| 01/04/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Companies seek lower income communities to site nuclear power plants because they are eager for economic growth. Lazarus ’92 Richard J. Lazarus Professor of Law, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri PURSUING "ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE": THE DISTRIBUTIONAL EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SPRING, 1992 87 Nw. U.L. Rev. 787 n88. In commenting on a public utility company’s decision to site a nuclear power AND See Austin %26 Schill, supra note 14, at 69, 70. The aff is not an attempt to dictate what marginalized communities need – rather it questions the current method of siting potentially risky power sources. Closing the neoliberal distance between decision makers and the impacts of their decision gets at the heart of why these siting problems occur. We cannot wait for people to do the right thing.Yamamoto and Lyman 1 Eric K, Hawaii Law School law prof., and Jen-L W, UC Berkeley visiting law prof., University of Colorado Law Review, 72 U. Colo. L. Rev. 311, Spring, p. 311-313, ln The framework, however, at times also undercuts environmental justice struggles by racial and AND , social, and cultural context and power disparities within a community. n61-http://www.lexisnexis.com/lnacui2api/frame.do?reloadEntirePage=true%26rand=1348080173825%26returnToKey=20_T15565693953%26parent=docview%26target=results_DocumentContent%26tokenKey=rsh-20.92817.33560959937 Current siting strategies for nuclear power plants create epistemological distance between governmental and corporate decision makers and the disadvantaged communities where the plants are built.Kevin ’97 Daniel Kevin is an environmental analyst at the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in AND THEORIES AND REMEDIES 8 Vill. Envtl. L.J. 121 1997 Conflicts over LULU siting can be lessened by lowering the number of LULUs that must AND attractive than would otherwise be the case if solely technical criteria were employed. This distance between decision makers and disenfranchised communities has created an energy apartheid – ensuring that poor minority communities bear the worst of the risks of energy while receiving few benefits.Bullard ’11 Robert D. Bullard is the Dean of the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University in Houston. Dismantling Energy Apartheid in the United States February 9th, 2011 http://dissidentvoice.org/2011/02/dismantling-energy-apartheid-in-the-united-states/-http://dissidentvoice.org/2011/02/dismantling-energy-apartheid-in-the-united-states/ Recent proposals to jump-start the nuclear power industry have sparked debate-http://www.washingtoninformer.com/index.php?option=com_content%26view=article%26id=3557:obamas-nuclear-energy-proposal-sparks-debate-among-black-environmentalists%26catid=51:national%26Itemid=114 and environmental AND not get left behind or on the sideline of a clean energy future. Anthony ’95 Carl Anthony is the Executive Director of the Urban Habitat Program and the chair of the East Bay Conversion Reinvestment Commission Remembering the Cuban Missile Crisis: Freedom from Annihilation Is a Human Right Spring Summer 1995 http://urbanhabitat.org/node/945-http://urbanhabitat.org/node/945 Nuclear weapons are tools of a conquering, violent culture. Racism at domestic and AND excesses of racism, human aggression, and technology-gone-berserk. The nuclear industry drives siting decisions. Upper socioeconomic neighborhoods cause too much political trouble and land is too expensive. The desire for an easy and efficient process papers over the violence done to low income and minority communities when risky technology is placed in their neighborhoods without their involvement.Foster ’98 Sheila Foster Associate Professor of Law, Rutgers School of Law ARTICLE: Justice from the Ground Up: Distributive Inequities, Grassroots Resistance, and the Transformative Politics of the Environmental Justice Movement 86 Calif. L. Rev. 775 July 1998 Although the siting process does not produce the structured inequalities in communities such as Chester AND to the hazard," but rather that "the hazard comes to them." Advocating building nuclear plants in privileged areas places us in the role of the writer activist – opening up space for disenfranchised communities to resist and be heard.Nixon ’11 (Rob, Rachel Carson Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, pgs. 40-42) In 2009, amidst the global economic crash, Matt Taibbi memorably depicted Goldman Sachs AND , in the spirit of Antonio Gramsci, has called "undefeated despair."" Rodrik ’11 (Dan, Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard University, "Occupy the classroom?", 16 Dec 2011, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2011/12/2011121494147161362.html) Consider the global financial crisis. Macroeconomics and finance did not lack the tools needed AND better analysts of the real world. Nor does it make them more popular Social invisibility causes extinction – produces background of structural violence that makes conflict and environmental collapse inevitableSzentes ’8 Tamás Szentes, a Professor Emeritus at the Corvinus University of Budapest. "Globalisation and prospects of the world society" 4/22/08 http://www.eadi.org/fileadmin/Documents/Events/exco/Glob.___prospects_-_jav..pdf It’ s a common place that human society can survive and develop only in a AND mass destructive weapons, and also due to irreversible changes in natural environment. Neoliberal hegemony uses exceptionalism to render its violent side effects invisible, ensuring environmental destruction and global conflict- be suspicious of all their answers because their means of structuring the social field erases vast sectors of the global population from viewNixon ’11 (Rob, Rachel Carson Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, pgs. 33-36) There are signs that the environmental humanities are beginning to make some tentative headway toward AND rich nations, often working hand-in-fist with authoritarian regimes. It is necessary to constantly create new, updated rules while working within institution. Some violence is always inevitable. The plan creates a tension between preserving memories through documentation, and the creation of something absolutely new. Derrida 94( in "Deconstruction in a Nutshell by John Caputo, written in 1997") What is called "deconstruction"—and I will be very sketchy here, because AND , which is never guaranteed, is the alliance of these to newness. And nuclear power is safe –we are not advocating hurting privileged communities just sharing the risks. Safeguards solve and no environmental damage in the US
