Central Oklahoma » Askey-Bates Neg

Askey-Bates Neg

Last modified by Evan Askey on 2013/01/11 05:52

Substantially- T
“Substantially” is not imaginary

Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 02,
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition 2002 http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary
True or real; not imaginary

Violation: The Affirmative is entirely fictional; the plan won’t be passed even if you vote for it.
Real World Change: This interpretation forces the debaters to work within the real world, not the imaginary of debate. It leads to real world change.
Education: Keeps debates focused solely on actions that can actually be implemented, like grassroots movements. College debaters do not influence federal policy. It creates real world education.
Limits: Avoids affs that cannot be implemented and are unbeatable without combating it with other ridiculous arguments. Avoids race to the bottom.
For the reasons listed above as well as competitive equity. 

Carbon Tax CP
Counterplan: The United States Federal Government should institute a revenue-neutral tax on the carbon dioxide content of fossil fuels, at a rising statutory rate based on the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions.

A carbon tax is fair and guarantees a transition into a sustainable economy
Reitze 2009 (Arnold W [Prof of Law @ U of Utah, prof emeritus of law @ George Washington; Federal Control of Carbon Dioxide Emissions: What are the Options; kdf)
Coal is a .. the U.S. economy.

The counterplan solves warming – a carbon tax is the cheapest and most effective way to curtail carbon emissions
Matthews 12 [Richard Matthews, author and sustainable business consultant, “A Carbon Tax is More Viable than Cap and Trade,” 26 July 2012, http://globalwarmingisreal.com/2012/07/25/a-carbon-tax-is-more-viable-than-cap-and-trade/]  myost
In July, George ... public welfare perspective.

Prolif DA

Peak uranium will happen by 2070, much faster if the US builds more reactors
Burke et al 2012 (Tom; Tony Juniper; Jonathon Porritt; and Charles Secrett; Climate Change and Energy Security; Apr 27; www.jonathonporritt.com/sites/default/files/users/BRIEFING%205%20-%20Climate_and%20energy%20security_27_April%202012.pdf; kdf)
However, neither the ... serious price fluctuations. 

This means a switch to more dangerous fuels and reprocessing
WSJ 2008 (Peak Uranium: What's Goining to Fuel all those nuclear plants?; Dec 19; blogs.wsj.com/environmentalcapital/2008/12/19/peak-uranium-whats-going-to-fuel-all-those-nuclear-plants/; kdf)
How’s that? Recent ... thousands of years.”

Reprocessing causes prolif
Union of Concerned Scientists 2011 (Nuclear Reprocessing: Dangerous, Dirty, and Expensive; www.ucsusa.org/nuclear_power/nuclear_power_risk/nuclear_proliferation_and_terrorism/nuclear-reprocessing.html; kdf)
Reprocessing would increase the ease of nuclear proliferation.
U.S. reprocessing would ...  than direct disposal.

Nuclear proliferation risks extinction
Krieger, 2009 Pres. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Councilor – World Future Council, (David, “Still Loving the Bomb After All These Years”, 9-4, https://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2009/09/04_krieger_newsweek_response.php?krieger)//AA

Jonathan Tepperman’s article ... l than Mr. Tepperman?

Pollution DA

US air quality is improving now but pollution is on the brink
Mitka 2012 (Mike Mitka, April 25, 2012, “US Air Quality Improves, But Polluted Air Still Threatens Millions,” JAMA, http://newsatjama.jama.com/2012/04/25/us-air-quality-improves-but-polluted-air-still-threatens-millions/)
Air quality has ... at unsafe levels.

Nuclear energy produces more CO2 than gas burning plants
Time for change 2012 (CO@ emission of electricity from nuclear power stations; May 17; timeforchange.org/co2-emission-nuclear-power-stations-electricity; kdf)
Electricity from atomic ... of global warming!

