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10/11/2012 | Empathy KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Busby, Chris (PhD, Scientist, Director; Green Audit Limited, Scientific Advisor to Low Level Radiation Campaign); February 2012; “Childhood Leukemia Near Nuclear Facilities”; "Since the paper by WF was published...the argument they use." Increases in wind turbine usage raises cost of electricity – Kansas empirically proves KCPandL (Kansas City Power and Light); 4/20/2012; Press Release; “KCPandL Files Rate Increase Request with Kansas Cooperation Commission”; Wind energy Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D., Ph.D. is a Founding Faculty Member and Training and Supervising Analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles; a Founding Faculty Member at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York City; and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine. 'Empathic Civilization' in an Age of Trauma, Huffington Post. February 23, 2010 In my Uranium mining furthers the decades of abuse to Native Americans and causes thousands of cases of death and cancer. The New Zealand Herald, July 16, 2007 Monday Like many Structural violence is the biggest impact in the debate: it is systemic, it outweighs nuclear war and it is the root cause of all other forms of violence Gilligan, (Dept. of Psych. @ Harvard Med and Dir. of the Center for the Study of Violence) 1996 You cannot We must act with empathy in every instance to ensure an empathetic civilization Richard Restak is the author of 20 books on the human brain, former president of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, and clinical professor of Neurology at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington DC. 'Empathic Civilization': Our Brains Were Built For Feeling Each Other's Pain, Huffington Post. February 15, 2010 In our Jeremy Rifkin is the author of 'The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis,' published by Tarcher Penguin in January 2010. Mr. Rifkin has been an advisor to the European Union since 2002. In that capacity, he is the principle architect of the Third Industrial Revolution long-term economic sustainability plan to address the triple challenge of the global economic crisis, energy security, and climate change. 'The Empathic Civilization': Rethinking Human Nature in the Biosphere Era, Huffington Post. January 11, 2010 Neither the | |
10/11/2012 | Consumption KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Rees, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, 10 | |
10/11/2012 | T - Not an Increase or ReductionTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 48 Statutory Interpretation. “Reduce” means to diminish in size or extent – this requires that the subject is pre-existing a : to draw 48 Statutory Interpretation. | |
10/11/2012 | T - USFGTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: USFG is all 3 branches United States | |
10/11/2012 | ElectionsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Carnia 9/20 (Catalina, Staff Writer at USA Today, “ 8 of 13 forecasts say Obama wins popular vote,”, 9/20/12) Wind Is Unpopular – Fails in congress Denver Post; 4/12/2012 WASHINGTON — Though Williams, Fox News Political Analyst, 12 President Obama Heinze 7/25 Christian the founder of, is a member of staff at The Hill, 7/25/2012, “Romney could cash in on deficit issues” The Hill In fact, Heinze 7/25 Christian the founder of, is a member of staff at The Hill, 7/25/2012, “Romney could cash in on deficit issues” The Hill But beyond What happens Pew Research Center, 11 Public support Charlotte Business Journal September 14, 2012 All the polls Daily Kos 12 Daily Kos; “President Obama versus Romney on Iran”; 4/16/2012; Approach to Reuters 12 Hasty military | |
10/11/2012 | CIGS DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Solar Server 10 Solar Server Online Portal to Solar Energy "Photovoltaic production in the CIGSfab: Integrated factories provide competitive solar electricity" 2010 To ensure Pauli ’10. "Solar without Subsidies" By Gunter Pauli The BlueEconomy 2010 The German It is A new manufacturing With exports | |
10/11/2012 | Red SpreadTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: | |
10/11/2012 | States CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Lash ’07 (Jonathan, “Climate Policy in the State Laboratory: How States Influence Federal Regulation and the Implications for U.S. Policy,” World Resources Institute, September,, TGA) America has | |
10/11/2012 | Case - BlackoutsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: WASHINGTON – A In terms o Energy experts Lovins and Sheikh in 2009, Rocky Mountain Institute, ‘08 AMORY B. LOVINS, Cofounder, Chairman, and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute ( and has published in 29 books and hundreds of papers, his work has been recognized by a MacArthur Fellowship (1993). He has consulted for more than three decades for major firms and governments (including the U.S. Departments of Energy and Defense) on advanced energy and resource efficiency in 50 countries, has advised scores of electric utilities and has led the technical redesign of $30 billion worth of facilities. IMRAN SHEIKH, RMI Research Analyst, is now a graduate student at the Energy and Resources Group of the University of California at Berkeley. “The Nuclear Illusion,” 27 May 2008, DRAFT subject to further peer review/editing, download date: 6-21-08 The grid Large-scale SMRs Will replace nuclear starting in 2013 Many obstacles Robert Rosner and Stephen Goldberg, Energy Policy Institute at Chicago, The Harris School of Public Policy Studies. Small Modular Reactors – Key to Future Nuclear Power Generation in the U.S., Energy Policy Institute at Chicago. November 2011 While the Holehouse 11 (Matthew, Reporter for at the Daily Telegraph who was named Young Journalist of the Year by the Scottish Press Awards, “Green energy could trigger 'catastrophic' blackouts”,, 11/23/11) Solar panels | |
