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11/07/2012 | China 1AC with PanTournament: UCO | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1AC – InhLast month, the Obama administration arbitrarily blocked Chinese ownership of renewable energy companies. This restriction on energy production deters investment and damages US-China relations.Xinhua 9/30/12 The alarm bell of US protectionism rings loud - And, the rejection is a protectionist weapon that sets a precedent against foreign investment in energy.Wall Street Journal 10-15 2012: 13. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Wind Farm; Did Obama abuse a security process to kill a Chinese investment for political reasons? Proquest Adv 1 – Economic Nationalism====Obama’s rejection of Chinese wind development is racist protectionism.==== In particular, the restrictions on Chinese investment will spillover and destroy – makes conflict inevitable.Daniel J. Graeber 10/1/12 Energy New Front in Economic Warfare The restriction on Chinese development singles out China and destroys relations.Edward Alden 10/2/12 Council on Foreign Relations The Changing Politics of Chinese Trade and Investment ====The impact is war with China - Trade wars escalate – collapsing the global economy, creating widespread protectionism and becoming a shooting war.==== US-China trade conflict guts relations and is the most likely scenario for military escalation.Landy 2007 (Ben Landy, Director of Research and Strategy at the Atlantic Media Company, April 3, 2007, google) The time is ripe for miscalculation in Beijing and WashingtonKent Ewing 10/26/12 "Chinese bogeyman resurfaces in US" Hong Kong-based teacher and writer. Without the plan, economic nationalism constructs China as the other and makes conflict inevitable. These representations of Chinese business constitute reality and make conflict inevitable.Pan 2007 What Is Chinese About Chinese Business?Implications for U.S. Responses to China’s Rise Chengxin Pan School of International and Political StudiesFaculty of ArtsDeakin University Asia Research Centre, CBS, Copenhagen Discussion Papers 2007-20 This Construction of China as a threat makes conflict inevitable and devalues life.Pan, Political Science and International Relations Professor at Australian National University, 2004 Colonialism culminates in extinction and an unending cycles of global warWilliam Eckhardt, Lentz Peace Research Laboratory of St. Louis, Journal of Peace Research, February 1990, p. 15-16 Adv 2 - WarmingRestricting energy development on the basis that foreign investment is a threat to national security sends the signal that the US energy market is off limits and stifles US-China energy cooperationClaudia Mahn 10/1/12 Global Insight October 1, 2012 President Obama blocks Chinese wind farm ambitions Lexis And, Cooperative Clean-energy investment between the US %26 China is critical to green-tech diffusion and solving climate change.Lin 11 ~~Justin Yifu Lin, Former World Bank Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, "China, the US and clean energy cooperation," Jan 21 2011, Only US-China cooperation and investment solves.Woetzel 9 ~~Dr. Jonathan Woetzel, Ph.D. in political science from USC, Director in McKinsey %26 Company’s Greater China Office, August 2009, "China and the US: The potential of a clean-tech partnership," And, unchecked global warming results in human extinction.Ahmed 2010 (Nafeez Ahmed, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development, professor of International Relations and globalization at Brunel University and the University of Sussex, Spring/Summer 2010, "Globalizing Insecurity: The Convergence of Interdependent Ecological, Energy, and Economic Crises," Spotlight on Security, Volume 5, Issue 2, online) No adaption to worst case – the impact is extinctionTickell 8 (Oliver, Environmental Researcher, The Guardian, August 11,, JMB, accessed 6-23-11) Debating about climate policy is good. Can’t talk about climate from personal experience – their framework blocks debate about warming.Weber %26 Stern 11 Public Understanding of Climate Change in the United States Elke U. Weber Columbia University Paul C. Stern National Research Council May–June 2011 ● American Psychologist 66(4) And, Public deliberation is the only solution to capitalist neoliberal consumption. Only by imagining ourselves as capable moral agents, with the potential to enact change can we solve. The Alt fails, only the plan or perm solves.Joanne Swaffield %26 Derek Bell (2012): Can ’climate champions’ save the planet? A critical reflection on neoliberal social change, Environmental Politics, 21:2, 248-267 a Politics Department, Newcastle University, UK Policymaking is critical now- "willful ignorance" in the face of climate change is ethically bankrupt, we must act in the realm of policy before all questions of science are settled because the risk that we’re right produces catastrophic impactsBrown 2011 SolvencyPlanThe United States federal government should limit the review of foreign investment in wind power by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to cases in which national security, not economic competition is a factor. ====The Plan Solves this instance of xenophobic protectionism..