| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Maybury 12 (Chief Scientist-USAF, "Energy Horizons: United States Air Force Energy S%26T Vision 2011-2026," 1/31, http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/usaf/energy.pdf) Space is the ―ultimate high ground, providing access to every part of the AND plants decrease in size, their utility on board space based assets increases. Space-based defense maintains US primacy across the globe- deters aggression and increases tech leadership AND the tech exists now.Pfaltzgraf and Van Cleave 7 (Dr. Robert L. Pfaltzgraf, Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of International Security Studies The Fletcher School, Tufts University and President Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis and Dr. William R. Van Cleave, Professor Emeritus Department of Defense and Strategic Studies Missouri State University. Independent Working Group, "Missile Defense, The Space Relationship, and the 21st Century", 2007, http://www.ifpa.org/pdf/IWGreport.pdf-http://www.ifpa.org/pdf/IWGreport.pdf, Manchester) These priorities necessitate the deployment of a system capable of constant defense against a wide AND creation of effective defenses against ballistic missile attack remains central to this task. Mueller 2 ~Karl P. Mueller, senior political scientist at the RAND corporation. Ph.D. in politics, Princeton University; B.A. in political science, University of Chicago, "Is the Weaponization of Space Inevitable?" RAND Corporation, 27 March, 2002~ Far and away the best argument that space weaponization is inevitable, and the only AND attractive way to counter U.S. advantages in military power projection. Space dominance maintains US primacy globally- control over space affords us diplomatic, economic, and military power.Fredriksson 3 ~–Brian E, Lt Col, Chief of Plans for 14th Air Force at Vandenberg AFB, CA. Masters thesis for graduation at school of advanced air and space studies., "GLOBALNESS: TOWARD A SPACE POWER THEORY." A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED AIR AND SPACE STUDIES FOR COMPLETION OF GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS. June) Space factors prominently into all of the instruments of national power—diplomatic, economic AND at %246-7 billion per year, increase the total slightly. US engagement is inevitable—-maintaining heg is key to solve nuclear conflict and every geopolitical hotspot—-key to fostering international cooperation which solves every existential threat. Brooks, Ikenberry, and Wohlforth 13 Stephen Brooks is Associate Professor of Government at Dartmouth College AND John Ikenberry is Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and Global Eminence Scholar at Kyung Hee University in Seoul AND John Wohlforth is Daniel Webster Professor of Government at Dartmouth College. "Lean Forward," Jan/Feb 2013, Foreign Affairs, EBSCO, Accessed date: 1-9-13 y2k In Defense of American Engagement Since the end of World War II, the United AND an engaged and liberal leading power. The results could well be disastrous. Morgan 10 (Forrest E. Morgan, Senior Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation. Deterrence and First-Strike Stability in Space. 2010. Page 14-15 http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2010/RAND_MG916.pdf DM) Although this assessment focuses specifically on space deterrence and first-strike stability in space AND forces. In sum, effective space deterrence fortifies general deterrence and stability. Chinese space power will soon overcome the United States- booming economy and technological revolution bolster space programsQuigley 9 ~Erik, Air Command and Staff Coll Maxwell afb al, 09 "Geo-Political Considerations to China’s Rise in Space Power", 4/2009, http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA539644 "Space is now considered to be one of China’s strategic frontiers‟…military satellites AND is therefore building up its space military capability to support this cultural ideology. Quigley 9 ~Erik, Air Command and Staff Coll Maxwell afb al, 9 "Geo-Political Considerations to China’s Rise in Space Power", 4/2009, http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA539644 ~ On 11 January 2007, China demonstrated ground-based offensive anti-satellite ( AND the latest thinking among Chinese defense professionals, ―ASATs are legitimate weapons. Weaponization of space by China leads to US/China war- miscalc, escalation, and preemption doctrines guarantee Martel 3 (William C. Martel, Prof. Nat’l Security Affairs at the Naval War College, and Toshi Yoshihara, doctoral candidate at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy - Tufts U, research fellow at the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, "Averting a Sino-U.S. Space Race," Autumn, 2003, The Washington Quarterly, 26:4, pp. 19-35) Strategists in the United States and in China are clearly monitoring the other’s developments in AND given that many states depend on satellites for their economic well-being. Tellis 7 (Ashley: Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Senior Adviser to the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, former Senior Policy Analyst at the RAND Corporation, "China’s Military Space Strategy," Survival 49:3 p41-72, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/tellis_china_space1.pdf) Finally, the growing Chinese capability for space warfare implies that a future conflict in AND choice but to run an offence-defense arms race, and win. Garretson and Kaupa 8 (Peter, Lt. Col. Chief Headquarters USAF, and Douglas, test pilot and test director for chief of staff of Air Force, Fall 2008, Planetary Defense: Potential Mitigation Roles of the Department of Defense, http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/apj08/fal08/garretson.html) Since detection efforts began in the mid-1990s, NASA and supporting teams ( AND a far less expensive proposition than the consequences of suffering a direct hit. ANI, 7 (Asian News International, "Lightweight lasers can eliminate Earth-striking asteroids," 3/20, http://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/world/20070320/618874.html) Researchers at the University of Alabama in Huntsville have claimed that a lightweight, space AND , pushing it into a different orbit - and safely away from Earth. Garshnek 2000 ~ Victoria Garshnek, Global Human Futures Research Associates, David Morrison, NASA Ames Research Center, Frederick M. Burkle Jr, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Surgery, John A. Burns School of Medicine " The mitigation, management, and survivability of asteroid/comet impact with Earth," Space Policy 16 (2000) 213 - 222~ As far as we know, impacts are randomly distributed in time. Of the AND to shepherd our own survival, and that of all life on Earth. SMR desalination solves water resource demandsIAEA, 07 ~Economics of Nuclear Desalination: New Developments and Site Specific Studies" Final Results of a Coordinated Research Project 2002–2006, July 2007, 10/27/2012 DMW) 1.2. DESALINATION AS AN ALTERNATE SOURCE OF FRESH WATER Seventy percent of AND the Middle East and North Africa, increase their nuclear expertise and capabilities. Global water scarcity’s inevitable and is the flashpoint for conflictPriyadarshi 12~Nitish lecturer in the department of environment and water management at Ranchi University in India, "War for water is not a far cry", June 16, http://www.cleangangaportal.org/node/44-http://www.cleangangaportal.org/node/44 Accessed 1/17/2013 DMW~ The battles of yesterday were fought over land. Those of today are over energy AND Tunisia: 2.1 million Cuba :1.3 million. Voinov and Cardwell 9—Alexey is Fellow @ Institute for Water Resources, US Army Corps of Engineers. Hal Cardwell , International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). "The Energy-Water Nexus: Why Should We Care?" Journal of Contemporary Water Research %26 Education, Issue 143, pages 17-29, December 2009. http://www.uvm.edu/giee/publications/Voinov_Energy_2009.pdf-http://www.uvm.edu/giee/publications/Voinov_Energy_2009.pdf accessed date: 7-22-12 y2k Water and energy are essential for human livelihood and the large-scale capture and AND in their values and prices, if the market is allowed to work. AFP 10 (AMERICAN FREE PRESS,"UN: More deaths from unsafe water than from war", March, 23, 10, mg.co.za/article/2010-03-23-un-more-deaths-from-unsafe-water-than-war, Date Accessed: Feb 17, 13) IB More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war AND become scarce and would be even scarcer as a result of climate change. Deen 13 ~Thalif, Interpress Service News Agency, Digging for Water, But Striking Oil http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/01/digging-for-water-but-striking-oil/ Accessed 1/16/2013 DMW ABU DHABI, Jan 16 2013 (IPS) - The volatile politics of the AND towards major cities. This is a problem facing all Middle Eastern countries. Middle Eastern instability causes nuclear, chemical, and biological war.Blake 11 Hedi Blake, 2/2/11 Telegraph, Wikileaks: tension in the Middle East and Asia has direct potential to lead to nuclear war," http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8298427/WikiLeaks-tension-in-the-Middle-East-and-Asia-has-direct-potential-to-lead-to-nuclear-war.html-http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8298427/WikiLeaks-tension-in-the-Middle-East-and-Asia-has-direct-potential-to-lead-to-nuclear-war.html, Accessed 9/17/12, mcmc Tension in the Middle East and Asia has given rise to an escalating atomic arms AND nervous system in under a minute if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Seneviratne 7 ~ Gamini Nuclear News’s Vienna Correspondent, "Research projects show nuclear¶ desalination economical", http://www.ans.org/pubs/magazines/nn/docs/2007-4-3.pdf Accessed 1/17/2013 DMW~ The desalination of seawater using nuclear power is cost-effective compared with other primary AND ~metric tons oil equivalent~ or %2421/bbl ~barrel~." Current SMR initiatives will fail –Only military investment and demonstration solves Andres and Breetz 2011 ~Richard B. andres is Professor of national Security Strategy at the national War College and a Senior fellow and energy and environmental Security and Policy Chair in the Center for Strategic research, institute for national Strategic Studies, at the national Defense University. Hanna L. Breetz is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Massachusetts institute of technology. Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations: Capabilities, Costs, and Technological Implications, Institute for National Strategic Studies, http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2%26doc=GetTRDoc.pdf%26AD=ADA545712~~jap Governmental intervention key for military SMR use – First of a Kind costs need to be allayed King et al 11 ~Marcus King • LaVar Huntzinger • Thoi Nguyen, Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations, http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf~~jap The costs associated with moving from the current stage of develop- ment of small AND plants are a feasible option for providing elec- tricity to military installations. The military has the experience to be an SMR first mover King et al 11 ~Marcus King • LaVar Huntzinger • Thoi Nguyen, Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations, http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf~~jap DoD’s operational experience with nuclear power allows for a better understanding of current options.¶ AND around the same time that national interest in nuclear power began to wane. SMR’s are cost-effective and safeKessides et al 12 ~Ioannis N. Kessides and Vladimir Kuznetsov 12, Ioannis is a researcher for the Development Research Group at the World Bank, Vladimir is a consultant for the World Bank, "Small Modular Reactors for Enhancing Energy Security in Developing Countries", August 14, Sustainability 2012, 4(8), 1806-1832~ SMRs offer a number of advantages that can potentially offset the overnight cost penalty that AND belief that nuclear reactors are characterized by significant economies of scale ~19~. Silverstein 1-15 ~Ken Silverstein, Forbes Contributor, "After Fukushima, U.S. Seeks to Advance Small Nuclear Reactors," 1-15-13, www.forbes.com/sites/kensilverstein/2013/01/15/after-fukushima-u-s-seeks-to-advance-small-nuclear-reactors/ accessed 2-8-13~cd Two years ago, some thought that the nuclear energy had been leveled. But AND size" investments in nuclear energy that include the electric cooperatives and municipalities. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Reps don’t affect reality – material structure are more important Tuathail 96 (Gearoid, Department of Georgraphy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 15(6-7), p. 664, science direct) While theoretical debates at …that is human history. Threats real and not constructed—rational risk assessment goes aff Knudsen 1 - PoliSci Professor at Sodertorn (Olav, Post-Copenhagen Security Studies, Security Dialogue 32:3) Moreover, I have a problem …procedures for dealing with them. And given the strategic value of space operations, militarization is inevitable- the only question is whether the United States acts quickly enough to defend its assets Stratfor 8 global intelligence company cited by media such as CNN, Bloomberg, the Associated Press, Reuters, The New York Times and the BBC as an authority on strategic and tactical intelligence issues. “United States: The Weaponization of Space” April 10, 2008, http://www.stratfor.com/analysis/united_states_ weaponization_space Since then, the military utility of … tests only emphasize this point Chinese space dominance makes war inevitable, only US weaponization can deter conflict Tellis 7 (Ashley: Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Senior Adviser to the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, former Senior Policy Analyst at the RAND Corporation, “China's Military Space Strategy,” Survival 49:3 p41-72, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/tellis_china_space1.pdf) Finally, the growing …defense arms race, and win. This escalates to nuclear great power war Walton 7 (C. Dale, Lecturer in International Relations and Strategic Studies – University of Reading, Geopolitics and the Great Powers in the 21st Century, p. 49) Obviously, it is of … that is not marked by close great power alliances. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: They escalate and pull global conflicts Reilly 2002 (Kristie, Editor for In These Times, a nonprofit, independent, national magazine published in Chicago. We’ve been around since 1976, fighting for corporate accountability and progressive government. In other words, a better world, “NOT A DROP TO DRINK,” http://www.inthesetimes.com/issue/26/25/culture1.shtml)¶ *Cites environmental thinker and activist Vandana Shiva Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke—probably North America’s foremost water experts, Accessed 1/15/2013 DMW The two books provide a chilling… decreases, today’s low-level conflicts can only increase in intensity. Key to deescalate conflicts Palley ‘11 Reese Palley, The London School of Economics, 2011, The Answer: Why Only Inherently Safe, Mini Nuclear Power Plans Can Save Our World, p. 168-71 The third world has long been … “strike any local rock and have water gush forth.” Water scarcity causes Middle East war Nitish Priyadarshi 12, lecturer in the department of environment and water management at Ranchi University in India, “War for water is not a far cry”, June 16, http://www.cleangangaportal.org/node/44 The crisis over water in the … Israel and the Palestinian Authority. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Ethical policymaking must be grounded in consequences Jeffrey C. Isaac, Indiana University James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life director, Spring 2002, “Ends, Means, and Politics,” Dissent Magazine Power is not a dirty word or an unfortunate feature … arrogance. And it undermines political effectiveness. Alt fails – cap is too strong. Carroll 10 – founding director of the Social Justice Studies Program at the University of Victoria (William, “Crisis, movements, counter-hegemony: in search of the new,” Interface 2:2) Just as hegemony has been increasingly organized … and thereby spatialize a Gramscian war of position to the global scale’ (Karriem 2009: 324). Management is inevitable- Past interventions will result in extinction unless actively reversed Levy 99- PhD @ Centre for Critical Theory at Monash Neil, “Discourses of the Environment,” ed: Eric Darier, p. 215 If the ‘technological fix’ is … share this planet, will be decided? They embrace anti-politics – this creates atrocity, and cedes politics to the Right. Boggs ’97 (CARL BOGGS – Professor and Ph.D. Political Science, National University, Los Angeles -- Theory and Society 26: 741-780) The false sense of empowerment … that had vanished from civil society.75 Extinction Small ‘6 (Jonathan, former Americorps VISTA for the Human Services Coalition, “Moving Forward,” The Journal for Civic Commitment, Spring, http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/other/engagement/Journal/Issue7/Small.jsp) What will be the challenges … that seeks to do just that. Humanity’s drive for wealth is inevitable Nash, philosophy professor, at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002 (Ronald, “Government is too big and it’s costing you!” http://www.summit.org/resources/govistoobig.htm, ldg) Among all of our economic options, … of Socialist rulers."42 Perm do both Solves better – using capitalism to fight itself is more effective Rothkrug 90 (Paul, Founder – Environmental Rescue Fund, Monthly Review, March, 41(10), p. 38) No institution is or ever … margin of success for that very effort. Action and reflection on consequences of that action are compatible. Padrutt, 92 – Psychiatrist and President of the Daseinsanalyse Gesellschaft – 1992 (Hanspeter Padrutt, Heidegger and the Earth, “Heidegger and Ecology,” ed. LaDelle McWhorter, P.31) Once in a while the conceptual interplay … that also has consequences. Rejection won’t dislodge capitalism – no critical mass exists Grossberg 92 (Lawrence, Professor of Communication Studies – UNC-Chapel Hill and Chair of the Executive Committee of the University Program in Cultural Studies, We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture, p. 388-389) If it is capitalism that is at … vague to provide any direction. Capitalism solves war Griswold, director of the Cato Institute Center for Trade Policy Studies, 2005 (Daniel, “Peace on Earth? Try Free Trade among Men”, 12-28, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=5344, ldg) As one little-noticed headline on an …can produce best at home. alt leads to extinction Santoni, Professor of Philosophy at Denison University, 1985 (Ronald E., “Nuclear War: Philosophical Perspectives,” p. 156-7) To be sure, Fox sees the need …arbiter of our planet's fate. Asteroid detection near earth is increasing now Garretson and Kaupa 8 (Peter, Lt. Col. Chief Headquarters USAF, and Douglas, test pilot and test director for chief of staff of Air Force, Fall 2008, Planetary Defense: Potential Mitigation Roles of the Department of Defense, http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/apj08/fal08/garretson.html) Since detection efforts … of suffering a direct hit. This solves an asteroid collision ANI, 7 (Asian News International, “Lightweight lasers can eliminate Earth-striking asteroids,” 3/20, http://news.webindia123.com/news/articles/world/20070320/618874.html) Researchers at the University of … safely away from Earth. Extinction Garshnek 2000 Victoria Garshnek, Global Human Futures Research Associates, David Morrison, NASA Ames Research Center, Frederick M. Burkle Jr, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Surgery, John A. Burns School of Medicine “ The mitigation, management, and survivability of asteroid/comet impact with Earth,” Space Policy 16 (2000) 213 - 222 As far as we know, impacts are randomly … survival, and that of all life on Earth. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Won’t pass – Goodlatte opposes AND he’s key Glueck, Politico Breaking News Reporter, 2-21, 2013, (Katie, "Bob Goodlatte: No on path to citizenship", Politico, PAS) www.politico.com/story/2013/02/bob-goodlatte-no-on-path-to-citizenship-87921.html 2-21-13 The chairman of the …the United States.” PC theory is bunk – only wins generate band wagon effects Hirsch 2/9 Michael Hirsch, chief correspondent for National Journal, There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital, This article appeared in the Saturday, February 9, 2013 edition of National Journal. http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207?page=4jap But the abrupt emergence … It’s a bandwagon effect.” Rubio solves - but Obama PC poisons the well and kills reform Robinson 2/20 Eugene Robinson, staff writer at Washington Post, News Observer, February 20, 2013, "Obama’s decoy plan could deliver a winner on immigration reform ", http://www.newsobserver.com/2013/02/20/2695035/obamas-decoy-plan-could-deliver.html Enter the president’s draft … in the past – if Obama is now proposing them. Sequester destroys immigration, gun control and climate – no hope for agenda Marlantes, 2/20 - One casualty of the sequester? Obama's entire legislative agenda. (+video) The across-the-board cuts scheduled to take place at the end of next week would make most of President Obama's second-term priorities even harder, if not impossible, to achieve. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/DC-Decoder/Decoder-Wire/2013/0220/One-casualty-of-the-sequester-Obama-s-entire-legislative-agenda.-video President Obama has been highlighting, … priorities ever become law.¶ SMRs are bipartisan – DOE programs prove Domenici and Miller, Co-chairs of BPC Nuclear Initiative, 12 (Pete and Warren, Senator, BPC senior fellow, and Former Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, “Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Energy Markets: A Report of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Nuclear Initiative,” July 2012, Bipartisan Policy Center, page 20, da 8-18-12, http://bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Leadership%20in%20Nuclear%20Energy%20Markets.pdf, mee) Strategic Goal: Historically, the … and deployment (RDandD) programs. Winners win- bandwagoning Green, Hofstra political science professor, 2010 (David, "The Do-Nothing 44th President ", 6-11, http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Do-Nothing-44th-Presid-by-David-Michael-Gree-100611-648.html) Moreover, there is a continuously …this is precisely what they did. Climate legislation thumps the agenda. Luke Vargas 2-15 is a New York-based reporter for Talk Radio News Service, “SOTU Provides Few Clues To US Climate Strategy American University's David B. Hunter helps dissect Obama's speech along the lines of climate change, offering insights into the President's rhetoric and the political pathways his words open up,” http://www.talkradionews.com/us/2013/02/15/2013-sotu-climate-clues.html#.USa0hx10W_g, Accessed Date: 2-21-13 y2k WASHINGTON (TRNS) – In his …throughout by indented quotations. U.S. Economy resilient Main Wire 8 (Reporting