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?-! Neg

Last modified by Tyler Kowalewski on 2012/10/24 16:02

T - In the U.S.

a. Interpretation and violation– “In” means inclusion within - “energy production” must occur within the United States
Random House 12 (Unabridged Dictionary, “in”, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/in?s=t)

in   [in]  Show IPA preposition,
spoken in French.

That’s the USA
Encarta 7 (Dictionary Online, “United States”,  http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=1861708119)

U•nit•ed States [ y ntəd stáyts ] country in central North America, consisting of 50 states.

b. violation – the plan occurs in space
Reasons to prefer

Limits - they explode the topic, allowing energy production anywhere in the world - makes international Affs with unique, unpredictable advantages topical, making research impossible

Ground - best links to spending, politics assume the United States

. Voter for fairness and education 

Rails Disad

Rail industry is on the brink – squo coal freight is barely sufficient to keep them alive
Trefis Team 7/12/12
(an industry analysis team with MIT engineers and Wall Street analysts, “CSX Chugs To $25 Despite King Coal's Weakness,” http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2012/07/12/csx-chugs-to-25-despite-king-coals-weakness/)

The liquidity of the
plans through loans at cheaper interest rates.

Sharp decline in coal traffic is the most probable scenario for freight rail collapse
Eaken et al. ‘11
B. Kelly Eakin is senior vice president at Christensen Associates, where ¶ A . Thomas Bozzo, Ma r k E. Me i t z en, and Phi l i p E. Sc hoe c h are ¶ vice presidents.Railroad Performance Under the Staggers Act Deregulation revived the rail freight industry, with most of the gains going to shippers. Regulation | Winter 2010–2011, http://www.cato.org/pubs/regulation/regv33n4/regv33n4-6.pdf

But the challenges facing the railroad
financial condition of the railroads.

US rail industry collapse kills the chemical industry
Spraggins 9
(H. Barry Spraggins, U Nevada Reno, 2009, "The case for rail transportation of hazardous materials," Journal of Management and Marketing Research, http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/09224.pdf)

Twenty percent of the
, the focus should be on the safest method of shipping, rail. 

Chemical industry key to prevent bioterrorism
National Academy of Sciences 3
(“Beyond the Molecular Frontier: Challenges for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,” Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology pp. 175, http://darwin.nap.edu/books/0309084776/html/171.html)
To guard against biological
techniques must be developed. 

Stienbrener 97
(John D. Steinbruner senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and holder of the Sydney Stein, Jr. Chair in International Security. His work has focused on issues of international security policy and related problems of international policies. Foreign Policy, Winter 1997 n109 p85(12) “Biological weapons: a plague upon all houses.”)

Although human pathogens
potential for a global contagion of this sort but not necessarily its outer limit.

Back-Stopping Disad

Oil prices will stabilize now unless OPEC floods the market
Gronholt-Pedersen 6/22/12 (Joseph, the Economist, “Oil Market Well Balanced; OPEC to Determine Short-Term Outlook -BP Economist” http://investing.businessweek.com/research/markets/news/article.asp?docKey=600-201206220519DOWJONESENRGYSVC000603-1&params=timestamp%7C%7C06/22/2012%205:19%20AM%20ET%7C%7Cheadline%7C%7COil%20Market%20Well%20Balanced%3B%20OPEC%20to%20Determine%20Short-Term%20Outlook%20-BP%20Economist%7C%7CdocSource%7C%7CDow%20Jones%20and%20Company%2C%20Inc.%7C%7Cprovider%7C%7CACQUIREMEDIA )
SINGAPOREThe global oil market
 they can do that for a while," he said.

The plan reduces US consumption - That causes Saudi Arabia to flood the oil market and collapse prices– tanks other producers.
ERGO 2/1/12 [Provides a wide range of research and consulting services focused on oil and gas, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, citing eight sources from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, OPEC, and Middle East politics, ‘The Waning Era of Saudi Oil Dominance,’ http://www.ergo.net/ErgoSpecialReport_Saudi_Oil_Feb2012.pdf, ]

Saudi Arabia’s importance to global
 had sought high oil prices. 

Alternative energy signals cause OPEC to flood
Goodstein ‘07 – PhD, professor of physics and applied physics at Caltech (David L, “OPEC Accepts No Substitute” Nature Physics vol. 3, November 2007, p.750)

At the time of the invasion of Iraq,
that runs our civilization.

That crushes the Russian support for the regime
KRAMER 12 – New York Times writer and editor (ANDREW E. “Higher Oil Prices to Pay for Campaign Promises” New York Times March 16, 2012 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/17/business/global/vladimir-putins-big-promises-need-fueling-by-high-oil-prices.html?_r=2?pagewanted=print Putin Needs)
MOSCOW — In American presidential politics,
was never part of Mr. Putin’s stump speech.

FILGER 2009 (Sheldon, author and blogger for the Huffington Post, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction” http://www.globaleconomiccrisis.com/blog/archives/356)
In Russia historically, economic health
 Economic Crisis is its least dangerous consequence.

