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11/09/2012 | New 1acTournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: | |
01/02/2013 | WFU Round 3 - AFF v. Mary WashingtonTournament: WFU | Round: 3 | Opponent: Mary Washington | Judge: Indigenous peoples want to develop renewable energy – leasing is their best option Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law, “Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Mirroring this desire, many tribes are also becoming interested in energy development opportunities Perhaps Even indigenous entities need to get interior approval to develop energy Indian Land Tenure Foundation, “Leasing Indian Land,” DLP WPT Current law restricts indigenous energy production by requiring BIA approval of leases. This Brian L. Pierson, “Establishing a Tribal Legal Framework to Support Housing and Economic Development in Indian Country,” Indian Land Working Group 17th But under current law, tribes nations (other than Tulalip and Navajo The recently passed HEARTH Act, though designed to increase indigenous control over wind and Ryan Dreveskracht, Associate, Galanda Broadman, PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm, 8/2/12, “Are Hopes for the HEARTH Act Too With much tribal indigenous and media fanfare, on Monday the President signed PlanPlan: The United States federal government should remove restrictions on the development of By indigenous lands, we mean the land set aside by the United States federal government for Advantage 1 – Self-Determination TERAs specify provisions of development agreements – undercuts self-determination Unger 10—J.D. Candidate, Loyola Law School. M.A., Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (Kathleen, The environmental assessment framework devalues indigenous knowledge, focusing exclusively on Annie Booth, Prof, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, University of Northern British Columbia, and Norm W. Skelton, Prince George Northern Sustainable Philosophical failures Sovereign denial of subjectivity objectifies the indigenous other. Jeanne Carriere, Iowa Law Review, pp. 591-2 Language edited, indigenized Though linked with empowerment and identity, the subject is not totally autonomous, but This negates the value to life and justifies extermination. Michael Dillon, Politics and IR, Lancaster, 99 Political Theory 27(2): Destruction of social diversity will cause planetary annihilation Bruce Rich, attorney at the Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resources Defense Council, has worked for the The problem lies in pursuing freedom through a process that destroys its possibility. Economic Renewable energy development is the nexus-point for self-determination Bethany C. Sullivan, J.D. Candidate, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. “NOTE: Changing Winds: Improving tribal ability to develop renewable energy would not only alleviate some of these economic Wind and solar are viable in different areas and choice is key to self-determination Garrit, Director for Tribal Partnerships for the National Wildlife Federation, “Indians and Energy: Exploitation and Advantage 2 – Environmental Justice The status quo allows for cycles of colonial violence to occur on indigenous lands enabled by Gough 9—Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on The aff’s focus on indigenous worldviews supplants and informs hierarchical Western power Imperial control over resources has driven war AND outweighed by a factor of 20. Failure to align William Eckhardt, Lentz Peace Research Laboratory of St. Louis (Ph.D., Psychology, Kentucky), February 1990: Journal of Peace Research, 27(1): 9-25, DOI: While Wright seems to be emphasizing war as a function of civilization in the previous Wind and solar are compatible with indigenous culture and provide an alternative way of living and Powell 2006—Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State (Dana, Technologies of Existence: The indigenous Indigenous renewable energy resolves the false choice between development and preservation of Gough 9—Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on Solvency Removing all environmental restrictions on indigenous energy production is critical to self- If Congress truly wishes the federal government to be free from liability with regard to Vote affirmative - Reconstitute your subjectivity through anti-imperialist struggle that dreams to Decolonizing the Mind (1994 ed.) pp. 106-8 But the search for new directions in language, literature, theatre, poetry, Research and advocacy can establish solidarity and enable progressive policy. Even if we don’t have Jillian Schwedler, Joshua Stacher, Poli Sci Prof, Kent State, and Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Poli Sci Prof, Hobart and William Smith, “Three Powerfully Wrong--and Wrongly Powerful--American When people accept the argument that inconsistencies in US policies regarding the Arab uprisings are Concentrated solar power ready to be deployed on 83 reservations in US Jessica R. A. Hamilton, Executive Editor on the Editorial Board of the Connecticut Law Review, April 2012, Connecticut 77 reservations can support viable large scale wind now March 23, 2010, “The New Energy Future in Indian Country: Confronting Climate Change, Creating Jobs, and Conserving | |
