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09/23/2012 | Consumption 1NCTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Increase Production necessitates a demand for increased consumption. Focusing the debate on changing energy imputs without questioning societies relationship with consumption ensures continued ecological damage.Ruggero in 2009
Indeed, this prevailing ‘flavor’ of green education is crucial AND These public programs reinforce, rather than oppose, the reigning energy regime.
Shifts in Production of energy without questioning consumption ensure further environmental damage. It leads to system of collective denial and cognitive dissonance as the loss of vital ecosystems accelerate around the worldRees, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, 10 (William, “Whats blocking sustainability? Human nature, cognition, and denial”, Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy 6(2):13-25,, accessed 7/11/12)
Just what is going on here? Humans are the self-proclaimed “best evidence for intelligent life on Earth.” AND Meanwhile, the loss of ecosystem integrity accelerates around the world.
This debate is a question of what you choose to value when faced with the mutually exclusive options of increased production or decreased individual consumption. It is an ethical question that precedes all utilitarian calculations.
Oliver 2010 [Kelly Oliver, prof phil at Vanderbilt U, “Animal Ethics: Towards an Ethics of Responsivenss” Research in Phenomenology 40: 267-280] Oliver 6
In this era of global warming, species extinction and shrinking biodiversity, AND but, rather, how to share resources and life together on this collective planet.
The alternative is to reject the affirmative proposal of increased production in favor of prioritizing a reduction of individual consumption and ecological destruction. This is the only approach that will challenge our denial of individual guilt and responsibility.
Princen, University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment, 01 (Thomas, “Consumption and its Externalities: Where Economy Meets Ecology”, Global Environmental Politics 1:3, August, EBSCO, p.27)
In short, the consumption angle is a means AND commerce and the black box of consumer sovereignty. | |
10/05/2012 | Elections 1NCTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Best evidence shows obama winning tight race now
Carnia 9/20 (Catalina, Staff Writer at USA Today, “ 8 of 13 forecasts say Obama wins popular vote,” http:~/~/, 9/20/12)
What happens when 20 eminent political scientists crunch
AND a president's term and the number of Americans who died in combat.
Nuclear power is unpopular with the public – fear of accidentsBrian Palmer is a freelance writer based in New York and a regular columnist for the Health and Science section's How and Why column. Miniature nuclear reactors might be a safe, efficient source of power, Washington Post. September 14, 2010
Not long ago, siting a nuclear AND
another accident could be even more disastrous.
Energy key to electionsThomas 03/21/12 Ken Thomas White House reporter with The Associated Press, covering Obama 2012. “Obama Energy Policy: President, GOP Plunge Into Politics Of Gas Prices” http:~/~/
Well aware of Republicans' criticism, Obama's AND and they're determined that that will be Obama.
Romney will strike Iran – he’ll be hawkish
Daily Kos 12 Daily Kos; “President Obama versus Romney on Iran”; 4/16/2012; http:~/~/
Approach to foreign policy: Romney says he will “not apologize
in 1979 and bottomed out at just 19 percent in May 1986 after the Chernobyl crisis (which began 25 years ago next week).
Intervention in Iran goes nuclear
Reuters 12 “Russia says action on Syria, Iran may go nuclear” May 17, 2012 http:~/~/
Hasty military operations in foreign states usually bring radicals to power
AND regional nuclear powers such as Israel, Pakistan and India could get involved into a conflict. | |
10/05/2012 | Free Market CP 1NCTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NCThe United States Congress should eliminate all subsidies for the following: Coal, Natural Gas, Oil, Nuclear Power, Solar Power, Wind PowerThe private sector can implement the necessary research to solve – federal intervention distorts the marketplace and drives up costsChris Edwards, senior economist on the congressional Joint Economic Committee, a manager with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and an economist with the Tax Foundation., February 2009, “Energy Subsidies,” ( accessed 9/5/2012)
The energy industry has been heavily regulated and subsidized by the federal government AND they aim at objectives that make little economic sense, as the following case studies illustrate. | |
10/05/2012 | China DA 1NCTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC ShellUS China tensions high now – working towards co-operation but china is wears of US attempts to undermine productivityBrian Spegele and Monica Langley, The Wall Street Journal, 9/5/12, “U.S. and China Yield Little Ground in Talks: No Progress Seen on Territorial Spats, Syria; Back Problem Blamed as Xi, Seen as Next President, Skips Clinton Meeting,”
BEIJING—China and the U.S. made little visible progress in
some of its neighbors. Mrs. Clinton on Wednesday again insisted U.S. moves in the region weren't targeting China.
China is strategically posturing now with mercantilism and weapons designs – China perceives prominence as zero-sumKenneth Lieberthal,Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy and in Global Economy and Development and is Director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution, Wang Jisi, Director of the Center for International and Strategic Studies and Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University, 2012, “Addressing U.S.-China Strategic Distrust,”
Given the U.S. view that Asia is the most important region in the world for
in Beijing regarding the U.S. and also increased Chinese espionage efforts in the United States.
Subsidies are unecessary and place tension on US/China trade relations – eliminating government intervention solves relations and energy securityTimothy P. Carney, Senior political columnist, The Examiner, “Green-energy subsidies spark trade war,” 20 August 2012, (http:~/~/ accessed
When President Obama attacks oil and gas subsidies he almost always includes an interesting modifier.
allowing markets to determine which energy sources are used, would save $37 billion. That’s an energy plan that makes sense.
Trade war kills global economyMINT '11. "Fear of Trade War" Oct. 18, 2011. p. lexis
And no prizes for guessing which country will be the
trade war between the two most important economies in the world is a cause for worry.
US China trade war escalates - extinctionLiu '05. "Trade Wars can lead to shooting Wars" by Henry C K Liu-Chairman of a New York based private investment group. Aug. 20, 2005. Asia Times. http:~/~/
US geopolitical hostility toward China will manifest itself first in trade friction
AND to be fought over by killing consumers in a world plagued with overcapacity. | |
10/05/2012 | AT SMR AffsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Licensing process blocks SMR’s.Jack Spencer is Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, and Nicolas D. Loris is a Research Associate in the Roe Institute, at The Heritage Foundation. A Big Future for Small Nuclear Reactors?, Heritage Foundation. February 2, 2011
While some designs are closer to market introduction than others, the fact is that America’s regulatory and policy
they could contribute greatly to an economically efficient and sustainable nuclear waste management strategy.
Without effective waste policies States will prevent nuclear powerJack Spencer is Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Competitive Nuclear Energy Investment: Avoiding Past Policy Mistakes, Heritage Foundation. November 15, 2007
Today, many states exercise significant authority over the location and construction of nuclear reactors
AND Public commissions and referenda can impose additional restrictions.
Regulatory uncertainty kills investmentJack Spencer is Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, and Nicolas D. Loris is a Research Associate in the Roe Institute, at The Heritage Foundation. A Big Future for Small Nuclear Reactors?, Heritage Foundation. February 2, 2011
Establish a new licensing pathway. The current licensing pathway relies on reactor
on which commercialization ultimately depends.14
Waste confidence rule issues blocks new licensureCornelius Milmoe is a lawyer and nuclear energy expert who has worked in the government and private sector. AND Jack Spencer is Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Obama Administration: No Confidence in Nuclear Energy, Heritage Foundation. March 5, 2012
Fortunately, there is a way forward. The courts first required the NRC to make a
waste confidence rule to block new reactors.
SMR too expensiveJack Spencer is Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Competitive Nuclear Energy Investment: Avoiding Past Policy Mistakes, Heritage Foundation. November 15, 2007
The public-private relationship worked until nuclear power began to fall out of favor with public
conduct a review using NRC guidance.12 Yet the commission continued to issue regulation after regulation.
Strong NRC quadruples cost of nuclearBernard L. Cohen, Professor Emeritus of Physics University of Pittsburgh. THE NUCLEAR ENERGY OPTION. September 30, 2004
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and its predecessor, the Atomic Energy Commission Office of Regulation
thereby caused no new plants to be ordered and dozens of partially constructed plants to be abandoned. Plan can’t solve state regulationsJack Spencer is Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Competitive Nuclear Energy Investment: Avoiding Past Policy Mistakes, Heritage Foundation. November 15, 2007
At the same time, state and local governments expanded their oversight functions.
imposed additional costs and opened additional avenues for anti-nuclear activists to exploit.
No quick deployment of nuclear reactors – no infrastructureOR Investors won’t invest in nuclear power because of limited fuel resourcesDavid Biello. Is Reprocessing the Answer to Eliminating Fissile Materials from Bombs and Nuclear Waste?, Scientific American. April 15, 2010.
Reprocessing may reduce the demand for fresh uranium fuel. Although various estimates
lifetime with only 100 years of supply? I wouldn't if I was an investor."
Nuclear power not possible, not enough workersAMORY B. LOVINS AND IMRAN SHEIKH. The Nuclear Illusion, Rocky Mountain Institute. May 27, 2008
Nuclear workers are becoming scarce too. Forty percent of those at U.S. plants
safely running old plants will be hard enough without staffing new ones.
No nuclear power-- the parts are too hard to acquireInternational Trade Administration, The Commercial Outlook for U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors. February 2011 http:~/~/
One obstacle is diminished manufacturing capacity. U.S. nuclear competitiveness is hampered
market, while U.S. manufacturers face a significant trade barrier in key foreign markets.
Length of time for licensure ensures companies will abandon the processRod Adams, Pro-nuclear advocate with small nuclear plant operating and design experience. Former submarine Engineer Officer. Founder, Adams Atomic Engines, Inc. Is the NRC the “gold standard” of nuclear regulation or the “DMV standard”?, Atomic Insights. October 15, 2011
Though the allusion may be lost on Atomic Insights readers who do not live in the United States,
and both are well-supported governments and fossil fuel suppliers. | |
10/05/2012 | AT Prolif AdvTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Prolif will be slow – countries don’t have a pressing need for nukes
Waltz 2000 Kenneth, Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, vI nl, Winter/Spring, accessed 8/11/02cn
It is now estimated that about twenty-five countries are in a position to make
AND of the past to be the same as the pattern in the future, in which one or two states per decade gradually develop nuclear weapons.
Demand-side pressures ensure prolif is slow-nuclearization is not appealing for most states
Erik Gartzke and Dong-Joon Jo April 2009 (Bargaining, Nuclear Proliferation, and Interstate Disputes, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 53 Issue 2, pp 209-233)
If proliferation is a collective action problem, however, many more states should have proliferated
AND enough to believe that major change is possible and beneficial, nuclear weapons are not a practical option.
History is on our side – nuclear states don’t go to war with each other and prolif deescalates former tensions
Mueller 98 John, Professor of Political Science at the UNC-Chapel Hill, "The Escalating Irrelevance of Nuclear Weapons," The Absolute Weapon Revisited, ed. Paul, Harknett, and Wirtz, p. 83cn
Therefore, although there may be some imaginable circumstances under which nuclear
AND a nuclear attack on an enemy city could appeal to an appropriately fanatical leader as the ultimate in ethnic cleansing.
1) Chemical/Biological WeaponsRegional nuclear proliferation prevents CBW warfareDr. Keith B. Payne, President, National Institute for Public Policy Faculty, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service National Security Studies Program, April 1998 “Why We Must Sustain Nuclear Deterrence,” http:~/~/
A single illustration of the lethality of biological weapons will clarify why
AND as CBW proliferates our nuclear capabilities become more, not less important for regional deterrence.
Biological weapons cause mutated and uncontrolled pathogens, culminating in extinctionJohn Steinbruner, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, chair of the committee on international security and arms control of the National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Policy, December 22, 1997
That deceptively simple observation has immense implications. The use of a manufactured weapon is a singular event.