the Congressional Budget Office Summer Report on Economic Assessments, “FOMC Seen Hiking FFR Through '09,'10”, 9-9, Lexis) However, the economic outlook … nonfinancial corporations. Economic decline doesn’t cause war Miller 00 (Morris, Economist, Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Administration – University of Ottawa, Former Executive Director and Senior Economist – World Bank, “Poverty as a Cause of Wars?”, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Winter, p. 273) The question may be reformulated. …form of violence to abort another). |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Magnitude – extinction inevitable in a world absent the aff Peebles 2000 (Curtis, is an aerospace historian for the Smithsonian Institution and the author of several books dealing with aviation and aerial phenomena, Smithsonian Institute, Asteroids: A history, pgs 211-230)DT An asteroid or comet … iridium. As can be ours. Timeframe is irrelevant we’ll win a strike is inevitable—the impact is too big Morrison 2005 - NASA Astrobiology Institute (David, “ Defending the Earth Against Asteroids: The Case for a Global Response ” http://www.princeton.edu/sgs/publications/sgs/pdf/13%201-2%20Morrision.pdf Science and Global Security, 13:87–103 ) While the level of hazard … statistical frequency of impacts. Asteroid impact inevitable - would cause human extinction—we massively underestimate the risk relative to other threats CHICHILNISKY AND EISENBERGER 2010 (Graciela Chichilnisky and Peter Eisenberger, Columbia University, “Asteroids: Assessing Catastrophic Risks,” Journal of Probability and Statistics, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jps/2010/954750/) Sixty five million years … to help prevent the extinction of our species. Apophis is coming – 1-in-450 chance of collision by 2036 McGlaun 8 (Shane, DailyTech Science writer, “German schoolboy finds fault in NASA’s Apophis calculations”, April 16, 2008, http://www.dailytech.com/German+Schoolboy+Finds+Fault+in+NASAs+Apophis+Calculations/article11508.htm, CL) 13-year-old says Apophis has 1 … 1 in 45,000 NASA predicts. Apophis causes extinction The Columbus Dispatch ‘7 (“Astronomical odds; Scientists warn that world needs to keep an eye on asteroids”, February 27, Mike Lafferty) About twice a year…out-of-control rocks, Lu said. States will weaponize space to counter US capabilities Lambakis 2 (Steven, Senior Analyst at the National Institute for Public Policy, “Putting Military Uses of Space in Context,” Future Security in Space: Commercial, Military, and Arms Control Trade-Offs, Ed. James Clay Moltz. Monterey, CA: Center for Nonproliferation Studies, 2002) States, of course, have many … ASAT program to do so. Conflict with China will escalate to global nuclear war Hunkovic 9 (Lee J, American Military University, “The Chinese-Taiwanese Conflict: Possible Futures of a Confrontation between China, Taiwan and the United States of America”, http://www.lamp-method.org/eCommons/ Hunkovic.pdf) A war between China, … be considered in this study. And the best and most recent Stats prove heg solves war Owen ‘11 John M. Owen Professor of Politics at University of Virginia PhD from Harvard "DON’T DISCOUNT HEGEMONY" Feb 11 www.cato-unbound.org/2011/02/11/john-owen/dont-discount-hegemony/ Andrew Mack and his colleagues at … and moral support for liberal democracy remains strong. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No workforce shortage ITA 11 (International Trade Administration, “The Commercial Outlook for U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors” Manufacturing and Services Competitiveness Report, February 2011, US Department of Commerce date accessed: 12/28/12) TM A serious obstacle to the … necessary for building larger reactors. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Value to life is subjective Swartz 02 (L. Shwartz “A Value to Life: Who Decides and How?” Medical ethics: a case-based approach 2002 www.fleshandbones.com/readingroom/pdf/399.pdf) Those who choose … be used to protect the patient’s interests. Perm Do both- Action and reflection on consequences of that action are compatible. Padrutt, 92 – Psychiatrist and President of the Daseinsanalyse Gesellschaft – 1992 (Hanspeter Padrutt, Heidegger and the Earth, “Heidegger and Ecology,” ed. LaDelle McWhorter, P.31) Once in a while the conceptual interplay … that also has consequences. Management is inevitable- Past interventions will result in extinction unless actively reversed Levy 99- PhD @ Centre for Critical Theory at Monash Neil, “Discourses of the Environment,” ed: Eric Darier, p. 215 If the ‘technological fix’ is … this planet, will be decided? alt leads to extinction Santoni, Professor of Philosophy at Denison University, 1985 (Ronald E., “Nuclear War: Philosophical Perspectives,” p. 156-7) To be sure, Fox sees the need for … final arbiter of our planet's fate. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Soft power high Sibley, senior writer for the Ottawa Citizen, 2008 Robert, “Beware False Profits,” http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/observer/story.html?id=0412505e-99d6-495f-a117-0d98ee273d3a, 8/2 Politically, too, the United …n for claiming America is in decline. Soft power sustainably high – US pop culture Wike 2-22 Richard Wike, associate director of the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project, "American star power still rules the globe," 2-22-13, globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2013/02/22/american-star-power-still-rules-the-globe/ accessed 2-23-13cd Surveys consistently show … less than half of those with less education. No link - Soft power not integral to heg Lieber, professor of government and international politics at Georgetown, 2008 Robert, “Falling Upwards: Declinism, The Box Set,” Proquest, Summer Not only is there no superpower … to be seen as U.S. exports. Cultural survival is irrelevant – no extinction Blake 00 (Michael, Professor of Political Philosophy and Philosophy – Harvard University, Civilization, August / September, p. 51-53) One frequently hears … themselves. More to the point, the latter demand can actually work against diversity. Soft power solves rogues states Campbell ’09 Craig, professor of international relations at the University of Southampton , “American power preponderance and the Nuclear revolution”, Review of International Studies 35 : 27-44, Jan 2009 Therefore, the US, if it is to avoid …diversity within cultures. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Neoliberalism is inevitable – markets control our thought Hudson ‘99 Mark, Progressive Librarian, Fall, “Understanding Information Media in the Age of Neoliberalism: The Contributions of Herbert Schiller” Neoliberal ideas are as old as … our politics, economy and culture. goods. War turns structural violence Bulloch 8 Millennium - Journal of International Studies May 2008 vol. 36 no. 3 575-595 Douglas Bulloch, IR Department, London School of Economics and Political Science. He is currently completing his PhD in International Relations at the London School of Economics, during which time he spent a year editing Millennium: Journal of International Studies But the idea that poverty and peace are … deeply – and potentially radically – political. Neoliberalism is not practiced by our government – their authors are wrong Altman ‘5 (Daniel, International Herald Tribune, “Neoliberalism? It doesn’t exist”, July 16, http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/07/15/business/wbmarket16.php) With globalization having somewhat … politicians would have you believe. Perm do both Neoliberalism is cyclical and self-correcting Li ‘8 (Ming Professor of Economics at the University of Utah, April, An Age of Transition: The United States, China, Peak