==== Reversal of the CFIUS decision on wind energy is critical to send a signal that the US is open to investment.Vigdor, Elwood %26 Marwell 10/22/12 Billy Vigdor and John Elwood are partners, and Jeremy Marwell is an associate at Vinson %26 Elkins’ Washington, D.C., office. "Blocking Ore. Wind Farms: Overstepping Authority?" Only a narrow wind-energy specific Limit to national security solves, the plan creates clarity and predictability.David Marchick 2008 Sovereign Wealth Funds And National Security OECD/City of London ConferenceMarch 31, 2008 The broad interpretation of national security fails – creates economic uncertainty, protectionism and hampers US foreign policy goals.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (Jamie FF, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167) Only explicitly removing economic competition from the scope of investment review solves.David M. Marchick %26 Matthew J. Slaughter 2008 The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Series on American Competitiveness Global FDI Policy Correcting a Protectionist Drift CSR NO. 34, JUNE 2008 COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS Principle 1: The investment review law should be narrowly tailored and focused on national Only the plan solves – courts can’t review the decision and only limiting the scope of review for CFIUS solves.Stan Abrams 10/1/12 Beijing-based IP/IT lawyer and law professor. Obama Shoots Down Ralls Deal. What Happens Next? | |
11/07/2012 | China 1AC with TradeTournament: UCO | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1AC – InhLast month, the Obama administration arbitrarily blocked Chinese ownership of renewable energy companies. This restriction on energy production deters investment and damages US-China relations.Xinhua 9/30/12 The alarm bell of US protectionism rings loud - And, the rejection is a protectionist weapon that sets a precedent against foreign investment in energy.Wall Street Journal 10-15 2012: 13. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Wind Farm; Did Obama abuse a security process to kill a Chinese investment for political reasons? Proquest Enter the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or Cfius. Since Adv 1 - Economy====Obama’s rejection of Chinese wind development signals protectionism and discourages foreign investment in American energy.==== Nick Juliano and John McArdle, 10/2/12 E%26E reporters Obama’s blocking of wind farm adds to U.S.-China tension The Treasury Department said last week that blocking the Oregan project was done to protect And, now is critical - the brink for an all-out trade war is now .Julie Crawshaw 8/23/12 Stephen Roach: Disastrous Trade War With China Looms Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 08:59 AM Read more: Stephen Roach: Disastrous Trade War With China Looms Stephen Roach, former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and current Yale professor, warns
In particular, the restriction on Chinese investment will spillover – makes conflict inevitable.Daniel J. Graeber 10/1/12 Energy New Front in Economic Warfare Opposition leaders in Canada suggested a string of cyber security threats to domestic companies might ====The impact is war with China - Trade wars escalate – collapsing the global economy, creating widespread protectionism and becoming a shooting war.==== Wang and Li 11 (Jianhua and Yunlu—Xinhua news agency, citing Ni Feng, Vice President of the Institute of American Studies underthe Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhao Jinping, vice director of the Foreign Economic Department of the Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council "China-US trade war no good for anyone", October 13, 2011. A trade war between the United States and China, each of which is the US-China trade conflict guts relations and is the most likely scenario for military escalation.Landy 2007 (Ben Landy, Director of Research and Strategy at the Atlantic Media Company, April 3, 2007, google) The time is ripe for miscalculation in Beijing and WashingtonKent Ewing 10/26/12 "Chinese bogeyman resurfaces in US" Hong Kong-based teacher and writer. HONG KONG - Are wind farms in the US state of Oregon part of a secret Chinese plot to take over America? Are other Chinese machinations - currency manipulation, intellectual-property theft and the dumping of cheap goods on US shores - also key components of this dastardly scheme? As a threat both internal and external, China - largely ignored in the 2008 US presidential campaign in which, embracing themes of hope and change, then-senator Barack Obama, a Democrat, defeated Republican rival John McCain - has returned to the political stage in 2012 in what has become its customary role as scapegoat for America’s diminished status in world