AND The 1918 influenza epidemic demonstrated the potential for a global contagion of this sort but not necessarily its outer limit. 2) Extended DeterenceAmerican extended deterrence is not credible – Cold War illustrated the difficulty of guaranteeing security to a country or area not intrinsic to U.S. security***Christopher Layne (Associate Professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas AandM University) 2006 “The Peace of Illusions” p 165-7
During the cold war, the United States sought to deter a Soviet strategic nuclear attack on Western Europe by extending its strategic nuclear umbrella to cover its NATO allies
AND rise to the same level of grand strategic importance for the United States as Western Europe purportedly did during the cold war.
Extended deterrence increases the chance of American involvement in nuclear war.Ted Galen Carpenter (director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute) 11/24/1993 "Staying Out of Potential Nuclear Crossfires" http:~/~/
One of the most important challenges facing U.S. leaders in the post-Cold
the United States should distance itself from regional disputes that could go nuclear.
3) Social Spending
Prolif massively curtails military spendingGoldstein 2000 Avery, Department of Political Science University of Pennsylvania, Deterrence and Security in the 21 51 Century, p. 289
The presence of nuclear weapons may, however, do more than just reduce the likelihood of war.
for the adversary and oblige him to confront the unacceptable risk of unpredictable escalation.
Military spending creates cycles of poverty, crushes economic growth, and makes conflict more likelyDesai 2000 Nitin, undersecretary-general for economic and social affairs at the UN, and Jayantha Dhanapala, undersecretary-general for disarmament affairs at the UN, International Herald Tribune, December 22
At the United Nations' Millennium Summit in September, world leaders pledged to
AND engender suspicion, encouraging higher spending in other countries and creating conditions ripe for conflict. | |
10/05/2012 | T - IncentivesTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Research grants are NOT “Incentives”.Russell Hasan, ‘08. President of Alternative Energy News Source Company, “Introduction to Alternative Energy,” p. o/l: Several factors will also make the American government support the development AND to make alternatives more competitive through government incentives, and more are sure to come. | |
10/05/2012 | AT Nuclear LeadershipTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The U.S. would not respond with nukes – just on the table for deterrence.Markoff and Shanker ‘9 John Markoff and Tom Shanker. “Panel Advises Clarifying U.S. Plans on Cyberwar”. April 30, 2009. The New York Times. http:~/~/
The authors point to a 2004 Pentagon statement on military doctrine
cyberattack would be expected to serve the same purpose.
No attribution capabilities – means won’t respond with nukes.Charney ‘9 Scott Charney, Corporate Vice President Trustworthy Computing Group Microsoft Corporation. “Rethinking the Cyber Threat”. 2009. Online.
The starting point for any new strategy must focus on attribution because,
confusion over whether this incident consisted of one attack or two, and have referenced the existence of a Vietnamese Botnet.4
We wouldn’t respond with nukes – conventional deterrent resolves that.Benen ‘10 Steve Benen. Political Animal. Washington Monthly. April 9, 2010. http:~/~/
To be sure, attacks on a country's computer networks can be severely damaging.
mean we'd let a cyber attack slide; it doesn't mean our conventional weapons couldn't serve as a sufficient deterrent.
No cyberwar impact.Tanji, ‘9 Michael, Threats Watch, 12-7, “"Digital Pearl Harbor?" How About the War We're Actually In?” http:~/~/ There is no such thing as an Electronic Pearl Harbor. On a fundamental level, AND ; unless of course we're the sort that just rolls over when our nose is bloodied.
US dominance end inevitable- GDP declineHaass 5-6-2008 President of the Council on Foreign Relations
In this world, the United States is and will long remain the largest AND growing at more than two or three times the rate of the United States.
Heg Decline Inevitable – China, India, globalizationDREZNER 3 – 4 - 2008 Associate Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and the author of "All Politics Is Global." Foreign Affairs http:~/~/ KW
Throughout the twentieth century, the list of the world's great powers was predictably short: the United States, the Soviet Union, Japan, and northwestern Europe and , the future of these international regimes will be uncomfortably uncertain. US Influence decline unavoidable- China, Russia greater responseHaass 5-6-2008 President of the Council on Foreign Relations
Power and influence are less and less linked in an era of nonpolarity
AND demonstrated an ability to resist U.S. entreaties, as have Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
The status quo is transitioning to offshore balancing which solves terrorism and smoothes the transitionLayne 12 (Christopher Layne, PhD in political science from the University of California at Berkeley, JD from the University of Southern California Law Center, LLM in international law from the University of Virginia Law School, Mary Julia and George R Jordan professor of international affairs at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas AandM University, research fellow with the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, former associate professor of international studies at the University of Miami, former fellow in the Center for Social Theory and Comparative History at the University of California Los Angeles, former fellow at the CATO Institute, former fellow at the Center for International Studies at the University of Southern California, former MacArthur Foundation fellow in global security, former visiting professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, former research fellow at the Center for Science and International Affairs in the Kennedy School at Harvard University, former member of the professional staff at the Arroyo Center at the California Institute of Technology, former foreign policy analyst for NATO, 1-27-12, “The (Almost) Triumph of Offshore Balancing,” http:~/~/ GZ
Although cloaked in the reassuring boilerplate about American military preeminence and global leadership AND The central strategic preoccupation of the United States during the next two decades will be its own decline and China’s rise. Hegemony is irrelevant – states will remain peaceful even with power shiftsFettweis, 6—political science professor @ Tulane Christopher, National Security Decision Making Department, US Naval War College, 'A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?,' International Studies Review, 8 (4), 677-697, pg. Blackwell
Theories about the mechanisms driving and inhibiting alliance formation would have far less explanatory power in a world AND . Only when early humans were assured of their basic survival were they able to devote time to other, perhaps higher pursuits.
Offshore balancing is not the same as hegemony—regional powers would provide for defenseCHRISTOPHER LAYNE. America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balancing has arrived, Review of International Studies. 2009
Offshore balancing is based on the assumption that the most vital US interests are preventing the emergence of
disastrous policies in Iraq and the Middle East are a much needed reminder that this is a test Wilsonianism too often fails.
Offshore balancing would have regional hegemons ensure stability in regionsChristopher Layne, associate professor in the School of International Studies at the University of Miami. Offshore Balancing RevisitedThe Washington Quarterly • 25:2 Spring 2002
Like primacy, offshore balancing is a strategy firmly rooted in the Realist tradition. Primacy
(and contiguous ones), rather than looking to the United States to do it for them.
Offshore balancing prevents wars and counterbalancing because of non interferenceChristopher Layne, associate professor in the School of International Studies at the University of Miami. Offshore Balancing RevisitedThe Washington Quarterly • 25:2 Spring 2002
Second, although a competitive component to U.S. relations with the other great powers in a
restraint that would allow the United States to minimize the risks of open confrontation with the new great powers.
Hegemony necessitates using India to balance ChinaWard 3-23-2012 (Alex is Interim Assistant to the Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg Chair at Council on Foreign Relations, “Is the USA Still the Indispensible Power in East Asia?” http:~/~/ BW
As a response to the spectre of a Chinese regional order, Washington has reiterated its
as the region’s decisive strategic player, in an “asymmetrically multipolar Asian security order” (Twining, 2007: 91).
That risks nuclear conflict and Asian proliferationSullivan and Maza 9-27-2010 (Mr. Sullivan is research fellow and program manager at the American Enterprise Institute's Center for Defense Studies. Mr. Mazza is a senior research associate at AEI. “The Next Nuclear Arms Race” http:~/~/ BW
India and Pakistan are the two countries most likely to engage in nuclear war, or so goes the common wisdom.
AND vulnerable overseas trade—that creates the conditions for heightened insecurity. | |
10/05/2012 | 1NC v OU BLTournament: UMKC | Round: Round 5 | Opponent: | Judge: The condemnation of structures of oppression without recognizing the importance of forgiveness creates a dualism between oppressors and victims that prevents the recognition of our common humanity and stops human liberation.Sulak Sivaraksa,granted the Right Livelihood Award, also known as Alternative Nobel Prize. co-founded the Asian Cultural Forum on Development and the International Network of Engaged Buddhists. Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World. 2005 p. 31-32
The issue of collective guilt has received much attention since AND understand our relationship to others and transcend our pride and delusion.
The recognition of social position within overarching social structures necessarily requires an ego “I” self to declare it's location and this self prevents truthful communication that is key to sustain good relationships with others and our authentic selves.SURYA DAS, LAMA. "Right Speech: Speaking the Truth." ENotAlone. 2008. 20 Oct. 2008 http:~/~/
In the context of Dharma, speech is a particularly compelling I AND
and ask ourselves if we are moving in the direction of more honesty, or not.
The affirmatives emphasis on freedom as an ultimate and goal worthy of pursuit can not last—as soon as someone gains freedom they look to give it awayDavid Loy, Professor in the Faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University, Japan. A Buddhist History of the West; Studies in Lack. 2002 p.20-29
that grounds me in the cosmos, I shall try to ground myself in more individualistic, selfish ways.
Buddhism prioritizes a liberatory orientation to our inevitable suffering instead of social engineering which fails to create effective changeKen Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41
1n 1859, in the Preface to his Critique of Political Economy, Karl Man; pronounced that
Buddhism needs sociology, and sociology Buddhism, in order to make this translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative. The sense of Ego “I” Self is at the center of all hierarchal structures are created.David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 195-196
These essays address a wide range of social issues, but when we penetrate t
secure ourselves by achieving total control over our home and mother, the biosphere.’
The alternative is to engage in the act of staring into one anothers eyes
Staring into each others eyes will transcend the self by recognizing a common humanity that resolves hierarchiesDeena Metzger, author of What Dinah Thought, Looking for the Faces of God, Tree and The Woman Who Slept With Men to Take the War Out of Them. Dharma Gaia. Edited by Alan Hunt Badiner. 1990 p. 209-210
A fundamental question of our time is whether we can
your existence in ways that you have never experienced before.
The meditation of the alternative transcends the self which allows to cope with the suffering of racism –Robin Hart, corporate attorney and has a MA in theology. . Not Turning Away; The Practice of Engaged Buddhism edited by Susan Moon. 2004 p. 38- 45
I need to find a way to deal with my anger at racism before
AND , I see the worth of Buddhist practice, of being aware of my body, my breath, and my pain. This is where I start
The alternative creates universal friendship in which we recognize all beings as equal instead of prioritizing only ourselves and those similar to us.Hayes, Richard. "Buddhist Views on Overcoming Obstacles to Universal Friendship" 2003. University of New Mexico. 8 Oct. 2008 http:~/~/
One of the principal themes of the Conference on Actualizing
AND people from a different people or a foreign nation
The Alternative’s contemplation about impermanence will allow us to die happyThubten Chodron, studied and practiced Buddhism in India and Nepal since 1975and resident teacher at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle. Buddhism for Beginners 2001 p. 40-1
Contemplating impermanence and death also
AND is important while we are alive and will avoid such regrets at the time of death.
The suffering the aff aims to solve might seem nice, but its simply a stop gap solution- the root of suffering lies in the mind and the aff can’t liberate us from that suffering—prefer the alternatives way to alleviate sufferingThubten Chodron, studied and practiced Buddhism in India and Nepal since 1975and resident teacher at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle. Buddhism for Beginners 2001 p 104
In addition, we must remember that difficulties and
AND our spiritual practice, knowing that it will ultimately lead to the cessation of our own and others' suffering | |
10/21/2012 | Buddhism 1NC v Nuclear MappingTournament: ESU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Emporia | Judge: Bonitto Speaking from a social location is a creation of the ego “I” self
SURYA DAS, LAMA. "Right Speech: Speaking the Truth." ENotAlone. 2008. 20 Oct. 2008 http:~/~/
In the context of Dharma, speech
AND need to stop and ask ourselves if we are moving in the direction of more honesty, or not.