Nuclear power produces a lot of pollution
Epstein 2008 (Eric Epstein, Chairman of Three Mile Island Alert, March 29, 2008, “The 'Brown Side' of Nuclear Power,” Three Mile Island Alert, http://www.tmia.com/node/5)
Nuclear advocates argue ...  effects any safer.

Driesen 2003 (David Driesen, Associate Professor at Syracuse University Law, 10 Buffalo Environmental Law Journal, Fall/Spring, Lexis)
Air pollution can ... these concerns. 5

Greenwashing K

The affirmative presents a new form of energy that supposedly will solve the worlds environmental woes, however this greenwashing discourse is used to cover up our true ecological impact, and the true source of environmental destruction, the market economy.  
Dardozzi 08 (Jeff, co-founder of The Earth Alchemists writer for Science Direct, The Specter of Jevons' Paradox, Synthesis/Regeneration 47, Fall 2008.

Apparently, few exits ... the ecological crisis.

This greenwashing creates two paradoxical implications; 1) Increase in efficiency inevitably leads to an increase in consumption of the energy and resource consumption 2) Unwanted technologies will flood the global market and used in less restrictive communities.
Dardozzi 08 (Jeff, co-founder of The Earth Alchemists writer for Science Direct, The Specter of Jevons' Paradox, Synthesis/Regeneration 47, Fall 2008.

The crux of ... before our eyes. 

Our Alternative is to throw our trash into the streets!
From our most elementary experience trash disappears from our world. The existence of a “nature” outside of our metropolises gives us something to always return to when confronted with the ever-present ecological catastrophe, we are never truly overtaken by the fragility of our existence, only when we are bombarded daily by our full impact on the world and the environment  will we begin to work toward building a better society.  
Taylor & Zizek 09 (Astra, documentary film maker, Slavoj, he once ran a marathon just because it was on his way, (2009). Examined life: excursions with contemporary thinkers. New York: New Press. Pg. 168-170)

ZIZEK: I think ... meaning in it.

Cap K

The affirmative only makes energy production easier and thus cheaper, the logic of capitalism dictates that this only increases consumption resulting in extinction of the planet
Foster et al 2010 (John Bellamy [prof of sociology @ U of Oregon], Brett Clark [Assistant prof of sociology @ NC State U] and Richard York [assoc. prof of sociology @ U of Oregon]; Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency; Nov 1; http://monthlyreview.org/2010/11/01/capitalism-and-the-curse-of-energy-efficiency; kdf)

The Jevons Paradox ... the explicit goals.

Capitalism’s naturalization of the process of subjugation creates social exclusion on a global scale – the ultimate ethico-political responsibility is to challenge the foundations of this system’s organization principles. This makes reaching the Universal impossible.

Zizek and Daly 2004 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek, 14-6)

For Zizek it ... otherwise sound matrix.

Thus the Alternative: Vote negative to do nothing

Doing nothing is not just sitting and waiting for the moment to attack, it is the only genuine political act, it is an act of abstaining from the depoliticized gameboard of capitalism by refusing to play their game ultimately withdrawing past the point of commodification

Zizek 2008 (Slavoj, [Senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana], Violence: Big Ideas small books. Picador, pg(s) 213-7, kdf)

Last but not ... of today's democracies. 

Politics DA- SWING

Obama has just enough capital to get through the debt ceiling
Shrevport Times 1/3 (The Register editorial: Congress again just delayed its day of reckoning; www.shreveporttimes.com/article/D2/20130103/OPINION03/301030074/The-Register-editorial-Congress-again-just-delayed-its-day-reckoning; kdf)
Some of that .... over a cliff.

SMRs drain capital
Fairley 10 Peter, IEEE Spectrum, May, "Downsizing Nuclear Power Plants,” spectrum.ieee.org/energy/nuclear/downsizing-nuclear-power-plants/0
However, there are ...  just as nuclear.

Not lifting the ceiling causes a global recession
Fernholz 1/2 (Tim; Thanks for avoiding the global recession, America. Now What?; qz.com/40226/thanks-for-avoiding-that-global-recession-america-now-what/; kdf)
A terse letter ...  expiring appropriation bills.