Elections Disad

Obama is winning the swing states now, but the polls are getting closer
Nate Silver 10/19/12
(elections badass, “Oct. 18: Obama Gains in Forecast on Resiliency in Swing State Polls,” http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/19/oct-18-obama-gains-in-forecast-on-resiliency-in-swing-state-polls/)

On Thursday, that story was
to his numbers before the debate.
Public support for Federal solar funding has disappeared, especially amongst Independents
Pew Research Center, 11
(November 10, “Partisan Divide Over Alternative Energy Widens,” http://www.people-press.org/2011/11/10/partisan-divide-over-alternative-energy-widens/1/, d/a 8-4-12)
Public support for increased
Republican-leaning independents.

Renewables are assessed in the context of high gas prices and spending – Obama can only lose on energy because the public believes he is in control*
Robert Zharko, March 17, 2012, “Are Gas Prices Becoming President Obama's Achilles’ Heel?” http://voices.yahoo.com/are-gas-prices-becoming-president-obamas-achilles-11114118.html

"Every time prices start to go up,
or wind. At least not in 2012. 

The impact is Russia – Romney prompts tilt – Obama is key to resilient cooperation.
The Economist, 9-1-2012, Romney Could Screw Up US Relations with Russia, Business Insider, p. www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romneys-foreign-policy-chops-come-into-light-2012-9, accessed 9-2-2012
Mitt Romney, the Republican
as targeted by malevolent, interfering Western powers.

Extinction is inevitable without relations – top foreign political priority  
Jeffrey Tayler, 2008 (Atlantic staff writer, “Medvedev Spoils the Party,”
Like it or not, the United States
 a volatile future arm in arm. 

Silver Disad

Silver supply is on the tight and on the brink of collapse but it will narrowly survive current crisis – new mining opportunities.
Angelo 7/30/12 (http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article35827.html Why Is Future Silver Supply More at Risk than Gold? Commodities / Gold and Silver 2012 Jul 30, 2012 - 12:34 PM By: Steve_St_Angelo)
Future Silver Supplies Are
 basically, they utilize a higher EROI in their production. 

Solar panels use massive amounts of silver
Savinar ‘04
Matt Savinar (Political Science from the University of California at Davis) 2004 "The Peak Oil and Die-Off," http://www.unicamp.br/fea/ortega/eco/traducao-DieOff.pdf
The geographic areas most suited for
metal already in short supply. 

Low silver prices are key to china’s economy
Irish ‘10
Robert Irish <Investment Director Sound Profits>January 2010. “American Company Discovers Massive
‘Silver Vein’… Below China’s Great Wall” http://www.investorsdailyedge.com/promos/SilverMISML200.html?o=64045&s=65613&u=37047487&l=84547&g=189&r=Milo
China's simply gobbling up metals
And it's headed higher.

Chinese economic unrest risks war with russia and nuclear winter
Sharavin 1
Alexander Sharavin, “The Third Threat,” Nezavisimoe Voennoe Obozrenie N. 27, September 28, 2001, WHAT THE PAPERS SAY (RUSSIA), October 1, 2001, LN.
Chinese propaganda has constantly
it is a realistic prospect - just like a war against NATO or Islamic extremists

Silver Pic

Text: The United States federal government should procure vehicle integrated solar using cadmium-telluride cells modeled after those used by First Solar Inc. on federal vehicle purchases in the United States.

Solar panels can be made without silver by replacing traditional cells with cadmium telluride – First Solar proves
Goossens 11
(Ehren, writer for Bloomberg News) Bloomberg News. “Silver surge makes headwind for solar/fossil fuel rivalry.” 23 June 2011. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-22/silver-surge-makes-headwind-for-solar-in-fossil-fuel-rivalry.html

High silver prices may
do not use any silver.

And, cadmium telluride works even better than traditional panels
Mcandless and Sites 2003
(Cadmium Telluride Solar Cells Brian E. McCandless and James R. Sites University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, spring 2003 https://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~yokochia/wiki/uploads/Documents/ch14%20CdTe.pdf)

Thin-film cadmium telluride (
 cells and modules.

Cap K

Nuclear power will never be safe in a capitalistic society- it will co-opt the plan and lead to the replication of the horrors of Japan’s nuclear disaster
Williams 12 (Chris, July 28, Williams is author of Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis, reports on an independent investigation into Japan’s nuclear nightmare. “NUCLEAR ENERGY: Capitalism’s Disastrous Priority”, http://www.dianuke.org/nuclear-energy-capitalisms-disastrous-priority/)

Ultimately, we get to the heart of the matter:
to generating electricity than operating nuclear power stations?

Capitalism results in extinction—ecological destruction and unending warfare
International Review 1989 (The decomposition of capitalist society, 57:2 http://en.internationalism.org/node/3070)
Similarly, all the disasters that the ecologists
this bloody monster that is decadent capitalism.

Our alternative-Vote Neg- We must abandon capital in the everyday-this is the only strategy for breaking free
Herod  04, James Herod author of several books on capitalism and social activist since 1968 Getting Free 2004 http://site.www.umb.edu/faculty/salzman_g/Strate/GetFre/06.htm
It is time to try to describe,
self-determine the shape of their social world. 

Created by Tyler Kowalewski on 2012/10/24 15:41

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