| 09/23/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Only an increase in demand causes hafnium shortage—it will remain stable now MOSS et al 2011 (R.L.Moss 1 , E.Tzimas 1 , H.Kara 2 , P.Willis 2 and J.Kooroshy 3 1 JRC – Institute for Energy and Transport 2 Oakdene Hollins Ltd 3 The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, Critical Metals in StrategicEnergy Technologies, http://www.scribd.com/doc/71562416/56/A-3-4-Hafnium) Hafnium supply and demand forecasts …and 3% for the remaining applications. More nuclear power means more hafnium consumption—even a modest increase would consume world supplies PHYS.ORG 2011 (“Why nuclear power will never supply the world's energy needs,” May 11, http://phys.org/news/2011-05-nuclear-power-world-energy.html#jCp) Exotic metals: The nuclear containment … spent on a fully scalable technology. Hafnium is key to harden US military satellites and boost the space program Aviation Week and Space Technology 2008 (“Computer Chips in Space,” Sep 29, Lexis) The idea of developing and … capability could also benefit NASA. Satellites key to military power Marshall, 8 - NASA Ames Research Center (Will, Astropolitics, 6:154–199, “REDUCING THE VULNERABILITY OF SPACE ASSETS: A MULTITIERED MICROSATELLITE CONSTELLATION ARCHITECTURE,” Ebsco Political Science) Space assets are one of … could benefit from further research. Extinction Barnett, 11 - chief analyst at Wikistrat, former visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee’s Howard Baker Center for Public Policy and a visiting strategist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis and Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies (Thomas, World Politics Review, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” 3/7, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads) It is worth first … in the geometry to come. |
| 09/23/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Uniqueness-~--Congress putting a framework in place to head off spending sequestration of the military when it returns in November Government Executive, 9-6, 12, http://www.executivegov.com/2012/09/frank-kendall-sequestration-means-11-lne-item-cuts-rd-included/ If sequestration cuts take effect … least the defense half of it Nuclear expansion is unpopular – powerful lobbies oppose, no one supports Entine 10 (Joe Entine, visiting fellow at AEI, “The Nuclear Option,” 4/5/10) http://www.aei.org/article/energy-and-the-environment/conventional-energy/nuclear/the-nuclear-option/) An ashen Walter Cronkite intoned … 70% of the parts will come from abroad. Capital is key Fox News, 9-12, 12, http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/on-the-record/2012/09/12/moodys-puts-pressure-congress-debt-deal-most-predictable-crisis-youll-ever-see#ixzz26GDjJCeB THUNE: Well, look, I think that there's -- there is a logjam. It's costing all of us, you know, money every single day Failure to reach a deal causes a credit downgrade AP, 9/12/12 (“Moody's set to downgrade US without budget deal”, http://www.indystar.com/viewart/20120912/BUSINESS/209120329/Moody-s-set-downgrade-US-without-budget-deal) The U.S. government's debt rating … until the outcome of the talks is clear. Tanks the global economy Manier 11 George Maniere, contributor to Seeking Alpha, 7/28/11, “U.S. Debt Downgrade and Its Consequences Too Close for Comfort,” Seeking Alpha, http://seekingalpha.com/article/282627-u-s-debt-downgrade-and-its-consequences-too-close-for-comfort Despite what you may have … Brothers look like a day at the beach. Extinction Geoffrey Kemp, ‘10 (Director of Regional Strategic Programs at The Nixon Center, served in the White House under Ronald Reagan, special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Near East and South Asian affairs on the National Security Council Staff, Former Director, Middle East Arms Control Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2010, The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East, p. 233-4) The second scenario, called … consequences for two-thirds of the planet’s population. |
| 09/23/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: no causal link between the possession of civilian nuclear technology and proliferation Barton 11 (Charles Barton, nuclear green, “Nuclear power for weapons? Mark Z. Jacobson's proliferation of errors,” 1/2/11) http://theenergycollective.com/charlesbarton/49226/mark-z-jacobsons-proliferation-errors) In a new paper, Mark Z. Jaconson … nuclear weapons and the increased risk of nuclear war. Nuclear prolif creates incentives for de-escalation and guarantees international stability – plus, new proliferators won’t be destabilizing. Asal and Beardsley, 2007 [Victor, Assistant Prof. Pol. Sci. – SUNY Albany, and Kyle, Assistant Prof. Pol. Sci. – Emory U., Journal of Peace Research, “Proliferation and International Crisis Behavior”, 44:2, Sage] Other, more optimistic, scholars see benefits to nuclear proliferation … the potential gains of an attacker’. |
| 09/23/2012 | Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Thorium takes too long Tickell 12 (Oliver, "Thorium: Not 'green,' not 'viable,' and not likely," April/May, www.nuclearpledge.com/reports/thorium_briefing_2012.pdf) Claim: Thorium and the LFTR offer a solution to current and medium-term energy supply deficits. Response: The thorium fuel cycle is … scale for 40-70 years Cyber attacks aren’t a threat Rid 12 (Thomas Rid, Department of War Studies, King's College London, “Think Again: Cyberwar,” March 2012) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/02/27/cyberwar?page=full "Cyberwar Is Already Upon Us." No way. … This is the true cyberwar they are fighting. Flares are just an inconvenience. Coates 2009 – former adjunct professor at George Washington University, President of the Kanawha Institute for the Study of the Future and was President of the International Association for Impact Assessment and was President of the Association for Science, Technology and Innovation, M.S., Hon D., FWAAS, FAAAS, (Joseph F., Futures 41, 694-705, "Risks and threats to civilization, humankind, and the earth”, ScienceDirect, WEA) As already mentioned, the sun … commercial, governmental and personal inconvenience. Terrorist attacks on the grid are short term Kaplan 07 (Eben–Associated Editor at the Council of Foreign Relations, “America’s Vulnerable Energy Grid,” 4-27-2007, http://www.cfr.org/publication/13153/americas_vulnerable_energy_grid.html) Attacks on infrastructure are an …weapons designed to disable power grids. No meltdowns- backup power Spencer 11 (Jack Spencer, Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation “U.S. Nuclear Policy After Fukushima: Trust But Modify,” 5/18/11) http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/05/us-nuclear-policy-after-fukushima-trust-but-modify One of the problems with the emerging … should ensure that they are working properly. No impact to meltdowns – Fukushima proves Wheeler 12 (John Wheeler, Producer of "This Week in Nuclear"; Manager in the Nuclear Industry; Former Senior Reactor Operator; Nuclear Workforce Planning and Workforce Development Expert, “Whos' Really to Blame for Fukushima Health Impacts?” 3/12/12) http://theenergycollective.com/johnwheeler/79128/anti-nuclear-hysterics-not-melted-reactors-blame-fukushima-health-impacts As is often the case, the passage of time … opposing views from true experts in the field. No impact to military power Kober 10—Research Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies, Cato. PhD, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts. (Stanley, The Deterrence Illusion, 13 June 2010, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=11898, AMiles) And just like the situation at … guarantee it in Asia a half-century ago. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC – Renewables Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should: -expand the definition of clean energy to include technologies that have not yet matured -gradually shift subsidies from mature technologies to basic research in universities and government labs -fully fund and expand the Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy -fully fund the Clean Energy Deployment Administration -launch cross-border partnerships with governments and private firms including but not limited to China -enter negotiations with Brazil, China, the European Union, India, and Japan to remove restrictions on the clean energy market -implement a revenue-neutral tax on carbon dioxide emissions Solves case best and avoids politics. Victor and Yanosek 11 – (2011, David, Professor at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego, and Director of the school’s Laboratory on International Law and Regulation, and Kassia, Founding Principal of Tana Energy Capital LLC, has worked in private equity and at Bechtel and BP, “The Crisis in Clean Energy Stark Realities of the Renewables Craze,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 4, July/August 2011) The growing crisis in the clean-energy … climate change and energy insecurity. 1NC – Nuclear Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should repeal current loan guarantees and subsidies for nuclear power, reject additional loan guarantees and subsidies for nuclear power, create a permit schedule that reduces the current four-year timeline to two years, and direct the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to develop a set of guidelines for technology-neutral nuclear plant designs. CP’s free market reforms are the only way to reap the benefits of nuclear power Spencer and Loris 9 (Jack Spencer, Senior Research Fellow for Nuclear Energy Policy at The Heritage Foundation and Nicolas Loris, fellow at the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, “Boxer-Kerry Cap-and-Trade Bill’s Nuclear Provision Won’t Fuel a Nuclear Revival,” 11/03/09, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2009/11/boxer-kerry-cap-and-trade-bills-nuclear-provision-wont-fuel-a-nuclear-revival) Abstract: America needs a clean, safe, … to support real reform now. 2NC – CP Solvency Counterplan solves – combinination of research funding, a carbon tax, and lower subsidies solves. Carl 12 – (4/6/12, Jeremy, research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a member of the Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy, former research fellow at the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at the Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University and research fellow in resource and development economics at the Energy and Resources Institute, India’s leading energy and environmental policy organization, MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, PhD candidate in Environment and Resources at Stanford University, “ When Subsidies Fizzle,” Hoover Digest (2012) no. 2, http://www.hoover.org/publications/hoover-digest/article/113426) “Nobody knows anything.” William Goldman … outcome that has a reasonable chance of occurring. Taxing carbon and funding research and development is the best way to make clean energy competitive – creates the conditions for efficiency and technology breakthroughs. Carl 12 – (4/6/12, Jeremy, research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a member of the Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy, former research fellow at the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at the Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University and research fellow in resource and development economics at the Energy and Resources Institute, India’s leading energy and environmental policy organization, MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, PhD candidate in Environment and Resources at Stanford University, “ When Subsidies Fizzle,” Hoover Digest (2012) no. 2, http://www.hoover.org/publications/hoover-digest/article/113426) While pricing carbon can … politically favored renewable flavor of the week. 2NC – Subsidies Fail Creates a green energy bubble that disincentivises cost cutting – makes clean tech prohibitively expensive when scaled up. Tracinski 12 – (3/6/12, Robert, Editor for RealClearMarkets and RealClearWorld at RealClearPolitics.com, former Securities Analyst at Morningstar, “The Global Warming Bubble,” http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2012/03/06/the_global_warming_bubble_99552.html) When the federal government bailed … or politically, and the bubble bursts. Clean tech crash inevitable without subsidy reform. Jenkins et al. 12 – (Apr. 2012, Jesse, Director of Energy and Climate Policy, Breakthrough Institute, Mark Muro, senior fellow and director of policy for the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger, Cofounders, Breakthrough Institute, Letha Tawney, Senior Associate in the World Resources Institute's Climate and Energy Program, Policy Associate, Energy and Climate Program, “Beyond Boom and Bust,” The Breakthrough Institute, http://thebreakthrough.org/blog/Beyond_Boom_and_Bust.pdf) At the same time, market … and long-term international competitiveness. Subsidies tank competitiveness and create dependence on government funding. Jenkins et al. 12 – (Apr. 2012, Jesse, Director of Energy and Climate Policy, Breakthrough Institute, Mark Muro, senior fellow and director of policy for the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger, Cofounders, Breakthrough Institute, Letha Tawney, Senior Associate in the World Resources Institute's Climate and Energy Program, Policy Associate, Energy and Climate Program, “Beyond Boom and Bust,” The Breakthrough Institute, http://thebreakthrough.org/blog/Beyond_Boom_and_Bust.pdf) The maintenance of perpetual subsidies … for sale to an energy-hungry global market. 2NC – Wind PTC Fails TRUE FOR WIND PTC: This ensures that wind energy specifically will never become competitive with fossil fuels. Rorke 12 – (6/26/12, Catrina, MPA, Environmental Science & Policy from Columbia University, Director of Energy Policy at American Action Forum, former Legislative Director at Lighthouse Consulting Group, “Tax Reform Gives Us Chance to Start Over,” comment posted in response to the open question Tax Reform: What's at Stake for Energy? on the National Journal Energy Experts Blog, identification of the commenter provided, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/06/tax-reform-whats-at-stake-for.php) At present, disparate fuels and … a sensible domestic energy agenda. Unconditional subsidies induce dependence and disincentive innovation Trembarth 12 – (6/4/12, Alex, Breakthrough Institute, “Time to Get US Wind Power Beyond Boom and Bust: Washington Post,” http://thebreakthrough.org/blog/2012/06/time_to_get_us_wind_power_beyo.shtml) The Post expressed concern about … wind and other clean energy markets. 2NC – Critical NB Complexity and endogenous feedbacks make rational planning impossible – a process of action, recalculation, and revision is the only way to achieve successful business strategy – their approach turns solvency. Ortmann and Salzman 02 – (2002, Gunther, organizational theorist and Professor of Business Administration at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, and Harold, Professor and Senior Faculty Fellow, John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, “Stumbling Giants The Emptiness, Fullness, and Recursiveness of Strategic Management,” Soziale Systeme 8 (2002), Heft 2, S. 205-230, google scholar) A rational decision is inherently … to an inability to decide and to act.) AT: Perm Directed incentives pevent new technologies from successfully commercializing. Victor and Yanosek 11 – (2011, David, Professor at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego, and Director of the school’s Laboratory on International Law and Regulation, and Kassia, Founding Principal of Tana Energy Capital LLC, has worked in private equity and at Bechtel and BP, “The Crisis in Clean Energy Stark Realities of the Renewables Craze,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 4, July/August 2011) The clean-energy business, … the environment or reduce dependence on oil. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should fully fund a program to cover 4.8% of the surface of the Earth’s oceans in a monolayer of 0.1 μm diameter latex particles, either hollow, or of core-shell morphology, bearing a conventional stabilization system that is inactivated in salt water. Solves warming, only costs $2 billion, and avoids all solvency deficits associated with traditional ocean albedo modifications. Morgan 11 – (10/8/11, John, PhD in physical chemistry, runs RandD programmes at a Sydney startup company, research experience in chemical engineering in the US and at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia's national science agency, “Low intensity geoengineering – microbubbles and microspheres,” http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/10/08/low-intensity-geoengineering-microbubbles-and-microspheres/) Is there another way to … microbubble concept, are also possible. 2NC Solvency Completely solves warming with low cost. Morgan 11 – (10/8/11, John, PhD in physical chemistry, runs RandD programmes at a Sydney startup company, research experience in chemical engineering in the US and at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia's national science agency, “Low intensity geoengineering – microbubbles and microspheres,” http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/10/08/low-intensity-geoengineering-microbubbles-and-microspheres/) But what if there was a geoengineering … if we can deploy them. Solves warming and water loss from climate change. Kintisch 10 – (3/26/10, Eli, Editor, ScienceInsider, AAAS, citing Russell Seitz, research physicist at Harvard University, associate of Harvard University's Center for International Affairs, “Could Tiny Bubbles Cool the Planet?” American Association for the Advancement of Science, http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/03/could-tiny-bubbles-cool-the-plan.html) In an effort to curb global warming, ... each year in California alone. AT: Emissions Key Emissions reductions can’t solve – the CP is key. Victor et. al. 09 – (Mar/Apr 2009, DAVID G. VICTOR is a Professor at Stanford Law School, Director of Stanford's Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. M. GRANGER MORGAN is Head of Carnegie Mellon University's Department of Engineering and Public Policy and Director of the Climate Decision Making Center. JAY APT is Professor of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. JOHN STEINBRUNER is Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland. KATHARINE RICKE is a doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon University, “The Geoengineering Option: A Last Resort Against Global Warming?” Foreign Affairs, available online) Eliminating all the risks of … concentration of carbon dioxide to stabilize. AT: Bubbles Fail Latex solves. Morgan 11 – (10/8/11, John, PhD in physical chemistry, runs RandD programmes at a Sydney startup company, research experience in chemical engineering in the US and at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia's national science agency, “Low intensity geoengineering – microbubbles and microspheres,” http://bravenewclimate.com/2011/10/08/low-intensity-geoengineering-microbubbles-and-microspheres/) The chief virtues of latex… We could paint the oceans white. AT: Ocean Acidification Consensus and empirical studies disprove. Duarte et. al. 09 – (11/24/09, Carlos M. Duarte is a research professor with the Spanish Council for Scientific Research at IMEDEA, , I.E. Hendriks, and M. Álvarez, Department of Global Change Research. IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB), Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados, “Vulnerability of marine biodiversity to ocean acidification: A meta-analysis,” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Volume 86, Issue 2, 20 January 2010, Pages 157-164, sciencedirect) In summary, our analysis … the meta-analysis presented here. Their evidence is biased. Ridley 10 – (2010, Matt, PhD in zoology, former science editor of The Economist, science journalist, “ The rational optimist: how prosperity evolves,” p. 340-1) Ocean acidification looks suspiciously … cuttlefish larvae, and coccolithophores. Marine ecosystems are resilient. Kennedy et. al. 02 – (Victor S. Kennedy, professor and researcher at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, COASTAL AND MARINE ECOSYSTEMS AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF U.S. RESOURCES, 2002, p. http://www.pewclimate.org/projects/marine.cfm) There is evidence that marine … for adaptation to climate change. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC CP Text: The United States federal government should pass the Carbon Limits and Energy for America’s Renewal Act, modified to provide state-specific dividends that converge to a national average over time, calibrated to equalize net impacts on median households across the states. The state-specific dividends should constitute 9% of total carbon revenue collected under the Act. Solves warming Revesz 12 – (7/30/12, Richard, JD, professor of environmental law, regulatory law and policy, Dean, New York University School of Law, “Price on Carbon Emissions Necessary,” comment posted in response to the open question Is Momentum Building to Act on Climate Change? on the National Journal Energy Experts Blog, posted identity provided, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/07/is-momentum-building-to-act-on.php) A price on carbon emission is … leap and control our emissions. Incorporating state-specific dividends solves interstate differences. Boyce and Riddle 11 – (revised July 2011, originally published 3/11/10, James, professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and director of PERI’s program on development, peacebuilding and the environment, and Matthew, a doctoral candidate in economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a research analyst with the Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health at the University of Michigan, “CLEAR Economics: State-Level Impacts of the Carbon Limits and Energy for America’s Renewal Act on Family Incomes and Jobs,” Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/published_study/CLEAR_Boyce_Revised_July2011.pdf) We find that interstate differences … fossil fuel prices on median households. 2NC Solves emissions/clean energy Boyce and Riddle 07 – (Nov. 2007, James, professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and director of PERI’s program on development, peacebuilding and the environment, and Matthew, a doctoral candidate in economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a research analyst with the Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health at the University of Michigan, “Cap and Dividend: How to Curb Global Warming While Protecting the Incomes Of American Families,” Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/working_papers/working_papers_101-150/WP150.pdf) Policies to curb emissions of … way to curb carbon emissions. Solves income redistribution Boyce and Riddle 07 – (Nov. 2007, James, professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and director of PERI’s program on development, peacebuilding and the environment, and Matthew, a doctoral candidate in economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a research analyst with the Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health at the University of Michigan, “Cap and Dividend: How to Curb Global Warming While Protecting the Incomes Of American Families,” Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/working_papers/working_papers_101-150/WP150.pdf) A cap-and-dividend policy would … with present and future carbon revenues.9 AT: Cap and Trade Fails Cap and dividend solves all the problems with cap and trade. Morris 09 – (10/5/09, David, PhD in public policy from the Union Graduate School, co-founder of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and vice president of its New Rules Project, “New Proposed Climate Change Bill in Washington Is Simpler and More Equitable,” http://www.ilsr.org/new-proposed-climate-change-bill-washington-simpler-and-more-equitable/) Upstream vs. Downstream Cantwell’s approach … must be made available publicly. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Nuclear expansion destroys global gas prices and demand Adams 9 (Rod Adams, “Nuclear Energy Growth Might Turn Promises of Low Natural Gas Prices Into a Reality,” 11/6/9) http://atomicinsights.com/2009/11/nuclear-energy-growth-might-turn-promises-of-low-natural-gas-prices-into-a-reality.html However, I am not the only energy industry … like sage energy price prediction geniuses. The natural gas industry is key to the Russian economy Lindsay Wright, contributor to the Pipeline and Gas Journal August 2009 (PIPELINE POLITICS: RUSSIA’S NATURAL GAS DIPLOMACY; Vol. 236 No. 8) Natural resources are the lifeblood … Gazprom’s pipelines crisscrossing the continent. Causes internal instability and nuclear war FILGER 2009 (Sheldon, author and blogger for the Huffington Post, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction” http://www.globaleconomiccrisis.com/blog/archives/356) In Russia historically, economic health … is its least dangerous consequence. Impact Calc Only scenario for extinction Bostrom 2002 (Nick Bostrom, 2002. Professor of Philosophy and Global Studies at Yale. "Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards," 38, www.transhumanist.com/volume9/risks.html) A much greater existential risk … or thwart humankind’s potential permanently. Uniqueness Natural gas prices increasing – SAVING the Russian economy Barents Observer 4/27 (Gazprom fuels Russian economy; http://barentsobserver.com/en/energy/gazprom–fuels–russian–economy) The state–own gas giant Gazprom’s … 2015, according to the positive outlook. Strong growth now across all key indicators–only shocks to energy supplies can upset gains Forbes 7/18 (Russia's Economy in 2012: A Strong Start and an Uncertain Future; www.forbes.com/sites/markadomanis/2012/07/18/russias–economy–in–2012–a–strong–start–and–an–uncertain–future/) Well the results of the first … 2012 GDP growth will just under 3%. The economy is growing now–new data and interest rates prove Bloomberg Business 8/10 (Russia’s Economy Expanded 4% in Second Quarter, Slowest in Year; http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012–08–10/russia–s–economy–expanded–4–percent–in–second–quarter–slowest–in–year) The world’s biggest energy … the ministry estimated last month. Link - Native Wind The plan trades off with natural gas-their author Kronk 12—Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law (Elizabeth, Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform, 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811) Today, escaping stories of political … regional and national energy planning.” AT: Gas = Volatile Gas prices will not be volatile in the future Alan Rominger, PhD Student, Graduate Research Assistant, North Carolina State University, 2/12/2012, "The end of natural gas price volatility?" neutroneconomy.blogspot.com/2012/02/end-of-natural-gas-price-volatility.html Why it will be less volatile in … to the economics) of NG supply. Impact – Nationalism Economic collapse causes nationalist takeover FRIEDLANDER 2009 (Monica, “Black Leather Pragmatist,” UC Berkeley College of Letters and Science, Jowitt is Professor Emeritus of Political Science Ken Jowitt, http://www.ias.berkeley.edu/node/351) Instead, quite the opposite may … it’s not at all a bad second–best.” Ends the world ISRAELYAN 1998 (Victor, For almost 50 years, Victor Israelyan was a Soviet ambassador, diplomat, arms control negotiator, and leading political scientistWashington Quarterly, Winter) The first and by far most … weapons closer to Russia's borders. Independently turns heg Simes 2007 (Dimitri Simes, President of the Nixon Center and Publisher of The National Interest, Nov/Dec 2007. “Losing Russia,” Foreign Affairs, Ebsco) But if the current U.S.-Russian … Washington, with potentially catastrophic results. Impact – China War Russian economic decline causes Russia–China war TRENIN 2002 (Dmitri, Deputy Director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Former Russian Officer, After Eurasia, pp 308–309) Usually, there is no shortage of … it would do so in less than one piece. Extinction SHARAVIN 2001 (Alexander, Director of the Institute for Military and Political Analysis, What the Papers Say, Oct 3) Now, a few words about the … frost of a possible nuclear winter. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should allocate stimulus funding to the creation of renewable energy microgrids and simplify the procurement processes for these projects. Solves the aff and all of their advantages on a faster timeframe Warner 10 (Guy, leading economist and the founder and CEO of Pareto Energy a company that provides counsel in the design, development, funding and maintenance of microgrids., "Microgrids are key to future energy strategy," The Hill, May 4, thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/95951-microgrids-are-key-to-future-energy-strategy) Are the goals of the climate bill … What are we waiting for? |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC The combination of security concerns with energy policy universalizes security to touch ALL aspects of life – turns the most minor forms of violence into total war. Ciuta 10 – (2010, Felix, PhD in International Relations from Manchester University, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University College of London, “Conceptual Notes on Energy Security: Total or Banal Security,” Security Dialogue 2010 41: 123, sage) To reiterate, the issue here … arrest issues other than energy. Securitized policymaking causes extinction – occludes complex structural factors and makes environmental insecurity and war inevitable Ahmed 11 – (2011, Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Development (IPRD), an independent think tank focused on the study of violent conflict, he has taught at the Department of International Relations, University of Sussex, "The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society," Global Change, Peace and Security Volume 23, Issue 3, 2011 Taylor Francis) Unfortunately, orthodox IR approaches are … destruction, if not planetary annihilation?61 The alternative is an ontological shift from simple to complex systems predictions – opens new paths to knowledge and generate different solutions to policy problems Harrison 06 – (2006, Neil, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Wyoming, Founder and Executive Director of the Sustainable Development Institute, “Thinking About the World We Make,” in Complexity in World Politics ed. Neil E. Harrison, State University of New York Press, 2006, p. 1-2) Despite nearly a hundred years of … the rest of the book. 2NC – Overview Specifically, any approach that ignores complex feedbacks and interdependence makes war and violence more likely Kavalski 07 – (Emilian, PhD in international politics from Loughborough University, Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Western Sydney, “The fifth debate and the emergence of complex international relations theory: notes on the application of complexity theory to the study of international life,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs Volume 20, Issue 3, p. 435-454) As Beaumont (1994, 145) has quipped, there … human societies and their interactions. Oil Links The aff’s emphasis on securing military operations and avoiding dependence on foreign suppliers is rooted in a racialized vision of energy security – producers are seen as threats to American domination and rendered national enemies. Amin 09 – (2009, Tamer, PhD in psychology, professor of science education at the American University of Beirut, “Conceptual Metaphor Meets Conceptual Change,” (draft version – forthcoming) Human Development 2009;52:165-197, http://tameramin.webs.com/Conceptual_Metaphor_Meets_Conceptual_Change.pdf) Only in the 1970s did the concept … was called “the rising cost of living” Prolif Links Binary yes/no nuclear can’t explain conflict and makes war likely. Hugh Gusterson 99 Anthropology Professor, MIT, Nuclear Weapons and the Other in the Western Imagination, Cultural Anthropology 14.1, p 115-6 I should clarify two points … First World institutions and states. Anti-proliferation discourse obscures Western violence and the root cause of their impacts Carol Cohn 6 Director of the Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights, Felicity Hill, Peace and Security Adviser to the United Nations Development Fund for Women and is responsible for UNIFEM's Peace and Security Programme, and Sara Ruddick, prof at philosophy and women's studies at Eugene Lang College, “The Relevance of Gender for Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction”, The WMDC is an independent international commission initiated by the Swedish Government on a proposal from the United Nations. Its task is to present proposals aimed at the greatest possible reduction of the dangers of weapons of mass destruction, including both short-term and long-trm approaches and both non-proliferation and disarmament aspects. The Commission will issue its report in early 2006, http://www.wmdcommission.org/files/No38.pdf “Proliferation” is not a mere … justify on rational security grounds. Terror Links Fear of terror is groundless—their arguments are only justifications for intervention Raphael 9—IR, Kingston University (Sam, Critical terrorism studies, ed. Richard Jackson, 50-51) ellipses in orig. The close relationship between the … serves for the US slate. Cyberterror too Conway 8 (Maura, Lecturer @ Center for Int’l Studies at School of Law and Government Dublin City University, “Media, Fear and the Hyperreal: The Construction of Cyberterrorism as the Ultimate Threat to Critical Infrastructures,” google scholar) A central element of the … than known threats (Embar- Seddon 2002: 1034). Warming Links The 1AC’s metaphorical representations of transform climate change into a security threat, eradicate difference, and entrench a violent eschatology – turns case by normalizing violence as an appropriate response to the environment Methmann and Rothe 12 (Chris Paul, U. of Hamburg, and Delf, U. of Hamburg, “Politics for the Day After Tomorrow: The logic of apocalypse in global climate politics” Security Dialogue, Vol. 43, pp. 328-330) As was shown in the previous … which we will return below. AT: Perm Even if some parts of the aff are correct by coincidence, rejection is STILL key – SUDDEN and SUBSTANTIAL methodological change creates a mindset shift towards complexity. Harrison 06 – (2006, Neil, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Wyoming, Founder and Executive Director of the Sustainable Development Institute, “Complex Systems and the Practice of World Politics,” in Complexity in World Politics ed. Neil E. Harrison, State University of New York Press, 2006, p. 190-2) Finally, the most important leverage … are likely to be great. Rejection the aff’s ideological inputs is key – the perm allows RETROACTIVE JUSTIFICATION of linearity and prevents effective complexity modeling Elkus 09 – (3/22/09, Adam, analyst specializing in foreign policy and security studies, associate editor of the Red Team Journal, http://redteamjournal.com/2009/03/military-futurism/) The chief difficulty in predicting … accomplished regardless of human weakness. Framework SPECIFICALLY TRUE FOR NETWORK THREATS (vital systems) Cavelty and Giroux 12 – (6/20/12, Myriam Dunn, PhD from the University of Zurich, Head of the New Risk Research Unit at the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich, and Jennifer, researcher in the Crisis and Risk Network, ETH Zurich, MA in International Policy from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, “The Good, The Bad, and The Sometimes Ugly: Complexity as Both Threat and Opportunity in the Vital Systems Security Discourse,” DRAFT version of a chapter for World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2013), edited by Emilian Kavalski, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2088161) vital systems = cybernetworks Combined, this conceptualization results in … certainty, which are unattainable (Ramsden 2008, 57). Process before policy Cavelty and Giroux 12 – (6/20/12, Myriam Dunn, PhD from the University of Zurich, Head of the New Risk Research Unit at the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich, and Jennifer, researcher in the Crisis and Risk Network, ETH Zurich, MA in International Policy from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, “The Good, The Bad, and The Sometimes Ugly: Complexity as Both Threat and Opportunity in the Vital Systems Security Discourse,” DRAFT version of a chapter for World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life, edited by Emilian Kavalski, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2088161) 4 Conclusion Traditional approaches to the study … , on power distribution and responsibilities. 