The Impact is human liberation which is the ability to accept the inevitability of our suffering which allows us to experience a life without fear of loss, suffering, or death.
Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41
1n 1859, in the Preface to his Critique of Political Economy AND
needs sociology, and sociology Buddhism, in order to make this translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative. The sense of Ego “I” Self is at the center of all hierarchies of dominance and oppression that are created
David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 195-196
These essays address a wide range of social issues, AND
over our home and mother, the biosphere.’
We propose the following alternative : Mindful Breathing
Meditation ensures human liberation by accommodating to the suffering cause by the ego “I” self not being separate and independent—this realization and dwelling caused by meditation is what also allows for mindfulness and compassion to be fostered
David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 21-23
Transforming our karma in this way is very
more compassionate beings devoted to the welfare and awakening of everyone. | |
10/21/2012 | T Reduce RestrictionsTournament: ESU | Round: Round 6 | Opponent: UCO AB | Judge: Vega A. Interpretation - Reduce excludes eliminate
Words and Phrases, 2 (vol 36B, p. 80)
Mass. 1905. Rev.Laws, c.203, § 9, provides that,
or bring to an inferior state.—Green v. Sklar, 74 N.E. 595, 188 Mass. 363. Regulations aren't restrictions.the free dictionary 2005 ("restriction,"
any limitation on activity, by statute, regulation
, recorded and incorporated into the title of each owner. | |
10/21/2012 | Buddhism 1NC v Policy AffsTournament: ESU | Round: Round 6 | Opponent: UCO AB | Judge: Vega By Rejecting death you are rejecting life, they are two sides of the same coin—the suffering you say arises can only be solved by the alternative.
David Loy, prof on the Faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University, Japan. Student of Zen for over twenty years and is a qualified Zen Teacher. Lack and Transcendence; The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism , and Buddhism.1996 P. xiii
Sakyamuni Buddha declared that he taught
of life and death implies a death-in-life.
Buddhism embraces individual human liberation as opposed to social engineering which will fail to create effective change – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war
Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41
1n 1859, in the Preface to his Critique of Political AND in order to make this translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative.
We propose the following alternative : Mindful Breathing
Mindful breathing ensures human liberation by accepting the suffering caused by the ego “I” self lack of an independent and permanent existence—this realization and dwelling caused by meditation is what also allows for mindfulness and compassion to be fostered
David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 21-23
Transforming our karma in this way is very
more compassionate beings devoted to the welfare and awakening of everyone. | |
10/21/2012 | AT Chemical Industry AdvantageTournament: ESU | Round: Round 6 | Opponent: UCO AB | Judge: Vega Alt cause- laundry list- gas doesn’t solve
Swift, 12 -- American Chemistry Council chief economist and managing director (Thomas, "What Will 2012 Bring?" 1-13-12,, accessed 9-22-12, mss)
A two-speed manufacturing sector, with
and replacement needs. Unfortunately, today's massive housing inventory will delay a full recovery until later this decade.
Regulations irrelevant
Smith, 12 -- Big4 staff (Kalen, "KPMG Predicts Bright Future for U.S. Chemical Industry," 6-28-12,, accessed 9-22-12, mss)
KPMG’s chemical industry analysts said the industry
those changes will be significant enough to threaten the revenue potential of the industry.
Chemical industry resilient- war chestsKPMG, 12 ("Commercialization Of Shale Gas Points To Unprecedentedly Bright Outlook For U.S. Chemical Industry: KPMG Report," 6-27-12,, accessed 9-22-12, mss)
Efficient, Cash-strong companies eyeing
cracked open to enhance shareholder value and take advantage of synergies in the market.
Empirically denied- chemical industry got along fine for decades before the gas boom
No impact- outsourcingShotter, 12 – Financial Times staff (James, "Chemical industry warns of green threat," Financial Times, 6-24-12,, accessed 9-21-12, mss)
“We are a commoditised industry where people
out that carbon taxes were only one factor in rising energy prices. | |
10/21/2012 | AT Econ AdvantageTournament: ESU | Round: Round 6 | Opponent: UCO AB | Judge: Vega Economic decline doesn’t cause war
Morris Miller, economist, adjunct professor in the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Administration, consultant on international development issues, former Executive Director and Senior Economist at the World Bank, Winter 2000, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 25, Iss. 4, “Poverty as a cause of wars?” p. Proquest
The question may be reformulated.
(thereby using one form of violence to abort another).
AN ECONOMIC DOWNTURN REDUCES THE RISK OF WAR—politicians – not a turn, its not reverse causal
BOEHMER 07 Charles R. Boehmer. "The Effects of Economic Crisis, Domestic Discord, and State Efficacy on the Decision to Initiate Interstate Conflict" Politics and Policy 35.4 (2007): 774-809. Available at: http:~/~/ Assistant Professor of Political Science at The University of Texas at El Paso. D.A. 7-15-10
A people suffering from economic
AND that a rally effect occurs so automatically, especially in a general sample of states.
The economy will always rebound
John Tamny is editor of RealClearMarkets, a senior economist with H.C. Wainwright Economics and a senior economic adviser to Toreador Research and Trading. Recessions Are Self-Correcting, March 3, 2009.
Banking giant JPMorgan Chase announced Feb.
AND recessions set the stage for economic recovery. Pakistan Revelation is inevitable
Irshad Salim Pakistany Think Tank on Public Policy “ Altaf Ready to Return for Revolution “ http:~/~/ 2010
There are talks of revolution amidst upheaval
Khan Jamali threw support behind change while appearing on Front Line on Saturday.
An economic downturn would trigger a Pakistani revolution
S.R. Shearer is a graduate of the University of California where he earned a Bachelor's degree (1964) and a Master's degree (1967) in history. He also attended the United States Defense Language Institute in Monterey where he studied German. From 1967 to 1972 he served as an intelligence officer in Europe; in Vietnam he served with the 525th Intelligence Group (see note below), Special Operations Branch and at the Phoenix School at Vung Tau (see note below); he earned the Bronze Star, and the Joint Services Commendation Medal for intelligence information he developed and PERSONALLY briefed to General Creighton Abrams, Commander of all forces in Vietnam, and Ambassador Colby, CIA Station Chief in Vietnam (later head of the CIA); the information that he developed was also briefed to the American Delegation at the Paris Peace Talks. Shearer held Top Secret, Special Intelligence, Codeword security, Eyes Only clearances; also Cosmic, NATO and Atomic clearances. “ THE COMING BUBBA REVOLUTION” http:~/~/ 2009
The riots triggered in Egypt last year by sharp
country become a full-fledged haven for extremists."
Civil War would lead Pakistan’s nukes getting into the wrong hands causing India Pakistan Nuclear War
Peter Brookes. Barack's Blunder Invade a Nuclear Power?, NY Post. August 2, 2007 http:~/~/
The fall of Musharraf's government might
any number of targets, including the United States.
Pakistan collapse now better than latter because of US snatch teams—if we wait they will be pulled out
IAN BRUCE, DEFENCE CORRESPONDENT for the Heralld. “ Special forces on standby over nuclear threat” http:~/~/ dec 31 2007 US special forces snatch squads are on standby to seize
fairly quickly" in the event of a national crisis such as confrontation with India.
Economic collapse in Russia would cause corruption reform to be enacted – now is unique time
Anders Åslund, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute since 2006. He is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. He examines the economies of Russia. Sergei Guriev, Morgan Stanley Professor of Economics at and rector of the New Economic School in Moscow. He is also the president of the Center for Economic and Financial Research at the New Economic School. and Andrew C. Kuchins, senior fellow and director of the CSIS Russia and Eurasia Program. Russia after the Global Economic Crisis, Peterson Institute for International Economics. May 2010 http:~/~/
Despite its deficiencies, Russia successfully responded
vertical is building strong national political parties, which can exercise accountability.
Empirically Russian corruption has led to terrorism from Chechnya
Kim Murphy, Times Staff Writer. Russia May Pay for Bribes in Lives, LA Times. November 8, 2004. http:~/~/
Corruption is a daily routine in Russia, but no longer is it
Beslan, she said, "but they didn't have enough money."
Chechnyan Terrorism easily goes nuclear
Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School. Nuclear Terrorism: How Serious a Threat to Russia?, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. September/October 2004 http:~/~/
A careful reader of the discussion in the
and terror on unprepared civilian targets.
Terminates in nuclear war because of the dead hand
Ron Rosenbaum. The Return of the Doomsday Machine?, Slate. August 31, 2007.
"The nuclear doomsday machine." It's a Cold War term
fully operational in January 1985. It is still in place." | |
10/21/2012 | AT Warming AdvantageTournament: ESU | Round: Round 6 | Opponent: UCO AB | Judge: Vega Technology ensures adaptation
Goklany 2011 - a science and technology policy analyst for the United States Department of the Interior (Indur M., “Misled on Climate Change: How the UN IPCC (and others) Exaggerate the Impacts of Global Warming” December 2011, http:~/~/, PZ)
A third approach would be to fix the root cause of
while cellular phone users went from 0 per 100 to 33 per 100.
Biodiversity levels are higher than any time in planetary history -- loss is inevitable, impossible to forestall, and doesn’t cause catastrophe -- it’s a natural part of ecosystem evolution.
NPR 07 (North Pacific Research, The Myth of Biodiversity, 5/30/2007,
Change is a vital part of the environment. A successful
occurring, but we can position the human species to survive those changes.
Ecosystems empirically recover
Douglas Boucher, Department of Biology at Hood College, Appalachian Environmental Laboratory at the University of Maryland, Fall 1996, Science and Society, “Not with a bang but a whimper,” Vol. 60, Iss. 3, proquest
The political danger of catastrophism is matched
is replace environments we value by those we do not like” (Levins and Lewontin, 1994).
Airplanes will ensure that temperatures stay in control
Dr. David M. Chapman, May 2006, Honorary Associate, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney. “Global Warming, are we hiding behind a smokescreen?” Geodate, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p6-8, 3p
Significant growth in (jet) air traffic in
r the contiguous US increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius over the period (Travis, et al, 2002)
Our Evidence Uses Satellite Data Which is the Most Objective
Taylor, 2011 (James Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment and Climate News, “New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism” Yahoo News, July 27th, 2011, Online @ ht)
NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through
will tell us a great deal about how honest the purveyors of global warming alarmism truly are.
CO2 is the lifeblood of plants – it increases their water use efficiency, enhances stomatas, allows for plants and animals to live in uninhabitable places, prevents soil erosion, solves all sorts of environmental stress, and solves worldwide starvation
All the Idsos Sherwood Idso, Keith Idso, and Craig Idso C02 science magazine Volume 6, Number 37 9/10/2003
In a broad review of the scientific literature, Idso (2001)
both developing and developed countries are, and will be, sharing equally."
The impact is extinction
Sherwood B. Idso and Keith E. Idso. Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions Could Dramatically Increase Global Agricultural Production By Thwarting the Adverse Effects of Ozone Pollution. CO2 Science Vol 4, Number 43. October 24, 2001
Think about the implications of these findings. A doubling of
to appropriate ever more land and water to grow the food required to feed itself (Tilman et al., 2001).
C02 increases the ability of plants to act as sinks which solves warming
All the Idsos Sherwood Idso, Keith Idso, and Craig Idso C02 science magazine Volume 6, Number 42 10/15/03
In light of these observations, plus the fact
many to be reducing the rate of global warming.
