| 09/25/2012 | Tournament: UMKC | Round: ALL | Opponent: | Judge: Reprocessing 1AC 1AC Inherency Observation One: Inherency Nuclear renaissance now – US subsidizing the industry. Worthington 12 (David Worthington, February 9, 2012, The U.S. nuclear renaissance has begun , Smart Planet, http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/intelligent-energy/the-us-nuclear-renaissance-has-begun/13058) JD There are cooling towers on the horizon in the United States. The nuclear renaissance AND million homes at a cost of US$14 billion, CNN reported. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Waste Observation Two: Waste In the short term US nuclear waste is stored on-site. Galbraith 11 (Kate, Staff Writer, “A New Urgency to the Problem of Storing Nuclear Waste”, New York Times, 11-27-11, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/28/business/energy-environment/a-new-urgency-to-the-problem-of-storing-nuclear-waste.html, RSR) Other countries are also looking at waste in new ways in the post-Fukushima AND disposal site for spent fuel , near the remote northeastern village of Bure. On-site storage is dangerous – storage pools are vulnerable to accidents. Alvarez 12 (Robert, Senior Scholar at IPS, where he is currently focused on nuclear disarmament, environmental, and energy policies, “Improving Spent-Fuel Storage at Nuclear Reactors”, Winter, ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, RSR) Until the NAS completes its study, if it agrees to do so, the AND area declined by almost half because of migration to areas of lower contamination. The densely packed fuel is enough to trigger a full scaled meltdown – Fukushima proves. Kinitisch 11 (Eli, Reporter at Science Magazine, “Waste Panel Expected To Back Interim Storage”, Science Magazine, Vol. 333, 7-8-11, RSR) In any case, experts agree, some new plan for waste storage is essential AND calls for an expert panel at the National Academies to tackle the subject. These catastrophic meltdowns cause extinction – reactors contain 100x the radiation of nuclear bombs. Lendman 11 (Stephen, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, 03/ 13, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,”, The People’s Voice http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2011/03/13/nuclear-meltdown-in-japan, accessed 8-2-12, RSR) Reuters said the 1995 Kobe quake caused $100 billion in damage, up to AND entire region. "It could be, literally, an apocalyptic event. On-site waste storage is the EASIEST target for a terrorist attack – it’s the most vulnerable. Rogers 6 (Ken, Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at Coastal Carolina University, “Radioactive Waste Storage/Disposal Policy: A Paradigm for Homeland Security and Energy Security”, Midsouth Political Science Review, 2006, Vol. 8, RSR) The inability of U.S. policymakers to come to grips with the problem AND is not to the reactors, but the radioactive waste that they generate. On site storage vulnerable to terrorist theft – fewer security measures due to assumed radioactive safeguards. Bunn 9 (Matthew, Associate Professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, “Reducing the greatest risks of nuclear theft and terrorism”, Daedalus, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fall, RSR) A building with nuclear material that terrorists could readily make into a nuclear bomb needs AND also be able to make a bomb from reactor-grade plutonium. 6 Nuclear terrorism is likely and causes extinction – security experts agree. Rhodes 9 (Richard, affiliate of the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, Former visiting scholar at Harvard and MIT, and author of “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” which won the Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction, National Book Award, and National Book Critics Circle Award, “Reducing the nuclear threat: The argument for public safety” 12-14, http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/reducing-the-nuclear-threat-the-argument-public-safety, RSR) The response was very different among nuclear and national security experts when Indiana Republican Sen AND nothing to do with those attacks in the name of sending a message. In the long term, waste will be stored at Yucca – only option. Tollefson 11 (Jeff, former Knight fellow in science journalism at MIT, “Battle of Yucca Mountain rages on”, Nature, Vol. 473, No. 266, 5-19-11, RSR) The commission intends to issue a draft report in July and a final one next AND DC. “And nobody knows how many lives have been used up.” Yucca explosion is likely - earthquakes, volcanoes, and ground water Warrick 98 (Joby, Staff, At Nevada Nuclear Waste Site, The Issue Is One of Liquidity; Studies Citing Risk of Water Seepage Imperil Yucca Mountain Project, The Washington Post, December 15, p. A3) More recent studies raised different kinds of concerns. A report in March by the AND can go back and measure them again. They're very easy to verify." Yucca explosion results in extinction – top geologists agree. Broad 90 (William, NYT Staff, The New York Times, November 18) One scientist, however, has quietly but persistently warned that this vision of a AND If you want to envision the end of the world, that's it." Reprocessing would remove the entire waste problem – all of the waste we currently store can be reused. Bastin 8 (Clinton, Former Chemical Engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission, 21st Century Science and Technology, “We Need to Reprocess Spent Nuclear Fuel, And Can Do It Safely, At Reasonable Cost”, 2008, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202008/ Summer_2008/Reprocessing.pdf, RSR) The concept of used nuclear fuel as “nuclear waste” is a fiction created AND fabricated directly into new reactor fuel assemblies to be burned in nuclear plants. Reprocessing solves the blow up of Yucca Mountain. Broad 95 (William, NYT staff, Scientists fear atomic explosion of buried waste, The New York Times, March 5, p. 1) Dr. Bowman says the explosion thesis is alive and well. On Friday he AND in granite, where migration of materials would be slower and more difficult. Peak Oil Observation Three: Peak oil Peak oil coming soon – newest data proves. Worstall 12 (Tim, Contributor, “Peak Oil is Here: Now What?”, Forbes, 5-2-12, http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2012/05/02/peak-oil-is-here-now-what/, RSR) At least peak oil is here if I’ve understood what the peak oil argument is AND oil and gas producers could reach close to US$100/bbl. Reprocessing solves peak oil - nuclear energy can help hydrogen replace oil in the transportation sector. Choppin 6 (Gregory, Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Florida State University, “Technology for Nuclear Reprocessing: Present and Future Directions”, Separation Science and Technology, 41: 1955–1963, 2006, RSR) At present, internationally, nuclear power has reached a good level of scientific and AND radioactive fission products for other use would avoid their disposal in the repositories. Reprocessing increases nuclear energy’s share in the market, displacing oil. Szabo, J.D., George Washington University Law School; Financial Analyst, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), ‘10 [Aaron, 2010, “Reprocessing: The Future Of Nuclear Waste”, Temple Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Law, Vol. 29, No. 2, RSR] Energy independence has been a longstanding concern for the United States. Beginning with President AND provide the United States with more stability and independence from possible hostile countries. Peak oil kills economic recovery – outweighs resiliency and safeguards. Zakaria 12 (Fareed, host of CNN foreign affairs program, “Zakaria: Why oil prices keep rising”, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/09/zakaria-why-oil-prices-keep-rising/) The rising price of oil is the single most serious threat to the global economic AND The reason they are so high is really Iran, Iran and Iran. 40 year study proves oil key to the global economy. Li 12 (Mingqi, Econ professor at the University of Utah, ““Here's Why The Economy Is More Vulnerable Than Ever To Oil Price Shocks”, http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-why-the-economy-is-more-vulnerable-than-ever-to-oil-price-shocks-2012-3) This paper examines the impact of oil price changes on global economic growth. Unlike AND and possibly an insurmountable speed limit on the pace of global economic expansion. Economic decline causes global war. Royal 10 (Jeddiah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signalling And The Problem Of Economic Crises”, in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215) Second, on a dyadic level. Copeland's (1996. 2000) theory of AND popularity, are statistically linked to an increase in the use of force. Oil depletion causes resources wars Howard 9 (Roger, “Peak Oil and Strategic Resource Wars.” Futurist, 00163317, September/October 2009, Vol. 43, Issue 5) SH At various points over the coming decades, many of the world's key oil producers AND democracy and political freedom or increase tension with neighboring states in unexpected ways. Resource wars cause extinction. Lendman 7 (Stephen Lendman, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, “Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them?,” Rense.com, 6-6-7, pg. http://www.rense.com/general76/resrouce.htm) With the world's energy supplies finite, the US heavily dependent on imports, and AND , or at least a big part of it, would have survived. Plan Text Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Solvency[P1] [P2] Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable. Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities |
| 11/09/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: They say plan doesn’t solve waste – 100% of waste can be reused via new technologies. Also, we remove the heat carrying isotopes eliminating any need for large repositories. That’s Bastin.No risk and their impact of radiation is academic garbage.NEI, ‘12 Nuclear Energy Institute, “Myths and Facts About Nuclear Energy”, June, http://www.nei.org/resourcesandstats/documentlibrary/reliableandaffordableenergy/factsheet/myths--facts-about-nuclear-energy-january-2012/ Fact: If this claim were true, it would be dangerous to breathe air AND Academy of Pediatrics, numerous state departments of health and other independent studies. Reprocessing key to the effectiveness of waste storage – reduces the heat output and volume.Dennis, et al., ‘9 Kate; Jason Rugolo; Lee Murray; and Justin Parrella, Graduate Students at Harvard, “The case for reprocessing”, Bulletin for Atomic Scientists, November/December 2009, RSR For long-term geologic storage, reductions in waste volume are important. But AND can effectively double the capacity of a Yucca Mountain-sized permanent repository. They say no impact to meltdowns – reactors contain radioactivity 100x that of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That’s Lendman. All their examples are not of full meltdowns.They say Yucca’s not long term – NIMBY attitudes and political pressure prevents the feasibility of other options. Empirically proven with proposals in Wyoming. That’s Tollefson. |
| 11/09/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: This is key to ground and predictability – infinite number of possible kritik alternatives or things the negative could reject explodes the research burden. That’s a voting issue.Focusing on statism and security is key to real world change.Buzan 4 (Barry , December, Montague Burton Prof. of International Relations @ the London School of Economics and honorary prof. @ the University of Copenhagen, "Realism vs. Cosmopolitanism" http:~/~/www.polity.co.uk/global/asp A.Mc.: But would not a realist response be that the very issues AND at the moment the state is still an important player in the game. Case outweighs: by failing to solve the impending waste crisis, they allow waste on-site and Yucca Mountain to eventually blow up, leading to extinction. Rejecting securitization on the issue won’t resolve problems on-site or at Yucca.Tuathail, Department of Geography at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, ‘96 Gearoid, Political Geography, 15(6-7), p. 664, science direct While theoretical debates at academic conferences are important to academics, the discourse and concerns AND needs to always be open to the patterned mess that is human history. Plan necessary to move away from the SQUO securitization of nuclear power by understanding the bad side of nuclear power.Rawles, Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, 2k Richard, “Coyote Learns to Glow”, Part of “Learning to Glow: A Nuclear Reader”, RSR Humans, having gathered uranium from the New Mexican desert not all that far from AND its destructive aspects, along with the rituals needed to maintain the fire. Plan necessary to understand reject the harms of the bad side of nuclear technology by recognizing and ending the violence on the fourth world..Kato, Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaii, 1993 (Masahide "Nuclear Globalism: Traversing Rockets, Satellites, and Nuclear War via the Strategic Gaze," Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. Pages 352-354, MAG) Beyond this historical threshold, whose meaning is relevant only to the interimperial rivalry, AND the Navaho, Havasupai and other Indigenous Nations to the list of targets. Liftin, prof of political science at Univ. of Washington, 98 (Karen T., “Constructing Environmental Security and Ecological Interdependence”, Global Governance 5 (1998)) NG It may be tempting to jettison environmental security, but there are strong practical and AND discourse, they must be conscious of how they construct their speech acts. Totalistic anti-nuclear criticism destroys coalitions and the possibility of progressive social change.Krishna, Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, ‘93 Sankaran, Alternatives, Summer, p. 400-401, “The Importance of Being Ironic: A Postcolonial View on Critical International Relations Theory” The dichotomous choice presented in this excerpt is straightforward: one either indulges in total AND genre of critical international theory and its impact on such an activist politics. Policy framework before reps – coalitions, anti-politics, and zero impact.Churchill, Professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Colorado, ‘96 Ward, “Semantic Masturbation on the Left: A Barrier to Unity and Action,” From A Native Son: Selected Essays in Indigenism, 1985-1995, Published by South End Press, ISBN 0896085538, p. 460 There can be little doubt that matters of linguistic appropriateness and precision are of serious AND nonsense, and on with the real work of effecting positive social change. |
| 11/09/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Powell, Staff Writer, 10-3 Barbara, “Oil Options Volatility Jumps as Crude Sinks to Two-Month Low”, 10-3-12, Businessweek, http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-10-03/oil-options-volatility-jumps-as-crude-sinks-to-two-month-low, RSR Crude oil options volatility jumped to a 10-day high as the underlying futures AND said Ray Carbone, president of Paramount Options Inc. in New York. Bapna, Interim President at the World Resources Institute, ‘12 Manish, “2012: A Breakthrough for Renewable Energy?,” Huffington Post, February 12, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/manish-bapna/2012-a-breakthrough-for-r_b_1263543.html Despite conventional wisdom, there is a growing body of evidence showing that renewables are AND for fossil fuels, crossing an important threshold toward a clean energy future. Nuclear renaissance now. Worthington says nuclear is already receiving subsidies and building plants.Nuclear power is globally expanding and is catching on in the U.S.WNA 11 (World Nuclear Association, The Nuclear Renaissance , August 2011, http:~/~/www.world-nuclear.org/info/html) JD Since about 2001 there has been much talk about an imminent nuclear revival or " AND adversely changed the economics of nuclear power in places such as North America. Saudi Arabia lacks both incentive and ability to flood the oil market.Levi and McNally, ‘12 Robert (President of the Rapidan Group, served as Special Assistant to the President at the U.S. National Economic Council and Senior Director for International Energy at the U.S. National Security Council under President George W. Bush) and Michael (David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Council on Foreign Relations), “A crude predicament: the era of volatile oil prices." Foreign Affairs 90.4 (2011): 100. Academic OneFile A repeat of the boom-bust pattern is now more likely than not. AND . But such transitions would also take many years, if not decades. Aris 12 (Ben Aris - Ben is the editor/publisher ofeu/||target="_blank" and an Eastern Europe specialist. He has worked as Moscow bureau chief for the Daily Telegraph, contributing editor at The Banker and Euromoney - Russian Economy Showing Signs of Overheating http://www.themoscowtimes.com//article/russian-economy-showing-signs-of-overheating/461657.html#ixzz1zttKtz9A) Russia's external debt is up slightly to $585 billion, slightly more than the AND progress and investment, but it is still nowhere near what is needed. Investment Innovation Business 12 (http://eng.spb-venchur.ru/news/14616.htm) The major risks for Russia in the near future are likely to come from an AND sustainable path," he told a news conference in the company's Moscow office. Brooke 2011 — journalist, VOA Russia Bureau Chief, previously Moscow Bureau Chief for Bloomberg and New York Times reporter (James, March 18, 2011, “Russia Gets Giant Boost from Rising Oil Prices” http://www.voanews.com/english/news/economy-and-business/Russia-Gets-Giant-Boost-from-Rising-Oil-Prices-118258659.html) In one decade, the oil price gyrated wildly - from a low of $ AND have these shortcomings,” he said. “Only bold and genuine change.“ Andrew E. Kramer, New York Times, “Rise in Oil Price Eases Push for Reform in Russia”, 6/3/2009, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/04/business/global/04ruble.html The two previous major oil price slumps in the last quarter-century were followed AND that amounts to essentially waiting out the downturn is beginning to take shape. Blackwill, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Planning, ‘9 Robert, Former Associate dean of the Kennedy School of Government, RAND, “The Geopolitical Consequences of the World Economic Recession – A Caution”, http://www.rand.org/pubs/occasional_papers/2009/RAND_OP275.pdf Now on to Russia. Again, five years from today. Did the global AND are likely to be changed in any serious way by the economic crisis. |
| 11/09/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: a.) Can’t solve advantage one. Banning Yucca mountain only exacerbates the need for on-site waste storage. This magnifies the impacts of meltdowns and nuclear terrorism off spent fuel.Kamps, specializes in high-level waste management and transportation at Beyond Nuclear, ‘4 Kevin, “Get the Facts on High-Level Atomic Waste Storage Casks!”, Beyond Nuclear, 7-15-2004, RSR A May 28, 1996 explosion at the Point Beach reactor in Wisconsin jolted public AND manufacturing facility, revealing confusion, inadequate testing, and poor quality control. Kamps, specializes in high-level waste management and transportation at Beyond Nuclear, ‘11 Kevin, “Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Risks at New Nuclear Darlington Neglected in OPG’s EIS”, Beyond Nuclear, 2-21-2011, RSR At least as early as June 1998, it was known that dry casks were AND penetrate much thicker armor than is present on irradiated nuclear fuel storage containers. Kasperowicz, Staff Writer, ‘12 Pete, The Hill, 5-31-12, “House members slam Obama on closing Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site”, http:~/~/thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/230397-com/blogs/floor-action/house/230397-house-members-slam-obama-on-yucca-mountain-policy, RSR Republicans and Democrats in the House slammed the Obama administration's plan to close the nuclear AND of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act passed by the Congress," he said. Yurman, Staff Writer, ‘12 Dan, “Revisiting Reprocessing in South Korea”, ANS Nuclear Café, 8-2-12, http:~/~/ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/08/02/revisiting-reprocessing-in-south-korea/http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/08/02/revisiting-reprocessing-in-south-korea/, RSR Comes now the request by the South Korean government, first aired in October 2010 AND nuclear arsenal as a shield against aggression from its neighbor to the north. US-SoKo relations k2 regional stability and global securityClinton 10 Hillary Rodham Clinton, “America’s Engagement in the Asia-Pacific”, October 28, 2010, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/10/150141.htm This year also marked a milestone with another ally: the 60th anniversary of the AND Trade Agreement by the time of the G-20 meeting in Seoul. Knight Ridder 2k (Jonathon S. Landay, “Top administration officials warn stakes for U.S. are high in Asian conflicts”, 3-11, L/N) Few if any experts think China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, AND no institutionalized security mechanism in place. There are elements for potential disaster." |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Nuclear renaissance now – long term prospects remain strong, NRC ruling has no effect, and cost issues are solved by SMRs. Downey, Senior Staff Writer, 8-31 John, “Anticipated nuclear rebirth faces tough challenges”, The Charlotte Business Journal, 8-31-12, http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/print-edition/2012/08/31/anticipated-nuclear-rebirth-faces.html?page=all, RSR But inside the industry, representatives insist the challenges are not insurmountable. In the AND investments in nuclear, but it comes down very much to personal preferences. Federalism is dead and the recession killed it – proves that centralization is necessary. Saying that funding for plan pushes us over some brink is simply not true. Cauchon 09 (Dennis, journalist. USA Today, “Federal aid is top revenue for states” May 4 2009. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-05-04-fed-states-revenue_N.htm) In a historic first, Uncle Sam has supplanted sales, property and income taxes AND put us in a very bad situation," says Connecticut Comptroller Nancy Wyman. Data disproves hegemony impacts. Fettweis, Department of Political Science at Tulane University, ‘11 Christopher, 9/26/11, Free Riding or Restraint? Examining European Grand Strategy, Comparative Strategy, 30:316–332, EBSCO It is perhaps worth noting that there is no evidence to support a direct relationship AND global policeman. Those who think otherwise base their view on faith alone. Heg can no longer contain conflicts Layne 11 (Christopher Layne is Professor and Robert M. Gates Chair in National Security at Texas A and M University's Bush School of Government and Public Service. “Bye bye, Miss American Pie” The European Magazine Online – 3-28-2011 http://theeuropean-magazine.com/223-layne-christopher/231-pax-americana) American primacy’s end is result of history’s big, impersonal forces compounded by the United AND . Indeed, the Pax Americana is already is crumbling in slow motion. Nuclear leadership in reprocessing is key to overall technical leadership – brain drain. Martin, Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee, and Ahearne, Vice-Chairman, 8 (William F. and John, Nuclear Energy: Policies and Technology for the 21st Century, Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee, November 2008, http://www.ne.doe.gov/neac/neacPDFs/NEAC_Final_Report_Web%20Version.pdf, da 9-1-12) The consequences of a weakened nuclear infrastructure in the United States include reduced domestic capability AND it is meeting U.S. needs in the nuclear fuel cycle. Technological leadership necessary to maintain US heg – our IL explains the past five centuries of global hegemons. Drezner 1 (Daniel Drezner (professor of international politics at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University) 2001 “State structure, technological leadership and the maintenance of hegemony” http://www.danieldrezner.com/research/tech.pdf) In this decade, proponents of globalization argue that because information and capital are mobile AND leading to a period of strife until a new hegemonic power is found. Turn: A federalist framework of government leads to territorial debates which empirically end in genocide Schetter 05 (Conrad, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany. Geopolitics,“Ethnoscapes, National Territorialisation, and the Afghan War” 2005. EBSCO) The territorialisation of national ideologies emerged as one of the most significant prerequisites for the AND the immediate legitimacy for acts of violence such as ethnic cleansing and ‘ethnocide’ Genocide causes global instability and makes every other impact inevitable Campbell 01 (Kenneth, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Director of the International Relations Program at the University of Delaware, Genocide and the Global Village, p. 26) Genocide is the supreme crime! It is arguably the worst crime that can be AND open societies, it increases the spread of pathological behavior such as genocide. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: 1AC Inherency Observation One: Inherency Nuclear renaissance now – US subsidizing the industry Worthington 12 (David Worthington, February 9, 2012, The U.S. nuclear renaissance has begun , Smart Planet, http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/intelligent-energy/the-us-nuclear-renaissance-has-begun/13058) JD There are cooling towers on the horizon in the United States. The nuclear renaissance AND million homes at a cost of US$14 billion, CNN reported. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation 2 Observation Two: Waste In the short term US nuclear waste is stored on-site. Galbraith 11 (Kate, Staff Writer, “A New Urgency to the Problem of Storing Nuclear Waste”, New York Times, 11-27-11, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/28/business/energy-environment/a-new-urgency-to-the-problem-of-storing-nuclear-waste.html, RSR) Other countries are also looking at waste in new ways in the post-Fukushima AND disposal site for spent fuel , near the remote northeastern village of Bure. On-site storage is dangerous – storage pools are vulnerable to accidents. Alvarez 12 (Robert, Senior Scholar at IPS, where he is currently focused on nuclear disarmament, environmental, and energy policies, “Improving Spent-Fuel Storage at Nuclear Reactors”, Winter, ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, RSR) Until the NAS completes its study, if it agrees to do so, the AND area declined by almost half because of migration to areas of lower contamination. The densely packed fuel is enough to trigger a full scaled meltdown – Fukushima proves. Kinitisch 11 (Eli, Reporter at Science Magazine, “Waste Panel Expected To Back Interim Storage”, Science Magazine, Vol. 333, 7-8-11, RSR) In any case, experts agree, some new plan for waste storage is essential AND calls for an expert panel at the National Academies to tackle the subject. These catastrophic meltdowns cause extinction – reactors contain 100x the radiation of nuclear bombs. Lendman 11 (Stephen, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, 03/ 13, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,”, The People’s Voice http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2011/03/13/nuclear-meltdown-in-japan, accessed 8-2-12, RSR) Reuters said the 1995 Kobe quake caused $100 billion in damage, up to AND entire region. "It could be, literally, an apocalyptic event. On-site waste storage is the EASIEST target for a terrorist attack – it’s the most vulnerable. Rogers 6 (Ken, Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at Coastal Carolina University, “Radioactive Waste Storage/Disposal Policy: A Paradigm for Homeland Security and Energy Security”, Midsouth Political Science Review, 2006, Vol. 8, RSR) The inability of U.S. policymakers to come to grips with the problem AND is not to the reactors, but the radioactive waste that they generate. On site storage vulnerable to terrorist theft – fewer security measures due to assumed radioactive safeguards. Bunn 9 (Matthew, Associate Professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, “Reducing the greatest risks of nuclear theft and terrorism”, Daedalus, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fall, RSR) A building with nuclear material that terrorists could readily make into a nuclear bomb needs AND also be able to make a bomb from reactor-grade plutonium. 6 Nuclear terrorism is likely and causes extinction – security experts agree. Rhodes 9 (Richard, affiliate of the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, Former visiting scholar at Harvard and MIT, and author of “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” which won the Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction, National Book Award, and National Book Critics Circle Award, “Reducing the nuclear threat: The argument for public safety” 12-14, http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/reducing-the-nuclear-threat-the-argument-public-safety, RSR) The response was very different among nuclear and national security experts when Indiana Republican Sen AND nothing to do with those attacks in the name of sending a message. In the long term, waste will be stored at Yucca – only option. Tollefson 11 (Jeff, former Knight fellow in science journalism at MIT, “Battle of Yucca Mountain rages on”, Nature, Vol. 473, No. 266, 5-19-11, RSR) The commission intends to issue a draft report in July and a final one next AND DC. “And nobody knows how many lives have been used up.” Yucca explosion is likely - earthquakes, volcanoes, and ground water Warrick 98 (Joby, Staff, At Nevada Nuclear Waste Site, The Issue Is One of Liquidity; Studies Citing Risk of Water Seepage Imperil Yucca Mountain Project, The Washington Post, December 15, p. A3) More recent studies raised different kinds of concerns. A report in March by the AND can go back and measure them again. They're very easy to verify." Yucca explosion results in extinction – top geologists agree. Broad 90 (William, NYT Staff, The New York Times, November 18) One scientist, however, has quietly but persistently warned that this vision of a AND If you want to envision the end of the world, that's it." Reprocessing would remove the waste problem – the waste we currently store can be reused Bastin 8 (Clinton, Former Chemical Engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission, 21st Century Science and Technology, “We Need to Reprocess Spent Nuclear Fuel, And Can Do It Safely, At Reasonable Cost”, 2008, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202008/ Summer_2008/Reprocessing.pdf, RSR) The concept of used nuclear fuel as “nuclear waste” is a fiction created AND fabricated directly into new reactor fuel assemblies to be burned in nuclear plants. Reprocessing solves the blow up of Yucca Mountain. Broad 95 (William, NYT staff, Scientists fear atomic explosion of buried waste, The New York Times, March 5, p. 1) Dr. Bowman says the explosion thesis is alive and well. On Friday he AND in granite, where migration of materials would be slower and more difficult. Observation 3 Observation Three: Peak uranium Peak uranium is coming by 2016. Keen 12 (Kip, Uranium supply crunch by 2016 - nuclear expert says, Mineweb, 24 January 2012, http://www.mineweb.co.za/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page72103?oid=143915andsn=Detailandpid=102055, da 8-27-12) A nuclear expert gave uranium supply three more years - at most - before it AND in his "downside" analysis the uranium deficit still comes by 2015. And, domestic shortages of uranium are creating a supply problem for tritium production. Holt and Nikitin 12 (Mark Holt (specialist in energy policy) and Mary Beth (specialist in nuclear nonproliferation), “Potential sources of nuclear fuel for tritium production”, CRS, 5-15-2012, http://markey.house.gov/sites/markey.house.gov/files/documents/2012_0515_CRS_TritiumFuelOptions.pdf) Watts Bar 1 is refueled every 18 months, when about a third of its AND a potential problem, it appears optimistic that a solution can be found. That’s key to the nuclear deterrent. Gaffney 10 (Frank, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy, “There Goes the Nuclear Deterrent”, Breitbart, 10-14-2010, http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2010/10/14/There-Goes-the-Nuclear-Deterrent) The House Armed Services Committee warned in 1993 that the deterrent was being subjected to AND warheads must be regularly refueled in order for those weapons to remain operable. Nuclear deterrence necessary to deter rogue states, CBW attacks, power challengers, and allied proliferation - impact is extinction. Schneider 9 (Mark, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, May/April 2009 “The Future of the US Nuclear Deterrent” Comparative Strategy, p345-360) According to the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review, the United States must maintain a “ AND legacy arms control and its constraints upon U.S. conventional capabilities. Shorter flight times and lack of second strike capacity make miscalculation more likely. Cimbala 8 (Stephen, Political Science Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, March, “Anticipatory Attacks: Nuclear Crisis Stability in Future Asia” Comparative Strategy, Vol 27 No 2, p 113-132, InformaWorld) The spread of nuclear weapons in Asia presents a complicated mosaic of possibilities in this AND might be inaccurate guides to the avoidance of war outside of Europe.19 Uranium scarcity causes Russia and China to compete for Kazakh uranium – hurts relations. Muzalevsky 11 (Roman, International Affairs Expert, Global Struggle for Kazakh Uranium Resources, 15 April 2011, The Jamestown Foundation, http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1andtx_ttnews%5Bswords%5D=8fd5893941d69d0be3f378576261ae3eandtx_ttnews%5Bany_of_the_words%5D=uraniumandtx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=37802andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=7andcHash=eff36581a33138a4b57613d1f285d205, da 9-13-12) Kazakhstan is interested in profiting from its energy exports to diverse suppliers and strengthening its AND surge in nuclear energy demand and the struggle over the precious uranium resources. That escalates to global nuclear war. Blank 2k (Stephen J, Expert on the Soviet Bloc for the Strategic Studies Institute, “American Grand Strategy and the Transcaspian Region”, World Affairs. 9-22) Thus many structural conditions for conventional war or protracted ethnic conflict where third parties intervene AND 5) neither has willing proxies capable of settling the situation.(77) And escalation’s guaranteed – it’s a geopolitical hub. Saghal and Anand10 (Arun (former Army officer who created the Office of Net Assessment in the Indian Joint Staff, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses and ‘Distinguished Fellow’ School of Geo-Politics at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education) and Vinod (postgraduate in defence and strategic studies and is an alumnus of Defence Services Staff College and College of Defence Management), “Strategic Environment in Central Asia and India”, http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/publications/1004Joshi-V-Strategic.pdf) The geo-strategic salience of Central Asia today has been underscored by two main AND Asia pave the way for outside powers to interfere in their internal affairs. Nuclear reprocessing could allow US reactors to run for 30 years without new uranium. WNA 12 (Processing of Used Nuclear Fuel, World Nuclear Association, May 2012, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf69.html, da 8-30-12) Reprocessing used fuel to recover uranium (as reprocessed uranium, or RepU) and AND ,000 t in North America and 69,000 t in Europe. US nuclear reprocessing lead to a spillover of the technology internationally. Acton 9 (James, J. associate in the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Survival, Vol. 51, No. 4, “Nuclear Power, Disarmament and Technological Restraint”, RSR) Thus, not only does reprocessing clearly not help with facilitating take back, but AND the nuclear RandD community – that support the development of reprocessing. Nuclear reprocessing solves peak uranium internationally. Berry and Tolley 10 (R. Stephen and George S., Professors at the University of Chicago, Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing: Future Prospects and Viability, University of Chicago, 29 November 2010, http://humanities.uchicago.edu/orgs/institute/bigproblems/Team7-1210.pdf, da 8-29-12) Uranium prices have also been rising due to increased demand, a trend that may AND the amount of recovered plutonium is .01014¶ kg/kgHM.¶ 94 Plan Text Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Solvency Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities. |
| 11/10/2012 | |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Lagus, 2005 WISE Intern, ‘5 Todd, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http:~/~/www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/pdf, RSR In the case of the newer UREX+ technology, the long-lived fission AND are cheaper and easier to fabricate should an enemy decide to strike. 47 |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Cook, budget and tax correspondent for National Journal, 11-8 Nancy, “To Avert a Fiscal-Cliff Catastrophe, Someone Has to Blink”, National Journal, 11-8, http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/to-avert-a-fiscal-cliff-catastrophe-someone-has-to-blink-20121108, RSR The far more likely scenario for both parties is a swan dive over the fiscal AND failed super committee and the epic battle in 2011 over the debt ceiling. McAuliff 11/9 (Michael, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/09/john-boehner-fiscal-cliff_n_2101648.html) WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) offered conciliatory words but AND , and that remains their position, Boehner said in a speech Wednesday. Fox News, 11-9 Fox News Latino, “GOP opens door to immigration reform after election loss”, http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/11/09/gop-opens-door-to-immigration-reform-after-election-loss/, RSR Republicans are warming to the idea of reforming the "broken" U.S AND that "on an issue this big, the president has to lead." Cantor and House Republicans support nuclear powerPolitico 11 (Cantor: nuclear power 'essential' for U.S. energy needs, http://www.politico.com/blogs/glennthrush/0311/Cantor_nuclear_power_essential_for_US_energy_needs.html) House Majority Leader Eric Cantor defended nuclear energy production Monday, after a series of AND week that President Barack Obama speed up approval of new nuclear energy facilities. Tucker 11/9 (Sean Tucker is assistant managing editor for GovWin from Deltek, the network that helps government contractors win new business every day., http://govwin.com/seantucker_blog/fiscal-cliff-deal-whats-planned/742506) In fact, CNN notes, "Boehner and Republicans oppose raising taxes on anyone AND The Senate was willing to compromise. The Administration and House Republicans weren't. Mark Warner and Democrats support nuclear powerRight Democrat 8 (http://rightdemocrat.blogspot.com/2008/11/mark-warner-says-nuclear-power-can-help.html) A growing number of Democratic candidates and elected officials are in favor of building more AND forward in a very deliberative direction" toward building more nuclear power plants. Tucker 11/9 (Sean Tucker is assistant managing editor for GovWin from Deltek, the network that helps government contractors win new business every day., http://govwin.com/seantucker_blog/fiscal-cliff-deal-whats-planned/742506) ¶ In a press conference yesterday, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) AND members, Democrat Michael Bennet of Colorado and Republican Mike Johanns of Nebraska. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Yurman, Staff Writer, ‘12 Dan, “Revisiting Reprocessing in South Korea”, ANS Nuclear Café, 8-2-12, http:~/~/ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/08/02/revisiting-reprocessing-in-south-korea/http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/08/02/revisiting-reprocessing-in-south-korea/, RSR Comes now the request by the South Korean government, first aired in October 2010 AND nuclear arsenal as a shield against aggression from its neighbor to the north. US-SoKo relations k2 regional stability and global securityClinton 10 Hillary Rodham Clinton, “America’s Engagement in the Asia-Pacific”, October 28, 2010, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/10/150141.htm This year also marked a milestone with another ally: the 60th anniversary of the AND Trade Agreement by the time of the G-20 meeting in Seoul. Knight Ridder 2k (Jonathon S. Landay, “Top administration officials warn stakes for U.S. are high in Asian conflicts”, 3-11, L/N) Few if any experts think China and Taiwan, North Korea and South Korea, AND no institutionalized security mechanism in place. There are elements for potential disaster." |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Paikin, Columnist for Canada’s iPolitics and contributes research on international affairs to several Washington-based think tanks and institutes, ‘12 Zach, “Coping in an increasingly competitive global economy”, http://www.ipolitics.ca/2012/04/11/zach-paikin-coping-with-less-revenues-in-an-increasingly-competitive-global-economy/ It gets worse. The price of oil is about to collapse due to the AND rate of all natural gas exports from the Middle East and North Africa. Bapna, Interim President at the World Resources Institute, ‘12 Manish, “2012: A Breakthrough for Renewable Energy?,” Huffington Post, February 12, 2012, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/manish-bapna/2012-a-breakthrough-for-r_b_1263543.html Despite conventional wisdom, there is a growing body of evidence showing that renewables are AND for fossil fuels, crossing an important threshold toward a clean energy future. Nuclear power is globally expanding and is catching on in the U.S.WNA 11 (World Nuclear Association, The Nuclear Renaissance , August 2011, http:~/~/www.world-nuclear.org/info/html) JD Since about 2001 there has been much talk about an imminent nuclear revival or " AND adversely changed the economics of nuclear power in places such as North America. Styles, Managing Director of GSW Strategy Group, LLC, an energy and environmental strategy consulting firm, ‘12 Geoffrey, “How Helpless Are We in the Face of Rising Oil Prices?", February 24, energyoutlook.blogspot.com/2012/02/how-helpless-are-we-in-face-of-rising.html To see why requires a sense of how the oil market works, as well AND prices now and in the near future, they are a rhetorical diversion. Andrew E. Kramer, New York Times, “Rise in Oil Price Eases Push for Reform in Russia”, 6/3/2009, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/04/business/global/04ruble.html The two previous major oil price slumps in the last quarter-century were followed AND that amounts to essentially waiting out the downturn is beginning to take shape. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Their infatuation with ontology is politically debilitating – focusing on ontology divests politics of its emancipatory potential and devolves into a self-justifying cycle of never-ending critique.Yar, Ph.D in the Department of Sociology at Lancaster University, 2k Majid, “Arendt's Heideggerianism: Contours of a `Postmetaphysical' Political Theory?,” Cultural Values, Volume 4, Issue 1, January, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via Academic Search Complete Similarly, we must consider the consequences that this 'ontological substitution' for the essence of AND politics of any other practical and normative ends in the process.21 Godzinski 5 (Ronald Jr., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, “(En)Framing Heidegger’s Philosophy of Technology,” Essays in Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 1, humboldt.edu/~essays/godzinski.html) In a related vein, the previous claim that everything within the natural world gives AND sending or presencing of Being gets closed off and concealed from us.26http://www.humboldt.edu/~~essays/godzinski.html#26 a.) The very idea of housing in Yucca Mountain is the standing reserve mentality.Bloomfield and Vurdubakis, ‘5 Brian and Theo (Centre for the Study of Technology and Organisation, Lancaster University Management School), “The secret of Yucca Mountain: reflections on an object in extremis”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 2005, volume 23, page 741 The Yucca Mountain project has been officially trumpeted as the long sought after solution to AND a number of different historical, cultural, economic, and political contexts. b.) SQUO treats atomic energy as an standing reserve, concealing the problems with waste.Rawles, Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, 2k Richard, “Coyote Learns to Glow”, Part of “Learning to Glow: A Nuclear Reader”, RSR Humans, having gathered uranium from the New Mexican desert not all that far from AND its destructive aspects, along with the rituals needed to maintain the fire. Committee on Public Safety 96 (The writers subsume their individual names within the denomination of "Committee" in deference to the indivisibility of the work presented Levinasian Scholars "My Place in the Sun" Reflections On The Thought Of Emmanuel Levinas Diacritics 26.1 (1996) 3-10 Project Muse) TBC 7/7/10 At the heart of Levinas's critique of Heidegger is the reproof that the question of AND -ing and yet nearer than any be-ing could ever be. Vague alts bad and that’s a voting issue - the neg can shift the alt in the block and moot the 2AC, killing fairness. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: 2AC T We meet: Nuclear fuel recycling is energy production. World Nuclear Association 12 Processing of Used Nuclear Fuel, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf69.html Used nuclear fuel has long been reprocessed to extract fissile materials for recycling and to AND after about 100 years falls much more rapidly than in used fuel itself.¶ Counter interpretation: The aff has to affect both resource extraction and conversion into energy Australian Government, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency 2011 “Energy Production and Consumption,” http://www.climatechange.gov.au/government/initiatives/national-greenhouse-energy-reporting/publications/supplementary-guidelines/energy-production-consumption.aspx a. Production of energy: in relation to a facility, means the: extraction or b. AND c. of the facility (regulation 2.23(3) NGER Regulations). States CP Perm do both. Solves GOP backlash because thirty republican governors would all back reprocessing. Information distortion means the CP links to politics Kiely, ‘12 2/17/12, Eugene Kiely, Washington assignment editor USA today, “Did Obama ‘Approve’ Bridge Work for Chinese Firms?” http://www.factcheck.org/2012/02/did-obama-approve-bridge-work-for-chinese-firms/ Who’s to blame, if that’s the right word, if the project ends up AND spending taxpayer money on Chinese firms to build U.S. bridges. States CP are V/I. 1.) No comparative literature compares the action of 50 states simultaneously vs. the federal government. Kills education because it removes substantive clash about energy production. 2.) Fiat abuse – uniformity eliminates the only aff against state action, which is enforcement. Kills competitive equity. CP can’t solve – federal investment is necessary to remove the perceptual ban on reprocessing. Adams, ‘8 Rod, “What Do You Do About the Waste? Recycle and Reuse”, Clean Technica, 5-29-2008, http://cleantechnica.com/2008/05/29/what-do-you-do-about-the-waste-recycle-and-reuse/, RSR The US used to have a plan to recycle our fuel as well, but AND facility and risk having it turn into a white elephant after an election. Doesn’t solve the aff – absent the plan, companies will never believe that the federal government will allow reprocessing, so they won’t invest. That’s Selyukh 10. CP can’t solve - federal preemption of the counterplan exists now Ostrow, associate professor of law at Hofstra Law School, ’11 (Ashira Pelman Ostrow, “Process Preemption in Federal Siting Regimes, Harvard Journal of Law, July 2011, http://www.harvardjol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Ostrow_Article.pdf) For national security reasons, the federal government has long asserted exclusive authority to manage AND of Energy to develop guidelines by which to evaluate potential repository sites. 139 Congress is necessary – overcomes regulatory process. Fertel, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer at the Nuclear Energy Institute, ‘5 Marvin, CQ Congressional Testimony, “NUCLEAR POWER'S PLACE IN A NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY,” 4/28, lexis Industry and government will be prepared to meet the demand for new emission-free AND policy challenges-like waste management-that arise with all advanced technologies. South Korea Reprocessing DA No prolif concerns – new tech does not separate the plutonium preventing it from theft or usability. Lagus, 2005 WISE Intern, ‘5 Todd, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR In the case of the newer UREX+ technology, the long-lived fission AND are cheaper and easier to fabricate should an enemy decide to strike. 47 They have the DA backwards – refusal to grant reprocessing permissions leads to South Korean breakout and relations collapse. Yurman, Staff Writer, ‘12 Dan, “Revisiting Reprocessing in South Korea”, ANS Nuclear Café, 8-2-12, http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/08/02/revisiting-reprocessing-in-south-korea/, RSR Comes now the request by the South Korean government, first aired in October 2010 AND nuclear arsenal as a shield against aggression from its neighbor to the north. US-SoKo relations k2 regional stability and global security Clinton 10 Hillary Rodham Clinton, “America’s Engagement in the Asia-Pacific”, October 28, 2010, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/10/150141.htm This year also marked a milestone with another ally: the 60th anniversary of the AND Trade Agreement by the time of the G-20 meeting in Seoul. Revival of U.S. nuclear programs, particularly reprocessing, is key to promote nuclear nonproliferation. Bengelsdorf 7 (Harold, consultant and former director of energy department offices, “THE U.S. DOMESTIC CIVIL NUCLEAR INFRASTRUCTURE AND U.S. NONPROLIFERATION POLICY”, http://www.nuclearcompetitiveness.org/images/COUNCIL_WHITE_PAPER_Final.pdf) U.S. nuclear exports can be used to influence other states’ nuclear programs AND initiatives designed to discourage the spread of sensitive nuclear facilities to other countries. Advantage CP Perm do both. Countries won’t sign on – fuel banks impose constraints beyond the NPT and kill the economics of domestic nuclear power. Toukan, Chairman of Jordan’s Atomic Energy Commission, 8-29 Khaled, “For a fuel bank, fairness is paramount”, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, http://thebulletin.org/web-edition/roundtables/nuclear-fuel-bank-good-investment#rt9301, RSR Second, some states might be reluctant to sign up for an international fuel bank AND suppliers for enrichment services asks it to forfeit significant opportunities for economic growth. Peak oil is coming and kills economic recovery – outweighs resiliency and safeguards. Zakaria 12 (Fareed, host of CNN foreign affairs program, “Zakaria: Why oil prices keep rising”, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/09/zakaria-why-oil-prices-keep-rising/) The rising price of oil is the single most serious threat to the global economic AND The reason they are so high is really Iran, Iran and Iran. Economic collapse results in extinction. Lachman and Auslin 09 Desmond: fellow at AEI, Michael: scholar at AEI “The Global Economy Unravels” March 6, 2009 American Enterprise Institute http://www.aei.org/article/economics/international-economy/the-global-economy-unravels/ What do these trends mean in the short and medium term? The Great AND be a series of small explosions that coalesce into a big bang.’’ Reprocessing solves peak oil – increases nuclear power’s share of the market. Szabo, J.D., George Washington University Law School; Financial Analyst, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), ‘10 Aaron, 2010, “Reprocessing: The Future Of Nuclear Waste”, Temple Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Law, Vol. 29, No. 2, RSR Energy independence has been a longstanding concern for the United States. Beginning with President AND provide the United States with more stability and independence from possible hostile countries. Politics Farm bill will not pass – party divisions. Berg 11/4 (Rebecca, Capitol Hill reporter, http://www.buzzfeed.com/rebeccaberg/as-congress-prepares-to-return-to-washington-farm) WASHINGTON, D.C. — For all the lofty rhetoric about the need AND staffers of both parties, and lawmakers are no closer to a compromise. Farm bill won’t pass – fiscal cliff thumps. Ellis 11/8 (Steve Ellis is vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense and Scott Faber is vice president of government affairs at Environmental Working Group., http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-a-budget/266935-pass-a-fiscally-responsible-farm-bill-extension) It’s too late for Congress to pass a good farm bill this year. The AND unresolved agriculture policy issues in an open, transparent and fiscally responsible way. Plan popular in Congress – popular among senators like Graham. Ling 2009 (“Is the solution to the U.S. nuclear waste problem in France?” By KATHERINE LING, ClimateWire, http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2009/05/18/18climatewire-is-the-solution-to-the-us-nuclear-waste-prob-12208.html?pagewanted=all Published: May 18, 2009) RCM South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) earlier this month said he would AND -sharing incentives for two reprocessing facilities and other new nuclear reactor incentives. Graham is a dealmaker Politico 11/7 (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83458.html) Still, there’s no mistaking the loss is anything short of a dramatic disappointment for AND accomplishments with the desire to protect his conference from being jammed by Democrats. Plan key to winning over McCain. Fahey 9 (New Fuel Source: Nuclear Waste?, Jonathan Fahey, 07.22.09, 06:00 AM EDT http://www.forbes.com/2009/07/21/nuclear-waste-energy-technology-breakthroughs-nuclear.html ) RCM But the politics of reprocessing have been heating up. Pro-nuclear energy Sens AND built is the uncertainty around where the spent fuel is going to go. McCain is key to the agenda CQ Weekly 8 (Rebecca Adams, 11/8/08 (“CQ Weekly Vantage Point: Farewell or a Future? McCain Still Has Role as Bipartisan Dealmaker,” LN) A likelier scenario, observers say, is thatMcCain will revert to his role as AND strong incentive to spend his last years in the Senate reinforcing that image.” Cantor and House Republicans support nuclear power Politico 11 (Cantor: nuclear power 'essential' for U.S. energy needs, http://www.politico.com/blogs/glennthrush/0311/Cantor_nuclear_power_essential_for_US_energy_needs.html) House Majority Leader Eric Cantor defended nuclear energy production Monday, after a series of AND week that President Barack Obama speed up approval of new nuclear energy facilities. House resembles the biggest stumbling block to Obama’s agenda. Politico 11/7 (http://www.nj.com/us-politics/index.ssf/2012/11/washington_wakes_up_to_deja_vu.html) The result: The House Republican Conference will be even more conservative and the House AND two years, did not give Obama a new Congress to work with. less than had been anticipated just a few months ago. This means a better balance of production and utilization in the near-term. The depths of the current world economic downturn and eventual recovery will be important drivers of grain and oilseed prices in the next few years, as will be energy prices and biofuels policy around the world. 1AR South Korea Reprocessing DA No prolif – fears overblown, other countries, empirics, and new tech. Lee, 2010 Wise Intern at the American Nuclear Society, ‘12 Nathan, WISE, “Sustainability Of U.S. Nuclear Energy: Waste Management And¶ The Question Of Reprocessing”, 2012, http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2010/NathanLeeWISE2010.pdf, RCM No matter how much some nuclear energy proponents might play down the dual purpose of AND -time monitoring of material flows to detect and prevent proliferation attempts.40 Proliferation concerns are empirically denied, and purification of spent fuel is impractical. Klein, Associate Director of The Energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, 11 (Dale, Spent Nuclear Fuel Is An Abundant Source of Energy, 21st Century Science and Technology, 21 February 2011, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles_2011/Spring-2011/Spent_Nuclear_Energy.pdf, da 8-23-12) Now, more than three decades later, six nations have major ¶ ¶ commitments AND from the type of spent fuel discharged by commercial power ¶ ¶ reactors. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: Farm bill will not pass – party divisions. Berg 11/4 (Rebecca, Capitol Hill reporter, http://www.buzzfeed.com/rebeccaberg/as-congress-prepares-to-return-to-washington-farm) WASHINGTON, D.C. — For all the lofty rhetoric about the need AND staffers of both parties, and lawmakers are no closer to a compromise. Farm bill won’t pass – fiscal cliff thumps. Ellis 11/8 (Steve Ellis is vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense and Scott Faber is vice president of government affairs at Environmental Working Group., http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-a-budget/266935-pass-a-fiscally-responsible-farm-bill-extension) It’s too late for Congress to pass a good farm bill this year. The AND unresolved agriculture policy issues in an open, transparent and fiscally responsible way. Plan popular in Congress – popular among senators like Graham. Ling 2009 (“Is the solution to the U.S. nuclear waste problem in France?” By KATHERINE LING, ClimateWire, http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2009/05/18/18climatewire-is-the-solution-to-the-us-nuclear-waste-prob-12208.html?pagewanted=all Published: May 18, 2009) RCM South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) earlier this month said he would AND -sharing incentives for two reprocessing facilities and other new nuclear reactor incentives. Graham is a dealmaker Politico 11/7 (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83458.html) Still, there’s no mistaking the loss is anything short of a dramatic disappointment for AND accomplishments with the desire to protect his conference from being jammed by Democrats. Plan key to winning over McCain. Fahey 9 (New Fuel Source: Nuclear Waste?, Jonathan Fahey, 07.22.09, 06:00 AM EDT http://www.forbes.com/2009/07/21/nuclear-waste-energy-technology-breakthroughs-nuclear.html ) RCM But the politics of reprocessing have been heating up. Pro-nuclear energy Sens AND built is the uncertainty around where the spent fuel is going to go. McCain is key to the agenda CQ Weekly 8 (Rebecca Adams, 11/8/08 (“CQ Weekly Vantage Point: Farewell or a Future? McCain Still Has Role as Bipartisan Dealmaker,” LN) A likelier scenario, observers say, is thatMcCain will revert to his role as AND strong incentive to spend his last years in the Senate reinforcing that image.” Cantor and House Republicans support nuclear power Politico 11 (Cantor: nuclear power 'essential' for U.S. energy needs, http://www.politico.com/blogs/glennthrush/0311/Cantor_nuclear_power_essential_for_US_energy_needs.html) House Majority Leader Eric Cantor defended nuclear energy production Monday, after a series of AND week that President Barack Obama speed up approval of new nuclear energy facilities. House resembles the biggest stumbling block to Obama’s agenda. Politico 11/7 (http://www.nj.com/us-politics/index.ssf/2012/11/washington_wakes_up_to_deja_vu.html) The result: The House Republican Conference will be even more conservative and the House AND two years, did not give Obama a new Congress to work with. less than had been anticipated just a few months ago. This means a better balance of production and utilization in the near-term. The depths of the current world economic downturn and eventual recovery will be important drivers of grain and oilseed prices in the next few years, as will be energy prices and biofuels policy around the world. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wayne State JS | Judge: No prolif concerns – new tech does not separate the plutonium preventing it from theft or usability. Lagus, 2005 WISE Intern, ‘5 Todd, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR In the case of the newer UREX+ technology, the long-lived fission AND are cheaper and easier to fabricate should an enemy decide to strike. 47 They have the DA backwards – refusal to grant reprocessing permissions leads to South Korean breakout and relations collapse. Yurman, Staff Writer, ‘12 Dan, “Revisiting Reprocessing in South Korea”, ANS Nuclear Café, 8-2-12, http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/08/02/revisiting-reprocessing-in-south-korea/, RSR Comes now the request by the South Korean government, first aired in October 2010 AND nuclear arsenal as a shield against aggression from its neighbor to the north. US-SoKo relations k2 regional stability and global security Clinton 10 Hillary Rodham Clinton, “America’s Engagement in the Asia-Pacific”, October 28, 2010, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/10/150141.htm This year also marked a milestone with another ally: the 60th anniversary of the AND Trade Agreement by the time of the G-20 meeting in Seoul. Revival of U.S. nuclear programs, particularly reprocessing, is key to promote nuclear nonproliferation. Bengelsdorf 7 (Harold, consultant and former director of energy department offices, “THE U.S. DOMESTIC CIVIL NUCLEAR INFRASTRUCTURE AND U.S. NONPROLIFERATION POLICY”, http://www.nuclearcompetitiveness.org/images/COUNCIL_WHITE_PAPER_Final.pdf) U.S. nuclear exports can be used to influence other states’ nuclear programs AND initiatives designed to discourage the spread of sensitive nuclear facilities to other countries. |
| 11/10/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: 4 | Opponent: Wayne State | Judge: Perm do both. Solves GOP backlash because thirty republican governors would all back reprocessing. Information distortion means the CP links to politics Kiely, ‘12 2/17/12, Eugene Kiely, Washington assignment editor USA today, “Did Obama ‘Approve’ Bridge Work for Chinese Firms?” http://www.factcheck.org/2012/02/did-obama-approve-bridge-work-for-chinese-firms/ Who’s to blame, if that’s the right word, if the project ends up AND spending taxpayer money on Chinese firms to build U.S. bridges. States CP are V/I. 1.) No comparative literature compares the action of 50 states simultaneously vs. the federal government. Kills education because it removes substantive clash about energy production. 2.) Fiat abuse – uniformity eliminates the only aff against state action, which is enforcement. Kills competitive equity. CP can’t solve – federal investment is necessary to remove the perceptual ban on reprocessing. Adams, ‘8 Rod, “What Do You Do About the Waste? Recycle and Reuse”, Clean Technica, 5-29-2008, http://cleantechnica.com/2008/05/29/what-do-you-do-about-the-waste-recycle-and-reuse/, RSR The US used to have a plan to recycle our fuel as well, but AND facility and risk having it turn into a white elephant after an election. Doesn’t solve the aff – absent the plan, companies will never believe that the federal government will allow reprocessing, so they won’t invest. That’s Selyukh 10. CP can’t solve - federal preemption of the counterplan exists now Ostrow, associate professor of law at Hofstra Law School, ’11 (Ashira Pelman Ostrow, “Process Preemption in Federal Siting Regimes, Harvard Journal of Law, July 2011, http://www.harvardjol.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Ostrow_Article.pdf) For national security reasons, the federal government has long asserted exclusive authority to manage AND of Energy to develop guidelines by which to evaluate potential repository sites. 139 Congress is necessary – overcomes regulatory process. Fertel, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer at the Nuclear Energy Institute, ‘5 Marvin, CQ Congressional Testimony, “NUCLEAR POWER'S PLACE IN A NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY,” 4/28, lexis Industry and government will be prepared to meet the demand for new emission-free AND policy challenges-like waste management-that arise with all advanced technologies. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: 5 | Opponent: Towson HW | Judge: 1AC Status quo waste siting is a form of radioactive colonialism. Native Americans have to contend with the worst waste, which saps them of an infrastructure to address dire problems. Bullard and Johnson, Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center and Assistant Professor of Sociology at Clark Atlanta University, ‘9 (Robert D. and Glenn S., “Environmental Justice: Grassroots Activism and Its Impact on Public Policy Decision Making,” Environmental Sociology: from Analysis to Action, Second Edition, p.62-63, accessed 7-10-09, AJP) There is a direct correlation between exploitation of land and exploitation of people. It AND 1992) adopted a resolution of “No nuclear waste on Indian lands.” This is especially true surrounding Yucca Mountain. The discourse surrounding Yucca siting is racist as it valued technical arguments for storage over cultural arguments Endres, Associate Professor of Communications at the University of Utah, ‘12 Danielle, “Sacred Land or National Sacrifice Zone: The Role of Values in the Yucca Mountain Participation Process”, Process, Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 6:3, 328-345, RSR Despite this progress, flaws remain in many currently used processes of participation (Depoe AND -based claims, which formed a significant stasis point in the controversy. This discursive erasure of cultural and spiritual values attached to Yucca creates a nuclear sacrifice zone, exterminating Native lands and peoples Kuletz, Prof. of American Studies @ U of Canterbury, 98 Valerie, The Tainted Desert: Environmental Ruin in the American West, pg. 12-13, RSR In this Indian country two landscapes – Indian and nuclear – meet at nearly every AND geography where spiritual and cultural life are woven directly into the landscape itself. Moreover, the USFG uses tribal sovereignty against Natives, exploiting their control over the land to turn them into nuclear sacrifice zones Kuletz, Prof. of American Studies @ U of Canterbury, 98 Valerie, The Tainted Desert: Environmental Ruin in the American West, pg. 95-96, RSR When people say that nuclearism is the “price we pay for freedom”, they AND grants for nuclear waste programs – 80% of the group’s federal grants. Impact is genocide by nuclear colonialism Endres, Associate Professor in Communication @ Utah, 2009 Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009, p. 41 Before attending to the rhetorical nature of nuclear colonialism, it is important to¶ AND living¶ near tailing piles at a high risk for lung cancer.10 The collective refusal to acknowledge the genocide of native community is tantamount to serial genocide. Neglecting their cultural diversity leads us on a path to extinction. Friedberg, PhD Candidate, Germanic Studies, University of Illinois, 2k (Lilian, “Dare to Compare,” American Indian Quarterly; Summer, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p. 353) Attempts on the part of American Indians to transcend chronic, intergenerational maladies introduced by AND , as with Hitler or Stalin, demonically proclaimed as the new salvation." Overall, these extensions of genocidal carnage against native people are the root cause of violence and war Paul Street, author, March 11, 2004. “Those Who Deny the Crimes of the Past Reflections on American Racist Atrocity Denial, 1776-2004,” http://thereitis.org/displayarticle242.html It is especially important to appreciate the significance of the vicious, often explicitly genocidal AND future as long as they retain the means and motive to do so. This genocidal mentality against Natives is a priori because it is ontological Wilderson 2010 FB, Red, White, and Black Again, if Accumulation and Fungibility are the modalities through which embodied Blackness is positioned AND small matter, for it is the sin qua non of Human capacity. Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Reprocessing would remove the entire waste problem – all of the waste we currently store can be reused. Bastin 8 (Clinton, Former Chemical Engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission, 21st Century Science and Technology, “We Need to Reprocess Spent Nuclear Fuel, And Can Do It Safely, At Reasonable Cost”, 2008, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202008/ Summer_2008/Reprocessing.pdf, RSR) The concept of used nuclear fuel as “nuclear waste” is a fiction created AND fabricated directly into new reactor fuel assemblies to be burned in nuclear plants. This would obviate the need for uranium mining – we can power all nuclear power on recycled waste World Nuclear Association 12 (Processing of Used Nuclear Fuel, World Nuclear Association, May 2012, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf69.html, da 8-30-12) Reprocessing used fuel to recover uranium (as reprocessed uranium, or RepU) and AND ,000 t in North America and 69,000 t in Europe. Reprocessing permanently ends the Yucca mountain debate by eliminating storage Waters, Editor, ‘9 Henry, “Yucca Mountain: Obama’s Move Makes Sense”, The Columbia Daily Tribune, 3-9-2009, http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/2009/mar/09/yucca-mountain/, RSR A better alternative is to reprocess nuclear fuel, leaving only some 10 percent of AND remain on-site while next steps are determined. Fits right in. Our criticism of the waste siting process is key to resist nuclear colonialism. Endres, Associate Professor in Communication @ Utah, 2009 Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009, p. 44-46 Indigenous resistance over the years has created cracks in the system of resource¶ colonialism AND whose national interest may not include storing nuclear¶ waste on their land. Resistance to waste storage in Yucca Mountain is specifically crucial to challenge nuclear colonialism Endres, Associate Professor in Communication @ Utah, 2009 Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009, p. Now, with over 60 years of uranium mining, nuclear weapons production and¶ AND intersects with sovereignty, nuclearism and colonialism, to which I now turn. Challenging nuclear colonialism is crucial to ending exploitation of Natives Endres, Associate Professor in Communication @ Utah, 2009 Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009, p. 43-44 The present form of colonialism in the US is what Al Gedicks has called resource AND ¶ technopolitical success.’’28 Nuclear colonialism is a tale of resource colonialism. |
| 11/11/2012 | Tournament: Shirley | Round: 5 | Opponent: Towson HW | Judge: K The case outweighs discursive erasure of the Native Americans in the status quo via waste colonialism and the siting of Yucca Mountain is nuclear genocide at the hands of the state. The refusal to acknowledge this serial violence is the root cause of war and commits apriori ontological violence. The first priority should be to restore Native American land rights – it’s the first thing we should weigh in this debate. Ward Churchill 1996 (Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado, Boulder, BA and MA in Communications from Sangamon State, From A Native Son pgs 85-90) Hence even progressives who are most eloquently inclined to condemn US imperialism abroad and/ AND “impossible realism.” Isn’t it time we all worked on attaining it? Native American rights are a prerequisite to confronting imperialism, racism, colonialism and genocide. Churchill, Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado, ‘96 Ward, From a Native Son, pg. 30-31, RSR The sort of alliance at issue no longer represents, as it did in the AND ensure that the next half-millennium heralds an antithesis to the last. This is a net benefit to the permutation - native decolonization spills over – paving the way to broader gains. Churchill, Professor of Ethnic Studies at University of Colorado, ‘96 Ward, From a Native Son, pg. 84-89, RSR The question which inevitably arises with regard to indigenous land claims, especially in the AND “impossible realism.” Isn’t it time we all worked on attaining it? Permutation do both – Our discursive challenge of the systemic problems that plague Native Americans in the SQUO open up spaces to challenge the nuclear genocide that is plaguing their communities in the SQUO. We also link and parallel our struggle to those of the Apache, Skull Valley Goshute, and Fort Mcdermitt Paiute-Shoshone reservations that challenge the structures of nuclear waste siting in the SQUO. We are engaged in the type of critique that their Polson evidence talks about. We advocate for group struggle and continued liberation to sruggle against white supremacy/ *Analysis of our embededness in institution is key to check genocide. Code 8 Murray, “Life, Thought, and Morality: Or, Does Matter Really Matter?” in Cosmos and History 4.2 To sum up the story so far, all the philosophers I have named point AND even now hard at work bringing the world ever closer to an abyss. “Politics” is good in and of itself—we must recognize that politics in debate is necessary in order to ward off the totalitarian tendencies of instrumental politics and the paralytic tendencies of postmodern theory. Togerson 99 Douglass, The Promise of Green Politics, pp. 154-156 One rationale for Arendt’s emphasis on the intrinsic value of politics is that this value AND politics, a promise especially contained in the comic dimension of green politics. *We must engage the institutions of the status quo in order to act because action occurs in the medium of human plurality made meaningful by its historical embededness in institutions. Arendt 1958 Hannah, The Human Condition, pp. 182-185 Action and speech go on between men, as they are directed toward them, AND , namely, its actor and sufferer, but nobody is its author. Decisionmaking: Linking the ballot to a should question in combination with USFG simulation teaches the skills to organize pragmatic consequences and philosophical values into a course of action Hanghoj, Assistant Professor at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, ‘8 Thorkild, Copenhagen, 2008, 4.2.1., “Play and imagination” http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles/Files/Information_til/Studerende_ved_SDU/Din_uddannelse/phd_hum/afhandlinger/2009/ThorkilHanghoej.pdf Joas’ re-interpretation of Dewey’s pragmatism as a “theory of situated creativity AND the contingent outcomes and domain-specific processes of problem-based scenarios. |
| 01/05/2013 | Tournament: USC | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Observation One: Inherency Obama pushing nuclear incentives now. Pistilli 12 (Melissa, reporting on market-shaking news in the resource and mining investment sector with Resource Investing News since 2008, 10-11-12, “Nuclear Power Prominent in US Presidential Candidates’ Energy Policies” 10/11 http://uraniuminvestingnews.com/12783/nuclear-power-united-states-energy-policies-romney-obama-election.html) The Obama administration’s energy policy supports the expansion of nuclear energy. Under Obama, AND the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee. There’s global expansion of nuclear now – Fukushima and economics don’t matter. Marketwire 12 (5/3/12, – Part of the Paragon Report on uranium ore stock future http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-renaissance-back-track-122000381.html) NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -05/03/12)- Last year AND ," Areva SA's Chief Commercial Officer Ruben Lazo said in a previous interview. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation Two: Warming Warming is real and anthropogenic – carbon dioxide increase, polar ice records, melting glaciers, sea level rise all prove. Prothero 12 (Donald, Lecturer in Geobiology at Cal Tech and Professor of Geology at Occidental College, 3-1-12, “How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, vol 17 no 2, EBSCO) Converging Lines of Evidence¶ How do we know that global warming is real and AND pinnacles, but the rest of these drowned cities would lie deep underwater. Scientific consensus goes aff – 97% of the most qualified scientists in the field agree Anderegg, et al. 10 (William (Department of Biology, Stanford University); James Prall (Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto); Jacob Harold (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation); and Stephen Schneider (Department of Biology, Stanford University and Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University), “Expert credibility in climate change”, PNAS, Vol. 17, No. 27, July 6, 2010, RSR Note: ACC = Anthropogenic Climate Change, UE = those unconvinced by evidence and CE = those convinced by evidence.) The UE group comprises only 2% of the top 50 climate researchers as ranked AND discussions in media, policy, and public forums regarding anthropogenic climate change. We must act quickly with long term technological innovation to avoid the irreversible climate change triggered by 2°C. Peters, et al. 12 (Glen (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo); Robbie Andrew (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo); Tom Boden (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory); Josep Canadell (Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Canberra, Australia); Philippe Ciais (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, Gif sur Yvette, France); Corinne Le Quéré (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK); Gregg Marland (Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics, Appalachian State University); Michael R. Raupach (Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Canberra, Australia); and Charlie Wilson (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK), “The challenge to keep global warming below 2 °C”, Nature Climate Change, 12-2-12, RSR) It is important to regularly re-assess the relevance of emissions scenarios in light AND the goal of remaining below 2 °C will very soon become unachievable. Scenario one is biodiversity Warming and CO2 emissions kill biodiversity – newest research shows that ecosystems are on the brink due to human activity. Barnosky et al 12 (Anthony (Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley); Elizabeth Hadly (Department of Biology, Stanford University); Jordi Bascompte (Integrative Ecology Group, Estacion Biologica de Donana, Sevilla, Spain); Eric Berlow (TRU NORTH Labs, Berkeley, California); James H. Brown (Department of Biology, The University of New Mexico); Mikael Fortelius (Department of Geosciences and Geography and Finnish Museum of Natural History); Wayne Getz (Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley); John Harte (Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley); Alan Hastings (Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California – Davis); Pablo Marquet (Departamento de Ecologıa, Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile); Neo Martinez (Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab); Arne Mooers (Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University); Peter Roopnarine (California Academy of Sciences); Geerta Vermeij (Department of Geology, University of California – Davis); John W. Williams (Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin); Rosemary Gilespie (Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley); Justin Kitzes (Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley); Charles Marshall (Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley); Nicholas Matzke (Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley); David Mindell ( Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry, University of California, San Francisco); Eloy Revilla (Department of Conservation Biology, Estacion Biologica de Donana); and Adam B. Smith (Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden), “Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere”, Nature, May 2012, RSR) As a result of human activities, direct local-scale forcings have accumulated to AND social unrest, economic instability and loss of human life could result 64 . The risk of keystone species loss leads to extinction – outweighs on reversibility. Chen 2k (Jim, Professor of Law at University of Minnesota and Dean of Law School at Louisville, “Globalization and Its Losers”:, 9 Minn. J. Global Trade 157’ LexisNexis Legal) Conscious decisions to allow the extinction of a species or the destruction of an entire AND - in ten mil- lion years, perhaps a hundred million.348 Scenario two is agriculture Despite CO2 fertilization, massive rise of temperature due to warming causes food shortages —the result is extinction. Strom 7 (Robert, Professor Emeritus of planetary sciences in the Department of Planetary Sciences at the University of Arizona, studied climate change for 15 years, the former Director of the Space Imagery Center, a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility, “Hot House”, SpringerLink, p. 211-216) THE future consequences of global warming are the least known aspect of the problem AND starvation, and political and economic chaos with all their ramifications for civilization. Reprocessing solves warming in two ways: First, reprocessing is key to a revived U.S. clean energy program that provides leadership to win agreements to cut emissions and solve warming. Roberts 4 (Paul, Energy Expert and Writer for Harpers, The End of Oil, pg. 325-326) Politically, a new U.S. energy policy would send a powerful message AND business prospects in China that it now has its own vehicles in Beijing.” Second, only allowing for reprocessing allows for nuclear power to transition to a carbon free economy fast enough to avoid catastrophic warming – best modeling flows aff. Chakravorty et al. 12 (Ujjayant (Professor and Canada Research Chair, Alberta School of Business and Department of Economics); Bertrand Magne (OECD Environment Directorate, Paris, France); Michel Moreaux (Emeritus Professor and IDEI Researcher, Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse), “RESOURCE USE UNDER CLIMATE STABILIZATION: CAN NUCLEAR POWER PROVIDE CLEAN ENERGY?”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2012, RSR) This paper applies a model with price-induced substitution across resources to examine the AND lead to a steady state where nuclear energy plays an important role. 31 This is especially true now – we need nuclear power in the interim since renewables are not progressing fast enough. Harvey 12 (Fiona, Environment Correspondent, “Nuclear power is only solution to climate change, says Jeffrey Sachs”, The Guardian, 5-3-12, http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/may/03/nuclear-power-solution-climate-change, RSR) Combating climate change will require an expansion of nuclear power, respected economist Jeffrey Sachs AND of energy, unless the effects of the climate were taken into account. US leadership on nuclear reprocessing leads to a spillover of the technology internationally. Acton 9 (James, J. associate in the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Survival, Vol. 51, No. 4, “Nuclear Power, Disarmament and Technological Restraint”, RSR) Thus, not only does reprocessing clearly not help with facilitating take back, but AND the nuclear RandD community – that support the development of reprocessing. Observation Three: Peak Uranium Peak uranium is coming by 2016. Keen 12 (Kip, Uranium supply crunch by 2016 - nuclear expert says, Mineweb, 24 January 2012, http://www.mineweb.co.za/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page72103?oid=143915andsn=Detailandpid=102055, da 8-27-12) A nuclear expert gave uranium supply three more years - at most - before it AND in his "downside" analysis the uranium deficit still comes by 2015. Increased domestic production of uranium is key to our tritium supply – foreign sources cannot solve. Rowny 12 edward, retired Lieutenant General, was chief negotiator with the rank of ambassador in the START arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union and has served as an arms control adviser and negotiator for five presidents, Roll Call, 3-29-2012, http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_118/edward-rowny-safe-uranium-enrichment-should-be-us-priority-213505-1.html Oil may grab headlines, but nuclear power for civilian use is growing, as AND uranium needed to produce tritium, our national security will be at risk. That’s key to the nuclear deterrent. Gaffney 10 (Frank, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy, “There Goes the Nuclear Deterrent”, Breitbart, 10-14-2010, http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2010/10/14/There-Goes-the-Nuclear-Deterrent) The House Armed Services Committee warned in 1993 that the deterrent was being subjected to AND warheads must be regularly refueled in order for those weapons to remain operable. Nuclear deterrence necessary to deter rogue states, CBW attacks, power challengers, and allied proliferation - impact is extinction. Schneider 9 (Mark, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, May/April 2009 “The Future of the US Nuclear Deterrent” Comparative Strategy, p345-360) According to the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review, the United States must maintain a “ AND legacy arms control and its constraints upon U.S. conventional capabilities. Adoption of reprocessing solves U.S. uranium needs Sayre 11 (Edwin, engineering consultant, “Commercial Value of Used Nuclear Fuel Reprocessed with Elements Separated, Purified and Reduced to Metals”, NIST, 2011, http://www.nist.gov/tip/wp/pswp/upload/164_commercial_value_used_nuclear_fuel_reprocessed.pdf) The commercial value of the elements in the used fuel as indicated in Table 1 AND the next 500 years with the ¶ proper technical planning and program operation. Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities. |
