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Queer Ecology

The terminal impacts of the aff are based off deeply rooted violent heteronormative politics.
Azzarello 2009 (Robert,  Assistant Professor of English at Southern University at New Orleans, Queer Environmentality: Ecology, Evolution, and Sexuality in American Literature, Ashgate)

Population control and its ethical underpinnings, then, according to this philosophy   appear to be “fitness-denying moralities.....Fairness and Futurity: Essays on Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice (1999),   does not include a single female author or a single feminist/queer critique of reproduction   and population.

The universal ethic of solving for the teleological impacts of the Aff allows for the totalitarian regulation of normative politics, reducing lives to their regulation.
Azzarello 2009 (Robert,  Assistant Professor of English at Southern University at New Orleans, Queer Environmentality: Ecology, Evolution, and Sexuality in American Literature, Ashgate
For Berlin, the essential feature of the Enlightenment is the equation of   knowledge, especially universal knowledge, with virtue....Romanticism comes to challenge that central   proposition. 

Solving for heteronormative spheres are a priori. It is how all structures and current reality is constituted. Only when we challenge the social, cognitive, psychological, and linguistic mechanism can we challenge the violence within the current system ordering.
Azzarello 2009
If some ecocritics and environmental philosophers have a reputation for taking nature and   biology as knowable fact, many queer theorists have.... To put the question in an   appropriately different manner, why do queer theory and environmental studies figure as   so naturally disconnected?

D. Alt text: Dissolve ourselves from the solid state into the liquid to embrace the mesh of our existence. The alt is a linguistic deconstruction of the discursive structures that render integrities unto ourselves.
Morton, 2010 (Timothy, March, Guest Column: Queer Ecology, PMLA, Volume 125, Number 2, pp. 273–282)
Going up a scale or two, evolution theory   is antiessentialist in that it abolishes rigid   boundaries between and within species... There’s no contradiction between straightforward biology and queer theory. If you want   a queer monument, look around you.


The affirmative harms expand the concept of security from traditional issues like war to include the environment, this framing of the environment spills over massively expanding government power and justifying militarism and the most authoritarian responses to environmental problems.
Waever, Senior Researcher at the Center for Peace & Conflict Research, 1995 (Ole, On Security, p. 63-64)
Central to the arguments for the conceptual innovation of environmen¬tal or ecological security....ecology has focused largely on how to constrain, limit, and control activities in the name of the environment.

Reject their expansion of security to the environment.  Securitizing the environment without a serious reorientation of the state’s relationship to security justifies militarism which results in colonialist wars.
Barnett, Fellow in the School of Social and Environmental Enquiry at University of Melbourne, 2001 (Jon, and a New Zealand Sci and Tech Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Canterbury and serves on the editorial boards of several scholarly journals, May 4, The Meaning of Environmental Security: Ecological Politics and Policy in the New Security Era, pg. 47 p3 – pg. 49 p1)
The most important critique of expanded conceptions of security, of which environmental considerations....their own interests — interests which for the most part do not correspond to the needs of people.


Text - The United States Federal Government and all 50 state entities should dissolve themselves.

Anarchy provides an escape from the violence of the state. Anarchy reorganizes society into an egalitarian frame, providing for free initiative, action, and association. This solves all of the harms of the 1AC as well as perpetual state violence.
Kropotkin, Leader of Russian Anarchism, 1890 (Peter, Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal, google)

While a new philosophy-a new view of knowledge taken as a whole-is thus being worked out...broad daylight and counter-balancing one another. 

B. Trying to reform the law means that the law's framework must tacitly accepted and perpetuate its values
Fox, emeritus associate professor of legal studies and psychology @ U of Illinois, 1993 (Dennis R., "Psychological and Radical Change", google) 

In contrast to the view that the constitution primarily values autonomy, privacy, and equality,....Psychological jurisprudence should not be defined so narrowly as to exclude psychologists who view law as oppressive.