Carbon Sequestration of cropland soils could ALONE offset the effect of Fossil Fuel emissions
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2000 “Carbon Sequestration Options Under the Clean Development Mechanism to Address Land Degradation”, World Soil Resources Reports 92. p 9-10
The agricultural soils and forestry sectors,
soils for carbon sequestration was not included as a valid activity because of perceived uncertainties regarding verification of changes in carbon stocks. | |
10/21/2012 | Case v Emporia BWTournament: ESU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Emporia BW | Judge: Extinction comes first the right to life is the highest value to uphold in extreme situations based upon a consequentialist loose utilitarianism
Kateb 1992 What does a theory of rights leave undecided? Many AND
enslavement or utter degradation or misery; they may kill their attackers in the attempt to end the threat.) Everyone has a desire to find meaning to life and they can and will find it even in the worst of circumstances
Oral Cancer Foundation, The Last Taboo (Part 1). March 02, 2009 The concepts of Viktor Frankl, as suggested earlier, are helpful in dealing with serious
and nurtured while you were here. . . . Death ends a life, not a relationship."
Debates by non-government actors about future crises are critical distopian visions that can mobilize transnational movements that are effectively pressuring governments into preventing nuclear annihilation
Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). In the twenty-first century, the lines of political
as nuclear war, ecological pollution, species extinction, genetic engineering, and mass human rights violations).
Any problem that they identify about futurism will only be worse in a world where we give up. Either others will decide for us or we will be overwhelmed by crises. Futurism may have flaws but scenario planning by citizens is the best hope that we have.
Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). None of this is to disavow the international
project, for we will not inherit a better future. It must be made, starting with us, in the here and now Just because we cannot predict the future with total certainty does not mean that we cannot make educated guesses. And, scenario planning is key to making responsible choices. We are obligated to take care of the planet if we have a significant role to play.
Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). A radically postmodern line of thinking, for instance
for it, the idea of early warning is making its way into preventive action on the global stage. 1- The Kritik avoids governmental politics—this results in a extreme right takeover that leads to extinction
Carl Boggs, National University, Los Angeles, December 1997, “The great retreA2: Decline of the public sphere in latetwentieth-century America”, Theory and Society, Volume 26, Number 6, JDI
The decline of the public sphere in late
likely become what Hobbes anticipated: the embodiment of those universal, collective interests that had vanished from civil society. 75 2- Extreme Right takeover | |
10/21/2012 | UNLV Elections RussiaTournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: KU CG | Judge: Chin Obama wins in a narrow victory now – 'Misery index' proves
Simon Kennedy et al 10/11 Alexander Kowalski and Steve Matthews, Bloomberg, “Obama Finding Election Cheer in Misery Index: Cutting Research,” 10/11/12, (Obama Finding Election Cheer in Misery Index: Cutting Research accessed 10/12/12) President Barack Obama should find happiness in the AND
over the term it was accurate every election. Plan unpopular – safety perceptionsThe Economist 12 February 18th, The 30-year itch America’s nuclear industry struggles to get off the floor, http:~/~/
Still, nuclear power faces strong headwinds.
been as quiet as its nuclear industry, but as one comes to life so will the other.
Romney guts US Russia relations
Larison 12 Columnist for the American Conservative Daniel Larison “U.S.-Russian Relations Would Get Much Worse Under Romney” http:~/~/, 6/27/12
Putin doesn’t actually want a “hard-line conservative in the
relations will deteriorate much more than they have in the last year.
Nuclear war
ALLISON 11 Director @ Belfer Center for Science and Int’l Affairs @ Harvard’s Kennedy School, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense, Robert D. Blackwill, Senior Fellow – Council on Foreign Relations Graham Allison, “10 Reasons Why Russia Still Matters”, Politico -- October 31 -- http:~/~/
That central point is that Russia matters a great deal to a
preventing U.N. Security Council resolutions. | |
10/21/2012 | AT Heg AdvantageTournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: KU CG | Judge: Chin Hegemony is irrelevant – states will remain peaceful even with power shifts
Fettweis, 6—political science professor @ Tulane Christopher, National Security Decision Making Department, US Naval War College, 'A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?,' International Studies Review, 8 (4), 677-697, pg. Blackwell
Theories about the mechanisms driving and
survival were they able to devote time to other, perhaps higher pursuits.
No wars would occur in the squo
Fettweis 6—political science professor @ Tulane (Christopher, professor of political science @ Tulane, International Studies Review, 8, 677-697, EBSCO)
However, one need not be convinced about the potential
grown obsolete, perhaps scholars should ask why anyone should believe that it could not.
Heg Decline Inevitable Multiple Reasons
A.) China and India rise
DREZNER 3 – 4 - 2008 Associate Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and the author of "All Politics Is Global." Foreign Affairs http:~/~/ KW
Throughout the twentieth century, the list of the world's great powers was
future of these international regimes will be uncomfortably uncertain.
B. China, Russia greater response
Haass 5-6-2008 President of the Council on Foreign Relations
Power and influence are less and less linked
demonstrated an ability to resist U.S. entreaties, as have Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
The status quo is transitioning to offshore balancing which solves terrorism and smoothes the transition
Layne 12 (Christopher Layne, PhD in political science from the University of California at Berkeley, JD from the University of Southern California Law Center, LLM in international law from the University of Virginia Law School, Mary Julia and George R Jordan professor of international affairs at the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas AandM University, research fellow with the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, former associate professor of international studies at the University of Miami, former fellow in the Center for Social Theory and Comparative History at the University of California Los Angeles, former fellow at the CATO Institute, former fellow at the Center for International Studies at the University of Southern California, former MacArthur Foundation fellow in global security, former visiting professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, former research fellow at the Center for Science and International Affairs in the Kennedy School at Harvard University, former member of the professional staff at the Arroyo Center at the California Institute of Technology, former foreign policy analyst for NATO, 1-27-12, “The (Almost) Triumph of Offshore Balancing,” http:~/~/ GZ
Although cloaked in the reassuring boilerplate about American military preeminence
strategic preoccupation of the United States during the next two decades will be its own decline and China’s rise.
Offshore balancing is not the same as hegemony—regional powers would provide for defense
CHRISTOPHER LAYNE. America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balancing has arrived, Review of International Studies. 2009
Offshore balancing is based on the assumption that the most
and the Middle East are a much needed reminder that this is a test Wilsonianism too often fails.
Offshore balancing would have regional hegemons ensure stability in regions
Christopher Layne, associate professor in the School of International Studies at the University of Miami. Offshore Balancing RevisitedThe Washington Quarterly • 25:2 Spring 2002
Like primacy, offshore balancing is a strategy
rather than looking to the United States to do it for them.
Offshore balancing prevents wars and counterbalancing because of non interference
Christopher Layne, associate professor in the School of International Studies at the University of Miami. Offshore Balancing RevisitedThe Washington Quarterly • 25:2 Spring 2002
Second, although a competitive component to U.S. relations
United States to minimize the risks of open confrontation with the new great powers. Hegemony causes US-China war.
Gries 7 (Harold J. and Ruth Newman Chair in U.S.-China Issues and Director of the Institute for U.S.-China Issues at the University of Oklahoma. Director of the Sino-American Security Dialogue (SASD) “Harmony, Hegemony, and US – China Relations”)
And this is what strikes me as new, and potentially dangerous,
and threat that undermine U.S.-China relations.
US-China war causes extinction
The Straits Times (Singapore), June 25, 2000, “Regional Fallout: No one gains in war over Taiwan,” p. Lexis
THE high-intensity scenario postulates a cross-strait war
for China puts sovereignty above everything else. | |
10/21/2012 | AT Nuclear Leadership AdvantageTournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: KU CG | Judge: Chin Terrorists do not have access to lose nukes, multiple safeguards check even if they were stolen, and even if a nuclear state collapse their material would be safe.
Mueller ‘10 John Mueller, professor of political science at Ohio State University. “Calming Our Nuclear Jitters”. Issues in Science and Technology. 1/1/2010. Vol.26,Iss.2;p.58-66. Academic Search Premiere.
The terrorist group might also seek to steal or illicitly
the case of Pakistan, the weapons would be disassembled.
States won’t assist -- too many risks, empirical proof.
Mueller 7 – PhD in political science from UCLA, professor of political science at Ohio State University (John Mueller, “Reactions and Overreactions to Terrorism: The Atomic Obsession”, American Political Science Association, July 24, 2007, http:~/~/
Assistance by a state A favorite fantasy of imaginative alarmists
the Taliban government (Burke 2003, 150, 164-65; Wright 2006, 230-1, 287-88; Cullison 2004).
No escalation – Policy maker don't use nukes to reply to non-nuclear threats
Kimball ‘9 Daryl. President of the ACA. Change U.S. Nuclear Policy? Yes, We Can. September 2009.
Given the United States’ conventional military edge, no plausible
significant political decisions since Hiroshima.”
The US can’t prevent proliferation.
Mez, ‘12 Lutz, senior Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, and managing director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre, “Nuclear energy – any solution for sustainability and climate protection?” Energy Policy, Science Direct
Viewed in historical terms, military use of nuclear energy has gone
which decides whether a country develops nuclear weapons or not.
Nuclear leadership is impossible -- US arsenal creates hypocrisy and international resentment.
Perkovich, ‘8 George, vice president for studies and director of the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: Why the United States Should Lead,” October,
This Brief summarizes four security interests that would be AND
a system that looks like it was designed to favor just a few?
US pressure won’t be effective without huge arsenal cuts.
Daalder and Lodal, ‘8
As the United States works diplomatically to create a
that they are demanding Iran, North Korea, and every other nuclear aspirant accept.
No risk of prolif, it wouldn’t cause a chain reaction, and it would be slow at worst - your evidence is alarmism
Gavin 10 (Francis, Tom Slick Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law @ the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs @ the University of Texas at Austin, “Sam As It Ever Was; Nuclear Alarmism, Proliferation, and the Cold War,” Lexis)
Fears of a tipping point were especially acute in the
of proliferation in "respectable" states such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Prolif will be slow – countries don’t have a pressing need for nukes
Waltz 2000 Kenneth, Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, vI nl, Winter/Spring, accessed 8/11/02cn
It is now estimated that about twenty-five countries are in
the pattern in the future, in which one or two states per decade gradually develop nuclear weapons.
Nuclear acquisition catalyzes forced bargaining, replacing conflict with diplomacy in dispute settlements
Erik Gartzke and Dong-Joon Jo April 2009 (Bargaining, Nuclear Proliferation, and Interstate Disputes, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 53 Issue 2, pp 209-233)
Possession of nuclear weapons increases the risks to opponents
opponents are reduced. Diplomacy serves as a tool for smoothing the bumpy road of world politics. Regional nuclear proliferation prevents CBW warfareDr. Keith B. Payne, President, National Institute for Public Policy Faculty, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service National Security Studies Program, April 1998 “Why We Must Sustain Nuclear Deterrence,” http:~/~/
A single illustration of the lethality of biological weapons will
nuclear capabilities become more, not less important for regional deterrence.
Biological weapons cause mutated and uncontrolled pathogens, culminating in extinctionJohn Steinbruner, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, chair of the committee on international security and arms control of the National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Policy, December 22, 1997
That deceptively simple observation has immense implications.
global contagion of this sort but not necessarily its outer limit. 2) Extended DeterenceAmerican extended deterrence is not credible – Cold War illustrated the difficulty of guaranteeing security to a country or area not intrinsic to U.S. security***Christopher Layne (Associate Professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas AandM University) 2006 “The Peace of Illusions” p 165-7
During the cold war, the United States sought to deter a Soviet strategic nuclear
Western Europe purportedly did during the cold war.
