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11/13/2012 | Cap KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The drive for renewable energy plays into the capitalist drive for profits – planetary catastrophe is inevitable under capitalism regardless of whether we transition from oil to renewables. In 2008, the companies making the largest worldwide profits were all oil companies ( Heg link Hegemony is used to promote capitalism.Meszaros 7 (Istvan Professor Emeritus t Sussex, "The Only Viable Economy," Monthly Review, Economy Link The idea of economic growth sustains capitalism - creates povertyMadra %26 Özselçuk ’07, professor at the department of economics @ oğaziçi Üniversitesi and Gettysbyrg Universit/ Ph.D. @ University of Massachusetts Amherst in Sociology (Yahya %26 Ceren, "Chapter Four Economy, Surplus, Politics: Some Questions On Slavoj Žižek’s Political Economy Critique Of Capitalism" 2007 Job Creation Link ====They further subdue workers with the illusion of liberatory opportunity. The expansion and promotion of work in the current societal mindset will only expand the prevailing form of thought within the workforce: apathy toward refusing participation in an oppressive societal structure. ==== The sentimental confusion that surrounds the question of work can be explained thus: the Nuke Power Link Nuclear power is implicitly representative of a capitalist drive for profits despite the dangers it posesAcheson 11 (Ray - Reaching Critical Will Director @ WILPF %26 worked with the Institute for Defense %26 Disarmament Studies, "Costs, risks, and myths of nuclear power", Introduction, - accessed 9/23/12) kc For the nuclear power industry, whether in Japan or elsewhere, the primary motive Fossil Fuels Link Plan contributes to the capitalist drive for energy – inevitably leads to planetary extinction.Charman 2010 Karen Charman, Managing editor of Capitalism Nature Socialism, M.A. Journalism, Columbia University, "Trashing the Planet for Natural Gas: Shale Gas Development Threatens Freshwater Sources, Likely Escalates Climate Destabilization" Capitalism Nature Socialism, 21:4 December 2010, Mcmc As the large, easy reservoirs of fossil fuels are exhausted, the capitalist machine 1nc Ethics Impact Resisting capitalism’s reliance on economic evaluation is the ultimate ethical responsibility – the current social order guarantees social exclusion on a global scaleZizek and Daly 2k4 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) ALT Thus our alternative is a commitment to the Communist Hypothesis. Every ethical decision should be infused with all of the significance of humanity’s destiny. The affirmative reduces life to a barbaric ratrace and stands opposed to universal emancipation.Alain Badiou, former Chair of Philosophy at École normale supérieure, 2008. ~The Meaning of Sarkozy, pp. 97-103~ I would like to situate the Sarkozy episode, which is not an impressive page | |
11/13/2012 | Nuclear Memory KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The debate over nuclear energy is a debate about memory – the nuclear industry relies on a narrative of technological progress that calls on us to forget the trauma of the past in favor of the bright future promised by nuclear energy.Hayase 12 Nozomi Hayase," Fukushima to ~%23Ajisai Revolution; The Mosaic of Recollection" JOURNALING BETWEEN WORLDS Global Citizen Blogging July 18, 2012, The shock and aftermath of the tsunami temporarily swept people’s feet off the ground. However, the dominant narrative of nuclear energy can and is being challenged – one alternative source of memory about nuclear violence comes from the poetic praxis of the Japanese band Frying Dutchman:Hayase 12 Nozomi Hayase," Fukushima to ~%23Ajisai Revolution; The Mosaic of Recollection" JOURNALING BETWEEN WORLDS Global Citizen Blogging July 18, 2012, The resistance didn’t come from the political arena, where promises for change are often The task of your ballot should be to join in this struggle of memory against forgetting – your ballot can contribute to the discursive mosaic of resistance surrounding the memory of nuclear violence. Each act of remembering is key to bringing about an inter-connected struggle to reclaim the nuclear public sphere.Hayase 12 Nozomi Hayase," Fukushima to ~%23Ajisai Revolution; The Mosaic of Recollection" JOURNALING BETWEEN WORLDS Global Citizen Blogging July 18, 2012, This mosaic is our collective recollection. It becomes a shield against forgetting and disrupted | |
11/13/2012 | Environment KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: This ontological position of our ’being’ in the world may devalue the physical world Causes extinction and ontological destruction. Perhaps there is in progress another, even more encompassing Death Event, which can | |