01/02/2013 | WFU Round 5 - AFF v. MSU GATournament: WFU | Round: 5 | Opponent: MSU GA | Judge: Indigenous peoples want to develop renewable energy – leasing is their best option Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law, “Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Mirroring this desire, many tribes are also becoming interested in energy development opportunities: Even indigenous entities need to get interior approval to develop energy Indian Land Tenure Foundation, “Leasing Indian Land,” DLP WPT Current law restricts indigenous energy production by requiring BIA approval of leases. This Brian L. Pierson, “Establishing a Tribal Legal Framework to Support Housing and Economic Development in Indian Country,” Indian Land Working Group 17th But under current law, tribes nations (other than Tulalip and Navajo The recently passed HEARTH Act, though designed to increase indigenous control over wind and Ryan Dreveskracht, Associate, Galanda Broadman, PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm, 8/2/12, “Are Hopes for the HEARTH Act Too With much tribal indigenous and media fanfare, on Monday the President signed Plan Plan: The United States federal government should remove restrictions on the development of By indigenous lands, we mean the land set aside by the United States federal government for Advantage 1 – Self-Determination A. TERAs specify provisions of development agreements – undercuts self-determination Unger 10—J.D. Candidate, Loyola Law School. M.A., Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (Kathleen, The environmental assessment framework devalues indigenous knowledge, focusing exclusively on Annie Booth, Prof, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, University of Northern British Columbia, and Norm W. Skelton, Prince George Northern Sustainable Philosophical failures Philosophical failures are the broader “principle” issues. To a certain extent this B. The status quo allows for cycles of colonial violence to occur on indigenous lands enabled by Gough 9—Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on Colonialism against indigenous peoples persists as a systemic denial of individual self- Russel Lawrence Barsh, Professor of Native American Studies at the University of Lethbridge and United Nations If there is a fundamental cause of American Indian isolationism, it is 500 years Destruction of social diversity will cause planetary annihilation Bruce Rich, attorney at the Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resources Defense Council, has worked for the The problem lies in pursuing freedom through a process that destroys its possibility. Economic Imperial control over resources has driven war AND outweighed by a factor of 20. Failure to align William Eckhardt, Lentz Peace Research Laboratory of St. Louis (Ph.D., Psychology, Kentucky), February 1990: Journal of Peace Research, 27(1): 9-25, DOI: While Wright seems to be emphasizing war as a function of civilization in the previous Renewable energy development is the nexus-point for self-determination Bethany C. Sullivan, J.D. Candidate, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. “NOTE: Changing Winds: Improving tribal ability to develop renewable energy would not only alleviate some of these economic Wind and solar are viable in different areas and choice is key to self-determination Garrit, Director for Tribal Partnerships for the National Wildlife Federation, “Indians and Energy: Exploitation and Wind and solar are compatible with indigenous culture and provide an alternative way of living and Powell, Ass. Prof Anthro @ Appalachian State, 6 Powell 2006—Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State (Dana, Technologies of Existence: The indigenous Solvency Removing all environmental restrictions on indigenous energy production is critical to self- Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law, “Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The If Congress truly wishes the federal government to be free from liability with regard to Intellectuals in pedagogic institutions like debate can function as heterotopic borders, actively Janmohammed, English, Berkeley, 94 Vote affirmative - Reconstitute your subjectivity through anti-imperialist struggle that dreams to Decolonizing the Mind (1994 ed.) pp. 106-8 But the search for new directions in language, literature, theatre, poetry, Just Do It! Prioritize the AFF’s action-oriented thought, or phronesis, over the NEG’s understanding- • Ngugi: “not to interpret, but to change”. Aikenhead, Curriculum Studies Prof, Saskatchewan, ’8 Aikenhead, Glen. “Objectivity: The Opiate of the Academic?” Cultural Studies of Science Education 3, no. 3 (2008): 581–585. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-008-9126-9. pp. Indigenous knowledge in science education, the theme of this special issue, has evoked The aff’s focus on indigenous worldviews supplants and informs hierarchical Western power Part of the Anishinabe (Chippewa) nation. She receive d her Ph. Research and advocacy can establish solidarity and enable progressive policy. Even if we don’t have Jillian Schwedler, Joshua Stacher, Poli Sci Prof, Kent State, and Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Poli Sci Prof, Hobart and William Smith, “Three Powerfully Wrong--and Wrongly Powerful--American When people accept the argument that inconsistencies in US policies regarding the Arab uprisings are Concentrated solar power ready to be deployed on 83 reservations in US Jessica R. A. Hamilton, Executive Editor on the Editorial Board of the Connecticut Law Review, April 2012, Connecticut 77 reservations can support viable large scale wind now March 23, 2010, “The New Energy Future in Indian Country: Confronting Climate Change, Creating Jobs, and Conserving | |