Extended deterrence increases the chance of American involvement in nuclear war.
Ted Galen Carpenter (director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute) 11/24/1993 "Staying Out of Potential Nuclear Crossfires" http:~/~/
One of the most important challenges facing U.S. leaders
the United States should distance itself from regional disputes that could go nuclear | |
10/21/2012 | AT DOD ProcurementTournament: UNLV | Round: 1 | Opponent: KU CG | Judge: Chin DOD SMR procurement sends a global signal of impending U.S. military aggression—-causes resentment against U.S. unilateralismTerrence P. Smith 11, program coordinator and research assistant with the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy at the CSIS, February 16, 2011, "An Idea I Can Do Without: "Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations,""
The report repeatedly emphasizes the point that “DOD’s “
maybe that is where they should stay.
There’s a direct trade-off of military funding between renewables and modernization —- modernization key to military deployment
Snider 12 (Annie, Environment %26 Energy Publishing, 2/23, "Military’s alt energy programs draw Republicans’ ire",
The idea that the administration is using DOD as a more
planes fly a quarter of the time they would have otherwise flown as part of this exercise?"
No solvency—can’t find sitingKing 11 (Marcus King, Project Director and Research Analyst for the Environment and Energy Team at Center for Naval Analyses, LaVar Huntzinger, Thoi Nguyen, "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations", March,
With respect to the requirement to “consider
and that ways are planned to mitigate those impacts.
Tech barriers prevent adoptionParthemore and Rogers 10 (Christine Parthemore, Bacevich Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, Will Rogers, Research assistant at the Center for a New American Security, "Nuclear Reactors on Military Bases may be Risky", 5/20,
On the other hand, opponents contend that sufficient numbers
perceptions could be in the event of extended blackouts for surrounding communities.
Military operations prevent solvencyKing 11 (Marcus King, Project Director and Research Analyst for the Environment and Energy Team at Center for Naval Analyses, LaVar Huntzinger, Thoi Nguyen, "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations", March,
DoD must also consider the potential effect of
raise additional safety concerns.
No impact to collapse of commonsMartin 6—prof pol sci, U France. Chair in Economics at the Paris School of Economics. Former economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Former assistant professor at the Graduate Institute of International Studies. Visiting researcher at Princeton. PhD from Georgetown. (Phillipe, "Make Trade not War?," 12 April 2006,
Does globalization pacify international relations? The “liberal
military conflicts even taking into account the increase in the number of sovereign states. | |
10/21/2012 | Buddhism v Fullerton CTTournament: UNLV | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Fullerton CT | Judge: Kurr, Russell, Williams The affirmative's attempt to reorient our ethics, resolve exploitation, and dissolve energy hierarchies is the search for a better life, filled with hope that we will not suffer when we are free from the external conditions that cause our material suffering. That orientation of hope inevitably causes our suffering—as the manipulation of material reality fails to satisfy our psycho-existential anxiety. only through full acceptance of the world as it is allows us to achieve human liberation.
Kurt Spellmeyer, award-winning teacher and scholar in the English department at Rutgers University and authorized to teach Zen by Kangan Glenn Webb. Buddha at the Apocalypse; Awakening From a Culture of Destruction. 2010 p. 58-62
At the start of his search for enlightenment the young man later
will change and this world will become a very different place.
Worrying about the future of ethics and social structures ensures the ego “I” self to be reified by creating a chain of memories that portrays the self as an independently existing being within the linear container of time.
David Loy, professor on the faculty of international studies at Bunkyo University, Japan and student of Zen Buddhism. Non Duality; A Study in Comparative Philosophy. 1988 p 219-220
The genesis of this problem is in the ways our minds
"specious present" (an ironic term indeed) of E. R. Clay and William James.
The impact is human liberation instead of to social engineering which will fail to create effective change.
Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41
1n 1859, in the Preface to his Critique of Political Economy
needs sociology, and sociology Buddhism, in order to make this translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative.
Fundamentally the 1ac's attempt to answer the resolution with a concrete action is not the best ontological view of the resolution, instead the answer to the resolution should be that of no answer. Therefore, we propose the following alternative:
To meditate through Mu can make it so we become enlightened by dissolving the sense of ego “I” self—recognizing interdependence
David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 172
At the heart of this issue, as we have seen repeatedly in the
everything else as his universe collapsed into one excruciating but empty pain. | |
10/21/2012 | Case v Fullerton CTTournament: UNLV | Round: Doubles | Opponent: Fullerton CT | Judge: Kurr, Russell, Williams Extinction comes first the right to life is the highest value to uphold in extreme situations based upon a consequentialist loose utilitarianism
Kateb 1992 What does a theory of rights leave undecided? Many issues of AND
or utter degradation or misery; they may kill their attackers in the attempt to end the threat.) Everyone has a desire to find meaning to life and they can and will find it even in the worst of circumstances
Oral Cancer Foundation, The Last Taboo (Part 1). March 02, 2009 The concepts of Viktor Frankl, as suggested earlier, are helpful in
nurtured while you were here. . . . Death ends a life, not a relationship."
Debates by non-government actors about future crises are critical distopian visions that can mobilize transnational movements that are effectively pressuring governments into preventing nuclear annihilation
Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). In the twenty-first century, the lines of political cleavage are
of pivotal issues (such as nuclear war, ecological pollution, species extinction, genetic engineering, and mass human rights violations).
Any problem that they identify about futurism will only be worse in a world where we give up. Either others will decide for us or we will be overwhelmed by crises. Futurism may have flaws but scenario planning by citizens is the best hope that we have.
Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). None of this is to disavow the international community’s rather
, for we will not inherit a better future. It must be made, starting with us, in the here and now
Disposability is a necessary part of the managerialism which is key to science.
Zey 2001 – Professor of Business Michael, professor at Montclair State University School of Business and executive director of the Expansionary Institute, a research and consulting organization focusing on future trends in technology, society, the economy, politics, “MAN'S EVOLUTIONARY PATH INTO THE UNIVERSE” The Futurist, Vol. 35, May 2001
We must examine the many ways such developments impact the individual
eradicate age-old problems such as scarcity and poverty.
Science will make good predictions because of its process of establishing truth-- Not using science will ensure inaction on global warming
Tad Johnson, a graduate of UW-Madison in Computer Science and currently work in the IT field, but my interests include urban planning, energy policy, photography, and entrepreneurship. Science, Nov 14th, 2006 http:~/~/ Science is one of the few places one can find Truth. AND
are not familiar enough with science to understand this fundamental difference.
Objective reality exists and can be learned even if it is only controlled by senses that are subjective
Paul's Tips, Does objective reality exist?. May 16, 2006 http:~/~/ From Scientologists, to The Matrix, to a recent post by Steve Pavlina there
occurs, we have to deal with reality as we currently understand it. And the best way to do that is establishing its rules using science Refusing to use science for decision making results in the end of science in policy making and the tyranny of the majority
Terry Newell, expert in ethics and leadership and has had a long career in public service. Who Cares What the Experts Say?- The Democratization of Science. May 10, 2010 Yet the democratization of scientific expertise carries AND
be woefully ill-equipped for the twenty-first century. We live in a unique time where science needs to be upheld or else democracy will vanish in exchange for a genocidal theocracySharon Nichols. Tyranny of the Majority, First Freedom First. October 25, 2006 We live in dangerous times. It is a sad paradox. Never have we known
AND will assure that such oppression reaches even unto ourselves." Democracy is key to prevent many scenarios for war and extinctionLarry Diamond, Hoover Institution senior fellow, co-editor of the Journal of Democracy, December 1995, A Report to the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, “Promoting Democracy in the 1990s: Actors and Instruments, Issues and Imperatives,” http:~/~/ OTHER THREATS This hardly exhausts the lists of AND
are the only reliable foundation on which a new world order of international security and prosperity can be built. Science solves overpopulation
Urban – graduate of polisci at northern arizona university – 2001 jessica le ann, constructing blame: overpopulation environmental security and international relations, august, women and international development, working paper #273
The second primary position within the population debates AND
the problems humans have created. Overpopulation independently leads to extinctionEhrlich and Ehrlich – Professor of Population Studies and Biological Sciences at Stanford –1990 Paul and Anna, “The Population Explosion”, online, http:~/~/
By now it should be clear to you that humanity is quickly AND
solution of lowering the global birthrate to slightly below the death rate for a few centuries The scientific method ensures nanotechnology
Blue Penguin Report, Nanotechnology: We Are Expanding Our World by Making it Smaller. January 16, 2010 http:~/~/ The list keeps getting bigger - the more I AND
attention to scientific detail we will continue to expand our world... by making it smaller. Nanotechnology would provide a utopia—Drexler, 86 (Eric, Nanotechnologist, “Engines of Creation,” Accessed 7/13/08, KMH
This, then, is the size of the future's promise. Though AND
today is not to plan or build utopias but to seek a chance to try. Space exploration depends on science
Tarig Malik, Staff Writer. Space Commission Gets Advice on Sustaining Public Interest in Bush Vision, April 16, 2004. If NASA plans to sustain its mission of AND
on the Implementation on United States Space Exploration Policy Space is necessary to solve multiple scenarios for extinctionStephen Hawking, Worlds Smartest Person. Stephen Hawking: Humans Must Colonize Space Or Risk Extinction, Pleasant Morning Buzz. June 14, 2006 Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says that the AND
nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of." Seeing earth from space solves your, Pale Blue Dot. 2009. Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. AND kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. Inevitable asteroid impact is coming that will cause human extinction
Philip Plait, is an astronomer and skeptic who runs the website He formerly worked at the physics and astronomy department at Sonoma State University and President of the James Randi Educational Foundation. Death from the Skies, 2008 p. 14-19
Sixty-five million years ago, the dinosaurs had a really bad day. Actually
had a very bad day, but our own day may yet come.
Nanotechnology solves asteroids
The Futurist, January 10, 2002, ‘Our Molecular Future’ is a bright one, book’s author says, (HARVOC5408)
Mulhall prefers to view the technological future
surface, replicate themselves, and strip-mine the rogue down to nothing | |
10/21/2012 | Buddhism 1NC v OU BLTournament: UMKC | Round: 5 | Opponent: OU BL | Judge: The condemnation of structures of oppression without recognizing the importance of forgiveness creates a dualism between oppressors and victims that prevents the recognition of our common humanity and stops human liberation.
Sulak Sivaraksa,granted the Right Livelihood Award, also known as Alternative Nobel Prize. co-founded the Asian Cultural Forum on Development and the International Network of Engaged Buddhists. Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World. 2005 p. 31-32
The issue of collective guilt has received much attention since AND understand our relationship to others and transcend our pride and delusion.
The recognition of social position within overarching social structures necessarily requires an ego “I” self to declare it's location and this self prevents truthful communication that is key to sustain good relationships with others and our authentic selves.
SURYA DAS, LAMA. "Right Speech: Speaking the Truth." ENotAlone. 2008. 20 Oct. 2008 http:~/~/
In the context of Dharma, speech is a particularly compelling I AND
and ask ourselves if we are moving in the direction of more honesty, or not.
The affirmatives emphasis on freedom as an ultimate and goal worthy of pursuit can not last—as soon as someone gains freedom they look to give it away
David Loy, Professor in the Faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University, Japan. A Buddhist History of the West; Studies in Lack. 2002 p.20-29
that grounds me in the cosmos, I shall try to ground myself in more individualistic, selfish ways.
Buddhism prioritizes a liberatory orientation to our inevitable suffering instead of social engineering which fails to create effective change
Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41
1n 1859, in the Preface to his Critique of Political Economy, Karl Man; pronounced that
Buddhism needs sociology, and sociology Buddhism, in order to make this translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative. The sense of Ego “I” Self is at the center of all hierarchal structures are created.