John Gray. Associate at Perkins Coie. Choosing the nuclear option: the case for a strong regulatory response to encourage nuclear energy development. 41 Ariz. St. L.J. 315-348 (2009). Additionally, multiple standard safeguards prevent Chernobyl-like nuclear meltdowns in the United States AND plane crashes; this final safeguard makes Chernobyl-like damage impossible. n10 Our use of institutions like the state realizes our complicity with power and produces agonism- the alternative is a string of "anti’s" that never produce positive change Newman ’00, (Saul, Postdoctoral Fellow @ Macquarie University, Anarchism and the Politics of Ressentiment, muse) What is the point of this distinction between power and domination? Does this not AND within this world, renegotiating our position to enhance our possibilities of freedom. Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois ’4 (Prof of Anthropology @ Cal-Berkely; Prof of Anthropology @ UPenn) (Nancy and Philippe, Introduction: Making Sense of Violence, in Violence in War and Peace, pg. 19-22) This large and at first sight "messy" Part VII is central to this AND including the house gun and gated communities; and reversed feelings of victimization). |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 2 | Opponent: GMU KL | Judge: Brendon Bankey Perm do both – - Not textually competitive – plan doesn’t preclude state funding for nuclear power
2. Not functionally competitive: states can supplement federal incentives Ben-Moshe’ 09 Financing the Nuclear renaissance: The Benefits and Potential Pitfalls of Federal and State Government Subsidies and the Future of Nuclear Power in California, Sony Ben-Moshe, JOason Crowell, Kelly Gale, Breton Peace, Brett Rosenblatt, Kelly Thomason, Energy Bar Association 2009 7. State Financing of Nuclear Energy¶ In addition to federal subsidies, various AND renewable portfolio standard, which¶ we describe in detail in the next section The CP can’t solve the aff: - Distancing DA- utilizing the logic of net benefits is an act of neoliberal distancing- the neg is stuck to this risk calculus if its their only justification for a different policy option- they’re trying to remove all of the risk associated with federal action and dumping it onto the states- federal government should take responsibility for the effects of its nuclear policy
2. Enforcement DA- States, especially racist ones, will cheat and only marginally enforce to attract business interests Graham ’98 (Mary, Brookings Institute, "Environmental Protection %26 the States: ""Race to the Bottom"" or ""Race to the Bottom Line""?" Winter, http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/1998/12/winter-environment-graham-http://www.brookings.edu/research/articles/1998/12/winter-environment-graham, TGA) To call attention to these changes is not to deny that state and local governments AND opportunities that affect farms and housing developments as well as forests and meadows. That cheating allows injustice to take hold in siting decisions. Don’t view the solvency deficit debate in utilitarian terms – that framework has traditionally been used in policy making decisions to make decisions that render populations invisible. Gauna ’98 Eileen Gauna Professor of Law, Southwestern University School of Law. ARTICLE: The Environmental Justice Misfit: Public Participation and the Paradigm Paradox 17 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 3 January, 1998 Consider the difficulties with such an approach. Some writers have argued that our general AND because it is inconsistent with an economically optimal distribution of benefits and burdens. CP can’t solve - federal preemption of the counterplan exists now Ostrow, associate professor of law at Hofstra Law School, ’11 (Ashira Pelman Ostrow, "Process Preemption in Federal Siting Regimes, Harvard Journal of Law, July 2011, http://www.harvardjol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Ostrow_Article.pdf-http://www.harvardjol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Ostrow_Article.pdf) For national security reasons, the federal government has long asserted exclusive authority to manage AND of Energy to develop guidelines by which to evaluate potential repository sites. 139 Only the federal government can enforce compliance, create uniform standards, and fund long-term commitments. Byrne, et al., ’7 (John, Kristen Hughes, Lado Kurdgelashvili, Wilson Rickerson, all from the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP), "American policy conflict in the greenhouse: Divergent trends in federal, regional, state, and local green energy and climate change policy", 2-19-7, RSR) Effective global mitigation of climate change will require strong leadership by national governments, including AND needed to meet ever more challenging climate action targets (Rabe, 2002). Federal government best for nuclear power – government action needed to repair past mistakes. This is key to solving the neoliberal distance advantage because the people in charge of making decisions at the federal level have to reconcile themselves to their past mistakes Karlow, ’6 (Edwin, PhD Department of Physics at La Sierra University, February, Physics Today, http://scitation.aip.org/journals/doc/PHTOAD-ft/vol_59/iss_2/11_1.shtml-http://scitation.aip.org/journals/doc/PHTOAD-ft/vol_59/iss_2/11_1.shtml, accessed 8-1-12, RSR) The US has substantial precedence and rationale for governmental support of the next generation of AND in the investment risk. Building nuclear plants is in the nation’s interest. Federal government is key to offset major hurdles to construction- investors only trust federal backing due to its control over licensing and regulations. -Solves government regulations/red tape NEI 11 Nuclear Energy Institute, Policy Brief Financing New Nuclear Power Plants, May Loan guarantees are important to financing new nuclear energy projects because of the enormous financial AND federal government—through the loan guarantee program—can offset that risk. Federal funding key: Way too expensive for states- Obama has asked for over 100 billion. Mosche 09 (Sony Ben-Mosche, Energy Law Journal, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t%26rct=j%26q=%26esrc=s%26source=web%26cd=1%26cad=rja%26ved=0CCIQFjAA%26url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lw.com%2FthoughtLeadership%2Ffinancing-the-nuclear-renaissance-in-california%26ei=okNwUOfuOarK0AHimYHYDQ%26usg=AFQjCNF-TqH_QJQlbBKg9k1lCAA-EglM9g) Moreover, the sheer magnitude of debt needed to finance a multi-billion dollar AND customized for nuclear power in order to achieve the greatest efficiency possible.2 |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 2 | Opponent: GMU KL | Judge: Brendon Bankey Global nuclear power development now Ferguson 12 Charles D. Ferguson is the president of the Federation of American Scientists. Nuclear Power’s Uncertain Future. March 15, 2012. http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/nuclear~’s-uncertain-future-6643. On the opposite side of the world, China has about two dozen reactors under AND successful, the UAE project could set the stage for competitive nuclear power. Three Mile Island proves safety measures work Gray ’9 John Gray. Associate at Perkins Coie. Choosing the nuclear option: the case for a strong regulatory response to encourage nuclear energy development. 