01/02/2013 | WFU Round 8 - AFF v. BardTournament: WFU | Round: 8 | Opponent: Bard | Judge: Indigenous peoples want to develop renewable energy – leasing is their best option Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law, “Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The Mirroring this desire, many tribes are also becoming interested in energy development opportunities: Even indigenous entities need to get interior approval to develop energy Indian Land Tenure Foundation, “Leasing Indian Land,” DLP WPT Current law restricts indigenous energy production by requiring BIA approval of leases. This Brian L. Pierson, “Establishing a Tribal Legal Framework to Support Housing and Economic Development in Indian Country,” Indian Land Working Group 17th But under current law, tribes nations (other than Tulalip and Navajo The recently passed HEARTH Act, though designed to increase indigenous control over wind and Ryan Dreveskracht, Associate, Galanda Broadman, PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm, 8/2/12, “Are Hopes for the HEARTH Act Too With much tribal indigenous and media fanfare, on Monday the President signed Plan: The United States federal government should remove restrictions on the development of By indigenous lands, we mean the land set aside by the United States federal government for Advantage 1 – Phronesis Sovereign denial of subjectivity objectifies the indigenous other. Jeanne Carriere, Iowa Law Review, pp. 591-2 Language edited, indigenized Though linked with empowerment and identity, the subject is not totally autonomous, but The environmental assessment framework devalues indigenous knowledge, focusing exclusively on Annie Booth, Prof, Ecosystem Science and Management Program, University of Northern British Columbia, and Norm W. Skelton, Prince George Northern Sustainable Philosophical failures Philosophical failures are the broader “principle” issues. To a certain extent this This negates the value to life and justifies extermination. Michael Dillon, Politics and IR, Lancaster, 99 Political Theory 27(2): Just Do It! Prioritize the AFF’s action-oriented thought, or phronesis, over the NEG’s understanding- • Ngugi: “not to interpret, but to change”. Aikenhead, Glen. “Objectivity: The Opiate of the Academic?” Cultural Studies of Science Education 3, no. 3 (2008): 581–585. DOI: 10.1007/s11422-008-9126-9. pp. Indigenous knowledge in science education, the theme of this special issue, has evoked Case Outweighs - Uniqueness: AFF advocacy of critical indigenous theory is more important than • Contextualize this: “as does the K of insert (e.g., capitalism / humanism / rationality).” ROBERT WARRIOR is a citizen of the Osage Nation, which is located inside the boundaries of Oklahoma in the United States. He is the author or coauthor of four In considering my own scholarly relationship to this issue, I find myself in agreement Indigenous worldviews emphasize relations between beings and nature and take a holistic view of Part of the Anishinabe (Chippewa) nation. She receive d her Ph.D. from Western Michigan University in 1998 and is Advantage 2 – Self-Determination A. TERAs specify provisions of development agreements – undercuts self-determination Unger 10—J.D. Candidate, Loyola Law School. M.A., Linguistic Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (Kathleen, B. The status quo allows for cycles of colonial violence to occur on indigenous lands enabled by Gough 9—Intertribal Council On Utility Policy; paper submitted by Honor the Earth, the Intertribal Council on The history of resource exploitation, including conventional energy resources, in Indian Country has Renewable energy development is the nexus-point for self-determination Bethany C. Sullivan, J.D. Candidate, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. “NOTE: Changing Winds: Improving tribal ability to develop renewable energy would not only alleviate some of these economic Wind and solar are viable in different areas and choice is key to self-determination Garrit, Director for Tribal Partnerships for the National Wildlife Federation, “Indians and Energy: Exploitation and Wind and solar are compatible with indigenous culture and provide an alternative way of living and Powell 2006—Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Appalachian State (Dana, Technologies of Existence: The indigenous Solvency Removing all environmental restrictions on indigenous energy production is critical to self- Elizabeth Ann, Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University School of Law, “Tribal Energy Resource Agreements: The If Congress truly wishes the federal government to be free from liability with regard to Intellectuals in pedagogic institutions like debate can function as heterotopic borders, actively Janmohammed, English, Berkeley, 94 Concentrated solar power ready to be deployed on 83 reservations in US Jessica R. A. Hamilton, Executive Editor on the Editorial Board of the Connecticut Law Review, April 2012, Connecticut 77 reservations can support viable large scale wind now March 23, 2010, “The New Energy Future in Indian Country: Confronting Climate Change, Creating Jobs, and Conserving |
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