| 01/04/2013 | |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Consumption practices ensure extinction – cause overshoot and collapse of the environment, only re-organizing society can solveSmith 11 (Gar, Editor Emeritus of Earth Island Journal, "NUCLEAR¶ ROULETTE¶ THE CASE AGAINST A¶ "NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE" Pgs. 46) Even if all of the world’s current energy output could be produced by renewables, AND .¶ would require the resources of 16 planets—eight planets each. 225 Our alternative is to reject the politics of technological production Rather than focusing on production of technology, we should embrace our ability to shape and transform our subjectivity as consumers, embracing voluntary simplicity – this debate offers a crucial moment to produce alternative knowledge about everyday living practices Alexander ’11 (Samuel, University of Melbourne; Office for Environmental Programs/Simplicity Institute, " Voluntary Simplicity as an Aesthetics of Existence", Social Sciences Research Network, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1941087) The aim of this paper, however, is not to present a thorough analysis AND might open up space to ’think differently,’18 to think otherwise. Their answer that countries only get access to solar panels once they sufficiently develop is exactly the rhetoric that compounds the problem– it doesn’t address the main cause: over consumption; increases in tech only exacerbates the rich/poor gap risking conflict.Fauset ’8 Claire Fauset, researcher. "Techno-fixes: a critical guide to climate change technologies". Corporate Watch Report. http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=3126 As the climate crisis looms, choices about solutions become ever more important. However AND consumption still rises. Renewable energy alone cannot decouple consumption from climate change. Goldstein ’10 Joshua S. Goldstein, Professor Emeritus, School of International Service, American University. 2010. "Changing World Order - Engaging the South". http://wps.ablongman.com/long_goldstein_ir_7/35/8977/2298242.cw/index.html In the last chapter’s "Changing World Order" section, there was mention of AND the emerging world order bring together the North and South in new ways? |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: ISU | Judge: So-called "Queer" movements have been steeped in whiteness. Their failure to criticize and interrogate the use of the word "queer" and the community that is associated with it remains comfortably in the status quo racism.Johnson 7 Julie M. Johnson: PhD director of the Writing and Oral communication programs at Hamline University. "On the development of counter-racist quare public address studies’ in Queering Public Address ed. Charles Morris III. 2007 (129). Quite simply, then, quare public address cannot focus exclusively on the inequalities produced AND necessarily given white males the motivation or insight to transcend their racist conditioning." The "queerbot" and the discourse of the 1ac ignores the presence of race and class hierarchies within the space created by imagining a nuclear future. They can never solve for the problems their aff presents as long as they remain blind to the racism they inscribe. Johnson ’07 Julie M. Johnson 2007: PhD director of the Writing and Oral communication programs at Hamline University. "On the development of counter-racist quare public address studies’ in Queering Public Address ed. Charles Morris III. 2007 (129-130). The "gay community," then, is not immune from the broader and deeper AND we’re othered by dominant straight society, as black men by white society." Johnson ’07 Julie M. Johnson: PhD director of the Writing and Oral communication programs at Hamline University. "On the development of counter-racist quare public address studies’ in Queering Public Address ed. Charles Morris III. 2007 (121-122). Those artifacts warranting inclusion in major anthologies of great speakers and speeches still reflect the AND , passions, and lived experiences intelligible and authoritative in various public spheres. |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: ISU | Judge: THEIR UTOPIAN PROMISE OF CHANCE IS NOTHING MORE THAN THEORY OF PLAY- THIS PRECLUDES REAL EMANCIPATORY CHANGE. ONLY A MARXIST APPROACH CAN PRODUCE REAL CHANGE. MIX 1997 (Deborah Mix, Purdue Univ. "Book review: Ludic Feminism and After: Postmodernism, Desire, and Labor in Late Capitalism" MFS Modern Fiction Studies Volume 43, Number 2, Summer 1997 pp. 564-567) Ebert believes that the current moment is one "of crisis for revolutionary politics" AND ludic feminism: dismissed as itself a totalizing (read totalitarian) metanarrative." Frustrated by utopian promises of change (Donna Haraway’s cyborg futures, for instance), AND mode of critique and analysis "is the means for producing transformative knowledges." One of Ebert’s main problems with much current feminist thought is that its practitioners are AND , a pragmatic pluralism that tolerates exploitation (as one possible free choice)." According to Ebert, transformative change must be predicated on an understanding of social totality AND eras~ing~ the political through the violent reinscription of the body." For Ebert, the answer to all of these problems is "red feminism." AND change that is, finally, at the heart of feminism will occur. THE AFFIRMATIVE IS A FUNDAMENTAL MISREADING OF POLITICS AND THE REPRODUCTION OF SOCIAL RELATIONS. