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09/22/2012 | GSU AFFTournament: GSU | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: We’re the richest country in history yet do nothing while families are forced to choose between necessitates like heat and foodGreenleaf 94 (Eliot Maxwell, masters of science student at San Jose State University, “Sudden Street Site: the economic benefits of passive solar heating for a new, low-income housing,” masters thesis, 1994, KJS In conventional housing, AND storing the warmth of the sun. Energy companies shape energy policy to serve their own interests. The result is technocracy and dependence on industrial energyMartin 96 (Brian, Dr Brian Martin is the author of numerous books and articles on scientific controversies, politics of technology, nonviolent defense, information and society, suppression of dissent, and other topics. He is senior lecturer in the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Wollongong. “Technological Vulnerability,” Published in Technology in Society, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1996, pp. 511-523, accessed 9/4/12) KJS The case for this is especially AND groups have an interest in vulnerabilities of these systems, namely those vulnerabilities that are linked to the population's dependence on centralized provision of energy. This combination of technocracy and dependence constitutes a structural despotism that destroys value to life. Our scholarship ought focus on restoring balance between tools and individuals rather than increasing industrial energy production.Professor Illich - 75 (PhD at the University of Salzburg (an exploration of the nature of historical knowledge), frmr Visiting Professor of Philosophy and of Science, Technology, and Society at Penn State, also taught at the University of Bremen, Tools for Conviviality) I have identified five realms in each of which the efficiency of tools can upset the balance of life. Faulty technology can render the environment uninhabitable. Radical monopoly can force the demand for affluence to the point of paralyzing the ability to work. Overprogramming can transform the world into a AND thereby maximizing liberty for all. 60 Finally, the impacts are linear. Each additional unit of industrial energy degrades and deprivesProfessor Illich - 73 (PhD at the University of Salzburg (an exploration of the nature of historical knowledge), frmr Visiting Professor of Philosophy and of Science, Technology, and Society at Penn State, also taught at the University of Bremen, Energy and Equity) Contention 2: Here Comes the SunFederally assisted housing has demonstrated passive solar radically reduces dependence on industrial electricity and that strategic partnerships maximize resources for low income communitiesUSDA 11 (United States Departmnet of Agriculture News Release, ENERGY-SAVING HOME PROMPTS INCREASED INTEREST IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT’S HOUSING PROGRAMS,” June 23, 2011, Agriculture Under AND administration is emphasizing to maximize federal resources for rural communities. Clear standards are critical to the success of passive solar. There are multiple standards in the status quo.Zeller 10 (Tom Zeller, senior writer for the New York Times, covera a variety of topics, including energy policy and the environment. “Beyond Fossil Fuels,” September 25, 2010, KJS WHEN Barbara Landau, AND , like passive house,” she says. This regulatory thicket undermine the effectiveness of strategy partnerships and causes builders and owners to opt outSapiurka 11 (Gustavo Sapiurka is vice president and general manager of RealPage Inc., Affordable Housing. Previously, he was general manager of Domin-8 Enterprise Solution Affordable Housing Division and CEO of TCG Technologies LLC. For the past 24 years, Sapiurka has been very active in the affordable housing industry as a member of community-sponsored task forces dealing with automation issues and as an active member of many non-profit organizations. “Envisioning One Affordable Housing Program,” August 31, 2011, KJS I have a vision for AND programs as regulations (and lack of consistency) make management and ownership a hardship. Reducing the regulations would benefit low income communities and raise overall standardsUSGBC 12 (U.S. Green Building Council, “BETTER BUILDINGS THROUGH EXECUTIVE ACTION,” 2012, KJS A significant new development AND proposalsit outlined thissummer, and reportregularly to the public on progress made. Reducing restrictions on passive solar would benefit communities by reducing dependence, improving health, and raising overall standardsHandelman 12 (Ethan, National Housing Commission’s Vice President for Policy and Advocacy and member of the Rental Policy Working Group. Interview with Kyla Sommers, GW debater. Interview conducted September 17, 2012, KJS 4. How would the AND the federal government by reducing the subsidy cost. Reducing regulations eliminates developmental hurdles to passive solar developmentStewart 12 (Juell, Research Analyst Intern, Policy Solutions at The Reinvestment Fund and writer for Housing Think, “Making Strides Towards Federal Rental Alignment,” January 9, 2012, KJS After their holiday recess AND making development more affordable. Empirically, passive solar has a significant impact on reducing the industrial energy dependence of low income communitiesValenzuela 7 (Brian, master of science student in department of civil engineering at The University of Texas at El Paso, “ASSESSMENT OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN A PASSIVE SOLAR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT,” masters thesis, December 2007, KJS Conventional housing design AND conventional housing is estimated to be 10-13 years. Passive solar significantly decreases energy dependency and alienation within the economic constraints of subsidized housing budgetsDuncan 81 (Karen, B.A. Arch., Stanford University and Degree of Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Passive solar in the City,” thesis for Master of Architecture at MIT, June 1981, accessed 9/14/12) KJS Until now, passive solar energy has AND . This is the ideology embraced by passive solar architecture. Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on passive solar construction in federally assisted housing.Contention 3: Survival in JusticeRenounce the worldview of “security for the fittest while the weakest die off”. It blinds us to the solutions that could build a just and equitable world. Our advocacy for ideal government creates the possibility of a more equitable society by reclaiming autonomy and value to life Ryan 10 (Anne B, trustee of Feasta: The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, professor of publications and research at the National University of Ireland, “Enough: A Worldview of Positive Given the crises of ecology AND , it might just be enough to bring us real hope. Case deconstructs dependency and technocracy from the inside to create openings for liberatory praxisKahn and Kellner 7 (Richard, Ph.D. from UCLA with a specialization in the philosophy and history of education, and Douglas, Chair in the Philosophy of Education at UCLA. “Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich: technology, politics and the reconstruction of education,” Policy Futures in Education, Volume 5, Number 4, 2007) KJS For this reason, AND r transformative and liberatory praxis. Our politics of design is essential to survival in justice.Professor Illich - 75 (PhD at the University of Salzburg (an exploration of the nature of historical knowledge), frmr Visiting Professor of Philosophy and of Science, Technology, and Society at Penn State, also taught at the University of Bremen, Tools for Conviviality) The principal source of AND of society as a whole. 5TTTT | ||
10/17/2012 | JMU passive solar affTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy companies shape energy policy to serve their own interests. The result is dependence and exploitationMartin 96 (Brian, Dr Brian Martin is the author of numerous books and articles on scientific controversies, politics of technology, nonviolent defense, information and society, suppression of dissent, and other topics. He is senior lecturer in the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Wollongong. “Technological Vulnerability,” Published in Technology in Society, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1996, pp. 511-523, accessed 9/4/12) KJS The case for this is especially AND centralized provision of energy.
Low income individuals find themselves in impossible situations where they have to chose between heat and foodGreenleaf 94 (Eliot Maxwell, masters of science student at San Jose State University, “Sudden Street Site: the economic benefits of passive solar heating for a new, low-income housing,” masters thesis, 1994, http:~/~/ KJS In conventional housing, AND storing the warmth of the sun.
The inability to pay for heat creates serious health problems, chronic disease, and death. Assistance is keySmith 11 (S.E., writer and editor whose work has appeared in Bitch, Feministe, Global Comment, the Sun Herald, the Guardian, and other publications, “Frozen Out: Is Congress About to Slash Heating Assistance Funds Just as Temperatures Plummet?,” December 25, 2011, http:~/~/ KJS Fuel poverty, defined as an inability AND certainly higher than their heating bills would have been.
This disproportionately affects minority groups, constituting de facto racismACCCE 9 (American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, “The disproportionate impacts of energy costs on lower-income and minority families,” March 1, 2009, http:~/~/ KJS According to this study by the AND including food and healthcare.
Racism must be rejected in every instance
Contention 2: Here Comes the SunFederally assisted housing has demonstrated passive solar radically reduces dependence on industrial electricity and that strategic partnerships maximize resources for low income communitiesUSDA 11 (United States Departmnet of Agriculture News Release, ENERGY-SAVING HOME PROMPTS INCREASED INTEREST IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT’S HOUSING PROGRAMS,” June 23, 2011, http:~/~/ Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development AND resources for rural communities.
Clear standards are critical to the success of passive solar. There are multiple standards in the status quo.Zeller 10 (Tom Zeller, senior writer for the New York Times, covera a variety of topics, including energy policy and the environment. “Beyond Fossil Fuels,” September 25, 2010, http:~/~/ KJS WHEN Barbara Landau, an environmental and AND toward standards like passive house,” she says.
This regulatory thicket undermine the effectiveness of strategy partnerships and causes builders and owners to opt outSapiurka 11 (Gustavo Sapiurka is vice president and general manager of RealPage Inc., Affordable Housing. Previously, he was general manager of Domin-8 Enterprise Solution Affordable Housing Division and CEO of TCG Technologies LLC. For the past 24 years, Sapiurka has been very active in the affordable housing industry as a member of community-sponsored task forces dealing with automation issues and as an active member of many non-profit organizations. “Envisioning One Affordable Housing Program,” August 31, 2011, http:~/~/ KJS I have a vision for affordable AND management and ownership a hardship.
Reducing restrictions on passive solar would benefit communities by reducing dependence, improving health, and raising overall standardsHandelman 12 (Ethan, National Housing Commission’s Vice President for Policy and Advocacy and member of the Rental Policy Working Group. Interview with Kyla Sommers, GW debater. Interview conducted September 17, 2012, KJS 4. How would the RPWG proposal change AND reducing the subsidy cost.