41 Ariz. St. L.J. 315-348 (2009). The United States’ "worst nuclear accident," Three Mile Island, actually proves nuclear power plants’ safety. n106 "Safety devices worked as designed and prevented any injury from occurring to humans, animals, or the environment. Moreover, the accident directly resulted in improved procedures, instrumentation, and safety systems, and now our nuclear reactor power plants are substantially safer." n107 With today’s nuclear power plants even safer, critics’ disaster scenarios appear unwarranted. Safety record on nuclear better than other energy- Chernobyl can’t happen in the US. Westmoreland-12 Lynn congressman from the 3rd district in Georgia), "Nuclear Power Is the Energy of Our Future", May 31. http://westmoreland.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content%26view=article%26id=648%26Itemid=363-http://westmoreland.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content%26view=article%26id=648%26Itemid=363. Google.7/7/12. Unfortunately, there are those who continue to fight the expansion of nuclear power, AND reaffirmed by a variety of institutions, including the International Atomic Energy Agency." Minimal impact to meltdowns Cohen 11 Professor at the University of Pittsburgh http://www.physics.isu.edu/radinf/np-risk.htm-http://www.physics.isu.edu/radinf/np-risk.htm RISKS OF NUCLEAR POWER Bernard L. Cohen, Sc.D. Professor at the University of Pittsburgh 3/16/2011 Risks from reactor accidents are estimated by the rapidly developing science of "probabilistic risk AND hydroelectric dams in California whose sudden failure could cause 200,000 deaths. |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 2 | Opponent: GMU KL | Judge: Brendon Bankey Nuclear power does not compete with oil – they show little overlap with market. Toth and Rogner, ’6 (Ferenc (Senior Energy Economist in the IAEA’s Planning and Economic Studies Section) and Hans-Holger (Section Head, Planning and Economic Studies Section at the IAEA), "Oil and nuclear power: Past, present, and future", Energy Economics 28, 2006, pg. 22, RSR) While the past expansion of nuclear energy occurred to the detriment of oil in the AND best economic option to satisfy increasing demand for electricity (WNA, 2004). No relationship between nuke and oil Toth 2006 (Ferenc L. Toth, senior energy economist with the Planning and Economic Studies Section in the Department of Nuclear Energy at IAEA, Hans-Holger Rogner, head of Planning and Economic Studies at IAEA, "Oil and nuclear power: Past, present, and future," IAEA, http://www.iaea.org/OurWork/ST/NE/Pess/assets/oil+np_toth+rogner0106.pdf) The current relationship between nuclear power and oil has become distinctly different than it was AND for oil are unaffected by a nuclear presence in the electricity generating market. No indirect effects Toth 2006 (Ferenc L. Toth, senior energy economist with the Planning and Economic Studies Section in the Department of Nuclear Energy at IAEA, Hans-Holger Rogner, head of Planning and Economic Studies at IAEA, "Oil and nuclear power: Past, present, and future," IAEA, http://www.iaea.org/OurWork/ST/NE/Pess/assets/oil+np_toth+rogner0106.pdf) The second dimension of the oil–nuclear competition is indirect: nuclear electricity versus AND these sectors has declined from 960 Mtoe to 811 Mtoe over this period. SMRs key to chemical industry Solan 2010 (David Solan, Director, Energy Policy Institute, Associate Director, Center for Advanced Energy Studies, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Administration at Boise State University, June 2010, "ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS OF SMALL MODULAR NUCLEAR REACTORS," Energy Policy Institute, http://www.nuclearcompetitiveness.org/images/EPI_SMR_ReportJune2010.pdf) Process Heat for Industrial Applications and District Heating. SMRs can be used to provide AND heat output and expense of a large nuclear reactor makes its application impractical. Extinction CEN 1999 (Chemical and Engineering News, December 6, 1999, "Millennium Special Report," Vol. 77, No. 49, online) The pace of change in today’s world is truly incomprehensible. Science is advancing on AND , and business managers struggling to make a vital contribution to humanity’s future. |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Mo State BR | Judge: Chris Stone Counterinterpretation: Financial incentives require the disbursement of public funds linked to energy production Webb, 93 – lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa (Kernaghan, "Thumbs, Fingers, and Pushing on String: Legal Accountability in the Use of Federal Financial Incentives", 31 Alta. L. Rev. 501 (1993) Hein Online) In this paper, "financial incentives" are taken to mean disbursements 18 of public funds or contingent commitments to individuals and organizations, intended to encourage, support or induce certain behaviours in accordance with express public policy objectives. They take the form of grants, contributions, repayable contributions, loans, loan guarantees and insurance, subsidies, procurement contracts and tax expenditures Their evidence has no intent to define – they just bolded the words production incentives and then highlighted something later in the card No ground loss we defend the plan – no potential for abuse either Our interp is the best for ground gives both sides good Das they could read spending links and they probably will read spending links on politics in the 2NC Our aff is grounded in the literature base: there are tons of authors talking about the federal government using loan guarantees to incentivize building nuclear power plants. Reasonability is best stops a race to the bottom, judge intervention inevitable |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Mo State BR | Judge: Chris Stone Perm: Do both. - Not textually competitive: plan endorses but doesn’t mandate new plants be built which means the government can technically offer loan guarantees for a power that they have banned.