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE ’BIOPOLITICAL STATE’ THAT SEEKS TO MANAGE AND CONTROL POPULATIONS FOR THE SAKE OF POWER. THE STATE AND CAPITAL MOVE HAND IN GLOVE—ONE CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT THE OTHER. ONLY A TOTAL DISTANCE FROM THE MODERN STATE CAN ALLOW FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF CAPITAL. OTHERWISE WHAT IS PUSHED OUT THE DOOR ONLY COMES BACK IN THROUGH THE WINDOWMeszaros 95 ~Istavan, Prof. Emeritus at Sussex, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition~P. 65 The modern state as the comprehensive political command structure of capital — is both the AND faithful to the Marxian concern with the ’withering away’ of the state. FURTHER MORE, THE ABSENCE OF STRUCTURAL HISTORICISM IS NO MERE OVERSIGHT, NOR IS IT ENOUGH TO SIMPLY MENTION ECONOMICS IN A FEW OF YOUR CARDS— THE RELIANCE OF INDENTY-BASED POLITICS IS NOT AN ACCIDENTAL INSTANCE OF IGNORING CLASS. THE DEMAND ARISES OUT OF THE CRISIS OF LIBERALISM—SUCH POLITICS PARTICULARIZES THE OPPRESSIONS OF CAPITALISM TO THE POINT THAT THE UNIVERSAL SYSTEM IS NATURALIZED. ATTAINING WHITE, MALE BOURGEOISSE PRIVILEGE BECOMES THE BENCH-MARK OF POLITICAL SUCCESS, RE-ENTRENCHING THE VERY FOUNDATION OF THE SYSTEMBROWN 93 ~Wendy, Professor and Genius, "Wounded Attachments", Political Theory, Aug~ Although this détente between universal and particular within liberalism is potted with volatile conceits, AND produced by capitalism in addition to that bound to the explicitly politicized marking. gimenez 2001 ~Martha, Prof. Of Sociology at CU Boulder, "Marxism and Class, Gender and Race", Race Gender and Class, Vol. 8, p. online~ There are many competing theories of race, gender, class, American society, AND what happens in social interactions grounded in "intersectionality" is class power. HARNECKER 2000 ~Marta, Dir of MEPLA, Links, p. online: http://www.dsp.org.au/links/back/issue16/harnecker.html-http://www.dsp.org.au/links/back/issue16/harnecker.html ~ To think about the construction of forces and the correlation of forces is to change AND to be stirred up, but as something that has to be built. NEXT, THE DETERMINISM OF CAPITAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTRUMENTALIZATION OF ALL LIFE—IT IS THIS LOGIC THAT MOBILIZES AND ALLOWS FOR THE 1AC’S SCENARIOS IN THE FIRST PLACEdyer-witherford 99 ~Nick, Prof at U. of Western Ontario, Cyber Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism ~ For capitalism, the use of machines as organs of "will over nature" AND degree to which this project of mastery has backfired is all too obvious. FINALLY, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ETHICAL ACTION THAT STANDS OUTSIDE OF POLITICS—YOUR ETHICAL DEMAND TO COME PRIOR TO THE STRUCTURAL NEGATION OF CAPITAL IS THE LARGEST VIOLATION OF ETHICSMeszaros 95 ~Istavan, Prof. Emeritus at Sussex, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition~p. 409-10 Politics and morality are so closely intertwined in the real world that it is hardly AND strategy, taking fully on board the painful lessons of the recent past. THIS IS NOT THE ALTERNATIVE, BUT IN TRUTH THE ONLY OPTION— METHOD IS THE FOREMOST POLITICAL QUESTION BECAUSE ONE MUST UNDERSTAND THE EXISTING SOCIAL TOTALITY BEFORE ONE CAN ACT ON IT—GROUNDING THE SITES OF POLITICAL CONTESTATION ON KNOWLEDGE OUTSIDE OF LABOR AND SURPLUS VALUE MERELY SERVE TO HUMANIZE CAPITAL AND PREVENT A TRANSITION TO A SOCIETY BEYOND OPPRESSIONtumino 2001 ~Stephen, Prof English at Pitt, ""What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More than Ever", Red Critique, p. online~ Any effective political theory will have to do at least two things: it will AND determinism of corporate theory ("knowledge work") that masquerades as social theory. Meszaros 95 ~Istavan, Prof. Emeritus at Sussex, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition~p. 738 Thus the role of labour’s extra-parliamentary movement is twofold. On the one AND a vital precondition for countering the massive extra-parliamentary power of capital. NATIVES LINKS Liberalized notions of soveirgnty and subjectivity normalize universal systems of domination. This hides the production of all forms of oppression through capitalism by fragmenting individual identity. BROWN 93 [Wendy, Professor and Genius, “Wounded Attachments”, Political Theory, Aug] Although this détente between universal and particular within liberalism is potted with volatile conceits, AND produced by capitalism in addition to that bound to the explicitly politicized marking. Opening up native lands for drilling furthers the capitalist exploitation of oppressed people and nature. Palast 09 (Greg, Journalist for Chicago Tribune, June 12, 2009 http://www.gregpalast.com/oil-and-indians-dont-mix/) There's an easy way to find oil. Go to some remote and gorgeous AND For a license to kill and drill, that's a quite a bargain. |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 4 | Opponent: ISU | Judge: ====Violation- the aff only discusses issues with existing scholarship without proposing an alternative or defending an alternative system of knowledge- even if they do, they need to defend a particular context where that method should be applied==== ====Vote neg-==== ====1.) Aff conditionality- absent defense of a specific advocacy the aff can shift their interpretation of their argument in every speech to dodge method criticisms, counter-methods and impact turns to their understanding of scholarship- a moving target affirmative makes all of their truth claims falsifiable, which replicates the form of hegemonic knowledge production they criticize==== ====2.) Neg ground- no robust defense of an abstract method- all the best responses are in the context of particularized discussion- even if the aff is correct about the way that democracy scholarship works, how should we change it, who should we give aid to, what does that mean for policy? Those are questions the negative can contest- lack of clear point of contestation makes it impossible to be negative and undermines in-depth clash- it also means their aff isn’t subjected to rigorous scrutiny to determine if ==== Ignatieff 4—Prof of Human Rights @ Harvard Michael, Lesser Evils p. 20-1 As for moral perfectionism, this would be the doctrine that a liberal state should AND , and thus respect for one right might lead us to betray another. |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 5 | Opponent: UNLV | Judge: Court of Appeals 12 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, THE COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DIVISION I, RANDALL KINCHELOE Appellant. vs. Respondent, BRIEF OF APPELLANT, http://www.courts.wa.gov/content/Briefs/a01/686429%20Appellant%20Randall%20Kincheloe~’s.pdf-http://www.courts.wa.gov/content/Briefs/a01/686429 Appellant Randall Kincheloe's.pdf 3. The ordinary definition of the term "restrictions" also does not include the reporting and monitoring or supervising terms and conditions that are included in the 2001 Stipulation. Black’s Law Dictionary, ’fifth edition,(1979) defines "restriction" as; A limitation often imposed in a deed or lease respecting the use to which the property may be put.