2NC – Alt Solvency Alt solves – ABM’s key Saunders-Newton 06 – (2006, Desmond, PhD, former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Advanced Systems and Concepts, former Senior Research Fellow at the National Defense University’s Center for Technology and National Security Policy, founder of the Social Computation and Complexity Directorate at BAE Systems, “When Worlds Collide Reflections on the Credible Uses of Agent-Based Models in International and Global Studies,” in Complexity in World Politics ed. Neil E. Harrison, State University of New York Press, 2006, p. 165-6) *ABM = Agent Based Modeling Many problems of interest to … theory, method, specification, and scenario. AT: No Alternative/It Fails CAR bridges the gap between math and policy Lempert 02 – (5/14/02, Robert, PhD in applied physics, senior scientist at the RAND Corporation and Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition, professor of policy analysis in the Pardee RAND Graduate School, “A new decision sciences for complex systems,” PNAS May 14, 2002 vol. 99 no. Suppl 3 7309-7313, http://www.pnas.org/content/99/suppl.3/7309.full) *CAR = Computer Assisted Reasoning Models of complex systems capture … qualitative approaches to decision-making. AT: Science Good You don’t meet your own framework – independent reason to vote neg. Mills 10 – (10/25/10, William, PhD political science – University of Michigan, “Omitted Variable Bias in Scenario Analysis,” http://futuremethods.wordpress.com/2010/12/25/omitted-variable-bias-in-scenario-analysis/) Scenario analysis is essentially a totally … also generate the same outcome! Link – Empiricism Cause-effect relationships are impossible in complex systems Harrison 06 – (2006, Neil, Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Wyoming, Founder and Executive Director of the Sustainable Development Institute, “Thinking About the World We Make,” in Complexity in World Politics ed. Neil E. Harrison, State University of New York Press, 2006, p. 12-3) The uncertainty of complex social … their perception of their environment. Link - Resource Scarcity Rhetoric of “Energy crisis” is a stand-in for class danger – it’s the paradigmatic example of the ideological attempt to reinforce violent, social differentiation. Bridge ‘11 (Gavin, School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester, Global Political Ecology, “Past Peak Oil” pp. 309-311) “Energy” and “crisis” first … conventional oil can be extracted. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC No impact to warming – their studies ignore adaptation and technology Goklany 11 (Indur M., science and technology policy analyst for the US Dept of the Interior, “Misled on Climate Change: How the UN IPCC (and others) Exaggerate the Impacts of Global Warming” December 2011, http://goklany.org/library/Reason%20CC%20and%20Development%202011.pdf) A third approach would be to … from 0 per 100 to 33 per 100. Warming isn’t anthropogenic Happer 12 – professor of physics at Princeton (William, professor of physics at Princeton, “Global Warming Models are Wrong Again,” 3/27/12, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304636404577291352882984274.html) What is happening to global … to draw about the theory. Rising CO2 is key to rice yields IDSO 2010 (Unclear which ones, but they are all esteemed scientists with PhDs, “Rice Production and the Looming Water Crisis,” May 19, http://www.co2science.org/articles/V13/N20/B2.php) Shimono et al. write that "by 2050 … the heading of Food in our Subject Index. Key to Asian stability CANTRELL 2002 (Ronals, General Director of the International Rice Research Institute, Economic Perspectives, May http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/ites/0502/ijee/rice.htm) What's so special about rice production … rice anchors their precarious lives. Famine in Asia causes war CRIBB 2010 (Julian, Julian Cribb is a science communicator, journalist and editor of several newspapers and books. His published work includes over 7,000 newspaper articles, 1,000 broadcasts, and three books and has received 32 awards for science, medical, agricultural and business journalism. He was Director, National Awareness, for Australia's science agency, CSIRO, foundation president of the Australian Science Communicators, and originated the CGIAR's Future Harvest strategy. He has worked as a newspaper editor, science editor for "The Australian "and head of public affairs for CSIRO. He runs his own science communication consultancy, “The coming famine: the global food crisis and what we can do to avoid it,” p. 20) The threat or conflict over food … and provoke conflict and wars."15 Asian war goes nuclear Dibb 01 – (2001, Paul, emeritus professor of strategic and defence studies at The Australian National University, Winter, “Strategic Trends: Asia at a Crossroads.” Naval War College Review, Vol. 54, Issue 1. ebsco) The areas of maximum danger … when confronted with major crises Turns Environment Destruction of land for crops massively outweighs warming—CO2 solves it IDSOS 2011 (Craig and Sherwood, “Carbon Dioxide and Earth’s Future: Pursuing the Prudent Path,” Feb 2, http://www.co2science.org/education/reports/prudentpath/prudentpath.pdf) How much land can ten … of nature in the process. Solves Food Food shortage is inevitable even without warming—only an increase in CO2 boosts rice yield which solves famine and environmental collapse IDSO 2006 (Sherwood, Craig, Keith, all PhDs, “Can the World Produce 40% More Rice by 2030?” CO2 Science Magazine, Volume 9, Number 9, March 1, http://www.co2science.org/articles/V9/N9/EDIT.php) What will it take to feed … biosphere, suffer unimaginable negative consequences. Impact – Global Famine High status quo CO2 emissions are key to agriculture and prevent extinction IDSOS 12-22-2010 (Sherwood PhD and fmr research physicist for the Dept of Ag, Keith PhD Botany, Craig PhD Geography, “Food Security: The Real Planetary Problem,” CO2 Science, Volume 13, Number 51, http://www.co2science.org/articles/V13/N51/EDIT.php) In a paper recently published … the air every time we exhale. Famine causes worldwide nuclear war CRIBB 2010 (Julian, Julian Cribb is a science communicator, journalist and editor of several newspapers and books. His published work includes over 7,000 newspaper articles, 1,000 broadcasts, and three books and has received 32 awards for science, medical, agricultural and business journalism. He was Director, National Awareness, for Australia's science agency, CSIRO, foundation president of the Australian Science Communicators, and originated the CGIAR's Future Harvest strategy. He has worked as a newspaper editor, science editor for "The Australian "and head of public affairs for CSIRO. He runs his own science communication consultancy, “The coming famine: the global food crisis and what we can do to avoid it,” p. 26) This is the most likely means … peoples' need to secure them. Impact – India Rising CO2 solves hunger in India through rice fertilization IDSO 2007 (Can’t tell which ones, but they all have PhDs, “Future Rice Yields in India,” Nov 14, http://www.co2science.org/articles/V10/N46/B2.php) Two popular models of rice growth … judicious use of plant breeding is made. That’s critical to Indian power ROBINSON 2010 (David, History lecturer at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia, PhD in History, mid-way through a Master of International Relations degree, “India’s Rise as a Great Power,” June 17, http://lfort.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/indias-rise-as-a-great-power/) Despite India’s meteoric economic … policy ambitions cannot be realized”.21 The impact turns and outweighs everything else—makes war, disease, and poverty inevitable KAMDAR 2007 (Mira Kamdar, World Policy Institute, 2007, Planet India: How the fastest growing democracy is transforming America and the world, p. 3-5) No other country matters more … gambit is truly the venture of the century. AT: IPCC The IPCC doesn’t do scientific research – it’s a political advocacy group that cherry-picks science and ignores anything that contradicts the party line Spencer 10 (Dr. Roy W. Spencer, climatologist and a Principal Research Scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville, US Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA’s Aqua satellite, has served as senior scientist for climate studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, recipient of the American Meteorological Society’s Special Award, The Great Global Warming Blunder, XIV) Politicization of Science By the IPCC … change on greenhouse gas emissions. AT: Warming t/ War Warming doesn’t create conflict – history proves the inverse is true Tertrais 11 (Bruno, Senior Research Fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research, and a Washington Quarterly editorial board member, “The Climate Wars Myth,” Summer, The Washington Quarterly • 34:3 pp. 1729)s The first decade of the 21st … of sync with geopolitical realities. History shows warm periods are more peaceful than cold ones and no direct correlation between warming and conflict Kueter 12 (Jeff Kueter, President, George C. Marshall Institute, May 2012, http://www.marshall.org/pdf/materials/1089.pdf) The depictions of the future … it meaningful for defense planning.” |
| 10/22/2012 | |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 4 | Opponent: Samford | Judge: 1NC Their attempt to deal with Native oppression is doomed - their recognition of the United States government as an ethical actor must be rejected. CHURCHILL 1996 (Ward, Former Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado, Boulder “I Am Indigenist,” From A Native Son pgs 520-30 Leaving aside questions concerning the … militaristic order on non-Indians. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Energy independence destroys hegemony and kills US geopolitical influence Hulbert 8/19 – (2012, Matthew, Lead Analyst at European Energy Review and consultant to a number of governments, most recently as Senior Research Fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations, former Senior Research Fellow at ETH Zurich working on energy and political risk, MPhil in international relations from Cambridge University, “America Will Deeply Regret Its Fixation On Energy Independence,” http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewhulbert/2012/08/19/why-america-will-deeply-regret-us-energy-independence/4/) The U.S. energy independence … U.S. influence across the globe. Heg is good Kagan 2/11 – (2/11/12, Robert, PhD, Senior Fellow of Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, Former Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Cofounder of the Foreign Policy Initiative, adjunct professor of history at Georgetown University, “Why the World Needs America,” Wall Street Journal, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203646004577213262856669448.html) History shows that world orders … American order came into being. No impact to the military budget. Fettweis 10 – Professor of national security affairs @ U.S. Naval War College. Christopher J. Fettweis, “Threat and Anxiety in US Foreign Policy,” Survival, Volume 52, Issue 2 April 2010 , pages 59 – 82informaworld One potential explanation for … military expenditure are unrelated. 2NC – Heg Energy independence turns heg – decreases interdependence and influence Hulbert 8/19 – (2012, Matthew, Lead Analyst at European Energy Review and consultant to a number of governments, most recently as Senior Research Fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations, former Senior Research Fellow at ETH Zurich working on energy and political risk, MPhil in international relations from Cambridge University, “America Will Deeply Regret Its Fixation On Energy Independence,” http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewhulbert/2012/08/19/why-america-will-deeply-regret-us-energy-independence/4/) It’s either that, or America … their global fall from grace. Turns warming Policy frameworks that focus on independence make coop to solve warming impossible Hogan 08 – (2008, William, PhD, Raymond Plank Professor of Global Energy Policy and Chair of the Appointments Committee, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, research director of the Harvard Electricity Policy Group, “Hedging Against Uncertainty: US Strategy in an Interdependent World,” http://live.belfercenter.org/publication/18438/hedging_against_uncertainty.html?breadcrumb=%2Fregion%2F151%2Fdubai_and_the_gulf_states) The extension to climate change … through isolation and energy autarky. 2NC – China War US energy independence causes China to build a blue water navy and seize control of key sea lanes Johnson 12 – (6/26/12, citing Michael Levi, David M. Rubenstein senior fellow for energy and environment at the Council on Foreign Relation, Keith, Wall Street Journal, “U.S. Oil Boom Spotlights China’s Persian Gulf Dependence,” http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2012/06/26/u-s-oil-boom-spotlights-chinas-persian-gulf-dependence/) The U.S. is moving toward greater … to U.S. interests in the Pacific. Causes a war in Asia Mearsheimer 10 – (2010, John, PhD in government from Cornell University, professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, “The Gathering Storm: China’s Challenge to US Power in Asia,” Chinese Journal of International Politics (2010) 3 (4): 381-396, http://cjip.oxfordjournals.org/content/3/4/381.full) Third, Chinese strategist are going … is one on the horizon. 2NC – Resource Wars Energy independence incentivizes violent competition over resources Mallaby 06 – (7/3/06, Sebastian, director of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies and Paul A. Volcker senior fellow for international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, “What 'Energy Security' Really Means,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/02/AR2006070200675.html) What about U.S. relations with energy … security talk only creates insecurity. Resource conflicts will cause US China Russia war Klare 12 – (1/10/12, Michael, PhD, professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College, “Our looming energy wars,” http://www.salon.com/2012/01/10/our_looming_energy_wars/) Welcome to an edgy world … in our resource-constrained world. Take the Strait of Hormuz, already making headlines and shaking energy markets as 2012 begins. Connecting the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, it lacks imposing geographical features like the Rock of Gibraltar or the Golden Gate Bridge. In an energy-conscious world, however, it may possess greater strategic significance than any passageway on the planet. Every day, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, tankers carrying some 17 million barrels of oil — representing 20 percent of the world’s daily supply — pass through this vital artery. So last month, when a senior Iranian official threatened to block the strait in response to Washington’s tough new economic sanctions, oil prices instantly soared. While the U.S. military has vowed to keep the strait open, doubts about the safety of future oil shipments and worries about a potentially unending, nerve-jangling crisis involving Washington, Tehran and Tel Aviv have energy experts predicting high oil prices for months to come, meaning further woes for a slowing global economy. The Strait of Hormuz is, however, … to fight in such locales. Russia war causes extinction Helfand and Pastore 09 – (3/31/09, Ira Hefland, MD, former President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, current Vice President of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, and John Pastore, MD, former U.S. Government medical officer assigned to the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in Hiroshima, former Executive Secretary of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War when that organization was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace, former President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, “Ira Helfand/John Pastore: U.S.-Russia nuclear war still a threat,” http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_pastoreline_03-31-09_EODSCAO_v15.bbdf23.html) President Obama and Russian President … in 1995 remains in place today. AT: Solves Heg Merely having the potential to become independent is a better form of leverage than actually developing domestic resources Hulbert 11 – (11/10/11, Matthew, Lead Analyst at European Energy Review and consultant to a number of governments, most recently as Senior Research Fellow, Netherlands Institute for International Relations, former Senior Research Fellow at ETH Zurich working on energy and political risk, MPhil in international relations from Cambridge University, “Why "energy independence" means less power for the US, not more,” http://www.europeanenergyreview.eu/site/pagina.php?id=3428) Given its nearest neighbours aren’t … players to take politically seriously. AT: Spending Bad No impact – measuring outlays by percentage GDP is wrong. Bandow 11 – (1/31/11, Doug, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, former special assistant to President Reagan and the author of several books, “Solving the Debt Crisis: A Military Budget for a Republic,” http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/solving-debt-crisis-military-budget-republic) Indeed, U.S. security guarantees … must be on the cutting block. No impact to cuts. Bandow 10 – (1/19/10, Doug, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, former special assistant to President Reagan and the author of several books, “Military Spending — For What?” Cato Institute, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=11143 The United States dominates … determined by its foreign policy. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: KY | Round: 7 | Opponent: Texas GM | Judge: 1NC Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should use the precautionary principle as the criteria for evaluating whether the United States federal government should remove state restrictions on local solar siting. The counterplan is mutually exclusive with the aff – it doesn’t mandate the plan, but is an open ended process MPPP 2k (Clean Water Fund, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition, Science and Environmental Health Network, Massachusetts Precautionary Principle Project, “Putting Precaution into Practice: Implementing the Precautionary Principle”, http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/Precaution-into-Practice.htm) The Precautionary Principle requires a fundamental … to be primarily policy decisions. The precautionary principle is vital to the success of energy production policies Bryner 2 (Gary C. Bryner, Research Professor of Law and Director of the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado School of Law, “THE NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY: ASSESSING ENERGY POLICY CHOICES”, 73 U. Colo. L. Rev. 341) The compelling goals of energy … consumption to long-term preservation. The aff’s approach to energy policy relies on a traditional set of liberal procedures that only serves the interests of those that already have power. The use of the precautionary principle is a precondition for democratic decision making and ushering in a new environmental ethics Robyn Eckersley, ‘4 (Professor and Head of Political Science in the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia, “The Green State: Rethinking Democracy and Sovereignty”, 134-8) In cases of scientific uncertainty … seek to serve and uphold. New ethic of prioritizing environment solves extinction Kochi and Ordan 08 – (Dec. 2008, Tarik Kochi, PhD, Lecturer in Law and International Security, University of Sussex, Noam Ordan, linguist and translator, conducts research in Translation Studies at Bar Ilan University, research focus on human cultural history, “An argument for the global suicide of humanity,” Borderlands, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf) When thinking about whether the … is "an eternal Treblinka" (Singer, 1968, p.750). Solves Case Deliberative democracy---it’s key to make the policy sustainable Robyn Eckersley, ‘4 (Professor and Head of Political Science in the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia, “The Green State: Rethinking Democracy and Sovereignty”, p. 117-8) In short, a case can be … than an authoritatively given product.” AT: Perm Both Pro-action is key – precaution must come before the plan O’Riordan and Jordan 95 (Timothy O'Riordan, and Andrew Jordan, “The Precautionary Principle in Contemporary Environmental Politics”, Environmental Values, Volume 4, Number 3, August 1995, pp. 191-212(22)) CORE ELEMENTS OF THE PRECAUTIONARY … pollution prevention and control (Jordan 1993). And, PP must be applied from the beginning Driesen 3 (David M. Driesen, Associate Professor, Syracuse University College of Law, J.D. Yale Law School, "LEARING SUSTAINABILITY": SYMPOSIUM ARTICLES: SYMPOSIUM HELD AT THE UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO LAW SCHOOL, OCTOBER 13, 2001: Sustainable Development and Air Quality: The Need to Replace Basic Technologies with Cleaner Alternatives, 10 Buff. Envt'l. L.J. 25) The elimination of unsustainable production … consumption decisions from the start. Flexibility – the plan prefigures the answer to the questions – undermines the PP Fisher 1 (Elizabeth Fisher, Tutorial Fellow in Law, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Env Law 2001 13(315), http://jel.oxfordjournals.org/content/13/3/315.full.pdf+html) Official and academic commentary on … how we understand account ability.511 AT: Perm CP - Mandate vs Advice – there is a world of the CP where the plan doesn’t happen
Environmental Research Foundation 96 (9/5, http://dieoff.org/page31.htm)
In recent years, two principles … the polluter should pay, or when. 2. Burden of Proof – CP shifts responsibility to developers not the government O’Riordan and Jordan 95 (Timothy O'Riordan, and Andrew Jordan, “The Precautionary Principle in Contemporary Environmental Politics”, Environmental Values, Volume 4, Number 3, August 1995, pp. 191-212(22)) (v) Shifting the onus of proof. In the case cited above, the precautionary principle suggests that the burden of proof could shift onto the proto- developer to show ‘no reasonable environmental harm’ to such sites or processes, before development of any kind could proceed. This is the reversal of the normal position where it is up to the opponents of development to show likely and unreasonable harm (Cameron and Wade-Gery, 1992). Such a reversal of the liability rule would be truly radical and difficult to implement since it would involve some definition of ‘harmfulness’ (or if the burden is to be reversed completely, some measure of ‘harmlessness’). In effect such an arrangement would mean imposing a ‘duty of environmental care’ on all developers, as proposed by Costanza and Cowell (1992). This might carry a requirement to provide an ‘up-front’ compensation fund to pay out ‘no fault’ liability claims, subject to independent verification and arbitration. Topical action has to be immediate Summers 94 - Justice, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, 11-8-1994, “Kelsey v. Dollarsaver Food Warehouse of Durant,” online: http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=20287#marker3fn14 The legal question to be … the statutory policy of this State. Should requires certainty Nieto 9 (Judge Henry Nieto, Colorado Court of Appeals, 8/20/09, People v. Munoz, 240 P.3d 311 (Colo. Ct. App. 2009)) "Should" is "used . . . to express … tax exemption to be mandatory). |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC The 1ac’s call for further energy production amounts to a marketing plow designed to ensure that social libidinal energies remain firmly driven towards consumption. This reduces the world to a series of objects and reifies a modern subject devoid of care, causing extinction Stiegler ‘12 (Bernard, is Director of the Institut de recherché et d’innovation (IRI) and founder of Ars Industrialis and the Ecole de Philosophe d’Epineuil-le-Fleuriel. “Care: Within the limits of Capitalism, economizing means taking care” Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change Vol 1., Online) We all know that in no … ambiguous expression, ascendant innovation. Capitalism reduces reality to crude economism – this instrumentality precludes ethics and results in inevitable environmental destruction Morgareidge ‘98 (Clayton, Prof of Philosophy at Lewis and Clark College, Why Capitalism is Evil 08/22 http://www.lclark.edu/~clayton/commentaries/evil.html) Now none of these philosophers are naïve … will ethics have a seat at the table. The alternative is to refuse institutional tinkering in favor of reinvesting decision-making with care – our act of criticism reveals this debate represents a choice—reinscribing decision-making with care is a prerequisite to challenging the drive to consume and trend toward individuation that is preventing the Left from thinking a challenge to the mis-growth of capitalism Barker ‘9 (Stephen, Professor and Head of Doctoral Studies at The Claire Trevor School of the Arts, University of California at Irvine. “Transformation as an ontological Imperative: The Human Future according to Bernard Stiegler”, Transformations, http://www.transformationsjournal.org/journal/issue_17/article_01.shtml) Meta-transformation means that … world of psychotechnological mystifications. 2NC – Overview Can’t outweigh – their impacts are meaningless in a world where desire itself is extinguished, means our method is a prerequisite to a calculation in tune with global justice. Technics and dis-individuation pre-determine our relation to temporality itself, which makes re-thinking the libidinal economy a prerequisite to both their predictions and calculations Stiegler ‘10 (Bernard, Philosopher @ Goldsmiths, U. of London, and Director of the Institut de recherché et d’innovation, Taking Care of Youth and the Generations, pp. 185-184) The question of what allows … outset circumvented the true problem. We control the internal link to escalation, replacement of rational cognition with corporate drive is what causes people to act irrationally and then rationalize it after the fact. Debrix and Barder ’12 (François, and Alexander, Beyond Biopolitics: Theory, violence, and horror in world politics, pp. 66) Among other things, what Dillon's … to fear but fear itself. 2NC – Framework The role of the ballot is to analyze the place of desire in the aff’s politics. Stiegler ‘10 (Bernard, Philosopher @ Goldsmiths, U. of London, and Director of the Institut de recherché et d’innovation, Taking Care of Youth and the Generations, pp. 179-184) In the current world, this … “science” that is not ruinous. 2NC – Alternative Only a reinvocation of care within our libidinal economy can challenge modern capitalism’s drive towards consumption Pettman ‘11 (Dominic, associate professor of culture and media at The New School , Human Error: Species-Being and Media Machines, g. 174-177) The issue is an urgent … rather than the private derrick. AT: Perm Care is an axiom, not an add-on. Technology controls the imagination and produces an ontological alienation which prevents collective action Crogan ‘10 (Patrick, an Australian researcher who has worked in what has become the Department of Creative Industries at UWE since 2008 “Bernard Stiegler: Philosophy, technics, and activism”, Cultural Politics, vol. 6) Stiegler will introduce his account … an increasingly global scale (2009a: 134). Activity DA – the perm is a hyperactive microchange that ensure paralysis Swyngedouw ‘10 (Erik, Geography, School of Environment and Development @ U. of Manchester, “The Communist Hypothesis and Revolutionary Capitalisms: Exploring the Idea of Communist Geographies for the Twenty-first Century” Antipode, Vol. 41 S1, pgs 315-317 bb) What is Left to Think … latter; let it stay there. |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Interpretation: Energy production is extraction, conversion to electricity, distribution, and accident prevention. Koplow 04 – (2004, Doug, MBA from Harvard Business School, founder of Earth Track Inc, a think tank devoted to analysis of energy subsidy policy, former senior associate at Industrial Economics, "Subsidies to Energy Industries," Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol 5, www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf) Because no two fuel cycles … security, environmental, health and safety). 2NC Restrictions can be anything SICE 06 – (the Organization of American State's Foreign Trade Information System, http://www.sice.oas.org/trade/nafta/chap-06.asp) restriction means any limitation, whether made effective through quotas, licenses, permits, minimum or maximum price requirements or any other means; Environmental issues deal with an entirely different part of the fuel cycle – different from financial issues Koplow 04 – (2004, Doug, MBA from Harvard Business School, founder of Earth Track Inc, a think tank devoted to analysis of energy subsidy policy, former senior associate at Industrial Economics, "Subsidies to Energy Industries," Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol 5, www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf) Externalities Although the levels vary by … improve data comparability and transparency. They’re preproduction Koplow 04 – (2004, Doug, MBA from Harvard Business School, founder of Earth Track Inc, a think tank devoted to analysis of energy subsidy policy, former senior associate at Industrial Economics, "Subsidies to Energy Industries," Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol 5, www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf) 3.1 Preproduction Preproduction activities include research into … and quality of energy resources. Not production Koplow 04 – (2004, Doug, MBA from Harvard Business School, founder of Earth Track Inc, a think tank devoted to analysis of energy subsidy policy, former senior associate at Industrial Economics, "Subsidies to Energy Industries," Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol 5, www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf) 3.2 Production Energy production includes all stages … final use, and accident risks. Restrictions means to legal restrictions THE HONORABLE DAVID O. CARTER 10 (JUDGE, 8/3, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, MATTEL, INC. v. MGA ENTERTAINMENT, INC., Case No. CV 04-9049 DOC (RNBx), 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 101641) It is undoubtedly true that … circumvent Mexico's criminal discovery rules. Topical affirmatives must reduce a legally codified restriction Groves 97 – (Peter, Legal Adviser at Royal Institute of British Architects, Consultant at CJ Jones Solicitors LLP, Lecturer at Central Law Training Limited, Quoting Lord Oaksey, Sourcebook on Intellectual Property Law p. 249) Then I come to the word ‘… advance what the effect will be. Reductions are quantitative OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY 1989 (Second Edition, 1989, “reduce”) b. To bring to ({dag}… or refer to a certain class. Depth outweighs breadth Schwartz et al. 08 – (2008, Marc, University of Texas, Arlington, Philip M. Sadley and Gerhard Sonnert, Science Education Department, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and Robert H. Tai, Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education Department, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, “Depth Versus Breadth: How Content Coverage in High School Science Courses Relates to Later Success in College Science Coursework,” wiley) The baseline model reveals a direct … to support such an approach. It’s twice as educational Arrington 09 – (Rebecca, UVA Today, “Study Finds That Students Benefit From Depth, Rather Than Breadth, in High School Science Courses” March 4) A recent study reports that … touched on every major topic |