2. Not functionally competitive: if no new plants get built in the status quo there is no functional competition. Their net benefits are all internal to why nuclear power is bad which a perm solves for.
The CP can’t solve the aff: We are not a nuclear power bad aff: We criticize the decision making process used to site current nuclear power plants. If we win any reason why this process investigation is important then the aff is preferable to the CP. Loan Guarantees Key: only loan guarantees overcome siting problems due to land cost and opposition- Lazarus says incentives key to solve. The Banning mindset is bad: Be skeptical of the mindset that we can wish away the problems with nuclear power. - Process Focus DA: their net benefits assume a series of complex environmental justice factors that disadvantaged populations face as a result of environmental decisions involved in nuclear power. Focusing on that decision is key to addressing environmental justice concerns – they can’t solve the aff or their net benefit.
Lazarus ’94 Richard J. Lazarus Professor of Law, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri SYMPOSIUM: DISTRIBUTION IN ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: IS THERE A MIDDLE GROUND? 9 St. John’s J.L. Comm. 481 SPRING, 1994 Environmental justice takes into account the fact that the environmental protection laws that are supposed AND them. n11-http://www.lexisnexis.com/lnacui2api/frame.do?reloadEntirePage=true%26rand=1348092433463%26returnToKey=20_T15567066851%26parent=docview%26target=results_DocumentContent%26tokenKey=rsh-23.419864.6629958623 They change their location. They change their physical status. What environmental justice is all about is an explicit accounting of the distributional factors. AND is about allocational efficiency and is not at all concerned about distributional fairness.
2. Coal DA: Banning nuclear ensures coal will fill in and primarily in low income areas – only forces confrontation about siting decisions and risk. You have to believe nuclear is worse than coal to vote for the CP. Cerafici ’9 Tamar Jergensen Cerafici is an attorney whose practice focuses on the intersections between environmental and nuclear law. 40 Years and Counting: Relicensing the First Generation of Nuclear Power Plants: Is New Always Better? The Case for License Renewal in the Next Generation 26 Pace Envtl. L. Rev. 391 Summer 2009 The question of environmental impacts of replacement energy sources is a thorny one. A AND likewise intermittently useful, and are also land use intensive. ~*414~ 3. Dialogue DA- banning nuclear ends the discussion or at least remains complicit AND status quo than post the aff. That’s our Anthony in 95 card. Banning is the same as tech and science solves arguments: They criticize people who assume science and tech are the panacea for nuclear power ills while they assume that just getting rid of nuclear power will address the harms they isolate in their Net benefits. Both mindsets ignore the decisions and processes that make it possible to disadvantage particular populations and environments. The counterplan links- the public likes nuclear energy- outright banning links Gallup Politics ’12 "Americans Still Favor Nuclear Power a Year After Fukushima Majority also still sees nuclear power as safe"/http://www.gallup.com/poll/153452/Americans-Favor-Nuclear-Power-Year-Fukushima.aspx PRINCETON, NJ — One year after the tsunami and resulting failure of the Fukushima AND responses each time have been within a narrow 56% to 58% ra nge. The extensive news coverage of the major problems the Fukushima reactors experienced after power was disrupted as a result of the massive tsunami that hit the Japanese coast on March 11, 2011, does not appear to have had a long-term effect on Americans’ attitudes about nuclear power. Although attitudes may have shifted in the immediate aftermath of last year’s incident, attitudes now are almost identical to those measured in last year’s pre-disaster survey. Spending spin is asinine- the counterplan would have to result in more spending in order to make up for the loss of energy- otherwise it’d lead to rolling blackouts in places like Chicago that have a nuclear grid- either way the counterplan sparks political backlash |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Mo State BR | Judge: Chris Stone Congress won’t pass anything -immigration -gun control -energy reform -gridlock and partisan politics Public Opinion 1/2 Reporter, "Expect more of the same", http://www.thepublicopinion.com/opinions/article_619c9bf2-54f4-11e2-b754-001a4bcf887a.html President Barack Obama heads into his second term this month with a list of things AND in his second. That’s not encouraging news for him or the country. No political capital or agenda Reason Foundation 1/2 "Full Analysis: The Fiscal Cliff Deal Explained", http://www.opposingviews.com/i/politics/fiscal-cliff-deal-raises-taxes-delays-sequestrationand-will-cut-spending Obama got his bump up during his first year or so in office. Part AND have heard about it sometime during last year’s campaign, wouldn’t we have?). The economic rationality of the disad kills value to life. Making decisions based purely on their financial cost or benefit reduces all human life to nothing more than a dollar value and allows us to trade one human life for another, "more valuable" one. Political capital not key to the agenda -their evidence misuses the term -ideological and partisan leanings outweigh Dickinson 9 – Professor of Political Science Matthew, professor of political science at Middlebury College and taught previously at Harvard University where he worked under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, 5-26-2009, Presidential Power: A NonPartisan Analysis of Presidential Politics, "Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power," http://blogs.middlebury.edu/presidentialpower/2009/05/26/sotamayor-obama-and-presidential-power/-http://blogs.middlebury.edu/presidentialpower/2009/05/26/sotamayor-obama-and-presidential-power/ As for Sotomayor, from here the path toward almost certain confirmation goes as follows AND ignoring the Senate debate in order to play Halo III on his Xbox. Economic enframing reduces the world to self-interest and monetary value, enabling structural violence, environmental destruction, and collapse of value to life Nhanenge 7 ~Jytte Masters @ U South Africa, paper submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in the subject Development Studies, "ECOFEMINSM: TOWARDS INTEGRATING THE CONCERNS OF WOMEN, POOR PEOPLE AND NATURE INTO DEVELOPMENT~ Generation of wealth was an important part of the Scientific Revolution and its modem society AND to domination of society and nature, and will eventually destroy the world. Issues don’t spillover in negotiations – only a few leaders involved Dennis 1/1 Steven T., Roll Call Staff, "Negotiating 101, 112th Congress-Style," 1/1/13 www.rollcall.com/news/negotiating_101_112th_congress_style-220442-1.html The Back Room¶ Boehner complained shortly after the elections that there were too many AND Leaders keep vowing next time will be different, but it never is. Debt ceiling isn’t a DA- A.) Actually shut down in the 90’s- shutdown didn’t collapse the economy or cause extinction- Clinton just called the GoP’s bluff- default won’t happen until July so there is no risk of that scenario Newmyer ’11 Tory Newmyer-tory_newmyer@fortune.com, CNN Money, April 25, 2011, http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/04/25/what-would-clinton-do/ Rubin’s gambit had a political impact, as well: it melted one lever Republicans AND first of two shutdowns that quickly came to dominate headlines out of Washington. B.) Brinksmanship didn’t spill over in ’08 or ’12- no reason now is different, and even if they make one up, everyone always says "this time will be different," but it never is Newmyer ’11 Tory Newmyer-tory_newmyer@fortune.com, CNN Money, April 25, 2011, http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/04/25/what-would-clinton-do/ Then, in the New Year, the storm clouds started to break. Wall AND with some face-saving items for the conservative wing of the party. C.) Fed intervention can solve in the short run- their impact evidence assumes a sustained default- the debates about raising it already shook investor confidence, which takes out any perception-based credit rating impact And, any spending between now and May should trigger the link plus the government can hold off till July Newmyer ’11 Tory Newmyer-tory_newmyer@fortune.com, CNN Money, April 25, 2011, http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/04/25/what-would-clinton-do/ Sound familiar? That was the last time the United States seriously flirted with a AND costs soaring, and in all likelihood, precipitate another global financial meltdown. Winners win and spill over to other agenda items Mitchell ’10 - Asst Professor of International Law @ Columbia Lincon, Assistant professor in practice at international Law, Columbia university ~http://politics.ifoday.com/?tag=Mitchell~~ Lincoln Mitchell: Health Care, Financial Reform and Democratic Momentum/ April 28 A lot has happened since then. Today, while the Republicans are still hoping AND , pushing hard for more legislation and not being intimidated by the Republicans. Zero risk of a DA unless they can identify the group that is being persuaded to vote for the debt ceiling that would not post the plan, and their motivation- its functionally suicidal to reject the increase long term, so acquiescence is inevitable Escalation empirically denied – asian financial crisis may have caused iraq, and 80’s slump may have caused kuwait but the united states used limited force in these conflicts. No causality – economic decline doesn’t cause war Ferguson 6 – prof of history @ Harvard Niall Ferguson 2006, Professor of History @ Harvard, The Next War of the World, Foreign Affairs 85.5, Proquest There are many unsatisfactory explanations for why the twentieth century was so destructive. One AND economic catastrophe, and some severe economic crises were not followed by wars. |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 3 | Opponent: Mo State BR | Judge: Chris Stone Affirmation of the plan is key- depoliticization of the economy represents an abdication of our creative potential –-we must remain focused even in the face of short term crisis Ingerid S. Straume in 11 | PhD in the philosophy of education, Papers by Ingerid S. Chapter in "Depoliticization; The Political Imaginary of Global Capitalism", edited by Straume and Humphrey, NSU Press 2011, http://uio.academia.edu/IngeridSStraume/Papers/401266/The_Political_Imaginary_of_Global_Capitalism-http://uio.academia.edu/IngeridSStraume/Papers/401266/The_Political_Imaginary_of_Global_Capitalism Somewhere in the collective imaginary, there is probably a fairly acute sense of the AND which, as I have argued, also implies cultural and personal suffering. Nuclear more stable and better for the economy. Spencer 12 (Jack Spencer is Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation.) (3/16/2012. "More to the Story on Nuclear Power and Cheap Natural Gas" http://blog.heritage.org/2012/03/16/more-to-the-story-on-nuclear-power-and-cheap-natural-gas/) Back to nuclear.