Oil, and the Demise of Neoliberalism, Monthly Review, Vol. 59, Iss. 11 On February 1, Immanuel Wallerstein… and institutions throughout the world. Neoliberalism is sustained by neoconservative beliefs – the alt doesn’t solve Harvey ‘7 (David, PhD of Anthropology at Cambridge, “A Brief History of Neoliberalism” p. 195) The consolidation of neoconservative … re-election time—manipulated for political purposes.16 They embrace anti-politics – this creates atrocity, and cedes politics to the Right. Boggs ’97 (CARL BOGGS – Professor and Ph.D. Political Science, National University, Los Angeles -- Theory and Society 26: 741-780) The false sense of empowerment that comes … that had vanished from civil society.75 Extinction Small ‘6 (Jonathan, former Americorps VISTA for the Human Services Coalition, “Moving Forward,” The Journal for Civic Commitment, Spring, http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/other/engagement/Journal/Issue7/Small.jsp) What will be the challenges of the … seeks to do just that. Conditionality is unfair and a voting issue Interpretation: They get 1 K one CP A. Hurts 2AC Strategy- can’t read our best offense without having it taken away by another position B. Produces argumentative irresponsibility –allowing them to doubleturn themselves without recourse undermines advocacy skills destroying education. Dispo solves their offense and gives the aff a strategic option Hegemony turns the K – decline leads to totalitarianism Miller, Truman National Security Project Fellow, 2012, (Chris, "American Military Decline? Not When Force Is Used Properly", Small Wars Journal, 11-7, PAS) smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/american-military-decline-not-when-force-is-used-properly 11-7-12 The campaign in Libya ,… with zero U.S. casualties. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 2. Counterinterpretation: Energy incentives include increasing / decreasing taxes, increasing regulations, government RandD, government ownership Cole et al., 1981, Report Prepared for the US Department of Energy by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory, (R.J., “An Analysis of Federal Incentives Used to Stimulate Energy Consumption”, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, August, Pg. 2-4, PAS) http://www.osti.gov/bridge/servlets/purl/6297899-P5soYm/6297899.pdf 8-12-12 DEFINITION OF INCENTIVES… exhortation as part of category 4. Procurement is Financial incentives BASE, No Date, Business Alliance for Sustainable Energy, 3EStrategies, “A Guide to U.S. Federal, Oregon, and Local Financial Incentives Available to Firms Engaged in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency,” http://www.3estrategies.org/Documents/IncentivesforSEcompaniesguide~-~-3-06_000.pdf U.S. FEDERAL LEVEL … of this guide for further information. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: ARPA-E fails- no information from its base investors O’Keefe 2/21/2012 William, William O'Keefe, Chief Executive Officer of the Marshall Institute, is President of Solutions Consulting, Inc. He has also served as Senior Vice President of Jellinek, Schwartz and Conolly, Inc., Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the American Petroleum Institute and Chief Administrative Officer of the Center for Naval Analyses.¶ Mr. O'Keefe has held positions on the Board of Directors of the Kennedy Institute, the U.S. Energy Association and the Competitive Enterprise Institute and is Chairman Emeritus of the Global Climate Coalition. Government Plays Key, But Limited Role in Energy RandD http://www.marshall.org/article.php?id=1059andprint=1 Accessed 11/1/2012 DMW DARPA has been … and market driven feedback. Perm do plan than the CP Links to politics- republicans hate it, perceive it as spending LaMonica 9/10/2012, Martin, Contributor, Boston-based journalist with more than 20 years of experience covering technology and business. I come to MIT Technology Review from CNET, where I wrote about energy and science as the lead reporter and manager of the Green Tech blog “Should the Government Support Applied Research?” http://www.technologyreview.com/news/428985/should-the-government-support-applied-research/ Accessed 11/1/2012 DMW Republican criticism of … it was created in 2007. Do both Perm solves- ARPA-E has collaborated with the military on multiple projects Bullis 2011 Kevin, MIT Technology Review’s senior editor for energy “Energy Agency Partnering with the Military http://www.technologyreview.com/view/423178/energy-agency-partnering-with-the-military/ Accessed 11/1/2012 DMW The Secretary of the Navy, … non-fossil fuels for half of their energy by 2020. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: President Obama’s already allocated funds for SMR’s – takes out the link Tomich, 4/25/2012 Jeffrey, St.Louis Post-Dispatch, Small nuclear reactors generate hype, questions about cost” http://www.stltoday.com/business/local/small-nuclear-reactors-generate-hype-questions-about-cost/article_39757dba-8e5c-11e1-9883-001a4bcf6878.html, Accessed 8/18/2012 DMW Andrew Klein, a nuclear …operation in a decade And, DoD doesn’t fund the plan, congress does King, Huntzinger and Nguyen 2011 Marcus King • LaVar Huntzinger • Thoi Nguyen, Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations, http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdfjap The costs associated with … option for providing elec- tricity to military installations. Non-UQ the renaissance is inevitable Miller et al., Texas A&M University Research Professor, 12 (Warren and Pete Domenici, “Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Energy Markets”, Pg 9-10, July 2012, The Bipartisan Policy Center, http://bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Leadership%20in%20Nuclear%20Energy%20Markets.pdf) Beyond the Vogtle and Summer plants… expected to be positive overall. plan increases energy consumption – rebound effect Green 12(Green is a Resident Scholar at AEI, 7/2/12, End the DoD's green energy fuelishness, www.aei.org/article/energy-and-the-environment/alternative-energy/end-the-dods-green-energy-fuelishness/ date accessed: 1/16/13) TM Finally, while efficiency improvements … as backfire." No plans for Asia Pivot- all hype Klingner and Cheng 12 (Bruce Klingner and Dean Cheng, senior researchers at Heritage, “U.S. Asian Policy: America's Security Commitment to Asia Needs More Forces”, August 7, 2012, http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/08/americas-security-commitment-to-asia-needs-more-forces date accessed: 1/16/13) TM No Pacific Augmentation. … dangerously unrealistic expectations. Iran kills Asia pivot Haddick 12 (Robert Haddick is Contractor at U.S. Special Operations Command. This Week at War: If You Build Up, Who Will Come?, 7-20-12 http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/07/20/this_week_at_war_if_you_build_up_who_will_come?page=full date accessed: 1/17/13) TM Gen. James Mattis, commander of … responsibilities policymakers are heaping on it. |