affairs. The November 6 US election comes just two days before the Chinese Communist Party convenes its 18th National Congress in Beijing to determine a once-a-decade leadership change. A new CCP general secretary and elite Politburo Standing Committee will be selected at this congress, and no doubt the China-bashing US presidential campaign will be a hot topic of discussion behind closed doors. Indeed, the time is ripe for dangerous misunderstanding and miscalculation in both Beijing and Washington. It was Obama’s Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, who got the anti-China Again, on Monday, Romney pledged to get tough on China (not to mention Syria, Iran and any other nation that dared not to bend to Washington’s will) and to restore America’s exalted place in the world. The implication, of course, is that Obama has let Beijing have its way over the past four years at great economic and diplomatic cost to the US. After a flat performance in the first debate between the two candidates, held on October 3, the president has come back aggressively, boasting on Monday night of trade complaints against China that his administration has filed with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and of tariffs imposed on imported Chinese tires that saved more that 1,000 jobs, many of them in the state of Ohio, a so-called swing state key to the president’s re-election. During the second debate, by far the feistiest of the three, Obama accused Romney of hypocrisy on China, charging that the former Massachusetts governor, a multimillionaire businessman, is himself heavily invested in Chinese companies that build surveillance equipment allowing the authoritarian government in Beijing to spy on its own citizens. Rounding on his opponent, Obama said: "Governor, you’re the last person who’s going to get tough on China." Beyond dragging Beijing before the WTO and slapping punitive duties on Chinese imports, the Obama team likes to point out that the president has also blocked the purchase of wind farms in Oregon by a Chinese company, Ralls Corp, claiming the sale would threaten national security. The specific reason given: The farms are too close for comfort to a US naval facility whose defenses could be compromised. By wind farms? That’s how silly things have become. Romney may have started the cheap theatrics by Conflict with China will escalate to global nuclear warLee Hunkovic (Professor of Political Science at the American Military University) 2009 "The Chinese-Taiwanese Conflict: Possible Futures of a Confrontation between China, Taiwan and the United States of America", Hunkovic.pdf- And, Economic decline causes nuclear warBurrows and Harris ’09 (Mathew J. Burrows, counselor in the National Intelligence Council, PhD in European History from Cambridge University, and Jennifer Harris, a member of the NIC’s Long Range Analysis Unit, April 2009 "Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis" Of course, the report encompasses more than economics and indeed believes the future is Further, rejection of foreign investment in this case sets a terrible precedent and creates widespread protectionism.Georgiev, 2008 George Stephanov The Reformed Cfius Regulatory Framework: Mediating Between Continued Openness to Foreign Investment and National Security Yale Journal on Regulation › Vol. 25 Nbr. 1, January 2008 The regulatory regime that governs the national security review of foreign acquisitions of U. And, protectionism spirals out of control and causes nuclear warPanzner 8 – faculty at the New York Institute of Finance, 25-year veteran of the global stock, bond, and currency markets who has worked in New York and London for HSBC, Soros Funds, ABN Amro, Dresdner Bank, and JPMorgan Chase (Michael, "Financial Armageddon: Protect Your Future from Economic Collapse," p. 136-138) Continuing calls for curbs on the flow of finance and trade will inspire the United Adv 2 - RelationsThe restriction on Chinese development singles out China and destroys relations.Edward Alden 10/2/12 Council on Foreign Relations The Changing Politics of Chinese Trade and Investment On the same day last week that President Obama was issuing an order blocking a The ban is atypical – none of the usual concerns were brought up.Baker Botts LLP 10/1/12 "Update 2012 10 Intl Trade-President Obama Blocks Chinese-Owned Wind-Farm Development 2" The U.S. Government maintains that the CFIUS process does not single out And, the restriction irritates already fragile China-US tensions.CS Monitor 10/3/12 Obama blocks Chinese wind farm ownership in Oregon The decision marks the first time in more than 22 years that an American president Restricting energy development on the basis that foreign investment is a threat to national security sends the signal that the US energy market is off limits and stifles US-China energy cooperationClaudia Mahn 10/1/12 Global Insight October 1, 2012 President Obama blocks Chinese wind farm ambitions Lexis However, in a statement on Friday, the Department of