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Tech innovation organizes a flooded economy of speed that becomes instable and likens and inevitable financial collapse—Goldman et. Al No Date
Robert Goldman, Stephen Papson, and Noah Kersey—Ph.D. Economics UTA, Landscapes of the Social Relations of Production in a Networked Society, Fast Capitalism, KR
The formula for success is knowledge, power, mobility, and determination... The landscape of risk is omnipresent.
And, our worship of that acceleration makes a catastrophic accident inevitable—the politics of speed turns the case and guarantees war and extinction—Sykes 9
Jason Sykes, Economics—UNT, “Paul Virilio’s critique of speed, technology, and institutions,” April 19, 2009, Lexis KR
In Virlio’s view, the war machine is the demiurge of technological development... Our escape lies in slowing down. “We must politicize speed. (Virilio, 1983, pg. 35)”
The alternative is to brake—academic discussions must slow down and critically investigate the politics of speed before we come to a decision. Your responsibility as an intellectual and the roll of the ballot is to vote negative to foster engagement that doesn’t rush engagement—Glezos 9
Simon Glezos is a Ph.D. in political theory and international relations from Johns Hopkins University, now works in the department of political science at University of Regina“The politics of speed: Capitalism, the state and war in an accelerating world” dissertation pg. 93-94, 2009 KR
The goal then is thus to politicize the military, to politicize war... war and the (Globalitarian) state