| 02/27/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Advantage 1. Fusion Fusion solves food prices- increases the amount of food available to the world and reduces costs Fusion for Freedom ’11 ("We Can Feed the World With the Energy of Fusion", 6-3, http://www.fusion4freedom.com/food4all.html-http://www.fusion4freedom.com/food4all.html) The need for a….also drop greatly. High food prices kill small farmers—they are net buyers of food and can’t achieve sufficient economies of scale Von Braun 2008 Joachim, Economist Agricultural Specialist, “The Opposition's opening statement,” The Economist, http://www.economist.com/debate/index.cfm?action=articleanddebate_id=10andstory_id=11829097 At first glance…feed and transport. Small farms are key to protecting genetic diversity- failure to do so will lead to extinction Boyce 2004 James K., Director, Program on Development, Peacebuilding, and the Environment, Political Economy Research Institute, and Professor, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. “A Future for Small Farms?” http://www.peri.umass.edu/fileadmin/pdf/Boyce_paper_griffin_conference.pdfjap There is a future….northwestern United States. Food price shocks leads to failed states – turns and outweighs their impacts Brown 9 Lester R, President of the Earth Policy Institute, Masters degrees in agricultural economics from the University of Maryland, founded the Worldwatch Institute, the first research institute devoted to the analysis of global environmental issues, formerly worked at the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service as an international analyst, later appointed Administrator of the department's International Agricultural Development Service, author or coauthor of over 50 books, recipient of many prizes and awards, including 25 honorary degrees, a MacArthur Fellowship, the 1987 United Nations' Environment Prize, the 1989 World Wide Fund for Nature Gold Medal, and the 1994 Blue Planet Prize for his "exceptional contributions to solving global environmental problems, “Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?” May 2009, http://biomass.age.uiuc.edu/images/c/cd/FoodShortageBrown.pdf, published by Scientific American, accessed 10-27-12cd For many ….global civilization itself. Advantage 2. Spinoffs Fusion research generates spin-off technologies —- budget cuts make this impossible Cunningham 2012 (Nicholas, Policy Analyst for Energy and Climate – American Security Project, "The Future of Fusion", American Security Project Blog http://americansecurityproject.org/blog/2012/the-future-of-fusion/ Accessed 1/4/2013 DMW Fourth, a ….in fusion technology. Overall funding increase’s key Holland 2012 – Andrew, Senior Fellow for Energy and Climate – American Security Project, "A Tough Budget for Fusion", American Security Project Blog, http://americansecurityproject.org/blog/2012/the-budget-for-fusion/ Accessed 1/4/2013 DMW The cut in the ….science that will come. Fusion development leads to spillover and development in Superconductors Bruns et al 2012 Peter, head of patent experts in engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Minh Quang Tran Full Professor of Plasma Physics at the EPFL in 1997 and Director of the CRPP in 1999. He was also¶ in charge of the implementation of the European EFDA activities as “EFDA Leader” from 2003 to 2006. In parallel with his activities at the CRPP, he also serves as chair or member of many international panels., Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Association Euratom-Confédération Suisse, Station 13, Daniel Kunz patent expert in the field of mechanical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Heinz Mueller investigator in cancer research at the University of Basel where he obtained the title of a professor. Several years ago he joined the patent department of the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property while remaining a regular lecturer in biochemistry at the University of Basel. He also teaches intellectual property at different Swiss universities and writes articles for several publica- tions on this topic. , Christian Soltmann materials scientist in the field of pure and applied research. In addition to a PhD in materials science, he holds a MAS in Intellectual Property. He is a patent expert at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property Spillover benefits from controlled nuclear fusion technology e A patent analysis www.elsevier.com/locate/worpatin Pg.275 Accessed 12/13/2012 DMW 3. Results and discussion¶…. experimental fusion reactors. United States contributions are key to semiconductor innovation. Greenwald, 7/10/2012 (John, New Jersey firm creates jobs and vital component for world-leading experiment, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, p. http://www.pppl.gov/webonly.cfm?doc_id=1278) The U.S. ITER ….conductor design,” Parrell said. Weak semiconductor technology undermines military effectiveness. Lieberman, 6/5/2003 (Joe – US Senator, The National Security Aspects of the Global Migration of the U.S. Semiconductor Industry, p. http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/2003_cr/s060503.html) The Pentagon's Advisory Group on … national security option. Immediate spin-off benefits will be produced in super-conductivity Silverstein 12 (Ken, Editor of Energy Central and Contributor – Forbes, "The Tantalizing Promise And Peril Of Nuclear Fusion", Forbes Magazine, 4-15, http://www.forbes.com/sites/kensilverstein/2012/04/15/nuclears-strongest-potential-weapon-fusion/) “Despite fusion’s tantalizing…high-level research. Military will integrate them Gsponer 8 (Dr. Andre, Director and Senior Researcher – Independent Scientific Research Institute, "ITER: The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and the NuclearWeapons Proliferation Implications of ThermonuclearFusion Energy Systems", 2-2, http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0401110v3.pdf) 2.7.2 Military spin-offs ….properties are important. That checks sea-skimming missiles —- threat’s high CCAS 12 – Coalition for the Commercial Application of Superconductors, "Instrumentation, Sensors, Standards and Radar", http://www.ccas-web.org/superconductivity/iss/ Superconducting devices are …. applications in communications. Escalates conflict with Iran —- goes global and nuclear Williams 10 – Lawrence, Adjunct Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences – Indian Institute of Technology-Madras and Ph.D. in Defense and Strategic Studies – University of Madras, "Peril Awaits at the Strait of Hormuz", 7-22, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2557996/posts) The Gulf-Southwest….have irreparable consequences: US engagement is inevitable---maintaining heg is key to solve nuclear conflict and every geopolitical hotspot---key to fostering international cooperation which solves every existential threat. Brooks, Ikenberry, and Wohlforth 13 Stephen Brooks is Associate Professor of Government at Dartmouth College AND John Ikenberry is Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and Global Eminence Scholar at Kyung Hee University in Seoul AND John Wohlforth is Daniel Webster Professor of Government at Dartmouth College. “Lean Forward,” Jan/Feb 2013, Foreign Affairs, EBSCO, Accessed date: 1-9-13 y2k In Defense of American Engagement ….. results could well be disastrous. Advantage 3. Stem Scientists watch federal funding streams. Low fusion spending turns away grad students. Derose 12 Kimberly, Miliken Scholar, MS in Journalism – USC, AB Physics – Harvard University, and Science Writer – UCLA Office of Media Relations, "Dire Prospects for Domestic Fusion Energy Research", Spring 2012 Money, Markets and Media – USC Annenberg School of Communication, http://ascjweb.org/moneymarketsmedia/?p=433 Accessed 10/23/2012 DMW It is certainly not uncommon…..Greenwald told Science. This breaks the pipeline of STEM workers Olynyck 7/27/2012 (Geoff, Ph.D. Candidate in Plasma Science and Fusion – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, et al., "Don’t Break the Pipeline: Ensuring a Workforce for the Burning Plasma Era", http://fire.pppl.gov/FESAC_WP_workforce_MIT.pdf Pg.3 Accessed 10/23/2012 DMW Recommendations¶ …. best scientists and engineers. University-level nuclear science is key to maintain the nuclear stockpile Miller 2007 Warren, Research Professor and Associate Director of the Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute – Texas A%26M University, "Nuclear’s Human Element", A Report By the American Nuclear Society Special Committee on Federal Investment in Nuclear