| 10/22/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Bunkers K Logic of resilience divides the world into a developed/un-developed binary entrenching a permanent, hidden war against all those individuals who threaten the safety of our circulations Duffield ‘11 (Mark, “Total War as Environmental Terror:
Linking Liberalism, Resilience, and the Bunker” South Atlantic Quarterly, Against the Day, pp. 757-758) Total war is usually understood … need for negotiation or compromise. The impact is extinction Duffield ‘11 (Mark, “Total War as Environmental Terror:
Linking Liberalism, Resilience, and the Bunker” South Atlantic Quarterly, Against the Day, pp. 766-768) Global Civil War A major consequence of liberal … is more pressing than ever. Democracy K This uncritical acceptance of democracy at the heart of radical politics reveals a fundamental conservativism—the question to ask is why democracy at all? Little, 2k10 (Adrian, Associate Professor and Reader in Political Theory at the University of Melbourne and currently the Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences, “Democratic Melancholy: On The Sacrosanct Place of Democracy in Radical Democratic Theory”, Political Studies, Vol. 58) In recent years radical critiques … democracy’s foundations and its continuation. The aff’s faith in the democratic system ensures that the radical democratic project will devolve into conservativism Little, 2k10 (Adrian, Associate Professor and Reader in Political Theory at the University of Melbourne and currently the Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences, “Democratic Melancholy: On The Sacrosanct Place of Democracy in Radical Democratic Theory”, Political Studies, Vol. 58) The kinds of questions that … theorisations of radical democracy (Mann, 2006). Means their aff gets coopted Horn ’10 (Denise M., Prof. of Globalization and International Affairs @ Northeastern U., Women, Civil Society and the Geopolitics of Democratization, pp. 8-9) Gatekeepers, such as Amnesty International … principle for a community of states. |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 2 | Opponent: Cornell | Judge: 1NC Aff doesn’t solve self-determination Porter, Director – Tribal Law and Government Center @ U Kansas, ‘98 (Robert B., 31 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 899) Nevertheless, no matter how much … it, the existence of our nations. Federal funding can’t solve self-determination Deloria, 86 Philip S., Director of the American Indian Law Center, Inc. in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Institute of the American West, “Indian Self-rule,” pgs. 204-205, 1986, Nalepka To a great degree, we left … to critical and realistic standards. They expand bureaucratic controls which are worse Jourdian, 06 – (Louis, Red Lake band of Chippewa Indians of Minnesota chairman, “Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs United States Senate one Hundred ninth congress second session on oversight hearing on tribal self-governance: obstacles and impediments to expansion of self-government” , Us Government Printing Office, , Sept 20) One of our biggest problems … , and all our tribal members. Moral absolutism makes them complicit in injustice – unintended consequences matter just as much as intentions Jeffrey C. Isaac, James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University, Spring 2002, Dissent, Vol. 49, No. 2 As writers such as Niccolo … . And it undermines political effectiveness. Specifically true for governments Harries, 94 – Editor @ The National Interest (Owen, Power and Civilization, The National Interest, Spring, lexis) Performance is the test. Asked … always have to be considered. Extinction comes first Matheny 07 – (Jason, Department of Health Policy and Management, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, “Reducing the Risk of Human Extinction,” Risk Analysis, Vol 27, No 5) We may be poorly equipped … the costs of mitigating them.20 No root cause of war Joshua Goldstein, 2001, Professor of International Relations at American University, War and Gender, 412 First, peace activists face a dilemma … seems to be empirically inadequate. War turns structural violence Bulloch 8 Millennium - Journal of International Studies May 2008 vol. 36 no. 3 575-595 Douglas Bulloch, IR Department, London School of Economics and Political Science. He is currently completing his PhD in International Relations at the London School of Economics, during which time he spent a year editing Millennium: Journal of International Studies But the idea that … deeply – and potentially radically – political. Their conception of violence is reductive and can’t be solved Boulding 77 Twelve Friendly Quarrels with Johan Galtung Author(s): Kenneth E. BouldingReviewed work(s):Source: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 14, No. 1 (1977), pp. 75-86Published Kenneth Ewart Boulding (January 18, 1910 – March 18, 1993) was an economist, educator, peace activist, poet, religious mystic, devoted Quaker, systems scientist, and interdisciplinary philosopher.12 He was cofounder of General Systems Theory and founder of numerous ongoing intellectual projects in economics and social science. He graduated from Oxford University, and was granted United States citizenship in 1948. During the years 1949 to 1967, he was a faculty member of the University of Michigan. In 1967, he joined the faculty of the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he remained until his retirement. Finally, we come to … us from finding the answer. Focus on indigenous culture is bad – should focus on individuals instead Blake 2k – (Michael, professor of political philosophy and philosophy at Harvard University, August/September 2000, “Civilization,” p. 51-53) If this is the case, … behalf of the cultures themselves. No impact to cultural survival Coates 2009 – former adjunct professor at George Washington University, President of the Kanawha Institute for the Study of the Future and was President of the International Association for Impact Assessment and was President of the Association for Science, Technology and Innovation, M.S., Hon D., FWAAS, FAAAS, (Joseph F., Futures 41, 694-705, "Risks and threats to civilization, humankind, and the earth”, ScienceDirect, WEA) The first category of significant … world than local survival does. Emphasis on systemic impacts is a cognitive bias YUDKOWSKY 2006 (Eliezer, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, “Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks,” forthcoming in Global Catastrophic Risks, August 31) A general principle underlying the … yet encountered an extinction event.2 Predictions and scenario building are valuable for decision-making, even if they’re not perfect Garrett 12 Banning, In Search of Sand Piles and Butterflies, director of the Asia Program and Strategic Foresight Initiative at the Atlantic Council. http://www.acus.org/disruptive_change/search-sand-piles-and-butterflies “Disruptive change” that produces “… that we would otherwise miss. 2NC They don’t solve – only one instance of self-determination Unger 09, JD Candidate – Loyola Law School (LA), 2009 (Kathleen, 43 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 329) footnote 53 included The doctrine of self-determination … by states and individuals. n71 Aff is completely insufficient – other resource restrictions and BIA bureaucracy Unger 09, JD Candidate – Loyola Law School (LA), 2009 (Kathleen, 43 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 329) footnote 53 included Further problems in the exercise … of development on their lands. Govt structure – and can’t overcome the root causes of mistreatment Porter, Director – Tribal Law and Government Center @ U Kansas, ‘98 (Robert B., 31 U. Mich. J.L. Reform 899) In addition to its conceptual … any meaningful reform efforts. n290 No root cause of war Hutchison 2004 Fred, M.A. from Cleveland State … 22, http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/hutchison/040322 Reductionist ideas reduce man to a … on theories of cultural determinism. Large impacts should always outweigh small ones—their argument is an example of illogical scope neglect YUDKOWSKY 2006 (Eliezer, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, “Cognitive biases potentially affecting judgment of global risks,” forthcoming in Global Catastrophic Risks, August 31) Three groups of subjects considered … to detect the difference experimentally. Systemic impacts cannot outweigh nuclear war—it would have systemic effects, killing billions more in future years NISSANI 1992 (Moti, Professor at Wayne State, Lives in the Balance: The Cold War and American Politics 1945-1991, http://www.is.wayne.edu/mnissani/pagepub/CH2.html) Human Populations. The direct effects … individual tragedies these numbers imply.) |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: multiple rounds | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Fiscal cliff deal in the squo but Obama’s pol cap key – kills the economy Erskine Bowles, 11/8/12, Washington Post, The writer, who served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, was co-chairman of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, "The time for a debt deal is now", FACTIVA Going over the fiscal cliff … demanding that Washington act. Econ decline causes nuclear war Harris and Burrows 09 – (Mathew, PhD in European History, Counselor of the US National Intelligence Council, and Jennifer, Member of the National Intelligence Council’s Long Range Analysis Unit, “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis,” April, Washington Quarterly, http://www.twq.com/09april/docs/09apr_Burrows.pdf) Of course, the report encompasses … a more dog-eat-dog world. Link – Solar Any pro-solar legislation or alternative energy focus trades off with fiscal cliff solutions Solar Industry Magazine, 11-8, 12, http://solarindustrymag.com/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.11538 With the threat of sequestration … More Solyndras Act," Stanton said. Link – Nuclear Nuclear loan guarantees are massively controversial – pervades the whole nuclear industry Schor and Northey 11 Elana and Hannah are writers at Greenwire. “Will Solyndra Scandal Spill Over to Scald Nuclear Loan Guarantees?” Oct 7, http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2011/10/07/07greenwire-will-solyndra-scandal-spill-over-to-scald-nucle-3933.html?pagewanted=all A nuclear-sector source who … program, according to the industry source. The plan is massively contentious---draws in debates about Solyndra Martin, 12 May 8th, Richard, A contributing editor for Wired since 2002, he has written about energy, for Time, Fortune, The Atlantic, and the Asian Wall Street Journal, editorial director for Pike Research, the leading cleantech research and analysis firm, former Technology Producer for ABCNews.com, Technology Editor for The Industry Standard (2000-2001), and Editor-at- Large for Information Week (2005-2008), recipient of the “Excellence in Feature Writing" Award from the Society for Professional Journalists and the White Award for Investigative Reporting, Educated at Yale and the University of Hong Kong, , “SuperFuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future”, ISBN 978—0»230-116474 WHILE A NEW MANHATTAN … not because it was impossible. Overview – Nuclear Link turns case – blocks licensing O’Keefe, 12 (William, CEO, George C. Marshall Institute, 2/13, “No Credible Path for Nuclear Power”, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/02/is-america-poised-for-nuclear.php#2161670) Public and environmental opposition to … it is hard to be optimistic. Overview – Native Solar Turns racism and cultural destruction – empirically proven that economic decline causes ethnic stereotyping and violence in addition to wars Tir and Jasinsky 08 – (Oct. 2008, Jaroslav Tir, PhD, professor, Department of International Affairs University of Georgia, and Michael Jasinski, professor, Department of Political Science University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, “Domestic-Level Diversionary Theory of War,” Journal of Conflict Resolution Volume 52 Number 5 October 2008, sage) The dynamics of such recent … of force against ethnic minorities. AT: Economics Bad Predicting and preparing for economic crises is key – no alterantive and they cause mass suffering Barnhizer, 6 David, Prof of Law, … Dream”,’ Geo Int’l Envtl L Rev, pg. l/n Grand utopian visions and even … ability to determine the answer. Can’t just shut down growth – it can only be dealt with, not reversed Barnhizer, 6 David, Prof of Law, … Dream”,’ Geo Int’l Envtl L Rev, pg. l/n The scale of social needs, … the pattern once again intensifies. AT: No War Diversionary theory means nations will go to war Royal 10 – Jedediah Royal, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215 Less intuitive is how periods … considered ancillary to those views. Link – Native Solar Maintaining bipart key to deal SF Chronicle, 11-7 – (2012, ttp://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/Obama-Success-on-Fiscal-Cliff-May-Hinge-on-Better-4018619.php#ixzz2Bc0ulMfY) President Barack Obama, his re- election … to entitlements, taxes and spending. GOP hates solar Eastern Express Times 10-14 – (2012, Obama, Romney differ on energy POLICY GOALS SIMILAR, but disagreement on how to achieve them.Benefits of fracking Pipeline politics Solar missteps Nuclear power support, p. A1) Republicans have seized on the … on solar power from Solyndra. Republicans hate natives Tansai Journal 7 (Tansai Journal, 7/27/07, http://www.tanasijournal.com/main/index.php?option=com_contentandtask=viewandid=480andItemid=1anded=68) Blow after blow, the U.S. Senate … how bi-partisan and non-controversial." Energy industry hates RE and is powerful Sanders 10/14 – (Senator Bernie Sanders, 10-14, 12 http://grist.org/politics/mitt-romneys-winners-and-losers/ “Mitt Romney’s Winners and Losers”) The Big Energy industries (oil … in the wind industry. Obama will not push ANY NEW POLICIES NOW IN ORDER TO AVOID THE FISCAL CLIFF. This is especially true of policies supported by his liberal base Guardian, 11-9 – (2012, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/nov/09/obama-second-term-soaring-rhetoric-lame-duck) President … his laurels with that one.". AT: Obama Doesn’t Push Obama gets blamed for everything Nicholas and Hook 10 – (7/30/10, Peter Nicholas and Janet Hook, LA Times, “Obama the Velcro president,” http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jul/30/nation/la-na-velcro-presidency-20100730/3) If Ronald Reagan was the … buck stops with his office." AT Resilience The cliff undermines the basis for resilience Center for American Progress, 11/2/12, Jobs Numbers Demonstrate Strengthening Economy, www.americanprogress.org/issues/labor/news/2012/11/02/43815/jobs-numbers-demonstrate-strengthening-economy/ The numbers released today by … unemployed Americans alike cannot afford. The cliff wrecks resilience globally IMF, 12 (October, "world economic outlook: Coping with High Debt and Sluggish Growth", www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/02/pdf/c4.pdf) The caveat, of course, is … raise concerns about financial stability |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: | Opponent: Gonzaga | Judge: 1NC Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should create refuges designed to ensure survival through extinction events. Solves extinction threats – we have the tech now Hanson 7 – associate professor of economics at GMU, research associate at the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University, PhD in Social Science (August 2007, Robin, “Catastrophe, Social Collapse, and Human Extinction”, http://hanson.gmu.edu/collapse.pdf) If we value future generations … to a simple sustainable lifestyle. 2NC Refuges allow humans to survive through all extinction events Bostrom 11 – Director of the Future of Humanity Institute, Professor, Faculty of Philosophy and Oxford Martin School (Nick, “Existential Risks FAQ”, http://www.existentialrisk.com/faq.html#_Toc295939364) A possibly somewhat more cost-… aftermath of a civilization-destroying catastrophe. The costs outweigh the benefits – the CP is better than asteroid defense Matheny 7 – research associate with the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, MPH (Jason, “Reducing the Risk of Human Extinction”, Risk Analysis; 27(5), http://jgmatheny.org/matheny_extinction_risk.htm) Some extinction risks are probably … its expected value is high. |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: | Opponent: Gonzaga | Judge: 1NC Human centrism allows us to exploit nature, eventually causing extermination of all life. Ahkin, 10 – (Melanie Ahkin, Monash University, 2010, “Human Centrism, Animist Materialism, and the Critique of Rationalism in Val Plumwood’s Critical Ecological Feminism,” Emergent Australian Philosophers, a peer reviewed journal of philosophy, http://www.eap.philosophy-australia.com/archives.html) These five features provide the … of the human centric framework. The alternative is a radical break that can jam the anthropological machine – a negative gesture of rejection can have positive consequences. Calarco 07 (2007, Matthew, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at SUNY Binghamton, “Jamming the Anthropological Machine,” Sovereignty and Life, pgs. 178-179) It should come as no … have become irreparable and unsavable? Link – Enviromental Justice Focus on environmental justice is a flawed environmental paradigm – only taking nature on it’s own terms can avoid anthropocentrism DeLuca 10 – (2010, Kevin Michael, PhD, Associate … May, Debashish Munshi, p. 414-35, google books) In what follows, after acknowledging … the subjects that live them. Link – Space Colonization The call to colonize to save humanity merely spreads the disease of speciesism universally – the lack of critical interrogation makes destruction, violence, and extinction inevitable. Kochi and Ordan 08 – (Dec. 2008, Tarik Kochi, PhD, Lecturer in Law and International Security, University of Sussex, Noam Ordan, linguist and translator, conducts research in Translation Studies at Bar Ilan University, research focus on human cultural history, “An argument for the global suicide of humanity,” Borderlands, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf DH) In 2006 on an Internet forum called … the future destruction of others. Framework Humans have no intrinsic value – our history is one of genocide and extermination. Kochi and Ordan 08 – (Dec. 2008, Tarik Kochi, PhD, Lecturer in Law and International Security, University of Sussex, Noam Ordan, linguist and translator, conducts research in Translation Studies at Bar Ilan University, research focus on human cultural history, “An argument for the global suicide of humanity,” Borderlands, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf DH) Certainly many organisms use … abusing minorities, individually and collectively. The logic of human domination naturalizes oppression and recreates hierarchies. Ahkin, 10 – (Melanie Ahkin, Monash University, 2010, “Human Centrism, Animist Materialism, and the Critique of Rationalism in Val Plumwood’s Critical Ecological Feminism,” Emergent Australian Philosophers, a peer reviewed journal of philosophy, http://www.eap.philosophy-australia.com/archives.html DH) The five key features of dualism's … replaceable resources for the dominant group. AT: Perm Complicity in the institutional and bureaucratic structures of human modernity locks you in the banality of evil. You are like the Nazi collaborators who, while they didn’t directly murder Jews, were nonetheless complicity in atrocity. Kochi and Ordan 08 – (Dec. 2008, Tarik Kochi, PhD, Lecturer in Law and International Security, University of Sussex, Noam Ordan, linguist and translator, conducts research in Translation Studies at Bar Ilan University, research focus on human cultural history, “An argument for the global suicide of humanity,” Borderlands, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf DH) In one sense, the human … or false and a sham. Alternative The alternative solves – imagining global suicide can open up space for new systems of valuation to emerge that are not human centric. Kochi and Ordan 08 – (Dec. 2008, Tarik Kochi, PhD, Lecturer in Law and International Security, University of Sussex, Noam Ordan, linguist and translator, conducts research in Translation Studies at Bar Ilan University, research focus on human cultural history, “An argument for the global suicide of humanity,” Borderlands, http://www.borderlands.net.au/vol7no3_2008/kochiordan_argument.pdf DH) From the outset it is … have, so far, been unavailing. Link – Managerialism The paradigm of environmental management is based upon and advances a conception of the non human world as subservient to human life and progress. Purser et. al 95 (Ronald E. Purser is an assistant professor of organization development at the University of Chicago, Changkil Park is a doctoral candidate in the Dept. of Organizational Behaviour at Case Western Reserve University, Alfonso Montuori is an adjunct professor at Saybrook Institute and College of Notre Dame. “Limits to Anthropocentrism: Toward an Ecocentric Organization Paradigm?” The Academy of Management Review, October 1995, JSTOR, p.1053-1089, Vol. 20, No.4, http://www.jstor.org/stable/258965) The movement toward an … concerned with technical efficiency. |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Low oil prices destroy the Mexican economy. EFE 12 – (3/1/12, EFE, Spanish news agency, “Federal Reserve Official Worried About Mexico's Oil Revenues,” http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/03/01/federal-reserve-official-worried-about-mexicos-oil-revenues/) Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas … ," the Dallas Fed chief said. Growth is the only way to prevent drug violence and state collapse. Barnes 11 – (4/29/11, Joe, Bonner Means Baker Fellow James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy Rice University, “Oil and U.S.-Mexico Bilateral Relations,” http://bakerinstitute.org/publications/EF-pub-BarnesBilateral-04292011.pdf DH) In summary, the slow decline … would mark an important improvement.36 Mexican collapse causes U.S. isolationism Haddick 08 – (Robert, Managing Editor, Small Wars Journal, former U.S. Marine Corps officer, advisor for the State Department and the National Intelligence Council on irregular warfare issues, former Director of Research at the Fremont Group, http://westhawk.blogspot.com/2008/12/now-that-would-change-everything.html) There is one dynamic in … no running from a Mexican collapse. Nuclear war Friedberg and Schoenfeld 2008 Aaron, professor of politics and international relations at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, Gabriel, Visiting Scholar @ Witherspoon Institute, The Dangers of a Diminished America, WSJ, 10/21, Proquest Protectionist sentiments are sure to … internal travails with external adventures. AT: Low Prices Good Oil price declines destroy the Mexican economy. Ros 11 – (4/29/11, Jaime, PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, “PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO,” Baker Instite, pdf online) Nevertheless, the impact on government … effects in the long run. High prices force companies to move their manufacturing closer to the US—this increases foreign investment in Mexico and drives economic growth. Reuters, 6/24/2008. “Mexico may benefit from higher fuel prices,” REUTERS http://uk.reuters.com/article/electionsNews/idUKN2437840720080624?pageNumber=2andvirtualBrandChannel=0. Soaring fuel prices may force … warehouses in more populated locations. |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Interpretation – financial incentives are loans and loan guarantees – procurement is a nonfinancial incentive Czinkota et al. 09 – (Michael, Associate Professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University, Fundamentals of International Business, p. 69 – google books) Incentives offered by policymakers … and investments in infrastructure facilities. |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC The 1AC continues a logic of containment that has defined American life since Hiroshima: fear of the bomb has transformed into an appear to state power in an effort to convert the atom into a manageable entity. This process inevitably fails and justifies the exclusion of entire populations from the benefits of technological progress. Jasanoff and Kim ‘9 (Sheila, Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies @ Harvard U., served on the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and as President of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Guggenheim Fellowship Recipient, Ehrenkreuz from Austria, and Sang-Hyun, PhD Candidate in Science and Technology Studies, Kennedy School of Government @ Harvard U. “Containing the Atom: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Nuclear Power in the United States and South Korea,” Minerva, Vol. 47, pp. 119-122) In this paper, we introduce … benefit, public good, and nationhood. The rhetorical rebranding of nuclear power as “clean” energy continues the legacy of atoms for peace deploying it as a tool for authoritarian oppression and violence Kaur 11 – (2011, Raminder, PhD, Senior Lecturer in University of Sussex, London (Anthropology, Centre for Migration Research), “A ‘Nuclear Renaissance’, Climate Change and the State of Exception,” originally published in TAJA: The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 2011, http://www.dianuke.org/a-%E2%80%98nuclear-renaissance%E2%80%99-climate-change-and-the-state-of-exception/) Increasingly, nation-states such as … of ‘clean and green’ energy. This rhetoric discursively constructs peace as the solution to war, while simultaneously blurring the distinction between the two – the result is ever escalating military violence justified and obscured by the rhetoric of total peace. Chernus 98 – (1998, Ira, professor of religious studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, “The Word Peace as a Weapon of (Cold) War,” Peace Review, vol. 10, no. 4, December, 1998, pp. 605-611) But the "Atoms for Peace" … to us by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Our alternative is to give up on the attempt to control nuclear technology. This act of despair leads to a profound breakthrough which solves both our impact and the case Chernus 86 – (Ira, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, UC Boulder, Dr. Strangegod: On the Symbolic Meaning of Nuclear Weapons, p 158-159) Our initiations must be in … a necessary part of our initiation. 2NC This means you should be skeptical of their impacts – creates an endless cycle violence Chernus 02 – (Ira, professor of religious studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace, p. 112-114) "Atoms for Peace' compounded … perpetuate—a cultural pathology of peril."8 Links Turns case and makes arms races and nuclear use inevitable Hecht ‘12 (Gabrielle, Prof. of History @ U. of Michigan, Being Nuclear, pp. 6-16) The atom bomb has become … the brink of self-destruction. Exuberant or ghastly, nuclear exceptionalism was full of contradictions. For all the efforts at making nuclear things exceptional, there were opposing attempts to render them banal. Government propagandists assured citizens that simple gestures offered protection if the bombs did fall. American schoolchildren could take refuge under their desks, sang Bert the Turtle in the famous “Duck and Cover” ditty. Fallout shelters promised the perpetuation of suburban lifestyles in the event of nuclear war. The hyper-organized Swiss went so far as to pass building codes requiring fallout shelters. In the late 1970s, as a teenager, I lived in the suburbs of Zurich. My parents ignored the basement shelter, with its massive lead-lined door, leaving it devoid of the canned goods and blankets prescribed for nuclear survival. Secretly I feared the place. How and what would we breathe if the bombs fell? The spread of commercial nuclear … followed not in the technology. The aff’s invocation of SAFE nuclear power is the essential discourse of containment – rather than confronting the literal and metaphorical waste of nuclear energy, we seek to push it out of sight – or even eliminate it altogether – to put the genie back in the bottle Jasanoff and Kim ‘9 (Sheila, Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies @ Harvard U., served on the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and as President of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Guggenheim Fellowship Recipient, Ehrenkreuz from Austria, and Sang-Hyun, PhD Candidate in Science and Technology Studies, Kennedy School of Government @ Harvard U. “Containing the Atom: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Nuclear Power in the United States and South Korea,” Minerva, Vol. 47, pp. 129-131) Release of radioactivity is the … hubris in the twentieth century.16 Framework All political outcomes begin and end with language which means focus on discourse is key – if you can imagine the aff without their discursive underside, you should vote neg Chernus 02 (Ira, professor of religious studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace, p. 116-118) A similar pattern continued to … and security in the future. Independently, focus on the socio-technical imaginaries of nuclear power is key – their intersection with visions of national power directly shape policy preferences and actions Jasanoff and Kim ‘9 (Sheila, Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies @ Harvard U., served on the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and as President of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Guggenheim Fellowship Recipient, Ehrenkreuz from Austria, and Sang-Hyun, PhD Candidate in Science and Technology Studies, Kennedy School of Government @ Harvard U. “Containing the Atom: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Nuclear Power in the United States and South Korea,” Minerva, Vol. 47, pp. 122-124) The concept of sociotechnical imaginaries … ground for exploring these questions. AT: Perm Relevancy DA – the call to be policy relevant is a ploy to dismiss the question of the k CHERNUS 1991 (Ira, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, Nuclear Madness, p 58-59) Occasionally threats to the whole … of anxiety by our meaninglessness. Fear DA – the endless avoidance of nuclear destruction petrifies dissent and locks in the status quo CHERNUS 1991 (Ira, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, Nuclear Madness, p 25) The analogous process in nuclear … a scratch in the body politic. AT: Fear Good Even if some threats are objectively real it doesn’t matter—nuclear madness prevents us from accurately evaluating them and the cycle of threat perception only guarantees war CHERNUS 1991 (Ira, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, Nuclear Madness, p 22-23) In relations between superpowers, not … into this web of contradiction. Yes but not at the extremes WEART 1988 (Spencer R. Weart is Director Emeritus of the Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics, Nuclear Fear: A History of Images, p. 430) Finally, what of nuclear fear … fantastic images to good purpose. |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 7 | Opponent: | Judge: Prolif will be slow. Tepperman 9 – Jonathan, Newsweek International's first … -learn-to-love-the-bomb.html, SM The risk of an arms … bombs tend to mellow behavior. No nuclear chain reactions – empirics and exaggeration. Potter and Mukhatzhanova 8 – William C. and Gaukhar, * … , Vol. 33, No. 1 (Summer 2008), pp. 139–169, Google scholar CMR Today it is hard to … dimension of the proliferation puzzle.48 New proliferators will build small arsenals – uniquely stable. Seng 98 – Jordan, PhD Candidate in … NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION AMONG MINOR STATES”, p.203-206 However, this "state of affairs" … decision to press that button. No prolif impact Sechser 09 Todd, Assistant Professor of … that might risk nuclear conflict. Prolif causes de-escalation and stability – new proliferators not different Asal and Beardsley, 2007 Victor, Assistant Prof. … potential gains of an attacker’. |