| 02/07/2013 | Tournament: Weber RR | Round: 1 | Opponent: Wyoming BF | Judge: Odekirk Observation One: Inherency Obama pushing nuclear incentives now. Pistilli 12 (Melissa, reporting on market-shaking news in the resource and mining investment sector with Resource Investing News since 2008, 10-11-12, “Nuclear Power Prominent in US Presidential Candidates’ Energy Policies” 10/11 http://uraniuminvestingnews.com/12783/nuclear-power-united-states-energy-policies-romney-obama-election.html) The Obama administration’s energy policy supports the expansion of nuclear energy. Under Obama, AND the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee. There’s global expansion of nuclear now – Fukushima doesn’t matter. Marketwire 12 (5/3/12, – Part of the Paragon Report on uranium ore stock future http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-renaissance-back-track-122000381.html) NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -05/03/12)- Last year AND ," Areva SA's Chief Commercial Officer Ruben Lazo said in a previous interview. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation Two: Waste In the short term US nuclear waste is stored on-site. Galbraith 11 (Kate, Staff Writer, “A New Urgency to the Problem of Storing Nuclear Waste”, New York Times, 11-27-11, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/28/business/energy-environment/a-new-urgency-to-the-problem-of-storing-nuclear-waste.html, RSR) Other countries are also looking at waste in new ways in the post-Fukushima AND disposal site for spent fuel , near the remote northeastern village of Bure. On-site storage is dangerous – storage pools are vulnerable to accidents. Alvarez 12 (Robert, Senior Scholar at IPS, where he is currently focused on nuclear disarmament, environmental, and energy policies, “Improving Spent-Fuel Storage at Nuclear Reactors”, Winter, ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, RSR) Until the NAS completes its study, if it agrees to do so, the AND area declined by almost half because of migration to areas of lower contamination. The densely packed fuel is enough to trigger a full scaled meltdown – Fukushima proves. Kinitisch 11 (Eli, Reporter at Science Magazine, “Waste Panel Expected To Back Interim Storage”, Science Magazine, Vol. 333, 7-8-11, RSR) In any case, experts agree, some new plan for waste storage is essential AND calls for an expert panel at the National Academies to tackle the subject. These catastrophic meltdowns cause extinction – reactors contain 100x the radiation of nuclear bombs. Lendman 11 (Stephen, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, 03/ 13, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,”, The People’s Voice http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2011/03/13/nuclear-meltdown-in-japan, accessed 8-2-12, RSR) Reuters said the 1995 Kobe quake caused $100 billion in damage, up to AND entire region. "It could be, literally, an apocalyptic event. On-site waste storage is the EASIEST target for a terrorist attack – it’s the most vulnerable. Rogers 6 (Ken, Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at Coastal Carolina University, “Radioactive Waste Storage/Disposal Policy: A Paradigm for Homeland Security and Energy Security”, Midsouth Political Science Review, 2006, Vol. 8, RSR) The inability of U.S. policymakers to come to grips with the problem AND is not to the reactors, but the radioactive waste that they generate. On site storage vulnerable to terrorist theft – fewer security measures due to assumed radioactive safeguards. Bunn 9 (Matthew, Associate Professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, “Reducing the greatest risks of nuclear theft and terrorism”, Daedalus, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Fall, RSR) A building with nuclear material that terrorists could readily make into a nuclear bomb needs AND also be able to make a bomb from reactor-grade plutonium. 6 Nuclear terrorism is likely and causes extinction – security experts agree. Rhodes 9 (Richard, affiliate of the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, Former visiting scholar at Harvard and MIT, and author of “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” which won the Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction, National Book Award, and National Book Critics Circle Award, “Reducing the nuclear threat: The argument for public safety” 12-14, http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/op-eds/reducing-the-nuclear-threat-the-argument-public-safety, RSR) The response was very different among nuclear and national security experts when Indiana Republican Sen AND nothing to do with those attacks in the name of sending a message. In the long term, waste will be stored at Yucca – only option. Tollefson 11 (Jeff, former Knight fellow in science journalism at MIT, “Battle of Yucca Mountain rages on”, Nature, Vol. 473, No. 266, 5-19-11, RSR) The commission intends to issue a draft report in July and a final one next AND DC. “And nobody knows how many lives have been used up.” Yucca explosion is likely - earthquakes, volcanoes, and ground water Warrick 98 (Joby, Staff, At Nevada Nuclear Waste Site, The Issue Is One of Liquidity; Studies Citing Risk of Water Seepage Imperil Yucca Mountain Project, The Washington Post, December 15, p. A3) More recent studies raised different kinds of concerns. A report in March by the AND can go back and measure them again. They're very easy to verify." Yucca explosion results in extinction – top geologists agree. Broad 90 (William, NYT Staff, The New York Times, November 18) One scientist, however, has quietly but persistently warned that this vision of a AND If you want to envision the end of the world, that's it." Reprocessing would remove the waste problem – the waste we currently store can be reused Bastin 8 (Clinton, Former Chemical Engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission, 21st Century Science and Technology, “We Need to Reprocess Spent Nuclear Fuel, And Can Do It Safely, At Reasonable Cost”, 2008, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202008/ Summer_2008/Reprocessing.pdf, RSR) The concept of used nuclear fuel as “nuclear waste” is a fiction created AND fabricated directly into new reactor fuel assemblies to be burned in nuclear plants. Reprocessing solves the blow up of Yucca Mountain. Broad 95 (William, NYT staff, Scientists fear atomic explosion of buried waste, The New York Times, March 5, p. 1) Dr. Bowman says the explosion thesis is alive and well. On Friday he AND in granite, where migration of materials would be slower and more difficult. Observation Three: Peak uranium Peak uranium is coming by 2016. Keen 12 (Kip, Uranium supply crunch by 2016 - nuclear expert says, Mineweb, 24 January 2012, http://www.mineweb.co.za/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page72103?oid=143915andsn=Detailandpid=102055, da 8-27-12) A nuclear expert gave uranium supply three more years - at most - before it AND in his "downside" analysis the uranium deficit still comes by 2015. Increased domestic production of uranium is key to our tritium supply – foreign sources cannot solve. Rowny 12 edward, retired Lieutenant General, was chief negotiator with the rank of ambassador in the START arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union and has served as an arms control adviser and negotiator for five presidents, Roll Call, 3-29-2012, http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_118/edward-rowny-safe-uranium-enrichment-should-be-us-priority-213505-1.html Oil may grab headlines, but nuclear power for civilian use is growing, as AND uranium needed to produce tritium, our national security will be at risk. That’s key to the nuclear deterrent. Gaffney 10 (Frank, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy, “There Goes the Nuclear Deterrent”, Breitbart, 10-14-2010, http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2010/10/14/There-Goes-the-Nuclear-Deterrent) The House Armed Services Committee warned in 1993 that the deterrent was being subjected to AND warheads must be regularly refueled in order for those weapons to remain operable. Nuclear deterrence necessary to deter rogue states, CBW attacks, power challengers, and allied proliferation - impact is extinction. Schneider 9 (Mark, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, May/April 2009 “The Future of the US Nuclear Deterrent” Comparative Strategy, p345-360) According to the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review, the United States must maintain a “ AND legacy arms control and its constraints upon U.S. conventional capabilities. Uranium scarcity causes Russia and China to compete for Kazakh uranium – hurts relations. Muzalevsky 11 (Roman, International Affairs Expert, Global Struggle for Kazakh Uranium Resources, 15 April 2011, The Jamestown Foundation, http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1andtx_ttnews%5Bswords%5D=8fd5893941d69d0be3f378576261ae3eandtx_ttnews%5Bany_of_the_words%5D=uraniumandtx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=37802andtx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=7andcHash=eff36581a33138a4b57613d1f285d205, da 9-13-12) Kazakhstan is interested in profiting from its energy exports to diverse suppliers and strengthening its AND surge in nuclear energy demand and the struggle over the precious uranium resources. That escalates to global nuclear war. Blank 2k (Stephen J, Expert on the Soviet Bloc for the Strategic Studies Institute, “American Grand Strategy and the Transcaspian Region”, World Affairs. 9-22) Thus many structural conditions for conventional war or protracted ethnic conflict where third parties intervene AND 5) neither has willing proxies capable of settling the situation.(77) And escalation’s guaranteed – it’s a geopolitical hub. Saghal and Anand 10 (Arun (former Army officer who created the Office of Net Assessment in the Indian Joint Staff, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses and ‘Distinguished Fellow’ School of Geo-Politics at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education) and Vinod (postgraduate in defence and strategic studies and is an alumnus of Defence Services Staff College and College of Defence Management), “Strategic Environment in Central Asia and India”, http://www.silkroadstudies.org/new/docs/publications/1004Joshi-V-Strategic.pdf) The geo-strategic salience of Central Asia today has been underscored by two main AND Asia pave the way for outside powers to interfere in their internal affairs. Adoption of reprocessing solves U.S. uranium needs Sayre 11 (Edwin, engineering consultant, “Commercial Value of Used Nuclear Fuel Reprocessed with Elements Separated, Purified and Reduced to Metals”, NIST, 2011, http://www.nist.gov/tip/wp/pswp/upload/164_commercial_value_used_nuclear_fuel_reprocessed.pdf) The commercial value of the elements in the used fuel as indicated in Table 1 AND the next 500 years with the ¶ proper technical planning and program operation. US nuclear reprocessing lead to a spillover of the technology internationally. Acton 9 (James, J. associate in the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Survival, Vol. 51, No. 4, “Nuclear Power, Disarmament and Technological Restraint”, RSR) Thus, not only does reprocessing clearly not help with facilitating take back, but AND the nuclear RandD community – that support the development of reprocessing. Nuclear reprocessing solves peak uranium internationally. Berry and Tolley 10 (R. Stephen and George S., Professors at the University of Chicago, Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing: Future Prospects and Viability, University of Chicago, 29 November 2010, http://humanities.uchicago.edu/orgs/institute/bigproblems/Team7-1210.pdf, da 8-29-12) Uranium prices have also been rising due to increased demand, a trend that may AND the amount of recovered plutonium is .01014¶ kg/kgHM.¶ 94 Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities. |
| 02/07/2013 | Tournament: Weber RR | Round: 4 | Opponent: Puget Sound BQ | Judge: Cram Observation One: Inherency Obama pushing nuclear incentives now. Pistilli 12 (Melissa, reporting on market-shaking news in the resource and mining investment sector with Resource Investing News since 2008, 10-11-12, “Nuclear Power Prominent in US Presidential Candidates’ Energy Policies” 10/11 http://uraniuminvestingnews.com/12783/nuclear-power-united-states-energy-policies-romney-obama-election.html) The Obama administration’s energy policy supports the expansion of nuclear energy. Under Obama, AND the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee. There’s global expansion of nuclear now – Fukushima doesn’t matter. Marketwire 12 (5/3/12, – Part of the Paragon Report on uranium ore stock future http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-renaissance-back-track-122000381.html) NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -05/03/12)- Last year AND ," Areva SA's Chief Commercial Officer Ruben Lazo said in a previous interview. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation Two: Waste In the short term US nuclear waste is stored on-site. Galbraith 11 (Kate, Staff Writer, “A New Urgency to the Problem of Storing Nuclear Waste”, New York Times, 11-27-11, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/28/business/energy-environment/a-new-urgency-to-the-problem-of-storing-nuclear-waste.html, RSR) Other countries are also looking at waste in new ways in the post-Fukushima AND disposal site for spent fuel , near the remote northeastern village of Bure. On-site storage is dangerous – storage pools are vulnerable to accidents. Alvarez 12 (Robert, Senior Scholar at IPS, where he is currently focused on nuclear disarmament, environmental, and energy policies, “Improving Spent-Fuel Storage at Nuclear Reactors”, Winter, ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, RSR) Until the NAS completes its study, if it agrees to do so, the AND area declined by almost half because of migration to areas of lower contamination. The densely packed fuel is enough to trigger a full scaled meltdown – Fukushima proves. Kinitisch 11 (Eli, Reporter at Science Magazine, “Waste Panel Expected To Back Interim Storage”, Science Magazine, Vol. 333, 7-8-11, RSR) In any case, experts agree, some new plan for waste storage is essential AND calls for an expert panel at the National Academies to tackle the subject. These catastrophic meltdowns cause extinction – reactors contain 100x the radiation of nuclear bombs. Lendman 11 (Stephen, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, 03/ 13, “Nuclear Meltdown in Japan,”, The People’s Voice http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2011/03/13/nuclear-meltdown-in-japan, accessed 8-2-12, RSR) Reuters said the 1995 Kobe quake caused $100 billion in damage, up to AND entire region. "It could be, literally, an apocalyptic event. In the long term, waste will be stored at Yucca – only option. Tollefson 11 (Jeff, former Knight fellow in science journalism at MIT, “Battle of Yucca Mountain rages on”, Nature, Vol. 473, No. 266, 5-19-11, RSR) The commission intends to issue a draft report in July and a final one next AND DC. “And nobody knows how many lives have been used up.” Yucca explosion is likely - earthquakes, volcanoes, and ground water Warrick 98 (Joby, Staff, At Nevada Nuclear Waste Site, The Issue Is One of Liquidity; Studies Citing Risk of Water Seepage Imperil Yucca Mountain Project, The Washington Post, December 15, p. A3) More recent studies raised different kinds of concerns. A report in March by the AND can go back and measure them again. They're very easy to verify." Yucca explosion results in extinction – top geologists agree. Broad 90 (William, NYT Staff, The New York Times, November 18) One scientist, however, has quietly but persistently warned that this vision of a AND If you want to envision the end of the world, that's it." Resistance to waste storage in Yucca Mountain is specifically crucial to challenge nuclear colonialism. Endres, Associate Professor in Communication @ Utah, 2009 Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009. Now, with over 60 years of uranium mining, nuclear weapons production and¶ AND intersects with sovereignty, nuclearism and colonialism, to which I now turn. Challenging nuclear colonialism is crucial to ending exploitation of Natives Endres, Associate Professor in Communication @ Utah, 2009 Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009, p. 43-44 The present form of colonialism in the US is what Al Gedicks has called resource AND ¶ technopolitical success.’’28 Nuclear colonialism is a tale of resource colonialism. Reprocessing would remove the waste problem – the waste we currently store can be reused Bastin 8 (Clinton, Former Chemical Engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission, 21st Century Science and Technology, “We Need to Reprocess Spent Nuclear Fuel, And Can Do It Safely, At Reasonable Cost”, 2008, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202008/ Summer_2008/Reprocessing.pdf, RSR) The concept of used nuclear fuel as “nuclear waste” is a fiction created AND fabricated directly into new reactor fuel assemblies to be burned in nuclear plants. Reprocessing solves the storage of waste in Yucca Mountain. Broad 95 (William, NYT staff, Scientists fear atomic explosion of buried waste, The New York Times, March 5, p. 1) Dr. Bowman says the explosion thesis is alive and well. On Friday he AND in granite, where migration of materials would be slower and more difficult. Observation Three: Peak uranium Peak uranium is coming by 2016. Keen 12 (Kip, Uranium supply crunch by 2016 - nuclear expert says, Mineweb, 24 January 2012, http://www.mineweb.co.za/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page72103?oid=143915andsn=Detailandpid=102055, da 8-27-12) A nuclear expert gave uranium supply three more years - at most - before it AND in his "downside" analysis the uranium deficit still comes by 2015. Increased domestic production of uranium is key to our tritium supply – foreign sources cannot solve. Rowny 12 edward, retired Lieutenant General, was chief negotiator with the rank of ambassador in the START arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union and has served as an arms control adviser and negotiator for five presidents, Roll Call, 3-29-2012, http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_118/edward-rowny-safe-uranium-enrichment-should-be-us-priority-213505-1.html Oil may grab headlines, but nuclear power for civilian use is growing, as AND uranium needed to produce tritium, our national security will be at risk. That’s key to the nuclear deterrent. Gaffney 10 (Frank, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy, “There Goes the Nuclear Deterrent”, Breitbart, 10-14-2010, http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2010/10/14/There-Goes-the-Nuclear-Deterrent) The House Armed Services Committee warned in 1993 that the deterrent was being subjected to AND warheads must be regularly refueled in order for those weapons to remain operable. Nuclear deterrence necessary to deter rogue states, CBW attacks, power challengers, and allied proliferation - impact is extinction. Schneider 9 (Mark, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, May/April 2009 “The Future of the US Nuclear Deterrent” Comparative Strategy, p345-360) According to the Pentagon’s Quadrennial Defense Review, the United States must maintain a “ AND legacy arms control and its constraints upon U.S. conventional capabilities. Adoption of reprocessing solves U.S. uranium needs Sayre 11 (Edwin, engineering consultant, “Commercial Value of Used Nuclear Fuel Reprocessed with Elements Separated, Purified and Reduced to Metals”, NIST, 2011, http://www.nist.gov/tip/wp/pswp/upload/164_commercial_value_used_nuclear_fuel_reprocessed.pdf) The commercial value of the elements in the used fuel as indicated in Table 1 AND the next 500 years with the ¶ proper technical planning and program operation. US nuclear reprocessing lead to a spillover of the technology internationally. Acton 9 (James, J. associate in the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Survival, Vol. 51, No. 4, “Nuclear Power, Disarmament and Technological Restraint”, RSR) Thus, not only does reprocessing clearly not help with facilitating take back, but AND the nuclear RandD community – that support the development of reprocessing. Nuclear reprocessing solves peak uranium internationally. Berry and Tolley 10 (R. Stephen and George S., Professors at the University of Chicago, Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing: Future Prospects and Viability, University of Chicago, 29 November 2010, http://humanities.uchicago.edu/orgs/institute/bigproblems/Team7-1210.pdf, da 8-29-12) Uranium prices have also been rising due to increased demand, a trend that may AND the amount of recovered plutonium is .01014¶ kg/kgHM.¶ 94 Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities. Reprocessing acknowledges and deals with the secondary costs to waste. It causes a mindset shift away from status quo consumption. Rawles, Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, 2k Richard, “Coyote Learns to Glow”, Part of “Learning to Glow: A Nuclear Reader”, RSR Humans, having gathered uranium from the New Mexican desert not all that far from AND its destructive aspects, along with the rituals needed to maintain the fire. |