¶ The term "restrict’ is also cross referenced with the term "restrain." Restrain is defined as;¶ To limit, confine, abridge, narrow down, restrict, obstruct, impede, hinder, stay, destroy. To prohibit from action; to put compulsion on; to restrict; to hold or press back. To keep in check; to hold back from acting, proceeding, or advancing, either by physical or moral force, or by interposing obstacle, to repress or suppress, to curb.¶ "On" means directly targeted at and focused on production Oxford Dictionary online, 12 The World’s most trusted Dictionary, http:~/~/oxforddictionaries.com/definition/american_english/com/definition/american_english/on-http://opencaselist.paperlessdebate.com/xwiki/bin/create/%2F%2Foxforddictionaries/com%2Fdefinition%2Famerican_english%2Fon?parent=Emory.Pesce%2DSigalos+Neg 5. having (the thing mentioned) as a target, aim, or focus: five air raids on the city, thousands marching on Washington ,her eyes were fixed on his dark profile Violation—the aff only approves applications for export- they’re already allowed, just expensive now, plus those restrictions aren’t on production they’re on trade of LNG SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA 93 Howard v. Babcock, No. S027061. , SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 6 Cal. 4th 409; 863 P.2d 150; 25 Cal. Rptr. 2d 80; 1993 Cal. LEXIS 6006; 28 A.L.R.5th 811; 93 Cal. Daily Op. Service 8975; 93 Daily Journal DAR 15372, December 6, 1993, Decided , Rehearing Denied February 3, 1994, Reported at: 1994 Cal. LEXIS 534. 156 *86 Rule 1-500 provides: "(A) A AND agreement resulting in a forfeiture." (Id. at p. 972.) Vote neg- 1.) Limits- they justify any aff that makes it easier to sell energy to any mix of countries with a relations advantage- allows extra topical planks and circumvents limiting effect of "production"- undermines predictable basis of neg ground 2.) Ground- could reasonably not increase amount of LNG produced with their plan- that crushes core neg ground if we can’t even read "your energy is bad" DA’s Topicality is a question of competing interpretations- any other standard does not maximize clash, which is the only education unique to debate |
| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 5 | Opponent: UNLV | Judge: Court of Appeals 12 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, THE COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, DIVISION I, RANDALL KINCHELOE Appellant. vs. Respondent, BRIEF OF APPELLANT, http://www.courts.wa.gov/content/Briefs/a01/686429%20Appellant%20Randall%20Kincheloe~’s.pdf-http://www.courts.wa.gov/content/Briefs/a01/686429 Appellant Randall Kincheloe's.pdf 3. The ordinary definition of the term "restrictions" also does not include the reporting and monitoring or supervising terms and conditions that are included in the 2001 Stipulation. Black’s Law Dictionary, ’fifth edition,(1979) defines "restriction" as; A limitation often imposed in a deed or lease respecting the use to which the property may be put.¶ The term "restrict’ is also cross referenced with the term "restrain." Restrain is defined as;¶ To limit, confine, abridge, narrow down, restrict, obstruct, impede, hinder, stay, destroy. To prohibit from action; to put compulsion on; to restrict; to hold or press back. To keep in check; to hold back from acting, proceeding, or advancing, either by physical or moral force, or by interposing obstacle, to repress or suppress, to curb.¶ "On" means directly targeted at and focused on production Oxford Dictionary online, 12 The World’s most trusted Dictionary, http:~/~/oxforddictionaries.com/definition/american_english/com/definition/american_english/on-http://opencaselist.paperlessdebate.com/xwiki/bin/create/%2F%2Foxforddictionaries/com%2Fdefinition%2Famerican_english%2Fon?parent=Emory.Pesce%2DSigalos+Neg 5. having (the thing mentioned) as a target, aim, or focus: five air raids on the city, thousands marching on Washington ,her eyes were fixed on his dark profile Violation—the aff only approves applications for export- they’re already allowed, just expensive now, plus those restrictions aren’t on production they’re on trade of LNG SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA 93 Howard v. Babcock, No. S027061. , SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 6 Cal. 4th 409; 863 P.2d 150; 25 Cal. Rptr. 2d 80; 1993 Cal. LEXIS 6006; 28 A.L.R.5th 811; 93 Cal. Daily Op. Service 8975; 93 Daily Journal DAR 15372, December 6, 1993, Decided , Rehearing Denied February 3, 1994, Reported at: 1994 Cal. LEXIS 534. 156 *86 Rule 1-500 provides: "(A) A AND agreement resulting in a forfeiture." (Id. at p. 972.) Vote neg- 1.) Limits- they justify any aff that makes it easier to sell energy to any mix of countries with a relations advantage- allows extra topical planks and circumvents limiting effect of "production"- undermines predictable basis of neg ground 2.) Ground- could reasonably not increase amount of LNG produced with their plan- that crushes core neg ground if we can’t even read "your energy is bad" DA’s Topicality is a question of competing interpretations- any other standard does not maximize clash, which is the only education unique to debate Consumption practices ensure extinction – cause overshoot and collapse of the environment, only re-organizing society can solveSmith 11 (Gar, Editor Emeritus of Earth Island Journal, "NUCLEAR¶ ROULETTE¶ THE CASE AGAINST A¶ "NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE" Pgs. 46) Even if all of the world’s current energy output could be produced by renewables, AND .