11/13/2012 | Oil DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Perception of increases in supply and decreases in demand cause immediate drop in global oil prices.Fedlstein 2008 Martin Feldstein chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Reagan, is a professor at Harvard and a member of The Wall Street Journal’s board of contributors, "We Can Lower Oil Prices Now," Originally published in The Wall Street Journal July 1, 2008 Now here is the good news. Any policy that causes the expected future oil High Oil prices key to the Russian EconomyNichol 2012 Jim Nichol, Coordinator Specialist in Russian and Eurasian Affairs, Russian Political, Economic, and Security Issues and U.S. Interests, Congressional Research Service, February 10, 2012, Russia’s economy began to recover from the Soviet collapse in 1999, led mainly by Russian economic decline causes nuclear prolif, accidents, and miscalc. The bad news is this: Because of what has happened in Russia since the Impact’s extinction Probably, however, it has been accidental nuclear war between the United States and | |
11/13/2012 | SK Nuke Leadership DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Recent approval of South Korea’s SMART reactor has set the stage for South Korean dominance of SMR technology.Dong-joon 7-5-2012 South Korea’s homegrown SMART reactor has obtained a Standard Design Approval (SDA). With Plan trades off with South Korean SMR development. SK will export their nuclear technology to the U.SMowry 7-14-2012 Failing to move forward with this program will not stall the deployment of SMRs in the United Nuclear Industry key to South Korean EconomyHodge 7-11-2012 It’s one of the fastest-growing developed nations in the world. In fact Economic downturn causes instability and East Asian ProlifRichardson, 06 A Korea faced with an economic dilemma of such magnitude would find maintaining its conventional Global nuclear warOgura and Oh 97 North Korea, South Korea, and Japan have achieved quasi- or virtual nuclear | |
11/13/2012 | Framework 1ncTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The aff should defend a topical plan. All advantages should be causal results of the plan.Prefer our interpretation:Grammar-a. Federal Government refers to the national government.Hartley ’96 (John, "American Civics", p. 39, Google Print) The term federal government refers to the national government, which is centered in Washington, D.C. b. Resolved means to enact by lawWords and Phrases ’64 (Permanent Edition) Definition ofthe word "resolve," given by Webster is "to express an opinion or determination by resolution or vote; as ’it was resolved by the legislature;" It is of similar force to the word "enact," which is defined by Bouvier as meaning "to establish by law". They make debate Impossible –a. Ground- the federal government only stable basis for negground. If they aren’t tied to defending it then it’s unlikely we will have applicable research.b. Limits- they allow any individual ideology, theory or cause to become an aff, which negates our ability to effectively research the aff.c. Extra T- The aff claims advantages that are unrelated to instrumental implementation, proves the resolution insufficient.They hijack Education – Predictability is the basis of neg strategy, which is key to clash. The impact is rigorous testing of policies, which is the only way to truly understand the world and is key to value to life.Zappen ’4 (James, Prof. Language and Literature – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, "The Rebirth of Dialogue: Bakhtin, Socrates, and the Rhetorical Tradition", p. 35-36) Finally, Bakhtin describes the Socratic dialogue as a carnivalesque debate between opposing points of Switch-side debate creates tolerance for alternative viewpoints, which prevents moral dogmatism.Muir ’93 (Star, Prof. Comm. – George Mason U., Philosophy and Rhetoric, "A Defense of the Ethics of Contemporary Debate", 26(4), pp. 288-290) Values clarification, Stewart is correct in pointing out, does not mean that no They create a political vacuum that cements the status quoCook ’92 (Anthony, Associate Professor – Georgetown Law, New England Law Review, Spring, 26 New Eng.L. Rev. 751, Lexis) The effect of deconstructing the power of the author to impose a fixed meaning on It’s a prior question. Without agreement on the subject debate is impossible.Shively ’00 (Ruth Lessl, Former Assistant Prof. Pol. Sci. – Texas A%26M, in "Political Theory and Partisan Politics", Ed. Portis, Gundersen and Shively, pp. 181-182) The requirements given thus far are primarily negative. The ambiguists must say "no Ontology must be secondary to the prior question of political practiceJarvis ’00 (Darryl, Senior Lecturer in International Relations – University of Sydney, International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism, p. 128-9) More is the pity that such irrational and obviously abstruse debate should so occupy us | |
