| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: T- Direct Restriction A. INTERPRETATION. A restriction must actually prevent production, not just indirectly make it more difficult. Legal interpretations in the context of a similar kind of regulation support. New York Court of Appeals Chief Justice Pound in 33 Roscoe, Nebbia v. New York, 262 N.Y 259, 264, lexis The fixing of minimum prices is one of the main features of the act. AND State interference as to the price at which he shall sell his milk. He continues New York Court of Appeals Chief Justice Pound in 33 Roscoe, Nebbia v. New York, 262 N.Y 259, 271, lexis The New York law creates no monopoly; does not restrict production; was adopted to meet an emergency; milk is a greater family necessity than ice. US Supreme Court Justice Roberts in 34 (Owen, Majority opinion in Nebbia v. New York, 291 U.S. 502, 531, http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?court=usandvol=291andinvol=502 Notwithstanding the admitted power to correct existing economic ills by appropriate regulation of business, AND maladjustments by legislation touching prices? We think there is no such principle. B. VIOLATION Choose one} VIOLATION The plan removes a regulation on natural gas producers that is designed to protect oceans. This is not a restriction on natural gas production; producers can still produce as much gas by fracking as they want and take their chances on proper disclosure. C. REASONS TO PREFER. - Limits.
Their interpretation opens aff case choice to changing anything that might discourage energy production. They could improve the European economy, or stop a war with Iran. Unlimited case possibilities make negative preparation too difficult.
2. Ground The aff interpretation allows them to claim too many advantages unrelated to increasing energy production, such as protection of trade secrets. Fair ground division on this topic should be centered around increasing or decreasing energy production. Our interpretation guarantees this. 3. Bright line Their interpretation requires that you look at the intent or effects of regulations rather than on the words. Our interpretation sets a bright line if the words of the law mandate a limit on energy production, then it is topical to remove it. Avoiding subjective judging decisions is good for the exercise of jurisdiction. Also, any advantages based on removing restrictions would be extratopical, not reasons to vote aff. D. TOPICALITY AND EXTRATOPICALITY ARE VOTERS. For reasons of education, fairness and jurisdiction. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: (A) The Aff doesn’t specify the branch that implements the plan – USFG means 3 branches. Babylon.com, ‘7 (http://www.babylon.com/definition/United_States_federal_government/English) This article describes the government of the United States. For other issues, see AND federal government has three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. And, the agent of action test – The Aff has to specify in their plan text what is necessary for the plan to take effect. Not specifying the branch doesn’t meet since the “USFG” isn’t an agent and there wouldn’t be a political channel to implement the plan. Chicago Manual of Style, ‘3 (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/CMS_FAQ/CapitalizationTitles/CapitalizationTitles32.html, accessed 10/16/07) The government of the United States is not a single official entity. Nor is AND the Congress, the Senate, the Department of State, etc. (B) This is a voter 1.CP Ground – Specifying in the plan is key to Agent CP competition and agent comparison is crucial to policy education. Stoddard, ‘97 (Professor of law at New York University, 72 New York University Law Review 967) Many of my colleagues seeking social justice have deliberately avoided legislatures in recent decades, AND may, in the end, be as important as what it says. 2. Aff conditionality – Not specifying in the plan allows the Aff to shift the entire meaning of the plan and undermines 1NC decision-making. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Transition from nuclear to renewables now – industry will be dead worldwide now unless the US provides more subsidies. Harvey Wasserman 12,Author, 'SOLARTOPIA! Our Green-Powered Earth' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/harvey-wasserman/post_3127_b_1353253.html In the wake of Fukushima, grassroots citizen action is shutting the worldwide nuclear power AND sure these shut-downs happen before the next Fukushima irradiates us all. Renewable energy decreases the perceived need for global nuclear power, Promoting nuclear power only encourages other states to build nuclear instead of renewables. Amory B. Lovins 10, Founder – RMI, Holy god this card is orgasmic http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/01/21/a_roadmap_to_our_energy_future Similar adherence to outmoded orthodoxies now cripples nonproliferation. Policy still rests on the fatally AND cost domestic energy strategy inform, integrate, and inspire foreign policy too? Warming causes extinction. Oliver Tickell (Climate Researcher) August 11 ‘8 “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction”, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/aug/11/climatechange) We need to get prepared for four degrees of global warming, Bob Watson told AND warming caused by human emissions could propel us towards a similar hothouse Earth. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: TEXT: The fifty state governments and all relevant territories should substantially increase loan guarantees for nuclear power plants built in high socio-economic areas in the United States. States empirically solve nuclear energy Lisa Janairo Senior policy analyst at The council of State Governments, Jan 09 (“Nuclear Power May Make a Comeback, csg.org) Nuclear energy does appear to be reliable, generally clean and safe. The affordability AND , such as California and Wisconsin, but has not yet been adopted. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Election gave Obama limited political capital – key to preventing a global depression on Jan 1. Andrew Sullivan 11/9, British-American author, editor, political commentator and blogger. The Daily Beast, http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com But it would be a huge error, it seems to me, if the AND given the exponential growth of spending on everything we now call "health." Plan saps political capital Korte 12 Greg, Washington Bureau, "Politics stands in the way of nuclear plant's future" USA Today -- March 27 -- www.usatoday.com/money/industries/energy/story/2012-04-13/usec-centrifuges-loan-guarantees/54560118/1 Politics stands in the way of nuclear plant's future¶ Three dozen 43-foot AND out. Both say the other side has to make the first move. Nuclear war. Cesare Merlini 11, nonresident senior fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Italian Institute for International Affairs (IAI) in Rome. He served as IAI president from 1979 to 2001. Until 2009, he also occupied the position of executive vice chairman of the Council for the United States and Italy, which he co-founded in 1983. His areas of expertise include transatlantic relations, European integration and nuclear non-proliferation, with particular focus on nuclear science and technology. A Post-Secular World? Survival, 53:2, 117 – 130 Two neatly opposed scenarios for the future of the world order illustrate the range of AND theocratic absolutes, competing or converging with secular absolutes such as unbridled nationalism. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Obama will win- top models and factors prove Klein 9-17 Ezra is a columnist for the Washington Post and an MSNBC Political Analyst, “The Romney Campaign is in Trouble,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/09/17/romney-is-behind-and-the-debates-arent-likely-to-save-him/ First came the changes in strategy. It went from doing everything possible to assure AND crack under the pressure, then that comeback becomes that much less likely. Fracking regulations are popular Bloomberg ’12 “Tighter Fracking Regulations Favored by 65% of U.S. in Poll,” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-15/tighter-fracking-regulations-favored-by-65-of-u-s-in-poll.html The U.S. public favors greater regulation of hydraulic fracturing, a natural AND to rise to 49 percent by 2035, according to the Energy Department. Approval Rating is key, lines up perfectly with reelection Silver ’11 Nate directs five thirty eight and is a statistician, “Approval Ratings and Reelection Odds,” http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/28/approval-ratings-and-re-election-odds/ Earlier this month, we posted the simple version of a finding, based on AND — and that would not have been true a couple of months ago. China label kills relations and the economy Roach 8-28 Stephen is a lecturer at Yale University’s School of Management and Jackson Institute for International Affairs. He is also a Senior executive with Morgan Stanley, “How Romney Could go Wrong from Day 1,” http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c74802de-f0f9-11e1-89b2-00144feabdc0.html#axzz25ue916Yz True to his word as a candidate, a few hours after taking office as AND economic policy blunder. Bad dreams can – and have – become reality. Economic decline causes nuclear war Harris and Burrows, 09 – PhD in European History @ Cambridge and Counselor of the US National Intelligence Council AND Member of the National Intelligence Council’s Long Range Analysis Unit (Mathew J. and Jennifer, “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis,” April, Washington Quarterly, http://www.twq.com/09april/docs/09apr_Burrows.pdf) Of course, the report encompasses more than economics and indeed believes the future is AND within and between states in a more dog-eat-dog world. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The United States Supreme Court should grant certiorari to a relevant test case ruling that the 50 states should substantially reduce restrictions on federal lands in the Outer Continental Shelf for conventional gas production. Competitive – CP doesn’t reduce restrictions. (1) Reduce means to bring down in a smaller amount. Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/reduce to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc.: to reduce one's weight by 10 pounds. (2) CP doesn’t reduce the restriction – it’s still on the books; it just has no legal force. Anonymous Law Professor, ‘6 anon@anon.org, July 9, Prawfsblog, http://prawfsblawg.blogs.com/prawfsblawg/2006/07/are_supreme_cou.html "He is proclaiming that though an Act of Congress was struck down by Congress AND deep-seated prejudice against concurring opinions, I don't see why not. Net Benefit – The Supreme Court has shied away from Commerce Clause rulings – CP’s overruling of an environmental statute would reinvigorate federalist jurisprudence. Bruce Meyers and Jay Austin 11, Senior Attorneys – Environmental Law Institute (Principles of Constitutional Environmental Law, Ed. James R. May, p. 61-3) For the foreseeable future, the continued viability of environmental law’s Commerce Clause foundation hinges AND has ever decided a direct Commerce Clause challenge to a federal environmental law.¶ The precedent sends a strong signal encouraging federalism worldwide - Solves global war. Calabresi ’95 (Steven G., Assistant Prof – Northwestern U., Michigan Law Review, Lexis) The prevailing wisdom is that the Supreme Court should abstain from enforcing constitutional limits on AND legal academy would wake up to the importance of what is at stake. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Heg is over Rachman 11 (Gideon Rachman, Financial Times chief foreign affairs commentator, Zero-Sum Future, 2011, pp 3-4) But the economic crisis that struck the world in 2008 has changed the logic of AND the "unipolar moment" that began with the collapse of the Soviet Union ( ) Heg not solve war – A. No threats require primacy and other factors ensure security. Friedman and Preble 10 (Benjamin Friedman is a research fellow in defense and homeland security studies at the Cato Institute, Christopher Preble is director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, Budgetary Savings from Military Restraint, September 22, 2010 Cato Policy Analysis No. 667 September 23, 2010 http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/PA667.pdf The United States confuses what it wants from its military, which is global primacy AND resentment. Global military primacy is a game not worth the candle.56 B. No war – States have an incentive to avoid it. Zakaria 08 (Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, 2008, The Post-American World, p. 244) In certain areas – the South China Sea, for example – U.S AND futile and unnecessary. Small work-arounds might be just as effective. ( ) Heg inevitable. Goldberg 11 ( January 28 2011 “America's China Syndrome” AEIPPR American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research http://www.aei.org/article/103022) It's true that from the early 1990s until around now, America has been essentially AND In that sense, the new normal looks a lot like the old normal ( ) Aging crisis solves heg. Haas 7 (Mark L Haas, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Duquesne University, “A Geriatric Peace? The Future of U.S. Power in a World of Aging Populations” International Security, Vol. 32, No. 1, Summer, p 112-147 (EBSCO)) SV Global population aging will influence U.S. foreign policies in five major ways AND aging and its economic and military effects make such an outcome unlikely.6 |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Free trade not solve war – A. Interdependence alone can’t solve. Layne ’98 (Christopher, prof of international politics and military strategy at the Naval Postgraduate School, consultant to the RAND Corp, World Policy Journal, “Rethinking American grand strategy: hegemony or balance of power in the twenty-first century?” v15 n2 p8(21), infotrac) These arguments notwithstanding, international economic interdependence does not cause peace. In fact, AND modern international system only during the hegemonies of Victorian Britain and postwar America. B. Historical evidence proves you wrong. Mearsheimer 2k (John J., poli sci Professor at the U of Chicago, co-director of the Program on International Security Policy, The Future Of The American Military Presence In Europe, edited by Lloyd Matthews, http://www.carlisle.army.mil/ssi/pubs/2000/milpres/milpres.pdf) Implicit in your question and in Professor Kaysen’s answer is the belief that increasing economic AND should at least have reservations about the claim that economic interdependence produces peace. C. So does comprehensive research. Barbieri 96 (Katherine, Professor of Political Science – University of North Texas, Journal of Peace Research, February, p. 42-43) This study provides little empirical support for the liberal proposition that trade provides a path AND greatest benefits, but such benefits and costs require a more rigorous investigation. US-Japan relations resilient, cooperation on a wide range of issues and end of tensions RTT News 6/22 (RTT News, “US, Japan to strengthen security, defense cooperation,” 6/22/11, http://www.rttnews.com/Content/TopStories.aspx?Id=1651487andSM=1, CJC) In order to address the evolving regional and global security environment, the United States AND to Camp Schwab on the east coast of Nago City in northern Okinawa. Economic interdependence makes relations collapse impossible Cooper 10- Specialist in international trade and finance- congressional research service reportb(William H, “ U.S.-Japan Economic Relations: Significance, Prospects, and Policy Options,”3/11/10, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA516013andLocation=U2anddoc=GetTRDoc.pdf, Pg 3, CJC) Japan and the United States are the two largest economic powers. Together they account AND United States is the origin of much of the foreign investment in Japan. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Alt causes to species loss—9 reasons at least Tonn ‘7 (Bruce, school of planning prof at U of Tenn, “Futures Sustainability,” Futures, November, lexis) Threats to biodiversity are numerous and well known. Studies suggest that the number of AND levels enough in the atmosphere to asphyxiate all oxygen breathing species 17. ( ) No impact to biodiversity – A. Impact to Biodiversity is a myth NPR, 7 (5/30/2007, Donald J. Dodds M.S. P.E., President of the North Pacific Research, “The Myth of Biodiversity,” northpacificresearch.com/downloads/The_myth_of_biodiversity.doc CS) Biodiversity is a corner stone of the environmental movement. But there is no proof AND of this graph. Biodiversity has never been higher than it is today. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Interpretation—the affirmative must defend the enactment of a topical plan by the United States federal government They claim advantages independent of the plan and the imagination of governmental action 1.“Resolved” before a colon reflects a legislative form. Army Officer School 2004 (5-12, “# 12, Punctuation – The Colon and Semicolon”, http://usawocc.army.mil/IMI/wg12.htm) The colon introduces the following: a. A list, but only after " AND resolved:" Resolved: (colon) That this council petition the mayor. 2. “United States federal government should” means the resolutional question concerns the imagination of outcome of the establishment of a policy by the government. Jon M. Ericson 2003 (Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4) The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action In policy propositions, each topic contains AND compelling reasons for an audience to perform the future action that you propose. Reasons to prefer— 1.Fairness: A. Predictable limits—there are limitless investigations of energy production and debate practice, but the grammar of the resolution is based on enacting a policy. We can’t predict disconnected from the resolutional question. B. Ground—they make stable ground impossible because they can always claim ‘critical’ outweigh disads to the plan or shift their advocacy to avoid impact turns—must hold them to a central question for productive argumentation and idea testing. Presumption – the affirmative defends current restrictions on energy production, that’s a reason to maintain the status quo and vote neg 2. Education: A. Switch-side testing—changing the ballot from a yes/no question about desirability of the plan undermines effective argumentation because there is no point of stasis to continually re-interrogate. And, this idea testing is the best model for creating understanding and fostering tolerance. Gordon Mitchell et al. 2007 (Eric English, Stephen Llano, Catherine E. Morrison, John Rief, and Carly Woods, Pitt Comm Studies Grad Students, Gordon Mitchell is an Associate Comm Studies Professor @ Pitt, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 4) It is our position, however, that rather than acting as a cultural technology AND heirs to brand the activity as a ‘‘weapon of mass destruction.’’ B. Stasis— 1.Subject Formation—absence of shared yardsticks for argument and the mismatch of interpretational scope limits out the possibility of debate. Diana Panke 2010 (Lecturer of Politics at the University College Dublin, Review of International Studies, Volume 36, Issue 01, January 2010 p. 145-168) Discourses take place in many political, judicial and societal arenas within and beyond nation AND reasoning whose interpretational scope fit the interpretational scope of the problem at stake. 2. Ideational Change—no chance of ideational change in their framework—lack of agreement over truth or between competing paradigms eliminates discussion. Diana Panke 2010 (Lecturer of Politics at the University College Dublin, Review of International Studies, Volume 36, Issue 01, January 2010 p. 145-168) Judicial discourses accelerate argumentative speech acts. Yet, exchanging arguments is not sufficient to AND Are new concepts introduced? How are they defined? Are exceptions specified? C. This is a voting issue—limiting discussion to the question being asked is a prerequisite to effective communication. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Interpretation: Incentives include only positive motivators Russel Thomas, 2007 Principal at Meritology, a consultancy that models business value and risk forinformation technology, Incentive-based Cyber Trust – A Call to Action,http://meritology.com/resources/Incentive based%20Cyber%20Trust%20Initiative%20v3.5.pdf “Incentive” – Our definition differs somewhat from the usual economic definition: “ AND non-market processes such as legal , regulatory, or authority institutions . Violation: The affirmative increases incentives for a conditional subsidy Standards: Limits – They double the number of mechanisms they can use to increase incentives for energy productive – The carbon tax, cap-and-trade, and equipment certification all become topical Ground – Requiring a positive incentive forces the aff to defend an increase in government spending for energy production—Their “market-based” approach avoids core solvency questions Voters: Fairness and Education |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Free access to energy is the lifeblood of liberty—government involvement destroys individual rights Josh Loposer 2/24/2012 (journalist, author, managing editor