¶ would require the resources of 16 planets—eight planets each. 225 Our alternative is to reject the politics of technological production Rather than focusing on production of technology, we should embrace our ability to shape and transform our subjectivity as consumers, embracing voluntary simplicity – this debate offers a crucial moment to produce alternative knowledge about everyday living practices Alexander ’11 (Samuel, University of Melbourne; Office for Environmental Programs/Simplicity Institute, " Voluntary Simplicity as an Aesthetics of Existence", Social Sciences Research Network, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1941087) The aim of this paper, however, is not to present a thorough analysis AND might open up space to ’think differently,’18 to think otherwise. Tech advances can’t solve– it doesn’t address the main cause: over consumption; increases in tech only exacerbates the rich/poor gap risking conflict.Fauset ’8 Claire Fauset, researcher. "Techno-fixes: a critical guide to climate change technologies". Corporate Watch Report. http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=3126 As the climate crisis looms, choices about solutions become ever more important. However AND consumption still rises. Renewable energy alone cannot decouple consumption from climate change. Goldstein ’10 Joshua S. Goldstein, Professor Emeritus, School of International Service, American University. 2010. "Changing World Order - Engaging the South". http://wps.ablongman.com/long_goldstein_ir_7/35/8977/2298242.cw/index.html In the last chapter’s "Changing World Order" section, there was mention of AND the emerging world order bring together the North and South in new ways? Layne in ’6 ~Christopher, Professor of Political Science at Texas A%26M, The Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 166-167~ Throughout the cold war, the Western Europeans never were confident that the United States AND Taiwan than the United States will be to prevent Beijing from doing so. ====Asian war or conflict over the Senkakus unlikely==== Bitzinger and Desker ’8 – Senior Fellow @ International Studies Perspectives Richard and Barry, PhD from UCLA and Senior Fellow @ International Studies Perspectives, Dean of the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Why East Asian War is Unlikely, Survival-http://www.informaworld.com.www2.lib.ku.edu:2048/smpp/title~content=t713659919~db=all, Volume 50-http://www.informaworld.com.www2.lib.ku.edu:2048/smpp/title~content=t713659919~db=all~tab=issueslist~branches=50, Issue 6 -http://www.informaworld.com.www2.lib.ku.edu:2048/smpp/title~content=g906414492~db=allDecember 2008 , pages 105 – 128 The Asia-Pacific region can be regarded as a zone of both relative insecurity AND this suggests that war in Asia - while not inconceivable - is unlikely. Jeffrey Record 01, professor of strategy and international security at the Air War College at Maxwell AFB, senior research fellow at the Center for Int’l Strategy, Technology, and Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology, PhD from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Int’l Studies, Winter 2001, Aerospace Power Journal, v15 i4, "Thinking about China and War," p. InfoTrac OneFile Chinese military action against Asian mainland states not allied with the United States probably would AND -Pakistani exchange during the South Asian nuclear-war scare of 1999. Rosecrance et al 10 (Richard, Political Science Professor @ Cal and Senior Fellow @ Harvard’s Belfer Center and Former Director @ Burkle Center of IR @ UCLA, and Jia Qingguo, PhD Cornell, Professor and Associate Dean of School of International Studies @ Peking University, "Delicately Poised: Are China and the US Heading for Conflict?" Global Asia 4.4, http://www.globalasia.org/l.php?c=e251-http://www.globalasia.org/l.php?c=e251) Will China and the US Go to War? If one accepts the previous analysis AND to territorial expansion and war with the US? The answer is no. Sutter 2 (Robert, Professor – Georgetown, "China and Japan: Trouble Ahead?", Washington Quarterly, Autumn, Lexis) Little appears to be on the horizon that will substantially change the recent balance between AND and economic development that require broad regional cooperation and avoiding confrontation and conflict. On the brink of total environmental catastrophe – change in growth patterns allows the environmental movement to take root and solve extinction*Shekhar 9 Manisha, 1/30, Professor in the Research Department of Electronics and Communications @ Centre for Strategic Analysis %26 Research Dept, Environment does not allow further economic growth in the world?, http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/articles/12807_environment_does_not_allow_further_economic_growth_in_the_world The world is currently facing an unprecedented health-http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/tags/health and environmental Crisis-http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/tags/crisis. Despite progress in AND crisis, both humans and the environment must be taken into full account-http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/tags/account. Sachs 8 Jeffrey, Professor of Sustainable Development, A User’s Guide to the Century, http://www.nationalinterest.org/Article.aspx?id=18682 THE NEW world order is therefore crisis prone. The existence of rapidly emerging regional AND , species extinctions and much more—could also be grounds for conflict. Growth leads to environmental collapse and disease epidemicsShekhar 9 Manisha, 1/30, Professor in the Research Department of Electronics and Communications @ Centre for Strategic Analysis %26 Research Dept, Environment does not allow further economic growth in the world?, http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/articles/12807_environment_does_not_allow_further_economic_growth_in_the_world Throughout time, environmental problems have been some of the most important factors affecting people’s AND might increase tensions and lead to drastic increases in wars and violent conflicts. Ferguson 6 Niall, Professor of History @ Harvard, The Next War of the World, Foreign Affairs 85.5, Proquest There are many unsatisfactory explanations for why the twentieth century was so destructive. One AND economic catastrophe, and some severe economic crises were not followed by wars. Empirical studies show no causal relationship between economic decline and warMiller 1 Morris, Professor of Economics, Poverty: A Cause of War?, http://archive.peacemagazine.org/v17n1p08.htm Library shelves are heavy with studies focused on the correlates and causes of war. AND by increasing repression (thereby using one form of violence to abort another)." -This one isn’t bad, relatively Ecommerce Journal 8 December, The U.S. economy is now well into its 11th postwar