David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 195-196
These essays address a wide range of social issues, but when we penetrate t
secure ourselves by achieving total control over our home and mother, the biosphere.’
The alternative is to engage in the act of staring into one anothers eyes
Staring into each others eyes will transcend the self by recognizing a common humanity that resolves hierarchies
Deena Metzger, author of What Dinah Thought, Looking for the Faces of God, Tree and The Woman Who Slept With Men to Take the War Out of Them. Dharma Gaia. Edited by Alan Hunt Badiner. 1990 p. 209-210
A fundamental question of our time is whether we can
your existence in ways that you have never experienced before.
The meditation of the alternative transcends the self which allows to cope with the suffering of racism –
Robin Hart, corporate attorney and has a MA in theology. . Not Turning Away; The Practice of Engaged Buddhism edited by Susan Moon. 2004 p. 38- 45
I need to find a way to deal with my anger at racism before
AND , I see the worth of Buddhist practice, of being aware of my body, my breath, and my pain. This is where I start
The alternative creates universal friendship in which we recognize all beings as equal instead of prioritizing only ourselves and those similar to us.
Hayes, Richard. "Buddhist Views on Overcoming Obstacles to Universal Friendship" 2003. University of New Mexico. 8 Oct. 2008 http:~/~/
One of the principal themes of the Conference on Actualizing
AND people from a different people or a foreign nation
The Alternative’s contemplation about impermanence will allow us to die happy
Thubten Chodron, studied and practiced Buddhism in India and Nepal since 1975and resident teacher at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle. Buddhism for Beginners 2001 p. 40-1
Contemplating impermanence and death also
AND is important while we are alive and will avoid such regrets at the time of death.
The suffering the aff aims to solve might seem nice, but its simply a stop gap solution- the root of suffering lies in the mind and the aff can’t liberate us from that suffering—prefer the alternatives way to alleviate suffering
Thubten Chodron, studied and practiced Buddhism in India and Nepal since 1975and resident teacher at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle. Buddhism for Beginners 2001 p 104
In addition, we must remember that difficulties and
AND our spiritual practice, knowing that it will ultimately lead to the cessation of our own and others' suffering | |
11/06/2012 | New Madrid Pic 1NCTournament: UCO | Round: 1 | Opponent: Baylor BE | Judge: Box The United States Department of Defense should procure Small Modular Reactors for military bases within the United States not in danger from the New Madrid Fault Line.
New Madrid Fault line is extremely vulnerable to high-magnitude earth quakes -- response would be abysmal.
ABC News, Little-known U.S. Fault Lines Cause For Seismic Concern About Potential Earthquakes. March 15, 2011
And the United States is ill-prepared to cope
subjected to severe ground shaking," according to the report.
Those nuclear plants will meltdown
Gronlund 2007 (Nuclear power in a Warming world: Assessing the Risks, Addressing the Challenges, Lisbeth Gronlund; David Lochbaum; Edwin Lyman, Union of Concerned Scientists, http:~/~/ JD
Safety problems remain despite a lack of serious accidents
problems so extensive that a year or more is needed to fix them.
Meltdowns cause extinction
Lendman, 2011 (Stephen, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, 03/ 13, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,”, The People’s Voice http:~/~/, accessed 8-2-12, RSR)
Reuters said the 1995 Kobe quake caused $100
impacting the entire region. "It could be, literally, an apocalyptic event. | |
11/06/2012 | Econ Collapse goodTournament: Any | Round: any | Opponent: any | Judge: any RussiaEconomic collapse in Russia would cause corruption reform to be enacted – now is unique time
Anders Åslund, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute since 2006. He is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. He examines the economies of Russia. Sergei Guriev, Morgan Stanley Professor of Economics at and rector of the New Economic School in Moscow. He is also the president of the Center for Economic and Financial Research at the New Economic School. and Andrew C. Kuchins, senior fellow and director of the CSIS Russia and Eurasia Program. Russia after the Global Economic Crisis, Peterson Institute for International Economics. May 2010 http:~/~/
Despite its deficiencies, Russia AND political parties, which can exercise accountability.
Empirically Russian corruption has led to terrorism from Chechnya
Kim Murphy, Times Staff Writer. Russia May Pay for Bribes in Lives, LA Times. November 8, 2004. http:~/~/
Corruption is a daily routine in Russia, AND miles from Beslan, she said, "but they didn't have enough money."
Chechnyan Terrorism easily goes nuclear
Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School. Nuclear Terrorism: How Serious a Threat to Russia?, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. September/October 2004 http:~/~/
A careful reader of the discussion in the AND violence and terror on unprepared civilian targets.
Terminates in nuclear war because of the dead hand
Ron Rosenbaum. The Return of the Doomsday Machine?, Slate. August 31, 2007.
"The nuclear doomsday machine." AND It went fully operational in January 1985. It is still in place." SnatchPakistan Revelation is inevitableIrshad Salim Pakistany Think Tank on Public Policy “ Altaf Ready to Return for Revolution “ http:~/~/ 2010 There are talks of revolution AND threw support behind change while appearing on Front Line on Saturday.
An economic downturn would trigger a Pakistani revolution
S.R. Shearer is a graduate of the University of California where he earned a Bachelor's degree (1964) and a Master's degree (1967) in history. He also attended the United States Defense Language Institute in Monterey where he studied German. From 1967 to 1972 he served as an intelligence officer in Europe; in Vietnam he served with the 525th Intelligence Group (see note below), Special Operations Branch and at the Phoenix School at Vung Tau (see note below); he earned the Bronze Star, and the Joint Services Commendation Medal for intelligence information he developed and PERSONALLY briefed to General Creighton Abrams, Commander of all forces in Vietnam, and Ambassador Colby, CIA Station Chief in Vietnam (later head of the CIA); the information that he developed was also briefed to the American Delegation at the Paris Peace Talks. Shearer held Top Secret, Special Intelligence, Codeword security, Eyes Only clearances; also Cosmic, NATO and Atomic clearances. “ THE COMING BUBBA REVOLUTION” http:~/~/ 2009
The riots triggered in Egypt last year by sharp AND become a full-fledged haven for extremists." Civil War would lead Pakistan’s nukes getting into the wrong hands causing India Pakistan Nuclear War
Peter Brookes. Barack's Blunder Invade a Nuclear Power?, NY Post. August 2, 2007 http:~/~/
The fall of Musharraf's government AND of targets, including the United States.
Pakistan collapse now better than latter because of US snatch teams—if we wait they will be pulled out
IAN BRUCE, DEFENCE CORRESPONDENT for the Heralld. “ Special forces on standby over nuclear threat” http:~/~/ dec 31 2007 US special forces snatch squads AND crisis such as confrontation with India. ChinaYour economy impact is empirically key to prevent inflation and in turn radical social unrest in ChinaKaren Maley. China's fleeting economic control, Business Spectator. November 26, 2010 There’s also a fear that rising AND steps to try and maintain social stability. And this social unrest will challenge the CCPRichard Daughty, general partner and COO for Smith Consultant Group, serving the financial and medical communities, and the writer/publisher of the Mogambo Guru economic newsletter, an avocational exercise to better heap disrespect on those who desperately deserve it. Chinese Duality: Fast Economic Growth or Social Stability, The Daily Reckoning. September 22, 2010 He probably heard me laughing at him, AND would think that this guy would already know about it! Hahaha! SMLOS! That causes a desperate attempt to hold on to power ensures lash out and extinctionSan Renxing,. The Epoch Times "The CCP's Last-ditch Gamble: Biological and Nuclear War. Hundreds of millions of deaths proposed", 8/5/05. What, then, is the gist of this wild AND That is the main theme of the speeches. | |
11/06/2012 | Heg BadTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: China warHegemony causes US-China war.
Gries 7 (Harold J. and Ruth Newman Chair in U.S.-China Issues and Director of the Institute for U.S.-China Issues at the University of Oklahoma. Director of the Sino-American Security Dialogue (SASD) “Harmony, Hegemony, and US – China Relations”)
And this is what strikes AND and threat that undermine U.S.-China relations. US-China war causes extinctionThe Straits Times (Singapore), June 25, 2000, “Regional Fallout: No one gains in war over Taiwan,” p. Lexis THE high-intensity scenario postulates AND China puts sovereignty above everything else. TerrorU.S. hegemony causes terrorism – without it, organizations like Al Qaeda wouldn’t existMuzaffar 07 Chandra Muzaffar Bachelor’s Degree, Masters Degree, and Ph.D. in Political Science, Professor of Global Studies at the Centre for Policy Research and International Studies of the Universiti Sains Malaysia; he is now the President of the International Movement for a Just World, “Hegemony, Terrorism, and War – Is Democracy the Antidote?” 2007
Al-Qaeda, the world’s most notorious AND violence in pursuit of its atavistic goals.4 Nuclear terrorism causes nuclear war and extinctionThe Guardian, 3-31-2008, Project Syndicate, “The Nuclear Risk,” http:~/~/ Vital pillars of the old arms-control AND consequences would be horrific. | |
11/10/2012 | Nat Gas DATournament: Wake | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge: The demand of natural gas for electricity generation is pushing prices to an equilibrium ensuring increase nat gas production to meet the demand
Santos 4/24/12—Independent trader, analyst and algorithmic trading expert w/16 years of experience ~Pauol Santos, Natural Gas In 2012: Electric Generation Switch Implications, Seeking Alfa, April 24, 2012, pg. http:~/~/ Due to the incredible impact the dispatch switching of coal-fired generation for natural AND resumption in drilling - but still this implies an equilibrium at higher prices.
Nuclear incentives discourage nat gas investments—utilities will pursue fuel diversity if the price is right.C2ES 12 ~Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, "NATURAL GAS IN THE U.S. ELECTRIC POWER SECTOR," May 2012~ According to the latest Energy Information Administration (EIA) Annual Energy gov/forecasts/aeo/er/(%%) (AEO), natural gas-fired generation is expected to be just over 25 percent of the total generation mix in 2020, rising to 27 percent in 2035. Fuel pdf(% style="background-color: white; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; " %) is an important consideration for utilities looking to reduce their reliance on any AND , leading to a greater reliance on natural gas in the coming years.
The US must be focused on Natural Gas to force price equilibrium. This is key to revitalizing the manufacturing and chemical SectorsMagill 8/22/12 ~Jim Magill, "Manufacturers, producers see different futures for US natural gas supplies," Platts, 22 Aug 2012, http:~/~/ The rapid development of US shale natural gas resources has created an opportunity for the AND that there can be an equilibrium point and we can have it all."
Manufacturing is key to the industrial commons.Lind and Freedman 12—Policy Director of Economic Growth Program %26 Policy analyst in the Economic Growth Program @ New America Foundation ~Michael Lind %26 Joshua Freedman "Value Added: America’s Manufacturing Future," New America Foundation, April 2012~ Manufacturing creates an industrial commons, which spurs growth in multiple sectors of the economy AND expanded RandD facilities in China over the last few years.22
That sustains the earth’s carrying capacity key to solve extinctionWilson 6/9/12—Executive Director of the International Council for Science ~Steven Wilson (PhD in Chemistry from University of Bristol and Former Director of Earth Observation, Director of Science and Innovation, and Director of Strategy and Partnerships @ UK Natural Environment Research Council), "Science is key to our sustainable future," Al Jazeera, Last Modified: 09 Jun 2012 15:41, pg. Paris, France - Scientific evidence for dangerous, long-term and potentially irreversible AND livelihoods which are more equitable and how to rethink social and economic models. | |
11/10/2012 | Politics - Fiscal Cliff DATournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: The demand of natural gas for electricity generation is pushing prices to an equilibrium ensuring increase nat gas production to meet the demand
Santos 4/24/12—Independent trader, analyst and algorithmic trading expert w/16 years of experience ~Pauol Santos, Natural Gas In 2012: Electric Generation Switch Implications, Seeking Alfa, April 24, 2012, pg. http:~/~/ Due to the incredible impact the dispatch switching of coal-fired generation for natural AND resumption in drilling - but still this implies an equilibrium at higher prices.