C. The concentration of power in the modern state causes all manners of social inequality, imperialism, and nuclear war. All things are worse when the state gets control of it.
Shipka, professor at Youngstown State University, 1984 (Thomas A., A critique of anarchism, p. 253)

If the traditionalist sees government as a blessing, the anarchist sees it as a curse....human welfare far better in this political milieu than in the previous political one. 


The terminal impacts of the aff are based off deeply rooted violent heteronormative politics.
Azzarello 2009 (Robert,  Assistant Professor of English at Southern University at New Orleans, Queer Environmentality: Ecology, Evolution, and Sexuality in American Literature, Ashgate)

Population control and its ethical underpinnings, then, according to this philosophy   appear to be “fitness-denying moralities.....Fairness and Futurity: Essays on Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice (1999),   does not include a single female author or a single feminist/queer critique of reproduction   and population.

This devaluing of transgender lives is a consequence of cissupremacy, one of the ordering logics of society, which is a position that inherently privileges cis gender and cis sexual identites over those of transgender people and as a consequence produces corporeal and psychic violence  against transgender people
Kale, NOVEMBER 11, 2011, “Cissupremacy 101: Here’s one queer transman’s perspective!”, http://ok4rj.org/2011/11/cissupremacy-101-here%E2%80%99s-one-queer-transman%E2%80%99s-perspective/, transgender man. Organizer for Norman Queer Alliance and Dolly Parton impersonator

I’ve identified as a transgender man since I was sixteen years old... if it ain’t your body, you don’t have a say in the identity attached to it—don’t forget it and don’t let others forget it either!


The affirmative perpetuates the commodification of energy, which only serves to fuel dependence on capitalist growth
David Korowicz 11 [physicist and human systems ecologist. He is a member of Feasta’s executive committee and works as an independent consultant], “On the cusp of collapse: complexity, energy, and the globalised economy,” Fleeing Vesuvius: Overcoming the Risks of Economic and Environmental Collapse” April 2011, New Society Publishers, Online Edition,  http://fleeingvesuvius.org/2011/10/08/on-the-cusp-of-collapse-complexity-energy-and-the-globalised-economy/

Like human beings and life on earth, economies require flows of energy through them to function and maintain...prosperity of the manufacturers to whom they sell their services

Exploitation of the working class, extermination, nuclear war, and planetary extinction is inevitable under capitalism.


Capitalism has not changed its spots. It is still based on the exploitation....If Marxism is correct, then we must act on it.

The alternative is to embrace historical materialism behind anti-capitalist revolution. This alternative produces a counter politics against reform within the current nation state. Only the alternative can bring equitable resource distribution at the core of the affirmative’s harms.
Blackburn ’76
“Marxism: Theory of Proletarian Revolution” Robin BlackburnRobin Blackburn is a British socialist historian, a former editor of New Left Review, an author of essays on Marx, capitalism and socialism, and of books on the history of slavery and on social policy. New Left Review I/97, May-June 1976 

The real originality of Marx and Engels lies in the field of politics...free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.’

Off The Rock

US Plenary power stripped Native Americans of their lands without impunity and is the precedent of lands seized in the name of imperialism
Garrison, a member of the State Bar of Georgia and a doctoral student at the University of Kentucky, 1996 (Tim Alan, "The Nadir of Native American Sovereignty", Reviews in American History 24.2, p. 267-269)

Willis Van Devanter, who would eventually serve on the Supreme Court....Lone Wolf to assert federal plenary authority and American hegemony over the lands seized under the new imperialism. 

No Solvency. All US government policies are suspect. The power to admit is the power to deport. All the people the plan helps can be deported just as easily. This is the double-edged sword of plenary power.
Family, Professor of Law and Associate Director, Law & Government Institute, Widener University School of Law, 2008 (Jill E., Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, "Threats to the Future of the Immigration Class Action", lexis)

In an 1889 opinion known as the Chinese Exclusion Case, which is the foundation of the plenary power doctrine....the Court employed similar reasoning to find no fault with an executive branch decision to exclude a returning legal permanent resident and to subject him to indefinite detention. 