| 12/30/2012 | Tournament: Kansas | Round: 7 | Opponent: | Judge: The logic of energy independence is rooted in a particular mythology of the American frontier that ignores the violence and imperialism – coopts policymaking even when their use is unintentional. Boris 07 – (Dec. 2007, Eileen, PhD in American civilization, Hull Professor and Chair of Feminist Studies at UC Santa Barbara, “On Cowboys and Welfare Queens: Independence, Dependence, and Interdependence at Home and Abroad,” Journal of American Studies. Cambridge: Dec 2007. Vol. 41, Iss. 3; pg. 599, 23 pgs, literature online) Tropes of independence and dependence … taming through cowboy social policy. The frontier myth racializes conflict and generates the preconditions for all violence. Slotkin 01 – (Richard, Olin Professor of American Studies at Wesleyan University, "Unit Pride: Ethnic Platoons and the Myths of American Nationality," American Literary History, 13.3) The oldest and most basic … against a dark-skinned enemy. The alternative is to reject the dyad of dependence and independence in favor of a narrative of interdependence – only rejection can escape their mythic power. Boris 07 – (Dec. 2007, Eileen, PhD in American civilization, Hull Professor and Chair of Feminist Studies at UC Santa Barbara, “On Cowboys and Welfare Queens: Independence, Dependence, and Interdependence at Home and Abroad,” Journal of American Studies. Cambridge: Dec 2007. Vol. 41, Iss. 3; pg. 599, 23 pgs, literature online) Bush II's connection to TR … and welfare queens to rest. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Accepted economic truth is a flawed social construction – rejection of growth is the only way to avoid extinction. Rees 11 – (April 2011, William E. Rees, PhD in population ecology, FRSC, professor of ecological economics and human ecology at the University of British Columbia School of Community and Regional Planning, “Toward a Sustainable World Economy,” Institute for New Economic Thinking, Annual Conference, Crisis and Renewal: International Political Economy at the Crossroads, http://ineteconomics.org/sites/inet.civicactions.net/files/BWpaper_REES_040811.pdf) All cultural narratives, worldviews, religious … resembling the ecological economics framework? Global collapse is inevitable in the long term but an immediate one causes a mindset shift and creates a sustainable economy. Korowicz, 11 – (5/14/11, David Korowicz, physicist and human systems ecologist, the director of The Risk/Resilience Network in Ireland, a board member of FEASTA (The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability), former head of research for The Ecology Foundation, and was recently appointed to the council of Comhar, Ireland's Sustainable Development Partnership, “In the world, at the limits to growth,” http://www.feasta.org/2011/05/14/in-the-world-at-the-limits-to-growth/) Yet our feet of clay … a rich texture of experience found. Specifically causes catastrophic warming – rapid deindustrialization key to solve Roberts 11 – (12/9/11, citing Kevin Anderson, PhD, Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research;1 holds a joint chair in Energy and Climate Change at the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester and School of Environmental Sciences at University of East Anglia; and is an honorary lecturer in Environmental Management at the Manchester Business School, and Alice Bows, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Tyndall Centre, David, primary staff writer for Grist Magazine, an online environmental publication based in Seattle, Washington, “The brutal logic of climate change mitigation,” http://grist.org/climate-policy/2011-12-08-the-brutal-logic-of-climate-change-mitigation/) Soooo … where does that … for 4 — as soon as possible. A collapse now prevents total extinction. Barry 08 – (1/14/08, Glen, PhD in land resources, MS in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development, president and founder of Ecological Internet, “Economic Collapse and Global Ecology,” Counter Currents, http://www.countercurrents.org/barry140108.htm) Humanity and the Earth are … more fragile than it looks. Increasing complexity makes a growth society unsustainable and all recent models agree. Hengeveld 12 – (4/14/12, Rob, PhD, Professor of Earth and Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, “Our apocalyptic odds,” http://www.salon.com/2012/04/14/our_apocalyptic_odds/) Because they are much of a … system collapse will occur. Growth turns resource wars Trainer 02 – (Ted, Senior Lecturer of School of Social Work at the University of New South Wales, “If you want affluence, prepare for War,” Democracy and Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, July, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p. 281-299) If You Want Affluence, Prepare … industrial resources and markets …’70 Economic decline fails to explain diversionary behavior but economic growth increases the chance of war. Boehmer 02 – (3/24/02, Charles, PhD in international relations, professor of political science at University of Texas at El Paso, “Domestic Crisis and Interstate Conflict: The Impact of Economic Crisis, Domestic Discord, and State Efficacy on the Decision to Initiate Interstate Conflict,” prepared for the meetings of International Studies Association, http://isanet.ccit.arizona.edu/noarchive/boehmer.html) Studies of diversionary conflict typically … lower rates of economic growth. Diversions will be peaceful not violent – new empirical evidence demonstrates a NEGATIVE correlation and previous studies ignore key variables. Foster and Keller 10 – (2010, Dennis, PhD in political science, Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute, and Jonathan, PhD in political science, Assistant Professor of Political Science, James Madison University, “Rallies and the “First Image” Leadership Psychology, Scapegoating Proclivity, and the Diversionary Use of Force,” Conflict Management and Peace Science 2010 27: 417, sage) Despite its compelling logic, general … orce for domestic political purposes. Warming Consensus agrees – causes extinction Flournoy 11 – (Dec. 2011, citing Feng Hsu, PhD in Engingeering Science, NASA scientist at Goddard Space Flight Center, former research fellow of Brookhaven National Laboratory in the fields of risk assessment, risk-based decision making, safety and reliability and mission assurances for nuclear power, space launch, energy infrastructure and other social and engineering systems, Don Flournoy, PhD, University of Texas, Project Manager for University/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, Professor of Telecommunications, Scripps College of Communications, Ohio University, "Solar Power Satellites," January, Springer Briefs in Space Development, p. 10-1) In the Online Journal of … to take any chances” (Hsu 2010 ) . 1% risk outweighs – irreversibility Strom 07 – (Robert, Professor Emeritus Planetary Sciences at University Arizona and Former Director of the Space Imagery Center of NASA, “Hot House: Global Climate Change and the Human Condition”, Online: SpringerLink, p. 246) Keep in mind that the … time for action is now. Nuke war doesn’t cause extinction Robock 10 – (Alan Robock Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Luke Oman Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Now at Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Georgiy L. Stenchikov Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Apr 16, 2010, “Nuclear winter” Wiley) While it is important to … without these additional effects, however. Growth causes war – extinction by 2025 Chase-Dunn et al. 99 – (1999, Christopher, Director … , The Future of Global Conflict, p 43) While the onset of a period … collective suicide does not occur . Timeframe is 2030 Strauss 12 – (Apr. 2012, Mark, Smithsonian Magazine, citing researchers from MIT and physicist Graham Turner, “Looking Back on the Limits of Growth,” http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Looking-Back-on-the-Limits-of-Growth.html) Recent research supports the conclusions … population decline could occur by 2030. Warming turns growth Zhao 11 – (Xiaobing Zhao, PhD, economics, Assistant Professor Economics, University of Northern Arizona, and Pin Ng, PhD, economics, Associate Professor of Economics, Northern Arizona University, “No matter how it is measured, income declines with global warming,” Ecological Economics Volume 70, Issue 5, 15 March 2011, Pages 963-970, Science Direct) Existing empirical evidence generally suggests … empirical results. The conclusions follow. Mindset Shift Economic instability, loss of coordination, and decay of infrastructure make a rebound impossible. Korowicz 11 – (10/8/11, David, physicist and human systems ecologist, the director of The Risk/Resilience Network in Ireland, a board member of FEASTA (The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability), former head of research for The Ecology Foundation, and was recently appointed to the council of Comhar, Ireland's Sustainable Development Partnership, “On the cusp of collapse: complexity, energy, and the globalised economy,” http://fleeingvesuvius.org/2011/10/08/on-the-cusp-of-collapse-complexity-energy-and-the-globalised-economy/) The opportunity to re-boot the … system to its former state. Collapse causes a mindset shift away from growth. Homer-Dixon 12 – (Thomas, PhD in political science, Centre for International Governance Innovation Chair of Global Systems at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Ontario, and is a Professor in the Centre for Environment and Business in the Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo, interview with the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, “Exploring the climate ‘mindscape’” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 2012 68: 1) BAS: Do you foresee a crisis … will greatly influence the debate. Yes mindset shift – alternative is extinction. Djordjevic 98 – (Johnny, BA Global Economics, Interdisciplinary Minor in Global Sustainability Senior Seminar University of California, Irvine, “Sustainability,” http://www.dbc.uci.edu/sustain/global/sensem/djordj98.html) Despite all the gloomy facts … consciousness leading to a sustainable society. AT: Aff Solves Barriers to ALL other energy sources. Brown et. al. 11 – (Jan. 2011, James H. Brown is a distinguished professor of Biology at the University of New Mexico and external faculty of the Santa Fe Institute, leading developer of the field of macroecology. William R. Burnside, William C. Dunn, Jordan G. Okie, and Wenyun Zuo are PhD candidates in the Department of Biology at the University of New Mexico. Ana D. Davidson is a postdoctoral researcher at the National University of Mexico and adjunct professor of biology at the University of New Mexico. John P. DeLong is a postdoctoral associate at Yale University in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Marcus J. Hamilton is an archaeological anthropologist at the University of New Mexico and the Santa Fe Institute. Jeffrey C. Nekola is an ecologist at the University of New Mexico. Norman Mercado-Silva is a research specialist with the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, at the University of Arizona, in Tucson. William H. Woodruff is a scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and external faculty at the Santa Fe Institute, “Energetic Limits to Economic Growth ,” Bioscience, Vol. 61 No. 1, google scholar) Increased energy supply. The sources … al. 1986, Tainter 1988, Allen et al. 2001, Tainter et al. 2003). Efficiency gains can’t offset exponential growth. Sanders 12 – (5/1/12, Richard, Australia’s Senior Policy Officer and Principal Planning Officer for Queensland’s Department of Environment and Resource Management, director of the Queensland Chapter of Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy, “Demolishing the Decoupling Myth,” http://www.growthbusters.org/2012/05/demolishing-the-decoupling-myth/) One of the core arguments … of decoupling demands. Myth demolished. Supply targets are too low and the cost is too high – renewable energy may be good but it can’t solve limits to growth Trainer 12 – (2012, Ted, “Can Renewable Energy Sustain Consumer Societies? A Negative Case,” Simplicity Institute Report 12e, 2012, http://simplicityinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/CanRenewableEnergySustainConsumerSocietiesTrainer.pdf) The total investment sum arrived … renewable energy remains relatively unchallenged. AT: Nukes Solve Nuclear power can’t solve limits to growth. Abbott 12 – (Sept/Oct 2012, Derek, PhD, Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, “Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists September/October 2012 vol. 68 no. 5 23-32) Nuclear power advocates can be … 2009) and 20 to 50 years to decommission.6 AT: Sustainable 9 reasons growth is unsustainable. Simms and Johnson, 2010 – (Andrew Simms, policy director and head of climate change and energy at the New Economics Foundation, and a participating member of Oxfam and the International Institute for Environment and Development as well as a regular contributor to the International Red Cross’s annual World Disasters Report, and Victoria Johnson, PhD in Atmospheric Physics, Imperial College of London, climate change and energy program researcher at the New Economics Foundation, January 2010, “Growth isn’t possible: Why we need a new economic direction,” New Economics Foundation, http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/growth-isnt-possible) This report focuses mainly on … for safe human economic use. AT: Growth Solves Enviro Enviornmental impact exporting means growth is net destructive. Rees 11 – (April 2011, William E. Rees, PhD in population ecology, FRSC, professor of ecological economics and human ecology at the University of British Columbia School of Community and Regional Planning, “Toward a Sustainable World Economy,” Institute for New Economic Thinking, Annual Conference, Crisis and Renewal: International Political Economy at the Crossroads, http://ineteconomics.org/sites/inet.civicactions.net/files/BWpaper_REES_040811.pdf) Globalization creates additional problems. By … we should get used to it! Incorrect – vast scientific consensus disproves the EKC thesis and the connection between growth and environmental protections Brulle et al. 12 – (Robert, PhD, Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science, and Professor of Environmental Policy, Drexel University, J. Craig Jenkins, Professor of Sociology, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Ohio State University, Riley Dunlap, PhD, Regents Professor of Sociology, Oklahoma State University, “The Break Through Illusion: A Social Science Critique of Nordhaus and Shellenberger,” Forthcoming in Bill Chaloupka, Jay Odenbaugh, and Jim Proctor (eds). Post Environmentalism: Debating and Extending the Death of Environmentalism Thesis. MIT Press: Cambridge MA, http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~brullerj/SN_Critique.pdf) The most central problem is NandS ‘ … it rests (York and Rosa 2003). Defense BARGAINING THEORY – Double bind – either the foe is too weak to divert or too strong to make the diversion worthwhile. Tarar 06 – (2006, Ahmer, PhD in political science, Associate Professor and Director of the Program on International Conflict and Cooperation, “Diversionary Incentives and the Bargaining Approach to War,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Mar., 2006), pp. 169-188) In this paper, I seek to … "worthwhile" diversionary uses of force. Econ decline doesn’t cause war Barnett, 09 – (8/25/09, Thomas, PhD in Political Science from Harvard, Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis and Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College, Senior Managing Director of Enterra Solutions, “The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis,” Aprodex, Asset Protection Index, http://www.aprodex.com/the-new-rules~-~-security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis-398-bl.aspx) When the global financial crisis … advising and training local forces. Strategic conflict avoidance means no war – most diversionary theory models fail to account for rival behavior. Fordham 05 – (2005, Benjamin, PhD from University of North Carolina, professor of political science at Binghamton University, “Strategic Conflict Avoidance and the Diversionary Use of Force,” THE JOURNAL OF POLITICS, Vol. 67, No. 1, February 2005, pp. 132-153) The argument that state leaders … favor a diversionary use of force. Turns Case (vs. Berkeley) Turns US leadership. Friedman 07 – (2007, Jonathan, PhD in anthropology from Columbia University, professor of Anthropology at University of California, San Diego, “Toward a Comparative Study of Hegemonic Decline in Global Systems The Complexity of Crisis and the Paradoxes of Differentiated Experience,” in Sustainability Or Collapse?: An Integrated History And Future of People on Earth, ed. Robert Costanza, Lisa Graumlich, William L. Steffen, p. 104-6) HEGEMONIC DECLINE The issue of decline depicted … major ecological exhaustion as well. Turns bio D – Manufacturing, agriculture, and even service Czech 08 – (2008, Brian, PhD, adjunct professor of ecological economics and endangered species policy and management at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, full-time conservation biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and a recognized authority on Ecological Economics, “Prospects for Reconciling the Conflict between Economic Growth and Biodiversity Conservation with Technological Progress,” Conservation Biology Volume 22, Issue 6, pages 1389–1398, December 2008, wiley) The foundation of the human … as a factor of production (Coyle 1999). Global poverty is inevitable in a world of continued growth – globalization is not neutral but ALWAYS favors the rich. Trainer 02 – (Ted, Senior Lecturer of School of Social Work at the University of New South Wales, “If you want affluence, prepare for War,” Democracy and Nature: The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, July, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p. 281-299) The core elements in the … things they most urgently need. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: CP Text: The United States Department of Defense should procure small modular reactors for use on its military installations in the United States. DOD procurement causes commercialization Andres and Breetz 11 (Richard B. Andres is Professor of National Security Strategy at the National War College and a Senior fellow and energy and environmental Security and Policy Chair in the Center for Strategic research, institute for national Strategic Studies, at the national Defense University. Hanna L. Breetz is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Massachusetts institute of technology. February 2011, “Small nuclear reactors for military installations: capabilities, costs, and technological implications,” http://www.ndu.edu/press/lib/pdf/StrForum/SF-262.pdf) The “Valley of Death.” Given … technologies, and demonstrating technical viability.32 That solves the blackouts advantage Yurman 11 (Dan Yurman, energy journalist, contributor to American Nuclear Societye Nuclear Cafe and Fuel Cycle Weekly – weekly fuel industry newsletter, 4-28-11, “Will Fukushima Increase Interest In Small Modular Reactors?” http://theenergycollective.com/dan-yurman/56405/will-fukushima-increase-interest-small-modular-reactors) The combined effects of the … in the utility's service area. SMRs are cheap – solves prices Szondy 12 (David Szondy, freelance writer/editor and former university lecturer, 2-16-12, “Feature: small modular nuclear reactors – the future of energy?” http://www.gizmag.com/small-modular-nuclear-reactors/20860/) SMRs have a number of advantages … possible to site conventional reactors. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Immigration will pass because Obama has enough PC Matt Spetalnick and Richard Cowan, 2/4/13, obama to lobby for immigration reform amid citizenship dispute, www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/04/us-usa-immigration-idUSBRE9130V620130204 President Barack Obama will seek … once the U.S. economy improves. Aff saps capital Kaften 1/3 – (2013, Cheryl, “US Congress ‘Pulls the Plug’ on Section 1603 Treasury Program,” PV Mag, http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/us-congress-pulls-the-plug-on-section-1603-treasury-program_100005372/) The U.S. Congress took an annual … and declared bankruptcy last September. Legalization solves border enforcement Daniel Griswold, director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, 14 August 2009 (Bipartisan Visa Program Could Fix Nation's Illegal Immigration Mess, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=10458) A new plan must also … apprehending real criminals and terrorists. Immigration enforcement is key to check illegal border crossings that make terrorism inevitable Lamar Smith, represents Texas’ 21st district in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, 1 July 2010 (Why Immigration Enforcement and Secure Borders are What Will Keep America Safe From Terrorists, http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2010/07/01/rep-lamar-smith-immigration-terrorists-times-square-immigration-border-security/) Our national security policy should … will remain vulnerable to attacks. And, this will facilitate the transfer and use of nuclear weapons Allison 2004 (Graham, director of the … group can surely do better. Drug trafficking is not … group can surely do better. Nuclear war with Russia and China Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand @ The Victoria University of Wellington, July 2010, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Vol. 33 Issue 7) But these two nuclear worlds—a … unable or unwilling to provide. Block Russia war causes extinction Helfand and Pastore 2009 [Ira Helfand, M.D., and John O. Pastore, M.D., are past presidents of Physicians for Social Responsibility. March 31, 2009, “U.S.-Russia nuclear war still a threat”, http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_pastoreline_03-31-09_EODSCAO_v15.bbdf23.html] President Obama and Russian President … in 1995 remains in place today. PC Key Capital key to passage – unforeseen events could change it SHIFTER 12 – 27 – 12 PRESIDENT of the Inter-American Dialogue & adjunct professor of Latin American politics at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service [Michael Shifter, Will Obama Kick the Can Down the Road?, http://www.thedialogue.org/page.cfm?pageID=32&pubID=3186] Not surprisingly, Obama has been … from other priorities like immigration. Political capital theory is true Beckman 10 – Professor of Political Science Matthew N. Beckman, Professor of Political Science @ UC-Irvine, 2010, “Pushing the Agenda: Presidential Leadership in U.S. Lawmaking, 1953-2004,” pg. 61-62 For cases where the president … fight for pivotal voters' support. PC is the most important presidential tool for bargaining. Light 99 – (1999, Paul C. Light, founding director, Brookings Institution Center for Public Service, adjunct professor of politics at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, “The President’s Agenda,” p. 25-6, (MHDRG/D125)) Call it push, pull, punch, … and disadvantages to the table. Even if pundits exaggerate the president’s influence, it still is salient Beckman 10 – Professor of Political Science Matthew N. Beckman, Professor of Political Science @ UC-Irvine, 2010, “Pushing the Agenda: Presidential Leadership in U.S. Lawmaking, 1953-2004,” pg. 17 Even though Washington correspondents surely … winning coalitions on Capitol Hill. Winners Win Fights drain capital. Harris and Lee 10 – (1/20/10, John, American political journalist and the editor in chief for Politico, and Carol, covers the White House for Politico, “Obama's first year: What went wrong,” http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/31749.html DH) Obama believed that early success … Capitol Hill over health care. Obama’s legislative victories tank his pol cap. Purdum 10 – (12/20/11, Todd, award winning journalist who spent 23 years with the NY Times, “Obama Is Suffering Because of His Achievements, Not Despite Them,” Vanity Affair, http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2010/12/obama-is-suffering-because-of-his-achievements-not-despite-them.html) With this weekend’s decisive Senate … see as unnecessary and unfair. So why isn’t his political standing higher? Precisely because of the raft … simply, to the American public. AT: Amnesty Fails Amnesty is sufficient to solve even if not everyone takes it Bill Ong Hing, Professor of Asian-American Studies and School of Law; University of California-Davis, 1 April 2006 (Guest Workers Program with a Path to Legalization, http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/perspectives/guest-workers-program-path-legalization) Legalizing the flow through a large … consequently all Americans would improve. AT: No Citizenship The 1NC UQ card does say it Matt Spetalnick and Richard Cowan, 2/4/13, obama to lobby for immigration reform amid citizenship dispute, www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/04/us-usa-immigration-idUSBRE9130V620130204 President Barack Obama will seek … immigration system and border security. Republicans aren’t against it The Daily Ardmoreite 2-6, 13, Immigrants are A Blesisng for the US Now, however, we may … and move forward - together. AT: CP Links SMRs have bipartisan support Angwin 11 (Meredith Angwin, Former project manager at Electric Power Research Institute, Chemist, “Sanders The Sole Vote Against Small Modular Reactor Research,” 8/19/11) http://theenergycollective.com/meredith-angwin/63331/sanders-sole-vote-against-small-modular-reactor-research One of these measures … efforts to develop these plants. Military energy is bipart Davenport 12 (Coral Davenport, energy and environment correspondent for National Journal. Prior to joining National Journal in 2010, Davenport covered energy and environment for Politico, and before that, for Congressional Quarterly. In 2010, she was a fellow with the Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting, 2-10-12, “White House budget to expand clean energy programs through Pentagon,” http://www.nationaljournal.com/2013-budget/white-house-budget-to-expand-clean-energy-programs-through-pentagon-20120210) The White House believes it … programs across its departments. Link – Section 1603 The plan causes political infighting Kaften 1/3 – (2013, Cheryl, “US Congress ‘Pulls the Plug’ on Section 1603 Treasury Program,” PV Mag, http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/us-congress-pulls-the-plug-on-section-1603-treasury-program_100005372/) Resch further stated, "Our country … , Committee on Ways and Means.