Nuclear incentives discourage nat gas investments—utilities will pursue fuel diversity if the price is right.C2ES 12 ~Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, "NATURAL GAS IN THE U.S. ELECTRIC POWER SECTOR," May 2012~ According to the latest Energy Information Administration (EIA) Annual Energy gov/forecasts/aeo/er/(%%) (AEO), natural gas-fired generation is expected to be just over 25 percent of the total generation mix in 2020, rising to 27 percent in 2035. Fuel pdf(% style="background-color: white; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; " %) is an important consideration for utilities looking to reduce their reliance on any AND , leading to a greater reliance on natural gas in the coming years.
The US must be focused on Natural Gas to force price equilibrium. This is key to revitalizing the manufacturing and chemical SectorsMagill 8/22/12 ~Jim Magill, "Manufacturers, producers see different futures for US natural gas supplies," Platts, 22 Aug 2012, http:~/~/ The rapid development of US shale natural gas resources has created an opportunity for the AND that there can be an equilibrium point and we can have it all."
Manufacturing is key to the industrial commons.Lind and Freedman 12—Policy Director of Economic Growth Program %26 Policy analyst in the Economic Growth Program @ New America Foundation ~Michael Lind %26 Joshua Freedman "Value Added: America’s Manufacturing Future," New America Foundation, April 2012~ Manufacturing creates an industrial commons, which spurs growth in multiple sectors of the economy AND expanded RandD facilities in China over the last few years.22
That sustains the earth’s carrying capacity key to solve extinctionWilson 6/9/12—Executive Director of the International Council for Science ~Steven Wilson (PhD in Chemistry from University of Bristol and Former Director of Earth Observation, Director of Science and Innovation, and Director of Strategy and Partnerships @ UK Natural Environment Research Council), "Science is key to our sustainable future," Al Jazeera, Last Modified: 09 Jun 2012 15:41, pg. Paris, France - Scientific evidence for dangerous, long-term and potentially irreversible AND livelihoods which are more equitable and how to rethink social and economic models. | |
01/07/2013 | Politics - Debt DealTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Battles are inevitable, but Obama can negotiate a balanced deal.
Murray 1/02/13 (Sara Murray Wall Street Journal Contributor “Deal Fails to Satisfy Liberal Democrats”)
Liberals expressed little confidence that a battle could be avoided. AND to be easy, and it's not going to be easy now."
Insert LinkNo debt deal kills the global economyEgan 13 (Matt, Senior Reporter for Fox Business, “How long will Wall Street's Fiscal Cliff Party Last?” http:~/~/, 01/02/13) Looking out just a few months, equity investors now have to AND away for a couple of months,” said Wormald. Extinction.Kemp 10 Geoffrey Kemp, Director of Regional Strategic Programs at The Nixon Center, served in the White House under Ronald Reagan, special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Near East and South Asian affairs on the National Security Council Staff, Former Director, Middle East Arms Control Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2010, The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East, p. 233-4 The second scenario, called Mayhem and Chaos, is the opposite of the first AND expected, with dire consequences for two-thirds of the planet’s population. | |
01/07/2013 | Petrodollar DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Despite Tensions the US-Saudi Alliance is strong because of shared oil interest. A move to shift away from US dependence on Saudi Oil is one of the only actions that can threaten the relationship
Teitelbaum in 2011
The problem is the Saudis are all bark and no bite. They have been AND Riyadh and Washington are still very distant from the parting of the ways threatened by some Saudi officials
Saudi Relations are key to regional power projection
Telhami and Hill 2002 (Shibley, Fiona Does Saudi Arabia Still Matter? Differing Perspectives on the Kingdom and Its Oil Foreign Affairs, November/December 2002 http:~/~/
Given America's ongoing security interest in the Persian Gulf, AND launching operations from Saudi soil in the case of a war with Iraq. Hegemony prevents nuclear war
Barnett 11 - chief analyst at Wikistrat, former visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee’s Howard Baker Center for Public Policy and a visiting strategist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis and Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies (Thomas, World Politics Review, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” 3/7, http:~/~/ AND deeply embedded in the geometry to come. | |
01/07/2013 | T - PluralTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: A. Interpretation- the affirmative must increase more than one method of a financial incentive and/or reduce multiple restrictions for energy production.Plural means multiple.Collins English Dictionary 2012 plural. (n.d.). Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved August 17, 2012, from website:, IT//Pirate ¶ plural (ˈplʊərəl)¶ ¶ — adj¶ 1. containing, AND of one or more ORDERs.” | |
01/07/2013 | T - RestrictionsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: A. Restrictions on production must mandate a decrease in the quantity producedAnell 89 Chairman, WTO panel "To examine, in the light of the relevant GATT provisions, the matter referred to the CONTRACTING PARTIES by the United States in document L/6445 and to make such findings as will assist the CONTRACTING PARTIES in making the recommendations or in giving the rulings provided for in Article XXIII:2." 3. On 3 April 1989, the Council was informed that agreement had been reached on the following composition of the Panel (C/164): Composition Chairman: Mr. Lars E.R. Anell Members: Mr. Hugh W. Bartlett Mrs. Carmen Luz Guarda CANADA - IMPORT RESTRICTIONS ON ICE CREAM AND YOGHURT Report of the Panel adopted at the Forty-fifth Session of the CONTRACTING PARTIES on 5 December 1989 (L/6568 - 36S/68) The United States argued that Canada had AND situation would be in the absence of all government measures. | |
01/07/2013 | Russia DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: U.S. Russia relations stable now but they're on the brink – Russian rhetoric and spies proveDr. Pavel Felgenhauer, is an independent, Moscow-based defense analyst., University of Moscow, Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 9 Issue: 185, 10/11/2012, “While Increasingly Anti-Western, Russia Needs Foreign Military Technology,” ( accessed 11/09/2012)
Last week, US federal prosecutors announced AND defense policy to cope with the threat” (, October 5).
Increasing Energy production collapses US – Russia relations because it is perceived as influencing upon their national security – this causes nuclear warAlexander Ghaleb, U.S. Army captain with several assignments to infantry, military intelligence, and special operations positions. Captain Ghaleb has written several articles dealing with issues related to national security. He has studied at top European universities in Germany, France, and Hungary. Captain Ghaleb holds a B.BA. in international business from the George Washington University, an M.A. in strategic security studies from the National Defense University, and he is an energy security Ph.D. student in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy at the Central European University, October 2011, “NATURAL GAS AS AN INSTRUMENT OF RUSSIAN STATE POWER,” ( accessed 10/31/12)
Russia is the world’s leading natural gas producer AND the maximum efficient use of the Russian energy potential. 12 | |
01/07/2013 | China Relations DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: U.S-China Relations on (China's State Run News Agency; English Outlet) 2012-07-24 http:~/~/ BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- President Hu Jintao said Tuesday AND slated to meet a number of top Chinese leaders during his stay. Expanding U.S. Electrical Generating Capacity Causes China to Implement Export LimitsDavid Biello 10' Scientific American writer - Rare Earths: Elemental Needs of the Clean-Energy Economy http:~/~/ A massive wind turbine—capable of turning AND particularly as China has implemented export quotas. This Kills U.S. China RelationsMatty Robin 2011 Forigen Relations contributer to Policy Mic since 2008. http:~/~/ Over the past few years, tensions have risen AND why we did not deal with this issue earlier. Leads to Global Econ Meltdown and WarCouncil on Foreign Relations Director of Asian Studies ‘99 Economy, Council on Foreign Relations Director of Asian Studies, ’99 Elizabeth, Foreign Affairs, March/April, http:~/~/ china-green-the-next-sino-american-tussle.html The United States and China have AND economic conflicts and global instability. | |
01/07/2013 | Miscellaneous Tariff Bill CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: CP Text: United States Congress should pass the Miscellaneous Tariff BillMTB Solves Competitiveness and manufacturingTNN 12/6. "Manufacturers Urge Congress to pass Miscellaneous Tariff Bill" Thomas Net News. Accessed 12/15/12 http:~/~/
NAM joined 104 businesses and business AND improve their competitiveness in an increasingly challenging global marketplace."
and jobsTNN 12/3. "Manufacturers Urge Congress to pass Miscellaneous Tariff Bill" Thomas Net News. Accessed 12/15/12 http:~/~/
Legislation Will Boost Competitiveness and AND translate into lost jobs for American workers.
Now is keyLemos 12/5. "Congress must act on the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill" By Jessica Lemos Dec. 5, 2012. Shopfloor. Accessed 12/15/2012. http:~/~/
Congress has a number of important and in a difficult global economy. | |
01/07/2013 | Japan Rearm TurnTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: US will default to plutonium reactors because they can be used in nuclear submarines. They will shelve all plan for safer reactor designs - turns your advantageLongore in 2012 Russell D. Longcore, owner and editor of DumpDC, also owns Masteriece Energy LLC, Abigail Morgan Austin Publishing Company and Cornerstone Claim Services in Marietta, Georgia.Nuclear Power Secrets Revealed Nuclear Power Is Expensive and Bad for the Environment. It’s Being Pushed Because It Is Good For Making Bombs
If nuclear energy is expensive and bad for the AND risks of radiation. Indeed, “nuclear regulators” are really just promoters for the nuclear cycle.
History proves the plan leads to more Japan Rearment but on a secretive scale - This turns their advantage and if true means your rearm impacts are empirically denied or inevitable
Longore in 2012 Russell D. Longcore, owner and editor of DumpDC, also owns Masteriece Energy LLC, Abigail Morgan Austin Publishing Company and Cornerstone Claim Services in Marietta, Georgia.Nuclear Power Secrets RevealedNuclear Power Is Expensive and Bad for the Environment. It’s Being Pushed Because It Is Good For Making Bombs As veteran investigative reporter Joseph Trento – who has received six Pulitzer nominations, worked for CNN’s Special Assignment Unit, the Wilmington News Journal, and prominent journalist Jack Anderson – notes in a new report, the U.S. circumvented national and international laws to secretly give Japan nuclear weapons:
The United States deliberately allowed AND about a secret nuclear weapons program in Japan since the 1960s, according to CIA reports.
Japan has already rearmed because of actions like the plan - robust US nuclear power industry leads to a robust Japan Nuclear Weapons Stockpile
Longore in 2012 Russell D. Longcore, owner and editor of DumpDC, also owns Masteriece Energy LLC, Abigail Morgan Austin Publishing Company and Cornerstone Claim Services in Marietta, Georgia.Nuclear Power Secrets RevealedNuclear Power Is Expensive and Bad for the Environment. It’s Being Pushed Because It Is Good For Making Bombs
Japan has used its electrical utility AND despite treaty and internal legal obligations
This was all done in Secret so your cards won't assume what actually happened. Your advantage is non-unique and the plan only makes Japanese prolif more likely
Longore in 2012 Russell D. Longcore, owner and editor of DumpDC, also owns Masteriece Energy LLC, Abigail Morgan Austin Publishing Company and Cornerstone Claim Services in Marietta, Georgia.Nuclear Power Secrets RevealedNuclear Power Is Expensive and Bad for the Environment. It’s Being Pushed Because It Is Good For Making Bombs
That secret effort was hidden in a nuclear AND program disguised as innocent energy and civil space programs.