recession, http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/articles/11618_the_u_s_economy_is_now_well_into_its_11th_postwar_recession The National Bureau of Economic Research-http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/tags/research has finally confirmed what the real world has known AND quickly both monetary and fiscal policies have been marshaled to cushion this downturn. ====These movements are different- crumbling economies in the global north have created material solidarity between the North and South- creates an effective mindset shift==== Harvey 10/27 (Ryan, writer, an organizer with the Civilian-Soldier Alliance, "Globalization" Is Coming Home: Protests Spread as Financial Institutions Target Global North", Thursday 27 October 2011, http://www.truth-out.org/world-finally-fighting-infection-neoliberalism/1320164620?q=globalization-coming-home-protests-spread-financial-institutions-target-global-north/1319721791) Shortly before the once-prized economy of Argentina collapsed at the end of 2001 AND of a global economy designed for a minority of the world’s wealthiest people. Evaluate all of their impacts in the context of MNC-fueled growth- MNCs eliminate governmental regulation and increase environmental pressures.Speth ’8 James, dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yale_School_of_Forestry_and_Environmental_Studies at Yale University-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yale_University, New Haven, Connecticut-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Haven,_Connecticut. Currently he serves the school as the Carl W. Knobloch, Jr. Dean and Sara Shallenberger Brown Professor in the Practice of Environmental Policy. The Bridge at the Edge of the World. P. 61-62 But the system that drives today’s unsustainable growth includes other powerful elements beyond these. AND . Unfortunately, what we have today is the globalization of market failure. Trainer 8 Ted, Lecturer @ University of New South Wales, A short critique of the Stern Review, real-world economics review, issue no. 45 If the question is "How can we provide the energy to run a society AND is unsustainable and unjust — it can not be made sustainable or just. Their rosy picture of economic growth is terminally flawed – only a bumpy road will allow a powerdown and avert civilization collapseHeinberg 4 Richard, MA, Senior Fellow of Post Carbon Institute, Book Excerpt: Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Port-Carbon World, http://www.energybulletin.net/node/2291 Most of us would like to see still another possibility – a painless transition in AND tied to the fact that we anticipate perpetual growth within a finite system. Gelb December ’10 Leslie, President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was a senior official in the U.S. Defense Department from 1967 to 1969 and in the State Department from 1977 to 1979, November/December Foreign Affairs, Proquest Most nations today beat their foreign policy drums largely to economic rhythms, but less AND in which economic concerns typically-but not always-outweigh traditional military imperatives War II didn’t rise in spite of crisis. They rose because of it. The parallels to the modern-day United States, though not exact, are plain enough. This country’s long No protectionism – economy is resilient Dani Rodrik (professor of political economy at Harvard, recipient of the Social Science Research Council’s Hirschman Prize) 2009 "The myth of rising protectionism", http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/dani-rodrikmythrising-protectionism/373102/-http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/dani-rodrikmythrising-protectionism/373102/ There was a dog that didn’t bark during the financial crisis: protectionism. Despite AND insurance and family support — that mitigate demand for cruder forms of protection. Overconsumption culminates in extinction and collapses value to life.Robins in ’94 Vicki Robin, New Road Map Foundation president, speech delivered at the United Nations, 1994, "A Declaration of Independence from Overconsumption," http://www.sacredlands.org/independence.htm Quantity as well as type of consumption defines the individual’s impact on the environment. AND annually. Ninety percent of our northwestern old-growth forests is gone. |
| 02/02/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 2 | Opponent: JMU MM | Judge: Kris Willis We refuse the resolution as our site of interrogation to analyze the historical paradigm of Settlerism and reject the existence of the sovereignty of the so-called “United States”- we instead begin with indigenist analysis of Settlerism The aff has marked the space of the debate with their understanding of this place, where the overriding focus on the exercise of United States’ sovereignty is the sole concern. The aff has gathered these narratives into themselves, and spit out a 1AC laden with the same words and practices that led to cooption and elimination of First People- we must reclaim this place in the name of indigenism. Churchill ‘8 Ward Churchill, “I Am Indigenist,” November 18, 2008, http://www.zcommunications.org/i-am-indigenist-by-ward-churchill Let me say, before I go any further, that I am hardly unique AND of their own cultures, appointed by the United States to sign away their peoples' homelands in exchange for trinkets, sugar, and alcohol. They are not AND the totality of what might be termed "Eurocentric business as usual."7 We must remove the blinder of Eurocentrism from our academic discussions surrounding colonial practice. Only the alternative’s intervention into history effectively reinvigorates indigenous and dominated persons agency by striking colonization at its root. The affirmative can never be as effective, because it remains built upon a rotting foundation of Eurocentric thought, seeing colonization as a natural product of history. Churchill ‘8 Ward Churchill, “I Am Indigenist,” November 18, 2008, http://www.zcommunications.org/i-am-indigenist-by-ward-churchill "The past is also unifying," Bonfil Batalla continues. "The achievements of AND to create one's own future, a different future, not Western."10 Spatial politics are a prior question- only understanding policies and history within their spatial context allows us to prevent conflicts and social extermination, as well as prevent error replication. Yeh ‘3 Emily Yeh, “Tibetan Range Wars: Spatial Poltics and Authority on the Grasslands of Amdo,” 2003, Institute of Social Studies, Development and Change, 34(3), pages 499-523 In this essay, I have linked the spatial politics of Amdo the PRC with AND wise have occurred, or which would have perhaps been easier to resolve. |