10/11/2012 | Case - EconTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Thomas P.M. Barnett (senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC and a contributing editor/online columnist for Esquire magazine) August 2009 “The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis” When the Lloyd deMause, director of The Institute for Psychohistory, “Nuclear War as an Anti-Sexual Group Fantasy” Updated December 18th 2002, The nation | |
10/11/2012 | Case - WarmingTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Reuters, June 11, 2012 (The Guardian“Climate change rate could be faster than thought, study suggests”, China's carbon Walker and King 8-- Director of the School of Environment @Oxford Chopping down Utama et al. 11 Globally the Taylor, 2011 (James Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute and managing editor of Environment and Climate News, “New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism” Yahoo News, July 27th, 2011, Online @ ht) NASA satellite S. Fred Singer, Ph.D. President, Science and Environmental Policy Project; Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science, University of Virginia AND Craig D. Idso, Ph.D. Chairman, Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change. Climate Change Reconsidered, Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. 2009 Rosenfeld (2000) used
Easterbrook 10—geology professor specializing in climate effects ‘Global warming Rana, 12 (Y.S. Rana, writer for The India Post, Based on Research by Dr. Ritesh Arya, Member @ Nat’l Institute of Hydrology, Former reseacher at CAS Geology Panjab University Chandigar, and former Hydrogeologist at Groundwater Organisation,Irrigation and Public Health Govt of Himachal Pradesh , “Global Warming Is Not Man-Made Says Dr Arya” April 10th 2012, Online @ ht) Global warming Hsu ‘10 His views Goklany 2011 - a science and technology policy analyst for the United States Department of the Interior (Indur M., “Misled on Climate Change: How the UN IPCC (and others) Exaggerate the Impacts of Global Warming” December 2011,, PZ) A third | |
10/11/2012 | Case - KashmirTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Finel in ‘9 While Kashmir | |
10/11/2012 | Case - Waste DumpingTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The Obama | |
10/11/2012 | Case - SpaceTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: | |
10/11/2012 | Trade War DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: BEIJING—China Given the When President US geopolitical Kateb 1992 | |
10/11/2012 | Case - TerrorTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Mueller ‘10 If terrorists | |
10/17/2012 | Lopez CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The 50 States and relevant U.S. territories should Insert Plan_. Contention 1 --- Competes based on disads linked to Federal Government action. Contention 2 --- Solves The Court can make this ruling and devolve power to the states --- it won’t be rolled back Miller ‘98 (Mark A., Attorney at Law – Baker Botts LLP, Cleveland State Law Review, Lexis) Extending the Lopez precedent is critical to send strong signal encouraging federalism worldwide --- this solves global war and promotes economic growth Calabresi ‘95 (Steven G., Assistant Prof – Northwestern U., Michigan Law Review, Lexis) Economic collapse causes extinction Kerpen 8 (Phil, National Review Online, October 29, , Don't Turn Panic Into Depression, | |
10/17/2012 | Market DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Nelson 12 James B. Nelson President, Solar 3D INC Testimony, 5/16/2012 Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight, and Government Spending Financial incentives undermine innovation Shah 11 It’s Time to Kill Permanent Energy Subsidies BY JIGAR SHAH CEO of the Carbon War Room, a nonprofit that harnesses the power of entrepreneurs to implement market-driven solutions to climate change and create a post-carbon economy | MAY 4, 2011 Innovation key to the economy-turns the aff Edwards and DeHaven 12 Corporate Welfare Spending vs. the Entrepreneurial Economy by Chris Edwards and Tad DeHaven House Budget Committee This testimony was delivered on June 1, 2012. Fellows at the CATO Institute | |