Economic decline leads to multiple scenarios for nuclear war
Burrows and Harris ‘09 (Mathew J. Burrows, counselor in the National Intelligence Council, PhD in European History from Cambridge University, and Jennifer Harris, a member of the NIC’s Long Range Analysis Unit, April 2009 “Revisiting the Future: Geopolitical Effects of the Financial Crisis” http://www.twq.com/09april/docs/09apr_Burrows.pdf)
Of course, the ...more dog-eat-dog world. 

Ban Subsidies CP
The United States federal government should reduce restrictions on evacuation zones and restrictions on modular installation of small modular reactors.
The United States federal government should ban subsidies for nuclear power production.

The CP levels the energy playing field
Koplow, United Nations Environment Programme's Working Group on Economic Instruments, MBA – Harvard, and Vancko, project manager – nuclear/climate @ UCS, ‘11
(Doug and Ellen, “Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies,” Union of Concerned Scientists, February)

Reduce, not expand ... per kilowatt-hour delivered.

Bubble DA—high costs mean no large-scale commercialization, which takes out every aff advantage—and more subsidies boost cost overruns by increasing reactor complexity and scale—that makes the industry unsustainable
Cooper, senior research fellow for economic analysis – Institute for Energy and the Environment @ Vermont Law School, PhD – Yale University, ‘10

A decade and ... of excess capacity.¶ 

Accidents DA—subsidies cause fast and risky nuclear construction without safety upgrades—causes meltdowns that destroy the industry
Koplow, United Nations Environment Programme's Working Group on Economic Instruments, MBA – Harvard, and Vancko, project manager – nuclear/climate @ UCS, ‘11
(Doug and Ellen, “Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies,” Union of Concerned Scientists, February)

Because operating costs ... lower risk profiles.

Wasserman, 1 (Harvey, Senior Editor – Free Press, “America's Terrorist Nuclear Threat to Itself”, October, http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2001/10/00_wasserman_nuclear-threat.htm) 

Without continous monitoring ... be shut down. ¶ 

Decolonization K

American Indian identity is rooted in the struggle for sovereignty- post-modern approaches to identity overblur cultural lines and fail to grasp the vital aspects of American Indian identity
Grande 00 QUALITATIVE STUDIES IN EDUCATION, 2000, VOL. 13, NO. 4, 343–359 American Indian identity and intellectualism: the quest for a new red pedagogy SANDY GRANDE Colby College, Waterville, ME
Postmodern theorists critique ... of cultural survival.

Lumping the American Indian struggle with other issues of identity erases issues of sovereignty and self-determination providing the conditions for the sustained project of cultural genocide
Grande 00 QUALITATIVE STUDIES IN EDUCATION, 2000, VOL. 13, NO. 4, 343–359 American Indian identity and intellectualism: the quest for a new red pedagogy SANDY GRANDE Colby College, Waterville, ME
For example, in ... a politics of representation (Ebert, 1996a).

Decolonization must be at the forefront of all activities- failure to do so dehumanizes all involved
McCaslin and Breton 08 Wanda D. Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Research Officer with the Native Law Centre of Canada, Denise C. founder and executive director of Living Justice Press, “Justice as healing: Going outside the colonizer’s cage,” ,” Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies, pp 513
First, decolonization is ... need decolonization too.

The alternative is to shift the debate framework to questions of decolonization we can solve- only unconditional acceptance of a decolonizing framework can empower indigenous peoples to break out of colonial oppression
McCaslin and Breton 08 Wanda D. Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Research Officer with the Native Law Centre of Canada, Denise C. founder and executive director of Living Justice Press, “Justice as healing: Going outside the colonizer’s cage,” ,” Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies, pp 528-529
Suffice it to ... fundamentally healing direction.

Created by Evan Askey on 2012/09/25 11:07

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