Tournament: UMKC | Round: 6 | Opponent: JCCC CP | Judge: Coleman
IAEA working now
Dahl 12
(Fredrik, August 15, 2012, “U.N. atom agency sees "significant" nuclear safety progress” HDG
Important progress has been made towards strengthening global nuclear safety after Japan's Fukushima accident last
extreme natural hazards as well as steps to strengthen emergency preparedness and information.
SMRs destroys IAEA’s resources and effectiveness
Lyman 11
(Edwin, Senior Scientist, Global Security Program Union of Concerned Scientists, June 7, 2011, Testimony on S. 512, “The Nuclear Power 2021 Act” and S. 1067, “The Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Improvement Act of 2011” Before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources U.S. Senate, HDG
The distributed deployment of small reactors would put great strains on licensing and inspection resources
networks of SMRs around the world would be difficult, if even feasible.
Resources key to prevent nuclear terrorism and reactor explosions
Zedillo 8
(Ernesto. Director of the Yale Center for the study of globalization. 9/4/8.
G8 leaders meeting in Japan during the second week of July noted that a growing
and security - are funded largely on an unpredictable and unstable voluntary basis.
Reactor explosion causes extinction
Hyder, PhD in Astrogeophysics, in 98
Hyder 98 (Human Extinction on this Chernobyl-Contaminated Planet by Charles L. Hyder Dr. Charles L. Hyder, author of Human Survival on a Plutonium-Contaminated Planet, Charles Hyder received B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from the University of New Mexico (1958,1960), and a Ph.D. in Astrogeo- physics from the University of Colorado (1964). He published more than twenty solar and comet papers. He worked for NASA, UCLA, UNM, and the Southwest Research and Information Center.
It is clear, however, from Figures H, 8 and 9 that the
2015 AD would remove all doubt about Human Extinction on a global scale.
Nuclear Terror leads to extinction
Morgan, 9
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin Campus - South Korea (Dennis, Futures, November, “World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race,” Science Direct)
In a remarkable website on nuclear war, Carol Moore asks the question ‘‘Is
, to a life of unimaginable misery and suffering in a nuclear winter.