Reducing regulations eliminates developmental hurdles to passive solar developmentStewart 12 (Juell, Research Analyst Intern, Policy Solutions at The Reinvestment Fund and writer for Housing Think, “Making Strides Towards Federal Rental Alignment,” January 9, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS After their holiday recess, AND development more affordable.
Empirically, passive solar has a significant impact on reducing the industrial energy dependence of low income communitiesValenzuela 7 (Brian, master of science student in department of civil engineering at The University of Texas at El Paso, “ASSESSMENT OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN A PASSIVE SOLAR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT,” masters thesis, December 2007, http:~/~/ KJS Conventional housing design AND estimated to be 10-13 years. Passive solar significantly decreases energy dependency and alienation within the economic constraints of subsidized housing budgetsDuncan 81 (Karen, B.A. Arch., Stanford University and Degree of Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Passive solar in the City,” thesis for Master of Architecture at MIT, June 1981, accessed 9/14/12) KJS Until now, passive solar energy has been overlooked AND ideology embraced by passive solar architecture.
Passive design isn’t complex. The challenge is in getting the details right and our plan assists by clarifying the specificationsPriebe 12 (Maryruth Belsey Priebe, writer for Yellow Blue Designs, website focusing on sustainable building designs, “Passive House Designs are NOT Rocket Science: Two Ultra-Low Energy Examples,” Feburary 2012, http:~/~/ KJS But was it a challenge to build a AND attainable by virtually anyone.
Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on passive solar construction in federally assisted housing.
Contention 3: Survival in JusticeRenounce the worldview of “security for the fittest while the weakest die off”. It blinds us to the solutions that could build a just and equitable world. Our advocacy for ideal government creates the possibility of a more equitable society by reclaiming autonomy and value to life Ryan 10 (Anne B, trustee of Feasta: The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, professor of publications and research at the National University of Ireland, “Enough: A Worldview of Positive Given the crises of ecology AND it might just be enough to bring us real hope.
Case deconstructs dependency from the inside to create openings for liberatory praxisKahn and Kellner 7 (Richard, Ph.D. from UCLA with a specialization in the philosophy and history of education, and Douglas, Chair in the Philosophy of Education at UCLA. “Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich: technology, politics and the reconstruction of education,” Policy Futures in Education, Volume 5, Number 4, 2007) KJS For this reason, we feel that AND transformative and liberatory praxis.
The geopolitical and economic insecurities that dominate the 1NC are grounded in flawed methodology. These insecurities are used to justify regressive agendas and continued addiction to industrial energy productionHildyard - Director Corner House Research - 12 (Nicholas, a UK non-governmental organisation focusing on environment, human rights and development issues, Hildyard has over 25 years experience assessing the environmental and social impacts of large-scale infrastructure, co-author study described by World Bank’s former chief environmental officer as “the definitive study” on the impacts of dams, Energy Security for What? For Whom?, Feb) Clearly, like “security”, “energy” is a term that AND that can be seized upon to promote other objectives.
Flight from risk mentality assures stultification.Rescher 83 (Nicholas, PhD in Philosophy from Princeton, former President of the American Philosophical Association, RISK p 192-193) And so we are led back to Aaron Wildavski’s AND security is absolute stultification. | ||
11/16/2012 | Wake passive solar 1acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Energy companies shape energy policy to serve their own interests. The result is dependence and exploitationMartin 96 (Brian, Dr Brian Martin is the author of numerous books and articles on scientific controversies, politics of technology, nonviolent defense, information and society, suppression of dissent, and other topics. He is senior lecturer in the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Wollongong. “Technological Vulnerability,” Published in Technology in Society, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1996, pp. 511-523, accessed 9/4/12) KJS The case for this is especially strong AND centralized provision of energy.
Low income individuals find themselves in impossible situations where they have to chose between heat and foodGreenleaf 94 (Eliot Maxwell, masters of science student at San Jose State University, “Sudden Street Site: the economic benefits of passive solar heating for a new, low-income housing,” masters thesis, 1994, http:~/~/ KJS In conventional housing, AND storing the warmth of the sun.
The inability to pay for heat creates serious health problems and chronic disease. Assistance is key.Smith 11 (S.E., writer and editor whose work has appeared in Bitch, Feministe, Global Comment, the Sun Herald, the Guardian, and other publications, “Frozen Out: Is Congress About to Slash Heating Assistance Funds Just as Temperatures Plummet?,” December 25, 2011, http:~/~/ KJS Fuel poverty, defined as AND certainly higher than their heating bills would have been.
This disproportionately affects minority groups, constituting de facto racismACCCE 9 (American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, “The disproportionate impacts of energy costs on lower-income and minority families,” March 1, 2009, http:~/~/ KJS According to this study by the American Coalition AND including food and healthcare.
Racism creates psychological and physical stress that create self-replicating problems that preclude non-whties from fully functioning in societyCrocker 7 (John, Graduate Student, M.Ed. in School Counseling Program, Rivier College, “THE EFFECTS OF RACISM-RELATED STRESS ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF NON-WHITES,” RIVIER ACADEMIC JOURNAL, VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1, SPRING 2007, accessed via Lexis Academic) KJS Racism has plagued this country AND physical and mental health outcomes.”