Treasury said the president’s Cooperation on energy spills over and solves broader US-China relationsCronin 8/27 (2012, Dr. Patrick M. Cronin is Senior Advisor and Senior Director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security in Washington, D.C. He is also the editor and co-author of Cooperation from Strength: The United States, China and the South China, "Averting Conflict in the South China Sea," Geostrategic and globalization interests will both persist, forcing an uncomfortable mixture of competition and cooperation. Cooperative schemes have foundered on distrust, and can be viewed cynically as seeking to And, Cooperative Clean-energy investment between the US %26 China is critical to green-tech diffusion and solving climate change.Lin 11 ~~Justin Yifu Lin, Former World Bank Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, "China, the US and clean energy cooperation," Jan 21 2011, Only US-China cooperation and investment solves.Woetzel 9 ~~Dr. Jonathan Woetzel, Ph.D. in political science from USC, Director in McKinsey %26 Company’s Greater China Office, August 2009, "China and the US: The potential of a clean-tech partnership," China and the United States, the world’s dominant producers of carbon emissions, have And, unchecked global warming results in human extinction.Ahmed 2010 (Nafeez Ahmed, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development, professor of International Relations and globalization at Brunel University and the University of Sussex, Spring/Summer 2010, "Globalizing Insecurity: The Convergence of Interdependent Ecological, Energy, and Economic Crises," Spotlight on Security, Volume 5, Issue 2, online) No adaption to worst case – the impact is extinctionTickell 8 (Oliver, Environmental Researcher, The Guardian, August 11,, JMB, accessed 6-23-11) Scientific consensus on anthropogenic warmingAnderegg et al 10 ~William, Professor of Biology at Stanford University; James W. Prall, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto; Jacob Harold, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Stephen H. Schneider, Professor of Biology at Stanford University, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, "Expert credibility in climate change," 5-9, PNAS, vol 107, no 27, SolvencyPlanThe United States federal government should limit the review of foreign investment in wind power by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to cases in which national security, not economic competition is a factor. Reversal of the CFIUS decision on wind energy is critical to send a signal that the US is open to investment.Vigdor, Elwood %26 Marwell 10/22/12 Billy Vigdor and John Elwood are partners, and Jeremy Marwell is an associate at Vinson %26 Elkins’ Washington, D.C., office. "Blocking Ore. Wind Farms: Overstepping Authority?" Only a narrow wind-energy specific Limit to national security solves, the plan creates clarity and predictability.David Marchick 2008 Sovereign Wealth Funds And National Security OECD/City of London ConferenceMarch 31, 2008 The broad interpretation of national security fails – creates economic uncertainty, protectionism and hampers US foreign policy goals.Carroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (Jamie FF, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT’S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 167) The broad and vague interpretation of national security by the CFIUS creates four distinct problems Only explicitly removing economic competition from the scope of investment review solves.David M. Marchick %26 Matthew J. Slaughter 2008 The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Series on American Competitiveness Global FDI Policy Correcting a Protectionist Drift CSR NO. 34, JUNE 2008 COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS Principle 1: The investment review law should be narrowly tailored and focused on national Only the plan solves – courts can’t review the decision and only limiting the scope of review for CFIUS solves.Stan Abrams 10/1/12 Beijing-based IP/IT lawyer and law professor. Obama Shoots Down Ralls Deal. What Happens Next? So what happens next? If Ralls goes ahead with a lawsuit, it will | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC - T RestrictionTournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: We Meet– the broad interpretation of national security is a restriction on energy production. Fred M Greguras, 1/23/12 Mr. Greguras is a partner in the Palo Alto office of KandL Gates who focuses his practice on strategic issues for global software, internet, clean technology, media and life sciences companies - with an emphasis on the start-up and emerging company stages MandA in the United States: What Chinese Companies Need to Know about Exon-Florio Review in the Clean Technology and Other Business Sectors January 23, 2012 http:~/~/
In general, any acquisition by a “foreign person” of a United States AND of a business with critical smart grid technology would clearly raise CFIUS issues.