| 02/02/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 6 | Opponent: Samford BC | Judge: Sarah Spring Text: The United States federal government should establish a Transferable Production Tax Credit available to American Indian tribes for four years. The United States federal government should institute a renewable portfolio standard after the lapse of the Production Tax Credit extension. Four years sufficient- wind will achieve grid parity by 2016 and it’s a long enough investment to solve predictability Bloomberg ‘12 Bloomberg View, Aug 21, 2012, “Extend Wind-Power Tax Credit Now, So It Can Die Later,” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-21/extend-wind-power-tax-credit-now-so-it-can-die-later.html Since U.S. President Barack Obama brought it up, repeatedly, last AND their operations without the need to guess what tax support they will have.¶ The counterplan is popular- it creates a clear federal exit strategy from market support and short term extension is popular Bloomberg ‘12 Bloomberg View, Aug 21, 2012, “Extend Wind-Power Tax Credit Now, So It Can Die Later,” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-21/extend-wind-power-tax-credit-now-so-it-can-die-later.html Even smarter would be to ultimately replace the tax credit with market-based support AND if they considered longer-lasting ways to help the wind business succeed. |
| 02/02/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 6 | Opponent: Samford BC | Judge: Sarah Spring Our link is linear—each sacred cow weakens efforts to balance the budget Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 5/14/97 The agreement also achieves some savings in Medicaid. Just a few years ago, AND budget but so the programs themselves can remain healthy for the long haul. Each additional sacred cow undermines efforts to balance the federal budget Sarasota Herald-Tribune 4/17/97 Paul Phillips, U.S. Air Force, retired: If they're trying AND Also, there has to be a better understanding of who needs what. Big budget deficits crowd out investment, risk financial instability, and spillover to threaten the global economy Economist 11/8/03 The economic consequences are indisputably negative. Big budget deficits reduce America's already abysmally low AND that Mr Bush's fiscal policies pose for the world economy. No Ronald Reagan Economic collapse causes extinction Kerpen 8-- vice president for policy at Americans for Prosperity Phil, National Review Online, October 29, , Don't Turn Panic Into Depression, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/29/opinion/main4555821.shtml It’s important that we avoid all these policy errors - not just for the sake AND , and more restrictive labor markets. The stakes couldn’t be any higher. |
| 02/09/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Illinois State | Judge: Kallmyer The aff reproduces neoliberal subjectivity, translating military risk calculations into an opportunity for market expansion – this logic screens out the structural violence caused by nuclear power and creates an invisible war against minorities and the environment Jacobs 11 (Ron, activist journalist with a pretty legit epistemology, “No More Nukes!”, March 15th, 2011, http://dissidentvoice.org/2011/03/no-more-nukes/) Nuclear power is the perfect metaphor for the current phase of monopoly capitalism — neoliberalism AND longer viable. The events in Japan once again make that perfectly clear. The impact is extinction – the environmental byproducts of neoliberalism create gaps in ecosystem services, creating multiple, mutually reinforcing feedback effects – causes climate change, resource collapse, disease spread, and biodiversity collapse Ehrenfeld ‘5, (David, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources @ Rutgers University, “The Environmental Limits to Globalization”, Conservation Biology Vol. 19 No. 2 April 2005) The known effects of globalization on the environment are numerous and highly significant. Many AND have become so thoroughly entwined with ours within the global environment we share. The judge should vote negative to endorse globalization from below The alt develops an alternative ethical orientation towards economics, grounding it in an ethical empathy towards the other – re-orienting our methodological approach to the economy produces a new system of democratic institution and unites transnational movements Choi, Murphy, and Caro 4 Jung Min, John W, Manuel J, Professor of Sociology SDSU, Professor of Sociology University of Miami, Professor of Sociology Barry University, Globalization with a Human Face, pg. 6-9 Many critics have begun to wonder why hamburgers and jeans can be globalized, but AND less alienating ways? With little left to why not pursue alternative visions? |
| 02/09/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Illinois State | Judge: Kallmyer TEXT: The United States Federal Government should establish and Nuclear Waste Policy Commission to direct an evolutionary solution to nuclear waste storage in the United States including opening repositories and pursuing new waste disposal technologies. Commission solves and avoids controversy Richard B. Stewart 8, University Professor and John Edward Sexton Professor of Law AND 17 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 783 The second step Congress and the President should take is to constitute a high level AND prominence and potential buy-in to recommendations for change by key constituencies. Neither the administration nor Congress has been able or willing on their own to institute AND risk adoption of short-sighted approaches that overlook cross-cutting opportunities. |
