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Obama will win the election—he’s leading in all polls, swing states and the debate won’t swing enough voters
Zengerle, 10-4-12, Team Obama fights to keep lead after Romney shines in debate, Reuters, Patricia, p.
“Romney's confident, rigorous debating” and “steady since mid-September.”
Link: The public would hate letting China own our companies
Griffiths, 9/21 - Contributor to the Shanghaiist (James, 9/21/12, "China becoming key issue in US election",, KONTOPOULOS)
“This month has shown that if” and “human-rights issues.”
Romney will destroy relations with Russia and increase the risk of a Russian-Georgia war
Bandow, 4/23/2012 (Doug – senior fellow at the Cato Institute, Romney and Russia: Complicating American Relations, National Interest, p.
“Mitt Romney has become the inevitable” and “indulge its paranoia.”
US-Russian relations are critical for global security, preventing proliferation, sustaining US leadership and averting nuclear war
Allison and Blackwill, 2011, "10 Reasons Why Russia Still Matters, 10-30-11 Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Robert D. Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International "
“That central point is that Russia” and “advancing our national interests.”