Link – Energy No turns—every energy policy is polarizing Christine Todd Whitman 12, CASEnergy Co-Chair, Former EPA Administrator and New Jersey Governor, “Nuclear Power Garners Bipartisan Support”, August 13, http://energy.nationaljournal.com/2012/08/finding-the-sweet-spot-biparti.php?rss=1&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+njgroup-energy+%28Energy+%26+Environment+Experts--Q+with+Answer+Previews%29#2237728 It’s clear from the debate … accepted energy policy particularly challenging. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: CP Text: The United States Federal Government should establish that the penalty for violating restrictions on the production of crude oil on federal lands may include entry into a Supplemental Environmental Project. That causes non-compliance – solves the aff but avoids politics CPR 8 – The Center for Progressive Reform, a nonprofit research and educational organization with a network of Member Scholars working to protect health, safety, and the environment through analysis and commentary, 2008, “Environmental Enforcement,” http://progressiveregulation.org/perspectives/environEnforce.html Effective enforcement is key to … by Congress for citizen enforcers. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: High oil prices are key to Scottish independence THE TIMES 2011 (“Assumption on oil price could trip up Salmond,” June 23, lexis) The price of oil has … effects on political events onshore. Scottish independence results in British disarm—solves prolif FARGO 2012 (Matthew Fargo is an intern at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, “Independence for Scotland and Disarmament for the United Kingdom: Or, the Law of Unintended Consequences,” Date is date accessed, July 27, http://armscontrolcenter.org/issues/nuclearweapons/articles/independence_for_scotland_and_disarmament_for_the_united_kingdom_or_the_law_of_unintended_consequences/index.html) A mixture of geography and … Let Trident rust in peace. Prolif causes global nuclear war TAYLOR 2001, former nuclear weapons designer and chairman of NOVA “Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” Nuclear proliferation – be it … a global nuclear war. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Attempts to control the oil market are rooted in an ideological and racist manipulation of international trade in the name of national security. Amin 09 – (2009, Tamer, PhD in psychology, professor of science education at the American University of Beirut, “Conceptual Metaphor Meets Conceptual Change,” (draft version – forthcoming) Human Development 2009;52:165-197, http://tameramin.webs.com/Conceptual_Metaphor_Meets_Conceptual_Change.pdf) Only in the 1970s did … “the rising cost of living” The ontology of security creates a reinforcing cycle of insecure anticipation and violent action – predictions like rational deterrence take rely on a flawed enframing of the international system and ignore complex, nonlinear relationships that make conflict spirals inevitable. Burke 07 – (Anthony, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at UNSW, Sydney, and author of many books, “Ontologies of War: Violence, Existence and Reason”, Truth and Existence, 10:2) My argument here, whilst normatively … , however ineffective, dysfunctional or chaotic. The alternative is to non-violently refuse the 1AC’s call to action – an approach of “letting be” is the only possible negation of ontologically grounded violence and allows us to coexist peacefully with both nature and human others. Joronen 11 – (2011, Mikko, PhD, Department of Geography, University of Turku, “Dwelling in the Sites of Finitude: Resisting the Violence of the Metaphysical Globe,” Antipode Volume 43, Issue 4, pages 1127–1154, September 2011, wiley) The historical emergence of the … earth-site(s) of abyssal being. Link - Nuclear Nuclear power discourse enframes nature as raw material made ready for abstract conversion to energy – creates a system of standing reserve that necessitates cultural, material, and environmental destruction – also spills over to geopolitical concerns and results in an endless cycle of new threats and technologically enframed solutions Kinsella 07 – (2007, William, PhD, Associate Professor of Communication, North Carolina State University, “Heidegger and Being at the Hanford Reservation: Standing Reserve, Enframing, and Environmental Communication Theory,” Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture Volume 1, Issue 2, 2007, taylor and francis) Nuclear Physics as World Picture … for environmental and cultural destruction. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 6 | Opponent: Trinity | Judge: 1NC Oil fracking destroys California wine – contamination, scarcity, and perception Kettmann 1/7 – (2013, Matthew, Wine Spectator, “What Impact Could Fracking Have on California Vineyards?” http://www.winespectator.com/webfeature/show/id/47844) In several appellations on California’s … of vineyards in Monterey County. Key to Cali economic sustainability and growth Gatto et al. 09 – (2009, Jonathan Gatto, Byung-oh Kim, Paasha Mahdavi, Hirochika Namekawa, Hung Tran, all with the International Policy Studies Program, Stanford University, “The Future Impact of Climate Change on the California Wine Industry and Actions the State of California Should Take to Address It,” report was prepared for California State Assembly Member Noreen Evans, Chair of the Assembly Select Committee on Wine, with research support from the International Policy Studies Program at Stanford University, https://publicpolicy.stanford.edu/system/files/shared/Stanford_IPS_Final_Report_on_wine.pdf) The importance of the California … priority of the state government. California key to the global economy Kernaghan 09 – (7/8, Todd, CPA, Owner of Austin Wealth Resources Accounting, Masters in Taxation from Arizona State, “California Fiscal Crisis Has Worldwide Implications, According To Financial Advisor Todd Kernaghan,” http://www.prweb.com/releases/2009/07/prweb2613124.htm) California's looming financial meltdown may … United States but would be felt worldwide. Overview Turns China trade balance Richter 12 – (3/25, Wolf, Business Insider, “The Global Wine Industry is Finally Bouncing Back,” http://articles.businessinsider.com/2012-03-25/lifestyle/31232867_1_wine-consumption-vine-and-wine-wine-sales) Wine sales in the US … for US wines by value. California wine is key to crop sustainability initiatives and third way agriculture Broome and Warner 08 – (2008, Janet, PhD, Project Scientist, UC Davis Dept. of Plant Pathology, and Keith Douglass, PhD in Environmental Studies, Director, Education, Center for Science, Technology, and Society, Santa Clara University, “Agro-environmental partnerships facilitate sustainable wine-grape production and assessment,” http://webpages.scu.edu/ftp/kwarner/ageco-BroomeWarnerCalAg.pdf) California leads the nation in … community leaders and their organizations. That’s key to global sustainable agriculture – uniquely true of Cali wine Wulfhorst 06 – (2006, J. D., PhD, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Idaho, “Building Sustainable Communities: Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship,” p. 146-7) Members of Wine Institute and … approach - from ground to bottle. Conventional agricultural intensification destroys biodiversity and can’t solve global hunger Tscharntke et al. 12 – (2012, Teja, PhD, Professor of Agroecology, Department of Crop Sciences, Georg-August-University, Yann Clough, Department of Crop Sciences, Georg-August-University, Thomas C. Wanger, Ecosystem Functions, Institute of Ecology, Leuphana University, Centre for Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Louise Jackson, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, Iris Motzke, Department of Crop Sciences, Georg-August-University, Ecosystem Functions, Institute of Ecology, Leuphana University, Ivette Perfecto, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, John Vandermeer, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Anthony Whitbread, Crop Production Systems in the Tropics, Georg-August University, “Global food security, biodiversity conservation and the future of agricultural intensification,” Biological Conservation, elsevier) In conclusion, conventional (‘‘industrial’’ … land sparing vs sharing debate. Famine causes global nuclear war Cribb 10 – (Julian, Julian Cribb is a science communicator, journalist and editor of several newspapers and books. His published work includes over 7,000 newspaper articles, 1,000 broadcasts, and three books and has received 32 awards for science, medical, agricultural and business journalism. He was Director, National Awareness, for Australia's science agency, CSIRO, foundation president of the Australian Science Communicators, and originated the CGIAR's Future Harvest strategy. He has worked as a newspaper editor, science editor for "The Australian "and head of public affairs for CSIRO. He runs his own science communication consultancy, “The coming famine: the global food crisis and what we can do to avoid it,” p. 26) This is the most likely … peoples' need to secure them. Biodiversity loss causes extinction. Young 10 – (2/9, Ruth, PhD coastal marine ecology, “Biodiversity: what it is and why it’s important”, http://www.talkingnature.com/2010/02/biodiversity/biodiversity-what-and-why/) Different species within ecosystems fill … of biodiversity maintains this service. Uniqueness The Monterey Shale is almost entirely on federal lands. Insert these two maps into evidence. The Monterey shale overlaps all the colored stuff on the federal map. National Atlas, No Date ("Federal Lands and Indian Reservations," nationalatlas.gov/printable/fedlands.html) MAP More maps Brown 12 (David, "The Monterey SHale: Big Deal, or Big Bust?" AAPG, www.aapg.org/explorer/2012/11nov/monterey1112.cfm) MAP Here’s evidence supporting that – they own the land that has oil on it in Monterey – they have to lease it out but aren’t doing it currently Moser 12 (Kate, "Southern Monterey County land to be leased for oil development," Santa Cruz Sentinel, September 28, www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_21656325/south-monterey-county-land-be-auctioned-off-oil) The oil and gas resources … environmental review at that time. Links The mere perception that fracking coexists with wine production would kill the industry and economy Lee 12 – (9/3, Wendy, professor of environmental philosophy, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, “The Water and the Wine: Five Minutes to Speak to Pennsylvania’s Inergy-Soaked Frack-Tastrophe,” http://blog.shaleshockmedia.org/2012/09/03/the-water-and-the-wine-five-minutes-to-speak-to-pennsylvanias-inergy-soaked-frack-tastrophe/) In the effort to come … the necessary conditions of life. People buy wine because they think its healthy – magnifies the link Goodhue et al. 08 – (2008, Rachel, PhD, Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Davis, with Richard D. Green, Dale M. Heien, and Philip L. Martin, “Current Economic Trends in the California Wine Industry,” Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Agricultural and Resource Economics Update 11(4)(2008):2-6) Health considerations may also have … consumers to buy more wine. Public thinks fracking contaminates groundwater even if it doesn’t – property values prove – only we have quantitative studies Cockerham 12 – (16, Sean, Miami Herald, citing a study by the nonpartisan National Bureau of Economic Research, Chris Timmins, professor of economics, Duke, “Fracking can hurt property values of nearby homes with wells, study suggests,” http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/11/06/3084978/fracking-can-hurt-property-values.html) The study is among the … economics professor at Duke University. Actual contamination doesn’t matter – internal links are perception based – also creates a material water scarcity in the region and cuts vineries short. Schwartzel and McGill 12 – (10/8, Erich and Andrew, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, “Calif. vineyard owners worry about fracking,” google cache) Gas drilling here is also … land is worthless," Getzelman said. Wine k/t Econ The wine industry is HUGE Goodhue et al. 08 – (2008, Rachel, PhD, Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Davis, with Richard D. Green, Dale M. Heien, and Philip L. Martin, “Current Economic Trends in the California Wine Industry,” Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Agricultural and Resource Economics Update 11(4)(2008):2-6) Many factors are transforming the … average bottle of California wine $0.75. Massive impact on the Cali and US economies – tourism, trade, taxes, jobs Wine Institute 06 – (12/7, citing a report by MKF Research, and independent consulting firm that advises wine growers, The Wine Institute, “California Wine Has $51.8 Billion Economic Impact on State and $125.3 Billion on the U.S. Economy,” http://www.wineinstitute.org/resources/pressroom/120720060) The California wine industry has … vitality of California and the U.S." Cali is the 9th biggest economy in the world Hanna 12 – (1/13, CNN, “Report: California slips to world's 9th largest economy,” http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/01/13/report-california-slips-to-worlds-9th-largest-economy/) California has long had an … New York ($1.16 trillion) are next. Cali is key to the global economy – exports drive capital investment and related sector growth Henton 08— (Oct. 2008, Doug, founder of Collaborative Economics, former assistant director of SRI International’s Center for Economic Competitiveness, project manager for Silicon Valley Network, consultant to the California Economic Strategy Panel, MA in Public Policy, UC Berkeley, “Global Economic Integration Monograph California Regional Economies Project,” California Economic Strategy Panel, http://www.coecon.com/Reports/GLOBAL%20CONNECT/CAGlobalEcon.pdf) 2 California: A Global Innovation Broker … in export value since 2001 (Figure 6). |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 7 | Opponent: Texas | Judge: 1NC Restriction is a prohibition CEPR 2011 (Center for Economic and Policy Research, “Federal Regulations Restrict the Use of Government Subsidized Student Loans, Not Private Colleges,” 6-2, http://www.cepr.net/index.php/blogs/beat-the-press/federal-regulations-restrict-the-use-of-government-subsidized-student-loans-not-private-colleges, DOA: 10-1-12, ldg) The Washington Post, which is … the government for this purpose. The barriers are purely financial – none of these preclude siting Farell, 1AC Author 2010 John, “Community Solar Power”, http://www.ilsr.org/community-solar-power-obstacles-and-opportunities/, DOA: 11-11-12, ldg) Under the existing rules and … generation among geographically dispersed owners. Block Technical distinction between regulation and restriction is key to predictable ground Viterbo, Torino law professor, 2012 (Annamaria, International Economic Law and Monetary Measures: Limitations to States' Sovereignty and Dispute, pg. 166, ldg) In order to distinguish an … in itself, for all purposes. Depth outweighs breadth Schwartz et al. 08 – (2008, Marc, University of Texas, Arlington, Philip M. Sadley and Gerhard Sonnert, Science Education Department, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and Robert H. Tai, Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education Department, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, “Depth Versus Breadth: How Content Coverage in High School Science Courses Relates to Later Success in College Science Coursework,” wiley) The baseline model reveals a direct … to support such an approach. Restrictions are direct governmental limitations Viterbo 12 (Annamaria, Assistant Professor in International Law – University of Torino, PhD in International Economic Law – Bocconi University and Jean Monnet Fellow – European University Institute, International Economic Law and Monetary Measures: Limitations to States' Sovereignty and Dispute, p. 166) In order to distinguish an … in itself, for all purposes. Economic consequences are distinct from restrictions Caiaccio 94 Student note Copyright (c) 1994 Georgia Law Review Association Georgia Law Review Spring, 1994 28 Ga. L. Rev. 807 In essence, the court held that the … does not equal a prohibition. n143 Local governments are already taking some action – proves they are not prohibited Pursley et al., Toledo law professor and 1AC author, 2011 (Garrick, “Local Energy”, Emory Law Journal, 60 Emory L.J. 877, lexis) This Article is only an initial … Indeed, for a prosperous future, it must. Indirect effects are not restrictions Viterbo 12 (Annamaria, Assistant Professor in International Law – University of Torino, PhD in International Economic Law – Bocconi University and Jean Monnet Fellow – European University Institute, International Economic Law and Monetary Measures: Limitations to States' Sovereignty and Dispute, p. 167) 49 Measures having the indirect effect … compulsory waiting periods for exchange. Production is extraction, conversion to electricity, distribution, and accident prevention Koplow 04 – (2004, Doug, MBA from Harvard Business School, founder of Earth Track Inc, a think tank devoted to analysis of energy subsidy policy, former senior associate at Industrial Economics, "Subsidies to Energy Industries," Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol 5, www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf) Because no two fuel cycles are … security, environmental, health and safety). The plan removes restrictions on SITING which is not energy production Koplow 04 – (2004, Doug, MBA from Harvard Business School, founder of Earth Track Inc, a think tank devoted to analysis of energy subsidy policy, former senior associate at Industrial Economics, "Subsidies to Energy Industries," Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol 5, www.earthtrack.net/files/Energy%20Encyclopedia,%20wv.pdf) 3.1 Preproduction Preproduction activities include … quality of energy resources. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 7 | Opponent: | Judge: Structural violence doesn’t come first Matheny 07 – (Jason, Department of Health Policy and Management, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, “Reducing the Risk of Human Extinction,” Risk Analysis, Vol 27, No 5) We may be poorly equipped … the costs of mitigating them.20 Their concept of predictions is nonsensical in the political sphere Rosenau 97 – (James, professor emeritus of international affairs – George Washington University, “Many Damn Things Simultaneously: Complexity Theory and World Affairs,” in Complexity, Global Politics, and National Security, eds. David S. Alberts and Thomas J. Czerwinski, National Defense University) In this emergent epoch of … are likely to remain obscure. 1NC didn’t say our internal links would 100% happen – associated them with estimated probability and argued they’re worth planning for Cochrane 11 – (7/15/11, John, PhD in Economics, AQR Capital Management Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, “IN DEFENSE OF THE HEDGEHOGS,” http://www.cato-unbound.org/2011/07/15/john-h-cochrane/in-defense-of-the-hedgehogs/) Risk Management Rather than Forecast-and-Plan The answer is to change … that were the only state Their rhetorical strategy is meaningless—calls for energy decentralization are conceptually confused and don’t change anything WINNER 1989 (Langdon, The Whale and the Reactor) WHAT IS DECENTRALIZATION? People disenchanted … of what those things are. political roles-taxpayer, consumer, representative sample in the Gallup poll-to constitute themselves as new centers where ideas are hatched and action taken. Decentralized energy is coopted by the larger forces of technical rationality and marketing WINNER 1989 (Langdon, The Whale and the Reactor) To 0 B SERV E ITS C U STOM ofadvertising … of technical and economic practice? The disad outweighs the case—labor movements are more effective than decentralized energy WINNER 1989 (Langdon, The Whale and the Reactor) APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY does not have a … the next generation of reformers. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: 7 | Opponent: Texas | Judge: 1NC Modern eco-politics is simulative – attempts to achieve sustainability are trapped in a politics of performance that makes piecemeal reforms while obscuring the root cause of environmental destruction – the 1AC presents a real problem but frames the answer as a CONSUMER CHOICE between different ENERGY PRODUCTS – these demands generate a cycle of self-referentiality that forecloses real solutions Bluhdorn 07 – (2007, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Sustaining the Unsustainable: Symbolic Poslitics and the Politics of Simulation,” Environmental Politics, Vol. 16, No.2, 251-275, April 2007) Hurricane Katrina, environmental refugees, melting … is known to be unsustainable.4 The attempt to achieve emancipation by delegating consumer choices to individual communities is the fetishization of consumer freedom – turns the aff and replicates unsustainability Bluhdorn 11 – (7/12, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Ingolfur Blühdorn: The Sustainability Of Democracy,” http://www.thenewsignificance.com/2011/07/12/ingolfur-bluhdorn-the-sustainability-of-democracy/) Emancipation, the central demand of … prioritises liberalism over egalitarianism. The impact is extinction and destrution of the biosphere – only a discursive rejection of accepted economic truth can open new paths to sustainable growth. Rees 11 – (April 2011, William E. Rees, PhD in population ecology, FRSC, professor of ecological economics and human ecology at the University of British Columbia School of Community and Regional Planning, “Toward a Sustainable World Economy,” Institute for New Economic Thinking, Annual Conference, Crisis and Renewal: International Political Economy at the Crossroads, http://ineteconomics.org/sites/inet.civicactions.net/files/BWpaper_REES_040811.pdf) All cultural narratives, worldviews, religious … esembling the ecological economics framework? The alternative is to make the unserious nature of this simulation evident – the aff’s commitment to false change must be rejected and problematized as a prerequisite to effective environmental policies. Bluhdorn 07 – (2007, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Sustaining the Unsustainable: Symbolic Politics and the Politics of Simulation,” Environmental Politics, Vol. 16, No.2, 251-275, April 2007) Lastly then one might ask: … developing the capacity to transcend it. 2NC Specifically true of energy and the environment – ensures cooption by anti-democratic forces and causes environmental destruction WINNER 1989 (Prof of Poli Sci at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, The Whale and the Reactor) Inevitably, Clarke's typology and all … Charles Ives' "The Unanswered Question." The social order of technique guarantees that the plan results in new forms of centralization – only ensures that local communities are further integrated into the monolithic forces of global capitalism and multinational corporations WINNER 1989 (Prof of Poli Sci at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, The Whale and the Reactor) The difficulty in specifying exactly … -standing centralist patterns in society. Only we control impact uniqueness – collapse through environmental destruction and massive international conflict is inevitable – managerial checks and technological innovation can no longer resolve fundamental instabilities and sustaining the unsustainable is impossible -Ecological, Social, and Cultural unsustainability Bluhdorn 07 – (2007, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Sustaining the Unsustainable: Symbolic Politics and the Politics of Simulation,” Environmental Politics, Vol. 16, No.2, 251-275, April 2007) In their uncompromising commitment to … politics is no longer sufficient. AT: Solar = Empowering The idea that solar power can be empowering is a fantasy constructed by elites to maintain the status quo – solar alternatives are impractical and only reinforce unsustainable consumptive behavior Zehner 12 – (2012, Ozzie, visiting scholar at the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society at the University of California in Berkeley, “Alternatives to alternative energy,” Interview with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September/October 2012 vol. 68 no. 5 1-7, sage) BAS: You call solar cells a “… subsidies for solar may dry up. BAS: Are there other serious limitations besides cost? Zehner: We’ll have to deal … demand and so-called insufficient supply. AT: Framework Environmental politics is first and foremost a communicative act – despite the need for policies that engage with physical realities, the path to those politics is always semiotically mediated by socio-cultural norms of expectation and acceptability – plan focus and judge choice are illogical and anti-academic – both assume that the plan is an objective reality we can all access in the same way using the same set of normative values. Bluhdorn 01 – (2001, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Reflexivity and self-referentiality: on the normative foundations of ecological communication,” in: Grant, C. and McLaughlin, D., eds. Language - Meaning - Social Construction: Interdisciplinary Studies. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, pp. 181-201) Contrary to popular understanding, ecological … rely on such absolute values. AT: Aff Solves Rebound effect makes efficiency worse not better. Griethuysen 10 – (2010, Pascal van, PhD in Political Economy from Geneva University, Senior lecturer in Sustainable Development Faculté des Géosciences et de l’Environnement (FGSE), Lausanne University, “Why are we growth-addicted? The hard way towards degrowth in the involutionary western development path,” Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 590-595) In a property-based economy, most … outcome of a profit-driven investment. Renewables can’t solve all constraints on growth – not the silver bullet Simms and Johnson 10 – (Andrew Simms, policy director and head of climate change and energy at the New Economics Foundation, and a participating member of Oxfam and the International Institute for Environment and Development as well as a regular contributor to the International Red Cross’s annual World Disasters Report, and Victoria Johnson, PhD in Atmospheric Physics, Imperial College of London, climate change and energy program researcher at the New Economics Foundation, January 2010, “Growth isn’t possible: Why we need a new economic direction,” New Economics Foundation, http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/growth-isnt-possible) There are numerous reasons for a … addressing the waste of energy. AT: Lived Experience The politics of personal investment and disclosure isn’t always possible, and to force people to disclose is both violent to their identity and dangerous to their livelihood—they ignore the privilege of disclosing itself Vila 05 Pablo, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Texas at San Antonio, “Border Ethnographies,” Ethnography at the Border, Ed. Pablo Vila, p. xxviii-xxxiii At the same time, some … intertwine them with their ethnographies. AT: Perm Simulation DA – the aff’s policy-focused care for the environment masks the unsustainability of modern capitalism – it provides moral and political legitimation, disempowers critique, and pacifies resistance – it is IMPOSSIBLE to separate unsusinability from any non-radical solution accepts status quo economic self-conceptualizations Bluhdorn 02 – (2002, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Unsustainability as a Frame of Mind--and How We Disguise It: The Silent Counter-revolution and the Politics of Simulation,” http://people.bath.ac.uk/mlsib/public%20access/Unsustainability%20as%20a%20Frame%20of%20Mind.pdf) For late-modern societies, the … -modern society’s politics of simulation. AT: No Alternative Focus on technological innovation and green growth is misplaced and inevitably ineffective – only by shifting focus to a critical interrogation of the paradoxes of consumer capitalism can we break free from the maintenance of unsustainability – the hegemonic focus on techno-fixes crowds out any critical project and can only come AFTER the alt. Bluhdorn 09 – (10/30, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Locked into the politics of unsustainability,” http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2009-10-30-bluhdorn-en.html) Given the symbolic exhaustion of … at best through a glass, darkly. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: Octos | Opponent: Gtown | Judge: 1NC Counterplan Text: The United States federal government should: -substantially increase the deployment of delay/disruption tolerant networking, employing a Look-Ahead Routing and Message Scheduling approach, on its satellites, including but not limited to space based network nodes -fully fund an emergency communications architecture, for the commercial grid and critical defense infrastructure, including but not limited to the recommendations of the DTN/MANET Routing Study -mandate that these upgrades be equipped concurrently to all commercial backup satellites used for military purposes. -invest in additional pre-positioned satellite and ground equipment capacity throughout the United States, expand federal interoperability grant funding and guidance, and modify public safety communications grant funding programs to place greater emphasis on satellite communications. Solves critical infrastructure communications even in disaster or attack scenarios where traditional communications are compromised Navarro et al. 11 – (2011, M. Cao, J. Navarro, M. Alvarez Campana, Telematic Systems Engineering Department, Technical University of Madrid, L. Collantes, M. C. Dominguez Gonzalez, Indra, Madrid, Spain, J. Garcia, Repsol, Madrid, Spain, “A Hybrid DTN/MANET Communication Model for Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructure,” IEEE) Generally, in this kind of … conclusions derived from this work. Administrative changes solve existing gaps in backup satellite coverage in vulnerable areas NSTAC 11 – (4/19, National Securtiy Telecommunications Advisory Committee, “NSTAC Report to the President on Communications Resiliency,” http://www.ncs.gov/nstac/reports/NSTAC%20Report%20to%20the%20President%20on%20Communications%20Resiliency%20(2011-04-19)(Final)(pdf).pdf) Direct DOD and other appropriate … to provide resiliency during a disaster. 49 SBNN’s solve persistent communications EVEN IF ground nodes are compromised NSTAC 09 – (Nov. 2009, National Securtiy Telecommunications Advisory Committee, “NSTAC Report to the President on Commercial Satellite Communications Mission Assurance,” http://www.ncs.gov/nstac/reports/2009/NSTAC%20STF%20Report%20FINAL%2011302009.pdf) The DoD is currently exploring … NS/EP network communications over a satellite. The counterplan’s routing protocol solves efficient connectivity in crisis situations with damaged terrestrial infrastructure like terrorist attacks Xian et al. 10 – (Yi Xian, Chin-Tser Huang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina, and Jorge Cobb, Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, all members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, “Look-Ahead Routing and Message Scheduling in Delay-Tolerant Networks,” http://www.cse.sc.edu/~huangct/p40-xian.pdf) *QoS = Quality of Service Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) is … existing routing policies for DTNs. 2NC Solves communications on bases Navarro et al. 11 – (2011, M. Cao, J. Navarro, M. Alvarez Campana, Telematic Systems Engineering Department, Technical University of Madrid, L. Collantes, M. C. Dominguez Gonzalez, Indra, Madrid, Spain, J. Garcia, Repsol, Madrid, Spain, “A Hybrid DTN/MANET Communication Model for Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructure,” IEEE) As aforementioned, the main objective … to the scenarios of interest. The DMRS architecture is based on three technologies, the aforementioned DTN and MANET, and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) 5. MANETs are defined as dynamic … energy infrastructures under disaster situations. Comm for military Huda et al. 12 – (Feb. 2012, Md. Nurul Huda, Farzana Yasmeen, Shigeki Yamada, and Noboru Sonehara National Institute of Informatics Tokyo, Japan, “An Approach for Short Message Resilience in Disaster-Stricken Areas,” Information Networking (ICOIN), 2012 International Conference, IEEE) Network infrastructure is essential for … very basic epidemic routing protocol 6. DTNs are super secure – the worst impact is something DTN is already prepared for. Burgess et al. 07 – (September 2007, John, Staff Network Scientist at BBN Technologies, Mark Corner, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, George Dean Bissias, PhD student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, has since graduated with a PhD, and Brian Neil, PhD, Professor, Department of Computer Science UMass Amherst, “Surviving Attacks on Disruption-Tolerant Networks without Authentication,” presented at MobiHoc’07, September 9–14, 2007, Montréal, Québec, Canada, google scholar) Routing in disruption-tolerant networks … effects of including possible attackers. DTN can survive even the most effective attacks – comparatively better than contemporaneous networks. Burgess et al. 07 – (September 2007, John, Staff Network Scientist at BBN Technologies, Mark Corner, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, George Dean Bissias, PhD student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, has since graduated with a PhD, and Brian Neil, PhD, Professor, Department of Computer Science UMass Amherst, “Surviving Attacks on Disruption-Tolerant Networks without Authentication,” presented at MobiHoc’07, September 9–14, 2007, Montréal, Québec, Canada, google scholar) ABSTRACT Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) deliver … networks are significantly more fragile. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: NU | Round: Octos | Opponent: Gtown | Judge: 1NC Hegemony is bad – alters the calculus in favor of aggression and leads to war. Montiero 12 – (2012, Nuno, assistant professor of political science, Yale University, “Unrest Assured: Why Unipolarity is not Peaceful,” http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/ISEC_a_00064) A unipole carrying out a defensive-… in a position of extreme selfhelp. These wars will inevitably draw in great powers – constant backlash makes heg unsustainable. Montiero 12 – (2012, Nuno, assistant professor of political science, Yale University, “Unrest Assured: Why Unipolarity is not Peaceful,” http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/ISEC_a_00064) In the second causal path … dominance, to which I turn next. Heg fails – relative decline makes dominance unsustainable – power projection causes balancing and prevents allies from taking responsibility for their own security Posen 13 – (2013, Barry, Ford International Professor of Political Science and Director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Pull Back: The Case for a Less Activist Foreign Policy,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2013, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138466/barry-r-posen/pull-back?page=show) Despite a decade of costly and … security over the long run. They are wrong about everything Bernstein et al. 2k (Steven Bernstein, … Journal of International Relations 2000 6:43 DOI:10.1177/1354066100006001003) Many of the scholars responsible … is difficult, and often impossible. 