| 02/09/2013 | Tournament: Northwestern | Round: 1 | Opponent: Oklahoma CL | Judge: Regnier Plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Observation One: Warming Warming is real and anthropogenic – carbon dioxide increase, polar ice records, melting glaciers, sea level rise all prove. Prothero, ’12 (Donald, Lecturer in Geobiology at Cal Tech and Professor of Geology at Occidental College, 3-1-12, “How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, vol 17 no 2, EBSCO) Converging Lines of Evidence¶ How do we know that global warming is real and AND pinnacles, but the rest of these drowned cities would lie deep underwater. We must act quickly with long term technological innovation to avoid the irreversible climate change triggered by 2°C. Peters, et al., ’12 (Glen (Center for International Climate and Environmental AND C”, Nature Climate Change, 12-2-12, RSR) It is important to regularly re-assess the relevance of emissions scenarios in light AND the goal of remaining below 2 °C will very soon become unachievable. Reprocessing allows for nuclear power to transition to a carbon free economy fast enough to avoid catastrophic warming – best modeling flows aff. Chakravorty et al., ’12 (Ujjayant (Professor and Canada Research Chair, Alberta School of Business and Department of Economics); Bertrand Magne (OECD Environment Directorate, Paris, France); Michel Moreaux (Emeritus Professor and IDEI Researcher, Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse), “RESOURCE USE UNDER CLIMATE STABILIZATION: CAN NUCLEAR POWER PROVIDE CLEAN ENERGY?”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2012, RSR) This paper applies a model with price-induced substitution across resources to examine the AND lead to a steady state where nuclear energy plays an important role. 31 Continued reliance on coal kills 13,000 people every year and spreads hazardous pollution Zelman ‘11 (Joanna, The Huffington Post, "Power Plant Air Pollution Kills 13,000 People Per Year, Coal-Fired Are Most Hazardous: ALA Report", 3/15, www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/14/power-plant-air-pollution-coal-kills_n_833385.html) The American Lung Association (ALA) recently released a new report on the dramatic AND respiratory illnesses connected to pollutant emissions totaled over $185 billion per year. Climate change disproportionately affects low socioeconomic communities. Hoerner, ‘8 (J. Andrew, Former director of Research at the Center for a Sustainable Economy, Director of Tax Policy at the Center for Global Change at the University of Maryland College Park, and editor of Natural Resources Tax Review. He has done research on environmental economics and policy on behalf of the governments of Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. Andrew received his B.A. in Economics from Cornell University and a J.D. from Case Western Reserve School of Law—AND—Nia Robins—former inaugural Climate Justice Corps Fellow in 2003, director of Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative, “A Climate of Change African Americans, Global Warming, and a Just Climate Policy for the U.S.” July 2008, http://www.ejcc.org/climateofchange.pdf) Everywhere we turn, the issues and impacts of climate change confront us. One AND points and raising the average African American income by 3 to 4 percent. Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Observation Two: Solvency Deliberative policymaking through debate is the crucial internal link to solving warming through public policy. Herbeck and Isham 10 (Jon Isham Associate Professor of Economics, Middlebury College In the fall of 1999, Jon joined the department of economics and the program in environmental studies at Middlebury College. Jon teaches classes in environmental economics, environmental policy, introductory microeconomics, social capital in Vermont, and global climate change. Jon is co-editing a new book, Ignition: The Birth of the Climate Movement; has co-edited Social Capital, Development, and the Environment (Edward Elgar Publications); has published articles (several forthcoming) in Economic Development and Cultural Change, The Journal of African Economies, The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Rural Sociology, Society and Natural Resources, The Southern Economic Journal, The Vermont Law Review, and the World Bank Economic Review; and has published book chapters in volumes from Ashgate Press, The New England University Press, Oxford University Press, and Cambridge University Press. His current research focuses on building the new climate movement; the demand for water among poor households in Cambodia; information asymmetries in low-income lending; and the effect of local social capital on environmental outcomes in Vermont. Herbeck, member of the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources and the Honors College, http://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/node/775) Getting to 350 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere will require massive investments AND , including those on pressing issues related to climate change and clean energy. We have a moral obligation to stop warming---any alternative results in extinction. Baker 12 (7/25/12, Suzy, Executive Director of PopAtomic Studios, the Nuclear Literacy Project , Climate Change and Nuclear Energy: We Need to Talk, ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/07/25/climate-change-and-nuclear-energy-we-need-to-talk/) Ocean Acidification¶ While I was making artistic monuments to single celled organisms in the AND stronger with the no-longer-silent climate change harbingers in it. Taking action against warming represents an opportunity to reform status quo politics for a more just society. Smith ‘10 (Brendan, co-founder of Labor Network for Sustainability, 11-23, “Fighting Doom: The New Politics of Climate Change,” Common Dreams, http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/11/23-1) I admit I have arrived late to the party. Only recently have I begun AND said to me, "God help us, I hope you're right." The state is inevitable and an indispensable part of the solution to warming Eckersley 4 (Robyn, Reader/Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Melbourne, “The Green State: Rethinking Democracy and Sovereignty”, MIT Press, 2004, Google Books, pp. 3-8) While acknowledging the basis for this antipathy toward the nation- state, and the AND at least as a potentially more significant ally in the green cause.17 Short-term market mechanisms are the only solution to environmental destruction Bryant 12 (Levi, professor of philosophy at Collin College, We’ll Never Do Better Than a Politician: Climate Change and Purity, 5/11/12, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/well-never-do-better-than-a-politician-climate-change-and-purity/) Somewhere or other Latour makes the remark that we’ll never do better than a politician AND there’s no way around this, and we do need to act now. Education about federal policies must be informed by climate science – that is key to check special interests from causing warming, and it’s low now. Hansen, ‘9 (James, heads the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, December, Storms of My Grandchildren, xi) I believe the biggest obstacle to solving global warming is the role of money in AND in capitals around the world – and we are running out of time. We have to use risk and fear in the context of warming – it’s the only way to motivate the public to action. Romm ‘12 (Joe, Fellow at American Progress. Apocalypse Not: The Oscars, The Media And The Myth of ‘Constant Repetition of Doomsday Messages’ on Climate. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2012/02/26/432546/apocalypse-not-oscars-media-myth-of-repetition-of-doomsday-messages-on-climate/?mobile=nc) The two greatest myths about global warming communications are 1) constant repetition of¶ AND and overwhelmed by repeated doomsday¶ messaging into some sort of climate fatigue. |
| 02/24/2013 | Tournament: Districts | Round: 7 | Opponent: Stanford GS | Judge: Jason Peterson Observation One: Inherency Obama pushing nuclear incentives now. Pistilli 12 (Melissa, reporting on market-shaking news in the resource and mining investment sector with Resource Investing News since 2008, 10-11-12, “Nuclear Power Prominent in US Presidential Candidates’ Energy Policies” 10/11 http://uraniuminvestingnews.com/12783/nuclear-power-united-states-energy-policies-romney-obama-election.html) The Obama administration’s energy policy supports the expansion of nuclear energy. Under Obama, AND the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee. There’s global expansion of nuclear now – Fukushima doesn’t matter. Marketwire 12 (5/3/12, – Part of the Paragon Report on uranium ore stock future http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-renaissance-back-track-122000381.html) NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -05/03/12)- Last year AND ," Areva SA's Chief Commercial Officer Ruben Lazo said in a previous interview. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation Two: Russia Relations with Russia are deteriorating in the SQUO – nuclear energy represents a crucial point for overcoming other alt causes. Weitz 12 Richard, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, World Politics Review Senior Editor, “Global Insights: U.S.-Russia Arms Control Prospects Under Putin”, World Politics Review, 3-6-2012, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/11681/global-insights-u-s-russia-arms-control-prospects-under-putin This weekend’s election in Russia has unsurprisingly returned Vladimir Putin to the country’s presidency. AND could lead to progress in the areas where the two sides’ interests overlap. Russia will say yes to cooperation over reprocessing – plan sends a key signal to move beyond the Cold War legacy. Rojansky 10 Matthew, deputy director Russia and Eurasia Program at Carnegie, “As New START Debate Rages, Quiet Nuclear Progress With Russia”, U.S. News and World Report, 12-9-2010, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2010/12/09/as-new-start-debate-rages-quiet-nuclear-progress-with-russia Beyond benefiting relations, cooperation on peaceful nuclear energy makes financial sense. The United AND a powerful symbol that both sides can move beyond the Cold War legacy. Relations are the biggest controlling impact – solves multiple extinction scenarios - Iran prolif, US-Russia War, terrorism, heg and economic security Allison and Blackwill 11 (10-30-11 Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Robert D. Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs "10 Reasons Why Russia Still Matters"http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/21469/10_reasons_why_russia_still_matters.html) That central point is that Russia matters a great deal to a U.S AND .S. success, or failure, in advancing our national interests. Independently, nuclear cooperation with Russia solves their economy – they want the plan. Dewey et al 10 (Taylor, Logan Ensign, Stanford University, Natalya Matytsyna, The Higher School of Economics, Polina Beresneva, Moscow State University, Stanford U.S. Russia Forum Journal 2009-2010, http://joinsurf.com/news/62/16/SURF-2009-2010-Journal-Article-4-of-8) Russia is currently pursuing the strategy of expanding its global role as an energy provider AND experience may be of real value as Russia works to meet its targets. Russian economic collapse causes extinction Filger 9 (Sheldon, Author and Writer @ the Huffington Post, Former VP for Resource Development at New York’s United Way, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction,” http://www.globaleconomiccrisis.com/blog/archives/356) In Russia historically, economic health and political stability are intertwined to a degree that AND the financial impact of the Global Economic Crisis is its least dangerous consequence. Observation Three: Plutonium Plutonium-238 is critical to all of NASA’s power needs – studies show no other isotopes work. Plus, plutonium-238 is not being produced by any country, supplies are running low, and Congress hasn’t provided funding to restart production. Colladay et al. 12 Raymond (Chair Committee on NASA Space Technology Roadmaps AND ”; 2012; ISBN 978-0-309-25362-8; http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13354 Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) provide power to scientific and human exploration missions over AND Jet Propulsion¶ Laboratory leads NASA efforts in RPS development and spacecraft integration. Scenario 1 is colonization: Plan allows for the only power source capable of producing steady amounts of power for long periods of time not contingent upon outside conditions – that makes us critical for every interplanetary colonization mission. Campbell et. al 9 Michael, M.D. Campbell and Associates, Jeffrey King, M.D. Campbell and Associates, Henry Wise, consultant, Bruce Handley, M.D. Campbell and Associates, M. David Campbell, Environmental Resources Management, “The Role of Nuclear Power in Space Exploration and the Associated Environmental Issues: An Overview”, http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/80053campbell/ndx_campbell.pdf, 11/19/2009 A space exploration mission requires power at many stages, such as the initial launch AND does not provide the often needed rapid surges of large amounts of energy. Extinction is inevitable if we don’t get off the rock—multiple scenarios. Austen 11 Ben, contributing editor of Harper’s Magazine, “After Earth: Why, Where, How, and When We Might Leave Our Home Planet,” popular science, http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2011-02/after-earth-why-where-how-and-when-we-might-leave-our-home-planet?page=3 Earth won’t always be fit for occupation. We know that in two billion years AND will be more human beings who live off the Earth than on it.” Scenario two is hegemony: No plutonium means no space missions – that devastates NASA leadership and credibility and creates a “lost generation” of planetary scientists. Jones 11 Richard M., American Institute of Physics; “AIP Supports Resumption of Pu-238 Production”; FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News, Number 81 - July 5, 2011; http://www.aip.org/fyi/2011/081.html Pu-238 is a non-weapons grade form of plutonium needed to provide AND country, to conduct certain important types of planetary missions after this decade.” Setting the precedent in space is key to US hegemony. Stone 11 Christopher, space policy analyst and strategist who lives near Washington DC, 3/14/11, “American Leadership in space : leadership through capability”, http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1797/1 First, let me start by saying that I agree with Mr. Friedman’s assertion AND . However, we need to made a decision sooner rather than later. Heg solves nuclear escalation and global nuclear arms races- other states won’t deter effectively. Brooks et al. 13 STEPHEN G. BROOKS is Associate Professor of Government at Dartmouth College.¶ G. JOHN IKENBERRY is Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and Global Eminence Scholar at Kyung Hee University in Seoul.¶ WILLIAM C. WOHLFORTH is Daniel Webster Professor of Government at Dartmouth College. “Lean Forward,” EBSCO KEEPING THE PEACE¶ Of course, even if it is true that the costs AND to Asia. Yet that is exactly what the Obama administration is doing. Every academic discipline confirms the centrality of hegemony as a guarantor of peace. Wohlforth 9 Professor of government @ Dartmouth College. William C. Wohlforth, “Unipolarity, Status Competition, and Great Power War,” World Politics, Volume 61, Number 1, January 2009 Second, I question the dominant view that status quo evaluations are relatively independent of AND in security and/or prosperity. Pg. 33-351ac Reprocessing solves Pu-238 shortages. Packard 12 Steven, member of the James Randi Educational Foundation, “The U.S. Space Program’s Plutonium-238 Crisis”, Depleted Cranium, 1-6-2012, http://depletedcranium.com/americas-plutonium-238-crisis/ The plutonium that can be extracted from light water spent fuel contains significant amounts of AND required to produce the highly concentrated neptunium necessary for plutonium-238 production. Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities. |
| 03/23/2013 | Tournament: CEDA | Round: 4 | Opponent: U | Judge: Reprocessing 1AC – CEDA Rounds 2 -4 Observation One: Inherency Obama pushing nuclear incentives now. Pistilli 12 (Melissa, reporting on market-shaking news in the resource and mining investment sector with Resource Investing News since 2008, 10-11-12, “Nuclear Power Prominent in US Presidential Candidates’ Energy Policies” 10/11 http://uraniuminvestingnews.com/12783/nuclear-power-united-states-energy-policies-romney-obama-election.html) The Obama administration’s energy policy supports the expansion of nuclear energy. Under Obama, AND the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation Two: Waste Status quo waste siting is a form of radioactive colonialism. Native Americans have to contend with the worst waste, which saps them of an infrastructure to address dire problems. Bullard and Johnson, Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center and Assistant Professor of Sociology at Clark Atlanta University, ‘9 (Robert D. and Glenn S., “Environmental Justice: Grassroots Activism and Its Impact on Public Policy Decision Making,” Environmental Sociology: from Analysis to Action, Second Edition, p.62-63, accessed 7-10-09, AJP) There is a direct correlation between exploitation of land and exploitation of people. It AND 1992) adopted a resolution of “No nuclear waste on Indian lands.” This is especially true surrounding Yucca Mountain. The discourse surrounding Yucca siting is racist as it valued technical arguments for storage over cultural arguments Endres, Associate Professor of Communications at the University of Utah, ‘12 Danielle, “Sacred Land or National Sacrifice Zone: The Role of Values in the Yucca Mountain Participation Process”, Process, Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 6:3, 328-345, RSR Despite this progress, flaws remain in many currently used processes of participation (Depoe AND -based claims, which formed a significant stasis point in the controversy. This discursive erasure of cultural and spiritual values attached to Yucca creates a nuclear sacrifice zone, exterminating Native lands and peoples Kuletz, Prof. of American Studies @ U of Canterbury, 98 Valerie, The Tainted Desert: Environmental Ruin in the American West, pg. 12-13, RSR In this Indian country two landscapes – Indian and nuclear – meet at nearly every AND geography where spiritual and cultural life are woven directly into the landscape itself. Our criticism of the waste siting process is key to resist nuclear colonialism. Endres, Associate Professor in Communication @ Utah, 2009 Danielle, “The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009, p. 44-46 Indigenous resistance over the years has created cracks in the system of resource¶ colonialism AND whose national interest may not include storing nuclear¶ waste on their land. Reprocessing would remove the entire waste problem – all of the waste we currently store can be reused. Bastin 8 (Clinton, Former Chemical Engineer at the Atomic Energy Commission, 21st Century Science and Technology, “We Need to Reprocess Spent Nuclear Fuel, And Can Do It Safely, At Reasonable Cost”, 2008, http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202008/ Summer_2008/Reprocessing.pdf, RSR) The concept of used nuclear fuel as “nuclear waste” is a fiction created AND fabricated directly into new reactor fuel assemblies to be burned in nuclear plants. This would obviate the need for uranium mining – we can power all nuclear power on recycled waste WNA 12 (Processing of Used Nuclear Fuel, World Nuclear Association, May 2012, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf69.html, da 8-30-12) Reprocessing used fuel to recover uranium (as reprocessed uranium, or RepU) and AND ,000 t in North America and 69,000 t in Europe. Reprocessing permanently ends the Yucca mountain debate by eliminating storage Waters, Editor, ‘9 Henry, “Yucca Mountain: Obama’s Move Makes Sense”, The Columbia Daily Tribune, 3-9-2009, http://www.columbiatribune.com/news/2009/mar/09/yucca-mountain/, RSR A better alternative is to reprocess nuclear fuel, leaving only some 10 percent of AND remain on-site while next steps are determined. Fits right in. Observation Three: Warming Warming is real and anthropogenic – carbon dioxide increase, polar ice records, melting glaciers, sea level rise all prove. Prothero 12 (Donald, Lecturer in Geobiology at Cal Tech and Professor of Geology at Occidental College, 3-1-12, “How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, vol 17 no 2, EBSCO) Converging Lines of Evidence¶ How do we know that global warming is real and AND pinnacles, but the rest of these drowned cities would lie deep underwater. Climate change disproportionately affects low socioeconomic communities. Hoerner, ‘8 (J. Andrew, Former director of Research at the Center for a Sustainable Economy, Director of Tax Policy at the Center for Global Change at the University of Maryland College Park, and editor of Natural Resources Tax Review. He has done research on environmental economics and policy on behalf of the governments of Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. Andrew received his B.A. in Economics from Cornell University and a J.D. from Case Western Reserve School of Law—AND—Nia Robins—former inaugural Climate Justice Corps Fellow in 2003, director of Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative, “A Climate of Change African Americans, Global Warming, and a Just Climate Policy for the U.S.” July 2008, http://www.ejcc.org/climateofchange.pdf) Everywhere we turn, the issues and impacts of climate change confront us. One AND points and raising the average African American income by 3 to 4 percent. US practices matter – lack of globalization in continents like Africa due to first world practices leaves that region more vulnerable to climate change. O’Brien and Leichenko 2k (Karen CICERO, University of Oslo and Robin Department of Geography and Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, “Double exposure: assessing the impacts of climate change within the¶ context of economic globalization”, Global Environmental Change, Vol. 10) From a regional perspective, certain geographic areas¶ may be strongly impacted by both AND assessing winners¶ and losers associated with economic globalization and¶ climate change. Taking action against warming represents an opportunity to reform status quo politics for a more just society. Smith ‘10 (Brendan, co-founder of Labor Network for Sustainability, 11-23, “Fighting Doom: The New Politics of Climate Change,” Common Dreams, http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/11/23-1) I admit I have arrived late to the party. Only recently have I begun AND said to me, "God help us, I hope you're right." Short-term market mechanisms are the only solution to environmental destruction Bryant 12 (Levi, professor of philosophy at Collin College, We’ll Never Do Better Than a Politician: Climate Change and Purity, 5/11/12, http://larvalsubjects.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/well-never-do-better-than-a-politician-climate-change-and-purity/) Somewhere or other Latour makes the remark that we’ll never do better than a politician AND there’s no way around this, and we do need to act now. Education about federal policies must be informed by climate science – that is key to check special interests from causing warming, and it’s low now. Hansen, ‘9 (James, heads the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, December, Storms of My Grandchildren, xi) I believe the biggest obstacle to solving global warming is the role of money in AND in capitals around the world – and we are running out of time. Deliberative policymaking through debate is the crucial internal link to solving warming through public policy. Herbeck and Isham 10 (Jon Isham Associate Professor of Economics, Middlebury College In the fall of 1999, Jon joined the department of economics and the program in environmental studies at Middlebury College. Jon teaches classes in environmental economics, environmental policy, introductory microeconomics, social capital in Vermont, and global climate change. Jon is co-editing a new book, Ignition: The Birth of the Climate Movement; has co-edited Social Capital, Development, and the Environment (Edward Elgar Publications); has published articles (several forthcoming) in Economic Development and Cultural Change, The Journal of African Economies, The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Rural Sociology, Society and Natural Resources, The Southern Economic Journal, The Vermont Law Review, and the World Bank Economic Review; and has published book chapters in volumes from Ashgate Press, The New England University Press, Oxford University Press, and Cambridge University Press. His current research focuses on building the new climate movement; the demand for water among poor households in Cambodia; information asymmetries in low-income lending; and the effect of local social capital on environmental outcomes in Vermont. Herbeck, member of the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources and the Honors College, http://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/node/775) Getting to 350 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere will require massive investments AND , including those on pressing issues related to climate change and clean energy. Reprocessing allows for nuclear power to transition to a carbon free economy fast enough to avoid catastrophic warming – best modeling flows aff. Chakravorty et al., ’12 (Ujjayant (Professor and Canada Research Chair, Alberta School of Business and Department of Economics); Bertrand Magne (OECD Environment Directorate, Paris, France); Michel Moreaux (Emeritus Professor and IDEI Researcher, Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse), “RESOURCE USE UNDER CLIMATE STABILIZATION: CAN NUCLEAR POWER PROVIDE CLEAN ENERGY?”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2012, RSR) This paper applies a model with price-induced substitution across resources to examine the AND lead to a steady state where nuclear energy plays an important role. 31 Plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. |
