Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge:
Attempts to manage the world render Earth and its inhabitants as objects, awaiting the subjective United States’ federal government’s action. This form of dualism renders everything a self-circulating resource at humanity’s disposal, revealing one way of better relating to the world, all the while eclipsing other modes of thought.
McWhorter 92 (Ladelle, Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies at Richmond, Heidegger and the earth: Essays in environmental philosophy, Thomas Jefferson University Press, pp. 6)
The danger of a managerial approach to the world lies not, then, in
which we have not yet dreamed, directions of which we may never dream
There is no end to technological thought and rationale – it will continue to find more destructive ways to control life and death.
Beckman 2k Tad: Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences at Harvey Mudd College, “Martin Heidegger and Environmental Ethics,”
The threat of nuclear annihilation is, currently, the most dramatic and ironic sign
can we look for the concepts that we need to fabricate convincing arguments?
The standing reserve and the ontological damnation that comes from it outweighs nuclear war--life has no meaning in a framework that sustains the standing reserve and denies us an authentic relationship with being.
Zimmerman 94 Michael: Professor of Philosophy at Tulane. Contesting the Earth’s Future, p.104.
Heidegger asserted that human self-assertion, combined with the eclipse of being,
species are somehow lessened because they were never "disclosed" by humanity.
Our alternative is to detach and release. We must learn to let things be what they are – this does not mean a retreat from technology or surrender to the inevitable, rather, it means a reorientation of how we relate to the world and the beings within it.
Sabatino 07 Charles J.: professor of philosophy at Daemen College “A Heideggerian Reflection on the Prospects of Technology” reprinted in Janus Head 10(1) p. 72-73.
The point of seeing the danger is not that we then retreat from the
and sustains us as all belonging together within the shared gift of world?