Cornell » Powers-Wright Neg

Powers-Wright Neg

Last modified by Michael Crowe on 2012/11/10 07:13

Shirley Rd. 1


A. Interpretation - the affirmative has to defend the hypothetical implementation of a topical plan enacted by the United States federal government against the status quo or a competitive policy option or alternative.

Definitional support -

  1. “Resolved” before a colon reflects a legislative forum
    Army Officer School 4 (5-12, “# 12, Punctuation – The Colon and Semicolon”,

The colon introduces the following: a.  A list, but only after "
resolved:"Resolved: (colon) That this council petition the mayor.

2. “United States Federal Government should” means the debate is solely about the outcome of a policy established by governmental means
Ericson 3 (Jon M., Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4)

The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action In policy propositions, each topic contains
compelling reasons for an audience to perform the future action that you propose. 

B. Violation - they don’t have a plan

C. Reasons to prefer:

  1. Limits: the resolution combined with topicality debates over a year create a predictable base of affirmatives that negatives can prepare for. Allowing affirmatives to advocate things external to or merely “tied to” the resolution undermines this limit and explodes the negative research burden. The key is not setting a limit but a predictable one – the grammar of the resolution clearly establishes a predictable literature base. Nebulously claiming that something is “related to” the “intent” of the resolution kills predictable limits.
    There are several impacts to this:
    A limit based on broad consensus is necessary to create clash and make educational debate possible
    Shively 2k (Ruth Lessl, Assistant Prof Political Science – Texas A&M U., Partisan Politics and Political Theory, p. 181-182)
    The requirements given thus far are primarily negative. The ambiguists must say "no
    . In other words, contestation rests on some basic agreement or harmony.

That TURNS their impact claims by incentivizing actors to maintain the intellectual status quo
Ehninger and Brockriede 63 (Douglas, Profs Speech – University of Iowa and Wayne, CSU Fullerton, Decision By Debate, p. 20-21)
Every debate that ever has occurred or ever will occur must be dominated by a
the products of conflict, with its inevitable elements of victory and defeat.

2. Ground - advantages that aren’t linked to the outcome of the plan are impossible to negate. They can claim “critical” arguments outweigh disads linked to the plan or shift their advocacy to avoid impact-turns.

their framework inevitably caters to the Aff -
A) Tautologies 
- resolutionally-divided ground is chosen by the community because it is balanced and educational. Anything less than plan-focus allows the Aff to claim “biopower bad” and put the Neg in the indefensible position of being forced to impact-turn.

B) Shiftiness - arguments that aren’t linked to the plan are amorphous and unstable. The Aff can dodge the best arguments by claiming that their “discourse” outweighs disads linked to the plan or avoid critical impact turns by re-clarifying their advocacy as the debate progresses. This is proven by teams that lazily claim “that’s not our Zizek” when pressed by good responses.

C) Impact - ground is key to fairness - without it, we couldn’t possibly prepare to compete. Their framework is skewed against the Neg from the beginning. This also turns the case because debate becomes meaningless and produces political strategies wedded to violence.
Shively 00 (Ruth Lessl, Assistant Prof Political Science – Texas A&M U., Partisan Politics and Political Theory, p. 182)

The point may seem trite, as surely the ambiguists would agree that basic terms
good arguments. Such agreements are simply implicit in the act of argumentation.

3. Plan-focus - critical frameworks change the role of the ballot from a yes / no question about the desirability of the plan to something else. This undermines the singular logical purpose of debate: the search for the best policy. Logical policymaking is the biggest educational impact - any other learning is worthless because it can’t be applied to the real world.

There are several specific impacts to policymaking education based on the resolution:
A. Clash – specific policy options allow for specific policy responses which creates clash at a meaningful level – this allows a deeper engagement with policy and is the key internal link to portable skills like critical thinking.
B. Ideological growth – testing policy arguments with DAs and CPs allows us to determine the viability of particular proposals. Teams modify or discard arguments as different responses are heard and taken into account. This necessarily filters out bad proposals and creates an incentive to find the best affs out there, increasing real-world education and decisionmaking ability.
C. Research – policy debate incentivizes continuous research over a breadth of areas, while critical debate incentivizes tunnel vision. The impacts are both real-world education and research skills themselves
Speice and Lyle 3 (Patrick, Wake Forest, and Jim, Debate Coach – Clarion, “Traditional Policy Debate: Now More Than Ever”, Debaters Research Guide,
Research is an important part of the activity, and in policy debate it is
as the ability of the critique to solve all global warming or genocide.

