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We begin with the ecology of blackness as a historical positionality as noted in the NY Times:
WHEN New Yorkers went to the Bronx Zoo on Saturday, Sept. 8, 1906, they were treated to something novel at the Monkey House. At first, some people weren’t sure what it was. …. The New York Times wrote the next day, “and there could be no doubt that to the majority the joint man-and-monkey exhibition was the most interesting sight in Bronx Park.”
This historical occasion is neither coincidental nor benign – the use of grafted black flesh to amuse and construct the superior positionality of America lies at the heart of modernity. Specifically, the 1ac’s call for progress and beneficent use of nature paves over the structural position inaugurated by chattel slavery that binds black flesh with natural process to be accumulated. This mystification fuels the depoliticized, animalization of black bodies sacrificed in the name of the nation state. To this day for example, 40% of America’s hazardous waste dumps are in predominately Black communities as both a referent for energy use in other social sectors and a testament to the continued incapacity of blackness in the face of civil life.
Cone 2k (James H, Briggs Distinguished Professor at Union Theological Seminary, WHOSE EARTH IS IT ANYWAY?)
The logic that led to slavery and segregation in the Americas, colonization and Apartheid in Africa, and the rule of white supremacy throughout the world is the same one that leads to the exploitation of animals and the ravaging of nature. …. The largest landfill in the nation is found in Sumter County, Alabama, where nearly 70 percent of its seventeen thousand residents are black and 96 percent are poor.
The issue is structural; energy use qua space is delimited by white power in order to sequester blackness as trash in opposition to the white body politic giving way to fungible populations who were once accumulated in the middle passage.
Mills 2k1 (Charles W. Black Trash. N.p.: Lanham, MD; Rowman & Littlefield publis, Print p. 85-86)
Environmentalists have a natural conception of pollution as a negative norm….Environmentalism” for blacks has to mean challenging the patterns of waste disposal, but also, in effect, their own status as the racialized refuse, the black trash, of the white body politic.
In fact, the aff’s resolutional target miss the point. The world writ large is anti-black and acquires coherency only through its parasitism of black exploitation – this grammar of suffering undergrids all political paradigms and churns the machinations of energy policy continually against blackness.
Wilderson 2k10 (Frank B. III, Prof of ethinc studies at uc urivine,” Red, White, & Black: Cinema and the Strucure of U.S. Antagonisms, Pg 15-16)
Regarding the Black position, some might ask why, after claims successfully made on the state by the Civil Rights Movement, do I insist on positing an operational analytic for cinema, film studies, and political theory that appears to be a dichotomous and essentialist pairing of Masters and Slaves…. How, when, and where did such a split occur? The woman at the gates of Columbia University awaits an answer.
Rejecting the aff’s actor in lieu of paradigmatic analysis is the only ethical framework in the face of modernity anything less allows for structural adjustment.
Wilderson 2k10 ((Frank B. III, Prof of ethinc studies at uc urivine,” Red, White, & Black: Cinema and the Strucure of U.S. Antagonisms, Pg 11-15)
The difficulty of writing a book which seeks to uncover Red, Back, and White socially engaged feature films as aesthetic accompaniments to grammars of suffering, predicated on the subject positions of the “Savage” and the Slave is that today’s intellectual protocols are not informed by Fanon’s insistence that “ontology—once it is finally admitted as leaving existence by the wayside…. This is how Left-leaning scholars help civil society recuperate and maintain stability. But this stability is a state of emergency for Indians and Blacks.
Thus the alternative is to endorse the black body as a site of absolute dereliction.
This structural antagonism throws the nation state into crisis by presencing the kernel of libidinal and material subjugation used to justify the moral coherency of America
Wilderson 2k3 (Frank B. III, Prof of ethinc studies at uc urivine, The prison as slave hegemony Social justice, 2003, 30, 2)
There is something organic to black positionality that makes it to the destruction of civil society. …. How is the production and accumulation of junior partner social capital dependent upon on an anti-Black rhetorical structure and a decomposed Black body?