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Preventing the ecological crisis by means of regulation ensures that environmental logic will become internalized, demonizing anyone who does not live in the most austere manner imaginable, an environmentalist police state.
Luke March 1997 (Timothy W. Department of Political Science Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA “The (Un)Wise (Ab)Use of Nature: Environmentalism as Globalized Consumerism?” http:~/~/
The use of incentives to private industries is the ideal link. The tactical investment of government funds is used to solidify the ideal state of consmerism and display the economic firepower of the sovereign state. Even environmentalist resistance can be rearticulated as a justification for more efficient techniques of resource extraction.
Luke March 1997 (Timothy W. Department of Political Science Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA “The (Un)Wise (Ab)Use of Nature: Environmentalism as Globalized Consumerism?”
The affirmative has failed to problematize the lack of a stable rational subject behind the plan, which guarantees fascism by ignoring the questions of subjectivity. We should stop asking what to do, and start asking how we got here.
Pierre Schlag, professor of law at the University of Colorado, “Normativity and the Politics of Forum,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review, April 1991, jstor
Biopolitical attitudes have been responsible for the most violent wars in human history—extermination and extinction become justified in the name of destroying anything that becomes identified as a threat to the health of the overall population.
Mitchell Dean, professor of sociology at Macquarie University in Australia, 2001, “Sovereignty and Biopolitics in Nonliberal Rule,” States of Imagination edited by Thomas Hansen and Finn Stepputat, pg. 41-64.
Our alternative is to reproblematize the 1ac and criticize the justifications for their case. The aff has developed their plan as a response to various assumptions they’ve made about the world—they chose a plan and organized reality to appear as calling for this solution. This is backwards—before deciding to act, we must confront the accuracy of the problem they have created. We are criticizing the way the aff attaches the plan and its justifications, the method of problematization they’ve used.
Michel Foucault, professor of histories of systems of thought at the College of France, Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth, “Polemics, Politics, and Problematizations,” 1997, pg. 117-119
The affirmative’s refusal to engage the underlying epistemology behind their assumptions dooms their project to serial policy failure.
Michael Dillon, professor of political science at Lancaster and Julian Reid, lecturer on international relations and professor of political science at King’s College in London; 2000, Alternatives, Volume 25, Issue 1: Global Governance, Liberal Peace, and Complex Emergency