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Observation 1: The Tesseract
A. Nuclear Energy support has decreased despite long term initiatives to build next generation reactors and facilities. Ross 2012
Ross, Robert; Junior Analyst; Casey Research; “Shale Gas, Megatons to Megawatts, and the Coming Uranium Shortage”,
Several years ago when 15 power ………………. into low-enriched uranium (LEU) to be used for nuclear fuel.
B. Megatons to Megawatts has been a successful program not only at providing nuclear fuel in the US but at incentivizing the dismantling of nuclear weapons in Russia. This program expires in 2013. USEC 2012.
Through a multi-step process in Russia, the bomb-……………..enough material to produce fuel to power the entire United States for about two years.
C. The 2013 end date of the Megatons to Megawatts program will affect fuel prices and availability. The solution is for the US to expand conversion of HEU, and the US must lead by example. Ross 2012
Ross, Robert; Junior Analyst; Casey Research; “Shale Gas, Megatons to Megawatts, and the Coming Uranium Shortage”,
In the last 15 years, this program has converted 400 metric tons of HEU from 16,000 Russian nuclear warheads into uranium fuel for US nuclear power plants. Currently, one ………….. perspective of one of those 32 nations – why would I want to disarm myself while the US still holds nearly 10,000 warheads of its own?
PLAN: The United States Federal Government should substantial increase incentives for the production of nuclear energy in the United States by decommissioning an additional 45 metric tons of weapons grade plutonium for conversion in mixed-oxide fuel
Observation2: Solvency
The National Nuclear Security Agency recommends the US downgrade additional weapons grade plutonium in addition to the remaining Megatons to Megawatts agreements. Nuclear Fuel, 2012
Nuclear Fuel, Platts, August 20, 2012; “NNSA Proposes Using A Third More Plutonium To Make MOX Fuel”, Volume 37, Number 17, pg 6
DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration has
proposed increasing by about one-third, …………… plutonium into plutonium oxide and
fabricate into MOX fuel for power reactors.
A. Once converted, this Uranium cannot be reconverted back into nuclear material for weapons. World Nuclear Org, 2012, July 18, 2012
World stockpiles of weapons-…………….power reactors, the spent fuel is not suitable for weapons manufacture.
B. This allows for the development of nuclear energy programs without the dangers of proliferation. Seattle Times, 2012
Edgar Berkey; “Rising to the Challenge of Nuclear Security”, The Seattle Times, February 6, 2012;
However, the bad news now is that nuclear-security flaws ……….. than 100 kilograms and, with the right incentives, are good candidates to eliminate their stocks.
C. The only way to end nuclear proliferation is for all nuclear states to ultimately disarm; anything short of that will still allow for a world with nuclear weapons.
The Nuclear Weapons Inheritance Project 2004 :
Several of the Western Nuclear Weapon States acknowledge that ……….. purpose than what they are intended for. They will ignite a new arms race, not only between current nuclear weapon states. They will draw new states into the race for nuclear supremacy.
Advantage 2: The Rainbow Bridge
A.Downblending create a supply for world demand in nuclear reactors, including displacing the need for over 10,000 tons of mining in the world. World Nuclear Association, 2012., July 18, 2012
Overall, the blending down of 500 tonnes of Russian weapons HEU will result …………. to release the diluted military uranium to nuclear utilities in such a way as not to impact negatively on the US uranium market.
B. Supplies of new Uranium will need to be mined on Indigenous lands in both the US and Australia.
The guardian 2010
As a mining giant prepares to open a major uranium mining site in Western Australia next year, the clamour for the state to once more ban mining of the radioactive mineral has become louder.
In fact, the Wongatha Aboriginal clan that calls this region ………… mining company BHP Billiton, already plans to develop the Yeelirrie uranium deposit here in 2011 in a 17 billion Australian dollar (15.6 U.S. billion dollar) project. The mine is set to operate in 2014, with an annual yield of 3,500 tonnes of uranium ore.
C. Native Americans have received the brunt of the side effects of the production of Nuclear weapons.
KNUDSEN 2000: Native Americans Bear the Nuclear Burden by Andreas Knudsen Original pagination given in slash marks, e.g. /4/ ends page 4. Reprinted from Indigenous Affairs, January/February/March 1996. Published by the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. 2000 Native Americans and the Environment -
Native communities, primarily in the western US, have been chronically exposed to low doses of radiation for over forty years. This exposure derives from the many nuclear ………..consequences of uranium mining, atomic bomb testing and production, and radioactive waste disposal on or near reservation lands have often been disastrous. Estimates conclude that over 22,000,000 tons of mine tailings or waste by-products have been left at 24 locations in nine western states since the 1950s and that 220 acres of tailings have contaminated the Four Corners region alone. This article looks at the cases of two nationsthe Western Shoshone and the Pauite-Shoshone of Ft. McDermitt.
Racial struggels have already surpassed the magnitude of the impact of nuclear war dating nearly a century ago. We look beyond the “constructed” fear of nuclear war and first issue the continuing genocides of racial conflicts that continues to consume life
Omolade, Barbara “women of color and the nuclear holocaust” women’s studies, quarterly, 1984: 12. JSTOR. Web 7 Sept. 2011
In April 1979 the u.s. arms control and disarmament agency released a report on the effects…………. Sexism, imperialism, cultural integrity, and nuclear arsenals and housing? Who will stand up?