11/13/2012 | Historical Materialism KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The cultural turn evoked by "post-strategies" attempts to break part any material analysis through the use of discursive analysis – despite their attempts to incorporate materialism it remains culturalist and stuck within the paradigm of capitalism.Ebert and Zavarzadeh in 2008(Teresa L., English, State University of New York, Albany, Mas’ud, prolific writer and expert on class ideology, "Class in Culture", p. 27-29) On the theoretical level, the attacks on labor focused on the material logic: Resisting capitalism’s reliance on economic evaluation is the ultimate ethical responsibility – the current social order guarantees social exclusion on a global scaleZizek and Daly 2k4 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) For Zizek it is imperative that we cut through this Gordian knot of postmodern protocol The alternative is to reject the aff in favor of historical materialism – historical materialism links social praxis to a decisive judgment on capitalist oppression.Lukacs in 67 (George, Hungarian Marxist philosopher and literary critic. He is | |
11/13/2012 | Anthro KTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Explanation of history as a struggle of people against oppressive regime is anthropocentric.Resch, associate professor of history at Texas A%26M University, 1992 Pluralism, relativism, and individualism work together and reinforce each other, but for Anthropocentrism is the root-cause of patriarchy, slavery, racism, and any form of domination.Best, Associate Professor of Department of Humanities and Philosophies at University of Texas, 2007 It is little understood that the first form of oppression, domination, and hierarchy Speciesist discourse creates the radical othering of non-human animals reducing them to bare life.Catlaw 2012 Thomas J. Catlaw is associate professor of public affairs at the School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University. Regarding the Animal On Biopolitics and the Limits of Humanism in Public Administration Speciesism, commodification, and its consequences are the manifestation of the practice of radical Bare life leads to unending violence and genocide against those deemed not politically worthy.KOCHI %26 ORDAN 2K8 (Tarik Kochi is a professor at Queen’s University. Noam Ordan is a professor at Bar llan University) "an argument for the global suicide of humanity", vol 7. no. 4., bourderlands e-journal Within the picture many paint of humanity, events such as the Holocaust are considered Thus the Alternative: Vote negative to reject the ethical exceptionalism of the 1AC.Rejecting the affirmative opens up the understanding of the species-being, allowing us to move beyond the religion of humanism.HUDSON 2K4 ~Laura, The Political Animal: Species-Being and Bare Life, mediations journal, We are all equally reduced to mere specimens of human biology, mute and uncomprehending | |
11/13/2012 | Fiscal Cliff DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Uniqueness and internal link: Obama PC makes quick fiscal fix possible – that breaks apart past partisan gridlock to open the way for other issues like CIRDaly 11/7 Biden: Dems ready to compromise on ’fiscal cliff’, MATTHEW DALY, Associated Press, Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he and President Barack Obama are anxious to Link – energy policy causes massive partisan gridlockMcEntee 12 Science, Politics and Public Opinion, Christine McEntee, Executive Director and CEO, American Geophysical Union, AUGUST 15, 2012, As convenient as it would be to say that a single change could alleviate the Impact: comprehensive reform solves Mexican relations- that’s key to border security and stopping terrorismCastaneda et al., NYU Politics and Latin American Studies professor, 2005 I think that attitudes in Mexico have changed in relation to drugs and I think ExtinctionMohamed Sid-Ahmed, Al-Ahram Weekly political analyst, ’04 What would be the consequences of a nuclear attack by terrorists? Even if it | |
11/13/2012 | States CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Counterplan solves the entirety of the case – the States have access to the same toolbox as the federal governmentWiener, Program Evaluation Analyst, and Koontz, Ohio State Associate Natural Resources Professor, 2010, Previous research has identified several common policy tools used by state governments to promote environmental | |
