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2. Commercial power grid is unreliable
Sater 2012 (, Military Energy Security: Current Efforts and Future Solutions)
3. The Grid is weak and highly susceptible to crippling attacks
Defense Science Board, The DSB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense, 08 (More Fight – Less Fuel,
4. China has already perpetrated cyberattacks
Michael Muskal, February 19th, 2013. LA times, Chinese army likely behind cyber attacks, U.S. security firm says. <,0,5386392.story>
5. An extended blackout would be disastrous
Andres & Breetz, Security Prof @ National War College, ’11
“Small Nuclear Reactors for Military Installations: Capabilities, Costs, and Technological Implications,” Strategic Forum, INSS, February 2011
Plan: The USFG should procure Small Modular Integrated-fast Reactors through [power] purchasing agreements for the production of electricity on domestic military bases
2. SM[IF]R’s viable option for “islanding” military installations
Loudermilk, Senior Energy Associate @ NDU, ’11
[Micah J. Loudermilk, Senior Associate for the Energy & Environmental Security Policy program with The Institute for National Strategic Studies at The National Defense University, “Small Nuclear Reactors and US Energy Security: Concepts, Capabilities, and Costs,” Journal of Energy Security, May 2011,]
3. Microgrids created by SM[IF]R’s successfully insulate military installations from cyberattacks and blackouts
Daily finance 2013(Military Microgrid Capacity Will Increase 50 Percent by 2018, Forecasts Pike Research, January 21, 2013 <>)
Adv 1 Economy
2. Economic decline leads to conflict
Royal, 10 (Jedediah, director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, pg 213-215)
3. DOD wasting money powering Installations
SERDP 2012(, “New Installation Energy and Water Technology Demonstrations Announced for FY 2013,” 12/13/2012)
4. Decline in DOD spending linked to economic decline
Rugaber 2013(, “U.S. Economy Shrinks by 0.1%, First GDP Contraction Since Recession Ended,” January 31, 2013)
5. Widespread adoption of SMRs will greatly benefit economy
EPI 2012 (Energy Policy Institute: Economic and Employment Impacts of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors <>
Adv 2 Waste/Proliferation
2. Spent nuclear fuel in the status quo risks terrorism
Nuclear Threat Initiative 12 [Nuclear Threat Initiative, "Why Is Highly Enriched Uranium a Threat?" Prepared by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, 8-1-2012,]
3. IFR technology does not produce nuclear weapons grade materials
Barry Brook March 11, 2011 Summary of Non-Proliferation Advantages of the Integral Fast Reactor
4. The Advanced Recycling Center proposed by GE Hitachi would solve nuclear waste
GE 2012 (GE Hitachi: GE Hitachi Advanced Recycling Center; Solving the Spent Nuclear Fuel Dilemma.