Counter-Interp– foreign investment review are a restriction. Broad interpretations of national security in CFIUS block energy production assets.
After 9/11, the CFIUS process shifted to focus more on threats from AND broader interpretation of national security that encompassed energy assets and other critical infrastructure.
Prefer itLimits—only allows affs that are direct parts of the production process—limits out all affs that aren’t intrinsic to electricity or heat generation Predictability—Prefer inclusive rather than exclusive definitions that set a predictable scope of discussion
Good is good enough— our interpretation provides predictable limits and fair ground, satisfying the purpose of T as a voter. | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC - DA - Fiscal CliffTournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: No Impact – Obama has tools to delay the impacts if sequestration occursOMB Watch 11-6 (White House and Federal Agencies Could Manage Effects of Automatic Spending Cuts in Early 2013, sequestration occurred and lasted for the rest of the year, it could trigger AND advance-funded education programs will not be affected by sequestration until July. Impact is not that bad – wouldn’t completely destroy our economyTrumbull 11-10 (Mark, CSM, Can we live with the budget 'sequester'? Yes, but it's better if we don't., Back to the cuts: The 2011 law calls for cuts equaling about $100 AND and $100 billion represents 0.6 percent of a year's GDP.
– No Link – President Insulated from the CFIUS Jon D. Michaels 2011 Acting Professor, UCLA School of Law Virginia Law Review Vol. 97:4 THE (WILLINGLY) FETTERED EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENTIAL SPINOFFS IN NATIONAL SECURITY DOMAINS AND BEYOND Having suggested that a buffer appears to exist, insulating¶ CFIUS from the President AND and concerns about presidential predilections¶ supplanting reasoned decision making correspondingly rise.276
Wind has bipartisan supportMAX JULY 6, 2012 JOHN MAX writer for Hydrogen fuel News “Wind energy finds bipartisan support in U.S. politics” Policy proves to have universal appeal ¶ Thus far, the PTC policy and wind energy have garnered bipartisan support from AND the policy has managed to attain support from those with varied political backgrounds.
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11/10/2012 | Add On - FDITournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: SOLVES FDICarroll-Emory International Law Review-09 (Jamie FF, COMMENT: BACK TO THE FUTURE: REDEFINING THE FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT'S CONCEPTION OF NATIONAL SECURITY, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167)
The uncertain interpretation of national security in Exon-Florio, combined with the broad AND , as was done in the past to CNOOC and Dubai Ports.155
Solves Root Cause of WARLee and Mitchell 2010 Hoon, Dept of Political Science – Texas Tech, and Sarah, Dept of Political Science – University of Iowa, Foreign Direct Investment and Territorial Disputes
Theoretical arguments relating FDI to interstate conflict can be categorized into three broad perspectives. AND the local population to benefit as well (Souva 2002: 12).4
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11/10/2012 | 1AC - ShirleyTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1AC – Inh
Last month, the Obama administration arbitrarily blocked Chinese ownership of renewable energy companies. This restriction on energy production deters investment and damages US-China relations.
Xinhua 9/30/12 The alarm bell of US protectionism rings loud - A recent decision by U.S. President Barack Obama to block a Chinese AND a disturbing message to other foreign investors, no less the Chinese ones.
And, the rejection is a protectionist weapon that sets a precedent against foreign investment in energy.
Wall Street Journal 10-15 2012: 13. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Wind Farm; Did Obama abuse a security process to kill a Chinese investment for political reasons? Proquest
Enter the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or Cfius. Since AND evidence to market its products to Pacific-Northwest wind-farm operators.
Adv 1 - Economy
Obama’s rejection of Chinese wind development signals protectionism and discourages foreign investment in American energy.
