Tournament: Liberty | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge:
Failure to acknowledge how our manner of being-in-the-world is the base level of the energy crisi secures the continuation of an ontological technology that epxnads exponentially every time we opt for a plan of action instead of concentrating all our efforts toward a new manner of eing
(Carol Bigwood, 1993, Earth Muse: feminism, Nature, and Art, p. 243-247)
The electricity that is distributed … the will to get ahead.
The aff demands there is no time for philosophical thought. Strategy banishes the question of being for the sake of calc thought which only reinforces the same structure- forecloses the possibility of authentic being and reduces it to the undead
(Krzysztof Ziarek, 2012, “The Global Unworld: A Mediative Manifesto”)
The apparent urgency of the .. mori: undead death or mortality.