4. They claim that the existence of the resolution constitutes our endorsement of it – that isn’t true – switch-side debating allows for discussion of these issues without necessary aligning ourselves with them – the res is a question, not a statement

Switch side debating is the highest ethical act because it subordinates personal convictions to the importance of the decision-making process
Day 66 (Dennis, Professor of Speech – U Wisconsin-Madison, Central States Speech Journal, Feb, p. 7)

To present persuasively the arguments for a position with which one disagrees is, perhaps
of individuals within society lose their moral significance as determinants of social choice.

Refusing switch-side debate results in covert suppression of minority views - this is a greater ethical threat than subverting public convictions
Day 66 (Dennis, Professor of Speech – U Wisconsin-Madison, Central States Speech Journal, Feb)

Thus, personal conviction can have moral significance in social decision-making only so
to overcome because of the ego-involvement that usually accompanies personal conviction.

D. Topicality is a voting issue for fairness and outweighs all other issues because without it, debate is impossible


Text: The United States federal government should remove restrictions to the development of wind and solar energy projects on indigenous lands in the United States. 

By indigenous lands, we mean the land set aside by the United States federal government for people it refers to as “Native Americans” or “American Indians”
TERAs specify provisions of development agreements – undercuts self-determination
Unger, 10
Unger 10—J.D. Candidate, Loyola Law School. M.A., Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (Kathleen, CHANGE IS IN THE WIND: SELF-DETERMINATION AND WIND POWER THROUGH TRIBAL ENERGY RESOURCE AGREEMENTS, [DLP WPT] [Language edited – Indigenized/nationized]
In fact, the TERA legislation and regulations specify in great detail the provisions that
power, now may be the perfect time to consider this possibility.297
Indigenous renewable energy resolves the false choice between development and preservation of  culture and lands and can revitalize indigenous economies
Gough, Intertribal Council on Utility Policy, 9
Gough 9—Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on Utility Policy, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and the International  Indian Treaty Council (Bob, Energy Justice in Native America, A Policy Paper for Consideration by the Obama Administration and the 111th Congress, [DLP WPT] [Language edited – indigenized/nationized]
A just nation-to-nation relationship means breaking the cycle of asking [
helping reduce the tremendous amount of money that exits communities to import energy. 

The environmental assessment framework devalues indigenous knowledge, focusing exclusively on resources at the expense of culture and spirituality. This destroys indigenous societies.
Booth and Skelton, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, UNBC, '11
to argue, it’s not. As one industry consultant we interviewed reflected,
It’s an absolute mockery of consultation and First Nation participation, or meaningful consultation and
do with the human component, but we shoved it in there anyway.
This consultant identified the crucial issue, however, there is no other process available
which the extant literature on EA and First Nations does not meaningfully do.
Colonialism against indigenous peoples persists as a systemic denial of individual self-determination – addressing over 500 years abuse of an entire civilization deserves ethical prioritization
Barsh, Prof Native American Studies Univ Lethbridge, 93
Russel Lawrence Barsh, Professor of Native American Studies at the University of Lethbridge and United Nations Representative of the Mikmaq Grand Council and Four Directions Council, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Winter, 1993, 26 U. Mich. J.L. Ref. 277 [Language edited, indigenized] [DLP UKY PRE]
If there is a fundamental cause of American Indian isolationism, it is 500 years
. Also lost was confidence in the possibility of genuine self-determination.
Removing all environmental restrictions on indigenous renewable energy production is critical to self-determination
Kronk, Law Prof Texas Tech, 12
Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law, “Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Unintended "Great Mischief for Indian Energy Development" and the Resulting Need for Reform,” 29 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 811, Spring [JSN] [Language edited – Indigenized]
If Congress truly wishes the federal government to be free from liability with regard to
[indigenous nations] “frozen in a perpetual state of tutelage.”155


Braidotti’s nomad feminism erases difference and reinscribes privilege. Only those such as her – and the AFF – have the means and opportunity to embody her nomad.
Evacuating difference turns the “nomad” into a commodity promising those with privilege self-fulfillment through exile. It has no value without action.
Karpinski, Sociology Prof, Trent, ’99
Eva C. Karpinski, Now: Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Prof, York, In Émigré Feminism: Transnational Perspectives, Ed. Alena Heitlinger, pp. 22-24 [ACG WFU]
The final example of how the metaphorics of exile can be adapted to
, aphoristic quotations, gliding through glittering surfaces of transnational, transdisciplinary discourse.