2NC AT: Wolforth He’s wrong – ignores smaller escalatory conflicts. Montiero 12 – (2012, Nuno, assistant professor of political science, Yale University, “Unrest Assured: Why Unipolarity is not Peaceful,” http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/ISEC_a_00064) This article has laid out a … my theory no longer applies. China War Heg creates a Chinese perception of containment and American aggression and is the root cause of tensions Nathan and Scobell 12 – (2012, Andrew, Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, and Andrew, Senior Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, “How China Sees America: The Sum of Beijing’s Fears,” Foreign Affairs, November/December 2012, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138009/andrew-j-nathan-and-andrew-scobell/how-china-sees-america?page=show) In each of China's four … to remake China with U.S. values." Containment and deterrent strategies misread Chinese motives and will result in more aggression and miscalculation – diplomatic engagement is better. Ross 12 – (2012, Robert, Professor of Political Science at Boston College and an Associate at the John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University, “The Problem With the Pivot: Obama’s New Asia Policy Is Unnecessary and Counterproductive,” Foreign Affairs, November/December 2012, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138211/robert-s-ross/the-problem-with-the-pivot?page=show) At the time, many analysts … protecting U.S. interests in the region. Modern US containment policy is counterproduction and causes war with China – damages cooperation and incites tensions in the region – also ensures US involvement in a war Ross 12 – (2012, Robert, Professor of Political Science at Boston College and an Associate at the John King Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University, “The Problem With the Pivot: Obama’s New Asia Policy Is Unnecessary and Counterproductive,” Foreign Affairs, November/December 2012, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138211/robert-s-ross/the-problem-with-the-pivot?page=show) Even if the United States … , will best serve U.S. national security. Balancing Heg results in great power balancing, arms races, and proliferation Posen 13 – (2013, Barry, Ford International Professor of Political Science and Director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Pull Back: The Case for a Less Activist Foreign Policy,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2013, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138466/barry-r-posen/pull-back?page=show) Ironically, however, instead of relying … produces some impressive weapons systems. Free-Riding/Draw-In Causes allies to behave aggressively towards other major powers and disincentivizes security independence – results in war drawing in the US Posen 13 – (2013, Barry, Ford International Professor of Political Science and Director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Pull Back: The Case for a Less Activist Foreign Policy,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2013, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138466/barry-r-posen/pull-back?page=show) Another problematic response to the … U.S. relations with the Arab world. Terrorism Retrenchment is the best strategy to fight terrorism – not a big threat and small, targetted strikes are more effective than large scale military presence. Posen 13 – (2013, Barry, Ford International Professor of Political Science and Director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Pull Back: The Case for a Less Activist Foreign Policy,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2013, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138466/barry-r-posen/pull-back?page=show) The United States must also … such as that in Afghanistan. Prolif Military force incentivizes more prolif and US threats aren’t a credible deterrent Posen 13 – (2013, Barry, Ford International Professor of Political Science and Director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Pull Back: The Case for a Less Activist Foreign Policy,” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2013, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138466/barry-r-posen/pull-back?page=show) Finally, a restrained grand strategy would … to acquire the ultimate deterrent. Prolif causes nuclear war – new proliferants are uniquely unstable – deterrence theory is false Kroenig 12 (Matthew Kroenig, Assistant Professor of Government, Georgetown University and Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, June 4, 2012, “The history of proliferation optimism: does it have a future?” http://npolicy.org/article_file/The_History_of_Proliferation_Optimism.pdf) Nuclear War. The greatest threat … result in a devastating nuclear exchange. Prolif will be fast and destabilizing - accidents, miscalculation, terrorist acquisition, and on-going disputes guarantee nuclear war Evans 09 – (Gareth, Chancellor of the Australian National University, an Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne and President Emeritus of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group, and Yoriko Kawaguchi, Member of the House of Councillors for the Liberal Democratic Party since 2005. She was Special Adviser to the Prime Minister of Japan, “Eliminating Nuclear Threats,” International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, http://www.icnnd.org/reference/reports/ent/part-ii-3.html) 3.1 Ensuring that no new … cross-cutting sources of conflict. Deterrence doesn’t check conflict escalation in a world of prolif Muller 2008 Harald, Executive Director, Head of Research Department (RD) Peace Research Institute of Frankfurt, “The Future of Nuclear Weapons in an Interdependent World” The Washington Quarterly, Spring, http://www.twq.com/08spring/docs/08spring_muller.pdf A world populated by many … access are available to terrorists. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 1 | Opponent: George Washington | Judge: Disad Links Aff displaces a HUGE amount of natural gas RPWG 11 – (12/31/11, Rental Policy Working Group, “Federal Rental Reallignment: Administrative Proposals,” http://www.huduser.org/portal/aff_rental_hsg/RPWG_Conceptual_Proposals_Fall_2011.pdf) Balanced against these additional development … energy use of 4 - 8 million U.S. households. 27 The AFF ALONE massively reduces fossil fuel dependence, electricity consumption, and carbon emissions. Bamberger 10 – (Dec. 2010, Lori, Senior Fellow, Energy Efficiency Finance, UC Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy, “Scaling the Nationwide Energy Retrofit of Affordable Multifamily Housing: Innovations and Policy Recommendations,” Brookings Institution, http://www.brookings.edu/research/papers/2010/12/energy-bamberger) Enormous carbon savings potential and … 20 percent of all multifamily units. Spills over to private housing – all that they need to do is announce the plan Abromowitz 08 – (2008, David, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, focusing on housing policy and related federal and state programs and issues, “Green Affordable Housing Within Our Reach,” http://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2008/12/pdf/green_housing.pdf) As with many elements of a … goal, and set to work. Dictates best practices that will be adopted by the non-subsidized housing market too Abromowitz 08 – (2008, David, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, focusing on housing policy and related federal and state programs and issues, “Green Affordable Housing Within Our Reach,” http://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2008/12/pdf/green_housing.pdf) The incoming Obama administration is … long-term energy cost reductions. Publicity causes private owners to take individual action AND it increases production of hard-to-find materials making widespread adoption possible Abromowitz 08 – (2008, David, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, focusing on housing policy and related federal and state programs and issues, “Green Affordable Housing Within Our Reach,” http://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2008/12/pdf/green_housing.pdf) The roughly 4.75 million units of … such products more widely available. Houses are a massive part of energy consumption EPA 11 – (2011, “Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing,” http://www.epa.gov/statelocalclimate/documents/pdf/affordable_housing.pdf) Households across the nation spend … housing assistance programs (U.S. HUD, 2008a). That’s significant – their author – they create zero energy homes Zeller, 1AC author, 10 (Tom Zeller, senior writer for the New York Times, covera a variety of topics, including energy policy and the environment. “Beyond Fossil Fuels,” September 25, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/26/business/energy-environment/26smart.html?pagewanted=html?pagewanted=all) Energy Star and LEED aim … us deeper in the hole.” Cold weather has caused high natural gas prices – home heating is key Freeburn 12 /20 – (2012, Christopher, InvestorPlace Writer, “Natural Gas Prices Spike Thanks to Midwest Blizzard,” http://investorplace.com/2012/12/natural-gas-prices-spike-thanks-to-midwest-blizzard/) Worsening weather forecasts and … country gets deeper into winter. Squo Solves LIHEAP solves and is inevitable Povich 11 – (3/2/11, Elaine, “The Federal Subsidy That Just Won’t Die: LIHEAP,” http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2011/03/02/LIHEAP-The-Lazarus-of%20-the-Budget.aspx#page1) Back in 1995, Rep. Hal Rogers, R-Ky., … but generally that doesn’t matter. LIHEAP is incredibly efficienct and effective at delivering essential heating and cooling to poor families – PREFER recent evidence – the program has been SUBSTANTIALLY REFORMED and MORE PEOPLE ARE BEING INCORPORATED EVERY YEAR CHEA 10 – (July 2010, Campaign for Home Energy Assistance, “The LIHEAP Investment,” http://liheap.org/assets/investment/LIHEAP_investment_june2010.pdf) Since its inception in 1981, the … to those most in need. Testimonials CHEA 10 – (July 2010, Campaign for Home Energy Assistance, “The LIHEAP Investment,” http://liheap.org/assets/investment/LIHEAP_investment_june2010.pdf) “We have a large population … care.”—Mary C Heilman, AEOA, Virginia, MN More CHEA 10 – (July 2010, Campaign for Home Energy Assistance, “The LIHEAP Investment,” http://liheap.org/assets/investment/LIHEAP_investment_june2010.pdf) “A vast number of families … Altheuser, CMCA - Moniteau County, California, MO Inev – too politically popular Rapier 12 – (4/25/12, Robert, Forbes, “The Surprising Reason That Oil Subsidies Persist: Even Liberals Love Them,” http://www.forbes.com/sites/energysource/2012/04/25/the-surprising-reason-that-oil-subsidies-persist-even-liberals-love-them/) Now ask the question “Should … would be inhumane to eliminate it. Makes energy bills affordable for seniors and low income families – has a much more broad reaching impact than the aff and makes energy affordable Markey and Wein 09 – (June 2009, Patricia (Pat) Markey, Markey and Associates, Co-Chair of the LIHEAP Coalition, Olivia Wein, Staff Attorney, National Consumer Law Center, on behalf of our low-income clients, Co-Chair of the LIHEAP Coalition, Letter to The Honorable David Obey and The Honorable Jerry Lewis of the United States House Appropriations Committee, google scholar) The undersigned organizations write to … the rate is significantly higher. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 1 | Opponent: George Washington | Judge: Solar power is directly converting solar energy into electricity – not just related to solar energy Ray Boreham, ‘9 (August 28, “What is Solar Power and How Does it Work? A Step-By-Step Guide - Part 1”, Ray Boreham is the owner of All-You-Need-Is-Solar.com, a resource for solar and alternative energy information and products, http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-Solar-Power-and-How-Does-it-Work?-A-Step-By-Step-Guide~-~--Part-1andid=3128566) What, indeed. Many people use … converting solar energy into electricity. Energy production should exclude things just related to sunlight and include things based on converting to energy – inevitably arbitrary but this is best for limits Batelle 80 Batelle (the world’s largest nonprofit research and development organization, specializing in global science and technology) 1980 “An Analysis of Federal Incentives Used to Stimulate Energy Production” p 22 http://www.scribd.com/doc/67538352/Federal-Incentives-for-Energy-Production-1980 Discussing governmental actions in a field … resource into a useful energy form. Theres a distinction between what is topical and the aff Mass EOEE, No Date ("About Solar Energy: PAssive Solar, Solar Thermal, and Photovoltaic," www.mass.gov/eea/energy-utilities-clean-tech/renewable-energy/solar/about-solar-energy.html) We are able to use the sun's … DOE's "Energy Savers" website. Thermal energy includes desalination plants and beef jerky – distinct from solar power Smith 12 (S.E. Smith, writer and editor covering social justice, November 12, 2012, “What is solar thermal energy?” http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-solar-thermal-energy.htm) Solar thermal energy is … communities in developing nations. The aff is antitopical on its face – passive solar is used to reduce energy use which decreases energy production DOE 12 (Department of Energy, "Passive Solar," April 13, energy.gov/energysaver/articles/passive-solar-home-design) Passive solar design takes … loads in the spring and fall. We’re talking as high as a 90 percent reduction in energy consumption Koch 11 (Wendy, "Passive houses aggressively reduce energy," USA Today, content.usatoday.com/communities/greenhouse/post/2011/02/passive-houses-aggressively-reduce-energy/1#.UOVXxonjn_Q) The passive house movement… use by up to 90% less energy. Only affs that use electricity are solar power Collins English Dictionary 03 (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/solar+power – first definition, originally from Collins English Dictionary, published by HarperCollins, 2003 = most recent version) solar power¶ n¶ … converted into electrical power More evidence Clean Energy Ideas, No Date ("What is Solar Power?"www.clean-energy-ideas.com/articles/what_is_solar_power.html) People who are starting to … which we can use this energy. |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: UNLV | Judge: 1NC US shale will collapse now – exports save the industry Gilbert and Fowler 12 (DANIEL GILBERT and TOM FOWLER, Wall Street Journal, “Natural Gas Glut Pushes Exports,” 10/4/12) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444223104578036403362012318.html Energy companies are racing to … , legal, political and financial barriers. Exporting natural gas locks in a global LNG and natural gas production infrastructure and guarantees catastrophic warming Romm 12 (Joe Romm, Ph.D in Physics from MIT, worked at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, former Acting Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, awarded an American Physical Society Congressional Science Fellowship, executive director of Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, former researcher at the Rocky Mountain Institute, former Special Assistant for International Security at the Rockefeller Foundation, taught at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, “Exporting Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Is Still Bad For The Climate — And A Very Poor Long-Term Investment,” 8/16/12) http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/08/16/699601/exporting-liquefied-natural-gas-lng-bad-for-climate-poor-long-term-investment/ The surge in U.S. production of … and multiple simultaneous catastrophic impacts. Methane pushes us over short term climate tipping points Howarth et al 12 (Robert W. Howarth, David R. Atkinson Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology at Cornell, Director of the Agriculture, Energy and the Environment Program, Renee Santoro, Renee Santoro, Research Aide Ecology and Evol. Bio, and Anthony Ingraffea, Dwight C. Baum Professorship in Engineering, “Venting and leaking of methane from shale gas,”, Climatic Change, 2012, vol. 113, issue 2, pages 537-549, 1/10/12) http://cce.cornell.edu/EnergyClimateChange/NaturalGasDev/Documents/PDFs/Howarth%20et%20al.%202012%20~-~-%20Climatic%20Change.pdf 4 Time frame and global … systems would be even greater. Warming causes extinction Flournoy 11 – (Dec. 2011, citing Feng Hsu, PhD in Engingeering Science, NASA scientist at Goddard Space Flight Center, former research fellow of Brookhaven National Laboratory in the fields of risk assessment, risk-based decision making, safety and reliability and mission assurances for nuclear power, space launch, energy infrastructure and other social and engineering systems, Don Flournoy, PhD, University of Texas, Project Manager for University/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, Professor of Telecommunications, Scripps College of Communications, Ohio University, "Solar Power Satellites," January, Springer Briefs in Space Development, p. 10-1) In the Online Journal of … to take any chances” (Hsu 2010 ) . 2NC Irreversibility is the metric for weighing impacts Sunstein 2007 Cass R.—Professor in the Department of Political Science and at the Law School of the University of Chicago (“Worst-Case Scenarios”, Harvard University Press) Most worst-case scenarios appear … than would otherwise seem justified. Production decreasing now Goho 1-2 (Shaun, Lecturer at Harvard Law School and clinical instructor in the school's Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic," In US, the Lure of Export May Further Fuel Natural Gas Boom," e360.yale.edu/feature/in_us_the_lure_of_export_may_further_fuel_natural_gas_boom/2605 In fact, it is easy … made available at lower cost. Independently, methane pushes us over short term climate tipping points Howarth et al 12 (Robert W. Howarth, David R. Atkinson Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology at Cornell, Director of the Agriculture, Energy and the Environment Program, Renee Santoro, Renee Santoro, Research Aide Ecology and Evol. Bio, and Anthony Ingraffea, Dwight C. Baum Professorship in Engineering, “Venting and leaking of methane from shale gas,”, Climatic Change, 2012, vol. 113, issue 2, pages 537-549, 1/10/12) http://cce.cornell.edu/EnergyClimateChange/NaturalGasDev/Documents/PDFs/Howarth%20et%20al.%202012%20~-~-%20Climatic%20Change.pdf 4 Time frame and global … systems would be even greater. We control the peer reviewed literature – their studies are based on really old data that underestimate methane Howarth et al 11 (Robert W. Howarth, David R. Atkinson Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology at Cornell, Director of the Agriculture, Energy and the Environment Program, Renee Santoro, Renee Santoro, Research Aide Ecology and Evol. Bio, and Anthony Ingraffea, Dwight C. Baum Professorship in Engineering, “Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations,” Climatic Change (2011) 106:679–690, 4/12/11) http://www.springerlink.com/content/e384226wr4160653/fulltext.pdf 6 Shale gas versus other … shale-gas emissions are 3.6 to 7.9%. peer reviewed measurement goes neg Shawb et al 12 (Karena Shawb, University of Victoria, School of Environmental Studies, Eleanor Stephensona, University of Victoria, University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, and Alexander Doukasa, University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, “Greenwashing gas: Might a ‘transition fuel’ label legitimize carbon-intensive natural gas development?” Energy Policy Volume 46, July 2012, Pages 452–459) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421512003102# The scientific discourse remains … higher lifecycle emissions for shalegas. They lose on science - less CO2 per year is the wrong way of thinking about warming – we have to choose to leave certain resources like shale in the ground and never touch them Mearns 12 (Euan Mearns, B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in geology from The University of Aberdeen. He worked as a researcher at The University of Oslo and then The Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology, “Energy Supplies and Climate Policy,” 5/7/12) http://www.theoildrum.com/node/9163#more In this post, I consider the … 4Gt, much less than Utah’s. More evidence – they assume a magic switch that doesn’t exist Lemonick 12 (Mike Lemonick, Senior Science Writer for Climate Central, “Natural Gas Our New Savior? Not So Fast . . .” 2/28/12) http://www.climatecentral.org/blogs/natural-gas-our-new-savoir-not-so-fast/ You’d think we’d have learned … by a factor of 10, it’s reasonable.” |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Neodymium and dysprosium supplies are adequate now but increased wind power will cause shortages—also takes out solvency THE ECONOMIST 2012 (“In a hole? Demand for some rare-earth elements could rapidly outstrip supply,” Mar 17, http://www.economist.com/node/21550243) Wind turbines and electric vehicles, … for neodymium and 14% for dysprosium. It would take 50 years to mine the neodymium needed SOLELY FOR US WIND POWER even if all supply was diverted – impossible Lifton 09 – (1/7/09, Jack, being interviewed by Seeking Alpha, co-founder of Technology Metals Research, LLC, leading authority on the sourcing and end use trends of rare and strategic metals, “Jack Lifton: The Technology Metals Age,” http://seekingalpha.com/article/113622-jack-lifton-the-technology-metals-age) JL: There’s another rare earth … of them clearly is solar. Kills heg and the military Davey 12 – (Justin, Col. USAF, “Enduring Attraction: America's Dependence On and Need to Secure Its Supply of Permanent Magnets,” National Defense University, Joint Forces Quarterly, http://www.ndu.edu/press/permanent-magnets.html#author) The United States is the … to Neodymium magnets is evident. Extinction Barnett, 11 - chief analyst at Wikistrat, former visiting scholar at the University of Tennessee’s Howard Baker Center for Public Policy and a visiting strategist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis and Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies (Thomas, World Politics Review, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” 3/7, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads) It is worth first … in the geometry to come. Hard Power Neodymium for wind power competes with defense applications—it’s key to US high-tech weapons HUMPHRIES 2012 (Marc Humphries, Specialist in Energy Policy, Congressional Research Service, “Rare Earth Elements: The Global Supply Chain,” June 8, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/R41347.pdf) It has been estimated that … are critical to U.S. national security and becoming increasingly more important … mitigate the potential for shortages. Military readiness and the ability to engage in active conflict resolution key – prevents new forms of small scale conflicts Barno 11 – (3/22/11, David, Lt. Gen (Ret.), senior adviser and senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, former overall U.S. commander in Afghanistan, “Military Power in a Disorderly World,” World Politics Review, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8259/military-power-in-a-disorderly-world DH) The opening acts of the … the United States can muster. Turns Europe The plan causes European shortage by increasing demand—crushes the EU economy UPI 11-10-2011 (Rare metals supply a low-carbon question, Lexis) A world shortage of rare … , innovation and jobs in Europe." European growth is critical to maintain ties with the United States—the impact is NATO collapse and war CUTTER et al 2004 (W. Bowman Cutter • Co-Chair Paula Stern • Co-Chair Frances G. Burwell • Project Director Peter S. Rashish • Rapporteur of the Atlantic Council, “The Transatlantic Economy in 2020: A Partnership for the Future?” November 1, http://www.acus.org/publication/transatlantic-economy-2020-partnership-future) If the EU economy stagnates … global economy, could be severe. Turns Trade Wars Increased competition for neodymium causes trade wars with China LFW 2010 (Laser Focus World, “Scarcity of neodymium and other energy minerals will trigger trade wars,” Nov 1, http://www.laserfocusworld.com/articles/2010/11/scarcity-of-neodymium.html) Boulder, CO--China is preparing to … superficially aware of the problem. Link Uses a ton of Neodymium Parry and Douglas 11 – (1/26/11, Simon and Ed, Daily Mail Online, “In China, the true cost of Britain's clean, green wind power experiment: Pollution on a disastrous scale,” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1350811/In-China-true-cost-Britains-clean-green-wind-power-experiment-Pollution-disastrous-scale.html) There are 17 ‘rare earth metals’ – … neodymium-based permanent magnet material. Massive increase – ONLY wind that uses neodymium is efficient enough to solve warming – government support is the driving factor which means the plan is key Frontier Rare Earths 12 – (11/30/12, some company that does rare earth things, “Demand for Neodymium from Wind Turbines,” http://www.frontierrareearths.com/media-cover/blog/68~-~-demand-for-neodymium-from-wind-turbines) Onshore wind turbines are generally … rare earth prices are low. AT: Replacement Metal No replacement metals – they’re all either too heavy or not strong enough to replace Neodymium Moss et al. 11 – (2011, R.L.Moss, PhD and E.Tzimas, European Commission Joint Research Center, Institute for Energy and Transport, H.Kara and P.Willis, Oakdene Hollins Ltd, and J.Kooroshy, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, “Critical Metals in Strategic Energy Technologies,” google scholar) New or alternative magnetic materials … required would be prohibitively heavy. AT: European Report Their cards are wind industry spin – the actual conclusion was that the STATUS QUO impact is very limited, but that future expansion would entail supply bottlenecks for neodymium Moss et al. 11 – (2011, R.L.Moss, PhD and E.Tzimas, European Commission Joint Research Center, Institute for Energy and Transport, H.Kara and P.Willis, Oakdene Hollins Ltd, and J.Kooroshy, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, “Critical Metals in Strategic Energy Technologies,” google scholar) This report has examined the … products indium, tellurium and gallium. AT: Wind Inev No wind adoption now – their evidence doesn’t account for indirect costs Helman 12 (Christopher, Forbes Staff. “Why It's The End Of The Line For Wind Power” 12/21/2012) http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2012/12/21/why-its-the-end-of-the-line-for-wind-power/print/ It’s the end of the … cost as much as wind. Cost –wind turbines quickly deteriorate- increases prices Mendick 12/30 (Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter for the Telegraph. “Wind farm turbines wear sooner than expected, says study” 8:40AM GMT 30 Dec 2012) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/energy/windpower/9770837/Wind-farm-turbines-wear-sooner-than-expected-says-study.html The analysis of almost 3,000 onshore … London who confirmed its findings. Can’t compete with natty g DailyCaller 12/31 (Daily Caller, “Report: Wind generation costs twice as much as government estimates” 12/31/2012) http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/31/report-wind-generation-cost-twice-as-much-as-government-estimates/#ixzz2GkXpPoj8 As lawmakers rush to hash … than simple calculations would indicate.” |
| 02/19/2013 | Tournament: Fullerton | Round: | Opponent: Liberty LS | Judge: 1NC CP Text: The United States Federal Government should categorically exclude marine wind production from National Environmental Protection Act review. “Offshore” includes the Great Lakes NORTH 2008 (Rebecca Lee, PhD in Biology, U of Waterloo, “Phytoplankton dynamics in nearshore and offshore regions of the Great Lakes Erie, Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria” http://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/10012/3591/1/North2008.pdf) The purpose of this thesis … be collected from the lake. “Marine” refers only to oceans—the Great Lakes are excluded NOAA 2009 (National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, “National Survey on Recreation and the Environment (NSRE)” July 16, google cache of http://coastalsocioeconomics.noaa.gov/core/nsre/welcome.html) For activities, "marine" is defined … activities in the Great Lakes. The plan leads to wind power expansion in the Great Lakes ROCK AND PARSONS 2010 (Mary and Laura, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, “Offshore Wind Energy,” October, http://www.eesi.org/files/offshore_wind_101310.pdf) Throughout the Great Lakes area, … waters of the Great Lakes.46 That destroys the already fragile balance of Great Lakes ecosystems—that’s key to freshwater biodiversity overall GLU 2009 (Great Lakes United, “Lakebeds and Offshore Wind: A New Frontier for Energy Utilities?” http://www.glu.org/campaigns/energy/lakebeds) Energy companies view the lakebeds … survival rates and a smaller fishery. The impact is extinction WATSON 2006 (Captain Paul, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, has a show on Animal Planet, Last Mod 9-17, http://www.eco-action.org/dt/beerswil.html) The facts are clear. More … specter of massive human destruction. 2NC Competition Contextual evidence—offshore wind includes the oceans and Great Lakes ROCK AND PARSONS 2010 (Mary and Laura, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, “Offshore Wind Energy,” October, http://www.eesi.org/files/offshore_wind_101310.pdf) Most potential offshore wind sites … 100 percent of their electricity needs.25 Multiple studies defined “offshore” as including the Great Lakes UYL 1996 (Tim, Environment Canada, “Nearshore Waters of the Great Lakes,” October 30, http://www.on.ec.gc.ca/solec/nearshore-water/paper/part1.html) The Great Lakes basin ecosystem … the Great Lakes basin ecosystem. “Marine” does not include the Great Lakes—it’s limited to the sea DICTIONARY.COM 2012 (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/marine?s=t) adjective - of or pertaining to … by the sea: marine vegetation.
More evidence—the Great Lakes are like inland oceans but aren’t “marine” DEAVER 2011 (Tom, Sprint Advanced Technical Support, Sprint Website, May 30, http://community.sprint.com/baw/thread/65536) Unfortunately, this is going to … , they're not technically marine locations. AT: Its Safe Their generic responses don’t matter—biodiversity threats are site-specific and their evidence is all drawn from Europe not the Great Lakes MUSIAL 2011 (Walter, Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power in the United States: Assessment of Oppportunities and Barriers, google books) Sector risks (e.g., wildlife, habitats, oceans … evidence is presented in Section 8.5. Their generic arguments don’t apply—it’s all based on European research and they eliminate the NEPA mechanism that would allow us to apply it in America MUSIAL 2011 (Walter, Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power in the United States: Assessment of Oppportunities and Barriers, google books) A cumulative effect refers to … on those species or resources Depth requirements mean that offshore wind will be in the most ecologically sensitive areas DRAG 2010 (Nate, Great Lakes United, “Winds of Change? The Growing Interest in Great Lakes Offshore Wind Energy” Feb 8, http://www.buffalorising.com/2010/02/winds-of-change-the-growing-interest-in-great-lakes-offshore-wind-energy.html) Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, … the entire bi-national Great Lakes GREAT LAKES LINKS Offshore wind will expand in the Great Lakes ROCK AND PARSONS 2010 (Mary and Laura, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, “Offshore Wind Energy,” October, http://www.eesi.org/files/offshore_wind_101310.pdf) Most potential offshore wind sites … 100 percent of their electricity needs.25 Offshore wind power will be focused on the Great Lakes ROCK AND PARSONS 2010 (Mary and Laura, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, “Offshore Wind Energy,” October, http://www.eesi.org/files/offshore_wind_101310.pdf) Throughout the Great Lakes area, … waters of the Great Lakes.46 GREAT LAKES KEY Great Lakes are key to biodiversity GREAT LAKES INFORMATION NETWORK 11-1-2006 (“Environment,” http://www.great-lakes.net/envt/) The environment of the Great … the shores of Lake Michigan. Great Lakes are key to biodiversity and climate stability CLEVELAND INDY MEDIA CENTER 10-23-2006 (http://cleveland.indymedia.org/news/2006/10/23053_comment.php) Lake Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, … species, and influence our climate. U.S. KEY US key to global biodiversity—especially the Great Lakes WILSON 2000 (E.O., Harvard University Museum of Comparative Biology and possibly the greatest living biologist, Precious Heritage, ix-x) America First. This timeworn phrase, … unknown, might easily be doubled. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Oklahoma LM | Judge: Cowlishaw 11 – (Aug. 2011, Gillian, PhD, professor of anthropology, University of Sydney, "Mythologising culture: Part 2: Disturbing aboriginality in the suburbs," The Australian Journal of Anthropology Volume 22, Issue 2, pages 170–188, August 2011, wiley) As shown earlier, there are varied responses to the ways Aboriginal culture is being AND skinned and takes pride in a stylish appearance and dramatic, emphatic ideas: I’m a descendent of the tribal people, from the central West … That’s all I need to know. I don’t need to walk around with war paint on, with the Aboriginal flag advertising who I am. Because I’ve got an education I can survive in the white man’s world. If you want to learn the lingo you can learn that, but that’s up to you. They keep saying, we got to get our culture back and that’ll save us. It won’t save us. We can have all the culture in the world, but because we haven’t got the daily basic living skills, that’s where we’re going backwards. The whole key is education, cause if not, in another 200 years, the only blackfellas that’ll be alive are the educated ones. … Capitalism won’t stop and wait for you. ’Hey catch up to us Jack.’ It’ll just keep going. And that’s the way of the world. (see also Cowlishaw 2009)27 Barney’s view that ’culture won’t save us’ directly contradicts the frequent claims that culture AND cultural recognition and revival is to do with the surfaces of social life. Of course, none of us has the culture of our ancestors. The loss AND , yet it is assumed that disenchanted Aboriginal youth will value Aboriginal culture. Among the developments in post-colonial studies of the 1970s was a rejection of AND - cultural renewal is deployed as a remedy for the way people live.
The Indigenous mythopoeia is a part of the nation’s aspirations to be post-colonial AND the Indigenous people of Australia, with all the baggage that depiction carries. Anthropology and Aboriginal Culture My final observation is about the relationship between anthropology and the current ’sentimental politics’ AND the expense of some more than of others’ (Dombrowski 2001: 184). Northern or remote Aborigines are assumed to be less burdened by cultural loss and engagement AND , that continue to disrupt, divide and confuse Aboriginal self-fashioning. The Australian mythopoeia is a form of nativism, where Aboriginal people’s sense of who AND - 240). Such conditions for the Indigenous Australian subject are barely imaginable.