¶ As natural gas use was growing through the mid-2000s AND markets to more abundant, more affordable, and even safer nuclear energy. Nuclear power solves manufacturing jobs King et. al. 11 (Marcus D. King Associate Director of Research Associate Research Professor of International Affairs. R. LaVar Huntzinger, Center for Naval Analyses. Institute of Naval Studies. Nguyen – Research Staff at CAN) (March 2011 "Feasibility of Nuclear Power on U.S. Military Installations" http://www.cna.org/sites/default/files/research/Nuclear%20Power%20on%20Military%20Installations%20D0023932%20A5.pdf) Finally, a significant appeal of SMRs is their ability to be manufactured substantially within AND , spurring domestic job creation and international leadership in key nuclear supply areas. Gas is inherently volatile – increasing supply only exacerbates the problem Lovins and Creyts 12 Amory B. Lovins, co-founder, Rocky Mountain Institute and Chief Scientist and Jon Creyts, Program Director, 9/6/12, "Hot Air About Cheap Natural Gas," http://blog.rmi.org/blog_hot_air_about_cheap_natural_gas A leading promoter of shale-gas fracking, asked about this at a recent AND gas development could speed gas globalization, with all its benefits and travails. New consumption patterns make food crises inevitable- that isn’t changing in the future. Der Spiegel ’12 DER SPIEGEL, German International News, "Drought Only One Factor Behind High Food Prices," 08/21/2012, http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/drought-not-the-only-factor-driving-up-agricultural-prices-a-851068.html NEW CONSUMPTION PATTERNS EXACERBATE SCARCITY.¶ In emerging economies, a new middle class has AND third of all food, after all, ends up in the garbage.¶ Can’t solve food crises- biofuel subsidies Der Spiegel ’12 DER SPIEGEL, German International News, "Drought Only One Factor Behind High Food Prices," 08/21/2012, http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/drought-not-the-only-factor-driving-up-agricultural-prices-a-851068.html MORE BIOFUEL MEANS LESS FOOD.¶ Since 2005, US refineries have been required to AND incinerate biomass to make inefficient energy," says senior conservative parliamentarian Michael Fuchs.¶ |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 6 | Opponent: UTA GM | Judge: Nick Miller Perm solves- reconciliation and rhetoric of hope is key to racial justiceJohn B. Hatch, Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Dubuque, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 2006 If substantial and widespread racial reconciliation is ever to occur, then, its advocates AND in this generation without having to experience some form of social chaos first. Addressing problems created by political institutions is the best way to challenge anti-blackness. Without learning about the institutional and historical context of discriminations, college students are politically ignorant and lack civic agency.Bush ’11 Melanie, Associate Professor and Chair, Anthropology %26 Sociology @ Adelphi University, Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a "Post-Racial" World, p. 235-236 Carol Geary Schneider, president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, has AND perhaps redefine their allegiances and reconfigure their notion of "who’s to blame." The Plan Is A Strike Against Neoliberalism and Key to Create a New Vision of Citizenship That OvercomesBrown 2003 (Wendy, political theorist at UC Berkeley, "Neoliberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy" Theory and Event 7:1) What remains for the Left, then, is to challenge emerging neo-liberal AND of challenging the deadly policies of the imperial U.S. state. It is necessary to constantly create new, updated rules while working within institution. Some violence is always inevitable inevitable. The plan creates a tension between preserving memories through documentation, and the creation of something absolutely new. Derrida 94( in "Deconstruction in a Nutshell by John Caputo, written in 1997") What is called "deconstruction"—and I will be very sketchy here, because AND , which is never guaranteed, is the alliance of these to newness. |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: 6 | Opponent: UTA GM | Judge: Nick Miller Perm solves- reconciliation and rhetoric of hope is key to racial justiceJohn B. Hatch, Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Dubuque, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 2006 If substantial and widespread racial reconciliation is ever to occur, then, its advocates AND in this generation without having to experience some form of social chaos first. Addressing problems created by political institutions is the best way to challenge anti-blackness. Without learning about the institutional and historical context of discriminations, college students are politically ignorant and lack civic agency.Bush ’11 Melanie, Associate Professor and Chair, Anthropology %26 Sociology @ Adelphi University, Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a "Post-Racial" World, p. 235-236 Carol Geary Schneider, president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, has AND perhaps redefine their allegiances and reconfigure their notion of "who’s to blame." The Plan Is A Strike Against Neoliberalism and Key to Create a New Vision of Citizenship That OvercomesBrown 2003 (Wendy, political theorist at UC Berkeley, "Neoliberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy" Theory and Event 7:1) What remains for the Left, then, is to challenge emerging neo-liberal AND of challenging the deadly policies of the imperial U.S. state. It is necessary to constantly create new, updated rules while working within institution. Some violence is always inevitable inevitable. The plan creates a tension between preserving memories through documentation, and the creation of something absolutely new. Derrida 94( in "Deconstruction in a Nutshell by John Caputo, written in 1997") What is called "deconstruction"—and I will be very sketchy here, because AND , which is never guaranteed, is the alliance of these to newness. |