Education, February, http://www.ans.org/pi/fine/docs/finereport.pdf Accessed 10/23/2012 DMW The situation in the world….oil shale and tar sands. Signal alone increases enrollment in nuclear science Kammen and Nemet 2007 Daniel, Professor in Public Policy Specializing in Energy and Resources – University of California, Berkeley, Gregory F, Professor of Public Policy – University of California, Berkeley, " ENERGY MYTH ELEVEN – ENERGY RandD INVESTMENT TAKES DECADES TO REACH THE MARKET ", Energy and American Society – Thirteen Myths, Ed. Sovacool and Brown, http://www.google.com/url?sa=tandrct=jandq=andesrc=sandsource=webandcd=1andved=0CDMQFjAAandurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftuvalu.santafe.edu%2F~bn%2Freading_group%2FKammen_Nemet.pdfandei=e3m2UPa0N8KA0AGav4GYBwandusg=AFQjCNHZr-9GtnixZECZUIZ3aVbWkhFtLAandsig2=-ql3r22ptG2POgsl24f-dQ p. 304-305 Accessed 11/28/2012 DMW We also examined….of the innovation process. Decline cracks the backbone of deterrence Townsend 2009 (Frances Fragos, Former Assistant to President Bush for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and Senior Member of the Department of Justice, et al., "Leveraging Science for Security: A Strategy for the Nuclear Weapons Laboratories in the 21st Century", Task Force on Leveraging the Scientific and Technological Capabilities of the NNSA National Laboratories for 21st Century National Security, March, Pg.1-3 www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Leveraging_Science_for_Security_FINAL.pdf Accessed 10/23/2012 DMW The United States …..US nonproliferation goals. Global nuclear war Caves 2010 (John P. Jr., Senior Fellow – Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, "Avoiding a Crisis of Confidence in the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent", Strategic Forum, 252, January, http://www.ndu.edu/inss/docuploaded/SF%20252_John%20Caves.pdf Accessed 11/28/2012 DMW Perceptions of…..alone could inflict. Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase financial incentives for fusion energy production in the United States Solvency We’ll answer all their offense ASP 11 (American Security Project, "Fusion Power: A Case for Energy Leadership, Security and Independence in America", January 27, 2011, americansecurityproject.org/featured-items/2011/fusion-power-a-case-for-energy-leadership-security-and-independence-in-america/, Date Accessed: December 11, 12, 2:59AM) IB What are the objections to a fusion …. each step (p 202) emphasis added |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Financial incentives require direct government expenditure Shapiro 11 - associate in the Energy, Environment and Public Utilities Practice Group of Cozen O’Connor’s Cherry Hill, New Jersey, office (Shari Shapiro (2011): Code Green: Is "Greening" the Building Code the Best Approach to Create a Sustainable Built Environment?, Planning and Environmental Law: Issues and decisions that impact the built and natural environments, 63:6, 3-12, Routledge) Financial incentives ….permitting processes. 9 COUNTERINTERPRETATION- Energy incentives include increasing / decreasing taxes, increasing regulations, government RandD, government ownership Cole et al., 1981, Report Prepared for the US Department of Energy by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory, (R.J., “An Analysis of Federal Incentives Used to Stimulate Energy Consumption”, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, August, Pg. 2-4, PAS) http://www.osti.gov/bridge/servlets/purl/6297899-P5soYm/6297899.pdf 8-12-12 DEFINITION OF INCENTIVES….exhortation as part of category 4. We Meet- Financial incentives" are resource transfer to lower cost of production. Includes RandD. EIA 1 – US Energy Information Administration (Renewable Energy 2000: Issues and Trends, Report prepared by the US Energy Information Administration, "Incentives, Mandates, and Government Programs for Promoting Renewable Energy", http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/ftproot/renewables/06282000.pdf Pg.1 Accessed 10/23/2012 DMW Over the years, …. revenue by the Government. Plan is not RandD- actual Fusion reactors have already been built/designed in the world before ITER Mueller and Mermigos 3/1/2012 (Danielle, and Jessica, Graduate Students in Engineering – University of Pittsburgh, "Nuclear Fusion: Energy for the Future", Conference Paper %232232, 3-1, p. 6 Accessed 11/24/2012 DMW The ITER project was….building layouts as the JET. |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: JV-Novice Nats | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Asteroid detection near earth is increasing now Garretson and Kaupa 8 (Peter, Lt. Col. Chief Headquarters USAF, and Douglas, test pilot and test director for chief of staff of Air Force, Fall 2008, Planetary Defense: Potential Mitigation Roles of the Department of Defense, http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/apj08/fal08/garretson.html) Since detection efforts ….suffering a direct hit. Fusion always underfunded despite existing tech- empirics prove – key to plasma science Prager 09 (Dr. Stewart C. Prager is the Director – Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory, "The Next Generation of Fusion Energy Research", 10-29-09, http://fire.pppl.gov/house_fusion_hearing_2010.pdf date accessed: 11/27/12) TM Second, Congressman Rohrabacher ….achieve this milestone. Plasma Spinoff will enable safe fast asteroid deflection Ragheb 10 (12/16/2010, Magdi Ragheb, Associate Professor of nuclear, plasma, and radiological engineering, Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, “NUCLEAR DEFENSE AGAINST STELLAR OBJETS,” https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/mragheb/www/NPRE%20402%20ME%20405%20Nuclear%20Power%20Engineering/Nuclear%20Defense%20Against%20Stellar%20Objects.pdf, ngoetz) A single or multiple..,.with insignificant gravity. Extinction Garshnek 2000 Victoria Garshnek, Global Human Futures Research Associates, David Morrison, NASA Ames Research Center, Frederick M. Burkle Jr, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Surgery, John A. Burns School of Medicine “ The mitigation, management, and survivability of asteroid/comet impact with Earth,” Space Policy 16 (2000) 213 - 222 As far as we know…. and that of all life on Earth. |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: JV/Novice Nats | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: *Ethical policymaking must be grounded in consequences Jeffrey C. Isaac, Indiana University James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life director, Spring 2002, “Ends, Means, and Politics,” Dissent Magazine Power is not a dirty….undermines political effectiveness. Solves better – using capitalism to fight itself is more effective Rothkrug 90 (Paul, Founder – Environmental Rescue Fund, Monthly Review, March, 41(10), p. 38) No institution is or …. for that very effort. Capitalism is ethical – Provides means to better lives Saunders 7 – fellow, Center for Independent Studies (Peter, Why Capitalism is Good for the Soul,¶ http://www.cis.org.au/POLICY/summer%2007-08/saunders_summer07.html) What Clive Hamilton….others to drop out). *Capitalism isn’t the root cause of all problems. Marxism’s monolithic representation of the proletariat ignores oppression of gender, race, age and sexual orientation. West 93 (Dr. Cornel West is an American philosopher, author, critic, pastor, actor, and civil rights activist. West currently serves as the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University, where he teaches in the Center for African American Studies and in the department of Religion, “The Indispensability Yet Insufficiency of Marxist Theory,” “The Cornel West Reader,” p. 224) Corredor: Another…. patriarchy predates 1789. Capitalism