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The AFF’s approach to reduction of the natural world to a means of securing energy enframes existence, stripping beings of their very essence.====
Beckman 0 ~Tad, Harvey Mudd College, "Martin Heidegger and Environmental Ethics," - myost
To uncover the essence of modern technology is to discover why technology stands today as
their subjective status of standing-ready for human design. (8)
The AFF’s ontology reduces the world to "Standing Reserve" to be called upon as it benefits the Self and refuses to value the world as anything else. This renders all beings objects—setting the tone for global warfare.
Zimmerman 81 ~Michael E. Zimmerman, Tulane University. Eclipse of the Self: The Development of Heidegger’s Concept of Authenticity. 220-224~ myost
In 1951 Heidegger noted that Spengler’s idea of the "decline of the West"
is merely a capitalist gone mad, the capitalist is a rational miser.
And their violent ontology should be dismissed—their closure severs our relationship to Being and ensures a valueless existence
Zimmerman 97 ~Michael E., Tulane University, Contesting Earth’s Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity, p. 119-120~ myost
George Sessions says that if Heidegger had begun with the cosmos and worked his way
state of ontological damnation: hell on earth, masquerading as material paradise.
This isn’t a question of passivity but of a releasement from the Will to Technology and an openness to the mystery of Being which transcends activity. Only such an ontological disarmament inaugurates new modes of revealing that don’t depend on the world’s subordination to human motivations.====
McWhorter 92 ~Ladelle McWhorter, University of Richmond. Heidegger and the Earth: Issues in Environmental Philosophy. Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 1992. 3-7~ myost
Heidegger’s work is a call to reflect to think in some way other than calculatively
threatens our very being, the configurations of subjective existence in our age.
The question of agency must begin with ontology—it shapes all decision-making, and starting from an ontologically-flawed position dooms action to failure.
Dillon 95 ~Michael Dillon, Professor of Politics and International Relations at Lancaster University. Moral Spaces: Rethinking Ethics and World Politics. Eds. David Campbell and Michael J. Shapiro. University of Minnesota Press, 1999. 96-98~
Perhaps the most important development in the history of philosophy in the last hundred years
-innocent political slaves who claim only to be technocrats of decision making.