| 02/02/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 1 | Opponent: Liberty EF | Judge: Toya The debate space is crucial to addressing the roles of institutions in dynamics of racism – the alt ignores the specific engagements of institutions like the NRC and the EPA. Bush ‘11 Melanie, Associate Professor and Chair, Anthropology and Sociology @ Adelphi University, Everyday Forms of Whiteness: Understanding Race in a “Post-Racial” World, p. 235-236 Carol Geary Schneider, president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, has AND perhaps redefine their allegiances and reconfigure their notion of "who's to blame." Combining environmental justice concerns like siting and policy shifts is the best hope for creating a consciousness shift and avoid planetary destruction. Byrant 95 Bunyan, Professor in the school of Natural Resources and Environment, and an adjunt professor in the center for Afro-American and African studies at the University of Michigan, “Environmental Justice: Issues, Policies, and Solutions, p.209-212 The cooperative relations forged after World War II are now obsolete. New cooperative relations AND the production cycle, we should at least have that as a goal. Their alt can’t solve without reformulating risk analysis- absent the aff forcing the rich to confront their practice of dumping environmental harm on the poor, the alt will just get coopted by elites who buy insurance to guard their privilege against even the strongest revisionist history |
| 02/02/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 3 | Opponent: Liberty AB | Judge: Marie Eszenyi 1) We meet their interpretation. They can’t get offense based off of a violation that isn’t justified by their interpretation. We do defend the literal implementation of the plan. 2) We don’t fiat a mindset shift. We have two solvency advocates- Bullard and Lazarus- that say siting nuclear power plants in non-minority communities would initiate a discussion. Our solvency is based on that discussion that happens, and forcing elites to take responsibility for their decisions through siting decisions. At worst it’s effects T, not extra T, but that isn’t what they are going for so you should punish them for making a bad call. 3) We also defend writer activism, which is something that we can actually do as academics within this debate round. The debate is about whether imagining plan action is good or bad- that’s the Straume card in the 1AC. This is better for the neg- it generates more, predictable ground. This is especially true when they read a K of our methodology- we should be able to defend that methodology. 4) They don’t give you a reason to vote neg that we don’t subsume. Hold them to the text of the interpretation. |
| 02/02/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 5 | Opponent: Samford MT | Judge: Josh Turnage Mulitpolarity is inevitable – trying to retain hegemony ensures a war-filled transition Christopher Layne (Associate Professor in the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas AandM University) 2006 “The Peace of Illusions” p 190 Advocates of hegemony claim that it is illusory to think that the United States can AND carry the risk of entrapping the United States in great power Eurasian wars. Heg collapse doesn’t cause great power wars – conflicts would be small and managable Richard Haas (president of the Council on Foreign Relations, former director of policy planning for the Department of State, former vice president and director of foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution, the Sol M. Linowitz visiting professor of international studies at Hamilton College, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a lecturer in public policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, and a research associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies) April 2008 “Ask the Expert: What Comes After Unipolarity?” http://www.cfr.org/publication/16063/ask_the_expert.html Does a non polar world increase or reduce the chances of another world war? AND highly costly conflicts involving terrorist groups, militias, rogue states, etc. Attempts to maintain heg lead to intervention and nuclear war. Maass 10, Richard, Hamilton University undergrad writer, Insights Vol.4 No. 1, “Nuclear Proliferation and Declining US Hegemony” Allison’s ideas seem sound in theory, but cannot be applied in practice. Proliferation AND merely be the first among states equally capable of instigating the ultimate catastrophe. US power projection fuels terrorist recruitment Innocent and Carpenter 9 Malou, foreign policy analyst at Cato who focuses on Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Ted, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at Cato, “Escaping the Graveyard of Empires: A Strategy to Exit Afghanistan,”http:www.cato.org/pubs/wtpapers/escaping-graveyard-empires-strategy-exit-afghanistan.pdf Contrary to the claims that we should use the U.S. military to AND is hell-bent on launching a terrorist attack against the American homeland. US obsession with military control and security leads to confrontation. The Aff’s desire to control how other countries handle nuclear power is just an extension of this superpower syndrome. Lifton ‘3 (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 8-11) More than that, 9/11 is not over. We are still in AND syndrome, such visions of domination and control can prove catastrophic when, as |
| 02/02/2013 | Tournament: UGA | Round: 5 | Opponent: Samford MT | Judge: Josh Turnage Russia’s economy doomed to failure – SQ can’t solve for corruption and lack of diversity. MICHAEL SCHUMAN 7-5-12 Schuman writes about Asia and global economic issues as a correspondent for TIME in Beijing, China. In his 16 years as a journalist in Asia, he has reported from a dozen countries, he has a B.A. in Asian history and political science from the University of Pennsylvania and a master of international affairs from Columbia. http://business.time.com/2012/07/05/why-vladimir-putin-needs-higher-oil-prices/ This cuts to the heart of a problem we have highlighted before – namely that AND development. The risks are even worse than the fluctuation of oil prices.” Nuclear power does not compete with oil – they show little overlap with market. Toth and Rogner, ‘6 (Ferenc (Senior Energy Economist in the IAEA's Planning and Economic Studies Section) and Hans-Holger (Section Head, Planning and Economic Studies Section at the IAEA), “Oil and nuclear power: Past, present, and future”, Energy Economics 28, 2006, pg. 22, RSR) While the past expansion of nuclear energy occurred to the detriment of oil in the AND best economic option to satisfy increasing demand for electricity (WNA, 2004). Despite Improvements Russia’s Military too Weak to Fight a War with U.S. Menon 7 Rajan Menon is a professor of international relations at Lehigh University and a fellow at the New America Foundation. The Leader-Post (Regina, Saskatchewan) June 8, 2007 Friday.