Cal Poly SLO » Cheney-Mccormick Aff

Cheney-Mccormick Aff

Last modified by James Cheney on 2013/03/04 13:24



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  1. Key DoD operations rely on the grid
    Defense Science Board, The DSB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense, 08 (More Fight – Less Fuel,

2. Commercial power grid is unreliable
Sater 2012 (, Military Energy Security: Current Efforts and Future Solutions) 

3. The Grid is weak and highly susceptible to crippling attacks
Defense Science Board, The DSB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense, 08 (More Fight – Less Fuel,

4. China has already perpetrated cyberattacks
Michael Muskal, February 19th, 2013. LA times, Chinese army likely behind cyber attacks, U.S. security firm says. <,0,5386392.story>

5. An extended blackout would be disastrous
Andres & Breetz, Security Prof @ National War College, ’11
“Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations: Capabilities, Costs, and Technological Implications,” Strategic Forum, INSS, February 2011

Plan: The USFG should procure Small Modular Integrated-fast Reactors through [power] purchasing agreements for the production of electricity on domestic military bases


  1. SM[IF]R’s face severe roadblocks; could be overcome with Department of Defense spending
    Andres & Breetz, Security Prof @ National War College, ’11

2. SM[IF]R’s viable option for “islanding” military installations
Loudermilk, Senior Energy Associate @ NDU, ’11
[Micah J. Loudermilk, Senior Associate for the Energy & Environmental Security Policy program with The Institute for National Strategic Studies at The National Defense University, “Small Nuclear Reactors and US Energy Security: Concepts, Capabilities, and Costs,” Journal of Energy Security, May 2011,]

3. Microgrids created by SM[IF]R’s successfully insulate military installations from cyberattacks and blackouts
Daily finance 2013(Military Microgrid Capacity Will Increase 50 Percent by 2018, Forecasts Pike Research, January 21, 2013 <>)

Adv 1 Economy

  1. U.S. economy is on the road to another recession
    Ro 2013 (, “ART CASHIN: The GDP Report Sent A Recession Warning That Hasn't Been Wrong Since 1948,” January 31,2013)

2. Economic decline leads to conflict
Royal, 10 (Jedediah, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215)

3. DOD wasting money powering Installations
SERDP 2012(, “New Installation Energy and Water Technology Demonstrations Announced for FY 2013,” 12/13/2012)

4. Decline in DOD spending linked to economic decline
Rugaber 2013(, “U.S. Economy Shrinks by 0.1%, First GDP Contraction Since Recession Ended,” January 31, 2013) 

5. Widespread adoption of SMRs will greatly benefit economy
EPI 2012 (Energy Policy Institute: Economic and Employment Impacts of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors <>

Adv 2 Waste/Proliferation

  1. In Status Quo, LWRs create spent fuel with no means of disposal
    McKinzie 2012 (Matthew McKinzie, blogger for the Natural Resources Defense Council. Sixty Thousand Tons of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Stored at U.S. Reactors for 60 Years?; <>)

2. Spent nuclear fuel in the status quo risks terrorism
Nuclear Threat Initiative 12 [Nuclear Threat Initiative, "Why Is Highly Enriched Uranium a Threat?" Prepared by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, 8-1-2012,]

3. IFR technology does not produce nuclear weapons grade materials
Barry Brook March 11, 2011 Summary of Non-Proliferation Advantages of the Integral Fast Reactor

4. The Advanced Recycling Center proposed by GE Hitachi would solve nuclear waste
GE 2012 (GE Hitachi: GE Hitachi Advanced Recycling Center; Solving the Spent Nuclear Fuel Dilemma.

Created by James Cheney on 2013/03/04 13:15

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