Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: Kansas CG | Judge:
A. The root causes of ecological problems are found in social hierarchies. Their misidentification of the causes of the ecological crisis means they can never solve.
Bookchin 93 (Murray, “What is Social Ecology?”, orig. published in Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology, ed. Michael Zimmerman,
What defines social ecology as social … attainment is more cosmetic than curative.
B. Single-issue reforms fail, and only create the impression that the system can rectify its own abuses, strengthening and legitimating state capitalism and drawing us into an ethics of “lesser evilism”.
Bookchin 90 (Murray, Director Emeritus @ Institute for Social Ecology, “Remaking Society: Pathways to a Green Future”, p. 159-162 GAL)
Ecologically, humanity is faced with major climatic changes, rising .... it made the party more bureaucratic, manipulative, and "professional" — in short, very much like the rivals it once denounced.
C. Our criticism comes first: Humanity’s place in natural evolution is as the self-reflexive voice of nature made conscious- this is an ethical ontology which requires the dissolution of hierarchy. Failure to embrace our ecological responsibilities results in a fundamentally immoral society which threatens nuclear extinction and ecological destruction.
Bookchin 94 (Murray, Director Emeritus @ the Institute for Social Ecology, “Which Way for the Ecology Movement?”, p. 74 GAL)
Mutualism, self-organization, freedom, and subjectivity, together with ….. promise, hope, and creativity, it deserves a better fate than what seems to confront it in the years ahead.
D. Vote neg: The State is a social construction which can be dismantled by micro-political direct action in which individuals minimize their own contribution to statism.
O’Connor 90 (Max T., “An eliminativist view of the state”, Extropy #5, Winter, Accessed 9/14/12 GAL)
What kind of thing is "the State" supposed to be? It is supposed to be an …. of behavior will not only break down statism, but all other forms of collectivist irrationality such as racism, sexism, and nationalism.