Contention 2: Here Comes the SunClear standards are critical to the success of passive solar. There are multiple standards in the status quo.Zeller 10 (Tom Zeller, senior writer for the New York Times, covera a variety of topics, including energy policy and the environment. “Beyond Fossil Fuels,” September 25, 2010, http:~/~/ KJS WHEN Barbara Landau, an environmental AND originally wanted a masonry hearth. “
This regulatory thicket undermine the effectiveness of strategy partnerships and causes builders and owners to opt outSapiurka 11 (Gustavo Sapiurka is vice president and general manager of RealPage Inc., Affordable Housing. Previously, he was general manager of Domin-8 Enterprise Solution Affordable Housing Division and CEO of TCG Technologies LLC. For the past 24 years, Sapiurka has been very active in the affordable housing industry as a member of community-sponsored task forces dealing with automation issues and as an active member of many non-profit organizations. “Envisioning One Affordable Housing Program,” August 31, 2011, http:~/~/ KJS I have a vision for affordable AND of consistency) make management and ownership a hardship.
Reducing restrictions on passive solar would benefit communities by reducing dependence, improving health, and raising overall standardsHandelman 12 (Ethan, National Housing Commission’s Vice President for Policy and Advocacy and member of the Rental Policy Working Group. Interview with Kyla Sommers, GW debater. Interview conducted September 17, 2012, KJS 4. How would the RPWG proposal change things AND the federal government by reducing the subsidy cost.
Empirically, passive solar has a significant impact on reducing the industrial energy dependence of low income communitiesValenzuela 7 (Brian, master of science student in department of civil engineering at The University of Texas at El Paso, “ASSESSMENT OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN A PASSIVE SOLAR HOUSING DEVELOPMENT,” masters thesis, December 2007, http:~/~/ KJS Conventional housing design and construction AND to conventional housing is estimated to be 10-13 years. Passive solar significantly decreases energy dependency and alienation within the economic constraints of subsidized housing budgetsDuncan 81 (Karen, B.A. Arch., Stanford University and Degree of Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Passive solar in the City,” thesis for Master of Architecture at MIT, June 1981, accessed 9/14/12) KJS Until now, passive solar energy has been overlooked as a viable AND ideology embraced by passive solar architecture.
Passive solar is energy production—conceptualizing energy to exclude passive solar prevents us from reconceptualizing the energy debateBainbridge and Haggard 11 (David A., professor, researcher, author and consultant, Passive Solar Architecture, page IX, 2011, Chelsea Green Publishing Company) There are several reasons why the term passive is AND Passive architecture fits the bill.
Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on passive solar construction in Section 8 housing.
Contention 3: Survival in JusticeRenounce the worldview of “security for the fittest while the weakest die off”. It glosses over the solutions that could build a just and equitable world. Our advocacy for ideal government creates the possibility of a more equitable society by reclaiming autonomy and value to lifeRyan 10 (Anne B, trustee of Feasta: The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, professor of publications and research at the National University of Ireland, “Enough: A Worldview of Positive Futures,” chapter in FLEEING VESUVIUS OVERCOMING THE RISKS OF ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COLLAPSE, Douthwaite, Richard; Fallon, Gillian (2011-04-05). Fleeing Vesuvius: Overcoming the Risks of Economic and Environmental Collapse . Perseus Books Group. Pgs 392-444, Kindle Edition.) KJS Given the crises of ecology and social justice AND , it might just be enough to bring us real hope. The case deconstructs dependency from the inside to create openings for liberatory praxisKahn and Kellner 7 (Richard, Ph.D. from UCLA with a specialization in the philosophy and history of education, and Douglas, Chair in the Philosophy of Education at UCLA. “Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich: technology, politics and the reconstruction of education,” Policy Futures in Education, Volume 5, Number 4, 2007) KJS For this reason, we feel that AND openings for transformative and liberatory praxis.
Flight from risk mentality assures policy failureRescher 83 (Nicholas, PhD in Philosophy from Princeton, former President of the American Philosophical Association, RISK p 192-193) And so we are led back to Aaron Wildavski’s thesis that AND The price of absolute security is absolute stultification. The geopolitical and economic insecurities that dominate the 1NC are grounded in flawed methodology. These insecurities are used to justify regressive agendas and continued addiction to industrial energy productionHildyard - Director Corner House Research - 12 (Nicholas, a UK non-governmental organisation focusing on environment, human rights and development issues, Hildyard has over 25 years experience assessing the environmental and social impacts of large-scale infrastructure, co-author study described by World Bank’s former chief environmental officer as “the definitive study” on the impacts of dams, Energy Security for What? For Whom?, Feb) KJS Clearly, like “security”, “energy” is a term that AND that can be seized upon to promote other objectives.