Nick Juliano and John McArdle, 10/2/12 EandE reporters Obama’s blocking of wind farm adds to U.S.-China tension Posted: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 http:~/~/
The Treasury Department said last week that blocking the Oregan project was done to protect AND economy still struggling to create jobs, that’s the wrong signal to send.” And, now is critical - the brink for an all-out trade war is now .Julie Crawshaw 8/23/12 Stephen Roach: Disastrous Trade War With China Looms Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 08:59 AM Read more: Stephen Roach: Disastrous Trade War With China Looms
Stephen Roach, former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and current Yale professor, warns AND the Great Crisis, there is no shortage of itchy fingers in Washington.”
In particular, the restriction on Chinese investment will spillover – makes conflict inevitable.
Daniel J. Graeber 10/1/12 Energy New Front in Economic Warfare
Opposition leaders in Canada suggested a string of cyber security threats to domestic companies might AND becomes the norm, so too may a different kind of global warfare.
The impact is war with China - Trade wars escalate – collapsing the global economy, creating widespread protectionism and becoming a shooting war.
Wang and Li 11 (Jianhua and Yunlu—Xinhua news agency, citing Ni Feng, Vice President of the Institute of American Studies underthe Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhao Jinping, vice director of the Foreign Economic Department of the Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council "China-US trade war no good for anyone", October 13, 2011.
A trade war between the United States and China, each of which is the AND and will even lead to political and military confrontations in some sensitive regions.
US-China trade conflict guts relations and is the most likely scenario for military escalation.
Landy 2007 (Ben Landy, Director of Research and Strategy at the Atlantic Media Company, April 3, 2007, google) The greatest threat for the 21st century is that these economic flare-ups between AND – far more than increases in military budgets and anti-satellite tests.
The time is ripe for miscalculation in Beijing and Washington
Kent Ewing 10/26/12 “Chinese bogey--man-- resurfaces in US“ Hong Kong-based teacher and writer. http:~/~/
HONG KONG - Are wind farms in the US state of Oregon part of a secret Chinese plot to take over America? Are other Chinese machinations - currency manipulation, intellectual-property theft and the dumping of cheap goods on US shores - also key components of this dastardly scheme? ¶ As a threat both internal and external, China - largely ignored in the AND president as justification to block a Chinese company from investing in the country.
Conflict with China will escalate to global nuclear warLee Hunkovic (Professor of Political Science at the American Military University) 2009 “The Chinese-Taiwanese Conflict: Possible Futures of a Confrontation between China, Taiwan and the United States of America”, http:~/~/ pdf(% style="font-size:8.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:11.0pt" %)) A war between China, Taiwan and the United States has the potential to escalate AND outcome, therefore, other countries will not be considered in this study. And, Economic decline causes nuclear war
Burrows and Harris ‘09 (Mathew J. Burrows, counselor in the National Intelligence Council, PhD in European History from Cambridge University, and Jennifer Harris, a member of the NIC’s Long Range Analysis Unit, April 2009 “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis”
Of course, the report encompasses more than economics and indeed believes the future is AND within and between states in a more dog-eat-dog world. more liberal laws.5 Further, rejection of foreign investment in this case sets a terrible precedent and creates widespread protectionism.Georgiev, 2008 George Stephanov The Reformed Cfius Regulatory Framework: Mediating Between Continued Openness to Foreign Investment and National Security Yale Journal on Regulation › Vol. 25 Nbr. 1, January 2008
The regulatory regime that governs the national security review of foreign acquisitions of U. AND away from the U.S. economy through more liberal laws.5
And, protectionism spirals out of control and causes nuclear war
Panzner 8 – faculty at the New York Institute of Finance, 25-year veteran of the global stock, bond, and currency markets who has worked in New York and London for HSBC, Soros Funds, ABN Amro, Dresdner Bank, and JPMorgan Chase (Michael, “Financial Armageddon: Protect Your Future from Economic Collapse,” p. 136-138)
Continuing calls for curbs on the flow of finance and trade will inspire the United AND between Muslims and Western societies as the beginnings of a new world war.
Adv 2 - RelationsThe restriction on Chinese development singles out China and destroys relations.
Edward Alden 10/2/12 Council on Foreign Relations The Changing Politics of Chinese Trade and Investment http:~/~/
On the same day last week that President Obama was issuing an order blocking a AND getting harder – is to figure out whether both can be done simultaneously. The ban is atypical – none of the usual concerns were brought up.
