the Nuclear Regulatory
exclude clean and safe nuclear energy.
Nuclear power solves, only takes 27 reactors to maintain growing demand, and the lifecycle is environmentally friendly.
Arm 10
“Nuclear Energy: A Vital Component of Our Energy Future” Stuart T. Arm EnergySolutions LLC 28 July 2010 CEP SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT: NUCLEAR ENERGY
Electrical energy generation in 2008
, baseload power source
Several studies show nuclear power’s emissions are equal if not lower than renewables, low-grade uranium use barely increases C02 emissions.
NEI 2012
(“Life-Cycle Emissions Analysis” / The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is the policy organization of the nuclear energy and technologies industry and participates in both the national and global policy-making process.)
Nuclear energy stations do
5.05 g/kWh to 6.85 g/kWh.
(“DECLINE or TRANSFORM Nuclear disarmament and security beyond the NPT review process”/ Dr Rebecca Johnson is director of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy and Vice Chair of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons/ http:~/~/
The 2010 Review
cut their stockpile numbers.
Kittrie 7
Orde F., Associate Professor of Law, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, AVERTING CATASTROPHE: WHY THE NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION TREATY IS LOSING ITS DETERRENCE CAPACITY AND HOW TO RESTORE IT, Winter 2007, 28 Mich. J. Int'l L. 337, lexis
The nuclear nonproliferation
. Humanity's future may depend on it.
Stares 7
(Paul B.-, V.P. for Conflict Analysis and Prevention @ the U.S. Institute of Peace, Jan. 30, New York Times, “To Ban the Bomb, Sign the Peace”,
OF all the crises facing the
leading to nuclear war.
NPT is key to the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions
Stanley and Kraig 3
Richard P. Stanley, Professor of Applied Mathematics @ MIT, and Michael Ryan Kraig, Director of Policy Analysis and Dialogue, The Stanley Foundation, The NPT: can this treaty be saved?, Sept/Oct 2003, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Sept-Oct 2003), Academic OneFile
Worse yet, if the NPT
, and American hostility.
Pearson 00
Graham, VisitingProfessor of International Security in the Department of Peace Studiesat the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom,The Protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention Is Within Reach, Arms Control Today, June 2000, http:~/~/
More to the point, a failure to
BWC to be effectively strengthened.
Ochs 2
Richard, June 9, pg. http:~/~/ Aff
Of all the weapons of mass
Ayson 5
Robert Ayson, Director of Studies, Graduate Studies in Strategy and Defence, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies Australian Journal of International Affairs Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 431 /437, December 2005 Selective non-proliferation or universal regimes?
If a new regime to
trying completely to fix (or replace) it.
John Gray. Associate at Perkins Coie. Choosing the nuclear option: the case for a strong regulatory response to encourage nuclear energy development. 41 Ariz. St. L.J. 315-348 (2009).
Connected to these other checks
increase in economic power.
Sagan 11
(Scott Sagan, Caroline S.G. Munro Professor of Political Science Co-Director, Center for International Security and Cooperation Stanford University Co-Chair, Global Nuclear Future Initiative American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 4/18/11, “The International Security Implications Of U.S. Domestic Nuclear Power Decisions” http:~/~/
There is a wide-spread
spend fuel for commercial purposes.21
Walsh 5
Jim, professor of security studies @ MIT, Learning from Past Success: The NPT and the Future of Non-proliferation, WMD Commission, .no. 41, October 2005,
It is certainly true that the chart
instead non-nuclear weapons states.
Walsh 5
Jim, professor of security studies @ MIT, Learning from Past Success: The NPT and the Future of Non-proliferation, WMD Commission, .no. 41, October 2005,
A second set of arguments
, the DPRK, and Libya will be discussed in a later section.)
Hanson 5
Marianne, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Queensland, ‘The future of the NPT,’ Australian Journal of International Affairs, Sept, pg. routledge
Additionally, it is by no means
and never used defies credibility.