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11/16/2012 | Heidegger K 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Heidegger 2AC1. Only government action solves the affIrwin 2008 (Ruth, Senior Lecturer in Ethics, Centre for Business Interdisciplinary Studies @ Auckland University of Technology, Heidegger, Politics and Climate Change, Continuum: New York, pg. 189-190) The colonization of places AND . It is up to us to get it underway.
2. No Solvency – Heidegger's thought makes no productive contribution to anything. Without a call for something specific to do, the affirmative will be reappropriated by conservative forces as an excuse to avoid any sort of reflectionGerry O'Sullivan, University of Pennsylvania, 1991 “Review Essay: Confronting Heidegger,” Postmodern Culture, 2.1 11. Read in this way, then, AND and Time than that allowed, or interrogated, by Zimmerman.
3. Heidegger was a Nazi. His move away from totalitarianism conceals a form of ontological openness that assumes the need for a charismatic dictator capable of guiding the people towards openness – this move conceals violenceDreyfus and Hall in 92 (Herbert and Harrison, “Heidegger: A Critical Reader”) Habermas's more serious accusation, AND Heidegger placed his hopes in 'a' god who can save us" (p. 192) | ||
11/16/2012 | Elections 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Elections 2AC (Obama Good)Non-unique: public announcement of massive solar expansion in JulyFears 12 (Darryl, Staff Writer, Washington Post, July 24, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS The Obama administration on AND solar energy for decades to come.”
Plan popular, especially with RepublicansStewart 12 (Juell, Research Analyst Intern, Policy Solutions at The Reinvestment Fund and writer for Housing Think, “Making Strides Towards Federal Rental Alignment,” January 9, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS After their holiday recess AND to the housing market. Solar overwhelmingly popularJenal 12 (Jim, Founder and CEO of Run on Sun. “9 out of 10 Americans Back Solar,” page last edited in 2012. http:~/~/ KJS Our friends over at the Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) AND consumer purchasing that product. | ||
11/16/2012 | Fiscal Cliff 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The link is “virtually impossible”Matthews 12 (Jason, Director of Congressional and Public Affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, former chief of staff for US Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana), Interview conducted via e-mail with Kevin Bertram on November 8, 2012, KJS What issues do you believe will be taken AND that the White House itself would be engaged. | ||
12/20/2012 | T Restrictions 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1. The construction of passive solar housing is energy production and regulatory barriers preclude authorization for passive solar projects that don’t meet relevant standardsHUD 9 (United States of Housing and Urban Development, “Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing (GRP),” May 13, 2009, http:~/~/ KJS In the GRP, AND which the project was developed.
2. Conflicting and inconsistent regulations create developmental barriers that’s Sapiurka and Zeller. Reducing these barriers is reducing restrictions. LVM Institute 96 (Ludwig Von Mises Institute Original Book by Ludwig Von Mises, Austrian Economist in 1940. Evidence is cut from fourth edition copyright Bettina B. Greaves, “Human Action” KJS Restriction of production AND it curtails it.
3. Restrictions are not prohibitionsEvans 11 (Elizabeth, The York Dispatch, “Harley school tax battle continues,” January 26, 2011, http:~/~/ KJS The civil-court battle AND Alexandra Chiaruttini and Phil Spare.
3. Restriction is a regulation or limitation—that’s American Heritage DictionaryAmerican Heritage Dictionary 11 re·stric·tion (r-strkshn) n. 1. a. The act of restricting. b. The state of being restricted. 2. Something that restricts; a regulation or limitation.