US style genocide will spread to the entire globe – threatening extinction of all life on Earth. We must confront the root of the US problem instead of its symptoms.
Ward Churchill, 2003 (Acts of Rebellion: The Ward Churchill Reader, p. 139-140) 

The principle of course is as time-honored as it is true: to correct a problem it is necessary to confront its source rather than its symptoms....owe more to our future generations than to bequeath them a planet so thoroughly irradiated as to deny the possibility of life itself.

C. The alternative is to imagine a world without the United States Federal Government, United States out of North America; US off the planet. The land that was never ceded by native indigenous groups should be returned to them and should hold first priority. 

The affirmative has pretended to utilize the federal government and has framed their 1AC to focus on other issues, such as           (aff advantages)         . This continues the non-transgressive tradition of “hear no evil, see no evil”. While those issues are important, the affirmative priority reinforces the colonial order.
CHURCHILL, ‘96 [Ward; Creek and enrolled Keetoowah Band Cherokee; Former professor of Ethnic Studies @ the University of Colorado; From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism, 1985-1995; pp. 519-521]

Leaving aside questions concerning the validity of various treaties, the beginning point for any indigenist endeavor in the United States centers....the land rights of "First Americans" should serve as a first priority for everyone seriously committed to accomplishing positive change in North America.

Restoration of land to the natives would severely diminish the country’s material power, which is key for all other libratory agendas, including        (aff advantages)        . It is the starting point for any social change and needs to take the utmost priority.
CHURCHILL, ‘96 [Ward; Creek and enrolled Keetoowah Band Cherokee; Former professor of Ethnic Studies @ the University of Colorado; From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism, 1985-1995; pp. 88-89]

Finally, and one suspects this is the real crux of things from the government/corporate perspective, any such restoration of land and attendant sovereign prerogatives....That's our vision of "impossible realism." Isn't it time we all went to work on attaining it?


their stragey against suffering and oppression are mere compulsions based on ressentiment and reaction to escape the inevitable reality of sufferring. This produces an impotence and destructiveness against the world, maintaining a dominant self-aggrandizement against society.
Ephraim 03 (Charles W., Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Mercy College, THE PATHOLOGY OF EUROCENTRISM: The Burden and Responsibilities of Being Black)

The burden of this chapter is to expose the insidious nature.... is a valid coping machanism until it proves otherwise.

Ressentiment is the fundamental lens that has created the possibility of anti-black discrimination, slavery, disempowerment, and colonization of indigenous people, which operates on the basis of dehumanization.
Ephraim 03 (Charles W., Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Mercy College, THE PATHOLOGY OF EUROCENTRISM: The Burden and Responsibilities of Being Black)

it is commonly supposed that white racism...who actually were foolish enough to consider themselves civilized.

The alternative is a confrontation with the Hell which is reality - it is only through this stance that oppressed individuals can attain a self-consciousness and self-transcendence as a prerequisite to true Freedom
Ephraim 03 (Charles W., Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Mercy College, THE PATHOLOGY OF EUROCENTRISM: The Burden and Responsibilities of Being Black)

The African's declivity is synoymous with a secular...only one destiny, And it is white."

We embrace Life-affirmation as the ideological proactive stance in light of the ruling principle of Eurocentricity is the way to overcome and transgress the ressentiment embedded in the impacts of the affirmative. Our leap into affirmation is the way to gain self-transcendence.
Ephraim 03 (Charles W., Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Mercy College, THE PATHOLOGY OF EUROCENTRISM: The Burden and Responsibilities of Being Black)

Now clearly,a ll observations made thus far suggest that....ultimately receive as our just punishment or reward.

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