Tournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:
Christopher Columbus’s arrival ….. on tribal land.
U.S. energy production policies are premised on the imposition of an epistemology of possession the natural world. This mode of relationality inherent within the paradigm of Settlerism is tantamount to ontological degradation and is responsible for the genocide of indigenous populations.
Wilderson 10 (Frank, MFA @ Columbia University in Fiction Writing, Ph.D. @ University of California, Berkeley in Rhetoric/Film Studies, Prof @ UC Irvine, Red, White, and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, p176-178//shree)
"Savage" sovereignty … re-Indigenize the land.
Street 4 (Paul Street, phD in History from Binghamton, march 11, “Those Who Deny the Crimes of the Past,” //shree)
It is especially important …. who came to destroy.
Churchill 3 (Ward, ex-Prof of Ethnic Studies @ U of Colorado, Acts of Rebellion: The Ward Churchill Reader, p 263-5//shree)
I am here, ….purported borders.
Thus, Cindy and I affirm the resolution as a site of interrogation to analyze the historical paradigm of Settlerism that undergirds energy production in the United States.
Churchill 3 (Ward, Acts of Rebellion: The Ward Churchill Reader, p. xv-xvii) PM
The question arises …. than that made on 9-1-1.
Powell 10 (Dana E., Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D. at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and D.J. Long, “Landscapes of Power: Renewable Energy Activism in Diné Bikéyah,”, Indians and Energy: Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest.)ERM
This recent encounter ….global climate changes.
Dei 2 (George Sefa, Professor of Sociology and Equity Studies@ Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, “Rethinking the Role of Indigenous Knowledges in the Academy,” The Research Network for New Approaches to Lifelong Learning, //shree)
Ultimately, we have …. and pedagogical practices.
Our advocacy stands in an antagonistic relation to civil society—any alternative that tries to take a middle ground is complicit.
Wilderson 10 (Frank, MFA @ Columbia University in Fiction Writing, Ph.D. @ University of California, Berkeley in Rhetoric/Film Studies, Prof @ UC Irvine, Red, White, and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms, p6-7//shree)
Semiotics and linguistics …. in political cinema?
Churchill 96 (Ward, ex-Prof of Ethnic Studies @ U of Colorado, “From a Native Son”, p.85-90//shree)
The question which …. on attaining it?
While each indigenous collective has different histories and traditions, strategic essentialism is key—reinforcing the common experience of Eurocentric domination is key to prevent atomization that mystifies the violence of colonialism
Churchill 8 (Ward, ex-Prof of Ethnic Studies @ U of Colorado, “I Am Indigenist,” November 18, //shree)
The manifestation of …. of [Eurocentric] domination.9
Policy Debate is skewed towards Western ways of knowing—it compartmentalizes arguments and privileges the “objectivity” of the line-by-line instead of viewing our speeches as an interconnected, coherent whole. The idea that negs can “kick” arguments at any point in the debate is mired in an idea of neutral consensus building that crowds out an indigenization of the debate space
Walker 4 (Polly O, is of Cherokee and Anglo descent and holds a PhD in conflict transformation from the University of Queensland in Australia. “Decolonizing conflict resolution: addressing the ontological violence of westernization,” The American Indian Quarterly 28.3and4 (2004) 527-549//shree)
The atomistic conceptualizations …. knowledge of the conflict (Burton 1996, 60–61).
Unproblematized use of Western norms for conflict resolution commits ontological violence and trains us to be future colonizers
Walker 4 (Polly O, is of Cherokee and Anglo descent and holds a PhD in conflict transformation from the University of Queensland in Australia. “Decolonizing conflict resolution: addressing the ontological violence of westernization,” The American Indian Quarterly 28.3and4 (2004) 527-549//shree)
In this article …..access conflict transformation processes that are in alignment with Indigenous worldviews.
Spanos 4 (William, Prof of English @ Binghamton U, in Joe Millers’ Book Cross-ex, pg. 467)
Dear Joe Miller, Yes, …… makers is leading.