Baker Botts LLP 10/1/12 “Update 2012 10 Intl Trade-President Obama Blocks Chinese-Owned Wind-Farm Development 2“ http:~/~/
The U.S. Government maintains that the CFIUS process does not single out AND because they may be classified or otherwise difficult for an outsider to discern.
And, the restriction irritates already fragile China-US tensions.CS Monitor 10/3/12 Obama blocks Chinese wind farm ownership in Oregon
The decision marks the first time in more than 22 years that an American president AND Treasury Department statement attempted to play down the political gravity of the decision.
Restricting energy development on the basis that foreign investment is a threat to national security sends the signal that the US energy market is off limits and stifles US-China energy cooperation
Claudia Mahn 10/1/12 Global Insight October 1, 2012 President Obama blocks Chinese wind farm ambitions Lexis
However, in a statement on Friday, the Department of Treasury said the president's AND terminals currently under regulatory review (seeUnited States: 22 August 2012 Cooperation on energy spills over and solves broader US-China relationsCronin 8/27 (2012, Dr. Patrick M. Cronin is Senior Advisor and Senior Director of the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security in Washington, D.C. He is also the editor and co-author of Cooperation from Strength: The United States, China and the South China, “Averting Conflict in the South China Sea,” Geostrategic and globalization interests will both persist, forcing an uncomfortable mixture of competition and cooperation.
Cooperative schemes have foundered on distrust, and can be viewed cynically as seeking to AND the South China Sea will only be harnessed when there is such cooperation. And, Cooperative Clean-energy investment between the US and China is critical to green-tech diffusion and solving climate change.Lin 11 ~Justin Yifu Lin, Former World Bank Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, "China, the US and clean energy cooperation," Jan 21 2011, Second, there are also major long-term global benefits from clean energy cooperation AND planet’s resources and safeguard future generations from the damaging effects of climate change.
Only US-China cooperation and investment solves.
Woetzel 9 ~Dr. Jonathan Woetzel, Ph.D. in political science from USC, Director in McKinsey %26 Company’s Greater China Office, August 2009, "China and the US: The potential of a clean-tech partnership,"
China and the United States, the world’s dominant producers of carbon emissions, have AND all of these technologies, they cannot achieve separately what they could jointly.
And, unchecked global warming results in human extinction.
Ahmed 2010 (Nafeez Ahmed, Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development, professor of International Relations and globalization at Brunel University and the University of Sussex, Spring/Summer 2010, “Globalizing Insecurity: The Convergence of Interdependent Ecological, Energy, and Economic Crises,” Spotlight on Security, Volume 5, Issue 2, online) Perhaps the most notorious indicator is anthropogenic global warmings warming. The landmark 2007 Fourth AND – a situation endangering the survival of all life on earth.xi No adaption to worst case – the impact is extinctionTickell 8 (Oliver, Environmental Researcher, The Guardian, August 11, http:~/~/, JMB, accessed 6-23-11) We need to get prepared for four degrees of global warming, Bob Watson told AND the warming caused by human emissions could propel us towards a similar hothouse Earth Scientific consensus on anthropogenic warmingAnderegg et al 10 William, Professor of Biology at Stanford University; James W. Prall, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto; Jacob Harold, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Stephen H. Schneider, Professor of Biology at Stanford University, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, "Expert credibility in climate change," 5-9, PNAS, vol 107, no 27, Preliminary reviews of scientific literature and surveys of climate scientists indicate striking agreement with the AND discussions in media, policy, and public forums regarding anthropogenic climate change.
The United States federal government should limit the review of foreign investment in wind power by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to cases in which national security, not economic competition is a factor. Reversal of the CFIUS decision on wind energy is critical to send a signal that the US is open to investment.
Vigdor, Elwood and Marwell 10/22/12 Billy Vigdor and John Elwood are partners, and Jeremy Marwell is an associate at Vinson and Elkins' Washington, D.C., office. “Blocking Ore. Wind Farms: Overstepping Authority?” CFIUS practitioners and the business community should watch this case closely. The plaintiffs will AND for interested parties to express their views through amicus filings with the court. Only a narrow wind-energy specific Limit to national security solves, the plan creates clarity and predictability.