US nuclear power development leads to secret Japanese Rearm
Longore in 2012 Russell D. Longcore, owner and editor of DumpDC, also owns Masteriece Energy LLC, Abigail Morgan Austin Publishing Company and Cornerstone Claim Services in Marietta, Georgia.Nuclear Power Secrets RevealedNuclear Power Is Expensive and Bad for the Environment. It’s Being Pushed Because It Is Good For Making Bombs
In a rare glimpse of a Japanese industry that AND nuclear power program, they made huge profits. | |
01/07/2013 | AT Space Col AdvTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1. Colonization impossible –A. Infertility stops humans from colonizing space- exposure to radiationJerome Taylor, reporter for “The Independent”, 2/14/2011 “Why infertility will stop humans colonising space”, February 14th, 2011,
The prospect of long-term space travel has led scientists AND tight-lipped over whether they joined the 62-mile high club.
B. No sustainable life support system.AIAA 02, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics “Space Colonization—Benefits for the World,” Space colonization must have low-water, low-pesticide plant AND systems as a path toward solution of Tokyo’s waste management problems. C. Time and energy requirements.Stross 07, Charles: technical author, freelance journalist, and author of The Web Architect’s Handbook “The High Frontier, Redux,” Historically, crossing oceans and setting up farmsteads AND million seconds — roughly 5 days — to supply the necessary va-va-voom. D. Health hazards.Stross 07, Charles: technical author, freelance journalist, and author of The Web Architect’s Handbook “The High Frontier, Redux,”
We're human beings. We evolved to flourish in a very specific e AND in an airless, inhospitable environment. | |
01/07/2013 | Tort Reform CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: TEXT: The United States Supreme Court should grant a Writ of Certiorari to Comer v Murphy Oil USA and rule that the Fifth Circuit ruling is enforceable by recognizing and enforcing common law environmental property rights, and recognize that consumption of fossil fuels creates tort liability for any property harmed by that consumption. The Court should use the IPCC’s studies about global warming as a benchmark to judge the risk of fossil fuel consumption in clearing harm to environmental property rights. The Court should strike down any conflicting regulations that would prevent the enforcement of this ruling.Solvency – Comer v Murphy Oil USA is the ideal venue to set precedent that CO2 emissions are a violation of tort law and plaintiffs can seek damages against fossil fuel companies who produce those emissionsGuarino in 2011 Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 2011, Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 38 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 125 NOTE: THE POWER OF ONE: CITIZEN SUITS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING NAME: KATHERINE A. GUARINO*
The perfect storm--and the perfect test case--struck AND warming plaintiffs at the Supreme Court level.
The Counterplan forces manufacturers to switch to alternative energyMukerjee in 2003
Shifting the cost of global AND environmentalist’s new rallying cry. | |
01/07/2013 | Courts CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Text: The United States Supreme Court should grant a Writ of Certiorari to a relevant test case that insert planCounterplan solves.McGuire in 2004
In this study, I have constructed AND legitimacy and potency to their decisions. | |
01/07/2013 | EPSCOR CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Text: The State and Territorial Governments in the Department of Energy’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research should substantially increase financial support for federal programs for fusion energy generation in the United States.DOE EPSCoR program empirically funds fusion research at national labs, including STEM students – states can contribute fundsGary C. April, PhD, Associate Director Alabama DOE EPSCoR, 2005, “Alabama DOE EPSCoR,”http:~/~/ The Alabama DOE EPSCoR Program AND at Argonne, Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratories. | |
01/07/2013 | Rule 5 CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Text – The 50 state governments will enact legislation awarding modest tax credits to landowners in communities that voluntarily accommodate residential distributed wind programs. The state governments should provide local communities that qualify for these tax credits a one time grant upon showing they have amended their land use laws to accommodate distributed renewable energy devicesRule 5 scheme allows for states to compensate those who tolerate distributed renewable systems.Rule in 2010 Utah Law Review 2010 Utah L. Rev. 1223 Article: Renewable Energy and the Neighbors NAME: Troy A. Rule* Associate Professor of Law, University of Missouri School of Law. A state could create a AND value of the grant and tax credits offered exceeded the cost within their jurisdictions. Rule 5 based strategy to spur local acceptance is best to get residential windRule in 2010 Utah Law Review 2010 Utah L. Rev. 1223 Article: Renewable Energy and the Neighbors NAME: Troy A. Rule* Associate Professor of Law, University of Missouri School of Law. A Rule 5-based strategy is less AND most effective when used to "induce people to engage in socially valuable conduct." 215url:#n215 Residential Wind reduces fossil fuel use – innovative state laws are key to prevent local oppositionRule in 2010 Utah Law Review 2010 Utah L. Rev. 1223 Article: Renewable Energy and the Neighbors NAME: Troy A. Rule* Associate Professor of Law, University of Missouri School of Law. Distributed renewable energy is vital to curbing AND the future growth of distributed renewable energy. | |
01/07/2013 | CIGS DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Subsidies and incentives ensures low silicon prices—Germany provesPauli ’10. "Solar without Subsidies" By Gunter Pauli The BlueEconomy 2010 The German government, the largest market for photovoltaics, AND America expands, factory prices are expected over the next five years to drop 50 percent below the 2010 level. Cheap Silicon pushes CIGS out permanently-- if they survive the recent cheap PV prices, will do greatDeign ’12. "Make or break time for CIGS" By Jason Deign Jan. 3, 2012. PV Insider It is probably fair to say that all CIGS companies AND with CIGS modules, but it is still not as cost advantaged as it could be.” Traditional PV relies on siliconeBullis ’10 "Making more solar cells from silicon" Kevin Bullis March 4, 2010 Technology Review published by MIT http:~/~/ A new manufacturing process could cut AND This saves material and reduces the number of steps needed to make solar cells, both of which bring down costs. Silicon causes pollutionPasternack '08 Pollution Casts Shadow Tree Hugger By Alex Pastermack http:~/~/ With exports booming, government support, AND Eventually, the whole area turned white, like snow. Pollution causes extinctionAmerican Chronicle, Human Extinction. April 14, 2007. The most common pattern of macroevolutionary trends is extinction AND want them sick and dying? Or worse, never born. | |
01/07/2013 | States CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Text: The 50 states and relevant United States Territories will insert plan textObservation I: Competes – Solves the case and avoids the disads linked to federal actionObservation II: Solves: Energy policy should be a state responsibility – they solve better than the federal government
David Brakke, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics at James Madison University, “Federalism,” Association of Women in Science Magazine, Vol 30, No 1, 2001 (
California is constructing new facilities, AND manage for sustainable resource management overall. States are a laboratory for new energy production programs – their action gets modeled.Lash ’07 (Jonathan, “Climate Policy in the State Laboratory: How States Influence Federal Regulation and the Implications for U.S. Policy,” World Resources Institute, September, http:~/~/, TGA) America has a long and inspiring tradition of AND low-carbon economy of the future. | |
03/17/2013 | Nanotech CPTournament: NJDDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD VW | Judge: Ziegler The United States federal government should stipulate that all publicly-funded nanotechnology research is made freely and openly available on acceptance for publication, alter the Bayh-Dole Act to exclude private intellectual property lockdown of publicly-funded innovation, and issue a moratorium on patenting nanotechnology-related fundamental science, materials, and concepts.Counterplan spurs nanotech innovation.Pearce 12 (Joshua M. Pearce is associate professor in the Open Sustainability Technology Lab, Departments of Materials Science and Engineering and of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295, USA, “Make nanotechnology research open-source,” http:~/~/, Nature 491, 519–521, 22 November 2012) Stopping patents on basic nanotechnology will create AND and leverage the best value for taxpayers from their research investments. | |
03/22/2013 | Empathy KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D., Ph.D. is a Founding Faculty Member and Training and Supervising Analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles; a Founding Faculty Member at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York City; and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine. 'Empathic Civilization' in an Age of Trauma, Huffington Post. February 23, 2010 http:~/~/ In my work Structural violence is the biggest impact in the debate: it is systemic, it outweighs nuclear war and it is the root cause of all other forms of violence Gilligan, (Dept. of Psych. @ Harvard Med and Dir. of the Center for the Study of Violence) 1996 You cannot The Alternative is to reject un empathetic action to relearn empathy. Richard Restak is the author of 20 books on the human brain, former president of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, and clinical professor of Neurology at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington DC. 'Empathic Civilization': Our Brains Were Built For Feeling Each Other's Pain, Huffington Post. February 15, 2010 http:~/~/ In our culture And unless there is a leap of faith that embraces the empathetic decision calculus, extinction will result Jeremy Rifkin is the author of 'The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis,' published by Tarcher Penguin in January 2010. Mr. Rifkin has been an advisor to the European Union since 2002. In that capacity, he is the principle architect of the Third Industrial Revolution long-term economic sustainability plan to address the triple challenge of the global economic crisis, energy security, and climate change. 'The Empathic Civilization': Rethinking Human Nature in the Biosphere Era, Huffington Post. January 11, 2010http:~/~/ Neg Neither the | |
03/22/2013 | Cap K - ZizekTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Like human beings The plan construction solves little dots that reemerge in the dystopian poltical, we solve the whole dystopia poltical, thus we are the only internal link to violence “the master-signifier is a structure of Psychoanalysis the master is the dominator, and the signifer is the slave.” European civilisation Challenging global capitalism is the ultimate ethical responsibility – the current order guarantees violence on a global scale For Zizek it is | |
03/22/2013 | Historical MaterialismTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The affirmative’s rejection of truth claims about the material role of actors and structures in history conflates all knowledge with Enlightenment rationality-this ahistorical viewpoint precludes the most relevant and politicizing modes of analysisPalmer '96 - Canada Research Chair in Canadian Labour History and Canadian Studies @ Trent University (Bryan D., "Old Positions/New Necessities: History, Class, and Marxist Metanarrative," in "In Defense of History," Ed. by E. Meiskins Wood and John Foster, p.65-72, RG) The alternative is historical materialism. Historical materialist analysis is epistemologically superior to post-structuralism-it allows more effective analyses of power and the mobilization of discoursesLapointe, 2007 Thierry. "Beyond an Historicism Without Subject: Agency and the Elusive Genealogies of State Sovereignty" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association 48th Annual Convention, Feb 28, 2007 http:~/~/ Our critique turns all of their impacts. The alternative is a pre-requisite to an understanding of power as contingent or the use of counterhegemonies as resistancePalmer '96 - Canada Research Chair in Canadian Labour History and Canadian Studies @ Trent University (Bryan D., "Old Positions/New Necessities: History, Class, and Marxist Metanarrative," in "In Defense of History," Ed. by E. Meiskins Wood and John Foster, p.65-72, RG) | |
03/22/2013 | Communist HypothesisTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1. The aff thus does not produce energy to satisfy human needs—rather, it exploits the energy produced by the working class to do nothing but further sustain strategies of domination and exploitation over the worldICConline 11 on August 16, 2011, “Nuclear energy, capitalism and communism” http:~/~/ 2. Capitalism reduces reality to montary value – this instrumentality precludes ethics and results in inevitable environmental, and civilization's destruction
Morgareidge, 98 Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, (Clayton, Prof of Philosophy at Lewis and Clark College, Why Capitalism is Evil 08/22http:~/~/** 3. OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO REJECT THEIR ADVOCACY IN FAVOR OF AN ASSERTION OF THE COMMUNIST HYPOTHESIS.BADIOU ‘10 (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, The Idea of Communism, pgs. 11-13 bb) |
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