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Doty-Hoth Aff

Last modified by Kendra Doty on 2013/01/27 06:58

Observation 1 is the NRC
To determine protection standards used for radiation contact (as well as other harmful emissions) that are products of producing nuclear energy, the National Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy base all of their calculations on what is known as the “Reference” or “Standard Man.” This character is a 20-30 year old, Caucasian male with average stature from Western European or North American culture. The use of the Reference Man as the sole standard for regulations requires populations that do not fit the qualities are excluded from protection.

Makhijani 2008 (Arjun, Ph.D. President of IEER, holds a Ph.D. in engineering (specialization: nuclear fusion) from the University of California at Berkeley. “The Use of Reference Man¶ in Radiation Protection Standards and Guidance¶ with Recommendations for Change,” Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, December 2008, pp 11-12, KD))

While it is generally recognized
Energy – are¶ provided here.

Even though there are statistical representations for the effects on women and children, the use of Reference Man is pervasive in many different energy industries.

Makhijani 2008 (Arjun, Ph.D. President of IEER, holds a Ph.D. in engineering (specialization: nuclear fusion) from the University of California at Berkeley. “The Use of Reference Man¶ in Radiation Protection Standards and Guidance¶ with Recommendations for Change,” Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, December 2008, pp. 25-26, KD))

While there has been a
or not included at all.

Creating a gender “neutral” ideal, such as the Standard Man, allows for men and what is deemed masculine to be privileged over everything that is considered feminine. 

Khader 08
KHADER, SERENE J. "When Equality Justifies Women's Subjection: Luce Irigaray's Critique of Equality and the Fathers' Rights Movement." Hypatia 23.4 (2008): 48-74. Religion and Philosophy Collection. EBSCO. (MI)

I read Irigaray’s critique
which it is culled does.

We call for recognition of the naturalized discrimination the use of “Reference Man” allows for. Gender discrimination is inherent in the language society uses. To overcome these problems, people must understand sexism’s pervasiveness and subtlety; otherwise the power of discursive discrimination is self-regulated and accepted because of its indiscernibility.

Lazar 2007 (Michelle M., “Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Articulating a feminist discourse praxis,” Critical Discourse Studies Vol. 4, No. 2 August 2007, pp. 141–164, KD)

Contemporary feminist and poststructuralist
a light-hearted, nostalgic way.

A feminist critical discourse analysis is key to redefine gendered rhetorical structures. Such practice enables people to see the relationship between social structures and discursive practices. When one is able to understand the influence that language has on social thinking, they are better able to understand how to destruct oppressive and dominant systems from their social location. 

Lazar 2007 (Michelle M., “Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Articulating a feminist discourse praxis,” Critical Discourse Studies Vol. 4, No. 2 August 2007, pp. 141–164, KD)

Wilkinson and Kitzinger (1995, p. 5) have noted
discursive¶ constructions of gender (Lazar, 1999, 2000).

Included in a feminist discourse analysis must be critical self-reflexivity. Reflexivity is key to any sort of feminist agendaThis realization is a crucial first step in undermining the institutions that perpetuate such practices.

Lazar 2007 (Michelle M., “Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Articulating a feminist discourse praxis,” Critical Discourse Studies Vol. 4, No. 2 August 2007, pp. 141–164, KD)

According to Giddens (1991), reflexivity
superficially¶ attend to them.

Discursive representations matter. Discourse effectively controls and limits what can be discussed in policymaking.

Naples ‘2 (Nancy A.: Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies at University of Connecticut. “Materialist Feminist Discourse Analysis and Social Movement Research: Mapping the Changing Context for ‘Community Control’” Social Movements: Identity, Culture, and the State. David S. Meyer, Nancy Whittier, Belinda Robnett. 2002. Pg. 227 LVL)

Discourse limits what can
from which it was drawn.

Working through established institutions inevitably coopts any feminist movement. We must prefer a feminist CDA when we attempt to change the way language functions.

Lazar 2007 (Michelle M., “Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis: Articulating a feminist discourse praxis,” Critical Discourse Studies Vol. 4, No. 2 August 2007, pp. 141–164, KD)

Aside from focusing on institutional
liberalism and avoid replicating it.

Observation 2—Why debate?

Much like the NRC, debate idolizes a “standard man.” 

Eisenberg (Stephanie, San Francisco State University, “Speaking from the Margins: Negotiating Barriers to Women’s Participation and Success in Policy Debate,” KD)

Even though women are
approval when performing masculinity.

We must focus on how our language shapes our perceptions as debaters, people, and political subjects. We may not be able to make a change in the “real” world, but we can change our community

Rebecca Bjork, former college debater, coach, and professor in ‘93 (former college debater and former associate professor at the University of Utah, where she taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Communication and Women in Debate, Reflections on the Ongoing Struggle, Debater's Research Guide 1992-1993: Wake Forest University.Symposium,

In the last few years, my
power that we have.

Feminists in academic communities, such as debate, must work in multiple ways to gain greater acceptance- specifically the promotion of research practices like the 1AC. 

Enid M. I. Sefconvic and Diane Theresa Bifano,  “Creating a Rhetorical Home for Feminists in the "Master's House" of the Academy: Toward a Gendered Taxonomy of Form and Content” SB

We conclude that women
abode accommodating all humankind.

Discourse shapes reality

Renegar and Sowards 2003 (Valerie R, Stacey K. "Liberal Irony, Rhetoric, and Feminist Thought: A Unifying Third Wave Feminist Theory." Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.4 (2003): 330-352. Project MUSE. Web. 21 Aug. 2012. KD)

Rorty explains that humans
of a new social order.

Created by Kendra Doty on 2013/01/27 06:58

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