| 03/24/2013 | Tournament: CEDA | Round: 6 | Opponent: USC KT | Judge: Ryan Cheek Observation One: Inherency Obama pushing nuclear incentives now. Pistilli 12 (Melissa, reporting on market-shaking news in the resource and mining investment sector with Resource Investing News since 2008, 10-11-12, “Nuclear Power Prominent in US Presidential Candidates’ Energy Policies” 10/11 http://uraniuminvestingnews.com/12783/nuclear-power-united-states-energy-policies-romney-obama-election.html) The Obama administration’s energy policy supports the expansion of nuclear energy. Under Obama, AND the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Tennessee. There’s global expansion of nuclear now – Fukushima doesn’t matter. Marketwire 12 (5/3/12, – Part of the Paragon Report on uranium ore stock future http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-renaissance-back-track-122000381.html) NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -05/03/12)- Last year AND ," Areva SA's Chief Commercial Officer Ruben Lazo said in a previous interview. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation Two: Plutonium Plutonium-238 is not being produced by any country, supplies are running low, and Congress hasn’t provided funding to restart production – that devastates NASA leadership and credibility and creates a “lost generation” of planetary scientists. Jones 11 Richard M., American Institute of Physics; “AIP Supports Resumption of Pu-238 Production”; FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News, Number 81 - July 5, 2011; http://www.aip.org/fyi/2011/081.html Pu-238 is a non-weapons grade form of plutonium needed to provide AND country, to conduct certain important types of planetary missions after this decade.” Setting the precedent in space is key to US hegemony. Stone 11 Christopher, space policy analyst and strategist who lives near Washington DC, 3/14/11, “American Leadership in space : leadership through capability”, http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1797/1 First, let me start by saying that I agree with Mr. Friedman’s assertion AND . However, we need to made a decision sooner rather than later. Heg solves nuclear escalation and global nuclear arms races- other states won’t deter effectively. Brooks et al. 13 STEPHEN G. BROOKS is Associate Professor of Government at Dartmouth College.¶ G. JOHN IKENBERRY is Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and Global Eminence Scholar at Kyung Hee University in Seoul.¶ WILLIAM C. WOHLFORTH is Daniel Webster Professor of Government at Dartmouth College. “Lean Forward,” EBSCO KEEPING THE PEACE¶ Of course, even if it is true that the costs AND to Asia. Yet that is exactly what the Obama administration is doing. Every academic discipline confirms the centrality of hegemony as a guarantor of peace. Wohlforth 9 Professor of government @ Dartmouth College. William C. Wohlforth, “Unipolarity, Status Competition, and Great Power War,” World Politics, Volume 61, Number 1, January 2009 Second, I question the dominant view that status quo evaluations are relatively independent of AND in security and/or prosperity. Pg. 33-351ac Reprocessing solves Pu-238 shortages. Packard 12 Steven, member of the James Randi Educational Foundation, “The U.S. Space Program’s Plutonium-238 Crisis”, Depleted Cranium, 1-6-2012, http://depletedcranium.com/americas-plutonium-238-crisis/ The plutonium that can be extracted from light water spent fuel contains significant amounts of AND required to produce the highly concentrated neptunium necessary for plutonium-238 production. Observation Three: Warming Warming is real and anthropogenic – carbon dioxide increase, polar ice records, melting glaciers, sea level rise all prove. Prothero 12 (Donald, Lecturer in Geobiology at Cal Tech and Professor of Geology at Occidental College, 3-1-12, “How We Know Global Warming is Real and Human Caused," Skeptic, vol 17 no 2, EBSCO) Converging Lines of Evidence¶ How do we know that global warming is real and AND pinnacles, but the rest of these drowned cities would lie deep underwater. Scientific consensus goes aff – 97% of the most qualified scientists in the field agree Anderegg, et al. 10 (William (Department of Biology, Stanford University); James Prall (Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto); Jacob Harold (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation); and Stephen Schneider (Department of Biology, Stanford University and Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University), “Expert credibility in climate change”, PNAS, Vol. 17, No. 27, July 6, 2010, RSR Note: ACC = Anthropogenic Climate Change, UE = those unconvinced by evidence and CE = those convinced by evidence.) The UE group comprises only 2% of the top 50 climate researchers as ranked AND discussions in media, policy, and public forums regarding anthropogenic climate change. We must act quickly with long term technological innovation to avoid the irreversible climate change triggered by 2°C. Peters, et al. 12 (Glen (Center for International Climate and Environmental AND C”, Nature Climate Change, 12-2-12, RSR) It is important to regularly re-assess the relevance of emissions scenarios in light AND the goal of remaining below 2 °C will very soon become unachievable. Scenario one is biodiversity Warming and CO2 emissions kill biodiversity – newest research shows that ecosystems are on the brink due to human activity. Barnosky et al 12 (Anthony (Department of Integrative Biology, University of California AND a state shift in Earth’s biosphere”, Nature, May 2012, RSR) As a result of human activities, direct local-scale forcings have accumulated to AND social unrest, economic instability and loss of human life could result 64 . The risk of keystone species loss leads to extinction – outweighs on reversibility. Chen 2k (Jim, Professor of Law at University of Minnesota and Dean of Law School at Louisville, “Globalization and Its Losers”:, 9 Minn. J. Global Trade 157’ LexisNexis Legal) Conscious decisions to allow the extinction of a species or the destruction of an entire AND - in ten mil- lion years, perhaps a hundred million.348 Scenario two is agriculture Despite CO2 fertilization, massive rise of temperature due to warming causes food shortages —the result is extinction. Strom 7 (Robert, Professor Emeritus of planetary sciences in the Department of Planetary Sciences at the University of Arizona, studied climate change for 15 years, the former Director of the Space Imagery Center, a NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility, “Hot House”, SpringerLink, p. 211-216) THE future consequences of global warming are the least known aspect of the problem AND starvation, and political and economic chaos with all their ramifications for civilization. Reprocessing solves warming in two ways: First, reprocessing is key to a revived U.S. clean energy program that provides leadership to win agreements to cut emissions and solve warming. Roberts 4 (Paul, Energy Expert and Writer for Harpers, The End of Oil, pg. 325-326) Politically, a new U.S. energy policy would send a powerful message AND business prospects in China that it now has its own vehicles in Beijing.” Second, only allowing for reprocessing allows for nuclear power to transition to a carbon free economy fast enough to avoid catastrophic warming – best modeling flows aff. Chakravorty et al. 12 (Ujjayant (Professor and Canada Research Chair, Alberta School of Business and Department of Economics); Bertrand Magne (OECD Environment Directorate, Paris, France); Michel Moreaux (Emeritus Professor and IDEI Researcher, Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse), “RESOURCE USE UNDER CLIMATE STABILIZATION: CAN NUCLEAR POWER PROVIDE CLEAN ENERGY?”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2012, RSR) This paper applies a model with price-induced substitution across resources to examine the AND lead to a steady state where nuclear energy plays an important role. 31 This is especially true now – we need nuclear power in the interim since renewables are not progressing fast enough. Harvey 12 (Fiona, Environment Correspondent, “Nuclear power is only solution to climate change, says Jeffrey Sachs”, The Guardian, 5-3-12, http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/may/03/nuclear-power-solution-climate-change, RSR) Combating climate change will require an expansion of nuclear power, respected economist Jeffrey Sachs AND of energy, unless the effects of the climate were taken into account. US leadership on nuclear reprocessing leads to a spillover of the technology internationally. Acton 9 (James, J. associate in the Nonproliferation Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Survival, Vol. 51, No. 4, “Nuclear Power, Disarmament and Technological Restraint”, RSR) Thus, not only does reprocessing clearly not help with facilitating take back, but AND the nuclear RandD community – that support the development of reprocessing. Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: NDT | Round: 1 | Opponent: Dartmouth | Judge: 1AC Inherency Observation One: Inherency Obama pushing nuclear incentives now. Northey 13 (Hannah, EandE reporter, 3-13-13, “Obama admin placing big bet on small reactors”, http://www.eenews.net/public/Greenwire/2013/03/13/1, RSR) The Obama administration is promoting a bold, long-range plan for building dozens AND Oak Ridge, Tenn. (Greenwire, Nov. 11, 2012). Global nuclear renaissance now Marketwire 12 (5/3/12, – Part of the Paragon Report on uranium ore stock future http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nuclear-renaissance-back-track-122000381.html) NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -05/03/12)- Last year AND ," Areva SA's Chief Commercial Officer Ruben Lazo said in a previous interview. But, the US is not reversing course on reprocessing. Saillan 10 (Charles, attorney with the New Mexico Environment Department, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 2010, “DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: A PERSISTENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM”, Vol. 34, RSR) The U.S. government’s position on reprocessing changed in 1974 when India exploded AND in 2009, and is “no longer pursuing domestic commercial reprocessing.” 157 Observation 2 Observation Two: Russia Relations with Russia are deteriorating in the SQUO – nuclear energy represents a crucial point for overcoming other alt causes. Weitz 12 Richard, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, World Politics Review Senior Editor, “Global Insights: U.S.-Russia Arms Control Prospects Under Putin”, World Politics Review, 3-6-2012, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/11681/global-insights-u-s-russia-arms-control-prospects-under-putin This weekend’s election in Russia has unsurprisingly returned Vladimir Putin to the country’s presidency. AND could lead to progress in the areas where the two sides’ interests overlap. Russia will say yes to cooperation over reprocessing – plan sends a key signal to move beyond the Cold War legacy. Rojansky 10 Matthew, deputy director Russia and Eurasia Program at Carnegie, “As New START Debate Rages, Quiet Nuclear Progress With Russia”, U.S. News and World Report, 12-9-2010, http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2010/12/09/as-new-start-debate-rages-quiet-nuclear-progress-with-russia Beyond benefiting relations, cooperation on peaceful nuclear energy makes financial sense. The United AND a powerful symbol that both sides can move beyond the Cold War legacy. Relations are the biggest controlling impact – solves multiple extinction scenarios - Iran prolif, US-Russia War, terrorism and economic security Allison and Blackwill 11 (10-30-11 Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Robert D. Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs "10 Reasons Why Russia Still Matters"http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/21469/10_reasons_why_russia_still_matters.html) That central point is that Russia matters a great deal to a U.S AND .S. success, or failure, in advancing our national interests. Independently, nuclear cooperation with Russia solves their economy – they want the plan. Dewey et al 10 (Taylor, Logan Ensign, Stanford University, Natalya Matytsyna, The Higher School of Economics, Polina Beresneva, Moscow State University, Stanford U.S. Russia Forum Journal 2009-2010, http://joinsurf.com/news/62/16/SURF-2009-2010-Journal-Article-4-of-8) Russia is currently pursuing the strategy of expanding its global role as an energy provider AND experience may be of real value as Russia works to meet its targets. Russian economic collapse causes extinction Filger 9 (Sheldon, Author and Writer @ the Huffington Post, Former VP for Resource Development at New York’s United Way, “Russian Economy Faces Disastrous Free Fall Contraction,” http://www.globaleconomiccrisis.com/blog/archives/356) In Russia historically, economic health and political stability are intertwined to a degree that AND the financial impact of the Global Economic Crisis is its least dangerous consequence. Moving away from the Cold War legacy solves Arctic conflict Zysk ’12 (KATARZYNA ZYSK is a Senior Fellow at the Department¶ for International Security Policy at the Norwegian¶ Institute for Defence Studies in Oslo. She has¶ been a Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Naval¶ Warfare Studies/Strategic Research Department¶ at the U.S. Naval War College, and a guest researcher¶ at the University of Oslo. Dr. Zysk is a participant in¶ the international research program Geopolitics in the¶ High North, sponsored by the Norwegian Research¶ Council with a post-doctoral research project on security¶ developments in the Arctic focused on Russia’s¶ policies (2009–12), THE EVOLVING ARCTIC SECURITY¶ ENVIRONMENT: AN ASSESSMENT, Russia in the Artic, Strategic Studies Institute, 2012) However, an increasing military presence in the region, even if not intended primarily AND Arctic may increase the inclination of foreign naval elements toward Arctic deployments.88 Cooperation with Russia reverses the link—causes it to move away from aggressive postures Trent 11 Packard C. Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., United States Merchant Marine Academy, 2003 “AN EVALUATION OF THE ARCTIC—WILL IT BECOME AN AREA OF COOPERATION OR CONFLICT?” Naval Postgraduate School March 2011 http://edocs.nps.edu/npspubs/scholarly/theses/2011/March/11Mar_Trent.pdf DR accessed: 6/25/12 As mentioned, Russia is implementing the measures necessary in order to reap the benefits AND peacefully with all sides in agreement, the potential for conflict will remain. US-Russian Arctic conflict goes nuclear Cohen 10 Ariel Senior Research Fellow for Russian and Eurasian Studies and International Energy Policy, The Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies “From Russian Competition to Natural Resources Access: Recasting U.S. Arctic Policy” The Heritage Foundation 6/15/10 http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/06/from-russian-competition-to-natural-resources-access-recasting-us-arctic-policy DR accessed: 6/25/12 To advance its position, Russia has undertaken a three-year mission to map AND , Russia backtracked and began to seek foreign investors for Arctic gas development. Observation 3 Observation Three: Helium HE-3 shortage now – low tritium production is causing a supply crisis Veen-Hincke ’12 (Kristin V, Political Focus: Helium-3 Supply Dwindles while Demand Increases, May/June 2012, http://wellservicingmagazine.com/political-focus/2012/05/political-focus-helium-3-supply-dwindles-while-demand-increases/) For more than 50 years, the Department of Energy (DOE) has supplied AND termed a “critical shortage in the global supply of Helium-3.” Helium shortages undermines nuclear detection capabilities – key to prevent prolif and nuclear terrorism. Homeland Security News Wire ’11 (Helium-3 shortage endangers nuclear detection capabilities 2/28/11, http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/helium-3-shortage-endangers-nuclear-detection-capabilities) Demand for radiation detectors has surged as a result of increased efforts to stop nuclear AND , and explore technologies to recycle helium-3 and extend current supplies.¶ Scenario one: nuclear terrorism Nuclear terrorism is extremely likely Jaspal 12 – Associate Professor at the School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan (Zafar Nawaz, “Nuclear/Radiological Terrorism: Myth or Reality?”, Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 19, Issue - 1, 2012, 91:111, dml) The misperception, miscalculation and above all ignorance of the ruling elite about security puzzles AND the possibility that terrorist groups could acquire fissile material from the rogue states. An attack breaks the nuclear taboo – leads to nuclear war. Bin ‘9 (5-22-09 About the Authors Prof. Li Bin is a leading Chinese expert on arms control and is currently the director of Arms Control Program at the Institute of International Studies, Tsinghua University. He received his Bachelor and Master Degrees in Physics from Peking University before joining China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) to pursue a doctorate in the technical aspects of arms control. He served as a part-time assistant on arms control for the Committee of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND).Upon graduation Dr. Li entered the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM) as a research fellow and joined the COSTIND technical group supporting Chinese negotiation team on Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). He attended the final round of CTBT negotiations as a technical advisor to the Chinese negotiating team. Nie Hongyi is an officer in the People’s Liberation Army with an MA from China’s National Defense University and a Ph.D. in International Studies from Tsinghua University, which he completed in 2009 under Prof. Li Bin. ) The nuclear taboo is a kind of international norm and this type of norm is AND problem, avoid miscalculation and thereby reduce the danger of a nuclear war. That causes extinction via retal. Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies, Director of Strategic Studies: New Zealand, Senior Research Associate with Oxford’s Centre for International Studies. “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, July 2010, pages 571-593) Washington's early response to a terrorist nuclear attack on its own soil might also raise AND consultation from Washington that the latter found itself unable or unwilling to provide. Detection technology is uniquely key to solve terrorism Levi ‘8 (Michael A. David M. Rubenstein senior fellow for energy and environment at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Deterring State of Sponsorship of Nuclear Terrorism”, Council of Foreign Relations Special Report No. 39, September 2008) Nuclear detection technology has a dual role in thwarting a terrorist nuclear attack—deterrence AND of nuclear detection systems would change: they would become the main defense. Scenario two is prolif: HE-3 shortage undermines non-proliferation and scientific research Lobsenz ’10 (George, editor of Energy Daily, DOE Helium Shortage Hits Nuke Security, Oil And Gas Industry, 7/10/10, http://www.managingpowermag.com/supply_chains/253.html) The Energy Department's failure to recognize an impending supply squeeze for helium-3— AND and gas reservoirs, including the nation's fast-growing shale gas fields. New proliferators will be uniquely destabilizing -- guarantees conflict escalation. Cimbala, ‘8 Stephen, Distinguished Prof. Pol. Sci. – Penn. State Brandywine, Comparative Strategy, “Anticipatory Attacks: Nuclear Crisis Stability in Future Asia”, 27, InformaWorld If the possibility existed of a mistaken preemption during and immediately after the Cold War AND could overturn these expectations for the obsolescence or marginalization of major interstate warfare. The impact is extinction. Krieger, ‘9 David, Pres. Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and Councilor – World Future Council, “Still Loving the Bomb After All These Years”, 9-4, https://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/2009/09/04_krieger_newsweek_response.php?krieger Jonathan Tepperman’s article in the September 7, 2009 issue of Newsweek, “Why AND Jong-Il and his successors are more rational than Mr. Tepperman? Reprocessing is best the method for producing tritium and HEU – Savannah River proves. IEER, No Date Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, “Reprocessing and Spent Nuclear Fuel Management at the Savannah River Site”, RSR The primary mission of SRS throughout the Cold War was to produce tritium, a AND one of the options in the Draft EIS for managing SNF in the future Increasing domestic supply of HEU independently solves tritium supply – foreign sources can’t solve. Rowny 12 (Edward, retired Lieutenant General, was chief negotiator with the rank of ambassador in the START arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union and has served as an arms control adviser and negotiator for five presidents, Roll Call, 3-29-2012, http://www.rollcall.com/issues/57_118/edward-rowny-safe-uranium-enrichment-should-be-us-priority-213505-1.html) Oil may grab headlines, but nuclear power for civilian use is growing, as AND uranium needed to produce tritium, our national security will be at risk. Plan Text Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should provide a twenty-percent investment tax credit for the deployment of domestic nuclear fuel recycling. Solvency Observation Four: Solvency Tax incentives would solve for reprocessing – makes it commercially more desirable Lagus 5 (Todd, 2005 WISE Intern, University of Minnesota, WISE, “Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel: A Policy Analysis” http://www.wise-intern.org/journal/2005/lagus.pdf, RSR) The economic analysis shows that the reprocessing or even the once through nuclear cycle is AND is an unobtrusive option that could help the industry by easing capital costs. Government investment key – necessary to mitigate risks from government regulations. Selyukh 10 (Alina, Staff Writer, “Nuclear waste issue could be solved, if...”, 8-17-10, Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/17/us-nuclear-waste-recycling-idUSTRE67G0NM20100817, RSR) Since the U.S. agency declared spent fuel reprocessing too costly, U AND to mitigate government-imposed risks," he said of the regulatory regime. Government investment necessary – provides appropriate risk mitigation and shortens the timeframe for completion. IAEA 8 (International Atomic Energy Agency, “Spent Fuel Reprocessing Options”, August 2008, RSR) With the expected high costs and significant risks involved in constructing new nuclear facilities, AND , equity protection plans, tax credits, etc.) with government entities. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Politics No recession now – Best indicators prove risk of recession is 0.20% Perry 13 Mark, Chart of the day: US recession probability is down to 0.20%, AEIdeas, The public policy blog of the American Enterprise Institute, http://www.aei-ideas.org/2013/02/chart-of-the-day-us-recession-probability-is-down-to-0-20/ The chart above shows University of Oregon economics professor Jeremy Piger’s “Recession Probability Index AND not even close to being in the early stages of an economic contraction. Case OW. Insert analysis here Obama’s pushing nuclear now – should have already triggered the link. Obama’s PC is low, PC’s not key, and winners win. The Hill 3-20 (Amie Parnes and Justin Sink, Obama honeymoon may be over, The Hill, 20 March 2013, http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/289179-obama-honeymoon-may-be-over, da 3-28-13) The second-term honeymoon for President Obama is beginning to look like it is AND Still, Bonjean added, “It’s not looking so good right now.” Normal means is that plan is introduced at the bottom of the docket – won’t be voted on until after Immigration. Plan popular and Graham shields the link. Russell ’13 (Pam Radtke, Budget Cutters Eye Nuclear Reprocessing Plant, Roll Call, 5 February 2013, http://www.rollcall.com/news/budget_cutters_eye_nuclear_reprocessing_plant-222173-1.html?pg=1, da 2-14-13) The scrutiny is raising concern among the project’s supporters, especially with across-the AND , could lead the Russians not to honor its end of the agreement. Logical policy maker can do both. No reason Obama would push the plan – means it doesn’t affect his political capital. CIR won’t pass – interests are too divided on guest-worker wages Murray 3-22 (Sara, Fight Over Immigrant Wages Stalls Talks on Bill, Wall Street Journal, 22 March 2013, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324373204578376740176273104.html?mod=googlenews_wsj, da 3-28-13) Negotiations between business and labor appeared to reach a breaking point Friday evening, jeopardizing AND But as the deadline has neared, complications have continued to pop up. CIR won’t pass – not enough support among members of the House GOP Foley 3-27 (Elise, John Yarmuth: Immigration Group In House 'Very Close' To Deal, Huffington Post, 27 March 2013, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/27/john-yarmuth-immigration_n_2963491.html, da 3-28-13) Yarmuth said one of the biggest questions is how they ensure their bill can pass AND and stopping employers from hiring people unauthorized to work in the United States. Cantor and House Republicans support nuclear power Politico 11 (Cantor: nuclear power 'essential' for U.S. energy needs, http://www.politico.com/blogs/glennthrush/0311/Cantor_nuclear_power_essential_for_US_energy_needs.html) House Majority Leader Eric Cantor defended nuclear energy production Monday, after a series of AND week that President Barack Obama speed up approval of new nuclear energy facilities. Obama is the kiss of death. Altman, 3-20 Alex, “Four Hurdles That Could Block Immigration Reform”, Time, 3-20-13, http://swampland.time.com/2013/03/20/four-hurdles-that-could-block-immigration-reform/, RSR Little discussed but also looming is the possibility that Democrats drag their feet on reform AND negotiations in Congress bog down, he may not be so hands off. Gun control thumps Martosko 3-28 (David, Obama goes all-in on gun control plans as a coterie of moms frames a White House speech about lives lost in gun violence, Daily Mail, 28 March 2013, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2300586/Obama-goes-gun-control-plans-coterie-moms-frames-White-House-speech-lives-lost-gun-violence.html, da 3-28-13) He reiterated his frequent claim that universal background checks, along with bans on high AND with an emotional ad featuring parents of children killed in the Connecticut shooting. No PC loss from pushing nuclear. Hinckley, adjunct professor of international energy policy at Georgetown University, ‘12 Elias, partner with the law firm of Kilpatrick Townsend and Stockton, “Hard Choices Ahead for US Energy”, http://www.ourenergypolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/EHinckley-policy-article.pdf What remains unclear is how policymakers will react. Some amount of policymaking support has AND with no real expectation of new facilities being developed over the near or midterm Comprehensive reform fails – if it passes it has too many compromises that prevent solvency. Morrison, ‘12 Bruce, a former U.S. Representative from Connecticut, was the chairman of the House immigration subcommittee and the author of the Immigration Act of 1990. December 9th, 2012, "One Bill of Compromises Isn’t the Answer”, www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/09/understanding-immigration-reform/one-immigration-bill-of-compromises-isnt-the-answer To many, “comprehensive immigration reform” means “fix it and forget it AND get much easier to negotiate when the legalization-prevention barrier is removed. 1ar- Politics PC isn’t real —butterfly effect – only winners win. Hirsh ‘13 (Michael, chief correspondent for National Journal, previously served as the senior editor and national economics correspondent for Newsweek, 2/9/2013, “There’s No Such Thing as Political Capital,” http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/there-s-no-such-thing-as-political-capital-20130207, NP) On Tuesday, in his State of the Union address, President Obama will do AND change positions to get on the winning side. It’s a bandwagon effect.” |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Tritium CP Permutation do both. Can’t solve Russia relations doesn’t do reprocessing. Need reprocessing to separate out the tritium specifically. That’s 1AC IEER evidence. Uranium shortages now take out the CP. Humphreys, ’12 (Tommy, 9-12-2012, editor of Business Insider, CEO of CEO.ca, “The US Is More Dependent On Foreign Uranium Than Foreign Oil”, Business Insider, http://www.businessinsider.com/the-us-is-more-dependent-on-foreign-uranium-than-foreign-oil-2012-9) Recently we sat down with Amir Adnani, CEO of Uranium Energy Corp. ($ AND right now in the world in terms of new nuclear builds is unprecedented.” Plan solves warming. Chakravorty et al. 12 (Ujjayant (Professor and Canada Research Chair, Alberta School of Business and Department of Economics); Bertrand Magne (OECD Environment Directorate, Paris, France); Michel Moreaux (Emeritus Professor and IDEI Researcher, Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse), “RESOURCE USE UNDER CLIMATE STABILIZATION: CAN NUCLEAR POWER PROVIDE CLEAN ENERGY?”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2012, RSR) This paper applies a model with price-induced substitution across resources to examine the AND lead to a steady state where nuclear energy plays an important role. 31 Warming leads to extinction. Sify ‘10 (Sify, Sydney newspaper citing Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, professor at University of Queensland and Director of the Global Change Institute, and John Bruno, associate professor of Marine Science at UNC (Sify News, “Could unbridled climate changes lead to human extinction?”, http://www.sify.com/news/could-unbridled-climate-changes-lead-to-human-extinction-news-international-kgtrOhdaahc.html) The findings of the comprehensive report: 'The impact of climate change on the world's AND , according to a GCI release. These findings were published in Science. 1AR- CP We must act quickly with long term technological innovation to avoid the irreversible climate change triggered by 2°C. Peters, et al. 12 (Glen (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo); Robbie Andrew (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo); Tom Boden (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory); Josep Canadell (Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Canberra, Australia); Philippe Ciais (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, Gif sur Yvette, France); Corinne Le Quéré (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK); Gregg Marland (Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics, Appalachian State University); Michael R. Raupach (Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Canberra, Australia); and Charlie Wilson (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK), “The challenge to keep global warming below 2 °C”, Nature Climate Change, 12-2-12, RSR) It is important to regularly re-assess the relevance of emissions scenarios in light AND the goal of remaining below 2 °C will very soon become unachievable. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Plan solves the terminal impact. Natural gas prices will stay low and plenty of shale now Philips ‘13 (Matthew, Bloomberg Businessweek, “Why Natural Gas Will Stay Cheap in 2013,” 2013, http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-01-10/why-natural-gas-will-stay-cheap-in-2013) Six weeks ago, natural gas bulls were riding high. By Thanksgiving, prices AND their brother can get gas out of the ground and into the system.” Their card says that SQUO triggers exports anyway even at high costs. US wouldn’t export gas: a.) No export facilities Levi, senior fellow at CFR, 2012, June, Michal, David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment. Director of the Program on Energy Security and Climate Change Council on Foreign Relations. Michael is a member of the Strategic Advisory Board for NewWorld Capital LLC, a private equity firm focused on environmental opportunities, and a member of the External Advisory Board to the Princeton University Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI). He holds a Bachelors of Science in mathematical physics from Queen’s University, an MA in physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in war studies from the University of London. “A Strategy for U.S. Natural Gas Exports,” http://www.hamiltonproject.org/files/downloads_and_links/06_exports_levi.pdf There is a real possibility that prices in the United States, ¶ Europe, AND building any terminal is regulatory risk associated with safety ¶ and security concerns. b.) distant market prices undercut profits Levi, senior fellow at CFR, 2012, June, Michal, David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment. Director of the Program on Energy Security and Climate Change Council on Foreign Relations. Michael is a member of the Strategic Advisory Board for NewWorld Capital LLC, a private equity firm focused on environmental opportunities, and a member of the External Advisory Board to the Princeton University Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI). He holds a Bachelors of Science in mathematical physics from Queen’s University, an MA in physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in war studies from the University of London. “A Strategy for U.S. Natural Gas Exports,” http://www.hamiltonproject.org/files/downloads_and_links/06_exports_levi.pdf It is far from clear that all or even most of this export volume ¶ AND , removing opportunities for economically attractive ¶ U.S. LNG sales. Renewables now mean tradeoff inevitable Mitchell 2/13 (Travis, associate editor for all FierceEnergy and FierceFinance publications and is based in the Washington, DC office. Before joining FierceMarkets, Travis worked as an editorial/communication intern at the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, a national non-profit focusing on clean water and has also worked on the multimedia desk for the Washington bureau of Agence France-Presse. Travis holds a B.A. in journalism from American University in Washington, DC, where he also spent four years as a student DJ for WVAU. He is fluent in French, a music lover and enjoys eating his way around the District, Facts show renewable energy success, http://www.fierceenergy.com/story/facts-show-renewable-energy-success/2013-02-19, MDA) There are plenty of misconceptions about the costs and benefits of renewable energy. But AND make the argument against these generation sources and the policies that support them. Global nuclear expansion now. Over 200 reactors are going to be constructed in the next five years. That’s 1AC Marketwire. Nuclear renaissance now. Pistilli says nuclear is already receiving subsidies and building plants. Nat gas and nuclear don’t compete—utilities will always rely on nuclear as a hedge Lamonica ‘12 (Martin, “A Glut of Natural Gas Leaves Nuclear Power Stalled”, Technology Review by MIT, 8-9-2012, http://www.technologyreview.com/news/428737/a-glut-of-natural-gas-leaves-nuclear-power/) Even in United States, of course, super cheap natural gas will not last AND one basket because of the new kid on the block called shale gas." |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: No China monopoly – lots of alternate supplies Bell, Contributor on climate, energy, and space issues, 2012 Larry, China's Rare Earth Metals Monopoly Needn't Put An Electronics Stranglehold On America, Forbes, April 15, http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2012/04/15/chinas-rare-earth-metals-monopoly-neednt-put-an-electronics-stranglehold-on-america/ Is it time to end that Chinese monopoly control of materials important to our military AND ,000 tons of rare earth oxides from its new Mount Weld mine. Nuclear renaissance now. Northey says that nuclear power is receiving subsidies in the US in the SQUO. This means that the SQUO triggers the link way more than the plan does due to greater plant construction. Global nuclear expansion now. Over 200 reactors are going to be constructed in the next five years. That’s 1AC Marketwire. Increased rare earth metal demand is key to the Chinese economy. China Daily, ‘12 “Policies of China's rare earth industry”, 6-21-12, http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2012-06/21/content_15515969.htm, RSR The market environment is gradually improving as China is constantly expediting reform in the rare AND -tech industries of other countries, especially those of the developed countries. Chinese economic collapse leads to nuclear war. Yee, Associate Professor of Government @ Hong Kong Baptist University, and Storey, Asian-Pacific Center for Security Studies, ‘2 Herbert and Ian, China Threat: Perception, Myths, and Reality, p. 5 The fourth factor contributing to the perception of a china threat is the fear of AND disintegrating China would also pose a threat to its neighbours and the world. New recycling processes solve rare earth demand Farrell 3-15 Ian, Recycling rare earth elements using ionic liquids, Chemistry World, http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2013/03/recycling-rare-earth-neodymium-and-samarium-ionic-liquids Recycling old magnets, so that rare-earth metals can be re-used AND could become largely independent of China in the future,’ he says. No REM shortage and no impact to shortage – committee on technological innovation solves DOE 1-16-13 EERE News, Energy Innovation Hub Tackles Shortages of Rare Earth Metals The Energy Department on January 9 selected Ames Laboratory for an award of $120 AND by the Energy Department since 2010. See the Energy Department press release. Alt causes – electronics + alternative energy trades off. Cho, Staff Writer, 9-20 Renee, “Rare earth metals: Will we have enough?”, 9-20-12, Phys.org, RSR According to a recent Congressional Research Service report, world demand for rare earth metals AND , medical imaging, jet engines, defense technology, and much more. No China war – consensus of experts. Fettweis, Professor Political Science at Tulane, ‘10 Christopher, “Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace”, Washington, DC, USA: Georgetown University Press, p 128, http://site.ebrary.com/lib/asulib/Doc?id=10439493andppg=128, RSR The diminution of military influence on policymaking is indicative of a broader generational change that AND be a good neighbor is the best step for which anyone can hope. 1ar- Rare Earth Metals No REM shortage – stockpiling, search for new deposits, and recycling Jamaica Observer 1-20-13 http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/editorial/Time-for-innovative-and-enterprising-thinking_13434527 What is also important is our move to seize the moment when there are opportunities AND estimated 300,000 tons of rare earth metals stored in unused electronics. No Shortage – recycling, reopening mines, and fair trade with China O’Keef 12-28-12 Jennifer Kreitzer, Industry News Shedding Light on Rare Earth Elements, Pest Control Technology Market Leadership, pctonline.com, http://www.pctonline.com/pct1212-rare-earth-elements.aspx What is being done? The United States, the European Union and Japan are AND , and the impact on the pest management industry uncertain in the meantime. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: Case Plan creates resiliency and motivation to maintain relations Einhorn et al ‘8 (Robert, Rose Gottemoeller, Fred McGoldrick, Daniel Poneman, Jon Wolfsthal, “The U.S.-Russia Civil Nuclear Agreement A Framework for Cooperation”, Center for Strategic and International Studies, May 2008, http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/080522-einhorn-u.s.-russia-web.pdf) Russian officials and industry representatives also expect, rightly or wrongly, that a 123 AND to additional civil facilities and into new areas of work related to counterterrorism. MOX specifically key to the relationship. Wolfe ’12 – executive director of Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness, (Clint, formerly chaired the Technical Advisory Panel to the Department of Energy's Plutonium Focus Area, guest article in the Greenville News, 8-10-2012, http://www.c-n-t-a.com/letters.htm#GN1208) I would like to first consider his reference to cost vs. the alternative. AND suspicious of proposed disposition paths that left the plutonium in a recoverable state. |
| 03/29/2013 | Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge: T We meet: Nuclear fuel recycling is energy production. World Nuclear Association 12 Processing of Used Nuclear Fuel, http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf69.html Used nuclear fuel has long been reprocessed to extract fissile materials for recycling and to AND after about 100 years falls much more rapidly than in used fuel itself.¶ Counter interpretation: The aff has to affect both resource extraction and conversion into energy Australian Government, Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency 2011 “Energy Production and Consumption,” http://www.climatechange.gov.au/government/initiatives/national-greenhouse-energy-reporting/publications/supplementary-guidelines/energy-production-consumption.aspx Production of energy: in relation to a facility, means the: a. extraction or capture of energy from natural sources for final consumption by or from the operation of the facility or for use other than in the operation of the facility b. manufacture of energy by the conversion of energy from one form to another form for final consumption by or from the operation of the facility, or for use other than in the operation of the facility (regulation 2.23(3) NGER Regulations). We meet the counter-interpretation: recycling involves both the act of reprocessing the used fuel and using it to create new nuclear energy. Our interp good: A. Predictability – Only our interpretation guarantees link arguments to both extraction and the burning of resources to produce energy. This is crucial link ground for pollution DAs and domestic/foreign energy tradeoff DAs. B. Limits: Requiring the aff to both extract and convert the energy is necessary to eliminate affs that only extract, like capture carbon or methane or stockpile oil as a strategic military reserve with heg advantages. Also key to prevent affs that only burn fuels like Bataille-style affs that encourage rapid consumption or RandD affs that incentivize new ways to burn the same resources. Not effects T – increase energy. Their interp bad: They get rid of all uranium extraction affs because extraction from waste is identical to extraction from the ground. This means they get rid of oil and natural gas extraction affs which is literally half the topic. Competing interpretations are bad: Race to the bottom: they’re just trying to limit out one more case Prefer reasonability: as long as we’re reasonably topical, there’s no reason to pull the trigger. Don’t vote on potential abuse. |