4. They overlimit:a. They overlimit natural gas by excluding core case areasTaylor 12 (James, managing editor of Environment and Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism with a circulation of approximately 75,000 readers. He is also senior fellow for The Heartland Institute focusing on environmental issues. “The EPA Triples Down On 'None of the Above' Energy Policy,” Forbes Magazine, March 28, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS The EPA is already AND “none of the above.” b. They overlimit coalTaylor 12 (James, managing editor of Environment and Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism with a circulation of approximately 75,000 readers. He is also senior fellow for The Heartland Institute focusing on environmental issues. “EPA Global Warming Restrictions Would Eliminate New Coal Power,” April 6, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency AND per megawatt-hour. c. Nuclear power tooSmith and Tracy 12 (Rebecca and Ryan, energy specialist writers for the Wall Street Journal, “U.S. Regulator Halts Nuclear-Plant Licensing,” Wall Street Journal article, August 7, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission AND identified by the court. 9. Plan increases incentives by removing restrictionsHUD 12 (Housing and Urban Development, “Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing,” last updated September 16, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS Grants and loans will be AND this program is 14.318. | ||
01/02/2013 | obama good 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Normal means solves the link: Handelman evidence says that the RPWG reduces restrictions—requires no Congressional actionGreen Affordable Housing Coalition 12 (GAHC is a national action network that fosters collaboration and advocates for the development and preservation of green affordable housing. “Letter to The Honorable Secretary Shaun Donovan U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,” February 3, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS The undersigned members of the Green Affordable AND additional authorization or funding from Congress. There is ZERO Spillover from one policy to another policy – issues are compartmentalizedEdwards 00 Distinguished Professor of Political Science, director of the Center for Presidential Studies, Texas AandM University (George C. III, March. “Building Coalitions.” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 30, Iss. 1.) Besides not considering AND opposition party controls Congress. Plan is bipartisan and supported by CorkerStewart 12 (Juell, Research Analyst Intern, Policy Solutions at The Reinvestment Fund and writer for Housing Think, “Making Strides Towards Federal Rental Alignment,” January 9, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS After their holiday recess AND eliminate hurdles to the housing market. Corker is key to a deficit dealMcElroy 12 (Jack, poltical analyst for Knoxville News, “Jack McElroy: Maybe we should jump off fiscal cliff,” October 21, 2012, http:~/~/ KJS Lamar Alexander AND t we have a productive discussion." | ||
01/13/2013 | neolib 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Only government action solves the affIrwin 2008 (Ruth, Senior Lecturer in Ethics, Centre for Business Interdisciplinary Studies @ Auckland University of Technology, Heidegger, Politics and Climate Change, Continuum: New York, pg. 189-190) The colonization of places and subjectivities AND It is up to us to get it underway. . The alt leads to tyranny and warKilman 6, Professor of Economics, Pace University NY, (Andrew, “Not By Politics Alone” Presentation for panel on “Thinking Through a Post-Capitalist Future” at Left Forum conference, Edited April 2,) There are several different issues AND , so it would turn into its opposite. Absent political engagement the aff can never solve Themba-Nixon ‘2k (Makani, Executive Director of The Praxis Project, a policy advocacy nonprofit, COLORNESS: RACE, ACTION, CULTURE, July 31, v3, n2, ProQuest)
"This is all about policy," AND be committed to making it so. Total rejection of capitalism fragments resistance – the perm solves best.Gibson-Graham 96, Professor of Human Geography at the Australian National University and Professor of Geosciences at the University of Massachusates, Amherst, 1996 (The End of Capitalism (As We Know It)) One of our goals as Marxists AND , visible as a denial of diversity and change. | ||
01/13/2013 | courts 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1. Perm – do both – solves the link to politicsGarrett and Stutz 5 – Dallas Morning News (Robert T. and Terrence, 08/19, “Legislature Adjourns Special Session,” A court finding against AND their hands are tied."
a. Agencies won’t enforceWidman 10 – Legal Director, Center for Justice and Democracy (Amy, Fall, “Advancing Federalism Concerns in Administrative Law Through a Revitalization of State Enforcement Powers: A Case Study of the Consumer Product Safety and Improvement Act of 2008,” 29 Yale L. and Pol'y Rev. 165, Lexis) A failure to draft guidelines AND CPSIA will have to use the state's resources.
b. The Court will roll back liberal decisions in the futureSherman 11 – Associated Press (Mark, 07/03, “Justice Ginsburg’s future plans closely watched,” Lexis) Democrats and liberals have a AND in favor of abortion rights and affirmative action.
5. The counterplan links to politicsHarrison 5 – Lecturer in Law, University of Miami Law School and Stephen I. Vladeck, Associate Professor of Law at the University Of Miami School Of Law (Lindsay, 11/18, “Does the Court Act as "Political Cover" for the Other Branches?” While the Supreme Court may have AND for whatever reason, received the attention of the public. | ||
01/13/2013 | t solar power 2acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Sioux Valley Energy no date (“Electrical Dictionary,” http:~/~/ KJS Solar power: Energy from the sun's radiation converted into heat or electricity. (See active solar energy, passive solar energy) 2 Defining the topic to include only industrial energy produces thought habits destructive of local self reliance. The result is the transformation our social reality into the production of intellectual gold for an ecologically and socially unsound worldviewRobert – 95 (Genesis and the development of scientific fact: the case of Energy, WISE News Communique in March 1995, Jean Robert, teacher and activist for alternative technologies, taught at Penn State as part of a group of intellectuals invited by Ivan Illich to venture into researches on the archeology of modern certainties, teaches at school of architecture of the University of Cuernavaca and La Salle University, graduated as an architect from the Swiss Polytechnical Institute (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule), former UN consultant) Re-reading my own prose AND epoch that shaped the concept.
3. Renouncing the negative destabilizes this worldview, frees us from the powerlessness that robs our awareness and predestines our existence
I can imagine no complex of controls AND very particular way, blasphemous.