David Marchick 2008 Sovereign Wealth Funds And National Security OECD/City of London ConferenceMarch 31, 2008 How Should National Security Review Mechanisms be Structured? ➢ Narrowly tailored ▪ The investment AND requiring investment reviews, the lists should be drafted as narrowly as possible.
The broad interpretation of national security fails – creates economic uncertainty, protectionism and hampers US foreign policy goals.
The broad and vague interpretation of national security by the CFIUS creates four distinct problems AND foreign policy goals, just when such cooperation is essential to global peace.
Only explicitly removing economic competition from the scope of investment review solves.
David M. Marchick and Matthew J. Slaughter 2008 The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Series on American Competitiveness Global FDI Policy Correcting a Protectionist Drift CSR NO. 34, JUNE 2008 COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS
Principle 1: The investment review law should be narrowly tailored and focused on national AND investment in transactions that do not raise national security or other governmental interests.
Only the plan solves – courts can’t review the decision and only limiting the scope of review for CFIUS solves.
Stan Abrams 10/1/12 Beijing-based IP/IT lawyer and law professor. Obama Shoots Down Ralls Deal. What Happens Next?
So what happens next? If Ralls goes ahead with a lawsuit, it will AND deals, such as Nexen, will be somehow influenced by this case.
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11/10/2012 | 2AC - AT: TTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Counter-Interp - A restriction on energy production is anything that directly makes it more difficult or expensive | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC - AT: Fiscal CliffTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Laura DiMugno 11/8/2012 “Does The Wind Energy PTC Stand A Chance In Lame-Duck Congress?” No fiscal cliff compromise will ever pass – even if it’s acceptable to GOP leadership, they can’t corral the necessary votes from their caucus – this is empirically proves by the farm bill Pergram 11/10/12 (Chad, No link - The president is insulated from blame because of CFIUS’ structure – Zero – link. Jon D. Michaels 2011 Acting Professor, UCLA School of Law Virginia Law Review Vol. 97:4 THE (WILLINGLY) FETTERED EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENTIAL SPINOFFS IN NATIONAL SECURITY DOMAINS AND BEYOND Up until now, I have addressed the way in which the President voluntarily forgoes Controversy over Chinese Wind Investment is inevitable. China is going to fight the decision to the end – will take it to the Supreme Court. Hearing later this month should trigger the link. Hindustan Times 11/10/12 “Will 'fight to the end' to sue Obama: Chinese firm” Will 'fight to the end' to sue Obama: Chinese firm A Chinese firm on Link Turn - The plan is popular because it creates jobs – there will not be a “global recession”. FDI has received long-standing, bi-partisan policy backing: every Administration China hires lobbyists to quell opposition - even those that don’t like Chinese investment won’t necessarily push to block deals. Financial Post 7-27- 12 (CNOOC’s bid for Nexen raises political hackles in Washington, CNOOC and Nexen said in a July 24 filing with the U.S. Matthew Dickinson, Professor of political science at Middlebury College. He taught previously at Harvard University, where he also received his Ph.D., working under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, 5/29/2009, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power” Despite the much publicized and celebrated instances of presidential arm-twisting during the legislative No Link uniqueness - contentious energy policy will happen in the lame duck. With the results of the presidential and congressional elections resolved, now is the time | |
11/10/2012 | 2AC - AT: OilTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Georgiev, 2008 George Stephanov The Reformed Cfius Regulatory Framework: Mediating Between Continued Openness to Foreign Investment and National Security Yale Journal on Regulation › Vol. 25 Nbr. 1, January 2008 The regulatory regime that governs the national security review of foreign acquisitions of U. Plan spurs invest Only the plan’s stance towards foreign investment in energy can spur energy investment in other countries. Larson and Marchick 2006 The Bernard and Irene Schwartz Series on American Competitiveness Foreign Investment and National Security Getting the Balance Right Alan P. Larson David M. Marchick CSR NO. 18, JULY 2006 COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS |
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