| 02/09/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 2 | Opponent: Illinois State | Judge: Kallmyer US won’t cave on South Korea ENR now Lee Byong Chul, senior fellow @ Inst. For Peace and Coop., 10-8-2012, “South Korea eschews enrichment of uranium,” Japan Times, http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/eo20121008a4.html South Korean officials have recently realized that the United States is likely to try to AND not contribute to any nuclear program that could be used for military purposes.) Failure to maintain a hardline on domestic reprocessing shatters the norm against ENR and makes credible US diplomatic pressure impossible – ensures South Korean ENR Scott Sagan, poly sci prof @ Stanford, co-chair Global Nuclear Future Initiative, 4-18-2011, “The International Security Implications of U.S. Domestic Nuclear Power Decisions,” http://cybercemetery.unt.edu/archive/brc/20120621005012/http://brc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/sagan_brc_paper_final.pdf A similar phenomenon occurs when policy makers and scholars underestimate the international effect of the AND U.S. does not reprocess spend fuel for commercial purposes. 21 South Korean ENR causes South Korean prolif and undermines US nonprolif efforts with Iran, North Korea, and Southeast Asia Zachary Keck 12, Assistant Editor of The Diplomat, “Rough Waters? The State of the ROK-U.S. Alliance,” The Diplomat, 8-22-12, http://thediplomat.com/flashpoints-blog/2012/08/22/rough-waters-the-state-of-the-rok-u-s-alliance/ Washington’s concerns over South Korean’s nuclear ambitions have only been heightened by Seoul’s latest campaign AND more than ever in order to properly rebalance its forces in the region. New Asian prolif ensures widespread additional nuclear conflict --- asymmetries Lyon 9 (December, Program Director, Strategy and International, with Australian Strategic Policy Institute, previously a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Queensland, “A delicate issue, Asia’s nuclear future”) Deterrence relationships in Asia won’t look like East–West deterrence. They won’t be AND the numbers and locations of weapons to minimise the vulnerability of their arsenals. Extinction Hayes 10 Peter Hayes, *Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development, AND, Michael Hamel-Green, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development act Victoria University (1/5/10, Executive Dean at Victoria, “The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia,” http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf But the catastrophe within the region would not be the only outcome. New research AND threat but a global one that warrants priority consideration from the international community. A nuclear Iran causes massive proliferation and another nuclear war Kroenig 12 – Matthew Kroenig is Assistant Professor of Government at Georgetown University and a Stanton Nuclear Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. February 22nd, 2012, "What Will Iran Do If It Gets a Nuclear Bomb?" www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/02/what-will-iran-do-if-it-gets-a-nuclear-bomb/253430/ A nuclear-armed Iran would pose a grave threat to international peace and security AND state and has nuclear weapons, which could be decades or even longer. |
| 02/10/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 5 | Opponent: Minnesota CE | Judge: Brian Rubaie A) Russia’s economy will grow rapidly this year—robust oil prices are the reason why: Anastasiya Kostomarova, 1/3/2013 (staff writer, “2013: Lucky or unlucky for the world economy?”¶ http://rt.com/business/news/russia-world-economy-2013-997/, Accessed 1/4/2013, rwg) “The Misha Bear” will indeed be unable to remain completely immune to the AND in the future are based on robust oil prices, but the widely dis As Oil Supply Increases, oil prices drop Economists view 2008 (“An Increase in Worldwide Demand for Oil” http://economistsview.typepad.com/economistsview/2008/06/an-increase-in.html ) JA In this model, the initial equilibrium is at point a. Then, there AND Eventually, the economy settles at the new equilibrium shown at point c. High prices are key to the Russian economy and domestic stability Michael Schuman 7-5-2012 ; writes about Asia and global economic issues as a correspondent for TIME in Hong Kong. B.A. in Asian history and political science from the University of Pennsylvania and a master of international affairs from Columbia; “Why Vladimir Putin Needs Higher Oil Prices” http://business.time.com/2012/07/05/why-vladimir-putin-needs-higher-oil-prices/ But Vladimir Putin is not one of them. The economy that the Russian President AND growth model looks unsustainable unless oil prices remain at or above $120pb. Russian economic collapse causes global nuclear war Steven David, January/February 1999; Professor of International Relations and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, , http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19990101faessay955/steven-r-david/saving-america-from-the-coming-civilwars.html If internal war does strike Russia, economic deterioration will be a prime cause. AND of Soviet communism, a second civil war might produce another horrific regime. |
| 02/10/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 5 | Opponent: Minnesota CE | Judge: Brian Rubaie Text: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on oil production on national parks, military reservations and public-domain land in the United States. “Federal lands” means the plan drills in national wildlife refuges- counterplan excludes it National Atlas ‘13 National Atlas, “Federal Lands of the United States,” January 14th, 2013, http://nationalatlas.gov/mld/fedlanp.html Federal Lands of the United States¶ What this map layer shows:¶ Lands owned or administered by the Federal government. AND This map layer was compiled by the National Atlas of the United States®. Oil drilling in ANWR would destroy the world’s best preserved biodiversity hotspot Docherty 2 Bonnie, Schell Fellow, Human Rights Watch. J.D., Harvard Law School, 2001; Editor-in-Chief, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2000-2001, “Challenging Boundaries: The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and International Environmental Law Protection”, ANWR and International Environmental Law As science has recognized the interconnectedness of nature and people have gained a greater respect AND contend the United States needs the same economic protections as less industrialized nations. Biodiversity key to survival. Young, 10, Dr Ruth Young, PhD specialising in coastal marine ecology. 2-9-2010, “Biodiversity: what it is and why it’s important”, http://www.talkingnature.com/2010/02/biodiversity/biodiversity-what-and-why/ Different species within ecosystems fill particular roles, they all have a function, they AND on this planet possible and that our protection of biodiversity maintains this service. |