10/17/2012 | Wind CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Baria in 2009 (DePaul Law Review Fall, 2009 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW 59 DePaul L. Rev. 141 COMMENT: UP THE CREEK WITH A PADDLE: WATER DOCTRINE AS A BASIS FOR SMALL WIND ENERGY RESOURCE RIGHTS NAME: Thaddeus Baria* BIO: * J.D. Candidate 2011, DePaul University College of Law; B.S. 1999, Purdue University.) Large Scale Projects are extremely expensive and price small market residential projects out of the market –Small Scale Residential Wind projects are feasible and cost-effective if wind access is secured which only the counterplan guarantees. Utility Wind power kills Birds of Prey Fox News; 8/16/2011;; “Energy in America: Dead Birds Unintended Consequence of Wind Power Development”; Residential Wind does not kill birds Top of the food chain predators are key to their ecosystems LiveScience; 7/19/2006;; “Top Predators Key to Ecosystem Survival, Study Shows”; Studies prove that biodiversity must be protected to avoid extinction Science Daily, Biodiversity Key to Earth's Life-Support Functions in a Changing World. August 11, 2011 Lack of wind siting on high population density forces wind to be sited on agricultural lands Adelaha and Hailu in 2008 Renewable Energy Development and Implications to Agricultural Viability1 ASoji Adelaja is the John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor in Land Policy and Director of the Land Policy Institute (LPI) at Michigan State University (MSU). Yohannes G. Hailu is Visiting Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Research at the LPI. We appreciate the assistance of Chuck McKeon and Ben Calnin in conducting the spatial analysis for this paper. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, July 2008 | |
10/17/2012 | University KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: University Contained Discourse on the EXPLOITATIVE FUNCTION OF POWER merely Sustains Powers Ability to CONSTRAIN ANY type of Resistance by turning Victims of power into Ghosts, This suspends any potential action while Masking Power – ESPECIALLY in Academic Subcultures like Debate Occupied UC Berkeley 2k9 Your Preoccupation with challenging hegemonic power structures within a system that is itself a hegemonic power structure makes you live a social death. You become a product and subservient to the systems you criticize. You are a cog in the machine and you don’t even realize it. Occupied UC Berkeley 2k9 The alternative is to abandon the flawed methodological approach of the affirmative. If we win a link then we will that their method leads to pacification and abandonment of any real change they hope to accomplish. This means you could vote negative on presumption. However, rejection forces a new methodological approach that will challenge the inertia that will inevitably result from their movement. The only hope of solving is to not accept the pacification and cooption the University creates surrounding critical theory. Chomsky - 2002 | |
10/18/2012 | Cede the politicalTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2- Extreme Right takeover A) Failure to engage in the political process will result in the takeover by the extreme right, leading to discrimination and war worldwide Rorty 98 – professor emeritus of comparative literature and philosophy, by courtesy, at Stanford University (Richard, “ACHIEVING OUR COUNTRY: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America”, 1998, pg. 89-94) B) This ensures science is abandoned David Brin. Political Science, eSkeptic. October 13, 2005. | |
10/18/2012 | Case - ScienceTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Tad Johnson, a graduate of UW-Madison in Computer Science and currently work in the IT field, but my interests include urban planning, energy policy, photography, and entrepreneurship. Science, Nov 14th, 2006 Human nature ensures Consumption and dominance of nature is inevitable – This is superchared by Johnson 6 Debates by non-government actors about future crises are critical distopian visions that can mobilize transnational movements that are effectively pressuring governments into preventing nuclear annihilation Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). Epistimology is Key to Accessing Ontology – Our Epistimology is Science, Science is Based on Truth and is self Correcting – that is Johnson. That Means our Ontology is Set in Truth – The Advocacy is not. And our Epistimological and ontological process is key to solving Their impacts Impacts Paul Kurtz, Editor in Chief of Free Inquiry, a professor emeritus of philosophy at the University at Buffalo, and Chairman of the Center for Inquiry. Religion in Conflict, Council for Secular Humanism. February / March 2007 Volume 27 Number The scientific method ensures nanotechnology Nanotechnology would provide a utopia – Turns the Aff Drexler, 86 | |
10/19/2012 | Framework - Fields of FleshTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: B. Our interpretation most predictable given the wording of the resolution:
Webster’s Guide to Grammar and Writing – 2000 2. “Resolved” expresses intent to implement the plan American Heritage Dictionary 2000 3. “Should” denotes an expectation of enacting a plan American Heritage Dictionary – 2000 4. “The USFG” is the government in Washington D.C. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000 5. and, our definition excludes action by smaller political groups or individuals. C. Violation – The affirmative is not an instrumental affirmation of the resolution – they affirm the topic as D. Reasons to prefer - Personal Politics is Destructive: Alan Coverstone, M.A. Speech Communication from Wake Forest University and Assistant Dean at Montgomery Bell Academy, 1995 (“An Inward Glance: A Response To Mitchell's Outward Activist Turn” Debater’s Research Guide, Predictable Ground: Utopian Thinking Bad: B) Education- This type of thinking does not teach us the problem solution skills necessary to engage the pragmatic problems that will face us throughout our lives. The skills gained by policy comparisons outweigh the kritik impacts because the kritik impacts presume the judge can compare and evaluate the impacts, which is a skill that is undermined by the affirmative’s utopian thinking. |
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