of Digital Marketer, "Political Prisoners: Obama Energy Policy Puts American on House Arrest" www.absoluterights.com/political-prisoners-obama-energy-policy-puts-america-on-house-arrest/) Energy is the lifeblood of liberty. No matter how you slice it, our AND pursued and even celebrated in Washington D.C. today. And, any coercion brings us one step closer to the genocidal nightmares of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union Harry Browne 1995 (Former Libertarian presidential candidate, executive director of public policy at American Liberty Foundation, editor of Liberty Magazine, financial advisor and economist, Why Government Doesn’t Work, p.66-67) The reformers of the Cambodian revolution claimed to be building a better world. They AND cover up the damage of all the failed government programs that came before. And, it’s a moral side constraint Sylvester Petro 1974 (Wake Forest Professor in Toledo Law Review, Spring, p. 480) However, one may still insist, echoing Ernest Hemingway - "I believe in AND every invasion of freedom must be emphatically identified and resisted with undying spirit. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Warming doesn’t cause extinction Willis and Macdonald 11 (Kathy – Biodiversity Institute, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, G.M. – Department of Geography, University of California, “Long-Term Ecological Records and Their Relevance to Climate Change Predictions for a Warmer World,” Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102209-144704) Persistence and range shifts (migrations) seem to have been the predominant terrestrial biotic AND of existing species resulted in plant assemblages that have no present day analog. Turn – Ice Age – it’s coming now – multiple solar studies conclude. Hecht 11 (Laurence, Editor of 21st Century Science and Technology, 6-24, http://www.21stcenturyscience tech.com/Articles_2011/WeakSun.pdf, 7-1-11, AH) Three independent U.S. studies of solar activity arrive at the same conclusions AND of nuclear fission and fusion, is imperative for the survival of civilization. CO2 prevents it. Jaworowski, ‘4 Zbigniew Jaworowski is chairman of the Scientific Council of the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection in Warsaw and former chair of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. He was a principal investigator of three research projects of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and of four research projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency. He has held posts with the Centre d'Etude Nucleaires near Paris; the Biophysical Group of the Institute of Physics, University of Oslo; the Norwegian Polar Research Institute and the National Institute for Polar Research in Tokyo (hes qualed), “The Ice Age is Coming”, Winter 03-04, 7/16/08, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202004/Winter2003-4/global_warming.pdf The approaching new Ice Age poses a real challenge for mankind, much greater than AND drift back into an Ice Age, not away from an Ice Age.” Impact is extinction – it is comparatively worse than warming. Caruba 5 ( “An Icy End for Mankind?” http://www.sepp.org/Archive/NewSEPP/Ice%20Age-Caruba.htm) It is well known that, in the course of billions of years, the AND for the 3.5 billion years that life has existed on earth." |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: A. Interpretation – incentives exclude guaranteed procurement – financial only Czinkota et al, 9 - Associate Professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University (Michael, Fundamentals of International Business, p. 69 – google books) Incentives offered by policymakers to facilitate foreign investments are mainly of three types: fiscal AND import quotas, and local content requirements, and investments in infrastructure facilities. B. Violation – the plan obtains nuclear technology C. This is a voting issue for fairness and education 1.Ground – we lose disads to market action and perception – government purchasing should be neg ground. 2. Limits – they double the number of affs by making financial and nonfinancial incentives possible for any energy – this is especially bad on an already broad topic. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The 50 state governments and relevant subnational governments should require that regulated utilities meet 20 percent of net electricity demand from renewable energy and Small Modular Reactors and establish renewable energy credits that can be applied across state lines to facilitate this goal. The 50 states and relevant subnational actors should pass appropriate policies allowing utilities to pass the cost of construction of Small Modular Reactors to customer rates. The 50 states and relevant subnational actors should require that the military bases have guaranteed and first access to the electricity produced by any of the clean energies under the RPS. The 50 States should provide substantial incentives to private contractors to build renewables or Small Modular Reactors on military bases. We’ll clarify. Solves the Aff. Lisa Janairo Senior policy analyst at The council of State Governments, Jan 09 (“Nuclear Power May Make a Comeback, csg.org) Nuclear energy does appear to be reliable, generally clean and safe. The affordability AND , such as California and Wisconsin, but has not yet been adopted. |