| 02/10/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 8 | Opponent: Houston AJ | Judge: Phil Samuels Wind deployment slowing now – sales and construction at low point Gray 12 (Tyson-Lord J., Ph.D candidate in Ethics and Society with a focus in Environmental Ethics, Vanderbilt University, “Beauty or Bane Advancing an Aesthetic Appreciation of Wind Turbine Farms, http://www.contempaesthetics.org/newvolume/pages/article.php?articleID=651, Acc: 8/2/12, og) In 2009, the American Wind Energy Association conducted a survey of small wind turbine AND a considerable decline from the more than 10,000 megawatts in 2009. Wind turbines hurt military readiness and national security – causes blockage, clutter, and impairs weapon testing Robyn 10 (Dorothy, Phd, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, “Impact of Wind Farms on Military Readiness, http://www.acq.osd.mil/ie/download/robyn_testimony_hascr_29jun10.pdf, Acc: 8/3/12, og) Wind turbines can interfere with the effectiveness of radar and other electromagnetic systems¶ that AND radars used to train pilots are degraded by wind turbine clutter and shadowing. Military readiness sustains US leadership and deterrence Spencer 2k (Jack, Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, http://www.heritage.org/Research/MissileDefense/BG1394.cfm, Acc: 8/3/12, og) U.S. military readiness cannot be gauged by comparing America's armed forces with AND from acting aggressively in regions of vital national interest, thereby preserving peace. Global nuclear war Zalmay KHALILZAD RAND Corporation, 1995, Losing the Moment?, Washington Quarterly, Vol 18, No 2, p. 84 Finally, U.S. leadership would help preclude the rise of another hostile global rival, enabling the United States and the world to avoid another global cold or hot war and all the attendant dangers, including a global nuclear exchange. U.S. leadership would therefore be more conducive to global stability than a bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system. |
| 03/23/2013 | Tournament: CEDA | Round: 2 | Opponent: Kansas DS | Judge: Heather Walters Text: The 562 Native American tribal governments should rule that the Bureau of Land Management does not have sovereign authority to regulate indian lands in the context of oil and gas leasing. The aff begins from the recognition of US sovereign authority, which turns the case- rearranging BLM procedures isn’t going to get it done, only a reclamation of native sovereignty by removing natives from the yoke of federal oversight solves Dreveskracht 11—Associate at Galanda Broadman PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian majority-owned law firm. His practice focuses on representing businesses and tribal governments in public affairs, energy, gaming, taxation, and general economic development (Ryan, The Road to Alternative Energy in Indian Country: Is It a Dead End?, http://www.wsba.org/Legal-Community/Sections/Indian-Law-Section/~/media/Files/Legal%20Community/Sections/Indian%20Law/Indian%20Newsletters/Summer%202011%20Vol%2019%20No%202.ashx) Yet, as of February 2011, only one commercial scale renewable energy project is AND it will be necessary to emphasize the former to bring about the latter. There is no solvency deficit possible- the only act of self-determination in the debate is the counterplan- the aff is still paternalism, even if it is well-meaning. There is no legitimate US federal government claim to regulate native lands. |
| 03/24/2013 | Tournament: CEDA | Round: 5 | Opponent: Cal Poly SLO CK | Judge: Geoff Lundeen Venture capital shifting away from renewables to grid modernization now NBC 12 Dinah Wisenberg Brin, award-winning writer with a strong background producing financial, healthcare, government news, “Clean Tech Investing Shifts, With Lower-Cost Ventures Gaining Favor” March 1, http://www.cnbc.com/id/46222448/Clean_Tech_Investing_Shifts_With_Lower_Cost_Ventures_Gaining_Favor For many investors, that change means shifting funds from capital-intensive alternative- AND .6 million, a 250 percent increase and 47 percent deal increase.¶ Plan reverses that trend—causes capital diversion De Rugy 12 Veronica, Testimony Before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Dr. AND creating sustainable economic growth to the implications of government tax and fiscal policies. http://mercatus.org/publication/assessing-department-energy-loan-guarantee-program 3. Mal-investments Loan guarantee programs can also have an impact on the AND themselves away from producing what customers want, toward pleasing the government officials. Solves water scarcity Muys et al 11 Jerome C. Muys, Jr., Jeffrey M. Karp, and Van P. Hilderbrand, Jr. Sullivan and Worcester LLP, “The Intersection Between Water Scarcity And Renewable Energy” April, http://www.sandw.com/assets/htmldocuments/Intersection%20Between%20Water%20Scarcity%20and%20Renewable%20Energy%20-%20Muys%20Karp%20Hilderbrand%20W0230759.PDF The starting point for any discussion of the intersection between water scarcity and renewable energy AND begun to converge in ways that were completely¶ unforeseen twenty years ago. Extinction Reilly ‘2 (Kristie, Editor for In These Times, a nonprofit, independent, national magazine published in Chicago. We’ve been around since 1976, fighting for corporate accountability and progressive government. In other words, a better world, “NOT A DROP TO DRINK,” http://www.inthesetimes.com/issue/26/25/culture1.shtml) *Cites environmental thinker and activist Vandana Shiva Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke—probably North America’s foremost water experts The two books provide a chilling, in-depth examination of a rapidly emerging AND planet decreases, today’s low-level conflicts can only increase in intensity. |