The concept of indigeneity itself is problematic – the attribution of an environmental worldview to indigenous culture ignores internal differences and hierarchies in favor of a romanticized colonial image of indigenous peopleLewallen 03 – (2003, Ann-Elise, PhD, assistant professor of Modern Japanese Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Strategic "Indigeneity" and the Possibility of a Global Indigenous Women’s Movement," Michigan Feminist Studies, vol. 17, 2003, Issue title: Gender and Globalisms, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.ark5583.0017.005) Guerrero has defined indigenism as part and parcel of an indigenous worldview. According to AND their~ harmonious relationship with the universal order of nature." ~33~ Herein, according to Pillai, lies the critical distinction between indigenous and third world AND the theoretical utility of these categories as tools for analysis of social processes. The aff’s post-colonial nostalgia is not harmless but rather represents the intrusion of colonialism into the present – longing for the exotic is simultaneously longing to tame the exotic, justifying otherization and violence.Gregory 04 – (2004, Derek, professor of geography, University of British Columbia, "The Colonial Present: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq," google books) On the other side, there is often nostalgia for the cultures that colonial modernity AND "civilization" and "barbarism," "Good" and "Evil"? The discursive legacy of colonialism makes violence and genocide inevitableSchwab 06 – (2006, Gabriele, "Writing against memory and forgetting" Literature and Medicine, Volume 25, Number 1, Spring 2006, pp. 95-121) Human beings have always silenced violent histories. Some histories, collective and personal, AND and reparation. Many theories, including psychoanalysis, concur with this assumption. The role of the ballot is to perform a counter-nostalgic reading of the aff – there is no such thing as a single indigenous epistemology that can be isolated, examined, studied, and endorsed – rather than a romanticised and over-simplified nostalgia of indigenous epistemology, you should problematize static understandings of the messy realities of history.Ladino 04 – (2004, Jennifer, doctoral candidate in English at the University of Washington (at time of publication), currently Assistant Professor of English, Director of Undergraduate Studies, University of Idaho, "Longing for Wonderland: Nostalgia for Nature in Post-Frontier America," Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 5 (Fall 2004), http://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1118%26context=ijcs) Like all nostalgic narratives, nostalgia for nature serves a broad range of political agendas AND and present~ and inaugurate a search for the remedy" (39). My consideration of nostalgia begins with the premise that this "breech" can be AND -nostalgia that offers the most fruitful ground for rejuvenating conversations about nostalgia. While Boym emphasizes longing as a transformative emotional state, I focus on the " AND the logics of "feeble domination" that govern both past and present. This essay locates and interrogates both official nostalgia for nature and its formidable challenger, AND to theories of nostalgia that have tended to foreclose its more appealing possibilities. Waldron and Newton 12 – (Nov. 2012, David, PhD, lecturer in history and anthropology, University of Ballarat, and Janice, PhD, Adjunct Senior Researcher/Lecturer in Social Sciences at the University of Ballarat, "Rethinking Appropriation of the Indigenous: A Critique of the Romanticist Approach," Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, Vol. 16, No. 2 (November 2012), pp. 64-85, jstor) In this sense, it matters little that romanticized images of Aboriginal cultures are almost invariably positive. At the very least, the romanticized image invariably de-politicizes Indigenous identity and reconfigures it as legitimate only within the stereotyped construction of the dominant culture episteme. The "public valorisation of Indigenous people and culture (is) at odds with their mundane marginal position." 39 Cognizance of this is a starting point for real understanding. The issues of cultural representation and ownership are intrinsically interwoven with the struggles of Aboriginal peoples to have their voices heard and their interests recognized and accepted by government, industry and mainstream culture. As Aboriginal lawyer Larissa Behrendt argues, The long-term outcomes for rights protections based on the assertion of noble savage AND as a result the issue of rights is relegated to the sidelines. 40 The struggle to maintain appropriate channels of authority, in the face of destabilizing Anglo AND no longer organized around classical pre-contact kinship and religious tenets. 41 The nostalgic desire for tradition and return results in scapegoating and genocide – makes catastrophic violence inevitableBoym 01 – (2001, Svetlana, prof of comparative and Slavic literature at Harvard, The Future of Nostalgia, p. 43) To conspire means literally to breath together—but usually this collective breath doesn’t smell AND operated in response to conspiracy theories in the name of a restored homeland. The aff is factually incorrect in their description of the indigenous worldview – IF WE WIN THIS ARGUMENT WE WIN THE DEBATE AND NOTHING ELSE MATTERS – at worst you vote neg on presumptiona) Indigeneity shouldn’t be defined in opposition to western science – obscures interconnections and reifies difference – maintains colonial power structuresDove 06 – (2006, Michael, PhD, Margaret K. Musser Professor of Social Ecology; Professor of Anthropology, Curator of Anthropology Peabody Museum; Co-Coordinator, Joint F%26ES/Anthropology Doctoral Program, Yale University, "Indigenous People and Environmental Politics," Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2006. 35:191–208, http://www.abdn.ac.uk/anthropology/notes06/Level4/AT4515/03-%20Dove%202006%20IP%20and%20env29.pdf) Similar to the concept of indigeneity, indigenous knowledge soon became the subject of a wide-ranging critique. In a pioneering and influential analysis, Agrawal (1995, p. 422) writes Certainly, what is today known and classified as indigenous knowledge has been in intimate interaction with western knowledge since at least the fifteenth century. In the face of evidence that suggests contact, variation, transformation, exchange, communication, and learning over the last several centuries, it is difficult to adhere to a view of indigenous and western forms of knowledge being untouched by each other. Ellen %26 Harris (2000) point out that the epistemic origins of much knowledge AND with a vested interest in the distinction (whether its maintenance or collapse). b) The myth of harmony with nature obscures real conflicts within native communities – conservation never existed and is the product of a racist "noble savage" mentalityDove 06 – (2006, Michael, PhD, Margaret K. Musser Professor of Social Ecology; Professor of Anthropology, Curator of Anthropology Peabody Museum; Co-Coordinator, Joint F%26ES/Anthropology Doctoral Program, Yale University, "Indigenous People and Environmental Politics," Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2006. 35:191–208, http://www.abdn.ac.uk/anthropology/notes06/Level4/AT4515/03-%20Dove%202006%20IP%20and%20env29.pdf) Much of the interest in indigenous knowledge has focused on natural resources and the environment AND Thompson et al.’s work (1986) on the Himalayan ecosystem. Although there was both some historical justice and empirical validity to this correction, the AND relations with their forests in Papua New Guinea, are relatively rare. 6 This is empirically proven – has created conflicts between indigenous communities and environmentalists attempting to exploit themWaldron and Newton 12 – (Nov. 2012, David, PhD, lecturer in history and anthropology, University of Ballarat, and Janice, PhD, Adjunct Senior Researcher/Lecturer in Social Sciences at the University of Ballarat, "Rethinking Appropriation of the Indigenous: A Critique of the Romanticist Approach," Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, Vol. 16, No. 2 (November 2012), pp. 64-85, jstor) Tensions have also arisen between Indigenous people and environmentalists (many with New Age sympathies AND together in some aspects of protest while still constituting a separate group. 58 A widely discussed Australian case concerning the contested construction of a bridge from the South AND trajectories in issues of Indigenous cultural property and clarification of ideas of appropriation. Has historically been a justification for exploitation and forced migration of natives – the aff is simply a continuated theft of culture rather than material.Degregori 02 – (2002, Thomas, Department of Economics, University of Houston, "The Environment, Our Natural Resources, and Modern Technology," Iowa State Press, p. 76-7) The stereotype of Indians as "pure lovers of nature" is only benign relative AND the inevitable defeat and disappearance of the nations (Root 1996, 100). c) indigenous culture – it doesn’t exist – any attempt to return to or valorize a particular cultural worldview ignores the constant change and exchange taking place within and between cultures – some were nomadic, some were agricultural, some were authoritarian, some were democratic, some were matriarchal, some were horribly misogynist.Clifford 04 – (2004, James, PhD, Professor, History of Consciousness Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, "Looking Several Ways Anthropology and Native Heritage in Alaska," Current Anthropology Volume 45, Number 1, February 2004, http://is.muni.cz/el/1423/jaro2011/SOC788/um/CLIFFORD_Looking_several_ways.pdf) Looking Both Ways represents an unusually clear and perhaps extreme example of constitutive political articulations AND aspects of the culture of our Alutiiq ancestors" (2001:75). Madsen’s vivid image of a culture in flux and recombination imagines not a traditional " AND future. Pullar and many others tell a story of struggle and renewal. Invisibility DA – the mythologization of native culture reifies stereotypes and silences discussion of the real material conditions of indigenous life.Cowlishaw 10 – (Aug. 2010, Gillian, PhD, professor of anthropology, University of Sydney, "Mythologising culture: Part 1: Desiring Aboriginality in the suburbs," The Australian Journal of Anthropology Volume 21, Issue 2, pages 208–227, August 2010, wiley) Culture is mythologised through a body of positive narratives and beliefs about Indigeneity that underlie AND operationalised version of what Gelder and Jacobs (1998) identify as uncanny. One element of this mythology insists that outsiders defer to Aboriginal people in relation to AND suburban conditions find no Indigenous structure of authority and must rely on faith. Mythology The mythic aspects of western systems of thought that proclaim themselves rational have been scrutinised AND some readers who saw critique as tantamount to betrayal (personal communication).9 My use of the term ’myth’ to discuss ideas about Indigenous people and Indigenous AND mythology that makes these questions a public secret—present but refused articulation. Rather than taking up semiotics or theories of myth, I want to trace some AND which fulfil some need or function that blinds the believers to alternative understandings. For years I have noted the powerful, though controlled, emotions surrounding the perception AND of other, antagonistic discourses that must be smothered, silenced and replaced. This process constitutes a systematic critique of both history and the present – allows us to challenge systems of oppression from white supremacy to capitalism and develop ethical alternatives.Ladino 04 – (2004, Jennifer, doctoral candidate in English at the University of Washington (at time of publication), currently Assistant Professor of English, Director of Undergraduate Studies, University of Idaho, "Longing for Wonderland: Nostalgia for Nature in Post-Frontier America," Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 5 (Fall 2004), http://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1118%26context=ijcs) As Boym argues, "~reflective nostalgia~ is nostalgic not for the past the AND fallout of these stories’ tangible effects on both material nature and human cultures. The role of the ballot is to expose the aff’s problematic reading of history – the mythology of indigeneity creates a set of values and communicative norms that influence both our perceptions of reality and the actions we take.Brown 04 – (2004, Timothy, professor of communication studies, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, "Deconstructing the Dialectical Tensions in The Horse Whisperer: How Myths Represent Competing Cultural Values," Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 38, No. 2) This rhetorical criticism of The Horse Whisperer ends where it begins: with the discussion AND myths compete for acceptance among various groups in society to define sociohistorical reality. Aikenhead and Ogawa 07 – (2007, Glen, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Aboriginal Education Research Centre College of Education, University of Saskatchewan, and Masakata, PhD, Professor of Science Education and currently Dean of the Graduate School of Mathematics and Science Education, at Tokyo University of Science, "Indigenous knowledge and science revisited," Cult Stud of Sci Educ (2007) 2:539–620) *IWLN = Indigenous ways of living in nature; WS = Western science; ES = Eurocentric sciences; TNK = Traditional native knowledge The cultural context for the scheme has been skewed; only Native knowledge is deemed AND However, more than pertinent labels are required for an appropriate cultural context. Second, an authentic cultural context for an improved scheme would explicitly deal with problems AND Table 1 conveys a Eurocentric image of what can be learned from nature. Third, statements (e.g., ’’applied’’ to real life) in the TKN column of the scheme treat Elders’ wisdom as a commodity decontextualized from life and its web of relationships. Wisdom is real life in an Indigenous monist, holistic, relational worldview; it does not get applied to real life. The issue raised here is not one of semantics; it is one of how to build strong bridges across the fallacy of binary opposites (Battiste 2002). Fourth, an authentic cultural context recognizes the dynamic and contemporary nature of IWLN, AND comparisons between IWLN and ES in a science education context (Ninnes 2000). Fifth, a false dichotomy seems evident in Table 1 within the theme ’’habits AND wisdom’’ in the TNK column, and ’’skepticism’’ in the WS column. Sixth, the statement ’’trust for inherited wisdom’’ relates to content validity in IWLN AND appearing in different themes, and by statements whose cultural significance seems lost. Seventh, the WS column in Table 1 gives no hint of the great heterogeneity found in the Eurocentric sciences. Instead, it offers a universalist characterization that inherently supports a hegemonic discourse, because IWLN tend to be marginalized or discounted when compared to a universalist position. A pluralist heterogeneous perspective on ES enhances a postcolonial discourse.z |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Oklahoma LM | Judge: Latour 04 – (Bruno, Professor, Center for the Study of Innovation at the School of Mines, Paris, Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences Into Democracy, p. 42-49) The Fragile Aid of Comparative Anthropology Political ecology has finally taken the drama out of the perennial conflict between nature and AND was taken a bit too hastily as if it were all there is." Vizenor ’9 (Gerald, Distingished Prof. of American Studies @ U. of New Mexico, Prof. Emeritus, U. of California, Berkeley, Native Liberty: Natural Reason and Cultural Survivance, pp. 121-124) Indian casino regimes could have considered a more impressive demonstration of sovereignty, an investment AND honored for more than a century in treaties with the federal government."34 Truth Games The United States Constitution is a truth game inspired by a revolution, and yet that exemplary constitution was used to exclude natives who had resisted colonial and frontier dominion. Slavery, the cruelties of colonial empires and imperial frontier justice were the lies of civilization and denied native cultural hybridity and liberty. The notions of global empire sovereignty, however, are the new truth games of native traditions, casinos, constitutions, and economic globalization. Native Americans have been the subject of empire and mission lies from the first instance of contact and the conceits of discovery. Europeans, by word and image, created simulations of natives in the cultural binaries of savagism and civilization. The first pervasive lie of discovery was the invention of the indian, and that monotheistic lie has been compounded in truth games as a singular name for thousands of distinct native cultures. These rather obvious points are made to connect the practice of colonial deception and the promise of moral games of truth with the constitutional renunciation of native rights on the hybrid frontier of the United States of America. The American Indian is a brand culture, a dubious, customary simulation of distinct AND commercial truth game, and without a trace of resistance or apparent irony. Mark Taylor noted in The Moment of Complexity that our "extraordinary complexity" in the modern world has exhausted the strategies to interpret experience. There is a "widespread consensus that the most pressing critical challenge is to find ways to resist systems and structures that totalize by repressing otherness and by reducing differences to same." These "hegemonic structures," he pointed out, "must be 123 subverted or overturned by soliciting the return of repressed otherness and differences in a variety of guises."35 Indian casinos are strategies of survivance, an incredible subversion of "hegemonic structures," but avarice is an odious disguise, and with no manner or remorse for the repression of native ethics and liberty. The mercenary sovereignty and politics of casino money is a truth game that might overturn the honor and assurance of native transmotion and visionary sovereignty. States, cities, companies, and now reservations, are concerned about brand recognition. "The unbranded state has a difficult time attracting economic and political attention. Image and reputation are thus becoming essential parts of the state’s strategic equity," wrote Peter van Ham in ForeignAffairs." Although no doubt unsettling to conservative thinkers, this is actually a positive development, since state branding is gradually supplanting nationalism."36 Indian casinos dare not invite revisions of brand simulations of natives because the truism of gaming rights on treaty reservations could be abrogated by the plenary power doctrine of the United States Congress. In other words, the money comes by the historical contradictions of brand name simulations and the federal exclaves of nationalism. Casinos have contrived new fugitives of dominance in a truth game of sovereignty. Convictions, on the other hand, "are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies," asserted Friedrich Nietzsche in Human, All Too Human. He pointed out that "lying demands invention, dissimulation, and good memory" and mused that the "beast in us wants to be lied to; morality is an official lie told so that it shall not tear us to pieces."37 Natives might have shared the view that moral convictions on the frontier were dangerous, but surely not more treacherous than the denial of human rights on the continent. Natives who lost their transmotion and liberty on the frontier were doubly tormented by monotheistic convictions and the truth games of the United States Constitution. "Everyday life contains many truth games," wrote John Forrester in Truth Games. "The social processes and institutions that establish power, expertise, and authority also generate truths," and the games of truth. "From the sheer diversity, resilience, and efficiency of the thousands of languages people use, it is clear that language has very little to do with truth." Moreover, lying "is always distinguished from error or falsity by its deliberateness," AND dynamics of all such mirroring encounters with the other, the native."38 Natives are the subject of incessant, duplicitous truth games, the scientific, linguistic, ethnographic, and institutional objects of knowledge and political power. Natives, once a hybrid presence in the hemisphere, have become the absent object of various truth games, the fugitives of simulations, and the romantic promise of absence and eternal exile. 125 National covenants and the truth games of institutions proscribed a native presence as brand cultures on the continent. The conception of truth games was derived from the original philosophical ideas of Michel Foucault AND can put themselves in place and be linked to relationships of power."39 Foucault raised three "traditional problems" of humanism, ethics, and models of freedom, in Technologies of the Self. First, what are the "relations we have to truth through scientific knowledge, to those ’truth games’ which are so important in civilization and in which we are both subject and object?" Second, what are the "relationships we have to others through those strange strategies and power relationships?" Third, what are the "relationships between truth, power, and self?"40 Vizenor ’94 (Gerald, Distingished Prof. of American Studies @ U. of New Mexico, Prof. Emeritus, U. of California, Berkeley, Manifest Manners, pp. 60-62) The concerted creations of tribal cultures are in continuous translations as stories, and the situation of hermeneutics remains the same in simulations; the silence of heard stories in translations, and the absence of the heard, antecedes a presence in the shadows of names. Has the absence of the heard in tribal stories turned to the literatures of dominance? What are the real names, nouns, and pronouns heard in the fields of tribal consciousness? How can a pronoun be a source of tribal identities in translation? How can a pronoun be essential, an inscription of absence that represents the presence of sound and a person in translation?
Hertha Dawn Wong declared an obscure connection to tribal identities in the preface to Sending AND when she began writing her book, "that I was part Native American ~MARKED HERE~ , one of the unidentified mixed-bloods whose forebears wandered away from their fractured communities, leaving little cultural trace in their adopted world." The racialism of these romantic notions would bear minimal honor in tribal memories. Elizabeth Cook-Lynn, editor of Wicazo Sa Review, argued that the " AND of some scholars, however, are not even a little bit tribal. Jack Anderson, in a column released by the Universal Press Syndicate in 1984, AND Jr. and Hank Adams say flatly that Highwater is not an Indian." Highwater, author of The Primal Mind and other books about tribal cultures, may AND not feel guilty if we are among those who have managed to survive." Highwater insinuated six years earlier that he was of tribal descent. "As Indians AND is dishonorable; the course of manifest manners and the literature of dominance. Anthony Kerby argued in Narrative and the Self that the loss of the "ability AND past we understand ourselves to be the implied subject generated by the narrative." In other words, tribal identities are heard in names and stories; otherwise the simulations that antecede tribal stories and tragic wisdom would be tantamount to amnesia and the discoveries of tribal cultures in the literatures of dominance. Latour 04 – (Bruno, Professor, Center for the Study of Innovation at the School of Mines, Paris, Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences Into Democracy, p. 25-32) The End of Nature We understand now why political ecology has to let go of AND politics, and the disappearance of nature as a mode of political organization. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1NC Immigration reform will pass, top of the docket Xinhua News 3-26 ("Obama pushes Congress to put forward immigration i bill next month," english.eastday.com/e/130326/u1a7283279.html) WASHINGTON, March 25 -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday used AND reform now see a decent chance for legislation to pass Congress this year. Capital is key Nakamura 3-1 (David,- staff writer for the Washington Post “Obama to refocus attention on immigration, gun control” 3-1) For a president who has bemoaned Washington’s penchant for lurching between self-manufactured political AND representative Gabby Giffords (D), but no changes to gun laws followed. New nuclear production causes massive political backlash and saps capital Alex Trembath, 11 (Policy Fellow in AEL’s New Energy Leaders Project, 11 “Nuclear Power and the Future of Post-Partisan Energy Policy,” Lead Energy, Feb 4, http://leadenergy.org/2011/02/the-nuclear-option-in-a-post-partisan-approach-on-energy/) Nuclear power is unique among clean energy technologies in that Democrats tend to be more AND , but the road for forging bipartisan legislation is not an impassable one. Visas are key to cybersecurity preparedness McLarty 9 (Thomas F. III, President – McLarty Associates and Former White House Chief of Staff and Task Force Co-Chair, “U.S. Immigration Policy: Report of a CFR-Sponsored Independent Task Force”, 7-8, http://www.cfr.org/ publication/19759/us_immigration_policy.html) We have seen, when you look at the table of the top 20 firms AND going to strengthen, I think, our system, our security needs. Cyber-vulnerability causes accidental nuclear war Fritz 9 | Researcher for International Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament Jason, researcher for International Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, former Army officer and consultant, and has a master of international relations at Bond University, “Hacking Nuclear Command and Control,” July, http://www.icnnd.org/latest/research/Jason_Fritz_Hacking_NC2.pdf This paper will analyse the threat of cyber terrorism in regard to nuclear weapons. AND its own, without the need for compromising command and control centres directly. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Modern eco-politics is simulative – attempts to achieve sustainability are trapped in a politics of performance that makes piecemeal reforms while obscuring the root cause of environmental destruction – the 1AC presents a real problem but frames the answer as a CONSUMER CHOICE between different ENERGY PRODUCTS – these demands generate a cycle of self-referentiality that forcloses real solutions Bluhdorn 07 – (2007, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Sustaining the Unsustainable: Symbolic Poslitics and the Politics of Simulation,” Environmental Politics, Vol. 16, No.2, 251-275, April 2007) Hurricane Katrina, environmental refugees, melting ice caps, the breath-taking resource AND least for the time being- what is known to be unsustainable.4 The impact is extinction and destruction of the biosphere – only a discursive rejection of accepted economic truth can open new paths to sustainable growth. Rees 11 – (April 2011, William E. Rees, PhD in population ecology, FRSC, professor of ecological economics and human ecology at the University of British Columbia School of Community and Regional Planning, “Toward a Sustainable World Economy,” Institute for New Economic Thinking, Annual Conference, Crisis and Renewal: International Political Economy at the Crossroads, http://ineteconomics.org/sites/inet.civicactions.net/files/BWpaper_REES_040811.pdf) All cultural narratives, worldviews, religious doctrines, political ideologies, and academic paradigms AND with (at least for starters) something resembling the ecological economics framework? The alternative is to make the unserious nature of this simulation evident – the aff’s commitment to false change must be rejected and problematized as a prerequisite to effective environmental policies. Bluhdorn 07 – (2007, Ingolfur, PhD, Reader in Politics/Political Sociology, University of Bath, “Sustaining the Unsustainable: Symbolic Politics and the Politics of Simulation,” Environmental Politics, Vol. 16, No.2, 251-275, April 2007) Lastly then one might ask: Does it make a difference? Does it really AND these practices is one essential precondition of developing the capacity to transcend it. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Plan forces accelerated licensing of nukes – kills NRC’s status as the international gold standard Upton and Inhofe 12, Rep Fred Upton and Sen James Inhofe, R-Mich and R-Okla, The Hill, 3/10/2012, "One year after Fukushima our nuclear industry remains ever vigilant," thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/energy-a-environment/215291-one-year-after-fukushima-our-nuclear-industry-remains-ever-vigilant Thoroughly assessing events and improving nuclear safety is a hallmark of the U.S AND , but that they are the right changes with the highest safety benefits. US gold standard good – key to international safety, which is vital to the long-term viability of the nuclear industry and US nonproliferation Llewellyn King, White House Chronicle, 6/24/2011, "In Nuclear, U.S. Is Still the Gold Standard," www.whchronicle.com/2011/06/in-nuclear-u-s-is-still-the-gold-standard/ In nuclear industry parlance the “gold standard” has special significance and there is AND lower licensing standards, bad concrete, fake parts or a bribed inspector. Accidents cause extinction Lendman, ’11 Stephen, Research Associate -- Center for Research on Globalization, 3-13, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,” http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2011/03/13/nuclear-meltdown-in-japan For years, Helen Caldicott warned it's coming. In her 1978 book, " AND or face extinction. No one listened. The Doomsday Clock keeps ticking. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Public won’t demand retaliation Smith and Herron 5, *Professor, University of Oklahoma, * University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, (Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, Ph.D., and Kerry G., "United States Public Response to Terrorism: Fault Lines or Bedrock?" Review of Policy Research 22.5 (2005): 599-623, http://works.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000andcontext=hjsmith) Our final contrasting set of expectations relates to the degree to which the public will AND lines in times of crises, it remains securely anchored in bedrock beliefs. Empirically denied – there were unsecured nukes, didn’t steal and nuclearize Even if there’s more now, if they didn’t succeed then, no reason they’d succeed now Won’t independently cause extinction Coates 2009 – former adjunct professor at George Washington University, President of the Kanawha Institute for the Study of the Future and was President of the International Association for Impact Assessment and was President of the Association for Science, Technology and Innovation, M.S., Hon D., FWAAS, FAAAS, (Joseph F., Futures 41, 694-705, "Risks and threats to civilization, humankind, and the earth”, ScienceDirect, WEA) The opportunity for setting off a nuclear device, a dirty bomb, in a AND political responses are difficult to anticipate and a distraction to conjecture about here. Terrorists are incompetent John Mueller and Mark Stuart, Summer 2012 (International Security, “The Terrorism Delusion,” Mueller is Senior Research Scientist at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Political Science, both at Ohio State University, and Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute; Mark G. Stewart is Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow and Professor and Director at the Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability at the University of Newcastle in Australia. Their book, Terror, Security, and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits, and Costs of Homeland Security, p. 83-8 To assess the danger presented by terrorists seeking to attack the United States, we AND terrorists’ operational unity, trust, cohesion, and ability to act collectively. There are no loose nukes Mueller 10 (John Mueller, “There are no "loose nukes" – Professor John Mueller, author of Atomic Obsession,” 4/16/10) http://atomicinsights.com/2010/04/there-are-no-loose-nukes-professor-john-mueller-author-of-atomic-obsession.html AMY GOODMAN: But Professor Mueller, why is it so hard for groups to AND increasingly concentrating wealth into the hands of oil, gas and coal producers. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Radiation’s not linear Yarris 11 (Lynn Yarris, “New Take on Impacts of Low Dose Radiation,” 12/20/11) http://newscenter.lbl.gov/news-releases/2011/12/20/low-dose-radiation/ “Our data show that at lower doses of ionizing radiation, DNA repair mechanisms AND indicates that double strand break clustering takes place before any RIF are formed. No impact to waste Lovelock 04 (James, University of Oxford, “ Nuclear Power is the Only Green Solution”, Independent, 5/24) The one remaining trumped-up nuclear issue, is to do with the mythology surrounding nuclear wastes and waste disposal and long term health concerns. There are even a few who believe that the nuclear waste issue is so unsolved, that we should not build any new nuclear plants until we solve this problem – as though the problem actually exists in reality rather than just politically. Most of what we hear in the media about nuclear wastes is wrong, with minor glimmers of truth. It is intended to be frightening. Even the Yucca site is merely a political sideshow for Nevada politicians and others, to posture and grandstand. The issue, as it is dealt with by the media and Special Interest Factions, is totally devoid of perspective and the necessary epidemiological data to place it in any ranking of comparable social risks. Such data exist, even on this site, but are studiously and strenuously ignored by these critics. We continually hear other such emotionally loaded statements that spent fuel, the most highly radioactive ‘nuclear waste’ and its disposal is: 1 An unsolved problem 2. Dangerously radioactive for millions of years 3. A threat to the health of future generations 4. A proliferation threat 5. A terrorist target That none of these statements is true, though one of them does have a AND noise, and a great deal of emotional misinformation, but little substance. Waste is easy to deal with Ferguson 11 (Charles D. Ferguson, president of the Federation of American Scientists, project director of the Independent Task Force on U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy at CFR, djunct professor in the security studies program at Georgetown University, “Think Again: Nuclear Power,” Nov 2011) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/10/11/think_again_nuclear_power?page=full "Radioactive Waste Is the Achilles' Heel of Nuclear Power." Wrong. Nuclear waste AND alternative, according to an April 2011 report by the Government Accountability Office. Nuclear waste runoff is not inevitable Barton 8 (Charles Barton, Nuclear Green, “The Proliferation Danger: Khan Reality and Caldicott Fantasy,” 1/14/8) http://nucleargreen.blogspot.com/2008/01/proliferation-danger-khan-reality-and.html Caldicott claims: "Thousands of tons of solid radioactive waste are presently accumulating in AND cancer, leukemia, and genetic disease as Dr. Caldicott well knows. No capacity for a terrorist attack on nuclear reactors Charles Ferguson, scientist-in-residence at Monterey Institute of International Studies, and William Potter, professor and director of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies at Monterey Institute of International Studies, 2004, The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism, p. 192-193 Despite these benefits to the attackers, causing a significant radioactive release from a nuclear AND the grasp of a well-organized and well-trained terrorist group. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Case 3 – Resources No resource wars Pinker 11 – (Steven, PhD in experimental psychology, Professor and the Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, excerpt from "The Better Angels of our Nature," http://www.globalwarming.org/2011/11/28/steven-pinker-resource-scarcity-doesnt-cause-wars) Once again it seems to me that the appropriate response is “maybe, but AND the past fifteen years, civil wars and war deaths have been falling. Pressures on access to land and water can certainly cause local skirmishes, but a AND internal conflict, have very little support from the large-N literature.” No independent extinction – Till and Chang has no warrants and concedes the collapse of civilization is a scenario written by doomsday crackpots Energy independence not possible Hassett 10 (Kevin A. Hassett, senior fellow and the director of economic policy studies at AEI, “Energy Independence Talk Is Just So Much Gas,” 4/5/10) http://aei.org/article/energy-and-the-environment/energy-independence-talk-is-just-so-much-gas/ The president apparently decided that the potential environmental risks are worth taking because of the AND supplier, someone else will. Such a boycott has no effect whatsoever. Global collapse is inevitable in the long term but an immediate one causes a mindset shift and creates a sustainable economy. Korowicz, 11 – (5/14/11, David Korowicz, physicist and human systems ecologist, the director of The Risk/Resilience Network in Ireland, a board member of FEASTA (The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability), former head of research for The Ecology Foundation, and was recently appointed to the council of Comhar, Ireland's Sustainable Development Partnership, “In the world, at the limits to growth,” http://www.feasta.org/2011/05/14/in-the-world-at-the-limits-to-growth/) Yet our feet of clay are that our economy and civilisation exist only by virtue AND meaningful lives can be lived, and a rich texture of experience found. Solving warming means declaring war on the economy Roberts 11 – (12/9/11, citing Kevin Anderson, PhD, Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research;1 holds a joint chair in Energy and Climate Change at the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester and School of Environmental Sciences at University of East Anglia; and is an honorary lecturer in Environmental Management at the Manchester Business School, and Alice Bows, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Tyndall Centre, David, primary staff writer for Grist Magazine, an online environmental publication based in Seattle, Washington, “The brutal logic of climate change mitigation,” http://grist.org/climate-policy/2011-12-08-the-brutal-logic-of-climate-change-mitigation/) Soooo … where does that leave us? What would it mean for the U AND — mitigating for 2, planning for 4 — as soon as possible. A collapse now prevents total extinction. Barry 08 – (1/14/08, Glen, PhD in land resources, MS in Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development, president and founder of Ecological Internet, “Economic Collapse and Global Ecology,” Counter Currents, http://www.countercurrents.org/barry140108.htm) Humanity and the Earth are faced with an enormous conundrum -- sufficient climate policies enjoy AND sabotage to hasten the day. It is more fragile than it looks. Increasing complexity makes a growth society unsustainable and all recent models agree. Hengeveld 12 – (4/14/12, Rob, PhD, Professor of Earth and Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, “Our apocalyptic odds,” http://www.salon.com/2012/04/14/our_apocalyptic_odds/) Because they are much of a jumble as well, societies can crash or collapse AND even more likely that the conditions theoretically leading to system collapse will occur. Economic decline fails to explain diversionary behavior but economic growth increases the chance of war. Boehmer 02 – (3/24/02, Charles, PhD in international relations, professor of political science at University of Texas at El Paso, “Domestic Crisis and Interstate Conflict: The Impact of Economic Crisis, Domestic Discord, and State Efficacy on the Decision to Initiate Interstate Conflict,” prepared for the meetings of International Studies Association, http://isanet.ccit.arizona.edu/noarchive/boehmer.html) Studies of diversionary conflict typically claim that lower rates of economic growth and domestic unrest AND thesis, this behavior is not related to lower rates of economic growth. Diversions will be peaceful not violent – new empirical evidence demonstrates a NEGATIVE correlation and previous studies ignore key variables. Foster and Keller 10 – (2010, Dennis, PhD in political science, Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute, and Jonathan, PhD in political science, Assistant Professor of Political Science, James Madison University, “Rallies and the “First Image” Leadership Psychology, Scapegoating Proclivity, and the Diversionary Use of Force,” Conflict Management and Peace Science 2010 27: 417, sage) Despite its compelling logic, general empirical confirmation of the diversionary hypothesis remains elusive ( AND treatment of how and why leaders use international force for domestic political purposes. Nuclear utopians are wrong – resource and physical constraints mean collapse is still inevitable Abbott 12 – (Sept/Oct 2012, Derek, PhD, Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, “Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists September/October 2012 vol. 68 no. 5 23-32) Nuclear power advocates can be broadly described in two categories: nuclear realists and nuclear AND Ramana, 2009) and 20 to 50 years to decommission.6¶ |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: *OVERVIEW Fast awrming and biodiveristy loss are coming now and outweigh the aff – any wars will be contained by rational actors and are unlikely to cause extinction – climate forcing and positive feedbacks ensure warming is irreversible once we pass the threshold – barry and roberts evidence indicates that rapid deindustrialization and collapse of growth in the short term is the only way to achieve a sufficient reduction in ghg emissions to avoid the point of no return Consensus agrees – causes extinction Flournoy 11 – (Dec. 2011, citing Feng Hsu, PhD in Engingeering Science, NASA scientist at Goddard Space Flight Center, former research fellow of Brookhaven National Laboratory in the fields of risk assessment, risk-based decision making, safety and reliability and mission assurances for nuclear power, space launch, energy infrastructure and other social and engineering systems, Don Flournoy, PhD, University of Texas, Project Manager for University/Industry Experiments for the NASA ACTS Satellite, Professor of Telecommunications, Scripps College of Communications, Ohio University, "Solar Power Satellites," January, Springer Briefs in Space Development, p. 10-1) In the Online Journal of Space Communication , Dr. Feng Hsu, a NASA AND too high for us to take any chances” (Hsu 2010 ) . warming will cause extinction Sify 2010 – Sydney newspaper citing Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, professor at University of Queensland and Director of the Global Change Institute, and John Bruno, associate professor of Marine Science at UNC (Sify News, “Could unbridled climate changes lead to human extinction?”, http://www.sify.com/news/could-unbridled-climate-changes-lead-to-human-extinction-news-international-kgtrOhdaahc.html, WEA) The findings of the comprehensive report: 'The impact of climate change on the world's AND warned, according to a GCI release.¶ These findings were published in Science Warming causes Amazonian collapse International Herald Tribune, 6 (“Global warming could transform Amazon into savanna in 100 years, Brazil researchers say.” http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/12/29/america/LA_GEN_Brazil_Amazon_Warming.php) Global warming could spell the end of the world's largest remaining tropical rain forest, AND global warming and that deforestation continues at its current rate, Marengo said. Amazon collapse risks extinction. Takacs 1996 - professor of environmental humanities at the Institute for Earth Systems Science and Policy at Cal State University (David, “The idea of biodiversity: Philosophies of Paradise”, p. 200-201) So biodiversity keeps the world running. It has value and of itself, as AND of the next century - not with a bang but a whimper.14 Warming leads to global inequality and nuclear war Stott 2007 (Robin, Vice Chair @ Grayson Centre, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, “Climate change, poverty and war”, 100:9, p. 399-402) These alterations in global ecology are aggravating the already parlous state of the world's most AND poor is Contraction and Convergence, developed by the Global Commons Institute.9 1% risk outweighs – irreversibility Strom 07 – (Robert, Professor Emeritus Planetary Sciences at University Arizona and Former Director of the Space Imagery Center of NASA, “Hot House: Global Climate Change and the Human Condition”, Online: SpringerLink, p. 246) Keep in mind that the current consequences of global warming discussed in previous chapters are AND more clearly define what awaits us. The time for action is now. Nuke war doesn’t cause extinction Robock 10 – (Alan Robock Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Luke Oman Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Now at Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Georgiy L. Stenchikov Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA Apr 16, 2010, “Nuclear winter” Wiley) While it is important to point out the consequences of nuclear winter, it is AND consequences of nuclear winter are extreme enough without these additional effects, however. Growth causes war – extinction by 2025 Chase-Dunn et al. 99 – (1999, Christopher, Director of the Institute for Research on World-Systems, and Bruce Podobnik, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Lewis and Clark College, The Future of Global Conflict, p 43) While the onset of a period of hegemonic rivalry is in itself disturbing, the AND steps should be taken to ensure that such collective suicide does not occur . No offense because they concede the current system is unusustainable – even if they lessen financial speculation, complexity inherent in globalization makes collapse triggers unpredictable and magnifies their impact – business cycles and scarcity limits mean we can only delay collapse not avoid it – Rees indicts the models that produce their evidence and indicates that they’re based on flawed and compartmentalized economic reasoning that excludes the biosphere from price calculations and doesn’t recognize limits Timeframe is 2030 Strauss 12 – (Apr. 2012, Mark, Smithsonian Magazine, citing researchers from MIT and physicist Graham Turner, “Looking Back on the Limits of Growth,” http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Looking-Back-on-the-Limits-of-Growth.html) Recent research supports the conclusions of a controversial environmental study released 40 years ago: AND providing, global economic collapse and precipitous population decline could occur by 2030. Warming turns growth Zhao 11 – (Xiaobing Zhao, PhD, economics, Assistant Professor Economics, University of Northern Arizona, and Pin Ng, PhD, economics, Associate Professor of Economics, Northern Arizona University, “No matter how it is measured, income declines with global warming,” Ecological Economics Volume 70, Issue 5, 15 March 2011, Pages 963-970, Science Direct) *4° C increase -- 15.2% decrease in world GDP Existing empirical evidence generally suggests that there is a negative relationship between temperature and income AND the data and Section 4 reports our empirical results. The conclusions follow. Turns US leadership. Friedman 07 – (2007, Jonathan, PhD in anthropology from Columbia University, professor of Anthropology at University of California, San Diego, “Toward a Comparative Study of Hegemonic Decline in Global Systems The Complexity of Crisis and the Paradoxes of Differentiated Experience,” in Sustainability Or Collapse?: An Integrated History And Future of People on Earth, ed. Robert Costanza, Lisa Graumlich, William L. Steffen, p. 104-6) HEGEMONIC DECLINE The issue of decline depicted above is one that can be applied to many so AND collapsed civilizations, are in fact accompanied by major ecological exhaustion as well. Economic linkages magnify a US collapse and ensure it spreads globally. Angkinand et al. 09 – (2009, Apanard Penny, PhD in economics from Claremont Graduate University, economist in the Financial Research group at the Milkin Institute, James R. Barth, Lowder Eminent Scholar in Finance at Auburn University and a Senior Fellow at the Milken Institute, Hyeongwoo Kim, PhD in economics from Ohio State University, Associate Professor of Economics at Auburn University, “Spillover effects from the U.S. financial crisis: Some time-series evidence from national stock returns,” http://www.business.auburn.edu/~barthjr/publications/Spillover%20effects%20from%20the%20U.S.%20financial%20crisis.pdf) We generally find an increase in interdependence between national stock market returns over time as well as spillover effects from a shock to U.S. stock returns to other advanced countries. Furthermore, we also find that the results are reasonably uniform for countries, both with respect to interdependence and spillover effects. Most importantly, given the focus of our paper, we find that spillover effects from the United States to other industrial countries were greatest after the emergence of the U.S. subprime mortgage market meltdown in the summer of 2007, especially after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Our results as well as those of others raise the issue of the underlying reason AND of the global financial system (Barth, Li and Phumiwasana, 2009). US is key to the global economy Caploe 09 – (4/7/09, David, PhD in international political economy from Princeton University, CEO of the American Centre for Applied Liberal Arts and Humanities in Asia, “Focus still on America to lead global recovery,” The Strait Times) IN THE aftermath of the G-20 summit, most observers seem to have AND - has cascaded into the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression. Not true – no other country is even close. Terry-Lloyd 12 – (7/4/12, Simon, MBA from CSU San Diego, Executive Education from Harvard Business School, Vice President, The Irving Group (real estate), former Vice President, Blokhaus Capital Corporation, “US remains global leader in interconnected economy,” http://www.sddt.com/news/article.cfm?SourceCode=20120703cwdand_t=US+remains+global+leader+in+interconnected+economy) It's no secret that we work in an interconnected global economy. Our capital markets AND but to lead like never before.¶ The world is rooting for us. Economic instability, loss of coordination, and decay of infrastructure make a rebound impossible. Korowicz 11 – (10/8/11, David, physicist and human systems ecologist, the director of The Risk/Resilience Network in Ireland, a board member of FEASTA (The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability), former head of research for The Ecology Foundation, and was recently appointed to the council of Comhar, Ireland's Sustainable Development Partnership, “On the cusp of collapse: complexity, energy, and the globalised economy,” http://fleeingvesuvius.org/2011/10/08/on-the-cusp-of-collapse-complexity-energy-and-the-globalised-economy/) The opportunity to re-boot the globalised economy from a trough in the oscillating AND reduce the resources for re-booting the system to its former state. Collapse causes a mindset shift away from growth. Homer-Dixon 12 – (Thomas, PhD in political science, Centre for International Governance Innovation Chair of Global Systems at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Ontario, and is a Professor in the Centre for Environment and Business in the Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo, interview with the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, “Exploring the climate ‘mindscape’” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 2012 68: 1) BAS: Do you foresee a crisis that might cause a major shift in attitudes and policies about climate change? Homer-Dixon: Human history evolves through what I call ‘moments of contingency’ AND have occurred in the absence of climate change’ will greatly influence the debate. Yes mindset shift – alternative is extinction. Djordjevic 98 – (Johnny, BA Global Economics, Interdisciplinary Minor in Global Sustainability Senior Seminar University of California, Irvine, “Sustainability,” http://www.dbc.uci.edu/sustain/global/sensem/djordj98.html) Despite all the gloomy facts and sad stories, there is a solution, to AND or ice age would trigger a new consciousness leading to a sustainable society. Collapse forces a mindset shift. Lewis 2k – (Chris H, Ph.D. University of Colorado at Boulder, “The Paradox of Global Development and the Necessary Collapse of Global Industrial Civilization” http://www.cross-x.com/archives/LewisParadox.pdf) With the collapse of global industrial civilization, smaller, autonomous, local and regional AND as modern people so often do, will themselves face collapse and ruin. No money means no war. Bennett and Nordstrom 2k – (Feb. 2000, D. Scott Bennett and Timothy Nordstrom, Professors of Political Science at Pennsylvania State University, “Foreign Policy Substitutability and Internal Economic Problems in Enduring Rivalries,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, proquest) Conflict settlement is also a distinct route to dealing with internal problems that leaders in AND of Soviet Socialist Republics could no longer compete economically with the United States. Any wars won’t escalate. Bennett and Nordstrom 2k – (Feb. 2000, D. Scott Bennett and Timothy Nordstrom, Professors of Political Science at Pennsylvania State University, “Foreign Policy Substitutability and Internal Economic Problems in Enduring Rivalries,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, proquest) When engaging in diversionary actions in response to economic problems, leaders will be most AND purposes, states should avoid conflict initiation against target states experiencing economic problems. Diversions will be peaceful not violent – new empirical evidence demonstrates a NEGATIVE correlation and previous studies ignore key variables. Foster and Keller 10 – (2010, Dennis, PhD in political science, Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute, and Jonathan, PhD in political science, Assistant Professor of Political Science, James Madison University, “Rallies and the “First Image” Leadership Psychology, Scapegoating Proclivity, and the Diversionary Use of Force,” Conflict Management and Peace Science 2010 27: 417, sage) Despite its compelling logic, general empirical confirmation of the diversionary hypothesis remains elusive ( AND of how and why leaders use international force for domestic political purposes. ¶ Climate change is real and anthropogenic Prothero 12 (Donald Prothero, Professor of Geology at Occidental College, Lecturer in Geobiology at CalTech, "How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," 3/1/12, EBSCO) How do we know that global warming is real and primarily human caused? There AND change when it threatens their survival. Neither can we as a society. 9 reasons growth is unsustainable. Simms and Johnson, 2010 – (Andrew Simms, policy director and head of climate change and energy at the New Economics Foundation, and a participating member of Oxfam and the International Institute for Environment and Development as well as a regular contributor to the International Red Cross’s annual World Disasters Report, and Victoria Johnson, PhD in Atmospheric Physics, Imperial College of London, climate change and energy program researcher at the New Economics Foundation, January 2010, “Growth isn’t possible: Why we need a new economic direction,” New Economics Foundation, http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/growth-isnt-possible) This report focuses mainly on how the need to preserve a climate system that is AND share of the earth’s resources and services available for safe human economic use. Nuclear utopians are wrong – resource and physical constraints mean collapse is still inevitable Abbott 12 – (Sept/Oct 2012, Derek, PhD, Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, “Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists September/October 2012 vol. 68 no. 5 23-32) Nuclear power advocates can be broadly described in two categories: nuclear realists and nuclear AND (Ramana, 2009) and 20 to 50 years to decommission.6 Location and durability limits the number of reactors Abbott 12 – (Sept/Oct 2012, Derek, PhD, Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, “Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists September/October 2012 vol. 68 no. 5 23-32) ¶ Site selection¶ Today there are about 430 commercial nuclear reactors worldwide (Schneider AND (Ramana, 2009) and 20 to 50 years to decommission.6 Depletes rare elements and can’t replenish them fast enough. Abbott 12 – (Sept/Oct 2012, Derek, PhD, Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, “Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists September/October 2012 vol. 68 no. 5 23-32) Material resources¶ One important question has been neglected in the nuclear debate: What AND needed, and the small yields in comparison with the large throughput required. AT: Don’t Need That Much These hard limits apply even for smaller amounts Abbott 12 – (Sept/Oct 2012, Derek, PhD, Professor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, “Limits to growth: Can nuclear power supply the world’s needs?” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists September/October 2012 vol. 68 no. 5 23-32) There are fundamental engineering and resource limits that make the notion of a nuclear utopia AND 15 to see that a single terawatt still stretches resources and risks considerably. AT: Solves Warming Nuke power can’t solve warming – can’t affect more than 25% of global emissions Green 11 (Dr. Jim Green, Australian coordinator of the Beyond Nuclear Initiative, has an honors degree in public health and was awarded a PhD in science and technology studies for his analysis of the Lucas Heights research reactor debates, “Summary: Nuclear Power and Climate Change,” December 2011, http://foe.org.au/anti-nuclear/issues/nfc/nuclear-climate/summary) There are three main problems with the nuclear “solution” to climate change — AND . Nuclear power is far more greenhouse intensive than many energy efficiency measures. Not even an 80% cut is enough AP 9 (Associated Press, Six Degree Temperature Rise by 2100 is Inevitable: UNEP, September 24, http://www.speedy-fit.co.uk/index2.php?option=com_contentanddo_pdf=1andid=168) Earth's temperature is likely to jump six degrees between now and the end of the AND He said seas should rise about a foot every 20 to 25 years. Too slow Mariotte 7 (Michael, Executive Director of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, “Nuclear Power in Response to Climate Change,” 11/09/07, http://www.cfr.org/publication/14718/nuclear_power_in_response_to_climate_change.html) Environmental advocates considering “reconsidering” nuclear power in light of climate change are too AND first or second of a kind, count on them taking even longer. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: *Terrorism* Terror – not a thing and authors are biased Jackson 9 (Richard Jackson is Reader in the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, and a Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence (CSRV). He is the founding editor of the journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism, and the author of Writing the War on Terrorism: Language, Politics and Counterterrorism (2005). “Knowledge, power and politics in the study of politsical terrorism” in Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda, ed. Richard Jackson, Marie Breen Smyth and Jeroen Gunning, Routledge) As explained earlier, a first order or immanent critique employs the same modes of AND of analytical and normative questions and to pursue alternative intellectual and political projects. AT: Nuke Murphy’s law of terrorism means you don’t get your impact. Gavin 10 – (2010, Francis J. Gavin, Tom Slick Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, “Same As It Ever Was: Nuclear Alarmism, Proliferation, and the Cold War,” International Security, Volume 34, Number 3, Winter 2009/10, pp. 7-37, muse DH) The possibility of a terrorist nuclear attack on the United States is widely believed to AND , needs to become just as central to our evaluations of strategies.”54 2NC – Too Expensive THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH Mueller 08 – (1/1/08, John, Department of Political Science at Ohio State University, “The Atomic Terrorist: Assessing the Likelihood” http://polisci.osu.edu/faculty/jmueller/APSACHGO.PDF) Assessing the financial costs. The discussion so far has neglected to consider the financial AND to arrest the atomic plot and to capture or kill the scheming perpetrators. 2NC – Capabilities Couldn’t use materials even if they got them – weak and disorganized and making a bomb is super complicated. Mueller 10 – (John Mueller is a professor of political science at Ohio State University and author of Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda(Oxford University Press, 2009). Winter 2010 (“Calming our Nuclear Jitters” ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY”)) Any “threat,” particularly to the West, appears, then, principally to AND with nuclear weapons, “its capabilities are far inferior to its desires.” 2NC – Safeguards Check And the risk of WMD terrorism is tiny and decreasing – increasing safety measures check. Mueller 2009 (John, PhD, Department of Political Science, Ohio State University; International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament; 5/30; http://www.icnnd.org/latest/research/Mueller_Terrorism.pdf) The odds considered so far are for a single attempt by a single group, AND ago.38 In addition, the science of nuclear forensics will advance. There are no loose nukes Mueller 10 (John Mueller, “There are no "loose nukes" – Professor John Mueller, author of Atomic Obsession,” 4/16/10) http://atomicinsights.com/2010/04/there-are-no-loose-nukes-professor-john-mueller-author-of-atomic-obsession.html AMY GOODMAN: But Professor Mueller, why is it so hard for groups to AND increasingly concentrating wealth into the hands of oil, gas and coal producers. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: overview Turns terrorism Terrorists come from Mexico. Sullivan 11 – (2/23/11, Mark P. Sullivan, Specialist in Latin American Affairs, Congressional Research Service, “Latin America: Terrorism Issues,” http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/terror/RS21049.pdf) As in other parts of the world, the United States has assisted Latin American AND focused on the potential transit of terrorists through Mexico to the United States. Path to citizenship frees up people to guard the border and solves terrorism Hing 06 – (4/1, Bill, Professor of Asian-American Studies and School of Law; University of California-Davis, Guest Workers Program with a Path to Legalization, http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/perspectives/guest-workers-program-path-legalization) Legalizing the flow through a large guest worker program is a step toward easing pressures AND and working conditions for the new Americans and consequently all Americans would improve. 2NC – Latin America Relations CIR’s key to Latin American relations Shifter 12 Michael is the President of Inter-American Dialogue. “Remaking the Relationship: The United States and Latin America,” April, IAD Policy Report, http://www.thedialogue.org/PublicationFiles/IAD2012PolicyReportFINAL.pdf Some enduring problems stand squarely in the way of partnership and effective cooperation. The AND the United States’ hemispheric agenda as well as the interests of other nations. Relations are key to solve a laundry list of existential threats---the brink is now Shifter 12 Michael is the President of Inter-American Dialogue. “Remaking the Relationship: The United States and Latin America,” April, IAD Policy Report, http://www.thedialogue.org/PublicationFiles/IAD2012PolicyReportFINAL.pdf There are compelling reasons for the United States and Latin America to pursue more robust AND —both from the United States and from Latin America and the Caribbean. Will Pass 2NC It’ll pass --- there’s enough momentum from the GOP to reach a deal, that’s Xinhua More ev there’s enough support --- but it’s not assured IBT 3-22 (International Business Tribune, "Immigration Reform Bill Suddenly Close: What Made Republicans Change Their Minds, www.ibtimes.com/immigration-reform-bill-suddenly-close-what-made-republicans-change-their-minds-1145763#) By now it’s a tired trope that the obstructionist tactics of Republican legislators have left AND and a consensus about what to include in the bill is taking shape. It’ll pass despite the disagreements their ev talks about Reuters 3-22 (“U.S. Immigration Reform Talks Stalled by Wage Disputes”) WASHINGTON -- Senate negotiations on revamping the U.S. immigration system are stalled AND would be "an agreement with a darn good chance of becoming law." Set-backs are only temporary --- prefer predictive ev Nowicki 3-22 (Dan,- The Arizona Republic's national political reporter “Senators closer on migrant measure”) Despite political momentum for comprehensive immigration reform, frustrations were rising Friday as bipartisan Senate AND but Sharry said he believes both sides are motivated to get something done. yes cyberattx Cyberthreats are increasing, defenses are failing, and successful attacks can wreck our military. Canan 11 – (Oct. 2011, James, former senior editor of Air Force Magazine, current contributor for Aerospace America, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, “Defending against cyber threats,” http://www.aerospaceamerica.org/Documents/Aerospace_America_PDFs_2011/October-2011/Feature-Cyber-Threats-AA-Oct2011.pdf) The trend is ominous. Invasions of military, government, and private sector computer AND security as attacks on the U.S. military, they say. yes top of docket It’s at the top of the docket --- it’s his top priority, only thing he’s seriously involved in right now --- that’s Xinhua News It’s the top priority – wants quick action Merica 3-8 (Dan, "Obama pushes expedited timeline on immigration reform in meeting with faith leaders," CNN, religion.blogs.cnn.com/2013/03/08/obama-pushes-expedited-timetable-on-immigration-reform-in-meeting-with-faith-leaders/) Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama emphasized the need to get immigration reform AND president reiterated that support and laid out a timetable for the religious leaders. Top of the docket Strauss 3-14 (Daniel, "Obama calls support for immigration reform good for GOP, lawmakers say," The HIll, thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/288115-gop-lawmakers-obama-said-supporting-immigration-reform-will-help-republicans) Obama has made comprehensive reform a top priority of his second term in office. AND month window for getting "anything really substantive done" on immigration reform. It’s the only thing being discussed during the recess Reuters 3-22 (http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/23/us-usa-immigration-congress-idUSBRE92M00R20130323) Bipartisan talks aimed at producing a comprehensive immigration law - including a path to citizenship AND eight senators will continue talking during the congressional recess, according to aides. link Trembath – nuclear is insanely unpopular – Congress hates it Empirically proven – prefer empirics over their random IFR hacks writing their link turns The plan is massively contentious---draws in debates about Solyndra Martin, 12 May 8th, Richard, A contributing editor for Wired since 2002, he has written about energy, for Time, Fortune, The Atlantic, and the Asian Wall Street Journal, editorial director for Pike Research, the leading cleantech research and analysis firm, former Technology Producer for ABCNews.com, Technology Editor for The Industry Standard (2000-2001), and Editor-at- Large for Information Week (2005-2008), recipient of the “Excellence in Feature Writing" Award from the Society for Professional Journalists and the White Award for Investigative Reporting, Educated at Yale and the University of Hong Kong, , “SuperFuel: Thorium, the Green Energy Source for the Future”, ISBN 978—0»230-116474 WHILE A NEW MANHATTAN PROIECT is not going to happen, some¶ form of AND will be because we chose not to—not because it was impossible. They can’t win a link turn – nuclear has no influence in Washington and neither party supports it Hopf 9/18 (Jim Hopf, senior nuclear engineer with more than 20 years of experience in shielding and criticality analysis and design for spent fuel dry storage and transportation systems, “The party platforms on energy-and nuclear,” 9/18/12, http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/09/18/the-party-platforms-on-energy-and-nuclear/) Nuclear’s influence? My general view is that the Republicans primarily support fossil fuels while AND field between nuclear and fossil sources will remain, or get even worse. AT: Winners Win (Hirsch) Unpopular wins don’t spillover and previous wins mean the turn isn’t unique --- too much public pressure to focus on his current agenda Hirsch 2-7 (Michael,- chief correspondent for National Journal. “There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital,” Note: He defines “political capital” differently than us as a quantifiable force, we’re using political capital as a tag friendly metaphor to describe how pushing the wrong legislative item could derail his agenda. They cut the first 6 paragraphs, we cut the rest.) The point is not that “political capital” is a meaningless term. Often AND , he only sealed his reputation on the right as a closet socialist. Political capital is key --- new fights could derail momentum for immigration, Obama has to help forge an agreement ---- that’s Nakamura. Prefer it’s empirical examples. More ev capital is key --- real risk of GOP backlash to new controversies Avlon 3-9 (John, "Barack Obama lamb and lobster, and a mission to woo the Republicans," The Telegraph, www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/us-politics/9920024/Barack-Obama-lamb-and-lobster-and-a-mission-to-woo-the-Republicans.html) A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt said: "Decency is the most practical AND can help break through the groupthink gridlock that is holding America's recovery hostage. yes citizenshp Will pass despite opposition IBT 3-22 (International Business Tribune, "Immigration Reform Bill Suddenly Close: What Made Republicans Change Their Minds, www.ibtimes.com/immigration-reform-bill-suddenly-close-what-made-republicans-change-their-minds-1145763#) A growing number of Republicans are choosing to embrace a path to citizenship, as AND surprised if this hard-fought battle has finally come to a close. House leadership will agree – includes citizenship Sarlin 3-4 (Benjy, "5 Reasons Immigration Reform Might Actually Pass," Talking Points Memo, tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2013/03/5-reasons-immigration-reform-looks-like-it-might-actually-pass.php) ¶ There’s A Path To A Path To Citizenship¶ ¶ Along with the guest AND , is gliding along about as smoothly as supporters could hope so far. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Fullerton BT | Judge: Campt 02 – (2002, Tina, Professor Women’s Studies at Barnard University and was formerly a professor of feminist studies at UC Santa Cruz, "The Crowded Space of Diaspora: Intercultural Address and the Tensions of Diasporic Relation," Radical History Review 83 (2002) 94-111) Yet at this point her … remains in its nascent stages. The homogenizing diasporic hegemony of the aff plasters over the internal discontinuities of the black Atlantic – such narratives MUST be fluid and multidimensional or risk reproducing the violent suppression of differenceTinsley 08 – (2008, Omise’eke Natasha, assistant professor in the departments of English and African American studies at the University of Minnesota, "Black Atlantic, Queer Atlantic," GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 14, Number 2-3, 2008, muse) La Mar whispers this in … , always different even from itself. And larger and larger and ever larger than me, O sea: water: AND , water. Waves. Wetness, poundsurf, that I does love. —Thomas Glave, Words to Our Now And in the last fifteen … by a common sea of queerness. Tinsley 08 – (2008, Omise’eke Natasha, assistant professor in the departments of English and African American studies at the University of Minnesota, "Black Atlantic, Queer Atlantic," GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 14, Number 2-3, 2008, muse) What puts together Atlantic and … the space where they live. this is my ocean, but it is speaking another language, since its accent changes around different islands —Derek Walcott, Midsummer The ocean does speak many languages, and I am only a novice linguist. AND border waters of African diaspora, queer, and queer African diaspora studies. The long-navigated Atlantic tells … , stinging, a force against our hands. Sedgwick 08 – (Eve, Professor of English at Duke University, Epistemology of the Closet, second revised edition, California at Berkeley Press, p. 127-130) From at least the biblical … opened and opened and opened? Analyzing black social life through the lens of slavery and the Middle Passage ontologically fixes the black diaspora and effaces its intersection with non-Atlantic blackness and indigenous oppression. Wilderson’s explicit ontological separation of the Savage and the Slave prevents strategic diasporic collaboration and turns case.Helmreich 92 – (1992, Stefan, Elting E. Morison Professor of Anthropology, MIT, "Kinship, Nation, and Paul Gilroy’s Concept of Diaspora," Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 1992, pp. 243-249, muse) Gilroy is concerned to index … the arboreal metaphors Malkki elucidates. Smith 12 – (Andrea ~Andy~, Assoc. Prof. of Media and Cultural Studies at UC Riverside, Racial Formation in the Twenty-First Century, "Indigeneity, Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy" pp. 70-73) Many scholars in Native studies … the development of a decolonial framework. The Logics of White Supremacy Before I begin this examination, however, … ; and (3) orientalism, which anchors war. This is historically incorrect and counterproductive – acknowledging a multiplicity of "middle passages" is a prerequisite to understanding black diasporaSharpe 09 – (2009, Jenny, Professor of English at the University of California at Los Angeles "The middle passages of black migration," Atlantic Studies, 6:1, 97-112) In characterizing the desperate journeys … stretches across the Caribbean Sea. Tinsley 08 – (2008, Omise’eke Natasha, assistant professor in the departments of English and African American studies at the University of Minnesota, "Black Atlantic, Queer Atlantic," GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 14, Number 2-3, 2008, muse) Once loaded onto the slave … first glimpse of the sea. The alternative is a destabilizing act that refuses the call to construct a singular black identity or ontology – this act of creolization is a prerequisite to resolving ethical and methodological questions that undergird the affNoble 08 – (Oct. 2008, Denise, Assistant Professor, African American and African Studies, Ohio State University, "postcolonial criticism, transnational identifications and the hegemonies of dancehall’s academic and popular performativities," Feminist Review. London: Oct 2008., Iss. 90; pg. 1, 8, literature online) What might postcolonial criticism learn … ground of progress and freedom. Blackness CANNOT be the result of a singular migration or causal link – reifies hegemonic power structures and continues social deathCampt and Thomas 08 – (Oct. 2008, Tina, Professor Women’s Studies at Barnard University and was formerly a professor of feminist studies at UC Santa Cruz, and Deborah, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, "gendering diaspora: transnational feminism, diaspora and its hegemonies," Feminist Review. London: Oct 2008., Iss. 90; pg. 1, 8, literature online) African Diaspora Studies has historically … or shared definition of diaspora. Noble 08 – (Oct. 2008, Denise, Assistant Professor, African American and African Studies, Ohio State University, "postcolonial criticism, transnational identifications and the hegemonies of dancehall’s academic and popular performativities," Feminist Review. London: Oct 2008., Iss. 90; pg. 1, 8, literature online) Jose Esteban Munoz’s work on … by the dominant culture’ (Munoz, 1999: 31). JJ’s identification with rude bwai subjectivity perhaps expresses a desire to make alliances with Black AND Black) diaspora fails to perform disidentification as a form of critical creolization . By critical creolization, I mean critical … to intercultural identification and creolization. The aff’s notion of what it is to be black is historically situated in relation to the experiences of black North Americans – the attempt to universalize this definition of blackness – one based on the historical memory of slavery and the Middle Passage – threatens to violently efface difference within the black community.Sawyer 08 – (Oct. 2008, Lina, PhD, cultural anthropologist, who has worked since 2000 in the Department of Social Work at Mid Sweden University in Östersund, Sweden, "engendering ’race’ in calls for diasporic community in Sweden," Feminist Review. London: Oct 2008., Iss. 90; pg. 1, 8, literature online) *decalage = the gap between Black africans and black Americans (literally translated as "lag") This article aims to add … the importance of difference therein. |
| 03/30/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Fullerton BT | Judge: Avoiding engaging the topic because the state is irredeemably racist over-essentializes modern black-life – radical pessimism is historically unjustified and dehumanisingMcWhorter 9—Associate Professor in the English and Comparative Literature, Columbia (John, What African-American Studies Could Be, www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2009/09/by_john_mcwhorter_while_this.html-http://www.mindingthecampus.com/originals/2009/09/by_john_mcwhorter_while_this.html) The answer common in such … all sides must be heard. Moten ’8 (Fred, Helen L. Bevington Prof. of Modern Poetry @ Duke U., "Black Op" Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America, pp. 1746-1747) Finally, one might plan to … the name of being otherwise. Gines ’13 (Kathryn, Founding Director of the Collegium of Black Women Philosophers, Assist. Prof. of Philosophy @ Penn State. U., "introduction: Critical Philosophy of Race Beyond the Black/White Binary" critical philosophy of race, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013, p. 30) In addition to indicating what … the sole object of racism (255–56). |