\ The Cold War was also a contest of raw power. With its gargantuan budget AND spending and the testing of a new ICBM should not obscure these weaknesses. No relationship between nuke and oil Toth 2006 (Ferenc L. Toth, senior energy economist with the Planning and Economic Studies Section in the Department of Nuclear Energy at IAEA, Hans-Holger Rogner, head of Planning and Economic Studies at IAEA, “Oil and nuclear power: Past, present, and future,” IAEA, http://www.iaea.org/OurWork/ST/NE/Pess/assets/oil+np_toth+rogner0106.pdf) The current relationship between nuclear power and oil has become distinctly different than it was AND for oil are unaffected by a nuclear presence in the electricity generating market. SMRs key to chemical industry Solan 2010 (David Solan, Director, Energy Policy Institute, Associate Director, Center for Advanced Energy Studies, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Administration at Boise State University, June 2010, “ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS OF SMALL MODULAR NUCLEAR REACTORS,” Energy Policy Institute, http://www.nuclearcompetitiveness.org/images/EPI_SMR_ReportJune2010.pdf) Process Heat for Industrial Applications and District Heating. SMRs can be used to provide AND heat output and expense of a large nuclear reactor makes its application impractical. Extinction CEN 1999 (Chemical and Engineering News, December 6, 1999, “Millennium Special Report,” Vol. 77, No. 49, online) The pace of change in today's world is truly incomprehensible. Science is advancing on AND , and business managers struggling to make a vital contribution to humanity's future. |
| 02/23/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 2 | Opponent: Emory DH | Judge: The material, discursive, and literary history of the nuclear is a synechdoche for american culture’s divergent, racialized narrative. The development of nuclear power enabled white culture to imagine new technological world of white supremacy while minority cultures imagined a radical narratives of disassciation and power reversal Cooper 95 Ken Cooper. The whiteness of the bomb in postmodern apocalypse: theory and cultural practice at the end Nuclear power and weapons are tied up in history of seaparation. Annhiliation and terror is the flip side of universal utopia and endless bounty, even for the backward Woodbury 55 (History matters website http://historymatteres.gmu.edu/d/6455 Conventional notions of nuclear advocacy and opposition are joined in the their same sense of universality. Those who advocated the original creation of the atomic weapon found them to be a defense of universal truth… The universal truth of the atom would end war itself by creating a unified global gulture that would end the chaoos of difference Franklin 89 H Bruce Franklin “Fatal Fictions: A war to end all wars” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, November Universalism is not particular to the architects of nuclear weapons. Jonathan Schell, the great advocate for banning nuclear weawpons, argues that nuclear weapons link us together because of their universal power and threat. He asserts a nuclear world is in danger of a chaotic extinction that can only be solved by a universal culture against nuclear weapons Shell 7, Jonathan, The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger, 2006, p211-212 White citizens, in particular, have served the purposes of perpetuating a racist global universalism Rodriguez 10 The Universalized notion of nuclear power by both advocates and its most sever critics serves the singularly political purpose of covering up systemic mass violence Kato 93 The creation of the nuclear, it's employment, and its culture are not universal. The very origin of nuclear power is steeped in a divided cultural history that white persons have attmpted to efface. Cooper 95. Ken Cooper- "The Whiteness of the Bomb," in Postmodern apoalypse: theory and cultural practice and the end, Richard Dellamora. The attempt to efface white supremacy in politics is endemic in debate. Our method is a praxis organized around displacing the common liberal and convservative discourses unwilling to examine white supremacy from its cultural position Rodriguez 10 Dylan Rodriguez, The terms of Engagement: Warfare, white locality, and abolition Critical Saociology The Legacy that Continues. The Segregation of Whites and Non-whites in nuclear power is manifested in siting Kevin 97- Daniel Kevin, "Environmental Racism" and locally undesirable land uses: a critique of environmental justice theories and remedies 8 vill. envtl 1997 The Universal nuclear epistemology serves nefarious political purposes. The effacement of particularized cultural experiences has enabled systemic wars of extermination to escape the process of nuclear criticism Kato 93 The universalized notion of nuclear power by both advocates and its most severe critics serves the singularly political purpose of covering up systemic mass violence Kato 93 Questioning the racial politics of the unified nuclear history threats the disciplinary racist paradign of american culture. as white persons confronting our own cultural complicity in atomic power, we are starting a process that facilitates the displacement of white supremacy Cooper 95 Our political genealogy of whiteness stops the depolitization of the nuclear and is the key way to enable the process of determining "what is to be done" Rodriguez 10- Dylan Rodriguez "The Terms of Engagement: Warfare, White Locality, and Abolition" Critical Sociology |