11/13/2012 | SMR Reactor SPECTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 60 different reactor designsKing et al 11 (Dr. Marcus, Research Analyst and Project Director – CNA Corporation’s Center for Naval Analyses, LaVar Huntzinger, and Thoi Nguyen, "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations," CNA Analysis and Solutions, March, Power on Military %20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf) Status of SMR technologies and commercialization There are several types of reactors – just based upon cooling processes – the Aff must specify which type for our fuel links.Key to ground- never know what process | |
11/13/2012 | EPA Spending Trade OffTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Adequate funding exists for environmental and security responsibilities but most hold the line on spendingEPA 2012 WASHINGTON – Today the Obama Administration proposed a FY 2013 budget of %248. Enforcement of energy regulations drains EPA resources and forces budget trade-offsOECD 2000 Voluntary approaches may be attractive for the legislator (or the regulator) which pursues Cuts come from water safetyCrow 2012 The Senate and House of Representatives have approved spending bills that would cut the Clean Water supplies are a prime target for bioterror attackGreenwire 2008 A U.S. EPA program would help water utilities get earlier warning of ExtinctionOchs 2002 Of all the weapons of mass destruction, the genetically engineered biological weapons, many | |
11/13/2012 | Executive Order CPTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: The President of the United States should issue an executive order to…Executive orders are the most effective way to implement policiesMayer 1 (Kenneth, Professor of Political Science @ University of Wisconsin – Madison, With the Stroke of a Pen) These chronicles of presidential decisiveness and unilateral action are at odds with the prevailing scholarly Executive orders increase presidential powerRisen 4 (Clay, Managing editor of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, M.A. from the University of Chicago "The Power of the Pen: The Not-So-Secret Weapon of Congress-wary Presidents" The American Prospect, July 16, In the modern era, executive orders have gone from being a tool largely reserved for internal White House operations -deciding how to format agency budgets or creating outlines for diplomatic protocol — to a powerful weapon in defining, and expanding, executive power. In turn, presidents have increasingly used that power to construct and promote social policies on some of the country’s most controversial issues, from civil rights to labor relations to reproductive health. Pres powers key to strong U.S LeadershipMallaby 00 (Sebastian, Member, Washington Post’s Editorial Board, Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb) Finally, some will object that the weakness of the presidency as an institution is | |
11/13/2012 | Algae TTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: A. Interpretation – crude oil is a liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally in the, No Date Cited, 46 USCS § 2101 defines crude oil as "a liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally in the earth, whether or not treated to render it suitable for transportation, and includes crude oil from which certain distillate fractions may have been removed, and crude oil to which certain distillate fractions may have been added." B. Violation – algae is distinct from crude oilUS Fed News, 2011, It has been shown in nature that high heat has converted algaenan into petroleum- C. Vote Negative1. Limits – allowing for crude-oil like substances to be topical opens the floodgates for potential AFFS. Justifies random energy of the week AFFS that the negative could never be prepared for.2. Ground – allowing for small energy affirmatives allows the negative to spike out all the best offense from changing patterns in the market. Most small AFFS can’t operate commercially, putting the negative behind. | |
11/13/2012 | Water DATournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Unique Link—Water resources stable now—greater production risks collapse.DWT 12—Davis Wright Tremaine is a national business and litigation law firm. "Water and Energy: A Zero Sum Game?" May 29th, 2012, and Energy: A Zero Sum Game?, Accessed date: 9-9-12 y2k Energy production from almost all technologies depends on large volumes of water. Competition for Link - Plan pollutes water ExtinctionVoinov and Cardwell 9—Alexey is Fellow @ Institute for Water Resources, US Army Corps of Engineers. Hal Cardwell , International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). "The Energy-Water Nexus: Why Should We Care?" Journal of Contemporary Water Research %26 Education, Issue 143, pages 17-29, December 2009. accessed date: 7-22-12 y2k Water and energy are essential for human livelihood and the large-scale capture and |
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