solves war Griswold, director of the Cato Institute Center for Trade Policy Studies, 2005 (Daniel, “Peace on Earth? Try Free Trade among Men”, 12-28, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=5344, ) As one little-noticed….produce best at home. |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: JV/Novice Nats | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Reps don’t affect reality – material structure are more important Tuathail 96 (Gearoid, Department of Georgraphy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 15(6-7), p. 664, science direct) While theoretical debates…is human history. Critiquing western values degrades them and leads to moral relativism. Rothkopf 97 (David, Managing Director – Kissinger Associates and Adjunct Professor of International Affairs – Columbia, Foreign Policy, 6-22) Many observers contend… will become fault lines. Hegemony spreads respect for human rights globally. Kagan, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund, and Kristol, State Department Official under President Reagan; Chief of Staff to VP Dan Quayle, Secretary of Education under Reagan. Taught politics at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, 2000 Robert and William, “Present Dangers” It is hardly surprising …American interests are advanced. MORAL RELATIVISM CAUSES FASCISM TINKER 86 Tony Tinker is a professor of accounting at Baruch College at the City University of New York and editor of the journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting – Joumal of Management Studies 23:4 July 1986 – The philosophical relativism… counter-culture prophets (ibid., p. 9). War turns structural violence Bulloch 8 Millennium - Journal of International Studies May 2008 vol. 36 no. 3 575-595 Douglas Bulloch, IR Department, London School of Economics and Political Science. He is currently completing his PhD in International Relations at the London School of Economics, during which time he spent a year editing Millennium: Journal of International Studies But the idea that poverty ….– and potentially radically – political. |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Status Quo Nuclear Power Produces Radioactive Waste That Must Be Stored Indefinitely, A Task Impossible With Current Resources Barnatt 11 (Christopher Barnatt is a lecturer and professor of computing and future studies at the Nottingham Unniversity, Explaining the future, “Helium-3 Power Generation”, June 25, 2011, http://www.explainingthefuture.com/helium3.html) Helium-3 and Nuclear Fusion….of around 15Kg a year. Fusion reduces radioactive waste—It’s key to preventing nuclear proliferation and accidents Bilder 9 Bilder, Richard B. Foley and Lardner-Bascom Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin Law School. “A Legal Regime for the Mining of Helium-3 on the Moon: U.S. Policy Options.” Fordham International Law Journal. Volume 33, Issue 2. Article 1. 2009. http://ddw11.wikispaces.com/file/view/Helium-3+Law+Review+Article.pdf While the technological….access to lunar He-3 resources. |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: JV-Novice Nats | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Non-UQ the renaissance is inevitable Miller et al., Texas AandM University Research Professor, 12 (Warren and Pete Domenici, “Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Energy Markets”, Pg 9-10, July 2012, The Bipartisan Policy Center, http://bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Leadership%20in%20Nuclear%20Energy%20Markets.pdf) Beyond the Vogtle and Summer ….is still expected to be positive overall. Nuclearism – the only way to break free of nuclearism and mobilize action is to imagine the end of the world and death Lifton 86 (Robert J., Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology – CUNY and the Graduate School and University Center, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, The Long Darkness: Psychological and Moral Perspectives on Nuclear Winter, Ed. L. Grinspoon, p. 97-98) I am struck by…maintain human existence. Concrete scenarios for nuclear death mobilize people to action even if fear fails generically Fiske 83 (Susan T., Professor of Psychology and Social Science @ Carnegie-Mellon U and Holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Harvard (“Citizens’ Images of Nuclear War: Content and Consequences” – Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 39, No. 1, other authors include F. Pratto, Research Assistant for Professor Fiske and Works for the Committee on Social Science Research in Computing, and M. Pavelchak, Ph.D. Candidate in Social Psychology @ U of Pittsburgh) p. 60) The images consisted mainly ….images may catalyze action. Nuclear fear is inevitable – its better to provoke managed fear, rather than let crises cause irrational responses Ungar 92 (Sheldon, Associate Professor of Sociology – University of Toronto-Scarborough, The Rise and Fall of Nuclearism, p. 188-189) Resistance by the …than irrational responses Empirical data indicates that images of nuclear war spur political action Fiske 83 (Susan T., Professor of Psychology and Social Science @ Carnegie-Mellon U and Holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Harvard (“Citizens’ Images of Nuclear War: Content and Consequences” – Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 39, No. 1, other authors include F. Pratto, Research Assistant for Professor Fiske and Works for the Committee on Social Science Research in Computing, and M. Pavelchak, Ph.D. Candidate in Social Psychology @ U of Pittsburgh) p. 41) An exploratory study …might precipitate action. |
| 03/05/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Renaissance is inevitable Miller et al., Texas AandM University Research Professor, 12 (Warren and Pete Domenici, “Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Global Nuclear Energy Markets”, Pg 9-10, July 2012, The Bipartisan Policy Center, http://bipartisanpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Leadership%20in%20Nuclear%20Energy%20Markets.pdf) Beyond the Vogtle ….still expected to be positive overall. US already took the lead from China on alternative energy leadership. UNEP – June 2012 (“Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2012”, June, 2012,http://fs-unep-centre.org/publications/global-trends-renewable-energy-investment-2012) SA Global investment in … deadlock in the US Congress. Cooperation exists for Fusion- ITER should trigger the links Mueller and Mermigos 3/1/2012 (Danielle, and Jessica, Graduate Students in Engineering – University of Pittsburgh, "Nuclear Fusion: Energy for the Future", Conference Paper %232232, 3-1, p. 6 Accessed 11/24/2012 DMW The ITER project … out of nuclear fusion, getting a coalition of countries to combine monetary resources and intelligence to help the global community utilize the benefits of nuclear fusion. Without American nuclear leadership China will proliferate and give nukes to the Middle East, South Asia and Iran. Cullinane, 11 (Scott, House Armed Services Committee Staff, “America Falling Behind: The Strategic Dimensions of Chinese Commercial Nuclear Energy “, September 28, http://www.ensec.org/index.php?view=articleandcatid=118%3Acontentandid=319%3Aamerica-falling-behind-the-strategic-dimensions-of-chinese-commercial-nuclear-energyandtmpl=componentandprint=1andpage=andoption=com_contentandItemid=376) kc The international trade of nuclear…risks involving nuclear material. Unchecked Asian or Middle Eastern Prolif is the most likely scenario for a nuclear war – disputes, shorter flight times and pressure to retaliate Cimbala, 08 (Stephen J.-, March, Comparative Strategy, “Anticipatory Attacks: Nuclear Crisis Stability in Future Asia”, Vol. 27 #2, Informaworld) The spread of nuclear weapons…war outside of Europe.19 |