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02/23/2013 | Immigration ptx 2ACTournament: Districts | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge: Obama isn't pushing immigration and his PC fails Hagel sparks controversy now - vote is next week WW and PC not key | ||
02/23/2013 | State Compacts CP 2acTournament: Districts | Round: 1 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Solves none of the aff: we aren’t a federal law that can be overturned, we are the criteria by which funds are dispersed by federal agencies, a state compact can’t change federal criteria 50 state fiat bad
Doesn’t solve – delays and rollback Links to politics – lobbyists go haywire after the compact is issued Destroys democracy Thus this institutional bias against taking action…compact mechanism to create national change. 129 State Compacts CP – 1AR Your evidence is about a REPLACEMENT for the current test of if a compact needs approval or not, which is the US Steel test. Your evidence is advocating a new standard, but that is not what is currently in palce and concludes a new standard would be bad You fail the US steel test because you enhance state power at the expense of the federal government – you literally allow states to overturn federal criteria. This ensures it deemed unconstitutional. | ||
02/23/2013 | T - solar power 2ACTournament: Districts | Round: 1 | Opponent: JMU BL | Judge: Counter-interp: power is CONVERSION to usable form – preserves their distinction Counter-interp: passive is POWER because it includes SOLAR THERMAL Solar Power is NOT PV – nothing meets and kills the solar part of the res Counter definition: solar power isEnergy from the sun’s radiation converted into heat or electricity Defining the topic to include only industrial energy produces thought habits destructive of local self reliance. Intellectual gold for an ecologically and socially unsound worldview Renouncing the negative destablizes this worldview, to solve Quality of scholarship resulting from an interp o/w other concerns because education is the underlying purpose of the activity We only add one case area - passive solar Aff creativity o/w good is good enough Solar power is energy form the suns's radiation converted into heat or electricity Skalr admits he isn’t precise and allows THERMAL CONCENTRATION | ||
03/29/2013 | NDT RD 1 1ACTournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Trinity GK | Judge: Low income individuals find themselves in impossible situations where they have to chose between heat and food Contention 2: Here Comes the Sun This regulatory thicket causes builders and owners to opt out Contention Three: The Pedagogy of the Poor | ||
03/30/2013 | NDT RD 4 2AC T RestrictionsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC T-RestrictionsIncentives are restricted from flowing to passive solar because of standards that exclude the only economically feasible desgings from consideration- That’s Handelman. Mandating that these restrictions are removed is mandating increased incentives are made available. HUD 12 (Housing and Urban Development, "Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing," last updated Sep 16 2012, Grants and loans will be made available through HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Preservation Increase means to make greater To make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; agument; add to: to increase taxes Financial incentives include "contingent commitments" to induce behaviors Webb, 93 – lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa (Kernaghan, "Thumbs Fingers, and Pushing on String: Legal Accountability in the Use of Federal Financial Incentives", 31 Alta. L. Rev. 501 (1993) Hein Online In this paper, The decisions not to fund is uniquely a restriction in the case of public housing because the free market doesn’t build public housing. Dallas Indicators 12 (website report of funding, "Housing" December 16, 2012, http://www.dallas Federal funding is essential to the provision of affordable housing for low income residents. AND Funding of this variety is typically quite flexible and can be used for a mix of different purposes within broad guidelines. Restrictions include limiting conditions. Conflicting regulatiosn create developmental barriers. Plummer 29 (J., Court Justice, MAX ZLOWZOWER, Respondent, v. SAM LINDENBAUM et al., Appelants Civ. No. 3724 COURT OF APPEAL OF CALIFORNIA, THIRD APPELEATE DISTRICT 100 Cal. App. 766; 281 P. 102; 1929 Cal. App. LEXIS 404 September 26, 1929, Decided, lexis The word "restriction", Anell votes aff – the core point is that restrictions lowered production levels FTIS 89 (Foreign Trade Information System, Canada: Import Restrictions On Ice Cream and Yogurt, Report of the Panel adopted at the Forty-fifth Session, Contracting Priorities, L/6568 – 36S/68, 25. Canada maintained that it effectively managed the supply of all domestically produced milk, AND Canada further cited recent econometric analyses, which indicated that milk production would be 31 to 39 per cent higher in the absence of restrictions. Best context, we meet – Section 209 Sec 209. Prohibition of Restrictions on Residential Installation of Solar Energy System AND We provide fair limits and directionality because we require restrictions "on" energy production Dictionary.ocm On, preposition 1. So as to be or remain supported by or suspended from: Put your package down on the table. Hang your coat on the hook. 2. So as to be attached to or unified with: hang the picture on the wall. Paste the label on the package. They kill solar because solar restrictions exclude outright ban Judicial acceptance of restrictive covenants is premised on the supposition that such recognition is not contrary to public policy or express law. AND The restriction may be invalidated by the court based on public policy considerations. Natural gas too Industry groups and natural gas producers charge that restricted access to federal lands… Coal too Taylor 12 (James, managing editor of Environment %26 Climate News, Senior fellow or The Heartland Institute focusing on environmental issues. " EPA Global Warmng restrictions would Eliminate New Coal Power," April 6, 2012, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed carbon dioxide restrictions…. And nuclear Zagier 12 (Alan, Bloomberg Businesswee "NRC puts nuclear licensing decisions on hold." August 9, 2010, The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is putting a hold on.. AND | ||