Braidotti’s theory is generic and commodified – it has no power without action
Karpinski, Sociology Prof, Trent, ’99
Eva C. Karpinski, Now: Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Prof, York, In Émigré Feminism: Transnational Perspectives, Ed. Alena Heitlinger, p. 24 [ACG WFU]
I find it troubling that Braidotti's eclectic feminism can be construed as a new commodity
, transient, from which paradoxically all differences seem to have been evacuated.
Analysing how the motif of exile has been taken up by the writers discussed here
with the female exiles' redefinition of subjectivity and their recognized need of agency.

Nomadism evacuates being and politics, producing a homogenized world devoid of distinction and ready-made for imperialism. Concrete context is necessary to ground genuine encounter and engagement and inspire movement against imperialism – that’s the CP.
Dallmayr, Poli Sci & Philosophy Prof, Notre Dame, ’97
Dallmayr, Fred. “The Politics of Nonidentity: Adorno, Postmodernism-And Edward Said.” Political Theory 25, no. 1 (February 1, 1997): 33–56. p. 51 [ACG UVM]
With this turn to nomadism, we are back in the netherworld of vacant signifiers
in Richard Barnet's words, the "bearer" of universal law?22
This conclusion clearly is at odds with the basic thrust of Said's study—which
particularly in Shariati's description of human being as a "dialectical phenomenon.”23

Celebrate nomadism in the context of the intellectual, while affirming place in the context of indigenous people (who have been displaced and un-homed by federal control). Following Said solves the ALT and avoids Panglossian erasure of difference. It simultaneously embraces and transcends identity. We should start with where we are – not with where we imagine ourselves to be
Dallmayr, next paragraph - Poli Sci & Philosophy Prof, Notre Dame, ’97
Dallmayr, Fred. “The Politics of Nonidentity: Adorno, Postmodernism-And Edward Said.” Political Theory 25, no. 1 (February 1, 1997): 33–56. p. 51 [ACG UVM]
This conclusion clearly is at odds with the basic thrust of Said's study—which
the universal truth of exile is not that one has lost that love or home, but that inherent in each is an unexpected, unwelcome loss.24

Nomad thought creates a vacuous sphere of non-distinction that abandons politics. The free-floating nomadic intellectual is no more useful than the ivory-tower philosopher.
Dallmayr, Poli Sci & Philosophy Prof, Notre Dame, ’97
Dallmayr, Fred. “The Politics of Nonidentity: Adorno, Postmodernism-And Edward Said.” Political Theory 25, no. 1 (February 1, 1997): 33–56. pp. 43-44 [ACG UVM]
While thus emphasizing the role of concrete particularities (seen as quantifiable forces), Deleuze
motive for open-ended encounter beyond the conundrum of heterogeneity and sameness?

Directly calling for policy change can form coalitions that transcend boundaries like race. By focusing on connections and commonalities, we can form effective coalitions. The AFF cedes political avenues of resistance and reifies counter-productive borders.
Schatz, Professor, Binghamton, ’12
Joe Leeson-Schatz, Professor of Feminist Evolutionary Theory and Director of Debate, SUNY-Binghamton, July, 2012, “The Importance of Apocalypse: The Value of End-of-the-World Politics While Advancing Ecocriticism” Journal of Ecocriticism 4(2): 20-33,, pp. 28-29 [ACG WPT]
There are three things ecocriticism must keep in mind to retain its effectiveness in the
can do precisely that because of its underlying tenant of self‐preservation.

Cultural feminism abandons the ability to engage in productive transformative politics by refusing to ground struggle in economic materiality.
Ebert 96 (Teresa, Associate Prof. Critical Theory – SUNY Albany, College English, “For a Red Pedagogy: Feminism, Desire, and Need”, 58:7, November, JSTOR) KK
Feminism in the classrooms of late capitalism is increasingly a ‘ludic feminism” whose
pedagogy of labor and materialism, a radical pedagogy: a red pedagogy.

Created by Michael Crowe on 2012/11/10 07:13

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