03/30/2013 | NDT RD 4 2AC T SolarTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC T-Solar Counter definition: solar power is Energy from the sun’s radiation converted into heat or electricity. That’s Sioux Valley Energy Cooperative dictionary. Defining the topic to include only industrial energy produces thought habits destructive of local self reliance. The result is the transformation our social reality into the production of intellectual gold for an ecologically and socially unsound worldview. Re-reading my own prose makes me realize more acutely than ever Renouncing the negative destabilizes this worldview, frees us from the powerlessness that robs our awareness and predestines our existence Professor Illich – 94 (PhD at the University of Salzburg, BRAVE NEW BIOCRACY: HEALTH CARE FROM WOMB TO TOMB, New Perspectives Quarterly, Winder94, Vol. 11, Issue 1) Counterinterp: power is conversion to usable form –preserves their distinction and ensure directionality Boreham 10, Ray runs the alt energy site and volunteers as a solar installer for GRID Alternatives. He has writted many articles and provided tips on solar and alt energy for various websites and blogs. Solar energy versus Solar Power. AND Passive solar is heart of solar power debate Carter 10—-why-pay-%24100s-For-solar-power-sstems-when-you-can-build-your-won%26id=4698657- solar installation engineer There are actually a numbe o distinct significant issues that are involved… Their def’s a historical misconception The term "solar power" is really a bit misleading. Legislative defintions agree, biggest internal to predictability (4) Solar Power. The term "solar power"… | ||
03/30/2013 | NDT RD 4 2AC CourtsTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC Courts CPCP would order agencies to reduce restrictions, this contains all the topical portions of the plan Office of the Federal Registra 11 ~"A Guide to the Rulemaking Process Prepared by the Office of the Federal Register If a court sets asides (vacates) all or part of a rule, Links to politics Harrison 5 – Lecturer in Law, University of Miami Law School and Stephen I. Vladeck, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Miami School of Law (Lindsay 11/18, "Does the Court Act as "Political Cover" for the Other Branches?" Bold, unprecedented decisions undermine the courts legitimacy and ensure that the ruling is entirely ignored. Justice Breyer describes the court in its early years, when it decided few cases and the ones it decided were trivial. Judicial Decisions legitimate the existing legal order by eifying our alienated social roles. Schegel 1 (Henry Schegel, Professor of Law, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2001, CARDOZO LAW REVIEW, March, pp 1067-8) From the judge’s perspective, any legal dispute is a "disequilibriation" or a break down in the system of normal social relations that must be set right. | ||
03/30/2013 | NDT RD 4 2AC CIRTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2AC CIRPlan is uniquely bipartisan Harder 12(Amy, energy and environemtn reporter, National Journal, "Energy Efficiency: A Bipartisan Solution," August 22,2012, At this time of partisan wrangling in congress, AND Actionable energy efficiency policies now to help move our country forward. Energy is bipartisan Hater Which energy and environment polices garner bipartiasan support? AND Executive agency rulemaking shields the link – Obama will back away from domestic political defense of the plan if congress preses him Herz ’12 – professor of law and co-director of the Floershimer Center for Constitutional Democracy (Michael E., "Political Oversight of Agency Decisionmaking", Administrative Law JOTWELL 1-23-2012 Mendelson begins with two important but often overlooked points. AND Public won’t pin on Obama Mendleson ’10 (nina a., discosing "poltical" oversight of Agency Decision Making, 108, Mich. L. Rev. 1127 (2010) Eving if presidential supervision… | ||
03/30/2013 | NDT Round 6 - 1AC Passive SolarTournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Fullerton MS | Judge: Shree Awsare, Rashad Evans, Heather Woods Same 1AC as Round 1, no new cards | ||
03/30/2013 | NDT Round 6 - 2AC NietzscheTournament: NDT | Round: 6 | Opponent: Fullerton MS | Judge: Shree Awsare, Rashad Evans, Heather Woods presenting real experiences and analysis is not pitying - rather it is an enlightening pedagogy fostering autonomy, self-confidence, and new coalitionsBaptist and Rehmann 11 Willie and Jan, Pedagogy of the Poor, pg. 3-4 Our book cannot be traced We do not pity thee poor or rely on guilt, rather we are an overarching analysis of the need for societal restructuringBaptist and Rehmann 11 Willie and Jan, Pedagogy of the Poor, pg. 6 In the course of history Acting to help others generates meaningMay 5 Todd, philosophy professor at Clemson, "To change the world, to celebrate life", Philosophy and Social Criticism 31.5-6, pp. 517-531 What are we to make | ||
03/31/2013 | NDT Round 7: ALLTournament: NDT | Round: 7 | Opponent: Fullerton BC | Judge: |
Tournament | Round | Report |
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